1997 Sales = $ Active Client Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Association Brand Name Children City Company Company / Individual Name Country Customer Number Customer Service Call/Contact Customer Type Department Division E-mail Address First Name Full Name IDentification Industry Industry Class Initial Last Contact Date Last Name Mr/Ms Notes (All) Notes (Most Recent) Owner Phone 1 Phone 1 Extension Phone 2 Phone 2 Extension Phone 3 Phone 3 Extension Phone 4 Phone 4 Extension Position Sales Area Salesperson Salutation Sample Type Security Services Spouse State / Province WearCheck Web site Zip / Postal Code < Skip Field > Supplier Phoenix Allied Signal Allied Signal U.S.A. Allied Signal 950718000091764977613C November 10, 2000 12:25 PM WQ - emial to RP - Subject: Spain - Garrett Filters - Robbie - The affiliated WearCheck laboratory in Spain have shown an interest in processing Garrett aircraft engine filters. Do you presently have a laboratory covering Spain and Portugal? The WearCheck laboratory in Spain is operated by Tekniker. The WearCheck Unit Director is: Jesus Terradillos . He would like to contact you directly to discuss the possibility of becoming an authorized laboratory. Please advise if you wish to have me contact him and advise it is ok to call you. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr Following is address and website for WearCheck in Spain Oiltech Analysis S.L. Edificio "Tekniker" Avda. Otaola N 20 20600 Eibar Guipuzcoa, SPAIN phone: +34 43-10-09-08 fax: +34 43-10-08-84 http://www.tekniker.es/_privatei/plan_4_i.html Jesus Terradillos WearCheck Unit Director jterradillos@tekniker.es September 13, 2000 3:17 PM Timed Note : Allied Signal January 24, 1999 9:37 AM Letter Printed: * Fax form Bill - Allied Signal December 16, 1998 12:21 PM Letter Printed: * Fax Form - Lubrigard - Allied Signal December 3, 1998 4:09 PM Letter Printed: Quotation for Garrett Samples - Allied Signal October 16, 1998 3:28 PM Request for Quotation for analysis of soap and filter kits sold by Allied Signal. from Mary Manning November 10, 2000 12:25 PM WQ - emial to RP - Subject: Spain - Garrett Filters - Robbie - The affiliated WearCheck laboratory in Spain have shown an interest in processing Garrett aircraft engine filters. Do you presently have a laboratory covering Spain and Portugal? The WearCheck laboratory in Spain is operated by Tekniker. The WearCheck Unit Director is: Jesus Terradillos . He would like to contact you directly to discuss the possibility of becoming an authorized laboratory. Please advise if you wish to have me contact him and advise it is ok to call you. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr Following is address and website for WearCheck in Spain Oiltech Analysis S.L. Edificio "Tekniker" Avda. Otaola N 20 20600 Eibar Guipuzcoa, SPAIN phone: +34 43-10-09-08 fax: +34 43-10-08-84 http://www.tekniker.es/_privatei/plan_4_i.html Jesus Terradillos WearCheck Unit Director jterradillos@tekniker.es Public (602) 231-5017 Phone (602) 365-4522 Fax Public AZ 713 Bergenseweg B 1600 St. Pieters-Leeuw WC - International Member Brussels Alpha Maintenance Systems Alpha Maintenance Systems Belgium info@wearcheck.be Alpha Maintenance Systems 981126000042475626224C August 16, 2001 11:37 AM RI email to AV (copy WQ) - Subject: payment for our invoice 50918 - Our invoice 50918 was in the amount of $975.00 U.S. dollars. Today I received a bank draft for 975.00 GBP. I would like the payment to be in the proper currency of U.S. $. I can return this draft to you and wait for your U.S.$ payment, or I can destroy it and wait for the proper payment. Please advise at your earliest convenience. Ruth Inglehart Office Manager August 7, 2001 11:21 AM BQ email to JT PJ GK LC GB AG (copy WQ) - Subject: CINRG / WCI affiliation proposal - Lesley, Gary, Alistair, Greg, Peter, Gilbert and Jesus, Please read the attached proposal. I would say that this is my last (and best) attempt for a viable solution to the CINRG group within WearCheck International. I think that you will find my proposal interesting at the least, and hopefully as exciting as I think that it is. I have not included any hype, just a straight-forward presentation of the current situation. I know each one of you well enough to first, propose this to you and second, consider your participation valuable. I hope that you will each take the time to discuss this proposal with me. (see Document today - Cinrg Proposal) Best Regards, Bill Quesnel August 6, 2001 10:15 AM GdM email to WQ BQ - Subject: Volvo, webcheck - Hi Bill, During the WC congress in Raleigh we spoke about the worldwide use of the new Webcheck and Volvo program. Did you already work out any proposition (monthly fee or any other system)? I understood that different WC-members would now be interested in joining the program. We have been touring in the Quebec province during tree weeks in July (we have also seen the whales in the Saint-Laurents in Tadousak). I think you are living in one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Best regards, Gilbert De Mey August 3, 2001 2:41 PM WQ email to AV - Subject: Re: Husky Quotation Conditions Change: Andre - Thanks for quotation - good that pricing is same - see sample thief at bottom of page htttp://www.wearcheck.ca/info/manage_take_samples.asp on our website. The "thief' is the device used to take a sample from gauge plug. Best Regards Bill Q Sr August 3, 2001 8:51 AM AV email to WQ - Subject: Re: Husky Quotation Conditions Change: - Dear Bill, Let's hope you get my E-mail this time. We like homogeneity, so we would propose exactly the same prices (see attached). What do you mean with "Sample Thief" ? Best regards, Andre August 1, 2001 11:03 AM WQ email to WC Group - Subject: Husky Quotation Conditions Change: Colleagues We continue to talk to Husky Injection Molding in Canada. We had high hopes of a large program with Husky, however they have chosen a different route. They now wish to include a technical document in their literature advising all customers to use oil analysis on their machines. They will write in the Wear Check name and will state that Wear Check is the recommended laboratory however want the individual customers (and some dealers) to order directly from the laboratory in their own country. This means it will not be a brand named sampling program, and you can supply Wear Check kits (or whatever kits you wish0 directly to the end user, process the samples and use your own delivery system to reply to the customer directly. There will be no organized attempt to relay this information to Husky directly. Husky have installed sample ports in hydraulic lines on their injection moulding machines. I need you to bid again to provide Husky with the pricing by country. Please return the attached Excel spreadsheet with you bid filled in the proper location (locations). Based on this scenario, I am asking you to quote me your market price to Husky for a single sample kit as well as your price for a normal carton of kits. Please state your kit description or part number in the spreadsheet and show pricing for single kit as well price and quantity for a carton of kits. See the example already filled in for Wear Check Canada Inc. Following are tests required: Viscosity ASTM D445 Test at 40 C ICP-AES ASTM D5185 17 elements for wear metals, additives and contaminants Karl Fischer ASTM D1744 Water concentration in PPM or % if water is present. Visible Debris Microscopy Performed if visible debris is present Particle Count ISO 4406 Laser Particle Counter. TAN ASTM D446 Total Acid Number. Please fill in price for sample thief and If shipping is extra please fill in appropriate columns. Sorry to keep changing the conditions but we are trying to match the customer's needs as best we can. Hopefully this is just a start, and Husky will realize the benefits of the brand name program first offered. Please advise your price as soon as possible. Best Regards Bill July 25, 2001 11:09 AM RI email to AV (copy BQ WQ ) - Subject: Our invoice IN0050918 - Andre - Attached is our invoice IN0050918 for May/June advertising with Noria. I would appreciate immediate payment for this invoice as we have already paid Noria. I have not received a reply to my recent e-mail concerning future Noria invoices. Will you be paying them directly? Please advise. Thank you in advance. Ruth Inglehart July 18, 2001 9:18 AM RI email to AV (copy WQ) - Subject: NORIA ADVERTISING - WearCheck Canada just received another bill for advertising for WearCheck Belium. WearCheck UK have decided to have Noria bill them directly. Would you like to do the same? Please let me know ASAP and I will fax you their invoice for direct payment by you. This will avoid extra paperwork for me entering it into our accounts and waiting for your payment and also paying Noria . If you do not want this, please advise me ASAP. Thankyou for your prompt response. Regards Ruth Inglehart June 26, 2001 11:55 AM GdM email to WQ (copy AV) - Subject: FW: Vernolab - Dear Bill, Yes we know him since he his our competitor in France ! He is the one who took the Shell samples away from us. Vernolab used to be a Shell laboratory but has been sold 2 years ago to a group called PCAS. No, we don't want him to become a Wear Check member! Best regards, Andr & Gilbert May 8, 2001 5:56 AM RI email to AV (copy BQ WQ) - Subject: Noria advertising - WearCheck Canada just received invoice 7662 from Noria for advertising in the March/April issue of Practicing Oil Analysis Europe magazine. The total is $1950.00 U.S. I am sending out an invoice to your company for $975.00 U.S. Kindly process payment immediately, as we have to pay Noria before the end of the month. Thank you for your co-operation. Ruth Inglehart Office Manager April 2, 2001 5:02 PM WQ - email to GD (copy BQ) - Subject: WearCheck Canada Inc - FOR SALE - Gilbert You professed an interest in WearCheck Canada Inc. We have been approached by Australian Laboratory Services who wish to purchase the company. I have worked for the past month preparing a prospectus to send to them, and finished today. I have copied all the information to you as well. Let me say that it was a long and difficult job to prepare the information in a format that one hopes is readily understandable. We do have computer systems that provide all the information, just not in a presentable format when exported. I have attached: 1) WCEvaluation2001.doc (WinWord format) that summarizes the financial position of WearCheck Canada Inc over the past three years, the budget year 2001, and three planning years into the future. I have added many items (unique to us as owners of the company) back into the profit to demonstrate the real profits of WearCheck Canada - to normalize the profit line. 2) WCFinanacial1999-2000.pdf and WCFinancial1997-1998.pdf (Adobe Acrobat) are scanned copies of financial "Review Engagement Reports" prepared by an outside financial accounting firm. The business is family owned, and we have not felt the need to go through the formal audit process. Goebell, McAdam, Alexander LLP have been auditors of WearCheck for the past 25 years. WCFinancial1999-2000 is a draft report, however it will not be altered significantly once it is finalized. 3)WCPlan2001.xls (Excel Format) is the budget and working papers for WearCheck Canada Inc.'s budget for this year 2001. This document shows three prior years, the budget for 2001, and three years planning into the future. You will find considerable detail in this document. 4) January2001.xls (Excel Format) is actual financial statements for January 2001 prepared in-house. 5) February2001.xls (Excel Format) is actual financial statements for February 2001. I am happy to say we are ahead of budgeted profit so far this year. 6) Laboratory Instrumentation List.xls (Excel Format) shows all existing laboratory equipment at WearCheck Canada Inc., in detail. This will give you an idea of how current our equipment is. 7) CapitalAssets1999-2000.xls (Excel Format) shows the detail of purchases of Capital Equipment in 1999 and 2000. You will note in our 2001 budget that we have planned significantly reduced purchases of Capital Equipment. We now feel we have most of the necessary equipment in place. In addition to the above items, WearCheck Canada Inc has registered the WearCheck name and logo on the highest copyright register in the USA and Canada. WearCheck Canada has a licensing agreement in place with WearCheck USA whereby WearCheck USA pays WearCheck Canada Inc royalty fees of: 2000-2001 = 4% of USA sales (commencing Jul 1st ending Jun 1st - following year) 2001-2002 = 3% of USA sales (commencing Jul 1st ending Jun 1st - following year) 2002-2003 = 2% of USA sales (commencing Jul 1st ending Jun 1st - following year) 2003-2007 = 1% of USA sales (commencing Jul 1st ending Jun 1st - following year) for the use of the WearCheck name in the USA. WearCheck Canada retains ownership of the WearCheck name and copyright throughout and surviving the licensing agreement. We can substantiate the claims made in normalizing the financial numbers, and can provide the names and contact details of customers and supplier to be used as referees to verify performance. Bill Jr and I appreciate your interest in WearCheck Canada Inc. We wish to sell the company so both of us can get on with our first interests in business. We expect to receive an offer to purchase from Australian Laboratory Services and would welcome any interest Alpha Maintenance Systems may have in acquiring WearCheck Canada Inc. Best Regards William Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca President WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca February 8, 2001 3:47 PM WQ - email to AV - Subject: WearCheck Canada - Andre - I have not heard from you in some time. I need to tidy up the "loose ends" of our conversations and my offer of employment with WearCheck Canada Inc, for the record. I spoke to you on the telephone back in December, and you told me at that time that your circumstances had changed in Belgium and you had lost your enthusiasm for coming to work in Canada. I have left this at rest for some time to allow you the chance to think things through. WearCheck Canada does not hold you to anything with regard to the position in Canada, however we do appreciate that you considered our offer. I now need to make it official and need to know your decision, so we can proceed with an alternate plan of promotion from within WearCheck Canada. Would you please reply to this E-mail officially declining our offer? Let me assure you that this will not offend either Bill Jr or myself and will not affect our relationship with you in any way whatsoever. We look forward to meeting with Gilbert and yourself in the USA at the annual WearCheck International Group Meeting. Do you plan to bring Anne with you to the USA? William Quesnel Sr January 31, 2001 8:06 AM WQ - email to GD (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: Wearcheck Canada - Gilbert - We are working on a financial evaluation of WearCheck Canada at the moment. We will be visited by Peter Jordan of WearCheck Australia February 24-25-26. Australian Laboratory Systems recently purchased Chemex in North America. Chemex has laboratories down the western coast, and we opened discussions with them about a cooperation to use those laboratories to process oil analysis samples in Canada, USA and Mexico. They have professed an interest in purchasing WearCheck Canada. Bill Jr wishes to pursue his interests in the computer applications for oil analysis and we formed the company CiNRG. I personally want to focus on my mining business. We were interested to hire Andre to run WearCheck Canada - and would have granted him full autonomy once he was secure in the job. We know with a top man focused on oil analysis, the company will grow into a real money maker with the advantages WebCheck gives us, and we could then have afforded to pursue our first interests. Of course Bill Jr wants to stay involved with WearCheck Group with the software products. We welcome the interest of WearCheck Belgium and I assure you we will include you in our negotiations. We intend to sell to the highest bidder, however we will give preference to an existing member of the WearCheck Group, and second to that any existing company that will agree to join the WearCheck Group. I intend to notify all members of the WearCheck group that we are considering sale of WearCheck Canada Inc, and will assure them that we plan to introduce the new owners as candidates for membership. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr January 3, 2001 7:41 AM GD - email to WQ (fwd to BQ) - Subject: Wearcheck Canada - Hi Bill, - Andri told me that you were planning to sell your laboratory. I don t now how far you are with your negotiations, but we would certainly be interested to participate in the negotiations as a potential buyer. Best regards, Gilbert December 14, 2000 12:30 PM WQ - tried to telephone every hour for four hours this morning - number was always busy. December 12, 2000 4:40 PM WQ - email to AV - (To: ) - Subject: Andre' Email -Andre - Have not heard from you so can only assume my email is going astray. Please reply to this email with your correct email address. William Quesnel Sr December 5, 2000 9:55 AM WQ - email to AV (copy BQ) - Subject: Employement agreement - Andre - Please find attached a Microsoft WinWord file detailing the employment agreement. This will serve as the contract between us. I will calculate taxes based on current schedules for years one, two and three and send you a second email tonight, (unfortunately my tax program is on my home desktop computer). I still have not received the email sent November 24 or if you have sent it again today it has not arrived. (see C:\My Documents\WearCheck\General\Andre employee agreement.doc) Please note my email address is billqsr@wearcheck.ca Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr December 5, 2000 9:37 AM WQ - email to AV - Subject: Canadian Taxes - Andre - Here is Microsoft WinWord file of Taxes as they would apply in Canada. (see C:\My Documents\WearCheck\General\Andre Taxes.doc) Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca bquesnel@partshq.com December 5, 2000 8:19 AM WQ - email to AV - Subject: Employment agreement - Andre I have been trying to send email to andre.verlinden@unil.com however my messages are being returned as undeliverable. Bill Jr said he sends his mail to this address. Do you have a private email address that I should send to? I did not receive the message from you. Please send to billqsr@wearcheck.ca and copy to bquesnel@partshq.com and I should be sure to receive it. Regards Bill Quesnel Sr December 4, 2000 9:55 AM WQ - email to AV (copy BQ) - Subject: Employement agreement - Andre - Please find attached a Microsoft WinWord file detailing the employment agreement. This will serve as the contract between us. I will calculate taxes based on current schedules for years one, two and three and send you a second email tonight, (unfortunately my tax program is on my home desktop computer). I still have not received the email sent November 24 or if you have sent it again today it has not arrived. (see C:\My Documents\WearCheck\General\Andre employee agreement.doc) Please note my email address is billqsr@wearcheck.ca Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr December 4, 2000 8:29 AM WQ - phoned Andre to tell him that I am not getting email from him. He has not received my email either. I gave him my proper email address and resent the employment contract. November 13, 2000 10:16 AM WQ - email to RI (copy GB BC GD AV JC JT BQ) - Subject: Practicing Oil Analysis Cost Sharing - Ruth - Attached please find an Excel spreadsheet with the calculations of the costs for the booth, meeting room and shipping expenses for the Tulsa Practicing Oil Analysis Conference. Jim Chambers, Gilbert deMey and I agreed to spit the cost three ways between WC Belgium, WC Canada and WC USA. The other WC members (Bob Cutler WC UK and Jesus Terradillos WC Spain) attended the conference but did not use the booth, so we will not charge them. WC Africa sent us literature which we displayed, however it was beneficial to us to have it, and to invoice them would be more of a nuisance than it is worth. The costs are calculated in US dollars, and I have included the cost from Noria for the booth space (20' x 10'), the cost of shipping booths to and from the show (estimated US cost at $300), the cost of display racks, the training room and photo-copying literature. I split it three ways and have credited back to WC USA, the estimated cost of freight for shipping their booth. Please type up formal invoices dated October 31, 2000 and we will attach copies of the invoices before mailing. I have copied this email to the WC members involved. Bill Quesnel Sr. November 2, 2000 11:00 AM WQ - email to AV (copy BQ) - Subject: Canada - Andre I hope you had a good trip back home, and did not find too much working waiting. We enjoyed the convention in Tulsa, but must admit I was pretty tired by the time I got back to Burlington. I have begun investigating bringing you to Canada and am working on the employment contract. I do need your resume (work history) to be able to proceed with getting a Visa. You should send detail of 1) Personal Information - This should include marital status, spouse, child's names. General outline of health, any serious problems? 1) Education - This should include levels achieved,with dates and detail of certificates or degrees. Please include any courses you have attended which granted certification of completion (including training on computers, or lab equipment) 2) Work history - This should include company worked for, date of hiring, detail of work responsibilities, and date of leaving. Please complete for each company you have worked for. Detail any promotions or changes in responsibilities showing dates during employment with each company. History should be from leaving school, up to and including present employment. Do you have a date in mind when you would like to begin with WearCheck Canada? This will get me started. Regards Bill Q Sr September 13, 2000 6:32 AM RB (AM) - email to WQ - Subject: FW: oil analysis conference planning- Hi Bill, thank you for your input concerning the Volvo brochure. About the Tulsa conference: since WearCheck Belgium is participating in the costs of the stand, how can we best represent WearCheck Belgium besides the presentation of brochures. Do you already have an idea of how your stand is going to look like? Can we emphasize our services with a panel on WearCheck Belgium? To what address do we have to send our brochures and documents? Can you please tell me whether the power point presentation on the benefits of oil analysis was sent to Volvo? Thanks Robert Unil Belgium Bergensesteenweg 713 B-1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw Tel +32 (0)2 365 02 27 Fax /32 (0)2 360 01 12 www.unil.com September 7, 2000 7:12 AM WQ - email to GD AV (copy BQ) - Subject: IT - Tulsa - Canada - Gilbert / Andre I talked to Bill Jr about the IT work required for Belgium, and preparing a document outlining work required, with set deadlines and costs. Both WearCheck Canada and WearCheck USA are using our LIMs system and run LabCheck (programs that manage the data from the laboratory equipment and allows user interface to manage the procedures in the lab). Could you please advise if Belgium would want to use this system to provide the data to WebCheck. If so this would simplify the changeover to the North American WebCheck system. Operating with our LIMs system provides the full power of WebCheck. Billy has just completed the changeover for WearCheck USA and he will travel to Carey September 19-21 to complete the implementation and train WearCheck USA staff. I will go along to meet with Jim Chambers to talk about our parallel future in North America. I am sure with the experience gained from setting up WearCheck USA Billy will be able to give WearCheck Belgium a system that will meet your needs well into the future. Will you and Andre visit the Canadian laboratory as part of your travel itinerary to the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference in Tulsa in October? I would strongly recommend that you spend a couple of days with us in Canada and take a good look at how our system is operating. There is nothing to equal viewing the system "hands on" and being able to discuss what needs to be done first hand. With regard to Billy to prepare a document outlining the work, deadlines, and the costs required to satisfy WC Belgium's requirements, he would like to know if you will be using our LIMs system before he puts the work into preparing the document, as it greatly affects how he would propose to proceed. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca September 7, 2000 5:45 AM GD - email to WQ (fwd BQ) - Subject: RE: Inquiries -Hi Bill, As you now I have been freezing the negotiations with Bob for the reasons already explained. Even so we are analysing the samples for the lubrigard field tests of John Deere France. We have been analysing 113 samples until now. In most of the cases the correlation is OK (Temperature difference is the problem). In one of the last reports the sensor indicates 23 (green) although the system is in bad condition so something must be wrong with the sensor. You will find the reports on Webcheck http://client.wearcheck.com , login: deere, password: 45401. Concerning the IT person, how do we proceed? Best regards, Gilbert. September 7, 2000 4:14 AM WQ - email to BC CC SH (copy GD BQ) - Subject: Inquiries - Colleagues - I am still receiving inquiries concerning the Lubrigard Sensor - this latest from John Deere in Dubuque, Iowa ------start of message--------- Can you please provide me with instructions for calibrating the sensor for different types of oil? What are the output characteristics of the sensor? Analog voltage? PWM? CAN? Can we use our own data acquisition hardware to collect sensor output, or do we have to use your display? What is the cost of the sensor? What is the cost of the display? Do you have sample sensors and displays available? If so, how can I acquire them? Do you have a list of OEM's currently using your product? ---------end of message---------- Has there been any progress with CAIA Burgess? I have not received any reply or comment on my last emails with regard to our patent attorney's assessment. Regards Bill Quesnel bill.quesnel@lubrigard.com Lubrigard North America September 7, 2000 4:04 AM GD - email to WQ (copy AV BQ) - Subject: RE: IT - Tulsa - Canada - Hi Bill, As we mentioned in Colmar, we would continue with our own system. We will make the necessary adaptations to our system in order to send and receive data so the Webcheck user will not see the difference. What we need from you is the file structure for sending and receiving data. Webcheck should be a program starting with a machine inventory, grease plan, follow-up and corrections (proactive maintenance system). We can discuss this in detail while visiting you in Canada. We agree with your suggestion to make a stop in Toronto on our way to Tulsa. I will confirm the exact dates. Robert is waiting for news about his E-mail concerning Tulsa. Best regards, Gilbert. August 25, 2000 12:35 PM WQ - email to AB GD AV WQ - Subject: Re: hotel reservation Tulsa - Dear Anne - I have booked rooms at the conference hotel (same hotel - where I am staying for POAC Tulsa): Marriott Southern Hills 1902 East 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74136 918-493-7000 US$99.00/day - single room with king sized bed - non smoking arrival date October 22, departure date October 27 guaranteed with my MasterCard account in name of William Quesnel Gilbert DeMey (address as WearCheck Belgium) - confirmation number 83146751 Andre Verlinden (address as WearCheck Belgium) - confirmation number 83147712 Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca August 25, 2000 8:48 AM AB - email to WQ - Subject: hotel reservation Tulsa - Dear Sir, Could you please book two rooms at the same hotel you are staying for the POAC in Tulsa in October ? Gilbert and André will arrive Oct 22 and leave Oct 27. Many thanks in advance for your kind cooperation. Please confirm this message. Best regards. Anne Brock August 23, 2000 5:00 AM GD - email to WQ (fwd BQ) - Subject: RE: It developement - Hi Bill, Maybe we could hold this meeting during the Tulsa meeting end of October. Is Bill Jr. going there to? Robert will contact you about arrangements for the boot. Regards. Gilbert. August 22, 2000 3:28 PM WQ - email to AV (copy to BQ) - Subject: Canada - Information - Andre - I sent a package to you by Purolator Courier (air) yesterday. Waybill #1597 579 3611). It contains a map of the area, books of real-estate pricing, book on home rental pricing, day care brochure (with rates written in) and a grocery store price flyer. This will give you some idea of the cost of living in Canada. I sent you the internet site for Canadian Immigration http://www.cic.gc.ca/ some time ago. Have you had time to look through it? As an employer WearCheck Canada Inc need to work with Canada Immigration to define the job we would be hiring for. I need you to send me your resume, qualifications and work history, so I can get started at this. I will be talking to Bill Jr tomorrow and try to plan the best time for Gilbert and yourself to visit. We can talk more at that time. Best Regards, William Quesnel Sr President WearCheck Canada Inc. ph 905 569 8600 fax 905 569 8605 billqsr@wearcheck.ca --------------------------------------------------------------- A proud member of WearCheck International www.wearcheck.com August 16, 2000 3:48 PM BQ - email to GD (copy BQ AV) - Subject: Re: It developement - Gilbert - I am forwarding your message to Bill Jr and we will discuss our schedules today and get back to you with good dates for your visit. I will finish edit of the WCI2000 minutes today and send by email to everyone. I intend to add to action plan from minutes detail. The last email message I have from you regarding Lubrigard is dated Aug 6 stating "Bob,I can not agree with your article 4. The Lubrigard in its actual condition is not ready for the market. We should receive all new versions including temperature and level control at no extra cost. "At the time it becomes available" is not acceptable to me." If there is more recent correspondence I have not received copy. I need to send an email to Bob today restating our position with regard to Lubrigard in Canada. August 16, 2000 9:11 AM GD -email to WQ (copy AV) - Subject: It developement - Hi Bill, I am planning to visit you together with Andri to discuss our future partnership concerning the webcheck development. Can you give me possible dates convenient to you and Bill Jr. Do you have already the final minutes of the WCI meeting in France? I suppose you saw my E-mail to Bob about the Lubrigard agreement. Basically what I want is to pay the 100 K and get the Lubrigard for it in return without any other conditions. I don't want my money to be risk capital. Best regards, Gilbert August 16, 2000 9:10 AM GD - email to WQ (copy to AV) - Subject: It developement - Hi Bill, I am planning to visit you together with Andri to discuss our future partnership concerning the webcheck evelopment. Can you give me possible dates convenient to you and Bill Jr. Do you have already the final minutes of the WCI meeting in France? I suppose you saw my E-mail to Bob about the Lubrigard agreement. Basically what I want is to pay the 100 K and get the Lubrigard for it in return without any other conditions. I don't want my money to be risk capital. Best regards, Gilbert August 8, 2000 1:56 PM AV - email to WQ - Dear Bill, How are you ? Back for a while now ? Please note that untill now, we didn't receive the information you promissed to send us about your country. Since we have moved to our new address by the end of july and we only got a letterbox installed now, we are not sure what happened meanwhile with our mail. Our new address is: Anne & André Verlinden-Wauters Patrijzenlaan 22 1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw Belgium Our only private phonenumber at this moment (we are waiting for the installation of new phone-lines) is 0032-479.44.96.74 Send our regards to Laureen, Bill, Ronda and the kids Best regards, Anne & André August 8, 2000 9:44 AM GD - email to BC - (copy WQ Aug 16) - Subject: Re: Points to be considered Lubrigard Hi Bob, What I was looking for is an agreement that would guarantee my 100K and all the money and efforts already invested and a certainty to have a quality sensor to sell. What I can read from your proposals is that you are not confident yourselves to really produce that sensor. In the end an agreement is a peace of paper never to be used if business flourishes like it is meant to be. Contrary of what you suggest in your earlier E-mail, I have always been very serious about reaching an agreement. Please note that I do not wish tocontinue the negotiations under the proposed conditions. Regards, Gilbert. August 7, 2000 3:57 PM AV - email to WQ - Dear Bill, Yes, send it to my new address. Or you could also send it to the lab, if this would be more convenient for you. André -----Original Message----- WQ - email to AV -Andre Verlinden - Subject: RE: Information, documents about Canada Andre We have been rushing about a bit since we got back. I am in Ottawa at present to negotiate a contract with the Canadian military. I did pick up some real-estate books the other day, and have begun looking for information about immigration. We will send information to you by the end of this week. Should I use your new address? Bill Quesnel Sr. August 7, 2000 1:40 PM WQ - email to AV - Subject: RE: Information, documents about Canada - Andre - We have been rushing about a bit since we got back. I am in Ottawa at present to negotiate a contract with the Canadian military. I did pick up some real-estate books the other day, and have begun looking for information about immigration. We will send information to you by the end of this week. Should I use your new address? Bill Quesnel Sr. August 7, 2000 7:59 AM AV - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Information, documents about Canada - Dear Bill, Yes, send it to my new address. Or you could also send it to the lab, if this would be more convenient for you. Many thanks ! Andre August 7, 2000 6:04 AM WQ - email to GD (copy BQ) - Subject: Lubrigard Patent Review Fax - Gilbert - I have sent 11 page fax to number 23-2361-3458 consiting of a covering letter, copy of two page fax to Hofbauer & Associates, and eight page Lubrigard Patent Review summary letter from Hofbauer & Associates to me. I will be travelling today, and tomorrow, but can be reached by Email at bill.quesnel@lubrigard.com or my cell phone 905-467-3562. I faxed copy to Bob Cutler (at his request) this morning. Regards Bill Quesnel August 6, 2000 11:04 AM AV - email to WQ - Subject: Information, documents about Canada - Dear Bill, How are you ? Back for a while now ? Please note that untill now, we didn't receive the information you promissed to send us about your country. Since we have moved to our new address by the end of july and we only got a letterbox installed now, we are not sure what happened meanwhile with our mail. Our new address is: Anne & Andr Verlinden-Wauters Patrijzenlaan 22 1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw Belgium Our only private phonenumber at this moment (we are waiting for the installation of new phone-lines) is 0032-479.44.96.74 Send our regards to Laureen, Bill, Ronda and the kids. Best regards, Anne & Andre August 6, 2000 8:25 AM GD - email to BC WQ - Hi Bob, Bill, I have added 2 articles (in blue). Bob, I can not agree with your article 4. The Lubrigard in its actual condition is not ready for the market. We should receive all new versions including temperature and level control at no extra cost. "At the time it becomes available" is not acceptable to me. August 1, 2000 5:11 AM GD - email to BC (copy to WQ) - Subject: Lubrigard agreement - Please find herewith my comments in green on the end of the agreement. Best regards, Gilbert. July 25, 2000 1:25 PM BC - email to GD WQ - Subject: Lubrigard agreement changes - Gilbert and Bill - Please see attachment. I have tried to encompass the points raised today by telephone. Regards Bob July 25, 2000 8:52 AM BC - email to GD WQ - Subject: Lubrigard contract amendments - Gilbert and Bill - > Thank you for your second draft Please find attached our amendments. We believe we are very close and look forward to closing the initial part of this deal in time to meet the August 1st milestone. Steve has produced his timetable to meet your requirements and will forward them soon. Regards Bob July 25, 2000 6:14 AM GD - email to BC (Copy WQ) - Subject: RE: Lubrigard contract amendments Hi Bob, Bill, I have added 2 articles (in blue). Bob, I can not agree with your article 4. The Lubrigard in its actual condition is not ready for the market. We should receive all new versions including temperature and level control at no extra cost. "At the time it becomes available" is not acceptable for me. Your article 12. How do we control the cost of the manufacturer? A markup of 50% seems enough to put us out of business. Your article 13. I will not agree with any obligation as long as we do not now how the market will react. First we must do our best to sell the sensor. It is only possible to make future estimates after a certain period of time (minimum 2 years after receiving a sensor ready for the market). Regards, Gilbert. July 21, 2000 8:24 AM GD - email to WQ - Hi Bill, Hereby I am sending you a copy of the revised draft I sent to Bob. Article 5: Includes your suggestion. Article 14: A commission of 20% for TanDelta seems a little bit high to me. Article 15: Agree on minimum sales per year makes the contract very fragile for us. I think some clause should be added to regulate the sales on multinationals in order to protect our territories. (See Bob's comment about Lubrizol and Sumitomo). Looking forward to your further comments, Regards, Gilbert. July 17, 2000 2:48 PM WQ/LQ - visit to WearCheck Belgium laboratory near Brussels. Unil generates revenue of US$7,000,000 per annum selling specialty-blended lubricants and used oil analysis (70,000 samples per year). Administration and bookkeeping are provided by Unil staff for both parts of the business. The laboratory is housed in the Unil plant (where oil blending is automated) and the lab area has been expanded, on two floors. Working laboratory is all on first floor and offices are all on second floor. Lab has staff of four technicians full time and two part time, plus Andre working both as manager of the laboratory and on the Unil oil side formulating blends of specialty lubricants. Andre has been travelling, conducting oil analysis training seminars, lubrication training and selling of samples as well. Diagnosticians double as lab technicians and perform all the tests as well as diagnose the samples. They have some difficulty getting a smooth flow of samples through the laboratory because of this, however strongly feel that the "hands on" testing by the diagnosticians is very important. Staff often stay late to make sure all samples received are diagnosed and sent out within 24 hours. They are still running a single Baird ICP2000 with automated pre-dilution same as ours. WC Belgium have a maintenance contract with Sci-Tech for 24 hour service at rate of US$8000 per annum, and GD finds Sci-Tech knowledgeable and very reliable. WC Belgium's spectrometer recently went down, and they sent a lab technician to WearCheck UK with suitcases full of samples to burn, however Sci-Tech had them up and running again within 24 hours. They do blotter tests using a Photometric CDD to analyze oil dispercancy and contamination. The lead Lab Technician/Diagnosticain says that it is a very reliable, repeatable tool and invaluable to their diagnoses. WC Belgium use closed-cup flashpoint testing and are able to determine level of fuel in oils, from these tests run at different temperatures. GD says they are very interested in the new "sniffer" from Spectro-labs in use at WearCheck Germany, and the potential of determining level of fuel in oil with that tool. They have a RF metal particle analyzer, however it is used sparingly. Since purchasing the plunger-type Hiac-Royco particle counter they have retired the older vacuum-type model. They use a sonic vibrator and bell jar vacuum to remove possible air entrainment in hydraulic oil. The lab uses four automated Houillian viscometers and run tests at both 40ºC and 100ºC on all samples. They are definitely going ahead with purchase of the Labotec robot described to WearCheck group at the annual meeting in Munster. They want to set up three viscometers and the RF machine on a single robot. They have an automated TAN machine which uses a conveyor system to carry sample bottles (original bottles) to the tester, however GB says it is pretty slow, as sample run rate is long. The machine requires a large quantity of oil to test. They are doing Karl Fischer testing using manual titrator equipment. They have equipment and are beginning to do ferrographic analysis, though limited at present. They use the wear atlas from Predict. They have a device for testing foaming characteristics of cutting oil emulsions set up in the laboratory. Unil blends and sells many different cutting oils and WearCheck analyses used cutting oils for clients including problems with bacteria, using both strips and controlled culture growth. Used oil sample kits consist of 12 bottles, individual pre-printed mailer envelopes (GB says mail system will not accept plastic cylindrical mailers) and pre-printed SIFs shrink-wrapped in clear plastic. Kits are contract assembled by a society of handicapped workers. SIFs are custom designed and printed on velum type paper using a computer program. They use an Avery Label-maker printer which uses rolls of carbon paper to print and cut SIFS (I have samples). GD says their mail-out could be improved with inclusion of better information (explanation of sampling methods - explanation of proper uses of oil samples - as the Germans do). Reports are all printed (even those delivered through WebCheck). Unil prints a bimonthly 12 page glossy magazine "Service Lub." in French, Dutch and German that often features WearCheck articles. GB says this will be expanded to a monthly magazine. I picked up several samples of Service Lub and noted to GB that many articles could be included in the proposed oilanalysis.org website. He agreed and said they will begin to submit samples to Bill Jr. We discussed progress of the WebCheck. program and GD is unhappy with the present state of the software. He says that Bill's demonstration and talk in Munster showed him the North American and European programs are very diverse. He re-stated that Belgium is willing to fund rapid development of the European version of WebCheck. He says however, they will not pay unless logical milestones are set and achieved within an agreed time schedule. Belgium wants: 1) A detailed development program with detail of work required, deadline dates to accomplish the work, and costs. 2) To start with they want the same benefits enjoyed by Canada and the USA, especially the aspect of feed-back. 3) A program with the ability to record inventory of: a) Machines and Components to be tested. b) Lube makes and types c) Ability to do analysis and receive feed-back. GD would like Bill Jr to prepare an outline of what can be done, along with appropriate milestones and costs. He wants to travel to Canada near the end of August or early September to discuss final arrangements and funding of the work. Belgium are willing to fund the cost of a Programmer to achieve the results. GD would prefer that Canada employ a Programmer in Canada as costs of a European Programmer would be much higher. Andre Verlinden was on vacation. July 17, 2000 8:22 AM GD - email to WQ - Hi Bill, - Hereafter I am sending you a draft of the agreement with Tandelta and Lubrigard ltd. Could you please revise, change or add new articles. I made a draft of agreement between 3 parties: Lubrigard ltd, Tandelta and the Licensee. Best regards and a nice holiday (without rain) July 13, 2000 10:31 AM BC - email to GD WQ BQ - Subject: Lubrigard meeting2 - Hi Gilbert and Bill - Further to my earlier email, it may prove advantageous for you to send your draft contract by email so that we will be able to study your ideas and so be more productive at our Saturday meeting. Regards Bob July 13, 2000 8:38 AM BC - email to GD WQ - Subject: Saturday meeting - Hi Gilbert and Bill - I have confirmed the meeting with steve and chris for saturday at 2.00pm. Bill if you can make it to Terminal 1 I will pick you up to take you to the meeting. use my mobile if you have problems 07799664265 Regards Bob June 14, 2000 6:42 AM WQ - email to RB - Subject: Re: WCI meeting in Colmar - Arrival - I apologize for not replying sooner. Lorraine, Danielle and myself will be driving by automobile from Brandenburg (after visiting WearCheck Germany) and arrive Colmar (Munster) in the afternoon Saturday July 1. Bill Quesnel Sr June 2, 2000 12:30 PM GD - Email to WQ (Copy to AV) - Subject: Re: Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Participation We are interested in paricipating. Wte will share the costs with you and eventually with the other WCI members. Best Regards, Gilbert (on holiday) ----- Original Message ----- From: William Quesnel To: Judit Berecez ; Gary Brown ; Jim Chambers ; Lesley Crawford ; Bob WC Cutler ; Gilbert DeMey ; Greg Kilmister ; Bill Quesnel ; Jesus Terradillos ; Peter WC Weismann Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 4:42 PM Subject: Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Participation To all WearCheck International members (special note to Jim Chambers of WearCheck USA) The Noria sponsored Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 conference will be held in Tulsa Oklahoma USA October 24-26, 2000. Last year I attended the first of these conferences, representing WC-Canada and was pleased to meet Peter and Barbara Weismann from WC-Germany, Jesus Terradillos from WC-Spain, and Ken Hill from WC-USA at the conference. Peter did WearCheck proud - co-chairing a seminar as one of several "Oil Analysis Experts". Our competitors were out in full force at the trade show and we all agreed that it was a very good conference. WearCheck Canada believe that WearCheck International should show a strong presence, participate in the conference/trade show this year, and need to decide what level of participation WCI will take. Jim - I understand from our past conversations on the subject that WearCheck USA wish to be involved in exhibiting along with WearCheck Canada. I think we should apply for booth space as WearCheck International, and I am asking other members of WC group if they also wish to participate. I have received an application from Noria for booth space, and believe I should go ahead and book booth space as soon as possible. The price for a 10x8 foot booth is US$895 and a 20x8 foot booth is $1690. These prices are very reasonable. If other members wish to participate, I think we should book a 20' booth, and am willing to arrange for this. WearCheck Canada Inc will provide a 10' booth, which will still leave lots of space for other participants. Our booth uses signs across the top that feature the WearCheck logo, and will be suitable for WearCheck International. I propose that we supply a free sample kit to visitors to the booth - it is very popular and allows potential customers to try our services. I am not sure how many participants will be from Canada (to use WearCheck Canada kits), however expect there would be many from the USA. Last year the organizers (Noria) convinced four of the participating laboratories to provide free sample kits to each delegate. Jim - I think this is up to you to decide, as it would impact costs for WearCheck USA more than any of us. Bill Jr will be submitting a paper for presentation at the conference (you will get a preview of this at the WearCheck Group meetings in France). I also suggest that we book a meeting room (cost US$400 for one day) to provide WebCheck training for USA customers if desired by WearCheck USA (We can advertise on the Web for this free course in conjunction with the conference.) If group members cannot justify active participation at this conference, I would suggest that we feature a poster display in the booth consisting of literature from all group members - (at no charge to those providing the literature). We can discuss this at the meetings in France. You will meet Jim Fitch of Noria in France as he will be presenting "what Noria is all about" to the WC group. I am sure Jim would be interested in having WearCheck group promote the Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 conference to our extensive customer base in our home countries. You can preview the POA2000 conference by visiting Noria's website at : http://www.oilanalysis.com/ If you do plan to attend I suggest that you visit the site and register early (I have registered). We do need to make decisions regarding the booth space and conference room as soon as possible, to ensure our participation in the trade show. Please reply as soon as possible (by return Email) regarding participation by your company, if you are presenting a paper, or will attend, wish to actively participate in the trade show, wish to send literature to display in the booth, or are not interested in being involved. Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca May 31, 2000 5:29 PM GD - Email to WQ (Copy to AV) - Subject: Re: Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Participation We are interested in paricipating. Wte will share the costs with you and eventually with the other WCI members. Best Regards, Gilbert (on holiday) May 31, 2000 4:42 PM WQ - Email to GD (WC Group) - Subject: Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Participation To all WearCheck International members (special note to Jim Chambers of WearCheck USA) The Noria sponsored Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 conference will be held in Tulsa Oklahoma USA October 24-26, 2000. Last year I attended the first of these conferences, representing WC-Canada and was pleased to meet Peter and Barbara Weismann from WC-Germany, Jesus Terradillos from WC-Spain, and Ken Hill from WC-USA at the conference. Peter did WearCheck proud - co-chairing a seminar as one of several "Oil Analysis Experts". Our competitors were out in full force at the trade show and we all agreed that it was a very good conference. WearCheck Canada believe that WearCheck International should show a strong presence, participate in the conference/trade show this year, and need to decide what level of participation WCI will take. Jim - I understand from our past conversations on the subject that WearCheck USA wish to be involved in exhibiting along with WearCheck Canada. I think we should apply for booth space as WearCheck International, and I am asking other members of WC group if they also wish to participate. I have received an application from Noria for booth space, and believe I should go ahead and book booth space as soon as possible. The price for a 10x8 foot booth is US$895 and a 20x8 foot booth is $1690. These prices are very reasonable. If other members wish to participate, I think we should book a 20' booth, and am willing to arrange for this. WearCheck Canada Inc will provide a 10' booth, which will still leave lots of space for other participants. Our booth uses signs across the top that feature the WearCheck logo, and will be suitable for WearCheck International. I propose that we supply a free sample kit to visitors to the booth - it is very popular and allows potential customers to try our services. I am not sure how many participants will be from Canada (to use WearCheck Canada kits), however expect there would be many from the USA. Last year the organizers (Noria) convinced four of the participating laboratories to provide free sample kits to each delegate. Jim - I think this is up to you to decide, as it would impact costs for WearCheck USA more than any of us. Bill Jr will be submitting a paper for presentation at the conference (you will get a preview of this at the WearCheck Group meetings in France). I also suggest that we book a meeting room (cost US$400 for one day) to provide WebCheck training for USA customers if desired by WearCheck USA (We can advertise on the Web for this free course in conjunction with the conference.) If group members cannot justify active participation at this conference, I would suggest that we feature a poster display in the booth consisting of literature from all group members - (at no charge to those providing the literature). We can discuss this at the meetings in France. You will meet Jim Fitch of Noria in France as he will be presenting "what Noria is all about" to the WC group. I am sure Jim would be interested in having WearCheck group promote the Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 conference to our extensive customer base in our home countries. You can preview the POA2000 conference by visiting Noria's website at : http://www.oilanalysis.com/ If you do plan to attend I suggest that you visit the site and register early (I have registered). We do need to make decisions regarding the booth space and conference room as soon as possible, to ensure our participation in the trade show. Please reply as soon as possible (by return Email) regarding participation by your company, if you are presenting a paper, or will attend, wish to actively participate in the trade show, wish to send literature to display in the booth, or are not interested in being involved. Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca May 22, 2000 8:38 AM WQ emaiil to GD (Copy to BQ) - Subject: Re: Lubrigard developments - Gilbert - I think that this is a wonderful deal for Chris and Steve and I suppose Bob as well. This is a deal with a supplier for one end user, and it should not interfere with our interests in the sensor, unless it is their intent to grant the new major manufacturer an exclusive agreement to market the sensor. I would think that they will have a problem with Peter if the end user is Ford, as Peter introduced the sensor to Ford. I attended the presentation to Ford Europe in Germany. Bob refers to a sensor that measures "Oil level, Oil condition, Oil Temperature and Viscosity which we can satisfy"... This sensor is not available at the moment, so I suppose they will developed this with money from this new manufacturer. We have both been negotiating in good faith with the inventors of this device, first with Lubrigard Holdings and now with TAN Delta. I would hope that they would not attempt to shut us out of marketing of the sensor. Bill Q Sr May 22, 2000 8:03 AM GD email to WQ - Subject: FW: Lubrigard developments Hi Bill, What do you think of this? Regards, Gilbert -----Original Message----- From: Lubrigard2000@aol.com [mailto:Lubrigard2000@aol.com] Sent: lundi 22 mai 2000 13:59 To: gilbert.demey@unil.com Subject: Lubrigard developments Gilbert I have just received information that a major manufacturer is talking this afternoon with Steve and Chris about a partnership. They are tendering for 1,000,000 sensors to an OEM for a sensor which measures Oil level, Oil condition, Oil Temperature and Viscosity which we can satisfy. They want to pay us a licence fee and give financial assistance with R&D. Steve and Chris's dream come true!! I am letting you know this as I am in the middle here and want YOU to know IN CONFIDENCE what is happening. Please give me some help in securing the deal with you. When will you commit to a contract. Gilbert - this has come out of the blue and has got everyone excited. My colleagues see this as the way forward and no longer believe that you and Bill will come up with the full amount of money to get this show on the road. I cannot argue with their logic any more that we should go with this manufacturer to a OEM, who I believe is Ford. Companies are taking this concept seriously and by 2004 we are told ALL cars will have these sensors on board. PLEASE REPLY TO ME ONLY - BUT CONSULT WITH BILL IF YOU WANT - THIS INFORMATION IS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL BETWEEN ME, YOU AND BILL. Not a word to Peter or anyone else!!!!!!!!!!!! Regards Bob April 26, 2000 10:38 PM GD email to BC WQ CC SH - Subject: RE: Lubrigard Hi Bob, I had some talks with our legal guys and with Bill Sr. While waiting for the final outcome, I agree to send you the 5.000 pounds (money leaves tomorrow). Its good news that Steve and Chris seem to have found a solution for the temperature reading. Best regards, Gilbert. April 19, 2000 11:16 PM See attachment (MS Word C:/MyDocuments/WearCheck/International/ Meeting2000 Munster April 19, 2000 2:45 PM BQ - email to VD - I would like the opportunity to present a paper on a "Maintenance Extranet" following Jim Fitch's presentation. Say Mon. 3 from 13:30 to 3:00 pm. Please advise if this is possible. April 19, 2000 2:06 PM BC - email to GD Cc: SH CC - Thank you for your email. We understand that you need to be doubly sure aboutthe patent. We have no doubts about our patent as I have said before. I havetold you what I think of Peter's motives and I agree we do need to take out insurance. However. we do need a little money now to move forward, if you can see fit to send just the 5K now as agreed and the patent is proved invalid we will return this money instantly. Regards Bob April 19, 2000 1:27 PM GD email to PW - I received your E-mail with its rather disturbing content. Considering the amount to invest, it is indeed a dangerous adventure to invest that kind of money. During the trials with some OEM, we found a big temperature difference between the real oil temperature and the temperature the sensor indicates (about 30%). Is it your idea to stop with this whole project or do you have already some manufacturer to work with us on this sensor? I have come a long way with some OEM now and I don't now what to tell them now because they are requiring more units (non available) and also some corrections about the temperature problems. Do you have any ideas about this whole matter because now I also have to decide now if I stop or go? How things are going now is indeed not a good base to do business. Best Regards.Gilbert April 19, 2000 11:16 AM VD - email to Group - WearCheck Group meeting - See attachment C:\MyDocuments\WearCheck\International\Meeting2000. April 19, 2000 11:09 AM VD - email to JF - Dear Mr. Fitch, Thank you for your quick response. We are happy to receive you and your wife at the WearCheck International Meeting. From Paris it will be about 500 km to the hotel in Munster. It will be, more or less, a 6-hour drive. There is a paying way via Strasbourg, which is a bit longer in km but maybe quicker, because it's the fastest highway, and there is a non-paying way via Nancy, which is shorter. This is also a highway, route national 4, except for the last part (which is a beautiful drive, partly through the mountains and along small villages). On Monday July 3rd we will visit Colmar, which is an adorable city and have dinner in a typical restaurant. I am going to finalize the conference program and I will send you more details a.s.a.p. Best regards, Vera Duin April 19, 2000 7:15 AM GD - email to BC (Copy to WQ) - Following the rather disturbing E-mail from Peter, I have instructed our patent lawyers to investigate about he Lubrigard patent. I cannot risk to invest that amount of money as long were not sure about its legal validity. If the patent is indeed valid and defendable, the necessary actions will have to be taken to protect its rights. April 19, 2000 3:17 AM JF - email to VD - I appreciate all the details on the conference. I have decided to make the presentation on Monday the 3rd, 10.45 -13.30 am. Please make reservations for me: checking in on Sunday the 2nd and departing on Wednesday the 5th. I will also need specific directions on how to find the hotel by car. I will be traveling with my wife and it looks like we will be driving from Paris. Yes, we will join you for the social program on Monday and thanks for the offer. I will need an overhead projector for my presentation. Thanks and all the best, April 17, 2000 4:32 PM VD - email to JF - Dear mister Fitch, We are delighted that you are planning to give a presentation at our WCI-meeting in France. Initially, we have planned your presentation on Monday July 3rd, from 10.45 -13.30 am. You can join our recreational program in the afternoon, which we would appreciate and if you wish you can stay longer. During the meeting days (3-4-5 July) we'll organize every afternoon a social program. Another option is that we plan your presentation on the last conference day, on Wednesday July 5th from 9.30 - 11.15 a.m. In that case you can join the social program in the afternoon and the program on Thursday, which will be during the whole day. The time after your presentation till 12.30 a.m., we'll need for the meetings' conclusion. On Friday July 7th, the WCI-meeting will be finished and the participants will departure to their next destination or go home. The WCI-meeting will be in Hotel Verte Vallii in Munster (17 km of Colmar in the Alsace, northeast France). It's most convenient if you stay in this hotel. As soon as I know the dates that you'll join the program, I will arrange your accommodation. Will it be a single room? Concerning the flight, your travel agency might advise you which airport will fit the best in your travelling schedule. The nearest airports are Basel (Switzerland) and Strasbourg (France). Please let me know which day you prefer for your presentation, on what day your arrival and departure will be and what kind of room you need. We are looking forward to your plans. April 10, 2000 2:39 PM WQ - email to GD - I am quite disturbed by what is transpiring in Europe. Had a phone call from Bob Cutler today, and he brought me up to date with WearCheck UK dealings with WearCheck Germany. I voiced my concern that Peter already has the Lubrigard technology and has found a company to make sensors. Bob assures me that there has been no transference of Lubrigard technolgy to Peter, to enable him to reproduce the Lubrigard sensor. Bob thinks Peter is just pressing a case to get a cheaper or better deal to handle the Lubrigard sensor. What disturbs me is the ongoing friction between WearCheck Germany and WearCheck UK. Bob says Peter filed a lawsuit against WC UK founded on a sample report bearing the WearCheck logo getting to a client in Germany. While WearCheck UK should not do this, however is a lawsuit really necessary? Bob says it has been resolved by WC UK dropping the use of the WearCheck name brand in Europe, however it cost them a few thousand pounds. I noticed your questions from John Deere, and we experienced the same discrepancies in laboratory testing between actual temperature and oil temperature. And at the same ratio 130 - 100 Could it be the placement of the actual temperature sensor in the Lubrigard sensor? Bob called to get my assurance that Canada is still interested in paying for a licensing argreement to aquire the rights to the sensor for Canada I told him that we are concerned about: 1) Peter's action to go on his own - will he be a competitor, will the loss of his contribution demand even more from remaining licensees? 