


The WearCheck FYI site is a store of useful technical documents to supplement your understanding of oil analysis, and our services. The following FYI's are currently on-line...

[ last updated: June 19, 2009 ]

WCCD000-001 Direct Reading and Analytical Ferrography
WCCD000-002 Oxidation and Oxi-polymerization of Oils
WCCD000-201 Particle Counting and Contamination Analysis in Fluid Power Systems
WCCD000-202 Infrared Analysis as a Tool for Assessing Degradation in Used Engine Lubricants
WCCD000-203 Silicon.... enemy number one
WCCD000-204 Reliability-centered maintenance (RCM)
WCCD000-205 How to get the most out of your oil analysis program
WCCD000-206 Implementing reliability-centered maintenance (RCM)
WCCD000-207 How to read a can of oil (Part 1)
WCCD000-208 How to read a can of oil (Part 2)
WCCD000-601 Laboratories at Work: Used Oil Analysis at WearCheck, Belgium

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