2) The status of Lubrigard Holdings (and the two ex-partners) we would want assurance we would not be hit by legal action in future? 3) Is Belgium committed to the project? 4) They were to meet with Global Technovations - however Bob tells me that this meeting never took place. We did not respond to his draft license agreement - would I would prefer to see the legal copy before committing ourselves. We are still interested in the sensor, however have not been very active in getting demonstrations or testing with customers. Had planned to do so in the near future. Noria has contacted us to do a feature on the Lubrigard sensor. Glad to see that they have scheduled JIm Fitch to come to the WearCheck International Group meetings. Should be interesting meeting this year. Will you install metal detectors at the doors to be sure there is no bloodshed? Bill Sr April 8, 2000 4:37 PM GD - email to WQ - RE: PW email of Apr 7 - What do you think of this? This whole business seems to get out of hand? April 7, 2000 9:27 AM GD - BC (Copy WQ) This means that the sensor will not work until the motor block reaches a temperature of 65°C, which is unacceptable for John Deere. We are looking at a temperature difference of 30% between what the sensor measures and the real temperature. Because this temperature difference, the sensor will not work for a long time. Real oil temperature Indication on the sensor 129 °C 95°C 129 °C 93°C 129°C 88°C 127°C 85°C 129°C 96°C 107°C 68°C 108°C 71°C As you can see in the table above, at a working temperature of the oil at 107 or 108 °C, the sensor measures a temperature between 68 and 71 °C with is borderline compared to the minimum temperature of 65 °C for the sensor to start working. In certain weather conditions it is very well possible that the oil will not reach working temperatures of 100 or 105 °C, which means that the sensor will not even start working in these conditions. This temperature difference will undoubtedly cause questions when we start trials at DAF. I find it very difficult to place an order of 10.000 pound for 100 sensors without resolving first this kind of technical problems. I suggest the design should be adapted right away. (What do you mean by PCB?) Please resubmit the invoice with VAT number. In the meantime, I will take measures to transfer the 5000 pounds immediately. April 7, 2000 2:08 AM GD - email to BC (Copy to WQ) - Subject: RE: Lubrigard CONTRACT details Dear Bob, To include in the contract: Full proof of patent. Irrevocable agreement between licensees and patent owner. Territories are Benelux, France, Spain and Portugal. Life of the patent: What is the max. time it is legally possible to offer such an agreement? Remark: The actual sensor design is not yet ready for marketing. Best Regards. Gilbert De Mey April 7, 2000 1:46 AM BC - email to GD (Copy WQ) - Subject: Temperature readings URGENT URGENT Hi Gilbert I have had confirmation from both Chris and Steve on this matter. The temperature readings given by the device are those of the BLOCK temperature not the oil. This is because the sensor needs to be above 65C to give the best results and any reading below this temperature for an engine sensor profile is not reliable. Instead of allowing the display to show blank or similar while the engine reaches operating temperature Chris and Steve chose to show the temperature of the sensor itself - hence the block to which it is attached. (on reflection we should probably have not given the client this information as he quite understandably believes it is measuring the oil temperature). The oil temperature is another matter, which can be addressed in time, but our main aim at the time was to produce a sensor that accurately and reliably measures the oil condition - this we are confident we have achieved. The oil temperature function is understandably a desirable and useful parameter to measure and this will be done in the new mark 2 design. As will the ability of the unit to measure oil level. This will make a THREE - IN - ONE sensor and render the new units extremely desirable to any OEM and reduce his costs to fit all three sensor types. I am told the temperature reading is technically not a big problem, but is a major change to the PCB and this function will have to wait until we have the finance to make this change. We do not have sufficient components to make 25 standard units and are trying to arrange this the best way we can. This is where your most generous offer to place an order on us will help tremendously. We have arranged for VAT registration for tandelta which will take 10 days to complete from today. If you prefer we will resubmit our invoice of £5000 to you under Lubrigard Ltd. which is of course already is VAT registered. This money will help us tremendously too. Please reply soonest what we should do about this invoice. March 31, 2000 8:59 AM BC - email to WQ PW GD - Subject: Lubrigard CONTRACT details Dear Gilbert, Bill, Paul and Peter Please read attached and comment asap. Note the date to reply. This is necessary so that we can move quickly and everyone can begin to see progress in this venture. Regards Bob March 15, 2000 9:26 PM PW - email to GD (Copy to WQ BC) - Dear Gilbert, I know Bedia very well and I'm in a Sensor work Group together with them. They are also a customer of Wearcheck. During Sensor 99 Exhibition I visited the Stand of the Frauenhofer Institut together with Chris. Chris knows the prinziple of the viscosity measurement of the Bedia Sensor and he has seen also the prototype. He is surely able to explain more details. Bedia is manufacturing at present Oil Level Sensors for various Car Manufacturers and in connetion with this sensor they like to introduce a oil quality sensor. Their advantage is that they are allready an approved supplier. The Frauenhofer reacts relatively slow. I hope this info will be of help Regards Peter March 15, 2000 7:17 AM GD - email to PW (Copy to WQ BC) - Hi Peter - I found an article in the ”l’usine nouvelle” about a new sensor sold by Bedia Motorentechnik and the Franhofer Institute of Munich. The sensor measures the electric conductivity and the viscosity true provoked vibrations by an alternated current of a quartz receptor in the oil. The article mentions that the complete system will appear in the high-end passenger cars within 2 years. Do you have or can you get any information about this system? Best Regards.Gilbert De Mey March 12, 2000 9:42 PM GD - email to WQ - As I stated before, I give you permission to negotiate on behalf of WC Belgium. We are very interested to set up seminars here in Europe together with Noria. I think they can bring us a lot of added value. Can you inform me how much time we have to foresee for the Noria presentation (max. 4 hours) during the WC congress? March 12, 2000 6:35 AM WQ - email to GD - We asked group members in February if we could invite Drew Troyer to speak at the WearCheck International meetings to be held in France this July. The only negative response we received was from Barbara Weismann, and she eventually said she would agree, however the should be limited to two hours. WearCheck Canada Inc would like to extend the invitation to Drew to come and speak to the group. Noria is making a considerable impact in the oil analysis industry in North America. Noria is a newcomer to the publishing business, however the people working for the company are not. They are working to standardize oil analysis training and distribute and publish a lot of material that is helping to raise indsutry awarness of oil analysis. Drew tells us they are coming to Europe, and would like to work with the WearCheck group there (they already are involved with Teknikker and talking to the Weismanns) If you give me permission to proceed and a time slot for Noria I will be happy to discuss arrangements with Drew Troyer. Regards Bill Quesnel Sr. billqsr@wearcheck.ca February 21, 2000 4:54 PM VD - e-mail to WQ (Copy to WC Group) -The last weeks there have been some rumors about the date of the International WearCheck meeting this summer. We apologize for this confusion. Hereby we confirm that the meeting will be the first week of July: 1-7 July. Due to busy months during the European summer season it's not possible to change dates to the second week of July. We even have to change the program a bit to get everything well organized. The program will be as following: 1 July Arrival 2 July Recreational program 3-4-5 July Meeting and ladies/children program 6-7 July Recreational program 7 July Departure The colleagues who confirmed to participate: Country Participants Kind of room Australia * Belgium Gilbert De Mey, Linda and Melanie (4 yrs) André Verlinden, Anne and Marie (baby) Vera Duin TripleTriple**Double Canada Bill Quesnel jr., spouse and two children (1 + 3 yrs) William Quesnel sr., Lorraine and child (13 yrs) Room 4 persons**Triple Germany * Spain Jesus Terradillos (+ spouse and two children?) Room 4 persons Hungary Judith Bereczki Single Great-Britain Bob Cutler Single South-Africa Gary Brown and Jen Double USA James Chambers and spouse Double * We still hope they can participate. Please answer us before February 25th. ** Baby bed provided Please let us know the names of the spouses and the children before February 25th and please mention if there is any problem with the kind of room. From now on, I will be in charge of the organization of the WearCheck meeting this summer. For all questions and remarks, please don't hesitate to call or to mail me. February 4, 2000 9:20 AM BQ - email to GD - Gilbert, - I have set up the WebCheck account for Delphi Automotive Systems. I just had to comment when I saw the name. This is the research and development arm of AC Delco. We have contacted Delphi in the USA with regards to the Lubrigard sensor. At our meeting with Detroit Diesel in Detroit, Michigan, we were introduced to AC Delco as the likely candidate to manufacture the sensor for Detroit Diesel. Have you approached Delphi with regards to the Lubrigard sensor in Europe? January 21, 2000 6:58 AM WQ - e-mail to AV - The location and dates for the meetings are fine with Lorraine, Danielle and I We will be spending some extra time at the time of the meetings. Will probably travel to Belgium and Germany to visit the labs in our travels. We look forward to seeing you all again. January 14, 2000 10:04 AM AV - e-mail - Dear Colleagues, First my best wishes for the new year ! It is already 8 years ago since we had our first meeting in Belgium. Meanwhile we have turned around the world visiting our various laboratories and now we are back at the start for the next meeting, organised by Belgium again. As some of you already have visited Belgium and his cities such as Brussels, Ghent, Bruges, Antwerp,… we thought we had to find a better place for this unique Y2K meeting and whereelse could we better arrange this meeting than in France ?! One of the picturesque places in France is at COLMAR at the 3 frontiers point between France, Germany and Switzerland. Colmar is a nice middle age city that offers a lot of recreation possibilities in and around the city. I suppose the best date would be the first week of July, with a 3 days meeting starting from Monday 3th till Wednesday 5th, followed by a 4 days tourist program. Of course a ladies program wil be foreseen during the days of the meeting. The nearest airports to reach the city of Colmar are Strasbourg (France) and Basel (Switzerland). If you would have any questions or suggestions about the proposed date and place, please let me know before the end of January. If there is any point you would like to be raised at the meeting, please let me know a.s.a.p., so that we can send out the minutes of the meeting by the end of February. Hoping to hear from you very soon, André Verlinden September 6, 1999 6:52 AM GL - e-mail to WQ - Lubrigard belgium is responsible for the Benelux and France. Until now we have been running tests at John Deere in France. They tested 6 motors in their lab with the Lubrigards, with excellent results. They are receiving now another 10 pieces to start field-tests. The results up to now are excellent. We are comparing the read outs of the Lubrigard with our lab results (every 50 hours). You can consult them on the Webcheck (client.wearcheck.com, login = deere and password = 45401). I received about 10 copies of the new brochure (for free). I have not been asking for more, so I cannot say if they will bill us. I am not contacting other potential clients before finishing the deal with John Deere. John Deere in the USA is following the tests here in France. I will keep you informed on this matter (be careful because I had to sign a confidentiality clause with them). On Thursday I will be in London with them because we are interested in acquiring another 28% of Lubrigards Holding. I will then certainly be discussing this matter with on your behalf. The way they are treating you doesn't seem right. May 17, 1999 12:03 PM WQJr - e-mail quote to Gilbert DeMey, Following our meeting on May 13, 1999 here are the additions/corrections that have been agreed upon. Please indicate wether you approve, or dissapprove of the following modifications based on the estimates, include any comments in the designated areas and e-mail back to me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The additional ability for some WebCheck users to be able to diagnose samples. This would be accomplished from the View Data screen, and allow the user to enter their own comments, as well as rate test values. A user account item would be used to specify whether or not a user has permission to perform such actions. [ This item will be billed at US$50/hr. Estimate: 15 hrs @ $50 = $750 ] You may wish to consider and respond to me on the following: - Should the changes/additions that the WebCheck user provides be transmitted back to the originating laboratory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Modify the Active Samples system to be more efficient. This is entirely possible, and I will modify the Active Samples system to operate similar to the system currently employed by the WebCheck system being used by WearCheck Canada. [ This item will not be billed. Estimate: 9 hrs ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. The modification of the WebCheck mail system to more accurately specify who should be availble on a users "Send To" list. The new scheme would automatically determine the "Send To" items on the users list using the following criteria: - Users should be able to send mail to the laboratory, to their sales rep, and to other users from the same user_group (i.e. within the same organization). [ This item will be billed at US$50/hr. Estimate: 3 hrs @ $50 = $150 ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. The Addition of the Particle Count data and graphing page to the Unil Report. This second page would only appear if the sample contained particle count data. [ This item will be billed at US$50/hr. Estimate: 5 hrs @ $50 = $250 ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. The creation of the Shell RLA Report. This report is to be created only in English. Samples requiring this report will be indicated with both the BRAND_CODE, and TEST_PACKAGE fields containing the text "SHRLA". [ This item will be billed at US$50/hr. Estimate: 6 hrs @ $50 = $300 ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. The addition of a new utility to allow for the addition/modification of new WebCheck Users. This utility would only be available to administrator class WebCheck accounts (such as the WBE001 login). This utility would also allow WebCheck administrators to see user modifications to passwords, etc. and allow the administrator to disable a login account. [ This item will not be billed. Estimate: 25 hrs ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Addition of a function to notify active WebCheck users of new samples in the system. This function would automatically send an e-mail (in the appropriate language) to the user when new samples were added to their WebCheck account. This system is currently operating on the WearCheck Canada WebCheck system. I require the translation of the e-mail text into French, and Dutch (and German if possible). [ This item will not be billed. Estimate: 5 hrs ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Add the ability to send and import data for Metal-Working fluids analysis. This would require the addition of a new Test Table (TEST_METAL_WORKING) with the subsequent addition of a new Data Export File format (addition of the file *.WTZ ). The creation of a new report to accomodate the display of Metal Working fluids analysis data (in English, Dutch and French), and addition of the Metal Working fluids analysis test parameters to the system. [ This item will be billed at US$50/hr. Estimate: 20 hrs @ $50 = $1000 ] Please provide the following: - A copy of the Metal Working fluids analysis report in English (I have copies in French and Dutch already, as provided by Gilbert). - The new component code that will specify a Metal Working fluids analysis (Gilbert proposed 99, i.e. 0023979AA.99). - All samples requiring this type of analysis, and this type of report should be specified with the text "METWK" in the TEST_PACKAGE field, the BRAND_CODE field may contain any appropriate brand name (e.g. "UNIL" ). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total estimate for modifications out-lined in this document: US$ 2450 ( 49 hours ) - not billed - ( 39 hours ) Regards, Bill Quesnel August 16, 2001 11:37 AM RI email to AV (copy WQ) - Subject: payment for our invoice 50918 - Our invoice 50918 was in the amount of $975.00 U.S. dollars. Today I received a bank draft for 975.00 GBP. I would like the payment to be in the proper currency of U.S. $. I can return this draft to you and wait for your U.S.$ payment, or I can destroy it and wait for the proper payment. Please advise at your earliest convenience. Ruth Inglehart Office Manager Public 011-32-2365-0229 Phone 011-32-2361-3458 Fax Public http://www.wearcheck.be Amsoil Building Superior Amsoil Inc Amsoil Inc USA Amsoil Inc 001201000153354472092C November 20, 2000 5:41 PM BQ - email to MD (copy WQ KM) - Subject: WebCheck pricing - Mike, Here is the costing for WebCheck (all amounts in US $): Implementation: $10,000 (one time fee) WebCheck: $2,950/month $0.75/sample (invoiced monthly) $0.30/historical sample (older than 1 month at time of data transfer, invoiced monthly) Maintenance Fee: 10% (invoiced monthly) The attached Excel spreadsheet shows costing for five years. Regards, Bill Quesnel (see C:\My Documents\Cinrg\CINRG_Amsoil) November 17, 2000 8:34 AM BQ - email to MD (Fwd WQ) - Subject: Fw: WebCheck - Mike, Your WebCheck demo CD-ROM was shipped out today by UPS (tracking number W619 488 2134). If you have any difficulties with the demo please contact me by e-mail or phone to discuss. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel Vice-President November 20, 2000 5:41 PM BQ - email to MD (copy WQ KM) - Subject: WebCheck pricing - Mike, Here is the costing for WebCheck (all amounts in US $): Implementation: $10,000 (one time fee) WebCheck: $2,950/month $0.75/sample (invoiced monthly) $0.30/historical sample (older than 1 month at time of data transfer, invoiced monthly) Maintenance Fee: 10% (invoiced monthly) The attached Excel spreadsheet shows costing for five years. Regards, Bill Quesnel (see C:\My Documents\Cinrg\CINRG_Amsoil) Public Public WI 54880 One London Place - Suite 1400 255 Queens Avenue Supplier London Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc Canada Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc 000131000182469946609C Insurance Public (519) 433-3441 Phone (519) 433-3853 Fax (800) 265-1231 Watts Public ON N6A 5R8 Supplier Atlanta Atlanta Systems Consultants Atlanta Systems Consultants Atlanta Systems Consultants 960803000381885214752C Public (770) 437-6981 Phone Public GA 200 Mumford Road Walden Industrial Park Sudbury Atlas Copco Atlas Copco Can. s1 - January Constuction & mining Atlas Copco 971215000111954466011C Equipment Manufacturer December 20, 2000 January 22, 2002 1:21 PM www.atlascopco-cmna.com Web Site Visited: Atlas Copco January 22, 2002 1:18 PM www.atlascopco-cmna.com Web Site Visited: Atlas Copco December 20, 2000 10:30 AM LL - email to WQ - Training - Bill, I will talk to Steve Lee to see if we can include Copco in their course. Steve wanted to do the course in the same room as last course Bill put on, depending on how many Inco people go we maybe able to squeeze some Copco people in. I would bet on two separate courses for now. Len December 20, 2000 9:45 AM WQ - email to LL - Training - Len - The WebCheck training is about 4 hours long. What would the possibility be of putting together one big session with Tamrock and Inco together? Would we need to rent a meeting room at a hotel, or would we do this on premises at Inco or Tamrock? Maybe we should try to fit in Copco with Inco if Tamrock want a separate session? What are the possibilities here? Please advise so I can discuss with Bill Jr. Friday. Bill Sr December 5, 2000 9:44 AM WQ - email to BQ (copy GG LL) - Subject: Press Release - Atlas Copco - Sudbury Service Centre for North America - Hi Folks - This all ties in to what Atlas Copco are wanting to do with oil analysis press information Business area: Atlas Copco Construction and Mining North America 10/13/2000 For further information please contact: Ian Hale, V.P. Customer Service, Phone: (705) 669-2902 Fax: (705) 692-3101 email: ian.hale@atlascopco.com Sudbury chosen as customer service call centre for North America Atlas Copco Construction and Mining North America has chosen Sudbury as the location for its new customer service call centre. The driving force behind this change is the company's desire to centralize key after market support services including parts order processing, technical support and equipment re-manufacturing. By consolidating these disciplines, customers will benefit from an expanded range of services, higher quality and improved responsiveness. Dick Plate, General Manager of Atlas Copco Construction and Mining N.A. says: "Sudbury's mining equipment knowledge base and bilingual character make it an ideal location for a customer service call centre." The company's re-manufacturing operations have grown steadily over the years and Atlas Copco is today a leader in this field. Helping equipment users keep their operating cost down by offering value-added machine and component re-manufacturing services remains a top priority. Atlas Copco Construction and Mining North America is a sales and service company within the worldwide Atlas Copco group serving the mining and construction industries in Canada and the USA. From its principal locations in Montreal, Sudbury, Creighton, Chicago and Atlanta and through a network of regional field service centres, the company supports customers with products and services in the areas of: - Surface and underground rock drilling - Raise Boring - Rock reinforcement - Underground loaders and trucks - Light construction tools Best Regards, William Quesnel Sr December 5, 2000 9:44 AM WQ - email to BQ (copy GG LL) - Subject: Press Release - Atlas Copco - Sudbury Service Centre for North America - Hi Folks - This all ties in to what Atlas Copco are wanting to do with oil analysis press information Business area: Atlas Copco Construction and Mining North America 10/13/2000 For further information please contact: Ian Hale, V.P. Customer Service, Phone: (705) 669-2902 Fax: (705) 692-3101 email: ian.hale@atlascopco.com Sudbury chosen as customer service call centre for North America Atlas Copco Construction and Mining North America has chosen Sudbury as the location for its new customer service call centre. The driving force behind this change is the company's desire to centralize key after market support services including parts order processing, technical support and equipment re-manufacturing. By consolidating these disciplines, customers will benefit from an expanded range of services, higher quality and improved responsiveness. Dick Plate, General Manager of Atlas Copco Construction and Mining N.A. says: "Sudbury's mining equipment knowledge base and bilingual character make it an ideal location for a customer service call centre."The company's re-manufacturing operations have grown steadily over the years and Atlas Copco is today a leader in this field. Helping equipment users keep their operating cost down by offering value-added machine and component re-manufacturing services remains a top priority. Atlas Copco Construction and Mining North America is a sales and service company within the worldwide Atlas Copco group serving the mining and construction industries in Canada and the USA. From its principal locations in Montreal, Sudbury, Creighton, Chicago and Atlanta and through a network of regional field service centres, the company supports customers with products and services in the areas of: - Surface and underground rock drilling - Raise Boring - Rock reinforcement - Underground loaders and trucks - Light construction tools December 1, 2000 4:35 AM BV - email to BQ (Fwd WQ) - Subject: Fw: AC Excell draft examples - Hi Bill Here is the info I had promised, look at the "Atlas Cocpo fleet" sheet and use the buttons to follow the flow. This is the concept we would like to see, 1-see the fleet of equipment, 2-then breaking it down to the main components, 3-then to the graphs, 4-then to the results of the oil analyse This simple concept will allow one person(ie: fleet manager) to monitor a lot of equipment and if required break the information down to the level he needs or just inform someone (service manger) to check the details and have the rig checked or repaired. Again we think that if we can merge what we know on component life with oil analyse we can start to build a system that should catch failures or high rebuild costs before they occure and this will lead to reduceing our customers costs. Of course this should also guarantee us(ACCMNA, Wear Check) more work so we both can make a few dollars. Please change the email address for all the oil sample results to Robert.kirkwood@atlascopco.com He will be resopnsable for sending the information to our customers. If you need any info please give me a call or e-mail Blaine (see C:\My Documents\WearCheck\Sales\Atlas Copco\ INDUSTRIAL OIL ANALYSIS REPORT VS.xls) see C:\My Documents\WearCheck\Sales\Atlas Copco\oil analysis ST8B 820.xls) November 30, 2000 11:39 AM LL. Talked with Blaine and Bob Kirkwood to see if there was any questions or problems.Bob is looking for product information about Wearcheck. Bob wants to include this info in their quotes when bidding on a job to show that we a partnering, can we set him up with this? Bob also inquired about the Red light Green light flagging system for the mobile equipment. This was sent down in May and due for completion in Sept. but have not had an update, can we get Bob an update. November 2, 2000 2:39 PM GG - PURCHASED 8 CARTONS WCMOB1-12 - SIFS AC531881-531976 October 31, 2000 10:24 AM WQ - email to BQ GG LL - I plan to come to WearCheck for Friday as that is the scheduled day for the management meeting, do you wish to do this earlier? I am available any day this week. With regard to Atlas Copco - I visited them with Len on September 26, and they seemed in no immediate hurry, however would like us to get our proposal together. A lot of the proposal hinges on how WebCheck is to be set up to accommodate Copco (see the bold italic text in the Sep Call Report below). They really want to have a "hot button" that tells them when a component should be scheduled for replacement. I have copied this to Gloria and Len for any further information available since our visit. Dad October 30, 2000 2:31 PM BQ - email to WQ - What day will you be at WearCheck this week? We need to have a management meeting to discuss some items. 1. Atlas Copco. What is happening with this? Please poll Len. I just had a call from Blaine Vatcher and they are looking for some deadlines. Regards, Bill Quesnel October 4, 2000 5:57 AM GG - email to BQ WQ - Subject: ATLAS COPCO - Billy, Please get in touch with Dave or Blaine from Atlas Copco or Len LeBlanc regarding his Maximizer note. Gloria LL. Met with Blaine and Dave Palomaki to go over and update this project. They are looking for an update on the graph project. I know thar Bill has been playing phone tag with bliane and Dave. They are expecting the Inco project to be ready by the end of Oct. They will require our presence at this presentation. Blaine would like to know if we have a sample of a Bif that we can send him via email. The reason is the information coming in from the field is incomplete and Blaine wants to put on a course on how to fill out. Should Copco get the Inco contract they will want the Bifs streamlined so the field guys are filling out minimual information. I would like Bill to set aside an afternoon some day to come and talk to Dave and Blaine so we can make sure we are pointed in the right direction. September 26, 2000 2:08 PM WQ/LL - Made this call to keep our project alive. They have put together a unique method of servicing their customers, called the Copco Exchange Program. Copco have fabricated large steel boxes that could contain any one of most of the large components (such as an gear train or an axle from a Load Haul Dump Unit) used in the custom built mining equipment that they manufacture. They send rebuilt components out to be exchanged for components removed from operating machines. The box is equipped with a complete parts manual, instructions for removal and installation of the component, as well as all necessary tools (including power tools). The mine advises when a unit will be brought in for service and what needs to be replaced. Copco ship the Exchange component just-in-time to the mine. The machine is brought in to an underground shop and the components exchanged. The used component is dropped into the box and sent back to Copco to be rebuilt. Copco counts everything that is returned and bills for whatever does not come back (including manuals, part lists and tools). The mine is billed for the repair of the returned component. If the mine has Copco equipment on a contract price/ton mined bases - Copco absorbs the cost of the repair. When Copco rebuilds the component they incorporate all improvements available for that component into the rebuild (thus keeping the components on operating units up to current technology). Copco want WearCheck to provide oil analysis for several reasons: 1) to monitor contamination and severe wear to enable them to eliminate catastrophic failure of components. This is especially desirable where Copco has equipment on a cost/ton contract basis, as Copco bears the brunt of repair costs and is penalized for down time. 2) to use the history to schedule rebuilds of exchange components and to alert customers to required exchanges before major wear to components. Two-fold benefit of scheduling maintenance intervals and minimizing repair costs (reduced rebuilding costs). 3) to monitor that customers are actually performing maintenance (no oil sample no warranty). Historically there is a lot of abuse of equipment in production mining, as the push is always to get tonnage to the mill, at any cost. 4) to build history of individual component wear and failures of parts, to enable engineering to pinpoint problems and make improvements to parts and components in their machines. Atlas Copco are moving more towards provision of equipment on contract price/ton basis with full service, as it shuts out competitors who cannot offer a full line of equipment and such a level of service. They see WearCheck and WebCheck as a great tool to add to their level of professionalism and reduce costs. Copco maintain a database of some 18,000 pieces of mining equipment sold over the years in North America. The database contains descriptions of the equipment including the make and model of all out-sourced components in the units (such as engines, axles, transmission, gear cases, hydraulic systems etc....) The oil analysis program could be spread to all of these machines as they see the benefits of a monitored oil analysis program. The Atlas Copco Exchange Program started in Sudbury, and is very successful. They have moved into a large facility and are already looking to expand. They have several large tenders in the works with mines, for the supply of equipment on a contract price per ton basis. Copco want a system that will alert them quickly to any problem, and are not interested in studying reams of reports. "An alert button". WQ described the graphic representation of samples where the two axes of a graph are "severity of sample" and "criticality of component", and all sample results are plotted on one page. WQ explained how it would be simple to see the important information migrate to the corner of the graph that included both factors. Those dots would represent samples from untis that would bear investigation. They both liked the concept. Fortunately Copco are not totally ready for WearCheck and WebCheck) at this time, but woiuld like to get started with oil analysis in earnest in mid to near the end of October. They will continue to buy sample kits in the same fashion they have up to this point. They have one unit with a catapillar engine using SOS sample kits, provided by CAT. September 26, 2000 12:27 PM GG - email to BQ (copy KM WQ) - Subject: Fw: Lake Erie Steel and OPG - Nanticoke - Billy, What is the status on Ontario Power's units and the re-naming of them? Gloria ----- Original Message ----- From: S. Robertson - To: Gloria Gonzalez Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 9:40 AM Subject: Lake Erie Steel and OPG - Nanticoke Hi Gloria, Fred Wood - Lake Erie Steel Co. Ltd. (Stelco) Nanticoke (519) 587-4541 5310 wants all hard copies of reports sent all at once. Sam Magro - Ontario Power Generation - Nanticoke Coal Yard (519) 587-2201 3470 would like to know the status on his binder that he requested 3 weeks ago. I told him that there was a hold put on it because of the odessey issue. I am going to see him next Friday. Sam needs to know exactly what is happening with this binder. Thanks, Scott Robertson September 26, 2000 12:17 PM GG - email to WQ BQ KM RI - Subject: Fw: Goods Garage - St. Jacobs - FYI.. ----- Original Message ----- From: John Murphy To: Gloria Perez Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 2:47 PM Subject: Goods Garage - St. Jacobs The computer operator at Goods complained that our system for adding or removing units from their equipment list is very time consuming. He suggested a site be offered for this purpose. Click on to add or remove. He will be calling you to review our present system in case he is missing something. He will be adding 10 new units very soon. Thanks for your help. John September 8, 2000 8:58 AM GG - WearCheck sent 7 MOB2 info sheets as requested to replace lost ones. September 7, 2000 8:13 AM LL. Met with Blaine and Dave Palomaki to go over and update this project. They are looking for an update on the graph project. I know thar Bill has been playing phone tag with bliane and Dave. They are expecting the Inco project to be ready by the end of Oct. They will require our presence at this presentation. Blaine would like to know if we have a sample of a Bif that we can send him via email. The reason is the information coming in from the field is incomplete and Blaine wants to put on a course on how to fill out. Should Copco get the Inco contract they will want the Bifs streamlined so the field guys are filling out minimual information. I would like Bill to set aside an afternoon some day to come and talk to Dave and Blaine so we can make sure we are pointed in the right direction. July 12, 2000 12:22 PM LL. Met with Blaine Vatcher to see if they were a little more prepared for the oil sampling. They still have not hired a manager to look after the sampling program they are hoping to do this later this summer. They are getting more of their business parteners on line as they had ameeting with the Wagner people in the afternoon. The Wagner group build the scoops and trucks for the copco group. Blaine was wondering how his project was progressing. He requested that a dollar figure be attached to the unit being sampled so someone can check by unit to see how much each unit has cost. Can you get back to me so I can update Blaine. May 25, 2000 8:02 PM LL. Blaine has a question concerning Web Check and that being, Is there a screen where he can look up account information? He is not concerned about wheter or not they have been bill or paid the invoice he would like to be able to look up and see how much oil analysis has been done by unit. He would like to see a recent total as well as a year to date total. Is this available? May 9, 2000 2:04 PM LL/WQ - Dave Palomaki visited our booth at CIM MM2000 in Sudbury. They are presentlyh bidding 3 packages to different customers. One has 6 units the other 8 units and the other is not yet determined, however he expects to have 50 units in a sampling program soon. He was wondering what progress we are making and how soon we will present the whole sampling program package to them. He also would like us to be involved in the presentation for their first two packages now being bid. The meetings would involve outlining the warranty program (and WearCheck's role in oil analysis) to Wagner, Dana, Copco Group, and the customers. Atlas Copco would like a "branded" program. February 11, 2000 1:07 PM LL.Had ameeting with Dave and Blaine Vatcher and Rod Raymaond. We determined some step to start off with so we can get the partnership started. Dave took note of the meeting and will be forwarding to Rod and myself. There will be actions required on both sides as per the minutes. Copco is using our name when they do a proposal to a customer, they would like to include us in time in the proposal process that may require our presence at the proposal or just a power point presentation to be included in their presentation. Sudbury will be a test patch for Atlas Copco and should this prove positive it will then be expanded to world wide. January 22, 2002 1:21 PM www.atlascopco-cmna.com Web Site Visited: Atlas Copco Public (705) 673-6711 Phone (705) 692-3101 Fax 38 ONT - Northeast Len LeBlanc Public Ont. www.atlascopco-cmna.com P3Y 1L2 32 Shand Street Stafford WC - International Member Brisbane Australian Lab Services Australian Lab Services Australia Australian Lab Services 950718000141764977613C August 7, 2001 11:37 AM BQ email to JT PJ GK LC GB AG (copy WQ) - Subject: CINRG / WCI affiliation proposal - Lesley, Gary, Alistair, Greg, Peter, Gilbert and Jesus, Please read the attached proposal. I would say that this is my last (and best) attempt for a viable solution to the CINRG group within WearCheck International. I think that you will find my proposal interesting at the least, and hopefully as exciting as I think that it is. I have not included any hype, just a straight-forward presentation of the current situation. I know each one of you well enough to first, propose this to you and second, consider your participation valuable. I hope that you will each take the time to discuss this proposal with me. (see Document today - Cinrg Proposal) Best Regards, Bill Quesnel July 31, 2001 10:28 AM WQ email to PJ (copy BQ RB) - Subject: Re: South America - Western North America Peter - We have pulled up the numbers and they are quite a bit less than we had anticipated. Peter I still think this would be a viable joint-venture for us to enter. There exists a "western mentality" in our western provinces, and they like to do business locally in that part of the world. We understand our competitors in Alberta are processing many more samples than WearCheck Canada Inc is, and at generally higher prices. We know they have opened labs here in Ontario, however they usually fail within a year or so and retreat back west, as they have a higher price structure. We think that we could take a lot of business away from them in western Canada at our pricing, and with our superior software. The Catch22 is we need a local laboratory to get the business. I have attached the numbers and our proposal. Please respond once you have discussed. July 30, 2001 11:22 PM PJ emaill to WQ - Subject: RE: South America - Western North America - Hi Bill. - Have you had a chance to look at some sample numbers and prospects yet. I need some hard numbers to talk to Greg K. Cheers, Peter J. June 22, 2001 3:34 AM WQ email to PJ (copy RI KM GG FP BQ RB) - Subject: Re: South America - Western North America - Peter - WearCheck Canada has a more urgent agenda than "a year down the pipe", for Canada (South America is not so urgent). We want to get started in Canada, with a western laboratory as soon as possible. With our present system we could get a laboratory (with the proper equipment) up and running in very short order. We have begun to enlarge our sales force across Canada, and know that the "local lab" syndrome is a major factor in the success of winning new business in the extremities (east and west coasts) of Canada. The agenda we propose would be for Wearcheck Canada to initially provide: 1) Sales of bottles and boxes through our existing infrastructure in WearCheck Mississauga. 2) Our laboratory management software Lab Check to be "connectected" to dedicated equipment in house at the remote laboratory 3) Any assistance required to get the equipment connected to the system, and training of technicians if required. 3) Diagnosis of samples by our resident diagnosticians (in Mississauga) 4) WebCheck for the delivery of information to and from customers.(one face for North America) ALS Chemex would provide: 1) The facilities for the laboratory 2) Use their existing equipment if suitable or purchase required equipment 3) Labour to receive and technicians to process samples The idea being to get up and running quickly. WearCheck Canada would turn over all existing business west of Saskatchewan to the Vancouver lab, negotiate a price for the various tests performed by ALS Chemex and pay at the end of each month for the service provided. We would initially handle sales to customers, move to stocking bottles and boxes in Vancouver. We would expect that ALS would begin to get involved in sales, provide space for sales personnel and eventually become a stand alone facility in Vancouver. Along the way we agree to continually modify our pricing arrangements to suit the developing situation. This is just a quick outline of how we think it could work, get started and begin earning revenue for both of us - at the expense of our competitors. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr. June 22, 2001 3:22 AM PJ email to WQ - Subject: RE: South America - Western North America - Bill, I have discussed with Greg K. and we may be able to do something in Vancouver. Please prepare a brief proposal outlining exactly what you want from us and what you would be putting in eg. we setup the lab with equipment x, y, z to provide service a, b, c and staff; you provide software, kits, diagnosis and marketing, so that we provide you an analysis only service, and we split the income. I would like to then discuss your ideas at the WCI conference. Would WC USA be in on it as well or is it only a WCC deal. Basically, I need to be able to determine the cost to ALS and have a year 1 budget and a short-term pay-back strategy to be able to go to Greg K. with this. See you soon. Cheers, Peter J. June 14, 2001 3:48 PM WQ email to PJ - Subject: South America - Western North America - Peter - Have been having some difficulty with my email so am sending this again, just in case not received. > We are examining a joint venture to introduce oil analysis in Chile and Peru. Some time ago ALS advised that you had purchased laboratories in South America. Has ALS begun to do any work in oil analysis in South America? We are getting anxious to begin oil analysis in western Canada. Is there some way we can move ahead withs tarting this process. Would it be worth our while to travel to BC tod iscuss getting this launched, and whom should we be talking to out there? We have decided to move ahead with rapid expansion in North America. W earCheck USA are moving ahead very rapidly now, and have landed a couple of major accounts that will give them twice our volume, and some of this is spilling over into Canada. We think it is a major obstruction to increasing business - not to have a western laboratory. William Quesnel Sr June 13, 2001 7:57 PM PJ email to WQ (copy GK) - Subject: RE: South America - Western North America - Bill, I will be attending the WCI conference, so we can pursue this discussion further then. You are correct. We have quite a number of sites in South America and both our Minerals and Environmental divisions have a presence. The new maps on our website show the current lab locations. Our major South American lab sites are in Santiago and Lima. We have been pondering the benefits of a Vancouver and a Santiago Oils lab for some time. However, we have a lot of activities going on at the moment with the roll-out of our Wear Check and WebCheck services to Singapore, growing our expanded Sydney Fuel and Grease analysis business, and launching our new e-Monitor service, as well as a couple of WebCheck customisation projects to bring on line. I guess that our plans for the Americas have gone on the back-burner with the failure of our negotiations and with all this activity. I am still hopeful that we could have a Vancouver Oils lab by this time next year, but I would certainly like to hear your proposal. See you in July. Cheers, Peter J. April 26, 2001 10:48 AM GK email to BQ (copy WQ PJ) - Subject: RE: WearCheck Canada - Bill - Thanks for the e-mail. You should be heading over to Wimbledon as you are obviously very apt at putting the ball squarely back into my court!! As I said on the phone to your dad, normalising accounts is very difficult. I have looked at the net assets, revenues, our expected ROS, risk and the data you provided. On that basis I come up with a valuation of around CAD$1,380,000 for the company free of external debt. Peter mentioned to me that CTC had put a value of around $1,500,000 on the business and as that is near our valuation, we would also look at $1,500,000 as a reasonable purchase price. Obviously we would want Bill (JR) to be looked after in the deal and come to suitable arrangements re ongoing support and remuneration in the software development business as well as keeping access to his knowledge of the oils business in general. It is early days in our discussions but I think it is important that we see if we are in the same ballpark valuation wise and on the same wavelength re the future, before we either move forward or look at other ways of leveraging off what our two companies bring to the table. I look forward tohearing from you. Greg Kilmister General Manager & CEO Australian Laboratory Services Pty Ltd Phone +61 7 32437222 Fax +61 7 33560091 e-mail gregk@als.com.au April 20, 2001 10:36 AM BQ - email to GK (copy GK) - Subject: WearCheck Canada - Greg, I am writing this e-mail on behalf of both my father and myself, after having sat down together and had a good chat about about our future wants and desires for both WearCheck and CINRG, and your request for a figure on the value of our company. It is hard to put a number on the value of our company when you consider that we have both invested a great deal of ourselves, both physically and mentally over the last 12 years. The excercise of producing a valuation of WearCheck has showed us exactly how much money we are actually taking out of the company strictly for our own purposes, and surprised us (a little anyway). Any valuation would have to start by replacing that income for both my father and myself. I imagine that your view of our present situation is that we have a company that fairs quite well, however, my father and I have different interests, and that is driving us towards selling. I understand the synergies that would be realized by merging our organization with ALS Chemex, and I must admit that what Peter Jordan and I discussed with regards to my career within ALS Chemex sure did hit all the right buttons. Albeit, we do have the option of finding a dedicated manager with a desire and the skill to make WearCheck prosper in Canada, leaving my father and I to pursue other interests. Our success with WebCheck and our LIMS has prompted me to think that I would better serve myself being in a computer career rather than the jack-of-all-trades manager of an oil analysis company. My real desire is to see CINRG, in the form of WebCheck, realize the economies of scale that it was designed to meet. To be the system of choice for many oil analysis laboratories not simply two, and to adapt these systems to our related chemical industries. This is my passion. So as you must understand, my father and I are not sold on the idea of selling WearCheck. You must make us an offer that will reflect ALS Chemex's desire to aquire WearCheck and CINRG, and that will leave behind any doubt for my father and I as to whether or not we should actually sell our company. Then, and only then, will my father and I be able to reach the proper decision on this difficult matter. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel Vice-President WearCheck Canada Inc. April 17, 2001 6:20 PM WQ - Phjone call from Greg Kilmister. After looking at numbers he realizes that there is a lot of normalization that needs to be done in a private company. There could be a lot of discussion about normalization. He would prefer that we give him a number that we think WC is worth. They will then do an asset calculation and deem the difference to be "good will". The good will price will then be negotiated to what we can both accept. If it takes a period of time to purchase the company they would give us the good will plus whatever the capital assets were worth at the time of closing the sale. ALS purchased ISL Environmental Labs in Vancouver (they have branches in Indonesia, and Chile as well). Company had three principals (staying on) and 95 employees. ALS plan to exapnd Environmental labs into Toronto area. ISL had Told Greg I would speak with Bill Jr and we would get back to him by the end of this week or first of next week. April 10, 2001 8:31 AM WQ - email to PJ GK (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: Bill Q Sr - Phone Numbers - Peter - Greg My home telephone number is (905) 335-9922 Lorraine usually forwards our home number to her cell phone so you will always get an answer at that number. We have a fax at home - the number is (905) 332-0289 and I would prefer any correspondence be sent to that number. My cell telephone number is (905) 467-3562 and I carry the cell phone with me all day - usually plug it in at home about 6:00 pm every night but it is left on. I am in an out of two offices WearCheck (905) 569-8600 and Parts HeadQuarters (905) 332-3271 but they always know where I am. We are engaged in a Sales Meeting all day today at WearCheck so I am in the WearCheck offices today Tuesday April 10 and will probably have a late evening. Wednesday April 11 we are attending a Noria training session on "Oil Analysis" all day and will probably have a late evening. Thursday April 12 we are attending a Noria training session on "Oil Analysis" all day and will probably have a late evening. Friday April 13 is a holiday (Good Friday) and I will be available at either my home (905) 335-9922 or my cell (905) 467-3562 If you wish to discuss detail of our numbers, it would be best if you call Friday as I could give you more attention. If you wish to fax me questions about the numbers send to (905) 332-0289 and I will have answers the next day by return fax or email. I have been having trouble with email of late - please acknowledge the receipt or advise that you have received this message. Best Regards Bill Q Sr April 9, 2001 9:55 PM PJ - email to WQ (copy BQ) - Bill, Can you please email your phone contact details (work, home, mobile) as Greg K. would like to phone you to discuss the numbers. Thanks, Peter Jordan April 9, 2001 5:06 PM Yeoh Guan Huah - email to WQ (copy PJ AS) - Subject: RE: Alliance - Dear Mr Quesnel and Mr Anderson, Your enquiries have been forwarded to me in Singapore. We shall be interested to pursue your proposal of laboratory alliance further. Kindly let me have more ideas in due course. Our Singapore operation has been involved in lube oil checks analyses for the past 10 years and has served many satisfying customers in the South East Asian region. We are also the appointed Asian analysts for Allied Signal Aerospace of Phoenix, Arizona, USA for the analysis of used aircraft engine oil. Allied Signal's clients include airlines and flying clubs from Taiwan to Mauritius. You may see our homepage at http://www.als.com.au I can be contacted at the above email address. Best regards G H Yeoh ALS TECHNICHEM (S) PTE LTD 14 Little Road #07-01 & #08-01 Tropical Industrial Building Singapore 536987 Tel: 65-2839268 Fax: 65-2839689 email: alssg@als.com.sg -----Original Message----- From: Peter Jordan [mailto:PeterJ@als.com.au] Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 5:50 AM To: 'Bill Quesnel' Cc: 'AndersonGlobal@compuserve.com'; Yeoh Guan Huah Subject: RE: Alliance Bill, We have two joint venture environmental labs in Malaysia, KL and Johor Bahru. Our closest oils lab is in Singapore, which routinely services Malaysian customers. I am sending a copies of this communication to the manager of our Singapore lab. Cheers, Peter J. -----Original Message----- From: Bill Quesnel [mailto:billqsr@wearcheck.ca] Sent: Monday, 9 April 2001 22:14 To: Peter Jordan Subject: Fw: Alliance Peter Is Malaysia within the area covered by ALS? Bill Q Sr ----- Original Message ----- From: Ron Anderson Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 4:44 PM Subject: Alliance Dear Mr. Quesnel, My company is involved in the field of maintenance of rotating equipment, condition monitoring and allied services in Malaysia. We are seeking to form an alliance with an internationally recognized company in lubrication analysis with a view to extending our service in this area. We currently offer some lubrication analysis services. If this of interest to your company could you please contact the undersigned. Thank you Ron Anderson Serba Dinamik SB e-mail: AndersonGlobal@compuserve.com April 4, 2001 2:29 PM PJ - email to BQ (copy GK) - Subject: RE: WearCheck Canada - FOR SALE (2nd message) - Bill, Thank you for your information. It looks quite comprehensive. Greg K. is currently reviewing the information and we will be in touch with you shortly to progress our discussions. Best Regards, Peter J. April 2, 2001 4:42 PM WQ - email to GK PJ (copy to BQ) - Subject: WearCheck Canada Inc - Sirs I make no apology for the delay in sending you this information! Let me say that it was a long and difficult job to prepare the information in a format that one hopes is readily understandable. We do have computer systems that provide all the information, just not in a presentable format when exported. I have attached: 1) WCEvaluation2001.doc (WinWord format) that summarizes the financial position of WearCheck Canada Inc over the past three years, the budget year 2001, and three planning years into the future. I have added many items (unique to us as owners of the company) back into the profit to demonstrate the real profits of WearCheck Canada - to normalize the profit line. 2) WCFinanacial1999-2000.pdf and WCFinancial1997-1998.pdf (Adobe Acrobat) are scanned copies of financial "Review Engagement Reports" prepared by an outside financial accounting firm. The business is family owned, and we have not felt the need to go through the formal audit process. Goebell, McAdam, Alexander LLP have been auditors of WearCheck for the past 25 years. WCFinancial1999-2000 is a draft report, however it will not be altered significantly once it is finalized. 3)WCPlan2001.xls (Excel Format) is the budget and working papers for WearCheck Canada Inc.'s budget for this year 2001. This document shows three prior years, the budget for 2001, and three years planning into the future. You will find considerable detail in this document. 4) January2001.xls (Excel Format) is actual financial statements for January 2001 prepared in-house. 5) February2001.xls (Excel Format) is actual financial statements for February 2001. I am happy to say we are ahead of budgeted profit so far this year. 6) Laboratory Instrumentation List.xls (Excel Format) shows all existing laboratory equipment at WearCheck Canada Inc., in detail. This will give you an idea of how current our equipment is. 7) CapitalAssets1999-2000.xls (Excel Format) shows the detail of purchases of Capital Equipment in 1999 and 2000. You will note in our 2001 budget that we have planned significantly reduced purchases of Capital Equipment. We now feel we have most of the necessary equipment in place. In addition to the above items, WearCheck Canada Inc has registered the WearCheck name and logo on the highest copyright register in the USA and Canada. WearCheck Canada has a licensing agreement in place with WearCheck USA whereby WearCheck USA pays WearCheck Canada Inc royalty fees of: 2000-2001 = 4% of USA sales (commencing Jul 1st ending Jun 1st - following year) 2001-2002 = 3% of USA sales (commencing Jul 1st ending Jun 1st - following year) 2002-2003 = 2% of USA sales (commencing Jul 1st ending Jun 1st - following year) 2003-2007 = 1% of USA sales (commencing Jul 1st ending Jun 1st - following year) for the use of the WearCheck name in the USA. WearCheck Canada retains ownership of the WearCheck name and copyright throughout and surviving the licensing agreement. This information should allow you to make a reasonable appraisal of the value of WearCheck Canada Inc. Peter you asked me "Any normalization of the numbers needs to include a full justification. Could you also please forward the names and contact details of customers, suppliers and WebCheck / LabCheck clients who can be used as referees to verify performance statements made regarding the businesses.." We can substantiate the claims made in normalizing the financial numbers, and can provide the names and contact details of customers and supplier to be used as referees to verify performance. I would prefer to wait until ALS has advised us what you feel is a reasonable offer based on the numbers in this presentation, before proceeding to that stage of the negotiations. Bill Jr and I appreciate the interest Australian Laboratory Services has shown in acquiring WearCheck Canada Inc., and we are interested in selling the company so both of us can get on with our first interests in business. Thank you for your patience Best Regards William Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca President WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca March 27, 2001 5:00 PM PJ - email to WQ (copy GK) - Subject: RE: Purchase of WearCheck Canada and CINRG Systems - Bill, Thanks for your reply. I didn't receive your previous responses. I look forward to receiving your information. Best Regards, Peter J. March 27, 2001 4:47 PM WQ - email to PJ (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: Purchase of WearCheck Canada and CINRG Systems - Peter - Sorry for the delay, however it is not an simple task to pull out financial information that cannot be extracted in a simple report.. I have spent the past week gathering together all of the pertinent information into a spreadsheet, which is now nearly complete. I need to discuss with Bill Jr to be sure I have not missed anything and will put together a quick email for Greg and yourself - then send detail by courier. Should have it all completed this week. I did reply to both of your email messages - I wonder if there is something wrong with my mail system. I will send this with "Request Read Receipt" to be sure you get it. Bill Q Sr March 26, 2001 9:04 PM PJ - email to WQ (copy BQ) - Bill, Have you received my two previous emails? Is there a problem with the information I have requested? After our meeting in Toronto I have worked hard on ALS senior management in Vancouver and Brisbane to get the interest and momentum going for this project. This lack of a response is undoing my efforts. If there is a problem or change in thoughts I would like to know. Otherwise, could you give me an idea of timing on having the requested information available.. Thanks, Peter Jordan March 20, 2001 12:01 AM WQ - email to PJ (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: Purchase of WearCheck Canada and CINRG Systems - Peter - I did send you a brief message - which bounced back as undeliverable today. I will try to resend to this address. I am working on financials while on holiday in Las Vegas. Unfortunately the desire to holiday is winning and I have been a bit slow. I will try to get these numbers sent off to you as soon as I return home. Will send the three years financial statements as well as my interpretation of what should be pulled out of costs. I have attached the two pictures that we took at Niagara Falls during your visit Will there be anyone from Australia attending the WearCheck International Meetings in Cary North Carolina USA this year? Bill Sr March 19, 2001 12:35 PM PJ - email to WQ BQ - Subject: Purchase of WearCheck Canada and CINRG Systems - Bill, Could you give me an idea of timing on having the financial information available. Greg K. has asked me for a status report. Thanks, Peter Jordan Division Manager - Oils Australian Laboratory Services 32 Shand St., Stafford QLD 4053 Ph: (07) 3243 7222 Fax: (07) 3243 7218 E-mail: peterj@als.com.au Website: www.als.com.au March 12, 2001 7:30 PM PJ - email to WQ (copy BQ GK) - Subject: Purchase of WearCheck Canada and CINRG Systems - Bill, - I am finally back in the office. New Orleans was interesting!! While in New Orleans I had the opportunity to present the WearCheck Canada concept, that we had discussed, to the other division managers and Greg K. There was interest in the concept of a WearCheck lab in Vancouver and Toronto to offer a national service in Canada, and also in the concept of an inhouse ALS software company that specialised in the Internet arena and was created as a profit centre leveraging off the internal expertise to sell to external non-competing laboratories. As I had mentioned to you, ALS will soon be contracting out the development of WebCheck type client access programs for our Minerals and Environmental divisions. These projects plus the need to be able to quickly and economically expand services, customise aspects to client requirements, and the general desire to have a continually relevant and interactive e-business presence on the Internet were recognised by all as an opportunity to strike out in a different direction. The general consensus was for me to proceed with our discussions to see if there is a mutually acceptable deal that we can arrive at for the acquisition of WearCheck Canada and CINRG Systems by ALS. Greg K. also floated the idea of you retaining a 20% equity in CINRG systems as an incentive to keep it as a profit centre rather than simply a cost to the business units. I assume that you are still interested in ALS acquiring your businesses and in your joining ALS. Therefore, could you please prepare a detailed P&L for the operation of WearCheck Canada and CINRG Systems for the last 3 years and the YTD performance for the current fiscal year. With this information as a starting point we should be able to arrive at a mutually acceptable valuation and payment scheme. Any normalisation of the numbers needs to include a full justification. Could you also please forward the names and contact details of customers, suppliers and WebCheck / LabCheck clients who can be used as referees to verify performance statements made regarding the businesses. I am excited by the opportunities that WearCheck Canada and CINRG Systems present and I look forward to welcoming you to the ALS group. If you wish to discuss any details you can contact me on my mobile (+61 417 726268). I look forward to receiving your timely response. January 24, 2001 11:19 AM WQ - email to PJ (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: Visit in February - Peter - We are most interested in selling WearCheck Canada Inc. As you know Bill Jr wants to focus on the Information Technology side of the business. Bill wants to stay related to the WearCheck group and provide Internet based computer services (such as WebCheck Intranet software, and LabCheck Laboratory Information Management software) to WC Group. This technology is now running WearCheck Canada and WearCheck USA, and rapidly expanding the market for WearCheck in North America. We have formed a new company, CINRG. We believe this new venture will consume all of Bill's time and effort and leave little or no time to operate the WearCheck laboratory. We have made an effort to hire a new General Manager to run the laboratory, and actually made a formal offer to Andre Verlinden of WearCheck Belgium (however he has decided to remain in Europe for the time being). We are actively looking for someone to take over full responsibility of running the oil analysis business and the laboratory (if we are to keep it). We would prefer to sell the company, especially to someone within the WearCheck Group, or an outside company willing to join the WC group. We are working on a realistic evaluation of WearCheck Canada in preparation to selling, and will advise WC Group that we are placing the company for sale. I look forward to our meeting in February. We have booked your hotel room at the Travelodge Hotel on the lake in Burlington (near where we live), and it may be after 9:00 pm when we get you to the hotel. We can either have a late dinner or a drink. Best Regards William Quesnel Sr. January 23, 2001 2:37 PM WQ - email to PJ (copy BQ) - Peter - I will meet your flight and drive you to your hotel. We will book accommodation for you at a hotel near the laboratory, and I will provide a car for your use during your stay. Will you be travelling directly through Vancouver on you way from Australia, or will you spend some time in Vancouver first? Would you wish to rest the evening of February 24th., or would you feel up to dinner? Are your plans to discuss extending oil analysis to the Chemex labs on the west coast or is ALS still interested in purchasing WearCheck Canada? William Quesnel Sr January 23, 2001 1:07 PM PJ - email to WQ - Subject: RE: Visit in February - Bill, Thanks for your email and for your assistance in organising things in Toronto. I will be flying to Toronto first (transiting via Vancouver) to meet with you and then returning to Vancouver for meetings. I would be happy to have dinner with you on the Saturday evening if you have the time, or a drink if you have already eaten. Both scenarios you have mentioned are of interest to me. However, in previous correspondence I sensed that you are undecided as to whether you really want to sell WC Canada. This is entirely understandable as you have most probably put your heart and soul into making your business successful, and so I am more than willing to discuss any scenario that sits comfortably with you. Of course Greg Kilmister would need to approve any purchase agreement, but I am still keen to pursue this course. Please let me know your thoughts. I look forward to catching up with you soon. Best Regards, Peter J. January 22, 2001 3:33 PM PJ - email to WQ - Subject: RE: Visit in February - Bill, I will be arriving in Toronto at 7:50pm on Saturday the 24th of February on AC3988 from Vancouver. Can you suggest a hotel to stay at? Should I stay near the airport? Where, roughly, is your lab? Can you give me your contact details. I am planning to spend Monday at your site and fly back to Vancouver on Tuesday Morning (10:15am AC161). I'm looking forward to catching up with you and furthering discussions on co-operation in the Americas. Cheers, Peter J. October 8, 2000 2:27 PM PJ - email to WQ - Subject: RE: Visit in February - Thanks Bill. I'll contact you again about this visit closer to the time. Best Regards, Peter Jordan. October 6, 2000 8:58 PM WQ - email to PJ - Subject: Re: Visit in February - Peter Your schedule for visit to WC Canada is fine, I will book the time in my calendar. Look forward to seeing you, lots of possibilities to cooperate in furthering oil analysis in North America. It may be worthwhile to have Jim Chambers come to Canada at the same time and have a three-way discussion on North America. I will speak to Jim later this month in Tulsa at the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference and keep you advised. Best regards Bill Q Sr. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Peter Jordan" To: "William Quesnel - WC Canada" Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 8:46 PM Subject: Visit in February > Bill (Senior and Junior), > > We are planning for an ALS Senior Managers meeting in Vancouver end of > February, followed by PittCon in New Orleans. I would like to add a brief > visit to your site to my trip if you are agreeable. I would hopefully fly > into Toronto on Saturday the 24th of February and visit your lab on Monday > the 26th, flying out to Vancouver on Tuesday the 27th. Being in Canada, it > is an ideal opportunity to see how you do things and to further discussions > regarding closer interaction and cooperation in Central America and the West > Coast of North America. > > I understand that it is some time yet until my proposed dates and that your > plans may change, but I need to make bookings now as PittCon is very busy > and bookings are filling up. > > Best Regards, > Peter Jordan. > > > ********************************************************************** > > This e-mail and any file transmitted with it are confidential and > intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom > they are addressed. If you received this e-mail in error, please > notify the email Administrator at MailAdmin@als.com.au. > > This footnote also confirms that this message has been swept > to the best of our current abilities for the presence of computer > viruses. You should NOT take this as any guarantee or > warrant that such material is Virus free, and should apply Virus > detection techniques appropriate to your security requirements > BEFORE using any material attached to this message. > > ********************************************************************** > October 5, 2000 4:44 PM PJ - email to WQ (fwd to BQ) - Subject: Visit in February - Bill (Senior and Junior), We are planning for an ALS Senior Managers meeting in Vancouver end of February, followed by PittCon in New Orleans. I would like to add a brief visit to your site to my trip if you are agreeable. I would hopefully fly into Toronto on Saturday the 24th of February and visit your lab on Monday the 26th, flying out to Vancouver on Tuesday the 27th. Being in Canada, it is an ideal opportunity to see how you do things and to further discussions regarding closer interaction and cooperation in Central America and the West Coast of North America. I understand that it is some time yet until my proposed dates and that your plans may change, but I need to make bookings now as PittCon is very busy and bookings are filling up. Best Regards, Peter Jordan. October 1, 2000 6:23 PM GS - email to WQ (copy PJ) - Subject: Lab Solvents - Hello Bill - My name is Grant Schueller I am the Lab Manger for WearCheck Australia (ALS), I am responding in regards to the below e-mail sent to Peter Jordan. Currently ALS uses Toluene @100 and Hexane @ 40.The safety concerns in respect to these chemicals are, as long as the room temp is below 25o and you have good airflow, this should satisfy your safety concerns. The Brisbane lab also has Auto titration units to do TAN and TBN analysis. These are kept in fume hoods and expel all chemical vapours. The easiest way to look at the safety concerns for toluene in the lab is if you can smell the toluene have the air tested and then consult the Canadian Centre of Occupation Health and Safety. The MSDS by Ajaxchem states that the minium amount of toluene you can smell is 2ppm, but the maximum exposure you can handle is 200ppm (over 8 hours) Note Australian Values. I hope that this helps you, if they're are any other questions, please contact me by e-mail. Regards Grant Schueller Group Laboratory Supervisor Australian Laboratory Services Ph 61 7 3423 7200 Fax 61 7 3423 7221 E-mail Grants@als.com.au September 12, 2000 7:54 PM PJ (ALS) - email to WQ - Subject: RE: WearCheck Trademark Registration- Bill, We have registered the Wear Check name and Logo in Australia. Cheers, Peter Jordan September 11, 2000 12:27 AM WQ -email to GK (copy BQ PJ) - Subject: WearCheck Canada - Greg - In reply to Peter Jordan's question in email of Sep 06 " Greg K has been waiting for you to get back to him about his enquiry regarding your future plans for WearCheck Canada. Do we assume that you are not interested in any discussions in this area?" I am sorry I have not contacted you sooner following our trip to the WearCheck International Meetings in France, we have been very busy. Yes we are still interested in selling WearCheck Canada Inc if the price is right. We are continuing with the plan for Bill Jr to move over to CiNRG and concentrate on computer programming. With Bill Jr leaving WearCheck Canada to pursue his future elsewhere, there is no real long-term reason to keep the laboratory other than it makes good money for us. We are moving to hire a competent manager to replace Bill Jr, and may be able to do so by year end, as we have an excellent candidate from within the WearCheck group. We would still be glad to sit down with you and discuss the possibility of selling the laboratory to Australian Laboratory Services. If we cannot reach common ground on selling the lab we would still like to enter a joint-venture project with ALS to have Chemex move into oil analysis as the WearCheck laboratory for western Canada. September 19-21 Bill Jr and I travel to Carey where we will be bringing WearCheck USA on line in our computer systems - both LabCheck (the LIMs) and the full blown version of WebCheck. This will make our North American presentation seamless to customers. I travel to Las Vegas October 8-14 for the National Mining Minexpo2000. Oct 22-27, Bill Jr and I will be in Tulsa (along with Gilbert DeMey and Andre Verlinden of Belgium and Jim Chambers and crew from the USA) to attend the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference. Bill Jr will be doing a paper on the future of oil analysis using the Internet. WearCheck's oil analysis business has been pretty busy lately. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr. billqsr@wearcheck.ca August 16, 2000 8:47 AM GK - auto email to WQ - Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: WearCheck Group Meetngs - Minutes - I will be out of the office until the 24th of August but will be checking my e-mail periodically. If you have a matter of urgency please contact Rosanne on 61-7-32437223 or rosannej@als.com.au and she will get in contact with me immediately. July 13, 2000 8:13 AM GK - email to WC Group - I thought it appropriate to reply to Barbaras email on the specific issues raised re WearCheck Australia. The other more general issues she raises were probably covered at the France meeting and we will be happy to comment after reviewing the outcome of any discussions which did take place. In general though we are empathetic to Barbaras views and at the South African, Australian and UK meetings expressed a concern about the benefit of the meetings because of the loose structure of the group. To the specific items raised in relation to ALS:- On the comment about ALS not participating in the November 1999 and March 2000 round robins. These samples are taking a VERY LONG TIME to reach us from Hungary. The November (sent in late October) samples arrived on the 17th of January!!!! The March samples arrived in June. We have participated in every round robin, but our results are not included in the report because we do not receive the samples until almost three months after they are sent. When Judith was chasing the November results we indicated at that time that we had not received the samples, and subsequently upon receiving them turned them around quickly. Post from Hungary to Australia simply does not work and a courier is the only option. (A Xmas card sent from Judith to Peter Jordan arrived here in May!) Regarding the WearCheck meetings. ALS is part of a public company, it is not a private organisation. Travelling half way round the world is both time consuming and expensive. Our view is that the meetings are becoming more of a holiday with a little work tacked on. This is fine if people are looking for a tax deductible holiday and we have no problem with this, but it is not appropriate for ALS. If you take an honest look at the France agenda, there is very little substance or meat to it. The days consist of a three or four hour meeting (if at all) followed by sight seeing. We also felt that the meeting content was weak (eg the Noria discussion is of little relevance to us). We are committed to WearCheck as a group, but only if there is technical or commercial merit to the association. Otherwise we are simply individual labs that happen to be providing a service under the same brand name. Greg F Kilmister General Manager Australian Laboratory Services Pty Ltd -----Original Message----- From: Barbara Weismann [mailto:bw@wearcheck.de] Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 2:07 To: 'Judit Berecez'; 'Gary Brown'; 'Jim Chambers'; 'Lesley Crawford'; 'Bob WC Cutler'; 'Gilbert DeMey'; 'Greg Kilmister'; 'Bill Quesnel'; 'Jesus Terradillos'; billqsr@wearcheck.ca Subject: International Wearcheck Group Dear WEARCHECK-Member, regarding our WEARCHECK-Meeting in Colmar we prepared some points/questions to discuss before the meeting with the authorized people in each WEARCHECK laboratory. * Membership of Australia WEARCHECK Australia is violating the Charter. WEARCHECK Australia did not attend the meeting in Spain in 1999 and will not attend Colmar 2000. Also there was no participation in the round robin Samples in November 99 and March 2000. In the ?Requirements of Membership? is written: ?Attend at least three out of every four IWCG annual meetings.? ?Participate in round robins to coordinate laboratory results and diagnoses.? A statement of Peter Jordan made during the last meeting they attended in UK 1998 is noted in the minutes as follows: ?What was the value of the WEARCHECK Conferences, to justify him travelling around the world to take part in these meetings.? In our opinion the Charter members have to decide about the Australien membership in the International WEARCHECK group. * Additions to the Charter In the minutes from Australia 1997 are really important decisions. We feel these points should be added to the Charter. Minutes Topic 5: ?It was decided to change the existing WCI charter to protect the rights of all remaining members if any other is bought out or taken over.? We suggest this should be handled as a new membership: ?A new laboratory can be added to the Group with unanimous approval of the Charter members only.? Minutes Topic 8: If a WCI member was not actively servicing a market or had no firm plans to do so, then they should not have exclusive rights to that market. Their obligation to their markets is to protect the WEARCHECK name by registering the name in their territorial markets. * Changes in the Charter - Group trade mark is not registered to our knowledge and therefore can not be protected. This part under the point ?New Membership? should be cancelled. - Paragraph 3-5 under the point ?New Membership? belongs to ?Requirements of membership?. * Some considerations 1. New ownership of Wearcheck labs The companies which bought the original WCI-members (WEARCHECK South Africa, UK, Belgium, United States) never had an agreement with the other original members. We suggest this should also be handled as a new membership: ?A new laboratory can be added to the Group with unanimous approval of the Charter members only.? 2. Annual meeting The annual meeting should be devoted to the business discussions at first - maybe 2 days. When this officinal part is completed, then there can be an optional social part. The members which have not enough time or are not interested in the social part should be free to leave. We suggest the annual meeting should be a business meeting first of all - social part should be secondary. 3. Charter - International WEARCHECK Group The Charter has less and less relationship to real business practise. It is only a ?Gentleman agreement? between the persons and not the companies who signed the contract in 1994. 4. Decisions and promises from the last meetings A lot of decisions and promises from the last meetings are not realized. - Spain 99: Bill Quesnel jr. registered the Internet site Oilanalysis.org.. He asked that all labs contribute articles and information and he would arrange for them to put on the site. Searching for the website you will find the following statement: The domain oilanalysis.org does not currently have a web site. As a result there is nothing to see at www.oilanalysis.org. - Spain 99: Jesus Terradillos would ask Jim Fitch to feature WCI in their ?Practising Oil Analysis?. No response! - Spain 99: Bob Cutler - Castrol deal. Details of the test profile and the quote would be sent to the European Wearcheck labs. No information received by WEARCHECK Germany. - Spain 99: Andre Verlinden would arrange to send their newsletter (produced 3 times a year) to the Wearcheck members. No newsletter received by WEARCHECK Germany. - Spain 99: Other Round Robin programmes were discussed and Bob Cutler spoke from an American programme which NAMAS had suggested to join. Details should be provided to delegates. No programme received WEARCHECK Germany. 5. The International WEARCHECK Group We feel we should think about the meaning of an International group. For our understanding an International group needs something like a firm-address, an owner, a registration, a protected trade-mark, a legal contract between the partners and a financial base. The contract signed from the authorized persons of each company should include consequences if one member doesn't follow the contract. In our opinion all the essential points are not realized for the International WEARCHECK Group. At present the International WEARCHECK Group is a circle of friends which share information about oil analysis. Please think over whether a friendly exchange of information should be the aim to our future cooperation. We would appreciate if you discuss the topics together with the authorized persons in your company and inform the group members latest during the meeting about your decisions. Best regards Barbara and Peter Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Kerschelweg 28 D 83098 Brannenburg Germany Fax: + 49-8034-9047-47 Tel.: + 49-8034-9047-17 E-Mail: bw@wearcheck.de Internet: http://www.wearcheck.de ********************************************************************** This e-mail and any file transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you received this e-mail in error, please notify the email Administrator at CBL/ALS. This footnote also confirms that this message has been swept to the best of our current abilities for the presence of computer viruses. You should NOT take this as any guarantee or warrant that such material is Virus free, and should apply Virus detection techniques appropriate to your security requirements BEFORE using any material attached to this message. ********************************************************************** June 14, 2000 10:05 AM WQ - Email to GC (WC - Aus) (Copy ot BQ LQ) -Subject: Re: Canadian Operations (Sale) - Greg As you can see Bill Jr., has copied me on your Email. We discussed at some length your enquiry and yes we are certainly willing to talk about selling the laboratory. Bill Jr wants to devote his entire time to development of software, and I have my mining buisness to run. We are in the process of trying to find a manager to replace Bill Jr to run the oil analysis business. We are looking for a unique individual - a "madman with a mission" that loves oil analysis, with all the qualifications to run the laboratory and advance our oil analysis business. We are finding this quest very difficult as the oil analysis field is a narrow one. Perhaps the best solution is to sell the oil analysis business, and I can see where it would be great fit for ALS. Bill Jr wishes to continue the development of the software (WebCheck is the Internet delivery/management system for sample information and LabCheck is the laboratory information management system that integrates our sample processing with WebCheck We formed a new company, CINRG, and the present plan is to sell the software from WearCheck to CINRG (as the cost of development has been borne by WearCheck). We would then license back the use of the software to WearCheck Canada Inc just as CINRG is licensing WearCheck USA, WearCheck Germany and WearCheck Belgium. We had an evaluation of WearCheck done three years ago, and I am in the process of having it brought up to date. At the moment Bill Jr is fully involved in amalgamating the WebCheck and LabCheck databases for WearCheck USA and WearCheck Canada, to bring us to one system. He is trying to meet a very tight deadline before the WearCheck Interanational Meetings July 1, so has little time to spare for anything else. He has requested that I handle coorespondence with you concerning the possible sale. We are both attending the meetings in France. Bill Jr is presenting a paper at the meeting on the future of oil analysis through the Internet and he is hoping to interest more of our associates in this software. I will be visiting the German and Belgium laboratories to discuss their involvement with WebCheck. We need to take some holidays following the WCI meetings and will be prepared to discuss the possible sale with you when we return from France at the end of July. We were dissapointed to learn Australia was not attending this year. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca June 14, 2000 10:05 AM WQ - Email to GC (WC - Aus) (Copy ot BQ LQ) -Subject: Re: Canadian Operations (Sale) - Greg As you can see Bill Jr., has copied me on your Email. We discussed at some length your enquiry and yes we are certainly willing to talk about selling the laboratory. Bill Jr wants to devote his entire time to development of software, and I have my mining buisness to run. We are in the process of trying to find a manager to replace Bill Jr to run the oil analysis business. We are looking for a unique individual - a "madman with a mission" that loves oil analysis, with all the qualifications to run the laboratory and advance our oil analysis business. We are finding this quest very difficult as the oil analysis field is a narrow one. Perhaps the best solution is to sell the oil analysis business, and I can see where it would be great fit for ALS. Bill Jr wishes to continue the development of the software (WebCheck is the Internet delivery/management system for sample information and LabCheck is the laboratory information management system that integrates our sample processing with WebCheck We formed a new company, CINRG, and the present plan is to sell the software from WearCheck to CINRG (as the cost of development has been borne by WearCheck). We would then license back the use of the software to WearCheck Canada Inc just as CINRG is licensing WearCheck USA, WearCheck Germany and WearCheck Belgium. We had an evaluation of WearCheck done three years ago, and I am in the process of having it brought up to date. At the moment Bill Jr is fully involved in amalgamating the WebCheck and LabCheck databases for WearCheck USA and WearCheck Canada, to bring us to one system. He is trying to meet a very tight deadline before the WearCheck Interanational Meetings July 1, so has little time to spare for anything else. He has requested that I handle coorespondence with you concerning the possible sale. We are both attending the meetings in France. Bill Jr is presenting a paper at the meeting on the future of oil analysis through the Internet and he is hoping to interest more of our associates in this software. I will be visiting the German and Belgium laboratories to discuss their involvement with WebCheck. We need to take some holidays following the WCI meetings and will be prepared to discuss the possible sale with you when we return from France at the end of July. We were dissapointed to learn Australia was not attending this year. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca June 13, 2000 7:21 PM GC - Email to BQ (Copied to WQ) - Subject: Canadian Operations - Bill - Just a quick catchup to see if you are still interested in persuing discussions with us re the sale of the Canadian business. As I had not heard from you I thought you may have reconsidered and feel that there would be nothing gained by exploring the option. What are your current thoughts. Greg F Kilmister General Manager Australian Laboratory Services Pty Ltd May 11, 2000 11:51 PM GK email to WQ - (Trans to WQ) - Subject: Future - Bill - > I received your father's email re the future direction of WearCheck Canada in light of your move into a full time committment to the IT/internet area. I would like to discuss Bill (snr) request with you next week. The earliest I will be able to call you is 8am next Friday, which will be 6pm (I think) next Thursday your time. Can you let me know if you will be available then and I will give you a call. If your switch is unattended at that time do you have a direct line. Greg F Kilmister General Manager Australian Laboratory Services Pty Ltd March 9, 2000 8:28 AM 5175 Timberlea Boulevard Mississauga, Ontario Canada L4W 2S3 Phone: (905) 624-2806 Fax: (905) 624-6163 Timmins, Ontario January 28, 2000 11:00 PM GK - e-mail to WQ - We will keep Thursday afternoon free to see you. It is probably best for you to contact us when you arrive in Toronto, on Henk's cellular phone (604 202 9385) or through the Vancouver office (604 984 0221) if you have any problems. January 27, 2000 1:25 AM WQ - e-mail to GK - I arrive Toronto the afternoon of March 8 Thursday afternoon the 9 of March would be best for me. I will contact you when I arrive in Toronto March 8 to make final arrangements for the meeting. I will be flying out of Toronto Friday 10 March early in the morning. I agree that the PDA show is best for ALS Chemex. January 26, 2000 5:15 PM GK - e-mail to WQ - Not really. We see the benefit in the show being in the PDA sessions not the CIM sessions. As such we are exhibiting at the PDA and feel we will catch all our clients in those first three days. I would still prefer to catch you on the Thursday or Friday if possible. January 26, 2000 9:34 AM WQ -e-mail to GK - Is the PDA meeting your refer to The Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada If so the annual convention of the PDAC is joined with the Canadian Institute of Mining (CIM) in annual meetings this year in Toronto, for one big continuous meeting, convention and trade show. I only know of this as I am participating in the CIM portion of the trade show hosting a booth showing the mining products I sell through my other company Parts HeadQuarters Inc. The meetings, convention and trade show will run from the 5 to the 10 of March, with the Prospectors showing from the 5 to 8 and the Miners from 8 to 10 See the web-site for the trade show at http://www.miningmillennium.org/ I notice ALS Chemex has booth 704 in the PDAC section PHQ has booth number 1923 in the CIM section Please advise if this revises your dates for visiting Canada. January 24, 2000 8:08 PM GK - e-mail to WQ (Copied to BQ JC) It was nice to hear from you again. It seems we are all very busy with exciting business developments at this time. I would indeed like to catch up with you and Bill (Jr) in April. I will be in Toronto for the PDA meeting from the 6th of April with the President of ALS Chemex, Henk Blok, and it would be appropriate for us to meet. The PDA meeting runs Monday to Wednesday and we are planning a one day trip to Montreal on the Thursday or Friday, so that leaves us with one of those days free in Toronto to catch up with you. Probably the Friday(10th). Let me know if that is suitable to you, and we can firm up on a time and place (probably your lab as I have not seen it). In the interim I trust all is well with the family and the "new millennium" is off to a good start for you. Look forward to seeing you soon. January 18, 2000 10:49 PM PJ - e-mail to WQ (forwarded to BQ JC) - Thanks for your e-mail. Obviously we are interested in exploring opportunities. Greg K. is on leave until the end of the month. When he is back I will discuss this with him. He will probably be in Vancouver soon and so it may be possible for you to meet to further discussions. However, I can't speak for Greg as I don't know his schedule. As mentioned previously to Bill, we have a lot of activities on our plate at the moment so we may not be in a position to move quickly. January 13, 2000 3:34 PM WQ - e-mail to PJ GK (Copy to BQ JC) - Gentlemen - Peter sent a message some time back to Bill Jr. asking if we were still interested in cooperation with a western laboratory to expand oil analysis in North America. We understand that ALS has purchased Chemex Laboratories in Canada, USA and Mexico. I have discussed the potential of working with ALS with Jim Chambers of WearCheck USA. We think that there is potential for us to work together, with money to be made by all. The bulk of our work is in eastern North America, and customers prefer a nearby laboratory. Opportunities are arising from international programs (such as Volvo initiated by Bob Cutler) We are pursuing national programs in North America (Ryder Truck Rentals and others) Additional laboratory processing capacity in western North America would be a big asset. We have been expanding rapidly with the use of our WebCheck Internet based software. Our development of computer technology has really outpaced our laboratories. If you are interested in introducing Chemex to oil analysis we will work with you. If you are planning a trip to visit the laboratories in North America we could arrange to meet. You will be impressed with what we have accomplished in Internet software development. WebCheck and LabCheck allows live interaction between our laboratory and customers. We have in excess of 300 users on-line and those numbers are escalating rapidly. We demonstrated the software to attendees at the WearCheck-Volvo meeting in Wales. WC USA, WC Gmbh and Belgium are already using WebCheck (International version) Bob Cutler (Roberston) and Judit (MOL) will purchase if the Volvo program goes ahead. Let us open a dialogue about cooperation in North America and see where it goes. January 13, 2000 11:18 AM PJ to BQ - It is currently only available on the internal ALS network for testing. You can not get access to it yet. When the site is released it will be available at "www.als.com.au/oils/webcheck/". BQ to PJ - Thanks for the information. What is the URL of the test site? PJ to BQ - At the moment WebCheck Online is undergoing testing on our Intranet. We hope to have it live on the ALS web site very soon. You can log in using "wcguest" and password "als". The data is just Wear Check Australia marketing and internal samples for Brisbane and Perth. October 20, 1999 6:02 PM BQJr - e-mail to PJ - Realistically we are not able to effectively market in Western Canada. You are correct, we approached a competitor of ours in Alberta and asked them to partner with us for Canada, but they declined. We have been spending a lot of our precious spare time working with the new WearCheck USA laboratory to get them all sorted out. WearCheck USA is now processing about 40 samples/day (well below what they had anticipated by this point), however, Ryder trucks is on the brink and promises 100,000 samples/year. The laboratory, in Raleigh, NC, is operating very well on our new LIMS and client extranet, WebCheck. We too have shed ASC's legacy LIMS. What a retched system. I have written a Web-centric LIMS using ASP, ADO and VBScript on SQL Server that works with Microsoft Internet Explorer (ver. 4.0, and 5.0). Our new LIMS, LabCheck, tracks sample state throughout the entire process and accomodates many automatic and unattended features including QC, an auto-diagnosis system, automated e-mailing of reports, and automated faxing. We are now a paperless lab. The LIMS has put us back on 24-hour sample turn-around (an impossibility with ASC's previous disaster). We have 165 users currently on WebCheck (who no longer receive printed reports) and are averaging 26 logins/day on the system (total usage 8.2 hours per day). WebCheck is the drawing card on procuring Ryder's business in the USA. With our new system in place we can easily accomodate satellite laboratories, and are very interested in a co-operative effort with yourselves in Vancouver. For the first 6 months of WearCheck USA's start-up we handled all their diagnosis using LabCheck via the Internet. All that was required for the start-up was the usual oil analysis (OA) laboratory instrumentation. We installed the hardware, LIMS, and WebCheck interface and could administrate the laboratory remotely. I forsee a joint-venture wherein we would turn over all our sample business in Western Canada to ChemEx in Vancouver. We would install our LIMS and interface to WebCheck for data handling, customer reporting, and administration. We would simply be looking for a cost to process OA samples from ChemEx. We would handle all the sales, invoicing, and administration including diagnosis. This would be an excellent means of building a presence in Western Canada. Over time ChemEx/ALS could put administration and sales personnel in place, with the goal of becoming a fully operational OA facility . We will take this idea to WearCheck USA and discuss the same possibility in the Western United States, if you are interested. Certainly we could also look into a J-V in Mexico as well . This is an interesting turn of events, and could well turn out to be a very lucky turn of events indeed. More and more the larger corporations and OEMs in North America are looking for a North American wide OA solution. WearCheck promises to be there, and to be the leader in service and quality for oil analysis. With ALS' help we could go a long way in becoming a significant North American presence in short order. October 19, 1999 6:44 PM PJ - e-mail to BQJR -Good to hear from you. Komatsu have given us an official letter indicating that they will take over their oil analysis work from March next year. I feel that this is a local initiative driven by management. I'm sure that they have totally underestimated the task that they are undertaking and they view everything as being straightforward. We have talked to them about lab software, reports, end user software, instruments, oil kits, etc., but they seem to just brush it off as not a problem. Apart from advertising for a manager we have not seen any other activity so far. I really don't know whether they are serious or not. We can only make our plans based on their stated intentions. Apart from this hiccup everything is going very well. We changed over to our new lab software (SAM) in July and everything has settled down nicely. CINRG in Oz is no more!! We hope to have our Sydney oils lab operating by the end of this year. I was planning to contact you shortly to let you know that our Minerals Division has just acquired a Vancouver based lab group called Chemex. You may have heard of them. They have labs in Canada, the US, Mexico and Peru, and complement our South American and Asia/Pacific locations very well. The Minerals Division has taken on the name of ALS Chemex. I remember having discussions with you here in Australia about possibilities in Western Canada and how you had discussions with a competitor from that region, and that these had gone nowhere. I have no plans at the moment and with everything that is going on may not be able to do anything for some time yet, but there might be a possibility of ALS doing something in Western Canada out of our Vancouver location. I don't know how big the market is or who the main players are, but it may be worthwhile considering. After all, between the two of us we would be able to offer a consistent National coverage. Anyway, I would appreciate hearing your ideas and feelings. October 19, 1999 10:16 AM BQJr - e-mail to PJ - I was cleaning up some old e-mail and came across your last message regarding Komatsu's global plans. Any knew news on what is happening with Komatsu? There has been no mention of this in Canada, and we met with them just two months ago. How are things on your end? We have heard so little from Australia as of late. August 7, 2001 11:37 AM BQ email to JT PJ GK LC GB AG (copy WQ) - Subject: CINRG / WCI affiliation proposal - Lesley, Gary, Alistair, Greg, Peter, Gilbert and Jesus, Please read the attached proposal. I would say that this is my last (and best) attempt for a viable solution to the CINRG group within WearCheck International. I think that you will find my proposal interesting at the least, and hopefully as exciting as I think that it is. I have not included any hype, just a straight-forward presentation of the current situation. I know each one of you well enough to first, propose this to you and second, consider your participation valuable. I hope that you will each take the time to discuss this proposal with me. (see Document today - Cinrg Proposal) Best Regards, Bill Quesnel Public 011-61-735-2557 Phone 011-61-735-25109 Fax Public Queensland Supplier Baird Baird Baird 950718000181764977613C Spectrometers Public (617) 276-6600 Phone (617) 276-6510 Fax Public Walker Place 3505 Upper Middle Road Supplier Burlington Bank of Montreal Bank of Montreal Bank of Montreal 000613000143093394988C Bank Public (905) 336-1407 Phone (905) 336-1328 Fax Public ON L7M 4C6 906 - 1 City Center Drive City Center Plaza Associate Mississauga Bombardier Capital Bombardier Capital Bombardier Capital 991104000172469946609C Financial Public (905) 803-0426 Phone (905) 803-0813 Fax Public ON L58 1M2 Suite 1860 Manulife Place 10180 - 101 Street Associate Edmonton Canadian Offshore Financial Services S.A. Canadian Offshore Financial Services S.A. Canada Canadian Offshore Financial Services S.A. 980209001031885214752C Public (403) 424-5700 Phone (403) 428-5100 Fax Public Financial AB www.offshore. ca T5J 3S4 3455 Harvester Road Supplier Burlington Cass & Bishop Cass & Bishop cassbish@worldchat.com Cass & Bishop 950718000481764977613C Legal Services August 21, 2001 12:12 PM Letter Printed: Companies and Trusts - Cass & Bishop December 5, 2000 9:52 AM Letter Printed: Questron 00-12-05 - Cass & Bishop August 21, 2001 12:12 PM Letter Printed: Companies and Trusts - Cass & Bishop Public (905) 632-7744 Phone (905) 632-9076 Fax Public Legal Nancy ON 1001 West 31st Street Downers Grove Castrol Industrial North America Inc Castrol Industrial North America Inc USA Performance Lubricants Division Castrol Industrial North America Inc 001030000073354472092C November 20, 2000 5:29 PM BQ - email to DY (copy WQ KM) - Subject: Fw: BPAmoco/Castrol used oil analyisis Dave, Here is the costing for WebCheck (all amounts in US $, and per laboratory): Implementation: $10,000 (one time fee) WebCheck: $2,950/month $0.75/sample (invoiced monthly) $0.30/historical sample (older than 1 month at time of data transfer, invoiced monthly) Maintenance Fee: 10% (invoiced monthly) The attached Excel spreadsheet shows costing for five years, per laboratory. Regards, Bill Quesnel (see C:\My Documents\Cinrg\CINRG_Castrol) November 17, 2000 8:31 AM BQ - email to DY (Fwd WQ) - Subject: Fw: WebCheck - Dave, Your WebCheck demo CD-ROM was shipped out today by UPS (tracking number W619 488 2125). If you have any difficulties with the demo please contact me by e-mail or phone to discuss. Bill Quesnel Vice-President November 20, 2000 5:29 PM BQ - email to DY (copy WQ KM) - Subject: Fw: BPAmoco/Castrol used oil analyisis Dave, Here is the costing for WebCheck (all amounts in US $, and per laboratory): Implementation: $10,000 (one time fee) WebCheck: $2,950/month $0.75/sample (invoiced monthly) $0.30/historical sample (older than 1 month at time of data transfer, invoiced monthly) Maintenance Fee: 10% (invoiced monthly) The attached Excel spreadsheet shows costing for five years, per laboratory. Regards, Bill Quesnel (see C:\My Documents\Cinrg\CINRG_Castrol) Public (630) 241-4000 Phone (630) 241-1270 Fax Public IL www.castrolindustrialna.com 60515 Burmah House Pipers Way Swindon Castrol International Marine Castrol International Marine Uk Castrol International Marine 001016000053354472092C February 5, 2001 1:10 AM BC - email to WQ - Subject: Re: BP - Burmah Castrol Marine - Bill - Thanks for the info. The cost of postage as opposed to courier from places other than the UK is not known, but postage will be much cheaper than courier. Mail from within the UK (next day delivery) is 42 pence / per sample. Courier from outside the UK varies considerably from country to country. Typical charges are for 0.5 kilo weights (4 kits) for next day delivery are: Ireland = 27.50 GBP per package (1-6 samples) Denmark = 32.00 GBP Finland = ditto Norway = 39.00 Turkey = 44.00 It will be cheaper for clients to send larger quantities say 10+ kits. Which will reduce the cost by about 50% per sample as the increase weight does not increase the price too much. Or it would be MUCH cheaper still if they simply sent it by post. The time will about 2-5 days depending which country. Bill let me know your proposed charges for Webcheck. I need to consider this topic for a meeting on Tuesday. Regards Bob February 2, 2001 4:00 AM BW - email to WQ - Subject: AW: Subject: AW: BP - Burmah Castrol Marine - Shipping Hi Bill, We will cover all the countries where we are the owner of the trademark. We had send the list of theses countries several times - at least 2nd October 2000. Following the countries again: Germany, Austria, Switherland, Russian Federation, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Chechien, Belarus, Croatia, Latvia, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden. The price does not include the shiping to our lab. The shipping costs from the various countries are listed in your proposal for Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd. dated Sept. 2000. But we feel theses informations are not necessary in the moment. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH January 30, 2001 9:34 AM WQ - email to BW (copy BQ) - Subject: Subject: AW: BP - Burmah Castrol Marine - Shipping Barbara I am not sure of the volume of samples that would be available from Germany, and would assume that it would be less than 12,000 for marine samples. Does your bid cover only samples within Germany, or if for other countries please submit a list of those countries. Does the bid price include shipping to your laboratory? If not please advise shipping costs for samples to your laboratory from those areas you are bidding for. Regards Bill Q Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca January 30, 2001 9:28 AM WQ - email to BC (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: BP - Burmah Castrol Marine - Bob - Thanks for the quick return, as always efficient and on the ball! I agree that the Volvo program should form the basis for Globalization of WearCheck service, as we are already part way there with them. I know you are doing a big volume with Volvo already, and the program for North America promises to add quite a bit. We will have the opportunity to maximize Volvo's participation through WebCheck here in North America and wish to expand that service to Europe. More on that later - I will meet with Bill Jr tomorrow to discuss the WebCheck program for WearCheck UK. I think your price is good for the Castrol bid. Could you please give me an approximation of shipping costs to your lab in the UK from within the UK and from Ireland, Scandinavia, Denmark, Turkey and the Middle East? We have proposed to Castrol that they should ship a minimum of four kits at a time, and are estimating the price of shipping out at US$1.50 per kit (US$6.00 for 4 kits). Regards Bill Q Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca January 30, 2001 5:00 AM BC - email to WQ - Subject: Re: BP - Burmah Castrol Marine - Bill - Thanks for the info. The test suite is similar to the requirements of the Volvo engine samples so I wish to quote the same price for the Castrol and BP marine test work (6.50 GBP per sample for >1000 samples per year), to test samples and supply sample kits to addresses in the UK. However for postage of kits to places outside the UK please add a charge for shipping at cost. I am looking for areas other than the UK, but am not sure which countries other labs have or are claiming as their territory. I do not wish these worldwide Wearcheck schemes to restrict me to just the UK, while others by trademarking the Wearcheck name claim the rest. We need to establish if we are trading under Wearcheck or Castrol in this worldwide scheme. I suggest Castrol (or BP), rather than Wearcheck. In which case I am looking for the same countries I claimed in the Volvo contract. Namely UK, Ireland, Scandinavia, Denmark, Turkey and the Middle East. Please remember I only ended up with a handful of samples in the UK last time we quoted globally, but this is of little help to me. Please let me know how you think we should plan to organise worldwide schemes now and in the future. My view is the Volvo scheme was discussed in depth with all concerned and should remain the basis for Globalisation of the Wearcheck service. Regards Bob January 24, 2001 6:17 AM BW - email to WQ - Subject: AW: BP - Burmah Castrol Marine - Hi Bill, - thank you for your information. If we don t know the sample-volume in our territory it is not possible to make a firm commitment on the price. As a guidline we can offer the described tests based on a volume of 12.000 prepaid samples/year for EUR 34.00/sample. Please let us know the further development. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH January 22, 2001 10:57 PM GB - email to WQ - Subject: Re: BP - Burmah Castrol Marine - Hi Bill, Its good news to hear that WEARCHECK USA and WEARCHECK CANADA have landed the VOLVO deal ---that should make Bob happy! With regards to the BP/CASTROL marine programme we would be happy to provide the service requested in SOUTH AFRICA(major ports CAPE TOWN,DURBAN,RICHARDS BAY.) Price per sample (packed in cartons of ten) US Dollars 14.50 Price per courier bag(can be used for ten samples maximum ) US Dollars 3.00 Best regards to all, Gary. January 22, 2001 12:05 PM WQ - email to WC Group - Dear Colleagues Once again WearCheck Group are being asked to bid an international oil analysis program. This time for BP / Burmah Castrol - marine oil samples. We have been corresponding with Peter E Russell since October 16, 2000 and he visited WearCheck Canada January 19th to meet with myself and BQ Jr. Peter is travelling around the world visiting all the existing Castrol and BP marine oil analysis laboratories, as well as independent laboratories providing oil analysis for either Castrol or BP marine. Since the acquisition of Castrol by BP. Peter has been given the job of bringing together all the oil analysis for the combined Marine Division under one discipline. He says he is examining contracting out some or all of the oil analysis services and they could close some of their existing laboratories. Peter says since he has been visiting the laboratories in their group he has learned they are actually doing approximately 145,000 marine oil analysis samples per year (earlier communication said 200.000). Understand that this is only the marine oil samples (does not include mobile or industrial samples). Some of those same laboratories process used oil samples for BP and Castrol, from industrial and mobile sources as well. A rough breakdown of the marine oil samples shows: 110,000 samples in Europe (BP uses one lab processing some 40,000+ samples in Belgium) 30,000 in the far east (Singapore) 5,000 in North America and Africa BQ Jr. gave Peter a demonstration of WebCheck technology, and a presentation on our oil analysis services. Peter toured our laboratory and saw how we process samples. He will visit three major independent laboratory groups and assess the merits of contracting out Castrol's marine samples. Peter is interested in getting a quotation from WearCheck International Group for comparison purposes for running the following tests on samples: !) Kinematics Viscosity at 100 deg C or 40 deg C 2) Closed Cup Flashpoint (Seta Flash) or other determination of fuel content 3) Total Insolvency - IP316 or blotter test CCD Photometer 4) Water Content - crackle test and Karl Fischer where water is indicated or Aquafina 5) ICP - Spectrometric results for normal range of elements These may not be all the tests that would be run on the sample kits, however he needs a quotation for just these tests so that he can compare with competitive quotations from the other outside and independent laboratories. Peter has been instructed to deliver his report to upper management by the end of April, so needs to have as much information as he can quickly gather. Please send me (William Quesnel Sr = billqsr@wearcheck.ca ) the cost of processing the tests shown above, including the cost of a sample kit and delivery of the kit to your laboratory (shipping within your territory). I will put together a composite bid for your review, send to Peter Russell, then keep you posted. This could lead to much more business with BP - Castrol down the road. We already have a lot of interest from Castrol's industrial oil analysis people in using WebCheck, and we are talking to them as well. William Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca President WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca January 22, 2001 3:39 AM PR - email to WQ (copy JN JH IF BQ) - Subject : Thanks From: To: ; ; ; ; ; ; Subject: Thanks Date: January 22, 2001 3:39 AM Gentlemen Just a very brief note of thanks and appreciation for the time you spent with me last week. I found all aspects of the trip to be very informative and likely most helpful in my eventual deliberations for a combined UOA offering for the marine business unit. I will doubtless be in touch again in the coming months should I need to supplement the info gathered during my visit. Once again many thanks to all rgds Peter Peter E Russell Project Manager - Used Oil Analysis Integration Castrol Marine Pipers Way, Swindon SN3 1RE Direct Phone: + 44 (0) 1793 452269 Mobile Phone: + 44 (0) 7771 762836 Fax Number: + 44 (0) 1793 453418 E mail: Peter_E_Russell@BurmahCastrol.com January 22, 2001 3:39 AM From: To: ; ; ; ; ; ; Subject: Thanks Date: January 22, 2001 3:39 AM Gentlemen Just a very brief note of thanks and appreciation for the time you spent with me last week. I found all aspects of the trip to be very informative and likely most helpful in my eventual deliberations for a combined UOA offering for the marine business unit. I will doubtless be in touch again in the coming months should I need to supplement the info gathered during my visit. Once again many thanks to all rgds Peter Peter E Russell Project Manager - Used Oil Analysis Integration Castrol Marine Pipers Way, Swindon SN3 1RE Direct Phone: + 44 (0) 1793 452269 Mobile Phone: + 44 (0) 7771 762836 Fax Number: + 44 (0) 1793 453418 E mail: Peter_E_Russell@BurmahCastrol.com January 3, 2001 5:13 AM BQ - email to PR (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: Visit to Wearcheck - Jan 19th - Peter, We look forward to seeing you on the 19th of January. I have included some information on our location, as well as hotel accomodations. Your best bet is to take a taxi from the Airport to the Glen Erin Inn (you may want to ask the people at the Glen Erin if they have a better idea). If you let me know your arrangements I will pick you up on the Friday from the hotel and bring you to the laboratory. You are about 5 minutes away. We can arrange either a taxi or a drive to the airport on Friday evening for you as well. Travelling Directions ===================== For directions to the laboratory use the link below: http://www.wearcheck.ca/contacts.htm Accomodations ============= If you require hotel accomodations close to the WearCheck laboratory we suggest the following: Glenerin Inn 1695 The Collegeway Mississauga, ON L5L 3S7 Phone: (905)828-6103 Fax: (905)828-6103 E-Mail: glenerin@glenerininn.com For further information on the GlenErin visit http://www.someplacesdifferent.com/glen11.htm. WearCheck has a corporate rate with the Glenerin Inn. We can offer you an Executive Suite for $145 per night. This price includes breakfast. Please let the Glenerin Inn know that you are attending a WearCheck event to get this quoted rate. We suggest that you book your room at least one week in advance to assure availability. The Glenerin Inn is located conveniently only minutes away from the WearCheck laboratory. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at +1 905-569-8600 x223, or by e-mail. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel January 3, 2001 4:47 AM PR - email to BQ (fwd to WQ) - Subject: Visit to Wearcheck - Jan 19th - Hi Bill - Good morning and a happy New Year to you and all your colleagues at Wearcheck. I am starting to tie down some of the final aspects of my visit to N America and would seek your advice and help for the final leg. I have arranged to arrive in Toronto on flight CO 1764 from Newark @ 1838 hrs on Thursday 18th Jan. Please could you advise a suitable hotel for that evening and also the best form of travel between airport, hotel and Wearcheck e.g. hire car, taxi etc. I have arranged to depart Toronto at 1815 hrs on Friday evening on BA 92 to London. I guess this should leave us the best part of the day to discuss BP and Castrol marine requirements and Wearcheck's global capabilities. Look forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks time. Kindest regards Peter Peter E Russell Project Manager - Used Oil Analysis Integration Castrol Marine Pipers Way, Swindon SN3 1RE Direct Phone: + 44 (0) 1793 452269 Mobile Phone: + 44 (0) 7771 762836 Fax Number: + 44 (0) 1793 453418 E mail: Peter_E_Russell@BurmahCastrol.com November 24, 2000 8:56 AM BQ - email to PR (Fwd WQ) - Subject: Fw: BPAmoco/Castrol used oil analyisis - Peter, We would welcome your visit. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel November 21, 2000 4:11 AM PR - email to BQ (Fwd WQ) - Subject: Re: BPAmoco/Castrol used oil analyisis - Many thanks for keeping me in the loop. Just by way of a heads-up I am currently anticipating visiting N America/Canada during week 3 or 4 of 2001 and would hope to talk further with you at that time. I will revert in a few weeks time as my plans become clearer. rgds Peter Russell. November 20, 2000 5:22 PM BQ - email to DS (copy WQ KM ER) - Subject: Re: BPAmoco/Castrol used oil analyisis - Dawn, Here is the costing for WebCheck (all amounts in US $, and per laboratory): Implementation: $10,000 (one time fee) WebCheck: $2,950/month $0.75/sample (invoiced monthly) $0.30/historical sample (older than 1 month at time of data transfer, invoiced monthly) Maintenance Fee: 10% (invoiced monthly) The attached Excel spreadsheet shows costing for five years, per laboratory. Regards, Bill Quesnel (see C:\My Documents\Cinrg\CINRG_Castrol November 17, 2000 8:33 AM BQ - email to DS (Fwd WQ) - Subject: Fw: BPAmoco/Castrol used oil analyisis - Dawn, Your WebCheck demo CD-ROM was shipped out today by Purolator Courier (tracking number 986350882). I believe that DHL is their overseas carrier. If you have any difficulties with the demo please contact me by e-mail or phone to discuss. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel November 13, 2000 6:17 AM DS - email to BQ - Subject: Re: BPAmoco/Castrol used oil analyisis - Thank you for this information. We have laboratories around the world but 2 key ones are in the US and the UK. The sample numbers for the US are 60 000/year and for the UK are 10 000/year. Can you provide cost information based on cost per sample for these 2 countries and sample volumes to give me some numbers to work on. Regards Dawn November 3, 2000 7:04 AM BQ - email to DS (copy WQ) - Subject: Re: BPAmoco/Castrol used oil analyisis - Dawn, My responses are below: Best Regards, Bill Quesnel ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Bill Quesnel Cc: Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 6:25 AM Subject: BPAmoco/Castrol used oil analyisis > I have been in contact with colleagues of mine in the UK and the USA and have been told about your web check software. > > I am involved in a global project for the Industrial business to deliver oil analysis results to our customers. > We have our own laboratories around the world with a variety of different LIMS and want to use a standard web interface to deliver the information from our LIMS to our customers via the internet. > > So my initial questions are: > > 1. Can web check be provided without your wear check services? BQ: Yes. We currently are providing Web services for several laboratories. Although they are WearCheck laboratories they do not operate under our control and their laboratories and LIMS are quite distinct. Two of these laboratories are in Europe. > 2. Can web check be made available globally and how would it be hosted? BQ: Currently WebCheck is available globally. The bulk of our users are in North America, however, we also have a considerable percentage of users in Europe (from Norway to Italy). > 3. How can data from a variety of LIMS be accomodated? BQ: Currently we are using a common data exchange format (WearCheck Data Exchange WDE), however, an XML DTD is under development that will be used in the future and it would be better to wait for this to be completed in order to proceed with Castrol. The current system allows the remote laboratories to send datafiles attached to an e-mail at any interval that is deemed appropriate (1 x day, 1 x hour, every 15 minutes etc.) . The WebCheck server receives, validates, and imports these datafiles, and sends an acknowledgement e-mail to the sender. The new XML-based system will allow for 2-way data transfer, so that you not only send data, but can also receive updates from customer data entered through WebCheck (of course your IT staff would have to implement the modules necessary to handle the returned data). > 4. Can web check be re - branded as a Castrol web site? BQ: WebCheck was chosen as a name to be independent of WearCheck. Your typical user would not make any connection between the two. For Castrol's consideration we can do several things. Fist, Castrol clients could login from a Castrol Web site. I could work with your IT department and give them the criteria necessary to accomplish this (it would be quite simple). Secondly, we could display Castrol branding at any point in the system that was necessary, and in place of all WebCheck content if deemed necessary. > 5. How much would this service cost? BQ: Obviously this is going to depend on the volume of samples, and anticipated volume of clients that would be using WebCheck. Pricing options range from a cost per sample basis, to a monthly fee per laboratory. If you give me some anticipated numbers per site, I could work out these costs. I am in the process of putting together a Lotus ScreenCam CD-ROM showing the benefits of WebCheck, and giving an overview of the system. When I have completed it I can send you a copy if you wish. Simply provide me with a mailing address. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel November 3, 2000 6:25 AM DS - email to BQ (copy PR) - Subject: BPAmoco/Castrol used oil analyisis - I have been in contact with colleagues of mine in the UK and the USA and have been told about your web check software. I am involved in a global project for the Industrial business to deliver oil analysis results to our customers. We have our own laboratories around the world with a variety of different LIMS and want to use a standard web interface to deliver the information from our LIMS to our customers via the internet. So my initial questions are: 1. Can web check be provided without your wear check services? 2. Can web check be made available globally and how would it be hosted? 3. How can data from a variety of LIMS be accomodated? 4. Can web check be re - branded as a Castrol web site? 5. How much would this service cost? D October 30, 2000 11:58 AM WQ - email to PR (copy WC Group)(copy DY) - Subject: Re: BP Amoco / Burmah Castrol marine oil analysis - global program Dear Mr Russell Thank you for your reply. WearCheck International participated in the second annual Practicing Oil Analysis Conference hosted by Noria Corporation www.noria.com in Tulsa Okalahoma, last week. Two gentlemen from Castrol Industrial North America Inc, Steven Slanker, Director-Engineering and David Yunkers, Manger Analytical Services attended the paper WearCheck presented - WebCheck, an Oil Analysis Based Maintenance Extranet System. The paper outlined our vision of the future of oil analysis, and how the internet will revolutionize the industry. The next day they attended a four hour session that demonstrated our system on-line using live data and went into the detail of the many features. They have professed an interest to work with us using WebCheck. I mentioned to them of your preliminary inquiry and gave them your name and company address. I am not sure if they plan to contact you, however wished to inform you I had given your name. We will keep all further information regarding your inquiry confidential, and have copied this request to the other members of WearCheck group. We look forward to receiving you in Canada and demonstrating the capabilities of the WearCheck group. Please advise your itinerary and we will put ourselves at your disposal. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr. October 30, 2000 3:54 AM PR - email to BQ (copy WC Group) - Subject: Re: BP Amoco / Burmah Castorl marine oil analysis - global program Dear Mr Quesnel Thank you for your recent prompt reply to my initial inquiry - apologies on my behalf for not having responded sooner, I have been on vacation. I note with interest your comments and feel there are numerous areas worthy of additional discussion. However at this stage I need to continue my scoping exercise further to ascertain current capabilities within the existing labs and also to determine exactly which tests the newly formed organisation will employ giung forward. I anticipate visiting N America likely early 2001 by which time I should have a better idea of our specific requirements and would propose contacting you nearer that time to discuss further areas of mutual interest. In the meantime I would ask that you keep these intial discussions confidential within the Wearcheck group of laboratories. Thanks again for your interest. Kindest regards Peter Russell October 23, 2000 12:56 AM GB - email to WQ - Subject: BP CASTROL MARINE PROGRAM - Hi Bill, At last I have managed to getb some answers out of Castrol and BP! They send all their samples to the UK approximately 50 per month -- quite honestly I cannot believe this number as we do moree than that on coastal shipping. We are quite happy to do any test profile they might require. Regards, Gary. October 17, 2000 11:25 AM WQ - email to BC - Subject: Re: BP Amaco / Burmah Castrol marine oil analysis program - Bob - The work required for Volvo is in Bill Jr's hands, which at the moment are pretty full - I have copied this mail to him and will let him discuss with you directly. With regard to the BP Amoco / Burmah Castrol marine oil analysis program. It will be a very big plum if WearCheck International can secure even half of this business. We do quite a bit of work for Castrol in Canada, mostly mobile, but probably not much marine. I see the gentleman (Peter Russell) originating the request for information and a quotation is right in your back yard, and think it would be wise if we two work very closely on this quotation. I would like the benefit of your wisdom in putting this one together, as we do not want to miss this opportunity. I will be happy to do the work of writing up the quotation presentation but would like you to be directly involved in formulating the quote, suggesting the structure, and editing the content to make our very best presentation. Perhaps at a late date you could coordinate any necessary meetings with Peter Russell in the UK. We can talk about this further in Tulsa. Look forward to seeing you all at the convention. Best Regards Bill Q Sr October 17, 2000 7:45 AM JT - email to WQ - 5 AM - Subject: bp/castrol. - Deer Bill: Thank very much for the information about BP/Castrol . Both companies are our customers in Spain and we are very interested in this international Agreement with companies, October 17, 2000 5:47 AM BC - email to WQ - Subject: Re: BP Amaco / Burmah Castrol marine oil analysis program Hi Bill We are working with both Castrol and BP, but not in the marine business so this looks promising. Castrol do their own in the UK and BP are currently using a competitor of ours for the marine business. We have much of their Land business. How are you progessing with the Volvo business - when will we be ready to roll. Bob October 16, 2000 3:59 PM WQ - email to PR (copy WC Group) - Subject: BP Amoco / Burmah Castorl marine oil analysis - global program - Dear Mr. Russell WearCheck International will be pleased to quote you the provision of oil analysis services on a global basis. We are well equipped to meet your requirements. I offer a brief summary or WearCheck WearCheck International The WearCheck International Group operates affiliated independent laboratories strategically located in nine countries worldwide processing millions of samples. WearCheck has been in the oil analysis business for over 30 years. Many of our laboratories are already processing "brand name" samples for Castrol. WearCheck International laboratories are located at: WearCheck Africa, WestMead, Pinetown, South Africa WearCheck Australia - Australian Laboratory Services, Stafford, Queensland, Australia WearCheck Belgium - Alpha Maintenance Systems, Brussels, Belgium WearCheck Canada Inc, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada WearCheck Germany, Brannenburg, Germany WearCheck Hungary - MOL Hungary, Koolaj, Hungary WearCheck Spain - Oiltech Analysis SL, Eibar, Spain WearCheck United Kingdom - Robertson Research, Llandudno, Wales WearCheck USA, Cary, North Carolina, USA Quality All WearCheck labs are registered or in process of registering quality programs to ISO9002 standards. Sample Kits WearCheck provides pre-packaged customized sample kits designed to customers' requirements, including pre-labelled bottles, and pre-addressed mailer boxes. Laboratory Testing WearCheck uses the latest-state-of-the-art laboratory instrumentation and all tests on samples are performed using ASTM, IP, DIN or other recognized standard procedures. Reports - Software WearCheck offers WebCheck, a unique interactive web-based system that enables management of a used oil analysis program, live on the Internet. WebCheck requires no installation of software. The program operates through a web browser, Microsoft Explorer 4.01 or higher and a 28.8 Kbs connection or better. We can also supply hard copy reports if required. WebCheck provides and allows: a.. scheduling of sampling, e-mail advising when samples are received by the laboratory. b.. alerts to appropriate location when samples are not taken at scheduled times. c.. multiple choice searching for samples (by date, sample number, unit number etc..) d.. tracking of units and components from one location to another, and portability of data for the unit. e.. component database management allows for the addition, update and deletion of sample points. f.. customizable graphing of trendline test results as the user wishes. g.. users to add, forward and store comments to sample reports. h.. direct feed-back of action taken by users to laboratory and diagnosticians i.. users to forward reports to other WebCheck users. j.. users to send sample reports to any third party by email. k.. printing of sample reports at any location. l.. management summary reports of sample test results. m.. comparison of sample data for individual components across the entire program. n.. links to new lubrication standards for individual lubricants and comparison to test results. o.. access to worldwide data 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year p.. viewing of types of tests and number of test performed on samples. q.. viewing of sample data, diagnosis and comments from anywhere in the world r.. management of PdM programs from 1 to 10,000,000 oil samples through multiple hierarchical structures. s.. ability to manage a multi-hierocracy program allowing for complete access at head office and varying levels of access to branches, sub-locations etc. Quoting your Requirements WearCheck is very flexible and will design an oil analysis program to fit your requirements. We can supply kits from any of our nine locations worldwide or coordinate a single supply source for kits as you choose. I have contacted our associated laboratories and copied your email to them. Could you please supply us with a bit more information, to enable us to prepare a detailed pricing proposal to you: 1) Tests that are currently or proposed to be performed by component type. For example: Main diesel engine - ICP analysis - TBN - Analytical & Direct-Reading ferrography - Fuel Dilution - Glycol contamination 2) Estimated number of samples per annum by country I understand from your email that you have already visited our website. If you wish more information about any of the laboratories you may follow the links from the international directory page at http://www.wearcheck.com/. Principal representatives from WearCheck Belgium, Canada, Spain, United Kingdom and the USA are attending the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference in Tulsa OK USA next week and we will be discussing the BP Amoco / Burmah Castrol program at that time. (see: http://www.noria.com/conf/confmain.html ). WearCheck are presenting a paper on WebCheck at that conference. The POAC is one of the best conferences for the oil analysis industry. I look forward to corresponding with you again. Best Regards William Quesnel billqsr@wearcheck.ca President of WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca ---------original message begins------------ Dear Mr. Quesnel, You may be aware from recent press announcements that BP Amoco plc. recently purchased Burmah Castrol plc, specifically the Castrol lubricants division. I have now been charged with project managing the design and implementation of a single global used oil analysis service for the combined BP and Castrol marine businesses. This project will cover the entire used oil analysis process from sourcing of sample bottles through to delivery of analysis results and recommendations to the end user. Currently we estimate this involves in the region of 200,000 samples per annum. As part of my remit I am also charged with looking at the laboratories through which we will analyse our samples. Of course both Castrol and BP currently use a number of in-house labs to provide this service. However this does not preclude the consideration of using an independent network of 3rd party labs in the future if this can be demonstrated to offer improved efficiencies both in the cost of the service and the quality of service e.g. test methods, turn-around times etc. I understand from your web-site that you have established a global network of independent laboratories under the 'Wearcheck' banner. As such I would be interested in hearing whether or not your organisation would be interested in discussing this opportunity further and also receiving a little more detail about your network of labs and an overview of how you could see yourselves supporting this business. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. For your information the following contact details apply: Peter Russell Castrol International Marine Burmah House, Pipers Way Swindon SN3 1RE Direct tel. 44 (0)1793 452269 Fax. no: 44 (0)1793 453418 E mail: Peter_E_Russell@BurmahCastrol.com Regards Peter Russell --------- End of original message--------------- October 16, 2000 10:52 AM WQ - email to WearCheck Group - Subject: BP Amaco / Burmah Castrol marine oil analysis program - Colleagues - I received the following email this morning. Once again we are being asked to supply services for a global oil analysis program. It is timely that a group of us are attending the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference in Tulsa October 23 to 27 and will be able to discuss this program. I realize that many of you are already providing oil analysis to these same companies (as WearCheck Canada is), however this program represents a significant amount of business. If you are already providing marine oil analysis services for either BP Amoco or Burmah Castrol please advise what tests you are now performing, and any information relative to the administration of the program. We will reply to this email, stating "WearCheck International is very interested in supplying this program", with some detail of what we can provide, and will copy you on that reply. We have completed and delivered the proposal for Husky Injection Molding global oil analysis program and are awaiting their acceptance. Will keep you posted. Best Regards Bill Q Sr --------- Start of email from BP Amoco / Burmah Castrol --------------- Dear Mr. Quesnel, You may be aware from recent press announcements that BP Amoco plc. recently purchased Burmah Castrol plc, specifically the Castrol lubricants division. I have now been charged with project managing the design and implementation of a single global used oil analysis service for the combined BP and Castrol marine businesses. This project will cover the entire used oil analysis process from sourcing of sample bottles through to delivery of analysis results and recommendations to the end user. Currently we estimate this involves in the region of 200,000 samples per annum. As part of my remit I am also charged with looking at the laboratories through which we will analyse our samples. Of course both Castrol and BP currently use a number of in-house labs to provide this service. However this does not preclude the consideration of using an independent network of 3rd party labs in the future if this can be demonstrated to offer improved efficiencies both in the cost of the service and the quality of service e.g. test methods, turn-around times etc. I understand from your web-site that you have established a global network of independent laboratories under the 'Wearcheck' banner. As such I would be interested in hearing whether or not your organisation would be interested in discussing this opportunity further and also receiving a little more detail about your network of labs and an overview of how you could see yourselves supporting this business. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. For your information the following contact details apply: Peter Russell Castrol International Marine Burmah House, Pipers Way Swindon SN3 1RE Direct tel. 44 (0)1793 452269 Fax. no: 44 (0)1793 453418 E mail: Peter_E_Russell@BurmahCastrol.com Regards Peter Russell --------- End of email from BP Amoco / Burmah Castrol --------------- October 16, 2000 6:05 AM PR - email to WQ - Dear Mr. Quesnel, You may be aware from recent press announcements that BP Amoco plc. recently purchased Burmah Castrol plc, specifically the Castrol lubricants division. I have now been charged with project managing the design and implementation of a single global used oil analysis service for the combined BP and Castrol marine businesses. This project will cover the entire used oil analysis process from sourcing of sample bottles through to delivery of analysis results and recommendations to the end user. Currently we estimate this involves in the region of 200,000 samples per annum. As part of my remit I am also charged with looking at the laboratories through which we will analyse our samples. Of course both Castrol and BP currently use a number of in-house labs to provide this service. However this does not preclude the consideration of using an independent network of 3rd party labs in the future if this can be demonstrated to offer improved efficiencies both in the cost of the service and the quality of service e.g. test methods, turn-around times etc. I understand from your web-site that you have established a global network of independent laboratories under the 'Wearcheck' banner. As such I would be interested in hearing whether or not your organisation would be interested in discussing this opportunity further and also receiving a little more detail about your network of labs and an overview of how you could see yourselves supporting this business. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. For your information the following contact details apply: Peter Russell Castrol International Marine Burmah House, Pipers Way Swindon SN3 1RE Direct tel. 44 (0)1793 452269 Fax. no: 44 (0)1793 453418 E mail: Peter_E_Russell@BurmahCastrol.com Regards Peter Russell February 5, 2001 1:10 AM BC - email to WQ - Subject: Re: BP - Burmah Castrol Marine - Bill - Thanks for the info. The cost of postage as opposed to courier from places other than the UK is not known, but postage will be much cheaper than courier. Mail from within the UK (next day delivery) is 42 pence / per sample. Courier from outside the UK varies considerably from country to country. Typical charges are for 0.5 kilo weights (4 kits) for next day delivery are: Ireland = 27.50 GBP per package (1-6 samples) Denmark = 32.00 GBP Finland = ditto Norway = 39.00 Turkey = 44.00 It will be cheaper for clients to send larger quantities say 10+ kits. Which will reduce the cost by about 50% per sample as the increase weight does not increase the price too much. Or it would be MUCH cheaper still if they simply sent it by post. The time will about 2-5 days depending which country. Bill let me know your proposed charges for Webcheck. I need to consider this topic for a meeting on Tuesday. Regards Bob Public 011-44-1793-452269 Phone 011-44-1793- 453418 Fax Public SN3 1RE 501 S.W. Jefferson Avenue Building LC2172 Peoria Caterpillar Inc. Caterpillar Inc. USA Caterpillar Inc. 010719000353354472092C August 16, 2001 11:39 AM Tdv email to BQ (fwd to RB WQ) - Subject: Re: CINRG / WebCheck - Bill: Thanks for the information. I have submitted to our due diligence team a requirements document. The team is reviewing now and soon we will be getting feedback. We will meet on the 20th and 30th to discuss. After that, we will provide you with a RFP. We will want a response within a week to 10 days. You may want to discuss different part of the RFP during your review. No later than Sept. 12. The RFP responses will allow us to do a GAP analysis. We may need to contact you for clarification during the GAP analysis. By Sept. 24 have the GAP analysis complete. We may have further discussions between Sept. 25-30 as part of the selection process. The week of October 1, we will be announcing our partner(s) for the development path. So, it looks like you have a breather in the process until the end of the month with a rather busy September. Tom DeVenney PM Consultant Maintenance Products and Services Group Ph. (309)675-8013 Fax (309)675-1598 e-mail: DeVenney_Thomas_J@cat.com August 16, 2001 9:34 AM BQ emailt o TdV (copy WQ) - Subject: CINRG / WebCheck- Retain Until: 09/15/2001 Retention Category: G90 Information and Reports Caterpillar Confidential: Green Tom, I will be on vacation from August 17-26 (inclusive). If you have any questions or comments regarding our latest response I would be happy to discuss them with you before my departure. As always, I will be taking my computer with me and will be checking my e-mail periodically. During my absence your primary contact will be Bill Quesnel Sr. phone: 905-467-3562 e-mail: billqsr@wearcheck.ca Best Regards, Bill Quesnel August 10, 2001 12:29 PM BQ email to TD (copy WQ) - Tom, You are welcome, however, on our side we were more than pleased with the opportunity to show Caterpillar our WebCheck system. Caterpillar is the partner that CINRG has been searching for over the last two years. Attached is my response to your follow-up questions, although the most important response is to your comment "I would say our biggest concern at this point is your ability to sustain a long term working partnership with the Caterpillar enterprise on a worldwide level". In your position, that would be my first comment as well. So what have I been doing for the last week? I have been putting together a plan to address your concern. Your comment addresses two situations. First, what infrastructure can CINRG provide to meet the needs of Caterpillar on a world-wide level. Second, what will ensure the longevity of CINRG as an organization actively developing LIMS and client solutions for the oil analysis industry. CINRG is currently several people with a leading-edge oil analysis application. What makes CINRG valuable is the uniqueness of this product, and a need within the oil analysis community for this product. What gives CINRG an advantage is the ability to adapt quickly to any proposed business model. After study of IT-outsourcing groups we have determined that a CINRG/Getronics partnership would facilitate the infrastructure requirements of a Caterpillar deployment on a worldwide basis. Getronics (www.getronics.com) can provide consulting, integration, operations, hosting and maintenance for IT services on a worldwide basis. Under a confidentiality agreement we have discussed with Getronics our equirements for a Caterpillar implementation and see an excellent fit. From a total WebCheck turn-key solution worldwide, to a co-managed deployment at Caterpillar sites, Getronics will assist CINRG in meeting the IT requirements of Caterpillar. At Caterpillar's request, CINRG/Getronics is prepared to show a presentation on our proposed joint infrastructure solution. The long term viability of CINRG will hinge on our ability to grow through attracting key clients. Caterpillar is a key client in addition to WearCheck International at this early stage of CINRG's growth. CINRG will continue to evolve WebCheck until we have integrated every WearCheck member as we have done over the last six years. To do this we need to both ensure infrastructure and long-term stability of CINRG, and to develop the best-in-class LIMS available. Investment will expedite the growth of CINRG. We have begun to seek out investment and have been requested to submit a proposal to Chevron for funding of WebCheck from the Chevron Technology Ventures (CTV) fund. We are confident that Chevron will fund this project based on the merits of WebCheck in relation to the objectives of CTV, and the recent investment of Conoco into Dingo Maintenance Systems. We know our product is superior to Dingo, and we are taking it to market. Chevron is only one source of investment that we have identified (albeit a good one). Caterpillar's involvement would serve to ensure the viability of CINRG, a company which has been able to produce an excellent product with both little funding and limited resources. CINRG is comprised of individuals that not only have a very grounded knowledge of oil analysis but a desire to develop leading edge Internet systems. We will carry Caterpillar to that leading edge as an oil analysis group and with Caterpillar's support will find the investment to grow in order to stay leading edge. (see Documents this date "Response to follow up question" Best Regards, Bill Quesnel July 19, 2001 4:58 PM BQ - meeting arranged to demo WebCheck and LIMS in Peoria on Aug 2 July 18, 2001 4:57 PM WQ - phone message left on BQ phone requesting info on WebCheck and LIMs software. August 16, 2001 11:39 AM Tdv email to BQ (fwd to RB WQ) - Subject: Re: CINRG / WebCheck - Bill: Thanks for the information. I have submitted to our due diligence team a requirements document. The team is reviewing now and soon we will be getting feedback. We will meet on the 20th and 30th to discuss. After that, we will provide you with a RFP. We will want a response within a week to 10 days. You may want to discuss different part of the RFP during your review. No later than Sept. 12. The RFP responses will allow us to do a GAP analysis. We may need to contact you for clarification during the GAP analysis. By Sept. 24 have the GAP analysis complete. We may have further discussions between Sept. 25-30 as part of the selection process. The week of October 1, we will be announcing our partner(s) for the development path. So, it looks like you have a breather in the process until the end of the month with a rather busy September. Tom DeVenney PM Consultant Maintenance Products and Services Group Ph. (309)675-8013 Fax (309)675-1598 e-mail: DeVenney_Thomas_J@cat.com Public Public IL 61630-2172 Customer Chevron Chevron Chevron 991215000112469946609C Oil Company December 15, 1999 1:56 PM BQ - continuance of e-mail to GW (copy to WQ RR) - FYI - I have been a close observer of the OSA since 1994 when Carleton Joyce first looked for world-wide distribution of the units through WearCheck International. At that time Top Source still owned UTG and the OSSD. The first generation OSA (OSA-1?) proved to be of little use outside of the very specific niche it had found within the confines of an oil refinery. The unit suffered from major software problems (general-protection faults, hangs, etc.) and the unit was very difficult to calibrate for each specific location. Re-calibration of the units on-site was proving to be both necessary and a major headache. Obviously all monies from Top Source ventures was fed back into continued development and redevelopment of the OSA. Subsequently Top Source has sold off every other business unit to continue to find money for the OSA. I first heard of the OSA-II unit last year in Mobile, Alabama over breakfast with Carleton. By that time, I had all but heard every OSA story (or should I say lore), and I think I spent most of the time rolling my eyes. Although, from what information I have been able to glean these days (now that UTG is CTC and WearCheck is no longer privy to the flow of information that used to come from UTG management) it appears as if the OSA-II has found some acceptance in the market. I do not know how well this unit works, as I have never seen a demonstration (I only saw a demonstration of the OSA-I in Atlanta, and that presentation did not go well, to be kind). I do understand, though that if this unit works, then it will find good entry into the market with the management team that Top Source has assembled over the last several years. They have some very respectable personnel on the OSA team, a long way from the early days of Matt Orlando and Dr. Neil Rausenbaum. Don't go out and buy and TPS shares as of yet though. December 15, 1999 1:55 PM BQ - e-maiI to GW (copy to RR WQ) - I was very intrigued by what Rod Raymond shared with me regarding your conversation yesterday. I wanted to outline both WebCheck's current capabilities, and the immediate future for WebCheck, as well as the history of WebCheck as I believe that WebCheck would fit in well with your current goals. If you wish to persue this cause further I would be more than willing to travel to San Francisco to meet with you and discuss how WebCheck could integrate with Chevron's future. The History of WebCheck =================== WebCheck is the outcome of several years of collaboration with the WearCheck International Group. I myself am the Vice-President of WearCheck here in Canada, however, in my spare time I am pursuing my ultimate goal - the integration of information systems within the WearCheck International group. The concept for WebCheck arose from two events. The first event was a software meeting held in 1996 in Belgium for the WearCheck International group at my request. In this meeting we developed a data frame-work for the transfer of oil analysis information. The goal of this meeting was the ability to create a data warehouse of oil analysis data for the purpose of generating wear limits. What I took away from this meeting was the basis of a schema for a global oil analysis client system. The second event was our WearCheck International meeting in Australia, in 1997 (see http://www.wearcheck.ca/CoverStories/97_01.htm). At this meeting I proposed the development of an Internet application to allow our clients to retrieve their oil analysis results. The proposal met with great enthusiasm, and Australian Laboratory Services (ALS a.k.a WearCheck Australia) volunteered to head the project (as they have a significantly large MIS department). ALS appeared to be a good candidate as we (WCA) had already collaborated with them on our previous Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). Owing to ALS' expansion into South America, they could not devote sufficient time and resources to the project. When it appeared that this project would disappear down the cracks, I decided to go ahead and develop the system using my own time and resources. The result was WebCheck. Based on the schema from the 1996 Belgian meeting, and infused with enthusiasm from the 1997 Australian meeting I developed, tested and realeased WebCheck with approximately 15 Canadian users by the time the next WearCheck International meeting was held in Wales (see http://www.wearcheck.ca/WhatsNew98.htm ). To not only my surprise, but to WearCheck International's surprise, WebCheck was on-time and up and running. Within a month of that meeting I had already signed up WearCheck Belgium and WearCheck Germany to participate (financially) in the development of a WebCheck International system. A truly International WebCheck system was out-of-the-box and running three months later. With our separation from United Testing Group in the United States (owing to their purchase by CTC, and CTC's subsequent refusal to join the WearCheck International group) we sought out and established a J-V with CompuChem in Raleigh, North Carolina. CompuChem based the J-V decision solely on the prospect of using WebCheck to market WearCheck's services in the U.S. WebCheck has been in use since June 1, 1998, and is now operating in 4 languages and running successfully in 4 countries, Canada, Belgium, Germany and the United States with a combined total of 366 users world-wide. Last week I was in Wales to demonstrate WebCheck to a global OEM whom the WearCheck International group was meeting with to discuss a global oil analysis program. Before my leaving for home both WearCheck in the U.K. and Hungary had agreed to join the project. The Current State of WebCheck ======================= Over the last 18 months WebCheck has expanded from it's humble beginnings. Aside from the ability of users to view oil analysis reports, and summary management reports, the current system allows users to interface with the laboratory in real-time to track sample testing, add/delete tests to the laboratory. WebCheck automatically tracks active samples, e-mails users on regular intervals to keep them notified of current samples and sample status in the laboratory, as well as tracking units for re-occurances of oil-related problems. Users can edit equipment databases on-line, and set up scheduled sampling programs. The system currently consists of 6 distinct modules: 1. Main (or Home) module 2. View Samples module 3. Management Reports module 4. WebCheck Explorer module 5. Equipment Manager module 6. Administration module The Future of WebCheck ================== Q1 of 2000 will see many new functions added to WebCheck: - A much more robust and sophisticated report generator will allow clients to produce detailed reports on their oil anlaysis program, incorporating industry wide data from WebCheck's extensive data stores. - On-line data entry. Although several clients enjoy this functionality at this time, a more generalized system will be developed to allow all WebCheck clients to perform data entry on-line. - After a recent WebCheck training course, I was approached by a representative from a large Oil Manufacturer to develop an on-line lube survey program to replace their current system. The individual is responsible for customer-related software and stated that WebCheck contains most of the functionality that their current lube survey software boasts. I have already stated that I will be undertaking this task in the new year. Needless to say, I was very surprised to hear that Generation Systems is leaving the Lube side of the business. - Incorporation of a new design to the WebCheck shell to facilitate both more efficient use, and a more intuitive feel to the system. - Database design elements to be added to accommodate for the interfacing of large client SAP systems. I am currently looking for an interested client as a first test-case scenario. ---- I have been very busy the last year, in addition to the continuing development on WebCheck, I have also developed a web-centric LIMS that has replaced our previous LIMS and is now being used by both WearCheck Canada and WearCheck USA. My focus in the new year will be 90% WebCheck so the items I have listed in "The Future of WebCheck" will only remain as vapor-ware until March of 2000. My future is becoming more integrated with WebCheck. In the new year I am shifting to a Directorate role with WearCheck Canada, and am bringing in an experienced laboratory manager to handle the operation side of WearCheck. I will be mostly pursuing future endeavors with regards to maintenance systems on the Internet in my company CINRG Systems Inc. (see www.cinrg.com). CINRG is a name that I took literally from my collaboration with WearCheck International. I came up with the acronym in 1996 to define the LIMS we were developing at that time. CINRG ( pronounced synergy ) stands for Companies Integrating Networks & Resources Globally. It is a philosophy that I have committed myself to with WearCheck International, and will continue to develop in my new role with CINRG Systems Inc. I hope that you find this information intriguing. WebCheck has created great potential for the oil analysis and maintenance industry. Each new contact with key people in this industry, such as your self, only creates new potential and encourages me to push forward with this endeavor. December 15, 1999 1:56 PM BQ - continuance of e-mail to GW (copy to WQ RR) - FYI - I have been a close observer of the OSA since 1994 when Carleton Joyce first looked for world-wide distribution of the units through WearCheck International. At that time Top Source still owned UTG and the OSSD. The first generation OSA (OSA-1?) proved to be of little use outside of the very specific niche it had found within the confines of an oil refinery. The unit suffered from major software problems (general-protection faults, hangs, etc.) and the unit was very difficult to calibrate for each specific location. Re-calibration of the units on-site was proving to be both necessary and a major headache. Obviously all monies from Top Source ventures was fed back into continued development and redevelopment of the OSA. Subsequently Top Source has sold off every other business unit to continue to find money for the OSA. I first heard of the OSA-II unit last year in Mobile, Alabama over breakfast with Carleton. By that time, I had all but heard every OSA story (or should I say lore), and I think I spent most of the time rolling my eyes. Although, from what information I have been able to glean these days (now that UTG is CTC and WearCheck is no longer privy to the flow of information that used to come from UTG management) it appears as if the OSA-II has found some acceptance in the market. I do not know how well this unit works, as I have never seen a demonstration (I only saw a demonstration of the OSA-I in Atlanta, and that presentation did not go well, to be kind). I do understand, though that if this unit works, then it will find good entry into the market with the management team that Top Source has assembled over the last several years. They have some very respectable personnel on the OSA team, a long way from the early days of Matt Orlando and Dr. Neil Rausenbaum. Don't go out and buy and TPS shares as of yet though. Public Public Chile Chile Chile Chile 001120000123354472092C November 20, 2000 4:34 PM WQ - email to AJ -Dear Sir - I regret that we do not have a company to process oil analysis samples in Chile. Would you want to send oil samples to Canada to be tested? Are you interested to set up your own laboratory? We need much more information. What is the name of your company? What type of oil samples will you test? How many samples will you have? Please advise? William Quesnel Estimado Señor - Yo siento que que nosotros no tenemos una compañía para procesar análisis de aceite prueba en Chile. ¿Querría usted enviarle muestras de aceite a Canadá ser probado? ¿Es interesado usted para preparar su propio laboratorio? Nosotros necesitamos mucho más información. ¿Cuál es el nombre de su compañía? ¿Qué tipo de muestras de aceite probará usted? ¿Cuántas muestras tendrá usted? ¿Por favor aconseje? William Quesnel billq@wearcheck.ca Presidente WearCheck Canadá Inc. www.wearcheck.ca November 20, 2000 4:19 PM From: "Adolfo Joglar" To: "Bill Quesnel" Subject: Re: Date: November 17, 2000 9:36 AM Gracias por tresponder y disculpenme por no haber dado mayor informacion. yo estoy localizado en Antofagasta de Chile mi Direccion es : Calle Calbuco 5101 Antofagasta y mi telefonofax es 56 55 223815 Gracias ----- Original Message ----- From: Bill Quesnel To: Adolfo Joglar Sent: Friday, November 17, 2000 3:07 PM Subject: Re: Estimado Se or Por favor aconseje el pa s donde usted se localiza. Nosotros somos sin embargo una compa a Canadiense que nosotros tenemos laboratorios localizados en muchos pa ses del mundo. Nosotros tenemos un laboratorio en Espa a. Por favor conteste lo más pronto posible. Suyo Atentamente William Quesnel Presidente WearCheck Canadá Inc. ----- Original Message ----- From: Adolfo Joglar To: sales@wearcheck.ca Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 10:55 AM Hola. me gustaria tener mas informacion de los Kit que ofrecen. tengo un proyecto de implementar un laboratorio ambulante para los analisis en terreno para la industria su informacion sera de mucha ayuda de antemano gracias November 20, 2000 4:19 PM AJ - email to WQ - Gracias por tresponder y disculpenme por no haber dado mayor informacion. yo estoy localizado en Antofagasta de Chile mi Direccion es : Calle Calbuco 5101 Antofagasta y mi telefonofax es 56 55 223815 - Gracias Thank you for tresponder and excuse me for not having given bigger information. I am located in Antofagasta of Chile my Address is: Calbuco remain silent 5101 Antofagasta and my telefonofax it is 56 55 223815 November 17, 2000 1:07 PM WQ - email to AJ - Dear Sir - Please advise the country where you are located. We are a Canadian company however we have laboratories located in many parts of the world. We have a laboratory in Spain. Please answer as soon as possible. Sincerely William Quesnel President Estimado Senor - Por favor aconseje el pa s donde usted se localiza. Nosotros somos sin embargo una compa a Canadiense que nosotros tenemos laboratorios localizados en muchos pa ses del mundo. Nosotros tenemos un laboratorio en Espa a. Por favor conteste lo más pronto posible. Suyo Atentamente William Quesnel Presidente November 16, 2000 10:55 AM AJ - email to sales@wearcheck.ca - Hola. me gustaria tener mas informacion de los Kit que ofrecen. tengo un proyecto de implementar un laboratorio ambulante para los analisis en terreno para la industria su informacion sera de mucha ayuda de antemano gracias Hello. I would like to have but information of the Kit that offer. I have a project of implementing a traveling laboratory for the analyses in land for the industry their information it will be ahead of time of a lot of help thank you November 20, 2000 4:34 PM WQ - email to AJ -Dear Sir - I regret that we do not have a company to process oil analysis samples in Chile. Would you want to send oil samples to Canada to be tested? Are you interested to set up your own laboratory? We need much more information. What is the name of your company? What type of oil samples will you test? How many samples will you have? Please advise? William Quesnel Estimado Señor - Yo siento que que nosotros no tenemos una compañía para procesar análisis de aceite prueba en Chile. ¿Querría usted enviarle muestras de aceite a Canadá ser probado? ¿Es interesado usted para preparar su propio laboratorio? Nosotros necesitamos mucho más información. ¿Cuál es el nombre de su compañía? ¿Qué tipo de muestras de aceite probará usted? ¿Cuántas muestras tendrá usted? ¿Por favor aconseje? William Quesnel billq@wearcheck.ca Presidente WearCheck Canadá Inc. www.wearcheck.ca Public Public Associate Subury CIM Sudbury Branch CIM Sudbury Branch CIM Sudbury Branch 000320000033093394988C Association March 15, 2000 5:52 PM BQ - email to WQ - Dad, Haven't even given it one thought. WQ - email to BQ - Billy - This guy - Len Kitchener is one of the kings of INCO. I am happy to see he has taken an intereste in your paper How is it coming along?.... among the other few things you have to do. March 15, 2000 8:19 AM LK - email to WQ - Hello Bill.....didn't know you were with Wearcheck. Hope you can provide Dick with the paper, it looks worthwhile and I think he will need back-ups. Would you please contact Roxanne Kneer regarding the booth if you are interested, which I hope you are. Roxanne's phone no. is 682-1544. Thanks and best regards.........Len K. March 2, 2000 4:11 PM WQ - email to DM - I was given your name by Roxanne Kneer WearCheck Canada Inc wish to present a paper at the upcoming CIM Main Eng Ops Conference. I don't know if it is too late to submit a paper or what your deadlines are. The paper would be presented by William A Quesnel Vice President of WearCheck Canada Inc. Title: WebCheck - Internet Based Interactive Maintenance Management Applications for Used Oil Analysis Abstract: The use of the Internet for extranet applications is in it's infancy and the synergistic effects of these systems is only beginning to be understood. This paper details the use of such an extranet application used to exchange equipment condition monitoring data provided by a centrally linked global commercial oil analysis laboratory. The world-wide laboratory management information systems are connected through the Internet to a central server to allow for live and interactive flow of condition monitoring data between the laboratories, customers, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), oil suppliers/manufacturers and consultants. Centralization of condition monitoring data allows for the comparison of test results of similar equipment and/or lubricants allowing OEMs and oil manufacturers to incorporate condition monitoring data into re-engineering practices. The benefits of condition monitoring extranets is exhibited through WebCheck using an example of such an oil analysis program provided for a global OEM. We think the paper would generate considerable interest as there are other applications that could use this same technology. WearCheck also wish to place a booth in the trade show, and we are talking to Roxanne about this. Please advise as soon as possible if we can still get the paper in. Best Regards William D Quesnel Sr. President WearCheck Canada Inc. billqsr@wearcheck.ca March 2, 2000 1:11 PM BQ - email to WQ - Title: WebCheck - Internet Based Interactive Maintenance Management Applications for Used Oil Analysis Abstract: The use of the Internet for extranet applications is in it's infancy and the synergistic effects of these systems is only beginning to be understood. This paper details the use of such an extranet application used to exchange equipment condition monitoring data provided by a centrally linked global commercial oil analysis laboratory. The world-wide laboratory management information systems are connected through the Internet to a central server to allow for live and interactive flow of condition monitoring data between the laboratories, customers, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), oil suppliers/manufacturers and consultants. Centralization of condition monitoring data allows for the comparison of test results of similar equipment and/or lubricants allowing OEMs and oil manufacturers to incorporate condition monitoring data into re-engineering practices. The benefits of condition monitoring extranets is exhibited through WebCheck using an example of such an oil analysis program provided for a global OEM. March 2, 2000 12:01 PM WQ - email to BQ - This is a quick and dirty summary of what I think could go into a paper. This would be for The Canadian Institute of Mining Metallurgy and Petroleum (Sudbury Branch) 11th CIM Maintenance Engineering Operatotors' Conference The conference starts Sunday May 7 with Evening 7:00 p.m. Opening Wine and Cheese in the tradeshow area. Papers are presented on May 8 and May 9 - You would be presenter one of these days if we can get paper in. Trade show booth move in the evening of May 6 and all day May 7 with opening at 7:00 p.m. - would like to put WearCheck booth in show with Len and I working it. Trade show all day May 8 and May 9 I would send the following to R.McIvor to see if we could get a paper in the conference (kind of a preview for "Practicing Oil Analysis Conference" Tulsa OK - July) --------start of submission----------- The paper is entitled "WebCheck - Internet Based Interactive Maintenance Management Applications for Used Oil Analysis". The paper details the use of the internet to exchange information concerning non-destructive testing of the condition of equipment by used oil sampling and analysis. It describes a commercial laboratory where the laboratory testing instruments are connected through the internet to a central server to allow live and interactive information flow between the laboratory, the customers, equipment manufacturers, oil suppliers and other consultants. It details the potential uses of centralized data for purposes of comparisons of test results of similar equipment or lubricants, and benefits that flow to the participants. It details the cost savings realized in using the internet for rapid exchange of information and the advantages of the interactive access to information provided to the participants in the program. It describes a global intranet system operating an oil analysis program for an equipment manufacturer in several countries of the world. We believe this paper will generate considerable interest as there as could be similar systems developed for other applications in the maintenance of equipment. There is also potential for the type of system described in this paper to be linked directly into existing maintenance software. -------end of submission--------- Maybe you want to add more to the above I think this is a worthwhile conference to get a paper in and the trade show should do much to boost the image of WearCheck (and Len) I will telephone to discuss at 1:00 p.m. March 15, 2000 5:52 PM BQ - email to WQ - Dad, Haven't even given it one thought. WQ - email to BQ - Billy - This guy - Len Kitchener is one of the kings of INCO. I am happy to see he has taken an intereste in your paper How is it coming along?.... among the other few things you have to do. Public Public ON WC - International Member CINRG CINRG CINRG 991105000092469946609C August 7, 2001 12:54 PM BQ email to WQ - Subject: POAC WebCheck article - Dad, Here is the WebCheck article. (WQ see C:\My Documents\Cinrg\WebCheck - An Oil Analysis Based Maintenance Extranet System.doc) Regards, Bill Quesnel August 7, 2001 11:55 AM WQ email to BQ - Subject: Re: CINRG / WCI affiliation proposal - Billy - Looks real good to me - should be very attractive to Gilbert, as he has been looking for something just like this all along. Will reserve my opinion on interest from others, but think they will say yes, as of a matter of course it will get them in on a ground floor with WebCheck software, and no one turns down an opportunity to make revenue. Any specific reason you have left Bob Cutler out of the loop? - I guess we would get Finning through Canada anyway - but he may help with opportunities like Volvo and JCB. Neither would I dismiss the Germans out of hand as possible candidates. If we can get some kind of patent-copyright-intellectual material protection we could possibly work with them as well. It would be good to have an WearCheck wide program. Bill Sr August 7, 2001 11:12 AM BQ email to JT GdM PJ GK LC GB AG (copy WQ) - Subject: CINRG / WCI affiliation proposal - Lesley, Gary, Alistair, Greg, Peter, Gilbert and Jesus, - Please read the attached proposal. I would say that this is my last (and best) attempt for a viable solution to the CINRG group within WearCheck International. I think that you will find my proposal interesting at the least, and hopefully as exciting as I think that it is. I have not included any hype, just a straight-forward presentation of the current situation. I know each one of you well enough to first, propose this to you and second, consider your participation valuable. I hope that you will each take the time to discuss this proposal with me. (WQ - see Document Aug 7 Cinrg Affilliates) Best Regards, Bill Quesnel August 6, 2001 10:15 AM GdM email to WQ (fwd to BQ) - Subject: Fw: Volvo, webcheck - Hi Bill, During the WC congress in Raleigh we spoke about the worldwide use of the new Webcheck and Volvo program. Did you already work out any proposition (monthly fee or any other system)? I understood that different WC-members would now be interested in joining the program. We have been touring in the Quebec province during tree weeks in July (we have also seen the whales in the Saint-Laurents in Tadousak). I think you are living in one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Best regards, Gilbert De Mey March 1, 2001 4:34 AM From: "Bill Quesnel" To: "Bill Quesnel - WearCheck" Subject: CINRG Advertising contract, terms Date: March 1, 2001 4:34 AM Dad, Here are the CINRG Advertising contract and terms. Please review and let me know if these seem satisfactory. Regards, Bill Quesnel Vice-President WearCheck Canada Inc. ph +1 905 569 8600 x223 fax +1 905 569 8605 billq@wearcheck.ca ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A proud member of WearCheck International (www.wearcheck.com) March 1, 2001 4:34 AM BQ email to WQ - Subject: CINRG Advertising contract, terms - Dad, Here are the CINRG Advertising contract and terms. Please review and let me know if these seem satisfactory. Regards, Bill Quesnel February 27, 2001 3:33 PM From: "Bill Quesnel" To: "Alexander (Sandy) Dunn" Subject: Advertising on WebCheck Date: February 27, 2001 3:33 PM Sandy CiNRG offers advertising on WebCheck client intranet services. These ads are viewed by defined users of oil analysis services. See: http://www.oilanalysis.net/Adverts/Advertising.asp William Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca President WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca February 27, 2001 3:33 PM BQ email to "Alexander (Sandy) Dunn" - Subject: Advertising on WebCheck - Sandy - CiNRG offers advertising on WebCheck client intranet services. These ads are viewed by defined users of oil analysis services. See: http://www.oilanalysis.net/Adverts/Advertising.asp William Quesnel Sr February 20, 2001 4:39 PM WQ email to BQ - Subject: Re: MotorCheck / WebCheck Integration Proposal - Billy This is what is called negotiation. He finds everything you propose is too expensive as a starting point. Doesn't like the high front loading price and then $ 0.45 per sample is too high. Suggest you go back with same set-up fee (as you need that to pay for the time to set the program up) and reduce sample price by $0.05 each on volume over 10000 per month, and see what he says. What is he talking about loading "CTA Pennzoil, and LA Transit" ... are these additional programs. Is the criteria the same as Jiffy Lube for these programs or do you need to do additional set-up work to get them up and running? If they are different you will need another set-up charge? Just some ideas for you. Dad February 20, 2001 4:15 PM From: "Bill Quesnel" To: "Bill Quesnel" Subject: Re: MotorCheck / WebCheck Integration Proposal Date: February 20, 2001 4:15 PM Dad, I agree. GTI just keeps throwing things at this. When I spoke to Greg one day before he needed the proposal, he said, "oh yah, that includes the stuff we're doing on E-Bay, and the Home Shopping Network", and "for the Home Shopping Network the guy is going to want to track samples processed, etc." I don't know where CTA Pennzoil and LA Transit came from, but now it seems that anywhere you put an OSA you will be sending the data to WebCheck. I need to crunch the numbers on this. What is worth my time and resources? I like where GTI could take CINRG, however, I won't do it for cost. Again, the ASP model of leasing software has really died out there in computer world, because the cost of doing this isn't extremely lucrative once you work in all your hardware, support costs, and development costs. I also think that he is complaining about the $3,000/month lease fee from start-up (similar to Jim Chambers complaint). My biggest concern is doing this work then getting a dud (50 samples a month), and basically being trapped into a worthless contract. Perhaps I could do the following: $1,500 / month (initially) then $30 / month per unit up to a maximum of $3,000/month. $0.45 per sample from 0 - 10,000 samples / month $0.40 per sample from 10,001 - 20,000 samples / month $0.38 per sample from 20,001 up $25,000 start-up. Check out the Excel worksheet attached. The upper table is CINRG's revenue, the bottom is GTI's (based on $1,500/month per OSA lease). I have read all their latest on-line information and they currently have 115 units in the field (so how are they going to suddenly put 1000 units in the field by December?). Even Flying J (one of their best customers) bought 10 units(GTI's biggest single purchase at that time @ $700,000) with a contract to buy 90 more. Guess who never bought the other 90. So Jiffy Lube is starting with 1 unit which will ramp up to 25 by May-June, and then 250 a month until december or when they hit 1,000 units. Jiffy Lube is only obligated for the first several (probably 10 again). What are the odds of them taking 1000? Play with the spreadsheet and check out CINRG revenue on 100 units doing 100 samples/year up to 1000 units doing 365 samples/year. Any way you do it the maximum cost of the software comes out to 2.5% based on GTI's revenues, and bottoms out below 0.2%. Not too bad, considering a good part of the system hinges on the software. Regards, Billy ----- Original Message ----- From: Bill Quesnel To: Bill Quesnel Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 4:39 PM Subject: Re: MotorCheck / WebCheck Integration Proposal Billy This is what is called negotiation. He finds everything you propose is too expensive as a starting point. Doesn't like the high front loading price and then $ 0.45 per sample is too high. Suggest you go back with same set-up fee (as you need that to pay for the time to set the program up) and reduce sample price by $0.05 each on volume over 10000 per month, and see what he says. What is he talking about loading "CTA Pennzoil, and LA Transit" ... are these additional programs. Is the criteria the same as Jiffy Lube for these programs or do you need to do additional set-up work to get them up and running? If they are different you will need another set-up charge? Just some ideas for you. Dad ----- Original Message ----- From: Bill Quesnel To: Bill Quesnel - WearCheck Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 9:19 AM Subject: Fw: MotorCheck / WebCheck Integration Proposal ----- Original Message ----- From: GBKawa@aol.com To: billq@wearcheck.ca Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 8:54 AM Subject: Re: MotorCheck / WebCheck Integration Proposal Bill, Looks pricey at front end. Remember, we will be ramping up with Jiffy Lube. First one goes into Sacramento in March. Announcement of nationwide oil analysis program is May. Roll out of units begins in August to December. Until then we will be working with Jiffy Lube POS system and probably an MS Sequel Server system. We want to set up system from begining so that it is in place as we roll out. Can you review monthly charges and proportion or balloon them as a function of time. e.g. low initial ramping up according to above schedule. Also, want to confirm that set up fee of $25,000 is a one time fee. For example, if we load CTA, Pennzoil, and LA Transit onto this program, how does this impact costs? And the .45/sample charge is too high for margins on Jiffy Lube program. After the set up isn't this a transparent process (automatic eMail) requiring no further maintenance? While your service is valuable and of great interest, we will need to address some of these issues quickly. Thanks. Greg February 20, 2001 4:15 PM BQ email to WQ - Subject: Re: MotorCheck / WebCheck Integration Proposal - Dad, I agree. GTI just keeps throwing things at this. When I spoke to Greg one day before he needed the proposal, he said, "oh yah, that includes the stuff we're doing on E-Bay, and the Home Shopping Network", and "for the Home Shopping Network the guy is going to want to track samples processed, etc." I don't know where CTA Pennzoil and LA Transit came from, but now it seems that anywhere you put an OSA you will be sending the data to WebCheck. I need to crunch the numbers on this. What is worth my time and resources? I like where GTI could take CINRG, however, I won't do it for cost. Again, the ASP model of leasing software has really died out there in computer world, because the cost of doing this isn't extremely lucrative once you work in all your hardware, support costs, and development costs. I also think that he is complaining about the $3,000/month lease fee from start-up (similar to Jim Chambers complaint). My biggest concern is doing this work then getting a dud (50 samples a month), and basically being trapped into a worthless contract. Perhaps I could do the following: $1,500 / month (initially) then $30 / month per unit up to a maximum of $3,000/month. $0.45 per sample from 0 - 10,000 samples / month $0.40 per sample from 10,001 - 20,000 samples / month $0.38 per sample from 20,001 up $25,000 start-up. Check out the Excel worksheet attached. The upper table is CINRG's revenue, the bottom is GTI's (based on $1,500/month per OSA lease). I have read all their latest on-line information and they currently have 115 units in the field (so how are they going to suddenly put 1000 units in the field by December?). Even Flying J (one of their best customers) bought 10 units(GTI's biggest single purchase at that time @ $700,000) with a contract to buy 90 more. Guess who never bought the other 90. So Jiffy Lube is starting with 1 unit which will ramp up to 25 by May-June, and then 250 a month until december or when they hit 1,000 units. Jiffy Lube is only obligated for the first several (probably 10 again). What are the odds of them taking 1000? Play with the spreadsheet and check out CINRG revenue on 100 units doing 100 samples/year up to 1000 units doing 365 samples/year. Any way you do it the maximum cost of the software comes out to 2.5% based on GTI's revenues, and bottoms out below 0.2%. Not too bad, considering a good part of the system hinges on the software. Regards, Billy February 20, 2001 8:54 AM GBK email to BQ (fwd to WQ) - Subject: Re: MotorCheck / WebCheck Integration Proposal Bill, Looks pricey at front end. Remember, we will be ramping up with Jiffy Lube. First one goes into Sacramento in March. Announcement of nationwide oil analysis program is May. Roll out of units begins in August to December. Until then we will be working with Jiffy Lube POS system and probably an MS Sequel Server system. We want to set up system from begining so that it is in place as we roll out. Can you review monthly charges and proportion or balloon them as a function of time. e.g. low initial ramping up according to above schedule. Also, want to confirm that set up fee of $25,000 is a one time fee. For example, if we load CTA, Pennzoil, and LA Transit onto this program, how does this impact costs? And the .45/sample charge is too high for margins on Jiffy Lube program. After the set up isn't this a transparent process (automatic eMail) requiring no further maintenance? While your service is valuable and of great interest, we will need to address some of these issues quickly. Thanks. Greg February 1, 2001 9:43 AM WQ email to RI GG BQ KM - Subject: New WebCheck Brochures Bill I think the new WebCheck brochures are great. I showed them to the people here at PHQ and they are impressed with the quality and colour of the content. You have packed a lot of information into those six pages, and I think they will do WearCheck a lot of good once they start going out in the mail. Have you talked to WearCheck USA about how they are going to use the brochures? Please advise the final cost on the 5000 lot quantity - PHQ is interested in doing a couple of similar brochures for our rockdrills if we can afford it. I would like to use the same computer program to design that you used (I don't even know what you used?) and the same printer to produce the brochures. Please let me know the cost/brochure, name of the program used, and name and address of the printer. Best Regards, William Quesnel Sr February 1, 2001 5:39 AM From: "Bill Quesnel" To: Cc: "Bill Quesnel - WearCheck" Subject: WebCheck pricing. Date: February 1, 2001 5:39 AM Ken, Here is pricing for the WebCheck client and LIMS systems. OPTION 1 - Read-Only Mode ======== WebCheck client system only - This is where the laboratory is simply sending data to our server in a Read-Only mode (the laboratory does not receive feedback information from the client, clients will have limited functionality). Set-up: $5,000 Monthly: $2,000 Historical Samples: $0.10 each Samples: $0.20 each Time required to set-up: Generally around 2 weeks. OPTION 2 - Read/Write Mode ======== WebCheck client system, and limited LIMS capability - This is where the laboratory sends data to our server for the client to access on WebCheck, however, the laboratory receives data and information back from the WebCheck server (i.e. equipment updates, feedback info, test requests, etc.). Set-up: $8,000 Monthly: $2,500 Historical Samples: $0.10 each Samples: $0.25 each Time required to set-up: Generally around 1.5 months. OPTION 3 - ASP LIMS ======== WebCheck client and LIMS system - The laboratory uses the WebCheck LIMS from our server using a VPN connection, and their clients retrieve their OA data through WebCheck. Set-up: $30,000 (plus travel expenses) Monthly: $4,000 Historical Samples: 0 Samples: $0.10 Time required to set-up: Generally around 3 months. OPTION 4 - Outright Purchase ======== WebCheck client and LIMS system - The laboratory purchases a system outright, installs and manages it on their own LAN/WAN. Laboratory has all source code. Initial Laboratory site License Fee: $250,000 Subsequent Laboratory site License Fee: $50,000 [All prices in US dollars] Best Regards, Bill Quesnel Vice-President WearCheck Canada Inc. ph +1 905 569 8600 x223 fax +1 905 569 8605 billq@wearcheck.ca ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A proud member of WearCheck International (www.wearcheck.com) February 1, 2001 5:39 AM BQ email to KH (copy WQ) - Subject: WebCheck pricing. - Ken, Here is pricing for the WebCheck client and LIMS systems. OPTION 1 - Read-Only Mode ======== WebCheck client system only - This is where the laboratory is simply sending data to our server in a Read-Only mode (the laboratory does not receive feedback information from the client, clients will have limited functionality). Set-up: $5,000 Monthly: $2,000 Historical Samples: $0.10 each Samples: $0.20 each Time required to set-up: Generally around 2 weeks. OPTION 2 - Read/Write Mode ======== WebCheck client system, and limited LIMS capability - This is where the laboratory sends data to our server for the client to access on WebCheck, however, the laboratory receives data and information back from the WebCheck server (i.e. equipment updates, feedback info, test requests, etc.). Set-up: $8,000 Monthly: $2,500 Historical Samples: $0.10 each Samples: $0.25 each Time required to set-up: Generally around 1.5 months. OPTION 3 - ASP LIMS ======== WebCheck client and LIMS system - The laboratory uses the WebCheck LIMS from our server using a VPN connection, and their clients retrieve their OA data through WebCheck. Set-up: $30,000 (plus travel expenses) Monthly: $4,000 Historical Samples: 0 Samples: $0.10 Time required to set-up: Generally around 3 months. OPTION 4 - Outright Purchase ======== WebCheck client and LIMS system - The laboratory purchases a system outright, installs and manages it on their own LAN/WAN. Laboratory has all source code. Initial Laboratory site License Fee: $250,000 Subsequent Laboratory site License Fee: $50,000 [All prices in US dollars] Best Regards, Bill Quesnel February 1, 2001 5:22 AM From: "Bill Quesnel" To: "Bill Quesnel - WearCheck" Subject: Re: New WebCheck Brochures Date: February 1, 2001 5:22 AM Dad, Thanks. The brochure was a bit of work, however, I could do another much easier now, having learned what I have on this one. I used Adobe PhotoShop for the entire brochure, and had it printed by Top-Line Printing & Graphics, just down on Unity drive here. Max introduced me to them, and he is working as a third party between us. Max obviously gets a deal from Top-Line, so I doubt it would be better to go on my own. You can go down and meet with their staff and do all proof approvals, just that the quotes come through Max. When you are ready, let me know, I can save you a lot of trouble setting this stuff up for printing from Adobe. Billy ----- Original Message ----- From: Bill Quesnel - WearCheck To: Ruth Inglehart ; Gloria Gonzalez ; Bill Quesnel ; Kevin Marson Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2001 9:43 AM Subject: New WebCheck Brochures Bill I think the new WebCheck brochures are great. I showed them to the people here at PHQ and they are impressed with the quality and colour of the content. You have packed a lot of information into those six pages, and I think they will do WearCheck a lot of good once they start going out in the mail. Have you talked to WearCheck USA about how they are going to use the brochures? Please advise the final cost on the 5000 lot quantity - PHQ is interested in doing a couple of similar brochures for our rockdrills if we can afford it. I would like to use the same computer program to design that you used (I don't even know what you used?) and the same printer to produce the brochures. Please let me know the cost/brochure, name of the program used, and name and address of the printer. Best Regards, William Quesnel Sr President WearCheck Canada Inc. ph 905 569 8600 fax 905 569 8605 billqsr@wearcheck.ca --------------------------------------------------------------- A proud member of WearCheck International www.wearcheck.com February 1, 2001 5:22 AM BQ email to WQ - Subject: Re: New WebCheck Brochures - Dad, Thanks. The brochure was a bit of work, however, I could do another much easier now, having learned what I have on this one. I used Adobe PhotoShop for the entire brochure, and had it printed by Top-Line Printing & Graphics, just down on Unity drive here. Max introduced me to them, and he is working as a third party between us. Max obviously gets a deal from Top-Line, so I doubt it would be better to go on my own. You can go down and meet with their staff and do all proof approvals, just that the quotes come through Max. When you are ready, let me know, I can save you a lot of trouble setting this stuff up for printing from Adobe. Billy November 20, 2000 8:45 AM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: Re: WebCheck pricing - Bill - The approach you have taken to establishing pricing is good. I believe that you should set the parameters at whatever level generates revenue you are comfortable with. We can continue to theorize what the value of the program is to the customer and how much we can get for it, but I think we need to get something going. Even if the revenue is not what it should be for the first customer we need to get started. You can always raise the price once you are established. Dad November 13, 2000 7:13 PM BQ - email to WQ - Subject: WebCheck pricing - Dad, Considerations for pricing of WebCheck client, and WebCheck LIMS. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As both Peter Cass and Kevin's friend Wayne pointed out, it's important to price the system from the perspective of how much it will ultimately save the client. Put another way, what is the client's current budget for these types of systems, and what will the WebCheck system replace (cost wise) for them compared to what they are currently doing. If you can bring a unique, and frankly, better product to a company, for the same price that they are currently spending, then they will undoubtably go with the new product. The difficulty is that it is very tough to get good estimates on these costs. I plan on speaking to Bob Starling about CTC's experience with their software, SAMLink 2000, and as a branded program for Exxon, and others. I would also like to talk to John Jones about his current ASP offerings and also about the potential cost savings (in terms of IT personnel) that he would suspect would be saved. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Both James Tuck and Wayne pointed out that if you estimate your price too low, then the client may not take you seriously. This is a real potential problem. Typically the people required to make the proper decisions may not come into play if your cost is too low. James was cautious and stated that it is necessary to assume that you will only get a small number of clients, so your price must allow you the flexibility to operate under this condition. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As such I have thought of the following scenario: - Initial Implementation Fee of say US$ 25,000 - 50,000 (idea provided by Wayne). - Monthly fee for WebCheck of US$ 3,000. - Sample fee of US$ 0.50 for each sample and US$ 0.25 for bulk copy of historical samples. - Maintenance and development costs of 15% per year (figure provided by Wayne). So for say one ExxonMobil marine laboratory processing 40,000 samples per year, starting with 10% on WebCheck with a 10% increase in sample load going onto WebCheck per year, and say 2 times the new samples in historical samples you have: ( 25,000 + ( 12 x 3,000 ) + ( 4,000 x 0.50 ) + ( 8,000 x 0.25 )) x 1.15 = US$ 74,750 year one (( 12 x 3,000 ) + ( 8,000 x 0.50 ) + ( 8,000 x 0.25 )) x 1.15 = US$ 48,300 year two (( 12 x 3,000 ) + ( 12,000 x 0.50 ) + ( 8,000 x 0.25 )) x 1.15 = US$ 50,600 year three (( 12 x 3,000 ) + ( 16,000 x 0.50 ) + ( 8,000 x 0.25 )) x 1.15 = US$ 52,900 year four (( 12 x 3,000 ) + ( 20,000 x 0.50 ) + ( 8,000 x 0.25 )) x 1.15 = US$ 55,200 year five which is US$ 281,750 over 5 years. At US$ 4,000 per month you have: (13,800 x 5) + 281,750 = US$ 350,750 At US$ 0.75 per sample ( 0.50 for historical data) you have: 3450 + 4600 + 5750 + 6900 + 8050 = 28,750 + 350,750 = US$ 379,500 See the attached spreadsheet for costing. It appears that we would have to do something upfront or by sample to account for a greater difference between a lab doing 40,000 samples per year, and one doing 10,000. Regards, Bill Quesnel November 13, 2000 6:52 AM BQ - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Practicing Oil Analysis - Cinrg - Dad, Further to Tulsa: Castrol Industrial UK is pushing for pricing on WebCheck before they can go ahead and put together a proposal to use WebCheck. I am in the process of creating a Lotus ScreenCam CD-ROM of WebCheck/LabCheck and will be sending a copy to: ExxonMobil Marine Castrol Industrial Global Technovations Amsoil We really...no really......no, no really.....need to get some ideas on costing so that I don't end up poor, or looking like an idiot (or both). Could we, should we meet with Cass, or what? Regards, Billy August 11, 2000 7:57 PM BQ - email to WQ - Subject: Re: WearCheck USA Royalties Dad, We no longer bill Petro-Canada for their user accounts. I am not sure what to do about WDE. I'm not very happy with what they are doing with their OELCHECK. They are in breach of the CINRG contract, and I will more than likely push them on this. I will be charging WUS, and WBE US$4,000. Starting in September I will be billing WUS $3,000/month for the LIMS. CINRG has it's first customer, Kleenoil. We will be developing their Web site ($3,000?), and once that is done they will be our first advertiser in WebCheck at $495/month. Billy August 11, 2000 7:57 PM BQ - email to WQ - Subject: Re: WearCheck USA Royalties Dad, We no longer bill Petro-Canada for their user accounts. I am not sure what to do about WDE. I'm not very happy with what they are doing with their OELCHECK. They are in breach of the CINRG contract, and I will more than likely push them on this. I will be charging WUS, and WBE US$4,000. Starting in September I will be billing WUS $3,000/month for the LIMS. CINRG has it's first customer, Kleenoil. We will be developing their Web site ($3,000?), and once that is done they will be our first advertiser in WebCheck at $495/month. Billy August 6, 2000 8:23 AM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: Re: WearCheck USA Royalties - Ok thanks Bill, I checked the invoice Friday and pleasantly surprised that it was US$14,000+. By the way it was still at 5% rate, as we began contract last year at July 1 and billed last half of 1999 at 5% and so first part of 2000 is at 5% - Last half of this year and first half of 2001 will be at 4% - let's hope it continues to grow. Will CiNRG be billing WearCheck USA and Belgium for WebCheck each US$4,000 up-dates and server use this year? Will we bill Germany US$2,000 for WebCheck up-dates this year? Does WearCheck bill Petro-Canada @ CAN$250 each for users? Dad April 27, 2000 4:40 AM AA - email to WQ JT (Copy to WQ) - Dear Bill - Some days ago Jesus told me that you are very interested in offering Extranet Services to the medical community. Since Jesus appeared quite interested in the idea, though he not understood perfectly its scope, we both are wondering if you could offer us a little overview on which direction are you thinking to address this area: We are willing to investigate new forms of bussiness here, at Spain, and we believe there is a posibility of contacting with some medical organizations here. We also think that Spain is at least some years back with respect to US/Canada in Internet usage and therefore, we would welcome any colaboration with you, if it is possible. I have been reading some news from US and it seems that everybody is focussing in the health market, sharing knowledge in chats, allowing customers to put their medical dossier in the web, and helping people to diagnose their status and to schedule next preventive/ predictive analysis. Still, we are a little confused about what could be paid for and who would pay, and I wonder if you could enlighten a little bit this issue. Thank you in advance and best regards. Aitor Arnaiz April 3, 2000 11:26 AM BQ - email to AA (Copy to JT WQ) - Aitor, With regards to a medical extranet: a) It is a health condition analysis where blood/orine equipment is used jointed together with client capacity to have online their results and conclusions, in similar way to Wearcheck bussiness; or b) is it something more focused towards just Extranet software services, provided to the medical/patient community, such as a site to store and retrieve all patient data, compare trends, etc. The system would be both a.) and b.). Two systems would be developed. The first a.) is a LIMS system for medical laboratories (both private and government). The LIMS would allow medical laboratories to schedule, and store data ( blood, urine, x-ray, etc.) in the database, similar to an oil analysis LIMS. This system would be provided using the ASP model (Application Service Provider) where a registered laboratory logs into the system through a VPN to conduct daily LIMS functions. This would allow the data to be centralized and available in the b.) client extranet system. Once this system was established, you could then develop a site b.) where doctors would be able to log in and retrieve test results/reports, as well as schedule testing for patients, etc. Patients would be able to log in and view their own medical history, add information (height, wieght, blood pressure, etc.) to their records, consult with their doctor as well as other doctors. As far as who pays, and who gets paid, my philosophy on this issue is that you allow private doctors, and clients to use the b.) system for free, and you charge larger medical facilities (hospitals) for usage of the a.) system. The biggest amount of money for the system will come from advertising (medical and drug companies). The principle is to build the site, get a lot of "consumers" registered and using the site, then to seek out advertisers. You could generate a great deal of revenue from advertisers. I would most certainly be interested in doing a collaborative effort with you on this project. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel April 3, 2000 4:56 AM BQ - email to WQ - Subject: Re: LabCheck -Dad, Not $162,000 but $300,000. Read carefully. I fully expect that WearCheck will be paid for WebCheck and LabCheck. Regard, Billy April 2, 2000 10:38 PM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: Re: LabCheck - Bill - This message is not to be negative - rather just some realistic comments. If WearCheck Canada Inc is to pay CINRG for LabCheck and WebCheck first CINRG must purchase LabCheck and WebCheck from WearCheck. LabCheck was written with money spent by WearCheck. Payment could be either in form of stock options held by WearCheck, or in deferred payment of monthly fees (in which case CINRG would lose cash flow. Will need to discuss ramifications with Dave Alexander. $162,000 would not cover all payroll, expenses (vehicles and travel) and overhead costs. What abourt equipment - computers?..... would these be leased - would need to pay monthly fees if so. How sure are you of the advertising revenue?... has Kleen Oil come through for their advert already? Some food for thought. I have read the agreement with USA and will broach LIMS (LabCheck) fees with Jim Chambers tomorrow. Dad April 2, 2000 10:05 PM BQ - email to WQ - When you return I would like to discuss an action plan to get CINRG off the back-burner and operational. Time is passing us by. As such, I have begun to determine where possible revenue sources will arise from, and there are several. One in particular I would like you to run by Jim Chambers tomorrow, and get his impression. CINRG will operate as an ASP company, that is an Application Service Provider company. LabCheck and WebCheck will be the first products of CINRG, and will be leased to laboratories on a monthly basis. Seeing as WearCheck USA is past the one year systems inclusion in our original contract, CINRG will begin charging a monthly lease for the usage of LabCheck. I figure that the monthly fee should be CAN $3,000. CINRG would then have an influx of cash of initially $3,000 x 2 = $6,000/month (WearCheck USA, and WearCheck Canada), and hopefully WearCheck Canada II in Vancouver. Combined with WebCheck revenues and modest advertising revenues CINRG should be self-funding by the years end without considering additional work performed by CINRG. LabCheck lease: 3 @ $3,000 x 12 = $108,000 WebCheck agreements: 5 @ US$4,000 (CAN$6,000) = $30,000 - assuming either UK, or Vancouver joins Advertising: 30 @ $450 X 12 = $162,000 ====================================== Total: $300,000 That should be sufficient to pay Kevin, and myself, and even think about a small office March 19, 2000 9:35 PM BQ - email to WQ - Don't want to say "told you so", but "told you so". Kevin took a day off last week, and then on Friday we got to talking, and Kevin mentioned that on his day off he went to see his old-time friend Wayne. Wayne owns a software company (4 guys in total, called Digital Ideas). Kevin talks to Wayne once and a while, as a friend and all, and has mentioned to him what we are doing. Wayne was interested so Kevin went and showed him. This guy can't believe what Kevin and I are capable of doing on the Internet. Needless to say, Wayne has offered for Kevin to do some work for him part-time. Kevin says he is going to start by re-designing his Web site. Wayne told Kevin that good full-time VB programmers make $65/hour, and that he pays part-timers $50-$55/hr. Kevin is better than good. I have been telling Kevin this for a long time (both the wage bit and the fact that he is very good at what he does). Kevin didn't believe me. Well he does now. So it's time for us to "put up" or "shut up". We need to move Kevin into a full-time IT position at around $60,000/year salary. If you don't believe me then you don't, but we're going to lose him. And if we do I won't speak to anyone for a long time. Kevin is damn good at Internet programming. He's better than me (he only lacks clarity of vision) and what he could do for WebCheck and LabCheck on a full-time basis is better than getting me 3 other programmers. As an example, Jimmy Yang was just hired by a software firm for $40,000/year. I can't believe that, the guy has 1 year experience in programming. Kevin has 10 years or more, and he has an artistic flair that I have never seen in another programmer. He is more productive than 10 Jimmy Yangs. I would like some sort of an action plan on this A.S.A.P. I want to show Kevin that we are serious about making him happy, by letting him do what he likes, and is good at, and by paying him appropriately. It would be a crime not to. By action plan, I mean the following: a.) Move Kevin out of the laboratory b.) Either train someone, or hire someone to run the laboratory. If we throw my part of the job in at the same time, all the better. c.) Give Kevin a raise, or outline how and when this will occur. d.) The eventual goal here is to have both Kevin and myself working for CINRG. I know the first thing you are going to say to me, "show me the money". Well, it takes money to make money. I can't believe how sedentary we've become (especially me) with CINRG. Are we afraid of risk? I have been putting energy into my advertising proposal for CINRG. I am almost finished, and I intend on hooking 30 advertisers within the first year (I'm being a pessimist here). That would generate 30 * $5,4000 = $162,000/year. That's enough for Kevin, and pretty near me to boot. I have been calculating the hits on WebCheck and you aren't going to believe them. I'll send you my outline of the advertising sell job I am working on. Again comments would be appreciated. November 5, 1999 10:45 PM WQ - e-mail to BQ - Peter called me at WearCheck on Wednesday to advise he had made the promised contacts: Craig Cusinato (Lawyer) of Stikeman Elliot in Toronto 416-869-5221 ccusinato@tor.strikeman.com He can provide a link to CIBC Venture Capital Can easily raise $2,000,000 for the right project Need to have an executive summary to show him Harvey Organ of Canadian Medical Laboratories 416-928-0898 Linked to an organisation called TheroMed (Glaxo-Welcome) Would want to bring Ted Hawkins - President of ThereoMed Linked to Jones Laboratories in the USA Prepared to raise $2,000,000 Peter says we need to make the best deal - hassel free Peter was talking so fast, I had a hard time to write it all down, and of course he was in a hurry to get of the telephone. He told me that he instructed these people that they need to work through him (Peter) however did tell me that I should telephone them and get something happening. August 7, 2001 12:54 PM BQ email to WQ - Subject: POAC WebCheck article - Dad, Here is the WebCheck article. (WQ see C:\My Documents\Cinrg\WebCheck - An Oil Analysis Based Maintenance Extranet System.doc) Regards, Bill Quesnel Public Public Computer 467 Westney Road 7 Unit 11 Supplier Ajax Clacon Network Systems Inc. Clacon Network Systems Inc. Clacon Network Systems Inc. 950718000521764977613C Computers September 25, 2000 4:28 AM BQ - email to SH (copy BQ) - Subject: PHQ Frontpage Extensions Stephen, I had some discussion with my father on our recent visit to Cary, NC, regarding the inability to install the Frontpage server extensions on the PHQ server. I had some ideas on this and wanted to share them with you. I initially attempted to install the FP 2000 Server Extensions (FSE) with little success. Although the files installed, I could not start the FSE Manager and therefore, could not install the new FSEs on the Web sites. Apparently you have been able to do this, but on only the Hire Purpose Web site and not on the PHQ Web site. This got me to wondering. There exists a problem with the FSEs concerning security. As you already understand if you install your Web sites on a FAT drive then you cannot use security on your Web site. There is a lesser known problem, however, regarding security that affects root Web servers. Essentially, when you either use or do not use, but allow the installation of the root Web server on the NT server (c:\inetpub\wwwroot\) you set up a potential problem for the FSE. The root Web server is generally set-up within IIS as the , and therefore an IP address is not assigned to this site (in the Directories tab of the IIS manager). As a result of this you could not properly set up security on any Web site on this server, until the root Web site was physically assigned an IP within IIS manager. I feel that this may be causing the FP 2000 SEs some grief. You may want to verify this, and set up the root IP if neccessary. This may do the trick. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel September 25, 2000 4:28 AM BQ - email to SH (copy BQ) - Subject: PHQ Frontpage Extensions Stephen, I had some discussion with my father on our recent visit to Cary, NC, regarding the inability to install the Frontpage server extensions on the PHQ server. I had some ideas on this and wanted to share them with you. I initially attempted to install the FP 2000 Server Extensions (FSE) with little success. Although the files installed, I could not start the FSE Manager and therefore, could not install the new FSEs on the Web sites. Apparently you have been able to do this, but on only the Hire Purpose Web site and not on the PHQ Web site. This got me to wondering. There exists a problem with the FSEs concerning security. As you already understand if you install your Web sites on a FAT drive then you cannot use security on your Web site. There is a lesser known problem, however, regarding security that affects root Web servers. Essentially, when you either use or do not use, but allow the installation of the root Web server on the NT server (c:\inetpub\wwwroot\) you set up a potential problem for the FSE. The root Web server is generally set-up within IIS as the , and therefore an IP address is not assigned to this site (in the Directories tab of the IIS manager). As a result of this you could not properly set up security on any Web site on this server, until the root Web site was physically assigned an IP within IIS manager. I feel that this may be causing the FP 2000 SEs some grief. You may want to verify this, and set up the root IP if neccessary. This may do the trick. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel Public (905) 428-0377 Phone (905) 428-2759 Fax (416) 347-1409 BCcar (416) 720-4958 SCcar Public ON L1S 6V8 18419 Euclid Ave Competitor Clevland Clevland Tech Labs Clevland Tech Labs U.S.A. Clevland Tech Labs 960525000291885214752C Oil Analysis Laboratory Public (216) 383-8200 Phone Public OH 501 Madison Avenue WC - International Member Cary Compuchem Compuchem USA of Liberty Analytical Corp Compuchem 980421034941339328686C Environmental Laboratory May 20, 1999 3:12 PM WQ - Phoned for Jim Chambers - out of town - talked to Keith Scott. Sales last month were $27,000 worth of kits but $16,000 was postpaid Ken Hill is negotiating with Hitachi to do their program Keith advises that partial payment of $6000 US on the way to us. April 21, 1998 2:26 PM met with Jim. lab tour. view instrumentation, laboratory layout, analytical cabability. History of company. Compuchem was in chapter 7 a few years back. it was purchased and is now one of seven non-relient companies owned by one individual. His holdings include Kavlar factory, Electric invertor manufacturing operation in Buffalo and Security vehicle business in Miami. Jim was hired to turn this once profitable operation around. He has done that. Compuchem will do 6 million in sales this year in environmental analysis. The environmental business is seasonal with the majority of the business in spring summer and fall. Winter is a slack time. Their biggest account is Chyrsler. Plus 4 to 5 large engineering firms and a few EPA contacts. They intend to buy the required instrumentation to set up an oil lab. They have a lot of room in which to expand, ( 30,000 square feet ). This is a functional laboratory with excellent potential as an oil analysis partner. They have good core of people. If we were to offer them the Wear Check name for the US, Jim plans on bringing on a CTC employee by the name of Ken Hill. Ken was an old UTG lab person who now does industrial sales for CTC. Ken is not happy with CTC, who wish to move him to Baltimore from the South. not a smart move. Jim has a good understanding of the marketing and business end. He feels Ken will direct him in setting up an oil lab. He thinks with our help, he could be functional in 3 to 6 months. Jim feels the Wear Check brand name is the key. We discussed available personnel to diagnos. He would feel comfortable with generating results, emailing them to us to diagnos, e mail back for distribution. Webcheck is the way to go. I stopping of a large Freightliner dealer, who now use cat. They send 450 samples out a month on trade ins. They thought they paid 12 - 15 per sample. They thought webcheck was the best things since Nascar. They asked me what my turn around would be. I could have set them up right there. I was the first person they could recall that sold O/A services. I think the situation is right. They feel they can put it together. This is important to our long term success. The market is going North American. They feel they can handle and area west of the Mississippi, from Boston, to Mexico. Their interest is going to be Industrial, but they would not pass on mobile business. I got the impression that Jim has a score to settle with CTC. Penski, Volvo, John Deere names came up too many times to be a coincidence. We need to ensure our right to control or co-control national accounts. One data base via internet conection is the way to go. Marketing can be co-ordinated with on going working relationships being developed. This might be a good time to explore market segment specialists. The whole continent can be covered with less people. A target list of multi national corps. can be approached on a corporate level and organized on a word level. Who else can touch that. I think of North American companies, GM, Ford, Chyrsler, Trimac, Auto Haulaway, Ryder, Bombardier, Magna, Hitachi, Petro Canada, and on and on and on. All these people think continent or gobally. This partnership can and should be a nice fit. You have a company with experence and a willingness to finacially commit to the our mutual success. They will ride on our backs and we will ride on their backs. Win Win. May 20, 1999 3:12 PM WQ - Phoned for Jim Chambers - out of town - talked to Keith Scott. Sales last month were $27,000 worth of kits but $16,000 was postpaid Ken Hill is negotiating with Hitachi to do their program Keith advises that partial payment of $6000 US on the way to us. Public (919) 379-4001 Phone (919) 379-4050 Fax (888) 897-4288 Toll Public NC 27513 Desamparados No. 166 Sto piso Ciudad de La Habana Habana Consejerors Real S.A. Consejerors Real S.A. Cuba Consejerors Real S.A. 010822000273354481077C April 17, 2002 10:00 PM IA email to WQ - Subject: Fw: KLEENOIL & WEARCHECK INT IN MOA Good Morning Bill, Further to our telephone discussion of Wednesday AM This e-mail is to provide you with an overview of my objectives with Sherritt in Moa. A difficult task, but this e-mail relates directly to the sales pitch I made in Moa on March 22/23. Ken Wilson's company, Myshak/Roughriders Int Ltd are on contract with Sheritt for mechanical maintenance in Moa. Best regards, Ian A ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ken Wilson" To: "'IAN ANDERSON'" Cc: "Dave Secord" Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 8:34 AM Subject: RE: KLEENOIL & WEARCHECK INT > Morning > Just returned to MOA a few day's ago from leave in Canada. > Upon reviewing your goals and objectives listed below I believe that they are obtainable over a due course of time. One concern that I have , as I expressed , is location of analysis laboratory in respect to the mines here in MOA and sample proccess time. Sending them to Canada , unless special requirements are needed , will defeat our program objectives and will delay our responses to our equipment. On the other hand it may be an alternative. > I am not sure how wear check is set up for communications with there romote clients but here is a few suggestions of where I would like to see it go. > 1) Analysis results sent directly by e-mail > 2) Ability for us to download attachments into a oil analysis software that would automatically produce graphs and would warn us if the rated paramaters , that we have installed , have been exceeded. > 3) Ability to produce adhoc reports simply for our usuage. > 4) Sample lab set up in MOA to service all mines > 5) Maximun 2 day turnaround of samples. > The filter attachment that you had sent did not give me enough information to enable me to quote on it . The statement that keeps oil as good as new scares me as oil may be clean but it may not preform properly to do its intended to. > Ken > > -----Mensaje original----- > > De: IAN ANDERSON [SMTP:ianderson@cogeco.ca] > > Enviado el: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 1:37 PM > > Para: KEN WILSON; DAVE SECORD > > Asunto: Fw: KLEENOIL & WEARCHECK INT > > > > Good Morning Men, > > What do say to my idea ? > > Ian A > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > > From: IAN ANDERSON > > To: JOHN CARLO DEL PICCOLO > > Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 10:32 AM > > Subject: KLEENOIL & WEARCHECK INT > > > > Good Morning John, > > Goodness me, time does fly. It was Friday March 22 that we met in Moa to discuss my maintenance proposal regarding Kleenoil Filtration and oil sampling through Wearcheck Int. > > I returned to Toronto last weekend and since then I have had meetings with Wearcheck Int and Tony Barberena of AB Forwarding. > > > > WEARCHECK/KLEENOIL > > Wearcheck Int enjoy an excellent business relationship with Castrol Canada and it is my objective to investigate the possibility of transferring Canadian oil analysis technical expertise to Castrol Cuba. This collective meeting with Castrol Canada for Thursday 4th is endorsed by a Castrol Cuba > > > > My business idea is to provide the necessary tools to effectively support proactive maintenance programs in Cuba. > > > > AB FORWARDING > > The introduction of fast oil analysis reporting in Cuba is difficult to say the least, but not impossible. In the meantime I can arrange to have important oil samples sent to Canada from Moa or Havana (customer delivers the samples to the airport) via a Cuban,Canadian import export agent that will include: > > > > Provide (sell) oil sample bottles and extraction pump > > Pre labeling for Cuba control etc > > Assigned bill of lading > > Pick up and delivery in Canada > > Special oil analysis security box provided > > > > During my tenure with Camaguey Diesel I developed a good relationship with Camaguey customs for emergency and regular air shipments of spares and materials. This inaugural emergency service was introduced via Holguin in 1997/98 to alleviate the V12 Cummins after cooler problem in Euclid trucks operating in the Moa area. In this instance Camaguey customs directly cleared the new coolers to Moa from Holguin airport. > >By next week I will have information and cost of a basic portable oil analysis machine. > > Best regards, > > Ian A. March 7, 2002 2:48 PM RB email to WQ GG RI KM BQ - Subject: CUBA - Ian Anderson and I met today with Martin Hollern of Outokumpo re the gear drive oil analysis at Moa Nickel. This will be a two sample a week program for several months. Martin advised that there are a lot of oil problems at Moa. The Detroit Diesel engines in the Euclid trucks get 50% normal life. They have severe problems with hydraulic oil failures. The oil supplier is Castrol Cuba SA. They have no oil analysis program. Ian will be going to Moa in two weeks. He knows the managing director and other senior management at Castrol Cuba. He is coming in next week to work with Gloria and I on a draft proposal for a Castrol Cuba LABCHECK program. Ross October 31, 2001 7:56 AM IA email to WQ GG - Subject: FUN IN THE SUN - Good Morning All, We have discovered oil analysis competitors from South America are sniffing around in Cuba, one in particular from Venezuela. These competitors are in the initial stages of developing a joint venture type structure with the same laboratories we are currently negotiating with. Please provide me with one page of software/technical information to highlight the advantages to our client in dealing with Wearcheck International versus any other oil analysis company ? Gracias, best regards to all Ian A. September 24, 2001 3:01 PM CBM - email to GG (fwd to RB WQ BQ) - Subject: FW: Cuban laboratories - Dear Gloria, Everything takes time... attached the information you wanted. I now suggest someone of your firm plans a visit to Havana. We would be glad to receive you and discuss possible ways of working together. (see documents today's date - Cuba) With best wished and regards Christina Baumann Massie August 22, 2001 4:03 AM GG email to CBM (copy RI RB KM FP BQ WQ) - Subject: FW: WearCheck in Cuba Dear Christina, Further to your visit to our lab on Tuesday, August 21st, we have a few questions that we would like answered before we consider a partnership with another company in Cuba. They are as follows: 1) Are there currently any oil analysis laboratories in Cuba, and if so, who do they belong to, and is it possible to find out what their daily sample volume is? 2) Are there any environmental laboratories that would be interested in forming a partnership with WearCheck Canada for oil analysis? If so, do they currently have any of the following equipment: - ICP Spectrometer (measures the metal conten, additive and contaminants levels of the oil) Baird, Thermo Jerrold Ash, ARL, Prkin Elmer, Varian Wear Metals - Fe, Cr, Ni, Ti, Pb, Al, Cu, Sn, Ag, Additives - P, Zn, Ca, S, B, Ba, Mg, Mo, Mn Contaminants - K, Na, Si - Viscometer (manual or automated) - Mettler Titrator (measures TAN (Total Acid Number) and TBN (Total Base Number) - KF Titrator (measures the water content in the oil) - FT-IR, Perkin Elmer, Nicolet, Bio Rad (measures oxidation, nitration, sulfation and soot levels of the oil) They would also need at least 5 PC's (Pentium 2 at least) and 256 kb speed or better (T-1 woiuld be best) internet connection. Once we have the answers to these questions we can proceed with planning what course of action we would like to take. I'm very much looking forward to hearing back from you, and in the meantime enjoy your trip! Best Regards, Gloria Gonzalez Sales and Customer Support Manager WearCheck Canada Inc. Phone: (905) 569-8600 x229 Fax: (905) 569-8605 gloriaG@wearcheck.ca ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A proud member of WearCheck International (www.wearcheck.com) August 22, 2001 4:03 AM GG email to CBM (copy RI RB KM FP BQ WQ) - Subject: FW: WearCheck in Cuba Dear Christina, Further to your visit to our lab on Tuesday, August 21st, we have a few questions that we would like answered before we consider a partnership with another company in Cuba. They are as follows: 1) Are there currently any oil analysis laboratories in Cuba, and if so, who do they belong to, and is it possible to find out what their daily sample volume is? 2) Are there any environmental laboratories that would be interested in forming a partnership with WearCheck Canada for oil analysis? If so, do they currently have any of the following equipment: - ICP Spectrometer (measures the metal content and additive levels of the oil) - Viscometer (manual or automated) - Mettler Titrator (measures TAN (Total Acid Number) and TBN (Total Base Number) - KF Titrator (measures the water content in the oil) - BIO-RAD (measures oxidation, nitration, sulfation and soot levels of the oil) They would also need at least 5 PC's (Pentium 2 at least) and a T-1 internet connection (or very close to it). Once we have the answers to these questions we can proceed with planning what course of action we would like to take. I'm very much looking forward to hearing back from you, and in the meantime enjoy your trip! Best Regards, Gloria Gonzalez Sales and Customer Support Manager WearCheck Canada Inc. Phone: (905) 569-8600 x229 Fax: (905) 569-8605 gloriaG@wearcheck.ca ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A proud member of WearCheck International (www.wearcheck.com) April 17, 2002 10:00 PM IA email to WQ - Subject: Fw: KLEENOIL & WEARCHECK INT IN MOA Good Morning Bill, Further to our telephone discussion of Wednesday AM This e-mail is to provide you with an overview of my objectives with Sherritt in Moa. A difficult task, but this e-mail relates directly to the sales pitch I made in Moa on March 22/23. Ken Wilson's company, Myshak/Roughriders Int Ltd are on contract with Sheritt for mechanical maintenance in Moa. Best regards, Ian A ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ken Wilson" To: "'IAN ANDERSON'" Cc: "Dave Secord" Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 8:34 AM Subject: RE: KLEENOIL & WEARCHECK INT > Morning > Just returned to MOA a few day's ago from leave in Canada. > Upon reviewing your goals and objectives listed below I believe that they are obtainable over a due course of time. One concern that I have , as I expressed , is location of analysis laboratory in respect to the mines here in MOA and sample proccess time. Sending them to Canada , unless special requirements are needed , will defeat our program objectives and will delay our responses to our equipment. On the other hand it may be an alternative. > I am not sure how wear check is set up for communications with there romote clients but here is a few suggestions of where I would like to see it go. > 1) Analysis results sent directly by e-mail > 2) Ability for us to download attachments into a oil analysis software that would automatically produce graphs and would warn us if the rated paramaters , that we have installed , have been exceeded. > 3) Ability to produce adhoc reports simply for our usuage. > 4) Sample lab set up in MOA to service all mines > 5) Maximun 2 day turnaround of samples. > The filter attachment that you had sent did not give me enough information to enable me to quote on it . The statement that keeps oil as good as new scares me as oil may be clean but it may not preform properly to do its intended to. > Ken > > -----Mensaje original----- > > De: IAN ANDERSON [SMTP:ianderson@cogeco.ca] > > Enviado el: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 1:37 PM > > Para: KEN WILSON; DAVE SECORD > > Asunto: Fw: KLEENOIL & WEARCHECK INT > > > > Good Morning Men, > > What do say to my idea ? > > Ian A > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > > From: IAN ANDERSON > > To: JOHN CARLO DEL PICCOLO > > Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 10:32 AM > > Subject: KLEENOIL & WEARCHECK INT > > > > Good Morning John, > > Goodness me, time does fly. It was Friday March 22 that we met in Moa to discuss my maintenance proposal regarding Kleenoil Filtration and oil sampling through Wearcheck Int. > > I returned to Toronto last weekend and since then I have had meetings with Wearcheck Int and Tony Barberena of AB Forwarding. > > > > WEARCHECK/KLEENOIL > > Wearcheck Int enjoy an excellent business relationship with Castrol Canada and it is my objective to investigate the possibility of transferring Canadian oil analysis technical expertise to Castrol Cuba. This collective meeting with Castrol Canada for Thursday 4th is endorsed by a Castrol Cuba > > > > My business idea is to provide the necessary tools to effectively support proactive maintenance programs in Cuba. > > > > AB FORWARDING > > The introduction of fast oil analysis reporting in Cuba is difficult to say the least, but not impossible. In the meantime I can arrange to have important oil samples sent to Canada from Moa or Havana (customer delivers the samples to the airport) via a Cuban,Canadian import export agent that will include: > > > > Provide (sell) oil sample bottles and extraction pump > > Pre labeling for Cuba control etc > > Assigned bill of lading > > Pick up and delivery in Canada > > Special oil analysis security box provided > > > > During my tenure with Camaguey Diesel I developed a good relationship with Camaguey customs for emergency and regular air shipments of spares and materials. This inaugural emergency service was introduced via Holguin in 1997/98 to alleviate the V12 Cummins after cooler problem in Euclid trucks operating in the Moa area. In this instance Camaguey customs directly cleared the new coolers to Moa from Holguin airport. > >By next week I will have information and cost of a basic portable oil analysis machine. > > Best regards, > > Ian A. Public 011-53-762-9260 Phone 011-53-762-6984 Fax Public Supplier London Dale Insurance Brokers Dale Insurance Brokers Canada Dale Insurance Brokers 950718000671764977613C Insurance Public (519) 672-3425 Fax (800) 265-3270 Watts Public ON 36,000 Yes; $10,000 or more MGen George R. Pearkes Building WC - WEARCHECK Ottawa Department of National Defence Department of National Defence D1144 Mobile Department of National Defence 970308000592566881955C Government - Canada December 19, 2000 January 22, 2002 1:09 PM From: "Guy H. Legault" To: "Bill Quesnel" ; "Bill Quesnel, Snr" Cc: "Ruth Inglehart" ; "Gloria Gonzales" Subject: MERX Date: January 21, 2002 1:54 PM If you want to search MERX for contract opportunities, you can do so without an account #. They do ask you for your name and that of your company. Because of that I did not go. The site is http://www.merx.cebra.com I also spoke to Fred again, who told me that several provincial governments and some municipalities now use MERX. Guy H. Legault Phone: (613) 837-7334 Fax: (613) 837-6807 guyhlegault@sprint.ca January 22, 2002 1:08 PM From: "Guy H. Legault" To: "Bill Quesnel, Snr" ; "Bill Quesnel" Cc: "Gloria Gonzales" ; "Ruth Inglehart" Subject: DND Order Date: January 22, 2002 11:25 AM Fred called again this morning to tell me more about the PWGSC contact and deadline for the DND samples. The contact for sample bids is Mary Paradis, 1-514-496-3874, fax 1-514-496-3828. Bids close on February 21, 2002. On request she will send a bid package by mail (not sure if she can send by Email). Yes, that is a Montreal office. Fred very much wants WearCheck to get this contract, as he does not want to have to convert to someone else's system. He regrets the way it has gone, but reiterated that he has no control over his buy request after it leaves DND. He thinks out best interests in future will be to get a MERX account at $5.00 a month and check it weekly. There may be something I can do for you in this. I don't mind doing the MERX stuff for you at my expense. Of course that is your decision, as I will show as the WearCheck contact if you go that route. There are obviously a lot of factors to consider in this from the WearCheck perspective. At any rate, I recommend we get a package from Ms Paradis as soon as possible and see what we can do about winning this contract. The long-term can be sorted out later. Regards// Guy H. Legault Phone: (613) 837-7334 Fax: (613) 837-6807 guyhlegault@sprint.ca September 30, 2001 6:59 PM GL email to WQ BQ GG - Subject: DND Contractor - In my talks with Fred Appel last week, he told me that DND were contracting out some of the rebuild of tank engines and transmissions. Most of them will continue to be done at 202 Workshop in Montreal. Fred has talked to the contractor about oil analysis, suggesting they take samples when they are testing the engines prior to delivery to DND. The contractor is not currently doing any o/a, but is amenable to using WearCheck. Fred wants them to use WearCheck, as the reports from those tests will be the same format as for his regular maintenance. Do you have a local agent who can finalize this? APM Diesel 1992 Inc. 414 rue de la Rivi re Cowansville, QC J2K 1N3 Attention: Daniel Tessier Phone: 1-450-266-0744 Fax: 1-450-266-0746 I mentioned this company to you last year, but DND has only just started doing rebuilds there. These guys also rebuild engines for the Soci t de transport de Montr al, the largest bus company in Quebec. Guy H. Legault Phone: ( 613) 837-7334 Fax: (613) 837-6807 guyhlegault@sprint.ca September 25, 2001 12:35 PM GG email to GL (copy WQ BQ) - Subject: RE: DND Problems - Guy, I have spoken to Fred regarding the data entry issues and he is very understanding to our "growing pains". I went over the DND data entry with Benilda when I spoke with Fred a couple weeks ago, and I just went over it with her again. Unfortunately our data-entry process is not a straight-forward one and there is a lot of memory work involved. I am working on trying to get our data entry process changed so that we can take the "memory" part out of it, therefore making it an easier task to perform. Gloria September 25, 2001 12:16 PM GL email to BQ WQ (copy GG) - Subject: DND Problems - I visited with Fred Appel and Nivard Audet, yesterday, September 24 at LSTL Bldg in Hull. Fred is no longer planning to join WearCheck, as he got what he wanted in his Valcom contract. However, he says he would have preferred to be working with WearCheck. He then suggested that MWO Audet would be a good candidate if we get the contract with DND. He is planning to attend the next WearCheck course in November, as he had to withdraw from the one in September. He has 23 years of military service in the EME, and wants to remain in the Ottawa area and take early retirement. Fred urged us to write to General Brewer, using a personalized approach, such as inviting him to visit WearCheck... Fred says they at least owe us a reply acknowledging receipt of our proposal of last December. Now for the bad part. We all know that their data are very badly mangled in LIMS. They know that, and have been managing over the years by having WearCheck fax Fred their SIFs. He has been matching reports to the correct equipment component and was happy. This still applies, except that Nivard, using WebCheck, wants to start eliminating the false IDs by merging them to their correct equipments. I will help him get started when he is ready, probably after his WearCheck courses in November. So far, not so bad, but... In the period September 5-19 DND has received at least 15 reports which they cannot match to equipments. One is a SEVERE... The problem appears to be one of data entry at WearCheck. The equipment is correctly identified using the CFR number (all of them Leopard tanks). However, the wrong component was selected, such that a turret may be shown as a transmission, with wrong oil (sometimes) and wrong unit of measure (i.e. kms instead of hours). The only way DND can tell what it is, is through the stub number. But, the reports do not make sense. I am faxing the SEVERE report to Gloria. This one needs to be sorted out and a new report faxed to Fred. Fred is also missing three SIFs which need to be faxed to him. They are for stub #s 487131, 423019 and 377817. Despite the above there was no talk of quitting WearCheck, just fixing things. We talked about the next purchase and that he must get Purolator certificates in the cartons, as they are the ones his techs are familiar with. I will also be communicating with Gloria concerning all the other stub #s. Regards//Guy H. Legault September 21, 2001 8:53 PM GL email to WQ (copy GG BQ) - Subject: DND - I just learned today from Fred Appel that MWO Audet had to cancel his course on Sept 7. However, DND sent two people from Borden instead. Fred tells me that Audet is now working with him and taking over some of the o/a. This seems to be another way of dealing with the workload that we were trying to help out with through a WearCheck position at DND. Another factor of interest is that Fred wants to buy more sample kits and will talk to me about it on Monday, when I visit him. He now also want to deal with the horrible mess in his I.D.s and get them all straightened out. (Most of the problem is through faulty filling out of SIFs at his field units, creating a huge number of non-existent equipment codes in LIMS.) I will get back to you on Monday, as we may in the end be better off not pursuing the DND position. After all, if they continue to buy sample kits and do their own work, why rock the boat by investing in a position, thereby increasing our risks. We were more or less put to the wall by Fred's boss, who said they sorely needed help, and if we couldn't provide it someone else would. I will soon find out what has changed. Regards//Guy H. Legault August 31, 2001 5:35 PM GL email to WQ (fwd BQ GG RB) - Subject: Re: DND, Again - Bill - Yes, Fred is still our contact there. However, as he told us, he is too busy to give o/a the attention it needs. His other duties have expanded and you can see that o/a is slowing. WebCheck says they used 1602 sample kits in 1998 and only 536 in 2000. The Artillery is now back onto sampling, which they stopped due to internal problems, and helped to solve by installing sampling ports before resuming. So, lets hope we can get another warm body into their shop sometime soon. Cheers//Guy August 31, 2001 3:47 PM WQ email to GL (copy RB GG BQ) - Subject: Re: DND, Again - Guy We will have an eye out for him. I am pleased to hear all the work you and I did on that DND contract did somebody some benefit. Good for Fred! Will he be continuing to look after the oil analysis program for some time Bill Q Sr August 31, 2001 11:27 AM GL email to WQ BQ (fwd RB GG) - Subject: DND, Again - Bill - Just wanted to mention that Fred Appel is sending someone on training with Bill on September 7. He is a MWO (Master Warrant Officer) Audet. I spoke to him yesterday and he said he was retiring from the CF soon. He expects to find a civilian job, much as Fred has. If you are at that training session, I suggest you observe him, as he may very well become a candidate for the proposed WearCheck position at DND. You know of course that Fred may not be available, as he got almost all the raise and benefits he was seeking from us in his current contract. That does not mean he is not interested, but ... Guy H. Legault August 17, 2001 1:03 PM GL email to WQ - Subject: Re: Maximizer Data Transfer - Bill - Glad to see that you have a new marketing manager. In reference to the courier type, I talked to Fred Appel at DND. He says his people are now accustomed to using Purolator and he wants to keep things as they are. I know they order only about every 18 months, but would it be possible to include this specification for all future orders for DND? Guy August 16, 2001 7:53 AM WQ emailt to GL (copy BQ GG RB0 - RE: your call report - Guy - I am copying my reply to Ross Bennett our new marketing manager and Gloria Gonzalez as they are looking into our methods of approach to customers such as DND. You can read my comments within your note in capital letters. Bill Q Sr ----- Original Message from GL (copy BQ GG) Aug 15 ----- Subject: Maximizer Data Transfer Bill - Attached is a Maximizer note on DND. This is mostly small stuff which we can deal with piecemeal. The interesting thing is the potential that the CFSEME could indirectly boost the cause of our DND proposal, with some background help from Fred. Regarding my last on querying the lack of response to our proposal, Fred suggest it not be elaborate, just a query as to how things were going and could we have some feedback. Regards//Guy MAXIMIZER NOTE: Aug 15 1:35 p.m. Phoned. Fred Appel confirmed that he had received the parcel I dropped off for him on August 14 (5 MOB1 with SIFs, Instructions and 1 Fedex form). Fred mentioned that he will need to change his instructions to the field, as the current one says that only Purolator is to be used. (I explained that all Purolator forms will be accepted, but that evenually there will only be Fedex available). GUY - WE WILL USE BOTH PUROLATOR COURIER AND FEDEX IN FUTURE PUROLATOR IS NOT BEING PHASED OUT. Fred also mentioned that he had received some feedback from the CFSEME (School at CFB Borden). They mentioned that the new sample bottles will not be useable on some equipment types. Fred has asked for clarification, as neither of us can imagine what could cause the problem. I told him that if it was related to the vacuum pumps, WearCheck has a fix for that. Finally, he gave feedback on the CFSEME visit to WearCheck in April. He said that it went very well, and that the instructors and he were discussing how to make it more relevant to the students. So far, they are leaning towards having it converted into a lecture at the School, which will involve not only a WearCheck representative, but someone familiar with their in-house program (sounds a lot like our proposal guy could do both). August 1, 2001 3:16 PM WQ email to GL 9copy RB GG) - Subject: Re: DND Contract - Thanks Guy - Will take this up with Gloria next time I am at WearCheck (probably first part of next week) and will get back to you about what we are doing. Best Regards Bill Q August 1, 2001 2:49 PM GL email to WQ (fwd RB GG) - Subject: Read: DND Contract - Bill - I have been talking to Fred Appel on several occasions. Of late he has been away, but last week I reached him and he said that there is nothing coming through at his end concerning our proposal. He did confirm that there was no budget for it, and that was the probable sticking point. However, someone should be working on it, or a decision not to continue should be made. He says that DND should have acknowledged receipt of our proposal. He said it would be OK for us to send a note to the General asking about it. This would also alert him to the fact that no one in his outfit has responded. Anyway, no harm can be done by sending a query, and it just might get some action. Regards// Guy May 30, 2001 7:18 AM GL email to WQ BQ (copy GG) - Subject: DND - No word yet on our proposal. Spoke to Fred, who has been away on and off lately. He has now been rehired by his old contractor with a raise in pay and more benefits. He will be staying in his current job and can apply for two more renewals of the contract, if he wishes. He is still our contact and is very keen to see us through to getting a WearCheck contract employee. Although he is not available to work for WearCheck, Fred is keen to help us. He can recommend a suitable candidate with a background similar to his, when the time comes. Further, since the new contractor is to be assigned a place in the same general area as Fred, he will be available for a thorough handover and for questions later. Fred will be away for the next two weeks, but will be checking on our proposal during the week of June 18. Will keep you posted. Guy H. Legault May 16, 2001 4:40 PM WQ email to GL (copy BQ GG) - Subject: MOB1 Long Descripition - Guy Here is suggested copy for the Long Description for MOB1 Please forward to Fred if this looks ok to you. Long Description CONTAINER ASSEMBLY, SAMPLE AND SPECIMEN. PRE-ADRESSED OUTER CONTAINER OF PREFORMED OPAQUE POLYPROPYLENE MATERIAL WITH FITTING INNER CLEAR PLASTIC CONTAINER FOR SPECIMEN WITH OPAQUE CAP, INSTRUCTION SHEET AND REQUIRED INFORMATION FORM FOR OIL ANALYSIS INCLUDING SPECTROMETRIC ANALYSIS. Anything new on the unsolicited proposal? To my knowledge - we have heard nothing here at WearCheck. William Quesnel Sr May 16, 2001 12:47 AM GL email to GG (copy BQ) (fwd WQ) - Subject: FW: Military Specification MOB1 Kits - Gloria Attached is the current Military Specification for our MOB1 kits. We must change it quickly, as the next order will need to fit a modified spec., which will take time to be changed and disseminated throughout the military supply system. The only thing we have been asked to make changes to is the Long Description. Instead of cardboard outer container, I suggest we use something like "opaque plastic cylinder with screw top". The inner bottle should read the same, except that it would be "clear...". Now the trick here is to make our specification so different from anyone else's, that in a competitive bidding process, other bidders are found to be "non-compliant" and we get the contract. You may want to add the exact dimensions of the item, and markings, but not those that identify WearCheck. Please send me your changes and I will get them to Fred. Cheers//Guy H. Legault April 3, 2001 4:38 PM WQ - email to GG - Subject: DND Proposal - Gloria - I left three folders on one of your chairs in your office. I placed some brochures in the folders. Unfortunately I could not find the letterhead paper or I would have finished the packages. I did not have the General's address either. Anyway - here are the documents you need to print out (on letterhead) and place in the folders, and send all three folders by Purolator Courier to: Send one set to the General Send one set to Guy Legault's home address Send one set to Fred Appel (not sure if it should go to his home or his office - find out first) Please advise Guy Legault and me when this is gone. William Quesnel Sr April 2, 2001 3:56 PM GL - email to WQ (original sent Jan 11) - Subject: Fw: WearCheck Unsolicited Proposal and Appendix - Bill - Attached is Fred's input. I have gone over it in detail and have bracketed his changes/additions in my scanned images which are also attached to the above. His main new input is that he includes CFSEME in the annual visits, which does not add to WearCheck's costs unless the School wants formal instruction, but adds to DND's travel costs. His other main addition is to make sure that WearCheck hires a retired DND vehicle tech. This addition also shows that WearCheck is a supporter of Electrical Mechanical Engineers (EME) tradesmen on retirement from the Army. Looks OK... He also changed the cover page to make it January 2001, whereas in the message I sent earlier it was deleted. Your call... Note the formal address for your letter. Almost ready to go. All the best//Guy ----- Original Message ----- FA - email to GL (fwd WQ) - Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 3:43 PM - Subject: RE: WearCheck Unsolicited Proposal and Appendix Guy - I have tidied up and improved some areas of the proposal and have included it as per the attached. There are just some minor changes which should help. Please provide me with a copy of the proposal with letter head that you will be submitting. The address to send the unsolicted proposal to is as follows: National Defence Headquarters Director General Land Equipment Program Management MGen George R. Pearkes Building 101 Colonel By Drive Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K2 Attn: BGen W.J. Brewer April 2, 2001 3:36 PM GL - email to WQ - Subject: Fw: WearCheck Unsolicited Proposal and Appendix - Bill - I think this one has it OK. Cheers//Guy March 27, 2001 4:43 PM WQ - email to GG (copy GL) - Subject: Re: DND - Gloria - Guy - I have the email (received it while on holiday) however have not sent it as I am waiting until I visit Wearcheck on Thursday to print out and put together a package with our new brochures in. I will send copy to Guy when I send it out - I had not planned on sending a copy to Fred - does he want one? Bill Sr March 27, 2001 11:46 AM GL - email to WQ - Subject: Re: DND - Bill - I guess our messages crossed over. Yes, Fred Appel would like a copy. Hope we have results that we can discuss sometime during the WearCheck training period 10-12 April. Regards//Guy March 27, 2001 11:42 AM GL - email to WQ - Subject: Fw: DND Contract - Bill - Spoke to Fred Appel today. He has heard nothing yet from the General's office, or any others in his directorate about our unsolicited proposal. He would like a copy of the one you sent to DND and I suppose I could use one too. Regards//Guy March 27, 2001 11:38 AM GG - email to WQ - Subject: DND - Bill, Guy would like to know if you received his e-mail requesting you to go ahead and send the DND proposal. He spoke to Fred Appel and told me that Fred has not seen it yet. Gloria (PS. Guy's computer is being repaired this week, so he does not have access to his e-mail) March 10, 2001 3:18 PM GL - email to WQ (copy BQ) - Subject: Fw: DND Contract - Here's the answer from Fred, Bill. Let me know what else I can do at this time. Will continue to monitor for results of our submission. March 10, 2001 9:44 AM FA - email to GL - Subject: RE: DND Contract - Guy, Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I believe that they are trying to come up with funds for this project. I think that in rder to push a little harder, it would be a good idea at this point in time to submit the unsolicited proposal and see what happens fron there. This will at least force someone in DGLEPM to formally provide Wearcheck with a response to the proposal. Good Luck with the submission. Fred March 8, 2001 3:42 PM GL - email to FA (fwd WQ) - Subject: DND Contract - Fred - Have been trying to contact you at work to find out if WearCheck should send in the unsolicited proposal, or wait some more. Please advise. Guy H. Legault March 5, 2001 4:25 PM GL - email to WQ - Subject: DND - Bill - I have been trying to reach Fred Appel, but he hasn't called back. This only occurs when he is away on a trip. He had asked that we hold off on sending the proposal until the end of February, by which time he would be able to tell us if things are moving internally, or if it would be better to send the proposal. Will keep trying for a week more, as he is not usually away more than 10 days or so at a time. February 23, 2001 9:52 AM WQ - email to GL - Subject: DND - Guy - Anything new on status of DND? February 8, 2001 8:13 AM From: "Guy H. Legault" To: "Bill Quesnel, Snr" Cc: "Gloria Gonzales" ; "Bill Quesnel" Subject: DND Business Date: February 8, 2001 8:13 AM Bill Fred Appel called this morning. He spoke of his meeting concerning our proposed contract. He did not say who he and his boss met with, but mentioned that o/a requirements were well understood. He then went on to say that an attempt is being made to push for quick adoption of the proposal without our having to submit it. But, the biggest hurdle right now is that no money has been budgeted for this. (Not surprising the way Government works, as there is always money somewhere, but not necessarily in the right budget). Fred should know by the end of the month if this quiet way works or not. If at the end of the month, this has not worked, Fred wants us then to submit the proposal as planned. I asked if I should check with him first and he agrees that I should do that. Will let you know as soon as I know... Note: We looked at usage of o/a by DND. Fred's records show that for the 2000-2001 fiscal year ending March 31, they have used less than 250 sample kits. The main reason was that the Leopards are all having firing system upgrades. They are not all out of action at once, but the disturbance has made it more difficult for Fred to get samples taken, even when he is sending out reminders. The other has been the Artillery, which has now largely finished installing sample ports and are sending more samples as we go. The best year was 1995, when they used almost 2,000 sample kits. Will be in touch. Guy H. Legault Phone: ( 613) 837-7334 Fax: (613) 837-6807 guyhlegault@sprint.ca February 8, 2001 8:13 AM GL - email to WQ (copy GG) - Subject: DND Business - Bill - Fred Appel called this morning. He spoke of his meeting concerning our proposed contract. He did not say who he and his boss met with, but mentioned that o/a requirements were well understood. He then went on to say that an attempt is being made to push for quick adoption of the proposal without our having to submit it. But, the biggest hurdle right now is that no money has been budgeted for this. (Not surprising the way Government works, as there is always money somewhere, but not necessarily in the right budget). Fred should know by the end of the month if this quiet way works or not. If at the end of the month, this has not worked, Fred wants us then to submit the proposal as planned. I asked if I should check with him first and he agrees that I should do that. Will let you know as soon as I know... Note: We looked at usage of o/a by DND. Fred's records show that for the 2000-2001 fiscal year ending March 31, they have used less than 250 sample kits. The main reason was that the Leopards are all having firing system upgrades. They are not all out of action at once, but the disturbance has made it more difficult for Fred to get samples taken, even when he is sending out reminders. The other has been the Artillery, which has now largely finished installing sample ports and are sending more samples as we go. The best year was 1995, when they used almost 2,000 sample kits. Will be in touch. Guy H. Legault February 8, 2001 8:13 AM GL - Email to WQ (copy GG BQ) - Subject: DND Business - Bill - Fred Appel called this morning. He spoke of his meeting concerning our proposed contract. He did not say who he and his boss met with, but mentioned that o/a requirements were well understood. He then went on to say that an attempt is being made to push for quick adoption of the proposal without our having to submit it. But, the biggest hurdle right now is that no money has been budgeted for this. (Not surprising the way Government works, as there is always money somewhere, but not necessarily in the right budget). Fred should know by the end of the month if this quiet way works or not. If at the end of the month, this has not worked, Fred wants us then to submit the proposal as planned. I asked if I should check with him first and he agrees that I should do that. Will let you know as soon as I know... Note: We looked at usage of o/a by DND. Fred's records show that for the 2000-2001 fiscal year ending March 31, they have used less than 250 sample kits. The main reason was that the Leopards are all having firing system upgrades. They are not all out of action at once, but the disturbance has made it more difficult for Fred to get samples taken, even when he is sending out reminders. The other has been the Artillery, which has now largely finished installing sample ports and are sending more samples as we go. The best year was 1995, when they used almost 2,000 sample kits. Will be in touch. Guy H. Legault Phone: ( 613) 837-7334 Fax: (613) 837-6807 guyhlegault@sprint.ca January 26, 2001 3:05 PM WQ - email to GL (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: DND Submission - Guy - Bill Jr has just produced a super new brochure on WebCheck that I have been waiting for. Bill proof read the printed copy on Monday and we are just awaiting delivery of the brochures (they are done). The proposal is all set to go, and I will print it out and mail directly to the general as soon as I get some copies of the brochure. Was there to be any copies sent anywhere else? Regards Bill Q Sr January 26, 2001 9:45 AM GL - email to WQ - Subject: DND Submission - Bill - How is the formal proposal to DND going? I don't dare call Fred at this time. He may not hear about it until some time after it gets to his general. Let me know if you can when you expect it will get to DND. Regards//Guy H. Legault January 8, 2001 11:33 AM GL - email to WQ - Subject: Address for General - Bill - Got your document this time. Fred will check for his when he gets home. Regarding the General's Email address, you will get it later. However, you will still need to send a formal letter with the attached proposal to start the process. That way it gets registered and filed correctly. They have started to adopt a new electronic filing system, but there is still a need for paper at this time. Guy H. Legault January 8, 2001 9:55 AM WQ - email to FA GL - Subject: WearCheck Unsolicited Proposal and Appendix - Sirs Attached please find the WearCheck Unsolicited Proposal for Oil Analysis Program for DND along with the Appendix to the document. I sent these same documents on December 22, however learned from Guy that they were not received. I requested confirmation of receipt of this message. William Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca President WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca January 7, 2001 9:41 AM GL - email to WQ - Subject: Fw: DND Final - Bill - I spoke to Fred Appel last week. They are eagerly awaiting your last draft of the proposal. Of course, if you are ready to send direct it to the General, that's OK too. Regards//Guy December 22, 2000 12:51 PM WQ - email to FA (copy BQ GG GL) - Subject: DND Proposal - Fred - Attached please find the latest draft of the "Unsolicited Proposal For Spectrometric Oil Analysis Program (SOAP) for DND. I have massaged the numbers with the information given to me by Guy Legault. I have include a mark-up of only 15% over cost (which yields about 13%) return on revenue. I feel that this is required to cover contingencies that I have we have not thought of. I think this is about ready to "go". The proposal is in two sections: 1) The Proposal itself with covering letter - WearCheck Proposal.doc 2) An appendix with some detail of the WebCheck program - WearCheck Proposal Appendix.doc Please advise your comments. William Quesnel President WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca December 21, 2000 6:29 PM GL - email to WQ - Subject: DND Final - Bill - Attached is your excellent Appendix, in which I have crossed out a few typos,etc (In Bold). It is very impressive. You should be prepared to answer questions about security later, if DND are worried about all the links. Essentially we are OK, as long as the SOAP coordinator does not use performance data in his notes or data. The only error I saw in the proposal itself is on page 4, WearCheck will provide...d. second line, between "compliment" and "WearCheck", add the word "of". I think this part is ready, once the signed, letterheaded covering letter is done. And start numbering only after the covering letter. Also, perhaps you can end the covering letter on a more personal note, inviting the General or his representatives to visit the lab and computer facilities in Mississauga. Comment on costing: Suggest you check that document, as the figures and the small print comments don't all match. I presume the figures are OK, but the comments were not all changed from the previous draft. I had based my remarks on my remuneration in my last letter on the fact that I currently provide service to DND through the sale of sample kits, at a 12% commission. I am also happy with a 7% commission for this contract business, and certainly will continue to support both this and the sample side of the business. I am treating the costing figures as confidential, and have not passed them on to Fred. DND will not need them, but if eventually they ask for the cost of computers for instance, I will refer them to you for the answer. Regards//Guy H. Legault Phone: ( 613) 837-7334 Fax: (613) 837-6807 guyhlegault@sprint.ca December 19, 2000 3:22 PM WQ - email to GL (copy BQ GG) - Subject: DND Proposal - Guy - I have attached a copy of the text of the costing for the proposal as a MS WinWord document (DND Proposal costing 00-12-19.doc) as well as the proposal itself (WearCheck Proposal.doc) and the appendix requested (WearCheck Proposal Appendix.doc). Annual Salary......................$ 61,818 Based on requested salary +3% increase (60,000 > 61,800 > 63,700) Employee Benefits...............$ 12,364 Based on present percentage 20%of $61,818 Computers..........................$ 2,500 Based on write-off over three years Travel & Training...................$ 1,000 Based on three day trips to Mississauga for training and up-dates Guy Legault Commission......$ 6,790 Based on 12% of annual fee billed to DND ($97,000) Total Cost...........................$ 84,472 Bid Price............................$ 97,000 15% mark-up over cost. We offer Fred the $60,000 annual salary plus one month paid vacation. WearCheck grants three paid sick days for staff and would extend this to Fred as well, however we expect that the employee reserves those sick days for when he is actually sick and cannot go to work. If they are not used up by year-end, we grant three days as extra holidays to enable a one week vacation between Christmas and New Years. We have changed the bid to include coverage from our Mississauga office during Fred's absence. Guy - I calculated using 7% commission rate paid annually (as long as you are working for WearCheck). DND account will require some of your time, even after it gets going, and we would want you to make the regular sales calls within the regular time periods. Final bid price includes 15% mark-up (12.9% margin on sale). Cannot justify adding to our costs without generating at least some profit. The 15% will also cover extra contingencies (which always come up) such as requiring someone from Mississauga to travel to training programs etc. You can run the numbers by Fred and get back to me with your thoughts. I would not like to think about the consequences if Fred cannot accept this position, as I have nobody else lined up for this job. We could probably find someone but it would take time. I hope that your assumptions are correct that the military will not mind us stealing him away. Best Regards and Have a Merry Christmas William Quesnel Sr December 19, 2000 12:22 PM BQ - email to WQ - Subject: Re: DND - Dad, - I simply editted the cover page. Nothing else. Regards, Billy December 19, 2000 11:07 AM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: DND - Have you had time to modify DND proposal? Need to get this back to Guy, today or tomorrow, so they can finalized before Christmas break. William Quesnel Sr December 19, 2000 5:23 AM GL - email to WQ - Subject: DND Follow-up - Bill - Spoke to Fred Appel this morning. He says that when contractors are away for leave or travel their positions are not covered by anyone. I asked if, for instance, Valcom replaces a person who is away a long time. He replied that if it is for two months or more, the contractor will usually find a substitute, but that he did not know how this works. Fred suggested you simply not mention this in your costing, and use the lower figure. Regards// Guy Guy H. Legault Phone: ( 613) 837-7334 Fax: (613) 837-6807 guyhlegault@sprint.ca December 17, 2000 10:12 PM GL - email to WQ - DND Final Proposal - Bill - I think we are almost there... If you accept the main body of the proposal (see attached with minor corrections), all that needs to be finalised is a covering letter and the costing. I suggest we go for the final draft and run that past Fred and his boss one more time before sending it to the General. Hopefully, that can be done this week, before they break for the holidays on Thursday. Your new covering letter looks good to me. Perhaps you and Bill Jnr. will find ways to improve it, but the main thing is to keep it short and sharp. You will also need to add your Appendix describing WebCheck. Fred has not answered my last query about costing. All we need to know is whether they accept that holidays will be covered from Mississauga. I don't know if he can answer that, but the final draft can still be prepared and sent to him. What needs to be done is to use their 3 main headings for the cost breakdown. It should not be necessary to have the full breakdown you gave me, unless they insist on more detail later. Two things I suggest to improve it: 1. At the end of the salary portion of the costing, add a statement, "cost of salary includes coverage by a WearCheck supervisor from our Mississauga offices during the absence of SOAP Coordinator from his office at LSTL for travel, training, sickness and leave". This will permit you to use the lower figure in your calculations. 2. I think the 12% commission for Guy Legault would require continuous service to DND to make it valid. Since it is not intended that he cover for the SOAP Coordinator, I suggest you change this to a 20% one-time commission to be paid over the first three years of the contract, or completed sooner in the event his service to WearCheck ceases before the three payments have been made). This will permit you to submit a costing at under $100,000.00 and is sufficient as his main service is to make this thing happen now. Finally, I hate the term SOAP, and I am sure you must also. The military like it and we can't change it because the Americans use it too. However, it could be jazzed up by calling it SOAPplus or something that would be a bit more accurate. Regards// Guy H. Legault December 12, 2000 12:07 PM WQ - email to GL (copy to WC Team) - Subject: DND Proposal - Guy - I have read over the attached proposal and added some more information about WearCheck. What am I to do with this now? William Quesnel Sr December 12, 2000 11:57 AM WQ - email to GL - Subject: Fred revised - Guy - I Missed the fact that there was a requirement for a lap-top computer. That adds a bit more to the price. I have corrected below: I have also attached the same calculations as a MS WinWord file, as I note the columns do not line up very well in email. Following is a quick summary of what I think WearCheck annual costs would be to retain a person such as Fred to administer this program: (C:\My Documents\WearCheck\Sales\DND\Fred Appel.doc) Annual Salary.......................$ 61,820 Based on requested salary +3% increase (60,000 > 61,800 > 63,700) Cost to cover holidays...........$ 7,000 Based on sending person to Ottawa, paying expenses for one month. Employee Benefits...............$ 13,764 Based on present percentage 20%of $68,820 Computers...........................$ 2,500 Based on write-off over three years Travel & Training..................$ 1,000 Based on three day trips to Mississauga for training and up-dates Guy Legault Commission......$ 13,800 Based on 12% of annual fee billed to DND Total Cost............................$ 99,884 Bid Price...........................$ 115,000 15% mark-up over cost. While Fred is worth the salary, his salary and request for one month holidays is the bases of the costs. Using the WebCheck program I believe we could actually provide reasonable amount of cover for Fred from Mississauga without a great deal of extra cost. If we do not need to send someone to Ottawa to cover for the month that Fred would take holidays our bid would look like this: Annual Salary......................$ 61,820 Based on requested salary +3% increase (60,000 > 61,800 > 63,700) Employee Benefits...............$ 11,684 Based on present percentage 20%of $61,820 Computers........................$ 2,500 Based on write-off over three years Travel & Training..................$ 1,000 Based on three 3 day trips to Mississauga for training and up-dates Guy Legault Commission.....$ 12,360 Based on 12% of annual fee billed to DND Total Cost.........................$ 89,364 Bid Price.........................$ 103,000 15% mark-up over cost. We are willing to offer Fred the $60,000 annual salary plus one month paid vacation. We presently have three paid sick days for staff and would extend this to Fred as well, however we expect that the employee to reserve those sick days for when he is actually sick and cannot go to work. If they are not used up by year end we grant those three days as extra holidays to enable a one week vacation between Christmas and New Years. I have put in a 15% mark-up, as I feel a company should not add to their expenses without adding to the profit margins. A company will soon go out of business providing services as nonprofitable extra costs. This bit of extra will also cover extra contingencies (which always come up) such as requiring someone from Mississauga to travel to training programs etc. You can run these number by Fred and get back to me with your thoughts. Best Regards William Quesnel Sr December 12, 2000 8:02 AM GL - email to WQ - Subject: Re: DND Proposal - Bill - Have your 2 messages. Haven't received a reply from Fred on the costing, so will also send your new information to his home computer. I think we are almost ready for the final draft with all the bells and whistles on it. We should then run that past Fred and his boss. Will let you know as soon as I have digested it. December 11, 2000 9:28 AM WQ - email to GL - Subject: Re: Results of DND Meeting - Guy - Thanks for all your effort. I will read through this today and come back to you tomorrow latest. There is a bit to digest and work on here. I have replied to your other email concerning Fred. Bill Sr December 11, 2000 9:27 AM WQ - email to GL - Subject: Re: DND - Fred - Guy - Following is a quick summary of what I think WearCheck annual costs would be to retain a person such as Fred to administer this program: Annual Salary.......................$ 61,820 Based on requested salary +3% increase (60,000 > 61,800 > 63,700) Cost to cover holidays..........$ 7,000 Based on sending person to Ottawa, paying expenses for one month. Employee Benefits................$ 13,764 Based on present percentage 20% of $68,820 Computer.............................$ 1,500 Based on write-off over three years Travel & Training.................$ 1,000 Based on three day trips to Mississauga for training and up-dates Guy Legault Commission......$ 13,200 Based on 12% of annual fee billed to DND Total Cost............................$ 98,704 Bid Price..............................$ 113,500 15% mark-up over cost. While Fred is worth the salary, his salary and request for one month holidays is the bases of the costs. Using the WebCheck program I believe we could actually provide reasonable amount of cover for Fred from Mississauga without a great deal of extra cost. If we do not need to send someone to Ottawa to cover for the month that Fred would take holidays our bid would look like this: Annual Salary.......................$ 61,820 Based on requested salary + 3% increase (60,000 > 61,800 > 63,700) Employee Benefits................$ 11,684 Based on present percentage 20%of $61,820 Computer.............................$ 1,500 Based on write-off over three years Travel & Training.................$ 1,000 Based on three 3 day trips to Mississauga for training and up-dates Guy Legault Commission......$ 11,820 Based on 12% of annual fee billed to DND Total Cost............................$ 87,824 Bid Price..............................$ 102,500 15% mark-up over cost. We are willing to offer Fred the $60,000 annual salary plus one month paid vacation. We presently have three paid sick days for staff and would extend this to Fred as well, however we expect that the employee to reserve those sick days for when he is actually sick and cannot go to work. If they are not used up by year end we grant those three days as extra holidays to enable a one week vacation between Christmas and New Years. I have put in a 15% mark-up, as I feel a company should not add to their expenses without adding to the profit margins. A company will soon go out of business providing services as nonprofitable extra costs. This bit of extra will also cover extra contingencies (which always come up) such as requiring someone from Mississauga to travel to training programs etc... You can run these number by Fred and get back to me with your thoughts. Best Regards Bill Sr December 11, 2000 8:29 AM GL - email to FA (Copy to WQ) - Fred - A couple of points we need to clarify to help work out the lowest possible bid without shutting you out: What benefits does Valcom give you now? Do you know what % Valcom adds to an individual's salary and charges to DND? Any other factors we need to know? I hope you can see where we are going with this, as if we bid low we have a better chance of winning the contract, but won't get the person we want. The other possibility is to bid at a loss, and WearCheck refuse to do this. They are honest, and won't play games later, like some companies have been known to do. Hope this is not asking too much. If so, let me know. Regards//Guy December 10, 2000 9:14 PM FA - email to RL (Fwd to WQ) - Subject: Re: Details - Guy - I feel that WearCheck should not take a loss to have someone administer the running of DND's Oil Analysis program, but I do feel that to look after the full responsibility of running the program is worth the wage that I have requested. I do not want to pressure WearCheck into hiring me for this job, if they feel that the responsibility to run this program for DND is not worth the salary that I have requested then please tell me and there will be no hard feelings. I do believe that if another company took over the sole responsibility to run this program, their wages paid employ someone in this capacity will be no less than that requested by me. WearChecks advantage is that their bid reflects a little to no profit margin which would be difficult to compete against. I feel WearCheck should ensure that all expenses are covered (break even) in order to employ someone in this position and that their profits will come from the sale of additional oil sampling kits which will be generated from the running of the program. The person in this position will be a WearCheck employee who will be required by DND to run the program and the better he does his job, eventually the more oil analysis kits DND will use. I get the following benefits from Valcom 15 Days Paid annual vacation 5 Days Paid Sick annually all government statutory Holidays Paid 3% annual pay increase I do not know the markup that Valcom is taking on my salary. I hope that Bill Sr does not think that I am asking too much but I do feel that in order to do a good job for DND and WearCheck, this is the minimum wage that I am prepared to work for. I am not looking for any commissions in the sale of additional kits. If WearCheck calculates that the break even point is $80,000.00 or $90,000.00 or even $ 100,000.00 then they should feel comfortable with that bid and also feel assured that DND's and WearChecks needs are being looked after. Regards Fred From: "Appel" December 10, 2000 6:40 PM GL - email to WQ - Subject: DND - Fred - Bill - I am forwarding to you a message and the answer I got from Fred Appel regarding salary. As you can see, he is sticking to what he told us last August, but realizes that it may be difficult for WearCheck. There is no doubt he is the best Guy for the job. I also think that if he jumps ship to come to us there will be no hard feelings on the part of his employers whom he knows well and has faithfully served for over 30 years in and out of uniform. The EME (Electrical and Mechanical Engineers) is a small family in military terms, and they will have no difficulty finding a suitable and willing replacement in his current job. I examine options in my full report, which is I am sending you as a separate message. Regards// Guy P.S. I have heard various figures for what Valcom add to individual contracts like Fred's. These rumours go from 15% to 30%. December 10, 2000 6:40 PM GL - email to WQ - Subject: Results of DND Meeting - Bill - The meeting went well and we followed with a Christmas lunch (which I do each year for DND, my largest client). We talked about the following: - the new draft of the proposal (copy attached) (see C:\My Documents\WearCheck\Sales\DND\WearCheck Proposal 00-12-10) - who to send the proposal to (BGen W.J. (William) Brewer, DGLEPM) - suggested profit margin - who not to hire (Fred) The new draft proposal is short, concise and covers the requirement. The responsibilities of the two parties and their relationships to the employee in question are clearly defined. This includes the equipment requirements (we discussed a cell phone, but it is not required - nice to have on trips only, but not essential as sales is not a major function of the contract). The travel portion is corrected to show that DND reimburses for each trip, with WearCheck submitting an invoice with receipts (and adding 10% for administration). You need to complete the covering letter, but it should not exceed one page (also correct the dates). The reason for maintaining the form and size of the document is the new recommendation that we pitch this idea first to the Director General of Land Engineering Program Management, Brigadier-General William Brewer. This goes back to earlier discussions we had that oil analysis is used by DND, but poorly understood and really depends a lot on Fred's efforts in whipping the military maintenance people at the field units on a regular basis. By appealing to Fred's senior management, Fred and his boss hope that he will read it personally and call on them to comment. They will of course reply that it is just what they would have said, if they had written it themselves. We will eventually need to bid to PWGSC for a Government contract, but by then we will know that it has already been approved within DND. DND will likely draw up their own specifications, and send a contract demand to PWGSC in the normal manner. PWGSC will then call for proposals. They suggest that if we want to add more information to the proposal, that we use attachments. The caveat is that if we don't want the General to hand it off for someone else to read, it had better be short. If subsequently someone wants more details on oil analysis or WebCheck, etc., they will ask. The question of costs then came up. This was interesting, as Major Gaetan Dub did the talking here, not Fred. He said we need to bid as low as possible, if we don't want someone else to win. At the same time he doesn't want to have to change to another company and start all over again after so many good years with WearCheck. The dilemma here is that Fred is asking more than he is getting now, which is $50,000, and few benefits (see my other message which is private Email I conducted with Fred before drafting this report). No doubt there are risks for us, as we could also bid too low to interest Fred. And we know that if we don't get him we will lose him, since the objective of this proposal is to find someone to relieve Fred from his oil analysis responsibilities in his current job. Gaetan said that WearCheck should bid so low that we actually lose, as the new position will no doubt boost our lab throughput from the current base, and eventually expand it to include fleets that are currently not using o/a. (Note in my other message that Fred doesn't think we should accept to fund the position at a loss). The whole thing took an interesting twist during the luncheon when the Major (Gaetan) said tongue in cheek that we had better not be aiming to hire Fred. I reacted with mild surprise and asked if he was trying to put ideas into my head. He said he was quite serious. Fred piped in that his contract with Valcom ends on February 28, and that he was negotiating on the next one. When Gaetan went to the washroom Fred told me that he was asking for $60,000 from Valcom and that he would not accept that position, or ours for less. Gaetan knows that Fred is asking for more money from Valcom, but as the other message shows the benefits package is very thin. To conclude, I think the new draft is a good one and that pitching it to the General is the way to go. We will know more quickly what DND wants officially, as they will have to send a written response (a letter acknowledging receipt can be expected within a few weeks of mailing). So, if the General thinks this is B.S., we will be off the hook with Fred and his boss, and our o/a should be safe unless we screw up badly in the core business, which is most unlikely. If they do want this, it will take time, certainly not within Fred's timetable. So, Fred will likely work for Valcom next March and remain our contact (unless he is overplaying his bid for more money from them). Another interesting suggestion from Gaetan - if this is a success, why wouldn't WearCheck offer similar turnkey operations to large industrial clients... So, I suggest we play it one step at a time and keep it simple. It could move quickly, but I very much doubt it. Probably, we will be asked to come to a meeting to brief the General or someone higher than Gaetan. We could be asked for more information. It could percolate for years like this. Every summer is the posting season. Key people change, and you have to educate a new boss or two. Since o/a is not well known and not a high priority, who knows... Meanwhile we get to know more people and sell lots of sample kits. Regards Guy H. Legault Phone: ( 613) 837-7334 Fax: (613) 837-6807 guyhlegault@sprint.ca December 4, 2000 9:28 PM From: "William Quesnel - WearCheck" To: "Guy Legault" Subject: Fw: WearCheck Canada Inc Unsolicited Proposal Date: Monday, December 04, 2000 9:17 PM ----- Original Message ----- From: "Appel" To: "Bill Quesnel" Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 9:39 PM Subject: Re: WearCheck Canada Inc Unsolicited Proposal > Bill > Yes I recieved your proposal on 26 Nov 00. I am at present reviewing > the contents with Maj Dube and should be completed by Wednesday 6 Dec > 00. I have already spoken to Guy Legault and have set up a meeting with > him on Wednesday. Once we have tidied up the proposal from that meeting > we should meet with you again to finalize the contents and ensure that > you are in full agreement to the contents prior to it's submission to > DND. I hope you have time to meet before Christmas. > > Regards > Fred Appel > > > Bill Quesnel wrote: > > > > Fred > > Attached please find a Microsoft WinWord file of the WearCheck Canada > > Inc., Unsolicited Proposal for Spectrometric Oil Analysis Program > > (SOAP) Administration and Training Services. I completed the proposal > > by end of November and sent it by email to you and Guy Legault on > > December 1st. I was surprised this morning to hear from Gloria > > Gonzalez (customer service manager) that Guy had not received a copy > > of the proposal, so I am sending it again. I have marked it "read > > receipt". I apologize again for the delay in getting this done, and > > have no really valid excuses to offer for my tardiness. I have > > incorporated points from the paper Bill Jr did at the Practicing Oil > > Analysis Conference in Tulsa in October, that I felt were very > > relevant to why WearCheck would make such a proposal at this time. > > This is the same paper WebCheck - An Oil Analysis Based Maintenance > > Extranet System that I copied to you during your recent visit to > > WearCheck. I hope you enjoyed the seminar and got some benefit from > > the WebCheck training course. > > Please advise if you have received the proposal, and let me have your > > comments. > > Best regards > > Bill Quesnel Sr > > billqsr@wearcheck.ca > > President > > WearCheck Canada Inc. > > www.wearcheck.ca > > > > > > > > Name: WearCheck Proposal.doc > > WearCheck Proposal.doc Type: WINWORD File (application/msword) > > Encoding: base64 > December 4, 2000 9:16 PM WQ - email to GL - Subject: Re: WearCheck Canada Inc Unsolicited Proposal - Guy Price on the bid is meaningless - our price will be whatever Fred wants + 50% eg if Fred wants $50,000 per year and needs to have one month holiday we need to cover bid will be 50,000 divided by 11 months - times 12 months - times 1.5 = $82,000 (rounded up) I have misplaced my notes concerning our private discussion with Fred however will track them down and get the number right for the final bid I have note from Fred that he is working on this with Maj Dube - will copy you on that as well. Hope we can save this project after all my delay. Bill Q Sr December 4, 2000 8:46 PM WQ - email to FA - Subject: Re: WearCheck Canada Inc Unsolicited Proposal - Fred - Thanks for reply. I am ready sir. Bill Q Sr December 4, 2000 3:32 PM FA - email to WQ - Subject: Re: WearCheck Canada Inc Unsolicited Proposal - Bill - Yes I recieved your proposal on 26 Nov 00. I am at present reviewing the contents with Maj Dube and should be completed by Wednesday 6 Dec 00. I have already spoken to Guy Legault and have set up a meeting with him on Wednesday. Once we have tidied up the proposal from that meeting we should meet with you again to finalize the contents and ensure that you are in full agreement to the contents prior to it's submission to DND. I hope you have time to meet before Christmas. Regards Fred Appel December 4, 2000 12:02 PM GL - email to WQ - Subject: Re: WearCheck Canada Inc Unsolicited Proposal - Thanks Bill. Fred and I spoke last week after I talked to Gloria. He sent me the document and I have gone over it. Fred has also done so with his boss. We are meeting on Wednesday to discuss the proposal. There is no major problem, but I expect there is still a lot to be done. The major thing is to learn how to deal with Govt of Canada proposals. This could be useful for future projects, so I am giving it the attention it deserves. You will need a covering letter which outlines the reasons for the bid and briefly what DND gets out of it. The other problem you can look at now perhaps is how to price it. I low balled it the first time, and they now say it is too high. Will give you a full report after Wednesday's meeting. Regards//Guy December 4, 2000 10:36 AM WQ - email to FQ (copy GG GL) - Subject: WearCheck Canada Inc Unsolicited Proposal - Fred - Attached please find a Microsoft WinWord file of the WearCheck Canada Inc., Unsolicited Proposal for Spectrometric Oil Analysis Program (SOAP) Administration and Training Services. I completed the proposal by end of November and sent it by email to you and Guy Legault on December 1st. I was surprised this morning to hear from Gloria Gonzalez (customer service manager) that Guy had not received a copy of the proposal, so I am sending it again. I have marked it "read receipt". I apologize again for the delay in getting this done, and have no really valid excuses to offer for my tardiness. I have incorporated points from the paper Bill Jr did at the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference in Tulsa in October, that I felt were very relevant to why WearCheck would make such a proposal at this time. This is the same paper WebCheck - An Oil Analysis Based Maintenance Extranet System that I copied to you during your recent visit to WearCheck. I hope you enjoyed the seminar and got some benefit from the WebCheck training course. Please advise if you have received the proposal, and let me have your comments. (see C:\My Documents\WearCheck\Sales\DND\WearCheck Proposal.doc) Best regards Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca President WearCheck Canada Inc. www.wearcheck.ca November 26, 2000 6:39 PM WQ - email to GL FA (Copy BQ GG) - Subject: DND Unsolicited Proposal - Sirs I have managed to make time to work on the " Unsolicited Proposal for Spectrometric Oil Analysis Program (SOAP) Administration and Training Services"! I am sorry this has taken me so long, and will not make any more excuses. I wanted to include much of the information that was available in the paper "WebCheck - An Oil Analysis Based Maintenance Extranet System" that Bill Jr presented at the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference in Tulsa in October. I believe that his paper contains detail of most of the improvements that WebCheck will bring to DND's oil analysis program. Fred - I do believe that WebCheck will make it possible for one person to do a super job of administrating DND's oil analysis from one central location. It will provide a huge improvement in the communication of information both ways. Please read the attached MS WinWord copy of this submission and advise of any errors and omissions that you believe need correction or addition. I will submit the document along with a demonstration disk that explains WebCheck in detail. I hope that I have not caused WearCheck to be too late to submit this proposal. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr November 22, 2000 3:03 PM WQ - email to GL (copy GG BQ) - Subject: Re: DND - Guy - I spoke to Fred Appel and apologized for MY tardiness (and it is simply me that has dropped this ball). I am afraid I have been to occupied with other projects and not paid the attention to this that I should have - in view of my fervent promises. I gave Fred a copy of the paper on the future of oil analysis that Bill Jr did in Tulsa and spoke to him of my idea to incorporate the ideas in that paper. I was originally waiting for the paper to be completed, and once it was I got caught up in other projects. I believe it will only take me a few hours to incorporate the points in the paper into the original document. I will get this done this before next Monday, and sent to you both by e-mail. I gave Fred a hard copy of the paper to read, so he should be ready with feed-back once he gets a new document from me. I do not believe that you can help me with this, on this end. I appreciate the offer. I just need to sit down and get this done! Regards Bill Sr November 22, 2000 2:18 PM GL - email to WQ (copy BQ) - Subject: DND - Bill - Spoke to Fred Appel today. He doesn't look too happy about the delay in the planning for our service contract. He told me that he had seen you briefly on November 17 and had advised you that as of January 2001 DND will look for another partner to meet the objectives they gave us on August 7. Fred says send him whatever you have now. I guess what we are talking about is the old draft, which doesn't need much change, plus the WearCheck profile information that PWGSC will need to evaluate the bid. What I can gather from this is that they desperately want to get more out of their oil analysis. They need to educate their users in the field or it will not stick. They also think it will increase sample use. What I also know is that they like the WearCheck lab product, but are not happy with WearCheck customer service. They really want to keep using our lab, but are now starting to look elsewhere. DND is my biggest customer. Please advise where I can help in this matter. Do you want me to come to Mississauga for a few days? Regards//Guy October 19, 2000 7:54 AM WQ - email to GL - Subject: Re: DND - Guy I apologize for not keeping you posted. My only problem is time. I will endeavour to get something to Fred by this weekend. I have been collecting a bunch of work done by Bill Jr on various proposals for customers as well as some presentations that were made for oil suppliers, and wanted to incorporate some of that into the proposal, just have been travelling too much and too busy, but will force myself to get to this and get something out by Sunday. Bill Sr October 18, 2000 12:23 PM GL - email to WQ - Subject: DND - Bill - Fred Appel has been asking how things are going with the proposal. He adds that if you are having some problems, just send him the last draft and he will look at it with his boss. Regards//Guy September 25, 2000 2:08 PM WQ - email to GL - DND Proposal - Guy - Just a quick note to let you know that I have not forgotten DND, and I am working on the proposal. Billy recently did some good work for Ryder in PowerPoint and I wanted to incorporate some of his slides into what I am putting together. Have also got some info from Barry Goslin (used to be with the military) in the form of a proposal that he had a copy of, so will follow some of that routine as well. I hope to have it out by end of this week or first of next, I know it is late but trying to put a good foot forward. Bill Jr is swamped with projects that are all critical or very important, and cannot expect much resource from him. Will keep you posted. Regards Bill Sr May 31, 2000 12:01 PM Letter Printed: untitled - Department of National Defence May 31, 2000 12:01 PM Letter Printed: untitled - Department of National Defence November 10, 1998 9:50 AM Phoned. Fred Appel has received the MOB2 carton sent by Rod. He is waiting for more of the special DND SIFs to be sent. Called Rod to remind him. Fred will find the contact for the LAV program so I can make a visit. If they start o/a they will use the same system as for the Leopard. Fred will monitor and forward their reports. September 11, 1998 9:45 AM Phoned. Called Ruth, as Rod was not in. She said she had received a firm order from PWGSC for 2,000 sample kits. She mentioned that they were being prepared for shipment to Montreal early next week. Also she mentioned that Rod had said that there were to be no courrier certificates sent as per normal. I told her I was pretty sure this was wrong, because Fred Appel would end up being a post office. Their situation is very different from Frontec, who have poor access to mail in the North. Called Fred, who was happy the order went through, as PWGSC had queried him about the change of part number. Since they have now actioned the order with WearCheck he is releived, as he does not want another o/a lab to get the contract. However, Fred was concerned about the courrier certificates. He wants 3 in each box as per normal. He has found a way to solve 202 Workshops problem by collecting unused ones from other units. Ruth will talk to Rod on Monday. July 9, 1998 1:46 PM Spoke to Fred today regarding WebCheck. Said he was going on holidays, so he will call back when he returns so we can set him up for a trial. (Gloria) June 23, 1998 1:45 PM Phoned. Fred Appel is interested in trying WebCheck. Rod will set up a temporary account to let him try it out. February 13, 1998 7:18 AM called Fred, LM re quote from Global requesting 30 sample pumps 8:23 AM; Called Fred, discussed softaware requirements, sample pump order. HWCB November 6, 1997 2:56 PM Phoned. Fred Appel is OK for attendance on the MOB Course of November 20. He also mentioned that his SOAP Program has expanded to include Leopard turrets. Will arrange to meet when Rod comes down next. March 20, 1997 8:32 PM Timed Note : Department of National Defence March 20, 1997 8:32 PM Timed Note : Department of National Defence February 21, 1997 4:32 PM GL - LAST WEEKS REQUEST FOR MOB2 TRANSMISSION ANALYSIS REPORT NEEDED URGENTLY TO GET MORE DND BUSINESS. February 12, 1997 8:59 AM called; L.M. re french information sheets January 15, 1997 9:52 AM called Fred; we are single source; he has been on them to get the order to us for 3000 kits November 14, 1996 9:06 AM Fred will come ssee me on Nov 20th 1996 @ 8:00 AM October 24, 1995 8:05 AM CFB Gagetown; Talked to CPL Guy Daniel, Met with Dave Good to discuss sampling of mtc equipment; Dave had a hard time getting bottles; Talked to stores they ordered some from army supply. Met Micheal Lirette, Mechanic for Tanks. would like to see a training program on base for all the people involed in Armoured command. October 20, 1995 3:34 PM Joe called today to find out what we knew about the last tender. I told him I didn't know why they went that route and when i phoned around all I gaot was the run around. He will try and straighten it out for the next time. They want some more info sheets. October 2, 1995 12:09 PM called fred; to get info on o/a tender September 25, 1995 9:12 AM CALLED FRED; TO GET MORE INFORMATION ON LAST OIL SAMPLE TENDER. L/M August 16, 1995 8:45 AM Spoke to Capt. Chris Cullen (CCC?!) re: their UIC (Unit Identification Code). Wishes for a place to appear on our sample information sheet that asks for the UIC (USE A STAMP TO PUT THIS ON THE SIF?) - Actually we just printed up new sheets for the DND. I sent Chris a faxed copy of one. Also requested that we put the UIC in the SOAPNet.LOCATION area so that it appears on the report at the top (e.g. LOCATION -> A1852131). Told Chris that our customer software is expected in around 5 months. Told him that we are developing it in conjunction with WCA, WCG, & WCSA. Chris informed me that Reg Gilbert is no longer with the DND, he was originally a consultant, and now has found other work. No longer works for the DND. April 11, 1995 1:22 PM DISCUSSED; CAMP BORDAN TRAINING PROGRAM FOR MAY 15TH +. March 13, 1995 3:40 PM REG GILBERT CALLED REQUESTING MORE DND INFO SHEETS: SENT HIM 500. HE WILL LOOK INTO HOW MANY KITS WERE LEFT. November 9, 1994 2:05 PM RR - DISCUSSED INFO SHEET PROBLEM THEY HAVE IN THE FIELD. SOMEONE HIRED A CONSULTANT WHO INQUIRED ABOUT O/A. THEY HAVE TO EXPLAIN AGAIN WHY WE ARE CONSIDERED "SINGLE SOURCE". THEY ARE PUTTING TOGETHER A REPORT TO SHOW SAVING TO GET OTHER UNITS SAMPLING. THEY COULD BE ORDERING SOON. DO COMPUTER PULL. November 26, 1993 9:32 AM MEETING; NOV.25.93; INSTALLED THEIR COMPUTER PROGRAM. THEIR FILES ARE A MESS. WE TRIED TO PUT THE UNITS INTO GROUPS BUT THEIR FIELD PERSONAL ARE NOT CONSISTENT WITH NUMBERS. THE NEW INPUT SHEETS SHOULD FIX THIS PROBLEM. THEY HAVE ABOUT 2000 KITS LEFT IN STOCK. THEY KEEP ON SAYING THAT THEY WILL INVITE US UP TO CFB BORDEN TO PUT ON A TRAINING COURSE FOR THEIR INSTRUCTORS. THEY ARE HAPPY. August 12, 1993 10:20 AM MET WITH ALL THE PLAYERS INVOLVED WITH " SOAP ". THEY WANT TO USE KEVIN'S PROGRAM. WE MUST CHANGE THEIR REPORTS TO REFLECT THE SERIAL NUMBER AS THE UNIT NUMBER, FOR THEY WANT TO TRACK THE COMPONENTS. THE UNIT ID MUST THEN BE PUT IN THE DIAGNOSTIC STATEMENT SO THEY KNOW WHICH COMPONENT IS IN WHAT VEHICLE. THEIR FILES MUST BE " CLEANED UP " AS SOON AS POSSIBLE SO WE CAN START THEM OFF WITH THE NEW SOFTWARE. THEY ARE GOING THROUGH A MAJOR RESTRUCTURING AT THIS TIME ( ALL THE UNITS FROM THE GERMAN BASES THAT WERE CLOSED ). THEY WANT TO DESIGN THEIR OWN IMPUT SHEET: THEIR NEEDS ARE SPECIALIZED. AGAIN, THEY TALKED ABOUT US TRAINING THEIR TRAINERS FROM CAMP BORDEN. THEY REALIZE THEY MUST DO A BETTER JOB IN TRAINING AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE SOAP PROGRAM. I RECOMMENDED THAT WE TRAIN THEM AT THE LAB. THEY ARE STARTING TO PUT OTHER UNITS ON THE PROGRAM: WE SHOULD BE GETTING 200 SAMPLES A MONTH!, IF THE PROGRAM IS RUN PROPERLY. THEY HAVE 2300 SAMPLES LEFT IN STOCK. WE HAVE BEEN ADVISED THAT WE ARE THE SINGLE SOURCE SUPPLIER FOR OIL ANALYSIS. June 7, 1993 9:40 AM LAB TOUR: JUNE 2nd 1993. REWRITING THEIR O/A TRAINING MANUAL. THEY WANT US TO ENSURE THE TECH. END IS OK. CHANGES; INFO SHEET. DISCUSSED TRAINING FOR THEIR TRAINERS: THEY WILL GET BACK TO US. INTERESTED IN THE NEW COMPUTER PROGRAM. I WILL SEE THE NEXT TIME I'M IN OTTAWA. January 22, 2002 1:09 PM From: "Guy H. Legault" To: "Bill Quesnel" ; "Bill Quesnel, Snr" Cc: "Ruth Inglehart" ; "Gloria Gonzales" Subject: MERX Date: January 21, 2002 1:54 PM If you want to search MERX for contract opportunities, you can do so without an account #. They do ask you for your name and that of your company. Because of that I did not go. The site is http://www.merx.cebra.com I also spoke to Fred again, who told me that several provincial governments and some municipalities now use MERX. Guy H. Legault Phone: (613) 837-7334 Fax: (613) 837-6807 guyhlegault@sprint.ca Public 1-819-997-9975 Work 1-819-997-9989 FAX 30 ONT - Ottawa - Trenton 19 Guy Legault MOB2 - 12 Public ON http://www.dnd.ca/ K1A 0K2 Associate Dingo Dingo www.dingo.com Dingo 000124000162469946609C Computer Programs Public Public Dupont Dupont Dupont 010406000243354472092C September 24, 2001 9:58 AM BQ email to WQ - Subject: RE: Dupont Canada - Good question. I believe that Dupont Canada's current provider is CTC. As such, we will be looking at different packages. We should feel them out before we decide to quote them on John Underhill's packages. Perhaps we should simply do an IND 2, IND 3 test package quote for them. Bill September 24, 2001 9:33 AM WQ email to GG (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: Dupont Canada - Gloria - Bill Will this business be at the new prices that we are quoting through WearCheck International ? Is Dupont in Canada following the test packages as described by John Underhill? 3.1 Analytical Packages 3.1.1 MDDE a. ICP Spectrometer: 17 elements of metal measured in parts per million: Silicon Molybdenum Copper Barium Iron Magnesium Lead Phosphorus Chromium Sodium Tin Calcium Aluminum Boron Nickel Zinc Silver b. Viscosity by kinematic method reported in cSt at 40 C or 100 as appropriate c. Water %volume by IR or ppm by Karl Fischer d. Total Acid Number (TAN) or Total Base Number (TBN) as appropriate e. Soot via IR f. Oxidation via IR g. Nitration via IR h. Fuel Dilution via GC 3.1.2 PDD a. ICP Spectrometer Elements as shown above b. Water via IR c. Viscosity d. TAN 3.1.3 PDR a. ICP Spectrometer as shown above b. Water c. Viscosity d. TAN e. DR Ferrography 3.1.4 PDKP a. ICP Spectrometer as shown above b. Water via KF c. Viscosity d. TAN e. ISO Particle count 3.1.5 PDKPD a. ICP Spectrometer as shown above b. Water via KF c. Viscosity d. TAN e. ISO Particle count f. Direct Read Ferrography g. Analytical Ferrography (Condition based) 3.1.6 PDREF a. ICP Spectrometer as shown above b. Water via KF c. Viscosity d. TAN 3.1.7 PNG a. ICP Spectrometer as shown above b. Viscosity c. TAN d. Water via IR e. Oxidation via IR f. Nitration via IR g. Large particle spectroscopy Bill Q Sr. September 20, 2001 3:21 PM GL email to BQ (copy GG)(fwd WQ) - Subject: FW: Dupont Canada - Have just received a call from Shaun Wilkinson at the Maitland Plant of Dupont Canada, saying that they have made the decision to use WearCheck as their oil analysis laboratory. Their major concern at the present is to get onto WebCheck and work it into their Entek Odyssey procedures. Shaun understands from their meetings at WearCheck last spring that someone from WearCheck will teach them the procedures onsite. I mentioned that Bill has an instruction sheet that he may be able to send quickly to start the process. Shaun also mentioned that the Dupont Canada software installation of Odyssey was giving them a lot of trouble, and that Entek were considering installing a new version to solve this. I advised Shaun that I will cc. this message to him in order that you can get back to him. Guy H. Legault Phone: ( 613) 837-7334 Fax: (613) 837-6807 guyhlegault@sprint.ca September 19, 2001 9:25 AM WQ email to GG - Subject: Dupont - Gloria - You were to send me your edited copy of Bob Starling's proposal for Dupont.. Most of all I need WearCheck Canada Inc's pricing as per spread sheet attached (received from WC-Belgium) You can see detail of this on the printed request from John Underhill of Dupont Following is explanation of the pricing I received from Bob Starling Hello Bill, Analyst has had the Dupont account for a long time. However, the pricing structure looks to be standard prepaid and monthly quotations where prepaid is all fees paid up front. A monthly program is set up differently. The analytical fees are invoiced at the end of the month dependent upon number of samples processed. In many cases a small amount of the sample fee is billed up front to cover the cost of kit materials, shipping labor and shipping costs to the customer. Normally the Customer decides how he wants to be invoiced at the beginning of a new program. Regards Bob September 18, 2001 3:10 PM DS email to WQ - Subject: RE: Du Pont. - Dear Bill: - We are attending a section of Du Pont plant in Argentina. I have received the quote 2 hrs ago, sorry for the delay. Prices are as follow (Pre paid), we collect the samples: PDD $45.- PDR $65.- PDKP $75.- PDKPD $110.- PDREF $53.- MDDE $45.- PNG $85.- Best regards. Daniel Sansot Castro Barros 1639 (1640) Mart nez, Prov. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel/Fax: 54 11 4733-3145 Celular: 15 5420-3106 E-mail: braco@interprov.com ----- Original Message ----- From: William Quesnel - WearCheck To: Daniel Sansot Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 8:25 AM Subject: Re: Du Pont. Daniel I need your quotation as soon as possible Bill Q Sr September 15, 2001 5:43 AM BC email to BC - Subject: Re: Dupont Quotation - Spreadsheet - Bill - Looking at the prices, there could be some misunderstanding here. If Analytical Ferrography is to be included the price I gave of 87.00 is correct. But when standard PQ (which equals DR Ferrography) is required only, then the price is 12.00. So under your PDR column the price should read 12.00 ALSO under your PDKP COLUMN the price should read 87.00, but will always include an Analytical ferrography test, if not required then the charge will revert to 12.00. Hence kits will be sold at 12.00 and when an analytical ferrograph is required we will invoice the difference at the time with consultation with the client. Bob September 14, 2001 5:22 PM DS email to WQ - Subject: Du Pont. - Dear Bill, I was at US last week and arrived back home on Saturday. I am still waiting for the US quote, I should have it done for before the end of next week. Best regards and sorry about this. Daniel Sansot Castro Barros 1639 (1640) Mart nez, Prov. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel/Fax: 54 11 4733-3145 Celular: 15 5420-3106 E-mail: braco@interprov.com September 14, 2001 9:41 AM WQ email to WC Group -(copy WCC-Team) - Subject: Dupont Quotation - Spreadsheet Colleagues - (sorry I forgot to attach the spreadsheet - here it is) Attached please find a spreadsheet showing the pricing you have sent to me. I have not received pricing from WC-Australia (PJ says not much Dupont in Australia). I have not received pricing from WC-Argentina? I have compiled the quotation on three related pages of the attached spreadsheet (Andre thanks for the format) 1st sheet shows quotes in currency of the country 2nd sheet shows quotes converted to US dollars 3rd sheet shows the percentage difference between WC quotes and existing prices paid. The line in bold shows existing prices paid for the US (Analyst Inc) program in US$ If you wish to change any of your pricing please do so on the spreadsheet and return to me by email. As most everyone knows by now the Noria Practicing Oil Analysis Convention planned for Tulsa has been cancelled. We shall arrange a new meeting location and date with John Underhill of Dupont to present our program. I will send you a copy of the proposal before the end of next week, and will appreciate any input you have. William Quesnel Sr September 12, 2001 8:27 AM RS email to WQ (copy JF KS JC) - Subject: Dupont- Bill, Following are our price quotes for Dupont: PDD $6.75 prepaid $7.25 monthly PDR $15.00 prepaid $15.50 monthly PDKP $17.50 prepaid $18.00 monthly PDKPD $35.00 prepaid $35.50 monthly PDREF $9.00 prepaid $9.50 monthly MDDE $7.00 prepaid $7.50 monthly PNG $21.00 prepaid $21.50 monthly If you have any questions call me. Bob Starling September 11, 2001 4:02 PM WQ email to RS (copy BQ JC JF KS) - Subject: Re: Dupont - Gentlemen If I am to include WearCheck USA in the Dupont proposal I need your pricing yesterday!!!!!!! Bill Q Sr September 10, 2001 9:14 AM RS email to WQ (copy KS JC) - Subject: Re: Dupont - Hello Bill, Analyst has had the Dupont account for a long time. However, the pricing structure looks to be standard prepaid and monthly quotations where prepaid is all fees paid up front. A monthly program is set up differently. The analytical fees are invoiced at the end of the month dependent upon number of samples processed. In many cases a small amount of the sample fee is billed up front to cover the cost of kit materials, shipping labor and shipping costs to the customer. Normally the Customer decides how he wants to be invoiced at the beginning of a new program. Regards Bob September 7, 2001 11:09 AM BS email to WQ - Subject: Re: Dupont - Bob I understand that were involved with Dupont while CTC had the account, and I am assuming that Analyst Inc has the same sort of pricing structure as was used at CTC.. Can you tell me what they mean by the two columns of "prepaid" and "monthly" on Analysts Pricing Matrix Sheet there pricing? Is this two different prices or do they bill a prepaid amount then another amount added to that price at the end of the month? Bill Q Sr September 6, 2001 8:00 AM WQ email to JT - Subject: Re: Dupont - Worldwide 2nd request - Jesus - Please accept my apologies! You were actually the first to reply and so fast to do so that I had forgotten that your quotation came by fax. I am very pleased to hear you are attending the Noria POAC conference, hope you bring some good literature to display in the booth. You may participate in our booth display at no charge, as we feel the labs in North America will get the most benefit from the display. I have heard from most of WearCheck Group now and am putting the proposal together. I will copy you once we have competed it. I will keep you posted about the meeting with Dupont in Tulsa, and look forward to spending time together. Best September 5, 2001 5:56 PM BC email to WQ - Subject: Dupont 2 - Bill see attached for prices - Bob (see C:\MyDocuments\WearCheck\Sales\Dujpont\Robertson.xls) September 5, 2001 12:08 PM BS email to WQ (copy BQ KS JC KF) - Subject: Dupont - All - Attached is a draft proposal I promised Bill Sr. that I would put together. If he thinks it is appropriate, he will forward the draft to other WearCheck labs for their input. (see C:\Myocuments\WearCheck\Sales\Dupont\Dupont Proposal.doc) Note: 1. The cover page will need to be changed. 2. What do we do about large particle spectroscopy in test package PNG? 3. Complete the Company Qualifications section. 4. Any other changes that may be required. 5. Insert all fees Jon, would you and Keith insert USA fees please or call me on my cell and we will do it. Current Analyst fees are as follows: PDD $7.45 prepaid $6.95 monthly I think all of the prepaid and monthly prices should be reversed but that was the way they were written on the sheet. PDR 18.60 17.50 PDKP 23.60 21.30 PDKPD 41.75 39.25 PDREF 11.00 10.50 MDDE 8.05 7.55 PNG 23.05 22.55 Regards Bob September 5, 2001 6:30 AM BW email to WQ - Subject: AW: Dupont - Worldwide 2nd request - Hi Bill, sorry for the delay. Package PDD, PDR (without Ferrographie), MDDE, PNG = WEARCHECK kit No. 2. Package PDREF = WEARCHECK kit No. 3 Package PDKP, PDKPD (without Ferrographie) = WEARCHECK kit No. 4 12 kits 60 kits 120 kits Kit 2 black 52.50/kit 46.50/kit 43.50/kit Kit 3 yellow 70.00/kit 62.00/kit 58.00/kit Kit 4 red 87.50/kit 77.50/kit 72.50/kit Additional Price for Analytical Ferrographie: 175.00/sample The price includes: * Sample bottle * Pre-addressed envelop for shipping * Sample information sheet * Analysis in our lab * Diagnose from experienced certifcated engineers * WEARCHECK-Lab report within 24 hours via Email and Internet directly from our inhouse-Webserver. Our samples are always pre-paid not post-paid. Best regards Barbara Weismann September 5, 2001 5:18 AM BC email to WQ - Subject: Dupont - Bill - We already do Dupont work through a number of our paper types. We do not expect to gain any business here. However, I have amended Belgium's chart to show how we would charge if necessary. Bill I have yet to see how Wearcheck UK gains from these Worldwide deals - I never seem to see an advantage for us. Maybe you can advise! Regards Bob September 4, 2001 2:40 PM WQ email to KS RS JC PW BW BC JT JB GS DS - Subject: Dupont - Worldwide 2nd request - Colleagues - I sent out the following email along with a fax directed to each of the WearCheck labs. So far I do not have your quotation. I have attached the Excel spreadsheet that I received from Belgium - if it will make your task any easier, please fill in your own numbers and comments and return to me as soon as possible. I need to get the quotation put together so I can contact John Underhill and arrange a meeting date in Tulsa between Sep 17-21 (at the POAC) It would also be nice to know if you are coming to the POAC so I can advise him the names from WC-Group who will be in the meeting. ----------Message sent August 21-------- Colleagues I am faxing to you today a request received from John Underwood of Dupont for a world wide program of oil analysis for Dupont. I am willing to co-ordinate a response to Dupont. If you wish to respond with your individual proposals you may direct them to me and I will prepare a combined world-wide proposal for Dupont. The request is for laboratories outside of the USA. Mr Underwood seems content with the service provided by Analysts Inc in the USA, however we may be able to persuade him to open that market to WearCheck USA through the power of WebCheck. We will be meeting with Mr Underwood in Tulsa at the POAC (one more reason for you to attend the convention), and it is important that we are able to present the world-wide offering at that meeting. It would be great if we show world wide participation in the POAC as well. This is yet another opportunity for Wear Check to use the strength of our association to gain a major client on a world-wide basis. If you wish to learn about Dupont, who they are, and how large an organization I suggest you go to any one of their websites - start with www.dupont.com and go to your relative country. Suffice to say they are a major believer in oil analysis (note paragraph four in Mr Underwood's letter), and promise to be a very major client. I would ask you to send your replies as soon as possible. It would be best if you fax the information to my home fax number as I am really enjoying working in my new in-home office and I am at home every evening, whereas I am not at Wear Check Canada Inc., on a daily basis. My home fax number is (905) 332-0289. You can usually reach me on my cell phone at (905) 467-3562, and you can always reach Lorraine at (905) 335-9922 (and she will find me) as she forwards our home number to her cell phone when she is out of the house. We need to get started immediately and open a dialogue between us, to insure we make a highly professional presentation to Dupont. I propose to share the proposal document will all that wish to participate (through the magic of email) and with your help massage it into a final presentation. Check your fax today for the 15+ pages. I am sending one copy to each Wear Check lab - if you don't get a copy by Wednesday August 22, let me know. William Quesnel Sr September 4, 2001 1:25 PM WQ email to BQ RS - Subject: Re: Tulsa trip - Bill & Bob - I have not scheduled a meeting with Dupont for Tulsa, we just have the letter from Jim Underwood saying he wishes to meet with during the POAC in Tulsa. I have copies of his letter and back-up info to each of the WearCheck International labs (including WC-USA) and am waiting for pricing from each for their respective areas. So far I have a response from WC-Belgium and WC-South Africa with pricing. I have a reply from Peter Jordan of WC-Australia that he does not think Dupont is very big in Aussie, however referred me to his labs in Singapore. I wanted to get more information from group and put together a quotation to send to John Underwood at the same time as requesting a date for a meeting in Tulsa. I would not want to go to Tulsa with nothing to present to him. I will keep you posted and send you a date as soon as I can. Meantime - I will be sending to WC-Group a repeat of my request today, asking for answers. Regards Bill Q Sr September 4, 2001 10:15 AM RS email to BQ (fwd WQ) - Subject: FW: Tulsa trip - Billy, I don't have your dad's e-mail address. Do you know what day you all are scheduled to meet with Dupont? I would like to attend but I don't want to spend all four days there. If I know the day of the meeting I can schedule around it. Also what hotel are you staying in. I don't have the literature on the show. Thanks Bob August 29, 2001 6:49 PM PJ email to WQ (Copy Yeoh Guan Huah" ) - Subject: RE: Dupont - world wide oil analysis - Bill, I am not aware of any Du Pont plants in Australia. I know that they have an agricultural marketing presence in cropping seeds, but I don't think that they manufacture anything here. In Singapore, I think that they have a couple of polymer plants. As for the rest of the Asia / Pacific region, I have no idea. I would assume that they have a presence in China, and probably Korea, Taiwan and Japan. You can give them Mr Yeoh Guan Huah as the ALS Technichem contact person in Singapore. We would have to provide them with a case by case quotation depending on requirements and whether a portion of the sample would need to be shipped to Perth for debris analysis or Sydney for odd requirements. Also, many of Mr Yeoh's customers use local bottles and cover their own freight costs. However the US$ prices in your fax converted to Sing$ would seem reasonable. Mr Yeoh's email address is above. The Du Pont people should feel free to contact him or myself. Best Regards, Peter J. August 22, 2001 2:08 PM WQ email to WC Group (copy KM RI GG RB) - Subject: Dupont - world wide oil analysis Importance: High - Colleagues - I am faxing to you today a request received from John Underwood of Dupont for a world wide program of oil analysis for Dupont. I am willing to co-ordinate a response to Dupont. If you wish to respond with your individual proposals you may direct them to me and I will prepare a combined world-wide proposal for Dupont. The request is for laboratories outside of the USA. Mr Underwood seems content with thes ervice provided by Analysts Inc in the USA, however we may be able top ersuade him to open that market to WearCheck USA through the power of WebCheck. We will be meeting with Mr Underwood in Tulsa at the POAC (one more reason for you to attend the convention), and it is important that we are able to present the world-wide offering at that meeting. It would be great if we show world wide participation in the POAC as well. This is yet another opportunity for Wear Check to use the strength of our association to gain a major client on a world-wide basis. If you wish to learn about Dupont, who they are, and how large an organization I suggest you go to any one of their websites - start with www.dupont.com and go to your relativec ountry. Suffice to say they are a major believer in oil analysis (note paragraph four in Mr Underwood's letter), and promise to be a very major client. I would ask you to send your replies as soon as possible. It would be best if you fax the information to my home faxn umber as I am really enjoying working in my new in-home office and I am at home every evening, whereas I am not at Wear Check Canada Inc., on a dailyb asis. My home fax number is (905)3 32-0289. You can usually reach me on my cell phone at (905) 467-3562, and you can always reach Lorraine at (905) 335-9922 (and she will find me) as she forwards our home number to her cell phone when she is out of the house. We need to get started immediately and open a dialogue between us, to insure we make a highly professional presentation to Dupont. I propose to share the proposal document will all that wish to participate (through the magic of email) and with your help massage it into a final presentation. Check your fax today for the 15+ pages. I am sending one copy to each Wear Check lab - if you don't get a copy by Wednesday August 22, let me know. William Quesnel Sr July 11, 2001 3:25 PM GG email to WQ (copy BQ) - Subject: Dupont - Hi, - I just got off the phone with John Underwood from Dupont in the USA and he tells me that Dupont is looking for a reputable lab to do their oil samples "internationally". He was very interested in WearCheck Spain right at the moment because Dupont in Spain are looking for a lab ASAP. John told me that in the US they are using Analysts Inc., but I think that this is going to change soon!! This just might be the break we need to get Dupont back in here!! Anyway, John Underwood is going to send Jesus an e-mail (he tried the Tekniker website, but it seems to be down) and I told him that I wasn't sure if he was at the international meeting this week. If you seem him, please let him know. Gloria April 5, 2001 3:25 AM BQ - email to GG (copy WQ GL) - Subject: RE: Dupont update - Guy, The $45 per sample is an IND2/IND3 mix. Essentially they get IND 2 testing plus DR-Ferrography, which will trigger A-Ferr on problem samples. We will, of course, be billing post-paid for A-Ferrs performed at $20.00 each. I hope that Dupont finds it in their hearts, and pocket books to work with us. I outlined to Shaun and Rob the difference in price and what that amounts to in terms of improved service, and software. Regards, Bill April 4, 2001 12:23 PM GG - email to BQ (copy WQ) - Subject: Dupont update - copy of Max. note from Guy Legault for Dupont Canada: Phoned. Shaun Wilkingson gave me a brief outline of his job description, which includes providing PM services for 7 Dupont Canada plants. He and Rob MacDonald of the Kingston plant have all the WearCheck information they need at the moment. They are impressed with our services. However, no decision has been made as yet. They are aiming to go all Ferrography and are happy with the quote of $45.00 per sample given to them by WearCheck. However, that is still a big jump over the current expenditure of $26.00 per sample at CTC, where they get only the occasional Ferrography level test. So, it all boils down to money. Perhaps WearCheck should make new quotes based on a IND2/IND3 mix with different ratios at a fixed price (ie. 4/1 ratio, and/or 8/1 ratio) at median prices. September 24, 2001 9:58 AM BQ email to WQ - Subject: RE: Dupont Canada - Good question. I believe that Dupont Canada's current provider is CTC. As such, we will be looking at different packages. We should feel them out before we decide to quote them on John Underhill's packages. Perhaps we should simply do an IND 2, IND 3 test package quote for them. Bill Public Public Associate Entek IRD Entek IRD Entek IRD 000220000142469946609C Computer Programs February 20, 2000 10:26 AM WQ - e-mail to AB - Thanks for the e-mail message This is the best way to contact me as I travel around quite a lot. I have taken the liberty of copying this to my son Bill Jr. at WearCheck We are working together on promoting the new Lubrigard Sensor. If you wish to contact me by telephone try my cell number 905-467-3562 I will be going on vacation for the month of March. February 19, 2000 6:25 PM AB - e-mail to WQ - My name is Alex Bardetsky. Yesterday I tried to contact with you regarding to the Lubrigard in-line oil condition monitoring sensor. I worked for two and half years for Entek IRD (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA) as a Dielectric Spectroscopy Engineer. Two weeks ago I left my position at Entek IRD and returned to Canada. I have been working in oil condition monitoring area as a researcher and inventor for over than 15 years and have an extensive experience in Dielectric Spectroscopy technology. I believe that our future contacts will be beneficiary for Lubrigard and for me. Contact with me please. The contact information you can find in my personal information which I attached to this letter. February 18, 2000 9:58 AM WQ - Alexander Bardetsky dropped off his resume at my home. He has been trying to reach us since Bill and Rod visited Entek It appears Entek have been working on a Dielectric Sensor of their own. He asked me to call him. (WQ - phoned February 20 no answer) February 20, 2000 10:26 AM WQ - e-mail to AB - Thanks for the e-mail message This is the best way to contact me as I travel around quite a lot. I have taken the liberty of copying this to my son Bill Jr. at WearCheck We are working together on promoting the new Lubrigard Sensor. If you wish to contact me by telephone try my cell number 905-467-3562 I will be going on vacation for the month of March. Public Public Erin Mills Town Center Mississauga Erin Mills Flight Centre Erin Mills Flight Centre Canada Erin Mills Flight Centre 010901000443354472092C Public (905) 569-2028 Phone (905) 569-1505 Fax Public ON L5M 4Z5 3225 Gallows Road Customer Fairfax Exxon Mobil Exxon Mobil USA Lubricants & Petroleum Specialties Co Exxon Mobil 990517000082469946609C Oil Company November 20, 2000 5:28 PM BQ - email to TC (Copy WQ KM) - Subject: WebCheck costing - Tony, A WebCheck Demonstration CD-ROM was shipped out to you on Monday morning. You should receive it by Wednesday at the latest, please let me know if you do not receive it by Wednesday. Here is the costing for WebCheck (all amounts in US $, and per laboratory): Implementation: $10,000 (one time fee) WebCheck: $2,950/month $0.75/sample (invoiced monthly) $0.30/historical sample (older than 1 month at time of data transfer, invoiced monthly) Maintenance Fee: 10% (invoiced monthly) The attached Excel spreadsheet shows costing for five years, per laboratory. Regards, Bill Quesnel (See C:\My Documents\Cinrg\CINRG_MobilExxon) May 17, 1999 12:23 PM I have received your signed copy of the confidentiality agreement. Attached is the WebCheck document for your perusal. A few additional items to note: - WebCheck is currently in use by four laboratories situated in Canada, USA, Belgium, and Germany. - There are approximately 200 users currently on the system. - An administrator function is currently being developed to allow laboratories to add/edit/update users, and to monitor usage statistics. I am setting up a demonstration account for your use. You will receive an automated e-mail welcome message when the account is activated giving you the necessary instructions to logon. I thought I should explain the connection between CINRG Systems Inc. and WearCheck Canada Inc. I am the Vice-President and a part-owner of WearCheck Canada Inc. I have developed the WebCheck system and as a result of the success of this system, the other WearCheck owner (my father) and I decided to develop a new software company. WebCheck (and our Oil Analysis LIMS ) will shortly become a product of CINRG Systems Inc. as soon as our accounts determine how we should transfer the assets. This change of ownership does not affect the relationship between WebCheck and the subscribing laboratories. As WebCheck is not proprietary to WearCheck, or the International WearCheck Group, this move to CINRG Systems Inc. makes good sense. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 1-905-569-8600 x223. One question, how did you learn about WebCheck? November 20, 2000 5:28 PM BQ - email to TC (Copy WQ KM) - Subject: WebCheck costing - Tony, A WebCheck Demonstration CD-ROM was shipped out to you on Monday morning. You should receive it by Wednesday at the latest, please let me know if you do not receive it by Wednesday. Here is the costing for WebCheck (all amounts in US $, and per laboratory): Implementation: $10,000 (one time fee) WebCheck: $2,950/month $0.75/sample (invoiced monthly) $0.30/historical sample (older than 1 month at time of data transfer, invoiced monthly) Maintenance Fee: 10% (invoiced monthly) The attached Excel spreadsheet shows costing for five years, per laboratory. Regards, Bill Quesnel (See C:\My Documents\Cinrg\CINRG_MobilExxon) Public (703) 846-2921 Phone (703) 846-1169 Fax Public VA 22037 Customer PetroCanada Fallas Andy Mr. Andy Fallas 971008000961885214752C Fallas Mr. Public (905) 896-6847 Phone Public 655 Great Northern Way Vancouver Finning (Canada) Finning (Canada) Canada Finning (Canada) 010730000373354472092C July 30, 2001 3:33 PM WQ email to BP (copy BQ RB) - Subject: Re: RFP - software - Bruce - Thank you very much for the "Request for Proposal (RFP) for new Oil Lab Software". We quickly reviewed the contents of the request, and I am pleased to say our software addresses nearly all the needs, and even goes beyond the requirements in many respects. Bill Jr (author of WebCheck and LabCheck software) will draft up a hasty answer (which may be incomplete) and send it off to Katrina Ostrikoff today, with copy to you. We could supply much more detail, and feel a demonstration of the system would speak louder than words. We wish to be considered a candidate for supply of software to meet Finning's requirements. Yours Sincerely William Quesnel July 30, 2001 1:01 PM PB email to WQ - From: To: Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 1:01 PM Subject: FW: file Bill As per our discussion Bruce <> > > > > Pam Riegger > > Business Analyst > > Finning(Canada) > > Ph. (780) 930-4576 July 30, 2001 3:33 PM WQ email to BP (copy BQ RB) - Subject: Re: RFP - software - Bruce - Thank you very much for the "Request for Proposal (RFP) for new Oil Lab Software". We quickly reviewed the contents of the request, and I am pleased to say our software addresses nearly all the needs, and even goes beyond the requirements in many respects. Bill Jr (author of WebCheck and LabCheck software) will draft up a hasty answer (which may be incomplete) and send it off to Katrina Ostrikoff today, with copy to you. We could supply much more detail, and feel a demonstration of the system would speak louder than words. We wish to be considered a candidate for supply of software to meet Finning's requirements. Yours Sincerely William Quesnel Public (604) 691-6312 Phone (604) 691-6265 Fax Public BC V5T 1E1 Unit M, 4129 Harvester Road Competitor Burlington Fluid Life Corporation - ON Fluid Life Corporation - ON Canada Fluid Life Corporation - ON 010518000303354472092C August 8, 2001 9:19 AM http://www.fluidlife.com/index.html Web Site Visited: Fluid Life Corporation - ON August 8, 2001 9:19 AM http://www.fluidlife.com/index.html Web Site Visited: Fluid Life Corporation - ON Public (905) 333-7100 Phone (905) 333-7120 Fax Public ON http://www.fluidlife.com/index.html L7L 5M3 9321 - 48 Street Competitor Edmonton Fluid Life Corporation - SK Fluid Life Corporation - SK Fluid Life Corporation - SK 010518000293354472092C May 18, 2001 12:21 PM http://www.fluidlife.com/index.html Web Site Visited: Fluid Life Corporation - SK May 18, 2001 11:49 AM LB email to RR (intercepted by GG) Subject: Pricing Agreement for Lube Manager -----Original Message----- From: Les Boake [mailto:les@fluidlife.com] Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 4:31 PM To: rodr@wearcheck.ca Subject: Pricing Agreement for Lube Manager Hi Rod! Thanks for your understanding of how best to work together. A reseller arrangement seems to be the most appropriate method of conducting business. Following is our pricing offering to you. Basic Test Package $135.00 per case includes 23 spectrochemical elements, viscsity at 40 & 100C, water crackle test, fuel dilution, glycol contamination test, % solids test (or FTIR in liue of solids) *Specialized Testing Options 15% discount from our commercial book pricing * The most common tests performed routinely are listed below along with the book commercial pricing: ISO Particle Count (with photo) $25.00 ISO Particle Count (without photo) $15.00 Sediment Test $20.00 Magnetic Iron Particle Count (direct reading) $35.00 Analytical Ferrography $75.00 Total Base Number $25.00 Total Acid Number $20.00 Moisture (Karl Fischer) $20.00 RBOT $195.00 Rod, we ask that you keep this pricing agreement in strict confidence. We very much look forward to working with you. Regards, Les May 18, 2001 12:21 PM http://www.fluidlife.com/index.html Web Site Visited: Fluid Life Corporation - SK Public (780) 462-2400 Phone (780) 462-2420 Fax Public AB http://www.fluidlife.com/index.html T6B 2R4 347 Sovereign road London Gencare Services Limited Gencare Services Limited Gencare Services Limited 001108000262469946609C November 8, 2000 10:23 AM WQ - emaill to GG - Gloria - I picked up a fax from these people of the machine in data input office. have sent copies of the fax reply that I sent to these people, as well as the fax Ed Lammers sent to WearCheck. I got my information to reply off the Noria website. If anything further required please look after this. I do believe they are trying to get us to calibrate the detection strips that they want to sell. Regareds Bill Sr November 8, 2000 10:23 AM WQ - emaill to GG - Gloria - I picked up a fax from these people of the machine in data input office. have sent copies of the fax reply that I sent to these people, as well as the fax Ed Lammers sent to WearCheck. I got my information to reply off the Noria website. If anything further required please look after this. I do believe they are trying to get us to calibrate the detection strips that they want to sell. Regareds Bill Sr Public (519) 659-7118 Phone (519) 451-1707 Fax Public ON N6M 1A6 General Engine Products General Engine Products AM General Corporation General Engine Products 010423000283354472092C April 6, 2001 2:00 PM JA - email to WCC (copy JD)(fwd JC KS JF BQ GG) - Subject: mobile oil analysis - Our division, General Engine Products, is responsible for the build of the former GM 6.5 L. diesel engine family. One of our lingering issues has been the GM requirment to change oil every 3000 miles. This is costly, especially to fleets, and results in the loss of business on occassion. We have undertaken a program here at Livonia Engineering to sample oil on commercial Hummers and look at extending the change interval to 5000 miles as a minimum. Your approach sound right up our needs, and I would like to discuss these activities at your convienece. I can be reached at 734-523-8043, 8087 fax or via e-mail at jamish@amgeneral. com. Thanks for oyur assistance. Jim Amish Manager-Engine Engeinnering Operations General Engine Products, division of AM General Corporation April 6, 2001 2:00 PM JA - email to WCC (copy JD)(fwd JC KS JF BQ GG) - Subject: mobile oil analysis - Our division, General Engine Products, is responsible for the build of the former GM 6.5 L. diesel engine family. One of our lingering issues has been the GM requirment to change oil every 3000 miles. This is costly, especially to fleets, and results in the loss of business on occassion. We have undertaken a program here at Livonia Engineering to sample oil on commercial Hummers and look at extending the change interval to 5000 miles as a minimum. Your approach sound right up our needs, and I would like to discuss these activities at your convienece. I can be reached at 734-523-8043, 8087 fax or via e-mail at jamish@amgeneral. com. Thanks for oyur assistance. Jim Amish Manager-Engine Engeinnering Operations General Engine Products, division of AM General Corporation Public Public 150 Middlefield Road Scarborough Getronics Canada Inc. Getronics Canada Inc. Getronics Canada Inc. 010813000413354472092C August 8, 2001 11:25 AM BQ email to AM (copy RB WQ) - Subject: CINRG Systems Inc. - Avril, CINRG Systems Inc. is the software division of WearCheck International. I head up this group. Currently CINRG Systems is in discussions with a major worldwide corporation to supply a proprietary Internet-based Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) and client extranet system to their 150 laboratories worldwide. The client is a Fortune 100 company of approximately US$20 billion in sales annually in over 200 countries. The scope of the project would involve Getronics supplying help desk support for their dealer laboratory network, as well as the tens of thousands of clients using the client extranet system. In addition to this CINRG would require Getronics to provide installation and implementation of hardware and the LIMS software at the main locations of this client, and as required by the client's over 200 independent dealers. 30% of the integration and support services would be centered within North America with the remaining 70% worldwide. This client has asked for strict confidentiality in this matter, so I have attached a confidentiality agreement to this e-mail. Please sign and fax back to me before I can disclose any further information. I do need to choose a direction on this matter with some haste, and as such I would be most interested in speaking with the appropriate Getronics staff at their earliest convenience. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel August 8, 2001 11:25 AM BQ email to AM (copy RB WQ) - Subject: CINRG Systems Inc. - Avril, CINRG Systems Inc. is the software division of WearCheck International. I head up this group. Currently CINRG Systems is in discussions with a major worldwide corporation to supply a proprietary Internet-based Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) and client extranet system to their 150 laboratories worldwide. The client is a Fortune 100 company of approximately US$20 billion in sales annually in over 200 countries. The scope of the project would involve Getronics supplying help desk support for their dealer laboratory network, as well as the tens of thousands of clients using the client extranet system. In addition to this CINRG would require Getronics to provide installation and implementation of hardware and the LIMS software at the main locations of this client, and as required by the client's over 200 independent dealers. 30% of the integration and support services would be centered within North America with the remaining 70% worldwide. This client has asked for strict confidentiality in this matter, so I have attached a confidentiality agreement to this e-mail. Please sign and fax back to me before I can disclose any further information. I do need to choose a direction on this matter with some haste, and as such I would be most interested in speaking with the appropriate Getronics staff at their earliest convenience. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel Public (416) 298 9400 Phone (416) 412 4834 Fax Public ON http://www.getronics.com/ca M1S 4L6 7108 Fairway Drive Suite 200 Palm Beach Gardens Global Technovations Global Technovations USA Global Technovations 001201000143354472092C March 6, 2001 5:12 PM From: "Bill Quesnel" To: Cc: "Bill Quesnel - WearCheck" Subject: Re: MotorCheck / WebCheck Integration Proposal Date: March 6, 2001 10:06 AM Greg, After a discussion with John Coates I better understand your position on the JL deal. I have revised my pricing structure accordingly. Regards, Bill Quesnel February 20, 2001 11:25 PM From: "Bill Quesnel" To: "Bill Quesnel" Subject: Re: MotorCheck / WebCheck Integration Proposal Date: February 20, 2001 11:25 PM Billy The spreadsheet I received does not make sense to me. Surely the number are wrong on it. I cannot see a customer paying $1,500 per month for a machine that does 220 samples per year or even 365 per year???? Did you want me to punch in numbers on the spread sheet to see what happens when you vary the samples processed? Even if they process 365 per OSA per year, at $1,500 per month cost is $22,500 per year for 365 samples or $62.00 per sample - no one will pay that. Surely the OSA will do more than that many samples per year? ----- Original Message ----- From: Bill Quesnel To: Bill Quesnel Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 9:16 PM Subject: Re: MotorCheck / WebCheck Integration Proposal Dad, I agree. GTI just keeps throwing things at this. When I spoke to Greg one day before he needed the proposal, he said, "oh yah, that includes the stuff we're doing on E-Bay, and the Home Shopping Network", and "for the Home Shopping Network the guy is going to want to track samples processed, etc." I don't know where CTA Pennzoil and LA Transit came from, but now it seems that anywhere you put an OSA you will be sending the data to WebCheck. I need to crunch the numbers on this. What is worth my time and resources? I like where GTI could take CINRG, however, I won't do it for cost. Again, the ASP model of leasing software has really died out there in computer world, because the cost of doing this isn't extremely lucrative once you work in all your hardware, support costs, and development costs. I also think that he is complaining about the $3,000/month lease fee from start-up (similar to Jim Chambers complaint). My biggest concern is doing this work then getting a dud (50 samples a month), and basically being trapped into a worthless contract. Perhaps I could do the following: $1,500 / month (initially) then $30 / month per unit up to a maximum of $3,000/month. $0.45 per sample from 0 - 10,000 samples / month $0.40 per sample from 10,001 - 20,000 samples / month $0.38 per sample from 20,001 up $25,000 start-up. Check out the Excel worksheet attached. The upper table is CINRG's revenue, the bottom is GTI's (based on $1,500/month per OSA lease). I have read all their latest on-line information and they currently have 115 units in the field (so how are they going to suddenly put 1000 units in the field by December?). Even Flying J (one of their best customers) bought 10 units(GTI's biggest single purchase at that time @ $700,000) with a contract to buy 90 more. Guess who never bought the other 90. So Jiffy Lube is starting with 1 unit which will ramp up to 25 by May-June, and then 250 a month until december or when they hit 1,000 units. Jiffy Lube is only obligated for the first several (probably 10 again). What are the odds of them taking 1000? Play with the spreadsheet and check out CINRG revenue on 100 units doing 100 samples/year up to 1000 units doing 365 samples/year. Any way you do it the maximum cost of the software comes out to 2.5% based on GTI's revenues, and bottoms out below 0.2%. Not too bad, considering a good part of the system hinges on the software. Regards, Billy ----- Original Message ----- From: Bill Quesnel To: Bill Quesnel Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 4:39 PM Subject: Re: MotorCheck / WebCheck Integration Proposal Billy This is what is called negotiation. He finds everything you propose is too expensive as a starting point. Doesn't like the high front loading price and then $ 0.45 per sample is too high. Suggest you go back with same set-up fee (as you need that to pay for the time to set the program up) and reduce sample price by $0.05 each on volume over 10000 per month, and see what he says. What is he talking about loading "CTA Pennzoil, and LA Transit" ... are these additional programs. Is the criteria the same as Jiffy Lube for these programs or do you need to do additional set-up work to get them up and running? If they are different you will need another set-up charge? Just some ideas for you. Dad ----- Original Message ----- From: Bill Quesnel To: Bill Quesnel - WearCheck Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 9:19 AM Subject: Fw: MotorCheck / WebCheck Integration Proposal ----- Original Message ----- From: GBKawa@aol.com To: billq@wearcheck.ca Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 8:54 AM Subject: Re: MotorCheck / WebCheck Integration Proposal Bill, Looks pricey at front end. Remember, we will be ramping up with Jiffy Lube. First one goes into Sacramento in March. Announcement of nationwide oil analysis program is May. Roll out of units begins in August to December. Until then we will be working with Jiffy Lube POS system and probably an MS Sequel Server system. We want to set up system from begining so that it is in place as we roll out. Can you review monthly charges and proportion or balloon them as a function of time. e.g. low initial ramping up according to above schedule. Also, want to confirm that set up fee of $25,000 is a one time fee. For example, if we load CTA, Pennzoil, and LA Transit onto this program, how does this impact costs? And the .45/sample charge is too high for margins on Jiffy Lube program. After the set up isn't this a transparent process (automatic eMail) requiring no further maintenance? While your service is valuable and of great interest, we will need to address some of these issues quickly. Thanks. Greg February 20, 2001 4:39 PM From: "Bill Quesnel" To: "Bill Quesnel" Subject: Re: MotorCheck / WebCheck Integration Proposal Date: February 20, 2001 4:39 PM Billy This is what is called negotiation. He finds everything you propose is too expensive as a starting point. Doesn't like the high front loading price and then $ 0.45 per sample is too high. Suggest you go back with same set-up fee (as you need that to pay for the time to set the program up) and reduce sample price by $0.05 each on volume over 10000 per month, and see what he says. What is he talking about loading "CTA Pennzoil, and LA Transit" ... are these additional programs. Is the criteria the same as Jiffy Lube for these programs or do you need to do additional set-up work to get them up and running? If they are different you will need another set-up charge? Just some ideas for you. Dad ----- Original Message ----- From: Bill Quesnel To: Bill Quesnel - WearCheck Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 9:19 AM Subject: Fw: MotorCheck / WebCheck Integration Proposal ----- Original Message ----- From: GBKawa@aol.com To: billq@wearcheck.ca Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 8:54 AM Subject: Re: MotorCheck / WebCheck Integration Proposal Bill, Looks pricey at front end. Remember, we will be ramping up with Jiffy Lube. First one goes into Sacramento in March. Announcement of nationwide oil analysis program is May. Roll out of units begins in August to December. Until then we will be working with Jiffy Lube POS system and probably an MS Sequel Server system. We want to set up system from begining so that it is in place as we roll out. Can you review monthly charges and proportion or balloon them as a function of time. e.g. low initial ramping up according to above schedule. Also, want to confirm that set up fee of $25,000 is a one time fee. For example, if we load CTA, Pennzoil, and LA Transit onto this program, how does this impact costs? And the .45/sample charge is too high for margins on Jiffy Lube program. After the set up isn't this a transparent process (automatic eMail) requiring no further maintenance? While your service is valuable and of great interest, we will need to address some of these issues quickly. Thanks. Greg February 20, 2001 4:15 PM From: "Bill Quesnel" To: "Bill Quesnel" Subject: Re: MotorCheck / WebCheck Integration Proposal Date: February 20, 2001 4:15 PM Dad, I agree. GTI just keeps throwing things at this. When I spoke to Greg one day before he needed the proposal, he said, "oh yah, that includes the stuff we're doing on E-Bay, and the Home Shopping Network", and "for the Home Shopping Network the guy is going to want to track samples processed, etc." I don't know where CTA Pennzoil and LA Transit came from, but now it seems that anywhere you put an OSA you will be sending the data to WebCheck. I need to crunch the numbers on this. What is worth my time and resources? I like where GTI could take CINRG, however, I won't do it for cost. Again, the ASP model of leasing software has really died out there in computer world, because the cost of doing this isn't extremely lucrative once you work in all your hardware, support costs, and development costs. I also think that he is complaining about the $3,000/month lease fee from start-up (similar to Jim Chambers complaint). My biggest concern is doing this work then getting a dud (50 samples a month), and basically being trapped into a worthless contract. Perhaps I could do the following: $1,500 / month (initially) then $30 / month per unit up to a maximum of $3,000/month. $0.45 per sample from 0 - 10,000 samples / month $0.40 per sample from 10,001 - 20,000 samples / month $0.38 per sample from 20,001 up $25,000 start-up. Check out the Excel worksheet attached. The upper table is CINRG's revenue, the bottom is GTI's (based on $1,500/month per OSA lease). I have read all their latest on-line information and they currently have 115 units in the field (so how are they going to suddenly put 1000 units in the field by December?). Even Flying J (one of their best customers) bought 10 units(GTI's biggest single purchase at that time @ $700,000) with a contract to buy 90 more. Guess who never bought the other 90. So Jiffy Lube is starting with 1 unit which will ramp up to 25 by May-June, and then 250 a month until december or when they hit 1,000 units. Jiffy Lube is only obligated for the first several (probably 10 again). What are the odds of them taking 1000? Play with the spreadsheet and check out CINRG revenue on 100 units doing 100 samples/year up to 1000 units doing 365 samples/year. Any way you do it the maximum cost of the software comes out to 2.5% based on GTI's revenues, and bottoms out below 0.2%. Not too bad, considering a good part of the system hinges on the software. Regards, Billy ----- Original Message ----- From: Bill Quesnel To: Bill Quesnel Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 4:39 PM Subject: Re: MotorCheck / WebCheck Integration Proposal Billy This is what is called negotiation. He finds everything you propose is too expensive as a starting point. Doesn't like the high front loading price and then $ 0.45 per sample is too high. Suggest you go back with same set-up fee (as you need that to pay for the time to set the program up) and reduce sample price by $0.05 each on volume over 10000 per month, and see what he says. What is he talking about loading "CTA Pennzoil, and LA Transit" ... are these additional programs. Is the criteria the same as Jiffy Lube for these programs or do you need to do additional set-up work to get them up and running? If they are different you will need another set-up charge? Just some ideas for you. Dad ----- Original Message ----- From: Bill Quesnel To: Bill Quesnel - WearCheck Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 9:19 AM Subject: Fw: MotorCheck / WebCheck Integration Proposal ----- Original Message ----- From: GBKawa@aol.com To: billq@wearcheck.ca Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 8:54 AM Subject: Re: MotorCheck / WebCheck Integration Proposal Bill, Looks pricey at front end. Remember, we will be ramping up with Jiffy Lube. First one goes into Sacramento in March. Announcement of nationwide oil analysis program is May. Roll out of units begins in August to December. Until then we will be working with Jiffy Lube POS system and probably an MS Sequel Server system. We want to set up system from begining so that it is in place as we roll out. Can you review monthly charges and proportion or balloon them as a function of time. e.g. low initial ramping up according to above schedule. Also, want to confirm that set up fee of $25,000 is a one time fee. For example, if we load CTA, Pennzoil, and LA Transit onto this program, how does this impact costs? And the .45/sample charge is too high for margins on Jiffy Lube program. After the set up isn't this a transparent process (automatic eMail) requiring no further maintenance? While your service is valuable and of great interest, we will need to address some of these issues quickly. Thanks. Greg February 20, 2001 8:54 AM From: GBKawa@aol.com To: billq@wearcheck.ca Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 8:54 AM Subject: Re: MotorCheck / WebCheck Integration Proposal Bill, Looks pricey at front end. Remember, we will be ramping up with Jiffy Lube. First one goes into Sacramento in March. Announcement of nationwide oil analysis program is May. Roll out of units begins in August to December. Until then we will be working with Jiffy Lube POS system and probably an MS Sequel Server system. We want to set up system from begining so that it is in place as we roll out. Can you review monthly charges and proportion or balloon them as a function of time. e.g. low initial ramping up according to above schedule. Also, want to confirm that set up fee of $25,000 is a one time fee. For example, if we load CTA, Pennzoil, and LA Transit onto this program, how does this impact costs? And the .45/sample charge is too high for margins on Jiffy Lube program. After the set up isn't this a transparent process (automatic eMail) requiring no further maintenance? While your service is valuable and of great interest, we will need to address some of these issues quickly. Thanks. Greg February 19, 2001 2:13 PM JC - email to BQ (Fwd WQ) - Subject: Thanks - Thanks for the help. How did your meeting go with GT? February 19, 2001 10:52 AM BQ - email to JC (copy WQ) - Subject: Re: Thanks - Jim, Such a small question, but such a big answer. The meeting went well. John Coates is quite excited by the possible synergies between CINRG and GTI. Frankly, so am I. I think that Greg Brown is still a little leary that WebCheck actually exists and works as is purported by myself. I have sent them a proposal for their current requirements, and I am simply waiting for Greg to get back to me on it. John Coates and Mike (their technical guru) will be coming back here on January 27, 28 to finalize the technical details of this initial project (provided that GTI and CINRG are in accordance, or can work out a final deal based on my proposal). Provided that GTI holds up their end of the bargain(s) I see a very successful partnership growing out of this. I simply couldn't have designed WebCheck any better had I done it with GTI in mind from the beginning. I don't see them going after your business for quite some time (if at all). They are into totally different markets, the ones that don't appeal to oil analysis laboratories. By the by, did you hear that CTC was sold last week. Nobody knows by whom, as of yet. I e-mailed Bob Starling, because I am certain that Penske, Ryder, Chevron, Pennzoil, etc. all lie in the balance at this time. Best Regards, Bill February 13, 2001 5:14 AM MM - email to BQ - Subject: Confidentiality Agreement - Dear Mr. Quesnel; As promised, attached please find a confidentiality agreement between WearCheck and Global Tech. Please take a moment to review this document. You can execute it when you and Greg meet. (C:\Documents\WearCheck\Sales\Global Tech\WearCheck Canada Inc) Just a reminder, that I need to know if Mr. Brown and Dr. Coates are being picked up at the airport ( I have their arrival information if you need it) or if they need to take a cab to the hotel. Thank you for all your assistance. It is highly appreciated. Sincerely, Maureen Melcer Sales Administrator Global Technovations 7108 Fairway Drive, Suite 200 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 MMelcer@globaltechnovations.com January 31, 2001 4:03 PM GB - telephone conference call WQ BQ - wants to come to Canada - arranged to visit March 14. To discuss setting up 5 remote labs using OSA II and WebCheck technology. January 23, 2001 5:02 PM WQ - email to GB (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: Internet Bulletin Board Web Check - MotorCheck Greg Sorry for the delay in response, wished to meet with Bill Jr to discuss before replying. WearCheck is very interested in working with Global Technovations to develop an intranet system for electronic collection of data and disbursement to various locations. We see no problem with accommodating your requirements. We would need to know quite a bit of information before we could structure the system to meet your needs. - What format would the end user get? We would need a stylized report format to build this report in WebCheck for you. - What are the deliverables? We need to know what information you want to collect and disburse to 1) The end user 2) The retailer - Do the OSA units contain computers which can be web-enabled or will data be keyed in? Do you need a data input screen for the browser? - How much data is available and in what format? We need the actual file structures for the data to fit into WebCheck. - How much of the data will be warehoused and does it need to be accessible at all times? - Whom will be paying for the use of the system? Global Technovations - The Retailer - The End User? With regard to the "Two issues - cost and data ownership". Cost The most cost effective way to handle the amount of data that is required to process 33,000 samples per month is through a web-based intranet. We have the service in place and can quickly modify it to meet most requirements. Unless the program is very complex we can have this up and running very quickly. The cost will be relative to volumes that are actually being processed, we will bid a fixed basic cost per month with a unit price per record that will vary with the volume of data handled. We need to know what the parameters are before we can give you even a "ball park" price. Data Ownership We understand that the customer is retailer and we wants to retain ownership of the data, and we will agree to that. By the same token WearCheck retains ownership of WebCheck and it is the service through which the data is collected and delivered. WearCheck retains the right to freedom within the WebCheck services should we choose to advertise to users of WebCheck. WearCheck will agree that no customer email addresses will be sold to any third party. Customer regards the email ownership as mandatory and will require confirmation in writing. How to Proceed We believe a face to face meeting with the important players present is the best way to begin. We would suggest that you come to Canada and visit the WearCheck laboratory as we can discuss the program development and demonstrate what already exists. If time is of the essence, and we understand you wish to roll out initial units near the end of February or March, then this would be the only way to launch a working program quickly. Best Regards William Quesnel Sr January 23, 2001 5:02 PM WQ - email to GB (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: Internet Bulletin Board Web Check - MotorCheck - Greg Sorry for the delay in response, wished to meet with Bill Jr to discuss before replying. WearCheck is very interested in working with Global Technovations to develop an intranet system for electronic collection of data and disbursement to various locations. We see no problem with accommodating your requirements. We would need to know quite a bit of information before we could structure the system to meet your needs. - What format would the end user get? We would need a stylized report format to build this report in WebCheck for you. - What are the deliverables? We need to know what information you want to collect and disburse to 1) The end user 2) The retailer - Do the OSA units contain computers which can be web-enabled or will data be keyed in? Do you need a data input screen for the browser? - How much data is available and in what format? We need the actual file structures for the data to fit into WebCheck. - How much of the data will be warehoused and does it need to be accessible at all times? - Whom will be paying for the use of the system? Global Technovations - The Retailer - The End User? With regard to the "Two issues - cost and data ownership". Cost The most cost effective way to handle the amount of data that is required to process 33,000 samples per month is through a web-based intranet. We have the service in place and can quickly modify it to meet most requirements. Unless the program is very complex we can have this up and running very quickly. The cost will be relative to volumes that are actually being processed, we will bid a fixed basic cost per month with a unit price per record that will vary with the volume of data handled. We need to know what the parameters are before we can give you even a "ball park" price. Data Ownership We understand that the customer is retailer and we wants to retain ownership of the data, and we will agree to that. By the same token WearCheck retains ownership of WebCheck and it is the service through which the data is collected and delivered. WearCheck retains the right to freedom within the WebCheck services should we choose to advertise to users of WebCheck. WearCheck will agree that no customer email addresses will be sold to any third party. Customer regards the email ownership as mandatory and will require confirmation in writing. How to Proceed We believe a face to face meeting with the important players present is the best way to begin. We would suggest that you come to Canada and visit the WearCheck laboratory as we can discuss the program development and demonstrate what already exists. If time is of the essence, and we understand you wish to roll out initial units near the end of February or March, then this would be the only way to launch a working program quickly. Best Regards William Quesnel Sr January 16, 2001 3:54 PM WQ - Email to BQ - Subject: Fw: Internet Bulletin Board Web Check - MotorCheck - Bill - I will be at WearCheck Thursday afternoon this week and Friday all day. Let us discuss this before we reply. Dad January 16, 2001 3:24 AM GB - Email to WQ - Subject: Internet Bulletin Board Web Check - MotorCheck - Bill, Hope your holidays went well! Need to discuss with you the idea of 5 or 6 locations with two or three MotorChecks each that will need to upload data nightly for electronic disbursement to three locations (customer, store, and corporate). Initially the program will be phased in by geographical regions. Expect volume to build up from 1500 to approximately 33,000 samples/month over the next 12 to 14 months. Two issues are cost and data ownership. Customer is retailer and we must agree that no third party (WearCheck) owns data, and that no customer eMail addresses will be sold to any third party. Customer regards the eMail ownership as mandatory and will require confirmation in writing. We have completed evaluation at retailer and expect to roll out initial units end of February or March. Please let me know how we proceed. Margins are clearly tight on this sort of volume and in this market (retail); we need to make some decisions quickly. Let's discuss when you can. Please respond to my eMail at my aol address: gbkawa@aol.com (copied above). I can check the aol on the road, but the global tech address is strictly when I am in the office (at least currently). Thanks. Best Regards, Greg Brown VP Sales, Global Technovations November 17, 2000 8:31 AM BQ - email to GB (Fwd WQ) - Subject: Fw: WebCheck - Greg, Your WebCheck demo CD-ROM was shipped out today by UPS (tracking number W619 488 2152). If you have any difficulties with the demo please contact me by e-mail or phone to discuss. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel March 6, 2001 5:12 PM From: "Bill Quesnel" To: Cc: "Bill Quesnel - WearCheck" Subject: Re: MotorCheck / WebCheck Integration Proposal Date: March 6, 2001 10:06 AM Greg, After a discussion with John Coates I better understand your position on the JL deal. I have revised my pricing structure accordingly. Regards, Bill Quesnel Public Public FL 33418 6459B Mississauga Road Unit B Supplier Mississauga Goebelle McAdam & Alexander Goebelle McAdam & Alexander Goebelle McAdam & Alexander 950718000861764977613C Accounting Public (905) 826-6352 Phone (905) 826-0541 Fax Public ON L5N 1A6 Grant Grant Grant 010712000333354472092C July 12, 2001 6:58 AM WQ email to LL - Subject: Re: Grant - Len - I will go to Paul Dumont and ask him what he is charging for the service he is providing. We are working on an oil analysis training module that sales representatives can present to customers at their locations. WearCheck will provide all the literature and an up to date program which will include detailed instructions for installing sample points on equipment. WearCheck would advertise the program through WebCheck and provide online registration for companies. The sales rep would go in to present the program and WearCheck would bill the company. We would post a retail price to the customer which would include a generous commission to the sales representative. Bill Jr is working on the details and I will wait until he is finished to post the prices. We are going to try to make it as attractive as possible to the customer and still provide a good dollar return for the sales representative. Together with Ross we are working on getting more sophisticated sampling ports and devices to sell to the customer as part of the package. We envision sales representatives contracting to show customer where and how to install sample points, and in some cases setting up their program with the sales representative actually taking the samples (as Paul is doing). I will get back to you later today or tomorrow after I talk to Bill Jr about pricing and will find out when he will actually be ready to launch a training program. You may notice that the training program is advertised on WebCheck (for sessions in Mississauga). These sessions in Mississauga are part of the development of the Sales Rep's version of a training program. Best Regards Bill Sr July 11, 2001 9:11 AM LL email to WQ - Subject: Re: Grant - Bill,after my last visit with Grant, we talked about running their oil analysis program. We would look after getting to samples, sending the samples in and once the reports have come back putting and action plan in place. The mill would look after putting the sample points in once we have established where they should go. They would like us to put a price together for them, on doing this.I don't know what Paul is doing so I can't say if it is similar. Now over the last month I have asked several clients if this would interest them. Inco North mine is going to bring it up in the next safety meeting as well Inco Clarabelle would be interested. Abitibi has expressed an interest in this as well. With the shrinking maintenance departments, this could be an attractive solution for the oil sampling program. I am not sure what specifics you will need to put numbers together but we should figure out what information will be required to generate numbers. Len July 11, 2001 8:24 AM WQ email to LL - Subject: Re: Grant - Len - Forgive me - but all I can recall about Grant was that you had the opportunity to go company wide with them. I cannot recall talking about a service contract. Can you refresh my memory about what we discussed? Get right back to me and I will talk to Bill Jr. Are you talking about something like Paul Dumont is doing? Sorry if I have dropped the ball on this, let's try to get it back on track. Bill Sr July 10, 2001 1:20 PM LL email to WQ - Subject: Grant - Bill in June we had spoke about setting up a service contract for Grant Forest in Timmins. You were going to speak to Bill and put together some numbers or try to figure what a service contract should include. Has anything been done? I would like to get back to Bob Levis with some type of answer. Len July 12, 2001 6:58 AM WQ email to LL - Subject: Re: Grant - Len - I will go to Paul Dumont and ask him what he is charging for the service he is providing. We are working on an oil analysis training module that sales representatives can present to customers at their locations. WearCheck will provide all the literature and an up to date program which will include detailed instructions for installing sample points on equipment. WearCheck would advertise the program through WebCheck and provide online registration for companies. The sales rep would go in to present the program and WearCheck would bill the company. We would post a retail price to the customer which would include a generous commission to the sales representative. Bill Jr is working on the details and I will wait until he is finished to post the prices. We are going to try to make it as attractive as possible to the customer and still provide a good dollar return for the sales representative. Together with Ross we are working on getting more sophisticated sampling ports and devices to sell to the customer as part of the package. We envision sales representatives contracting to show customer where and how to install sample points, and in some cases setting up their program with the sales representative actually taking the samples (as Paul is doing). I will get back to you later today or tomorrow after I talk to Bill Jr about pricing and will find out when he will actually be ready to launch a training program. You may notice that the training program is advertised on WebCheck (for sessions in Mississauga). These sessions in Mississauga are part of the development of the Sales Rep's version of a training program. Best Regards Bill Sr Public Public Supplier Hewlett Packard Hewlett Packard Hewlett Packard 000806000222469946609C Laboratory Equipment August 11, 2000 2:32 PM WQ - email to RI BQ - Subject: Fw: New GC - Leasing - Further to this - Ruth/Bill - I telephoned Andrew and he called back within the hour. I told him that Ruth had already contacted someone in finance to arrange a lease of the GC rather than paying outright. I explained that we have just received an ICP2000 spectrometer as well and been hit with a bit of a cash crunch. He says he will work from his end of things to help us secure a lease arrangement for the unit. Bill Sr. August 3, 2000 7:48 AM BQ - email to WQ - GC Leasing - I have not contacted them. The contact is Andrew Shinewald 1-800-341-2477 x3497. ----- Original Message ----- WQ email to BQ - Subject: New GC - Leasing - Billy I will be at WearCheck tomorrow. Have you contacted HP about leasing the new GC? Will we need to have a meeting with them to arrange this, or is there something that I can do to make it happen? August 11, 2000 2:32 PM WQ - email to RI BQ - Subject: Fw: New GC - Leasing - Further to this - Ruth/Bill - I telephoned Andrew and he called back within the hour. I told him that Ruth had already contacted someone in finance to arrange a lease of the GC rather than paying outright. I explained that we have just received an ICP2000 spectrometer as well and been hit with a bit of a cash crunch. He says he will work from his end of things to help us secure a lease arrangement for the unit. Bill Sr. Public Public Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi 010423000273354472092C April 18, 2001 3:47 PM BQ - email to JM (copy GG WQ) - Subject: RE: Euchlid Hitachi - Guelph - John, That is excellent to hear. I would be very interested in meeting with Mark to discuss an on-line warranty program with him (or his colleagues in the states). I realize the 90% of these vehicles are leaving Canada, however, I would be interested in a warranty program for Canada and the US running on WebCheck (like what we are currently doing for Hitachi and Volvo Construction). Best Regrads, Bill April 18, 2001 2:56 PM JM - email to BQ (fwd to WQ) - Subject: Euchlid Hitachi - Guelph - Spoke to Mark Flegg this morning. He is happy with Webcheck. Saves him time and lots of storage space. Asked him if they had a warranty sampling program. That is looked after from the Cleveland , Ohio office. He had some CTC kits dropped off by a customer for us to test. I sent them in today with a note. Very likely they have a deal going with CTC in USA. But the warranty dept. may be transferred to Guelph. If we can bypass CTC - Guelph lab and sell our own Webcheck warranty program eg. Volvo, it could be a significant addition. They just got an order today for 40 x 110 ton trucks for Tiwan. John April 18, 2001 3:47 PM BQ - email to JM (copy GG WQ) - Subject: RE: Euchlid Hitachi - Guelph - John, That is excellent to hear. I would be very interested in meeting with Mark to discuss an on-line warranty program with him (or his colleagues in the states). I realize the 90% of these vehicles are leaving Canada, however, I would be interested in a warranty program for Canada and the US running on WebCheck (like what we are currently doing for Hitachi and Volvo Construction). Best Regrads, Bill Public Public Harbourview Suite 205N 1455 Lakeshore Road Supplier Burlington Hofbauer & Associates Hofbauer & Associates Canada Hofbauer & Associates 980525001081885214752C Legal Services August 7, 2001 5:04 PM PH email to WQ (fwd BQ0 - Subject: Meeting on Friday Afternoon - Bill: I confirm that Brad Little and I are available to meet with you at my office this coming Friday afternoon (Aug. 10th) at 1:00pm to discuss patenting of your software. Look forward to seeing you. Regards, Patrick J. Hofbauer Barrister & Solicitor Patent & Trade-Mark Agent Suite 205 North 1455 Lakeshore Road Burlington, Ontario Canada, L7S 2J1 Tel:(905)634-0040 Fax:(905)634-9119 Internet: www.theipexperts.ca July 27, 2001 10:30 AM WQ email to PH - Patrick - We do not have any use in Mexico as yet. Bill Q Sr July 27, 2001 10:18 AM PH email to WQ - Subject: Re: Registration of Wear Check Trademark in Mexico - Bill - Thank you. With respect to the Mexican application, is there use in that country yet? If so, we require the date of first use (in that country). Regards, Patrick J. Hofbauer July 26, 2001 9:52 PM WQ email to PH - Subject: Re: Registration of Wear Check Trademark in Mexico / Cuba - Patrick - We will hold off registration pending our negotiations with a consultant working on a a market survey of the Caribbean area on our behalf. Will keep you posted on this possibility - thank you for the quotation. Regards Bill Quesnel Sr July 26, 2001 5:22 PM PH email to WQ - Subject: Re: Registration of Wear Check Trademark in Mexico / Cuba - Bill: Thank you for your e-mail of earlier today. We are preparing to file the Mexican application. WRT Mexico, please be advised that the cost to file a trademark application in one International Class in Cuba for the same services covered in U.S. Registration No. 2,091,301 (i.e., services offered to the automotive and aircraft industries and to others, namely, the spectrographic analysis of used lubricants employed in machinery to ascertain the presence and amount of certain substances contained therein to determine machine condition) is approximately $CA 3,600.00. Additional fees of approximately $CA 1,500.00 - $CA 1,750.00 will be engendered between filing and registration, exclusive of the costs for preparing and filing any responses to office action(s) which may be issued by the Cuban Trademarks Office during the pendency of the application. If you require any further information, please advise. Regards, Patrick J. Hofbauer July 26, 2001 11:31 AM WQ email to PH (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: Registration of Wear Check Trademark in Mexico / Cuba - Patrick Please proceed with registration in Mexico. Please advise cost of registration in Cuba? Bill Quesnel Sr July 25, 2001 10:02 PM PH email to WQ - Subject: Re: Registration of Wear Check Trademark in Mexico - Dear Mr. Quesnel: Further to your email of earlier today, please be advised that the cost to file a trademark application in one International Class in Mexico for the same services covered in U.S. Registration No. 2,091,301 (i.e., services offered to the automotive and aircraft industries and to others, namely, the spectrographic analysis of used lubricants employed in machinery to ascertain the presence and amount of certain substances contained therein to determine machine condition) is approximately $CA 4,700.00. Additional fees of approximately $CA 1,000.00 - $CA 1,500.00 will be engendered between filing and registration, exclusive of the costs for preparing and filing any responses to office action(s) which may be issued by the Mexican Trademarks Office during the pendency of the application. The Canadian application may be used as an additional basis for filing of the Mexican application (in addition to intended use in Mexico), but assists in no other manner in the Mexican registration process. If you require any further information, please advise. Regards, Patrick J. Hofbauer A proud member of WearCheck International July 24, 2001 9:54 PM WQ email to PH (copy BQ) - Subject: Registration of Wear Check Trademark in Mexico - Patrick Wear Check Canada Inc wish to proceed with registration of of the Wear Check trademark in Mexico. Will the registration of the trademark on the principal register in the USA (see: http://tess.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=33jc8b.3.1 ) and registration in Canada (see : http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/SSG/1061/trdp106199100e.html ) assist us to register in Mexico? Please advise if you can go ahead with this right away. Best Regards William Quesnel Sr. August 8, 2000 1:35 PM SL email to WQ - Subject: MOTORCHECK - Dear Mr. Quesnel: I am assisting Mr. Hofbauer in relation to the inquiry you posed relating to the possibility of registering the MOTORCHECK trade-mark on the Principal Register in the United States. In order to more fully understand the issues, it would be appreciated if you might advise as to any information in your recollection regarding the ownership/ history of (i) Spectrometrics; (ii) Top Source Technologies; (iii) CTC; and (iv) Global Technovations. As well, the correspondence reveals several references to Wear-Check USA. Does this corporation still exist? Regards, Steven H. Leach Barrister & Solicitor Trade-Mark Agent June 20, 2000 6:38 PM WQ - email to PH - Subject: Re: MotorCheck - USA Principal Register - Patrick - Thanks for the quick response. I have found a considerable amount of material on use of MotorCheck in the USA and will itemize it in a summary. I will make photo-copies of what I have and drop it all off at your office tomorrow afternoon. Once you have a chance to look it over, please send mean email and advise our chances of success. We do want to go ahead with this, and would go for the USA Principal Register as you suggest. Bill Quesnel June 20, 2000 1:19 PM PH - Email to WQ - Subject: Re: MotorCheck - USA Principal Register - William: - The only materials I need from you at this point on MOTORCHECK are the date of first use of the mark by your company or its predecessor in title IN THE USA. I have the Canadian date from the Canadian registration. Alternatively, if you do not have continuous use since that date (ie., only intermittent periods of use, with possible periods of abandonment in-between) IN THE USA, but want to register the MOTORCHECK trademark in that country with the intent of re-establishing your market there, (or cannot document your date of first use in the USA with any degree of certainty), we can file in the USA based on your Canadian registration and use, ONLY. The US registration could issue without any showing of use in the USA, and you would then have until the sixth anniversary after Registration in the USA to file evidence of use following the US registration date. Also, I am recommending filing on the PRINCIPAL register out of the gate; not the Supplemental registrar. There is a reasonable chance that such an application would not get bumped down to the SUPPLEMENTAL register, so will not have to file the type of evidence you did with WEAR CHECK. I hope this answers your question set-out below. Filing report on WEAR CHECK logo mark follows by regular mail. Regards, Patrick J. Hofbauer Barrister & Solicitor Patent & Trade-Mark Agent Suite 205 North 1455 Lakeshore Road Burlington, Ontario Canada, L7S 2J1 Tel:(905)634-0040 Fax:(905)634-9119 Internet: www.misterip.com June 16, 2000 3:21 PM WQ - email to PH - Subject: MotorCheck - USA Principal Register - Patrick - I will do some research on the use of the MotorCheck brand name and logo in the USA. I have already uncovered some old documents that may be useful to our purpose. What sort of information do I need to gather to enable this registration. I remember we had some difficulty getting enough info to satisfy the USA Patent Office when we were moving WearCheck to the Principal Register and it ran into quite a costly venture by the time we got it all together. I will not get any cooperation from the USA laboratory that was using MotorCheck as they have been sold twice and it is the principals from the old WearCheck USA, now working for Global Technovations that are trying to use MotorCheck. I will advise as soon as I can gather together some information, meantime if you could let me know what I should be looking for please do so. Regards Bill Quesnel billqsr@wearcheck.ca August 7, 2001 5:04 PM PH email to WQ (fwd BQ0 - Subject: Meeting on Friday Afternoon - Bill: I confirm that Brad Little and I are available to meet with you at my office this coming Friday afternoon (Aug. 10th) at 1:00pm to discuss patenting of your software. Look forward to seeing you. Regards, Patrick J. Hofbauer Barrister & Solicitor Patent & Trade-Mark Agent Suite 205 North 1455 Lakeshore Road Burlington, Ontario Canada, L7S 2J1 Tel:(905)634-0040 Fax:(905)634-9119 Internet: www.theipexperts.ca Public (905) 634-0040 Phone (905) 634-9119 Fax Public ON www.theipexperts.ca L7S 2J1 375 Wilton Drive Bolton Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd. Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd. Canada Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd. 000912000013354472092C August 22, 2001 9:55 AM WQ email to JT - Subject: Re: Husky Quotation Conditions Change: Jesus Thank you for the information for Husky, however it is not complete? Please advise how many kits you normally package together in a carton of kits (10 - 12 or more?) What would your price be for a single kit mailed out to the customer? What would your price be for a carton of (?) kits? Do you charge the cost of the shipping of the kit from your laboratory to the customer, to the customer, or is it included in the price? Do you charge the cost of the shipping of the kit from the customer to your laboratory, to the customer, or is it included in the price? What is the part number or description that you give to the type of kit that is required? (EG: Wear Check Canada Inc call it and IND-II which stands for Industrial kit - 2nd level) I need this information to complete the bid to Husky Best Regards Bill Quesnel August 22, 2001 4:41 AM JT email to WQ - Subject: Husky Quotation Conditions Change: - Bill: Enclosed you will find our best prices for HUSKY. June 12, 2001 4:44 AM WQ -email to WC Group - Subject: Husky world-wide program - Dear Members, We will be meeting with Husky on Thursday to initiate the world-wide program. One final item that Husky requires is our laboratory accreditations world-wide. Please send any relevant accreditations to me either by e-mail (Accreditation designation and registration number) or by fax ( a copy of the registration certificate to +1 905 569-8605). Best Regards and Thank-you in advance, Bill Quesnel Vice-President WearCheck Canada Inc. April 19, 2001 11:22 AM WQ - email to SS (copy MV PS GG BQ AA) - Subject: Husky Visit to WearCheck Canada Inc - Sirs Attached please find completed "Supplier Questionnaire" Attached please find two location maps to assist you in finding WearCheck Canada Inc If you misplace the map it is available on our website at: http://www.wearcheck.ca/contacts.htm I am looking forward to meeting you all tomorrow morning. Best Regards William Quesnel Sr April 18, 2001 8:59 PM SS - email to BQ (copy AA PS MV) - Subject: Details for Wearcheck Audit - April 20th Bill, The attached documents detail the audit plans for Friday. We will arrive at your facility by 8 a.m. Friday morning. Could you please provide me with directions to your facility. I would like to spend some time with you after the audit to discuss the commercial details of your proposal. If you have any questions, please call me directly at 905-951-5000 ext. 2853. We look forward to meeting you on Friday. March 7, 2001 2:04 PM WQ - email to MV - Subject: Oil Analysis Program - Mike - Just a quick note to ask if there has been any progress towards a decision regarding the proposed oil analysis program? William Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca President WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca January 29, 2001 11:34 AM WQ - email to MB (copy WC Team) - Subject: Re: Question regarding the Wear Check Proposal - Mike - Nice to hear from you again, and good to see you are making some progress on your customer survey. 1) WearCheck sample turn around time is usually a maximum of 24 hours from receipt of sample (most labs finish all samples received the same day). Routine samples are definitely turned the same day, however if extra testing is required sample turn around could be 48 hours. WebCheck makes the information available as soon as samples are processed and diagnosed, and the customer need only log in to view his results. WebCheck is free to the end user, and runs in the web browser - Microsoft Internet Explorer. 2) Emergency samples jump the queue and are done as fast as the tests can be performed, usually within an hour. We usually charge a premium for "rush" samples but would waive that for Husky, in view of the quantities of samples you have forecast. We would monitor this and if an undue amount of emergency samples are called for we would need to begin adding a premium for those samples. 3) WearCheck always notifies the customer immediately on diagnosis of severe samples, either by telephone call, fax or email as the customer chooses. This is part of the service and included in the pricing quoted. Thanks again for considering WearCheck, if I can be of further help do not hesitate to ask! William Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca WearCheck Canada Inc. www.wearcheck.ca January 28, 2001 10:03 PM MV - email to WQ (fwd to BQ) - Subject: Question regarding the Wear Check Proposal - Hello Bill - As we have now received a quite a few of our customer questionnaires back from the field, we have decided to take another look at the proposals received from the labs. So I had a couple of questions. 1) Does Wear Check have a target turn around time for the standard samples. As well as should we need emergency analysis done what kind of time frame can we expect? (This would be a very rare occurrence but still can happen) The last question was that if one of our customers oil sample were to fail would Wear Check advise them immediately of a problem ( i.e. e-mail them) as part of the service? We are having a meeting on Tuesday to compare the technical aspects of the quotations, so I would appreciate a response be Monday evening, if possible, to update the spreadsheet. Thank-you Mike December 11, 2000 8:17 AM WQ - emai to WC Team - Subject: Fw: Husky Oil Analysis Program - Hi Folks - This is just an up-date on the Husky Injection Molding Worldwide Oil Analysis Proposal that we submitted back in October. For your information Husky continues to lose money in their operations (see: http://husky.ca/en/news/120500_q1.shtml). I heard a blurb about the $10m loss on the CTV news the other night so visited the Husky website and looked at their press releases. You will note on the financial report that Husky were unable to make deliveries to meet their orders in both years shown, and deliveries declined in the second year. This is serious problem for a manufacturing company. They cannot make money if they do not deliver the product. I do not know what effect this would have on a decision whether to use oil analysis or not, however it seems Mike Vernem has initiated a customer survey to see what reception an oil analysis program would receive. Are we still receiving samples from Husky? We need to stay close to these people, and I will contact Mike again about mid January if nothing further develops. Bill Sr December 10, 2000 6:20 AM MV - email to WQ - Subject: RE: Husky Oil Analysis Program - Hello Bill - I was out of the office on Friday and between the upcoming training, holidays and a couple of vacation days I have left I will be out of the office for the rest of the year. As an update, the questionnaire to our customers went out a couple of weeks ago and to date I have only received a couple back. As I am out of the office I do not anticipate any further progress on the testing issue till the New Year. So I will contact you in January. Have a good holiday. Regards Mike December 8, 2000 11:34 AM WQ - email to MV - (copy GG BQ) - Subject: Husky Oil Analysis Program - Mike - I telephoned your office today, however you were away from your desk, so left you a message. We have not heard from you since our last message was sent on last October 7. I have been very busy and traveling outside of Canada to attend trade shows. WearCheck International were at the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference in Tulsa during October and I was queried by representatives from WearCheck Belgium, Spain, the USA and UK as to the progress with our bid. At the show, we were very pleased to have generated a lot of interest in our WebCheck program from several major oil companies. They were taken with the idea of being able to run samples on a world-wide network through the internet. Since I have returned home I am visiting all of the project I have been working on and following up, to bring them up to date. I am wondering how our proposal for a "Comprehensive Oil Analysis Program" fared with Husky? Do you need any further information from WearCheck? You could reply by email or, if you wish, contact me by telephone. If by telephone, it would be best to call my cell phone number (905) 467-3562 as I am "out of the office" most of the time. Best Regards William Quesnel Sr October 7, 2000 5:31 AM WQ - email to MV - Oil Analysis Benefits Case Studies - Mike - I am told that the John Deere study of return on oil analysis is proprietary information, however will try to get you a copy of the report for you. I am a subscriber to Noria's lubrication tips on the website www.oilanalysis.com and received a timely email this morning. It is more current information than the John Deere study and I believe you will be interested in these results. Just click on the link at the bottom of the note to go to the case studies in question. I recommend that you also go to the Noria site at www.oilanlysis.com as it is a very informative website. We are hosting a trade show booth, and Bill Jr is presenting a paper, at the up-coming Practicing Oil Analysis Conference http://www.noria.com/conf/confmain.html that Noria will sponsor in Tulsa this October 22 to 27. GETTING RETURN ON INVESTMENT FROM OIL ANALYSIS? * Port of Tacoma had an internal rate of return of 662%! * Ontario Power Generation saved over $135,000! * El Paso Electric Company saved $8.8 million! * Weyerhaeuser reduced downtime by 90%! * J. R. Simplot increased engine Mean-Time Between Rebuild MTBR from 13,000 to 18,000 hours! to see these case studies go to: http://www.noria.com/conf/casestudy.html. Best Regards William Quesnel Sr October 6, 2000 10:25 PM JT - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Techical data for Husky Quotation - In our routune program we report all of them less S,K, and Ti. Regards October 6, 2000 12:01 PM BC - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Techical data for Husky Quotation - Dear Bill - Our standard elemental list is as follows: Ba Ca Mg P Zn B Na Si K Li Al Cr Cu Fe Pb Sn Mo Ni Ti Ag Mn V Please let me know when Webcheck will be ready for Volvo - we need to push this one too. Regards Bob October 6, 2000 2:23 AM WQ - email to PJ JC JT BC KS GB - Subject: Techical data for Husky Quotation Colleagues Husky have inquired what elements our Spectrometer reports and we will supply them with the following list of elements that are standard for WC Canada Al - Aluminium Ag - Silver B - Boron Ba - Barium Ca - Calcium Cr - Chromium Cu - Copper Fe - Iron K - Potassium Mg - Magnesium Mo - Molybdenum Na - Sodium Ni - Nickel P - Phosphorus Pb - Lead S - Sulphur Si - Silicon Sn - Tin Ti - Titanium Zn - Zinc Can you please advise what standard elements you would report. Bill Q Sr October 5, 2000 4:31 PM PJ - email to WQ - Subject: RE: Husky Quotation Conditions Change - Bill, This is a much better scenario. It removes the areas of concern about shipment of kits to and from the lab. Are you proposing to diagnose the results from all Wear Check International labs? Our price for the analysis of samples only (no kit, freight or diagnosis) for - Wear Metals/Additives/Contaminants (as per your list) - KF water - Viscosity @40 - ISO Particle Count - TAN - PQ and visual scan will be A$20 per sample. If the PQ, particle count or visual scan indicate a problem then we could preform a Microscopic Particle Examination (MPE) for A$120. The MPE report and diagnosis would obviously be performed by ALS and is included in the price. The report could be e-mailed to WC Canada and/or Husky. Best Regards, Peter Jordan -----Original Message----- From: William Quesnel - WearCheck [mailto:billqsr@wearcheck.ca] Sent: Thursday, 5 October 2000 8:32 PM To: Peter Jordan Subject: Husky Quotation Conditions Change Peter - We are continuing our dialogue with Husky and it are more encouraged with each discussion that the program will go ahead Husky have asked us to re-quote incorporating the following conditions. 1) Husky will advise WearCheck Canada Inc when a new machine will be shipped 2) WearCheck Canada Inc will ship sufficient kits to Husky to provide oil analysis for the machine for three years. 3) WearCheck Canada Inc will pre-label the sample bottles with sample information. 4) WearCheck Canada Inc will provide pre-addressed mailers for the kits addressed to the appropriate WearCheck laboratory 5) WearCheck Canada will ship the kits to Husky and invoice Husky up-front for the cost of the kit materials. 6) Husky's customer will take samples at designated times and ship prepaid to the appropriate WearCheck laboratory. 7) The WearCheck laboratory will supply the test information to WebCheck, and invoice WearCheck Canada Inc for processing. 8) The samples will be diagnosed by WearCheck Canada Inc in WebCheck 9) WearCheck Canada Inc will supply reports to Husky through WebCheck, and invoice Husky for processing. WearCheck Canada Inc will provide access to each of the WearCheck laboratories to enable them to use WebCheck Based on this scenario, I am asking you to quote me your price to WearCheck Canada Inc for processing each sample: IND II Routine Industrial Equipment Oil Analysis Kit Viscosity ASTM D445 Test at 40 C ICP-AES ASTM D5185 17 elements for wear metals, additives and contaminants Karl Fischer ASTM D1744 Water concentration in PPM or % if water is present. Visible Debris Microscopy Performed if visible debris is present Particle Count ISO 4406 Laser Particle Counter. TAN ASTM D446 Total Acid Number. WearCheck Canada Inc will provide sample kits, shipping to Husky, diagnosis and delivery of sample reports. Husky customers will pay shipping to the appropriate WearCheck laboratory. You are required to perform testing and report results through the use of WebCheck. WearCheck Canada will provide access to WebCheck to participating laboratories. As far a training goes I am sure we can accommodate your request for A $ 195.00 per attendee. Sorry to keep changing the conditions but we are trying to match the customer's needs as best we can. I see this as a great opportunity for WearCheck to launch a world-wide program and use the power of WebCheck. Hopefully this is just a start. Would there be a reduction in price from your original quotation with WC Canada supplying the kit, diagnosis of samples, and with no shipping costs involved for ALS? Please advise your price as soon as possible. Best Regards Billl October 5, 2000 4:10 PM PJ - email to WQ - Subject: RE: Techical data for Husky Quotation - Bill, We will be able to supply this list of elements as well. Cheers, Peter Jordan -----Original Message----- From: Bill Quesnel [mailto:billqsr@wearcheck.ca] Sent: Friday, 6 October 2000 2:23 AM To: Peter Jordan; Jim Chambers; Jesus Terradillos; Bob (Robertson) Cutler; Keith Scott; Gary Brown Subject: Techical data for Husky Quotation Colleagues Husky have inquired what elements our Spectrometer reports and we will supply them with the following list of elements that are standard for WC Canada Al - Aluminium Ag - Silver B - Boron Ba - Barium Ca - Calcium Cr - Chromium Cu - Copper Fe - Iron K - Potassium Mg - Magnesium Mo - Molybdenum Na - Sodium Ni - Nickel P - Phosphorus Pb - Lead S - Sulphur Si - Silicon Sn - Tin Ti - Titanium Zn - Zinc Can you please advise what standard elements you would report. Bill Q Sr October 5, 2000 12:34 PM WQ - email to MV - Subject: Elements Reported for Oil Analysis - Mike - Thanks for sending me the recommendations you have come up with. WearCheck's spectrometers measure 21 to 24 elements and we normally report a maximum of the following 20 elements Al - Aluminium Ag - Silver B - Boron Ba - Barium Ca - Calcium Cr - Chromium Cu - Copper Fe - Iron K - Potassium Mg - Magnesium Mo - Molybdenum Na - Sodium Ni - Nickel P - Phosphorus Pb - Lead S - Sulphur Si - Silicon Sn - Tin Ti - Titanium Zn - Zinc The standard set of 17 elements referred to in our quotation would not normally include S, Ti, and Ba - We can adjust our reports to report those elements required for the program. I am working on your second request for documentation of the John Deere report, and will send it along as soon as I get it. Regards Bill Q Sr October 5, 2000 12:12 PM WQ - email to JF KS - Subject: Husky Quotation - Keith Jon - This email was sent to Jim Chambers on October 1st - we have no response but have finalized the quote and sent to Huskyk, hope you can work with us at the price. Colleagues - We are continuing our dialogue with Husky and it are more encouraged with each discussion that the program will go ahead. Husky have asked us to re-quote incorporating the following conditions. 1) Husky will advise WearCheck Canada Inc when a new machine will be shipped 2) WearCheck Canada Inc will ship sufficient kits to Husky to provide oil analysis for the machine for three years. 3) WearCheck Canada Inc will pre-label the sample bottles with sample information. 4) WearCheck Canada Inc will provide pre-addressed mailers for the kits addressed to the appropriate WearCheck laboratory 5) WearCheck Canada will ship the kits to Husky and invoice Husky up-front for the cost of the kit materials. 6) Husky's customer will take samples at designated times and ship prepaid to the appropriate WearCheck laboratory. 7) The WearCheck laboratory will supply the test information to WebCheck, and invoice WearCheck Canada Inc for processing. 8) The samples will be diagnosed by WearCheck Canada Inc in WebCheck 9) WearCheck Canada Inc will supply reports to Husky through WebCheck, and invoice Husky for processing. WearCheck Canada Inc will provide access to each of the WearCheck laboratories to enable them to use WebCheck Based on this scenario, I am asking you to quote me your price to WearCheck Canada Inc for processing each sample: IND II Routine Industrial Equipment Oil Analysis Kit Viscosity ASTM D445 Test at 40 C ICP-AES ASTM D5185 17 elements for wear metals, additives and contaminants Karl Fischer ASTM D1744 Water concentration in PPM or % if water is present. Visible Debris Microscopy Performed if visible debris is present Particle Count ISO 4406 Laser Particle Counter. TAN ASTM D446 Total Acid Number. WearCheck Canada Inc will provide sample kits, shipping to Husky, diagnosis and delivery of sample reports. Husky customers will pay shipping to the appropriate WearCheck laboratory. You are required to perform testing and report results through the use of WebCheck. WearCheck Canada will provide access to WebCheck to participating laboratories. Sorry to keep changing the conditions but we are trying to match the customer's needs as best we can. I see this as a great opportunity for WearCheck to launch a world-wide program and use the power of WebCheck. Hopefully this is just a start. I have sent the quotation to Husky with Canada supplying kits, data entry and liason upfront for C$10.00/kit and processing to be billed after at C$20.00/sample. Please advise your price as soon as possible. Best Regards Billl October 5, 2000 11:32 AM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: Mike Vermen Questions - Husky Quote - /billy - I returned a phone call to Mike Vermen as he had a couple of questions about out quotation. He wants a list of the elements provided by ICP-AES (page 10)? He wants documentation of savings realized by John Deere (or similar) (page 4)? Mike has made up recommendations for oil analysis alert parameters based on literature received from oil companies (such as Shell). He spoke of setting alerts when additive package elements drop below 50% of new oil, or TAN reaches 1.5? The first sample taken for each machine will be the new oil used in that particular machine, and they wish to use the results as the baseline for subsequent samples from the same machine. Mike talked of setting single parameters to be appllied to all machines worldwide. I asked him to send me a copy of the recommendations that he has. I told Mike that we would be able to modify our specificaitons to match the parameters they wish to use. Mike wants us to handle intitial sample management and send notification to customers when samples have not been taken as scheduled. They now have the finance and purchasing department involved in the person of Scott Skimming (Corporate Purchasing) and he may be giving us a call soon. They are holding deciding meetings today. Mike says that corporate needs to get involved in any purchase of this maginitue (over $100,000). I told him we would fax or email him the information he requested today. October 5, 2000 11:17 AM WQ - phone call to Mike Vernem he had a couple of questions He wants a list of the elements provided by ICP-AES (page 10) He wants documentation of savings realized by John Deere (or similar) (page 4) Mike has made up recommendations for oil analysis alert parameters based on literature received from oil companies (such as Shell). He spoke of setting alerts when additive package elements drop below 50% of new oil, or TAN reaches 1.5? The first sample taken for each machine will be the new oil used in that particular machine, and they wish to use the results as the baseline for subsequent samples from the same machine. Mike talked of setting single parameters to be appllied to all machines worldwide. I asked him to send me a copy of the recommendations that he has. I told Mike that we would be able to modify our specificaitons to match the parameters they wish to use. Mike wants us to handle intitial sample management and send notification to customers when samples have not been taken as scheduled. They now have the finance and purchasing department involved in the person of Scott Skimming (Corporate Purchasing) and he may be giving us a call soon. They are holding deciding meetings today. Mike says that corporate needs to get involved in any purchase of this maginitue (over $100,000). I told him we would fax or email him the information he requested today. October 5, 2000 7:17 AM MV - email to WQ BQ - Subject: Oil Change recommendations - Bill - Here are the spec's that we will be using for the oil change parameters. These recommendations come from Shell, however we also discussed with several other suppliers that were also in agreement. Should you have any other recommendations please feel free to advise. .2) Oil Maintenance: Husky would specify the oil change interval based on the results of a laboratory analysis. The following guidelines would be used for the determination of the oil condition: Parameter Warning Limit Comments Viscosity @40 C 46..........10%..............................Indicates Oxidation and/or Contamination Total Acid Number......1.5 mgKOH/g.................... Indicates Oxidation Limit Zinc............................ 50% of New Oil Level........ Indicates Additive Depletion Phosphorus................ 50% of New Oil Level........ Indicates Additive Depletion Calcium.......................50% of New Oil Level......... Indicates Additive Depletion Best Regards Mike Vernem October 5, 2000 6:32 AM WQ - email to PJ - Subject: Husky Quotation Conditions Change - Peter - We are continuing our dialogue with Husky and it are more encouraged with each discussion that the program will go ahead.Husky have asked us to re-quote incorporating the following conditions. 1) Husky will advise WearCheck Canada Inc when a new machine will be shipped 2) WearCheck Canada Inc will ship sufficient kits to Husky to provide oil analysis for the machine for three years. 3) WearCheck Canada Inc will pre-label the sample bottles with sample information. 4) WearCheck Canada Inc will provide pre-addressed mailers for the kits addressed to the appropriate WearCheck laboratory 5) WearCheck Canada will ship the kits to Husky and invoice Husky up-front for the cost of the kit materials. 6) Husky's customer will take samples at designated times and ship prepaid to the appropriate WearCheck laboratory. 7) The WearCheck laboratory will supply the test information to WebCheck, and invoice WearCheck Canada Inc for processing. 8) The samples will be diagnosed by WearCheck Canada Inc in WebCheck 9) WearCheck Canada Inc will supply reports to Husky through WebCheck, and invoice Husky for processing. WearCheck Canada Inc will provide access to each of the WearCheck laboratories to enable them to use WebCheck Based on this scenario, I am asking you to quote me your price to WearCheck Canada Inc for processing each sample: IND II Routine Industrial Equipment Oil Analysis Kit Viscosity ASTM D445 Test at 40 C ICP-AES ASTM D5185 17 elements for wear metals, additives and contaminants Karl Fischer ASTM D1744 Water concentration in PPM or % if water is present. Visible Debris Microscopy Performed if visible debris is present Particle Count ISO 4406 Laser Particle Counter. TAN ASTM D446 Total Acid Number. WearCheck Canada Inc will provide sample kits, shipping to Husky, diagnosis and delivery of sample reports. Husky customers will pay shipping to the appropriate WearCheck laboratory. You are required to perform testing and report results through the use of WebCheck. WearCheck Canada will provide access to WebCheck to participating laboratories. As far a training goes I am sure we can accommodate your request for A $195.00 per attendee. Sorry to keep changing the conditions but we are trying to match the customer's needs as best we can. I see this as a great opportunity for WearCheck to launch a world-wide program and use the power of WebCheck. Hopefully this is just a start. Would there be a reduction in price from your original quotation with WC Canada supplying the kit, diagnosis of samples, and with no shipping costs involved for ALS? Please advise your price as soon as possible. Best Regards Billl October 3, 2000 8:59 PM PJ - email to WQ - Subject: RE: Training - Bill, 1) For sample kits sold in Australia, we include return postage. For kits in Asia, we can't. It just isn't practical as the cost of transportation is just so variable depending upon weight, dispatch point, destination and courier used. The customer will need to arrange this. The cost of sending kits to the customer in Asia is also variable. 2) What we can do is send WC Canada a proforma invoice, on receipt of Husky's order and shipment information, that includes a separately identified shipping cost. 3) The Wear Check sample information forms will be stamped with Husky and their Wear Check reports will have Husky's preferred name in bold at the top of the reports. We currently do this for Liebherr, Pennzoil, Clark Equipment and the Royal Australian Navy. 4) We can ship kits in boxes of 13 instead of our usual 10 per carton. 5) As 1). 6) We normally charge $195 per person to attend our training courses. I am against offering an open-ended commitment to provide free training. We can provide some assistance, but all of our distributors in Australia pay. Where training has been provided free (by the distributor picking up the cost) we have had several instances of "no shows" as customers just don't value the course. We have a schedule of training courses that is updated every six months that I would be happy to send to Husky. If I can be of further assistance, just ask. Cheers, Peter Jordan October 3, 2000 8:59 PM PJ - email to WQ - Subject: RE: Training - Bill, > 1) For sample kits sold in Australia, we include return postage. For kits in Asia, we can't. It just isn't practical as the cost of transportation is just so variable depending upon weight, dispatch point, destination and courier used. The customer will need to arrange this. The cost of sending kits to the customer in Asia is also variable. 2) What we can do is send WC Canada a proforma invoice, on receipt of Husky's order and shipment information, that includes a separately identified shipping cost. 3) The Wear Check sample information forms will be stamped with Husky and their Wear Check reports will have Husky's preferred name in bold at the top of the reports. We currently do this for Liebherr, Pennzoil, Clark Equipment and the Royal Australian Navy. 4) We can ship kits in boxes of 13 instead of our usual 10 per carton. 5) As 1). 6) We normally charge $195 per person to attend our training courses. I am against offering an open-ended commitment to provide free training. We can provide some assistance, but all of our distributors in Australia pay. Where training has been provided free (by the distributor picking up the cost) we have had several instances of "no shows" as customers just don't value the course. We have a schedule of training courses that is updated every six months that I would be happy to send to Husky. If I can be of further assistance, just ask. Cheers, Peter Jordan October 2, 2000 3:57 PM WQ - email to MV RS (copy BQ) - Subject: Husky Oil Anlysis Program Proposal - second draft - Ramin and Mike - Attached is the revised WearCheck International proposal for a global Husky oil analysis program. I apologize for the time spent getting this quote to you, however, once again this proposal involved a number of details that took some time to retrieve from all the WearCheck members. I am learning a lot and will be better prepared to for future quotes to global clients. I have added some information regarding program implementation (how it will work) on page 6 and have included two summaries of the estimated overall costs broken down by country. I have separated these estimates, showing use of 13 kits on page 12, and 7 kits on page 13. The rest of the proposal is much the same as the first draft. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 905-467-3562 or Bill Jr at 1-800-268-2131, or any of the WearCheck International members directly. I thank you once again, for your patience with us and for the opportunity to bid on this proposal for Husky. I speak for our group when I say we all look forward to a successful partnership between Husky and the WearCheck International group. Best Regards, October 2, 2000 3:57 PM WQ - email to MV RS (copy BQ) - Subject: Husky Oil Anlysis Program Proposal - second draft - Ramin and Mike - Attached is the revised WearCheck International proposal for a global Husky oil analysis program. I apologize for the time spent getting this quote to you, however, once again this proposal involved a number of details that took some time to retrieve from all the WearCheck members. I am learning a lot and will be better prepared to for future quotes to global clients. I have added some information regarding program implementation (how it will work) on page 6 and have included two summaries of the estimated overall costs broken down by country. I have separated these estimates, showing use of 13 kits on page 12, and 7 kits on page 13. The rest of the proposal is much the same as the first draft. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 905-467-3562 or Bill Jr at 1-800-268-2131, or any of the WearCheck International members directly. I thank you once again, for your patience with us and for the opportunity to bid on this proposal for Husky. I speak for our group when I say we all look forward to a successful partnership between Husky and the WearCheck International group. Best Regards, Bill Q Sr (C:\MyDocuments\WearCheck\Sales\Husky2000.10.01) October 1, 2000 11:06 PM GB - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Husky Quotation Conditions Change - Hi Bill, We would be happy to carry out the test profile described for US$20.Thanks for the sample valve unfortunately our thief gun does not accomadate it.I have asked my son to investigate a modif ication. Regards to all, Gary. September 30, 2000 11:10 AM WQ - emai to JC JT GK GB BC BQ GD AV - Subject: Husky Quotation Conditions Change - Colleagues - We are continuing our dialogue with Husky and it are more encouraged with each discussion that the program will go ahead. Husky have asked us to re-quote incorporating the following conditions. 1) Husky will advise WearCheck Canada Inc when a new machine will be shipped 2) WearCheck Canada Inc will ship sufficient kits to Husky to provide oil analysis for the machine for three years. 3) WearCheck Canada Inc will pre-label the sample bottles with sample information. 4) WearCheck Canada Inc will provide pre-addressed mailers for the kits addressed to the appropriate WearCheck laboratory 5) WearCheck Canada will ship the kits to Husky and invoice Husky up-front for the cost of the kit materials. 6) Husky's customer will take samples at designated times and ship prepaid to the appropriate WearCheck laboratory. 7) The WearCheck laboratory will supply the test information to WebCheck, and invoice WearCheck Canada Inc for processing. 8) The samples will be diagnosed by WearCheck Canada Inc in WebCheck 9) WearCheck Canada Inc will supply reports to Husky through WebCheck, and invoice Husky for processing. WearCheck Canada Inc will provide access to each of the WearCheck laboratories to enable them to use WebCheck Based on this scenario, I am asking you to quote me your price to WearCheck Canada Inc for processing each sample: IND II Routine Industrial Equipment Oil Analysis Kit Viscosity ASTM D445 Test at 40 C ICP-AES ASTM D5185 17 elements for wear metals, additives and contaminants Karl Fischer ASTM D1744 Water concentration in PPM or % if water is present. Visible Debris Microscopy Performed if visible debris is present Particle Count ISO 4406 Laser Particle Counter. TAN ASTM D446 Total Acid Number. WearCheck Canada Inc will provide sample kits, shipping to Husky, diagnosis and delivery of sample reports. Husky customers will pay shipping to the appropriate WearCheck laboratory. You are required to perform testing and report results through the use of WebCheck. WearCheck Canada will provide access to WebCheck to participating laboratories. Sorry to keep changing the conditions but we are trying to match the customer's needs as best we can. I see this as a great opportunity for WearCheck to launch a world-wide program and use the power of WebCheck. Hopefully this is just a start. Please advise your price as soon as possible. Best Regards Billl September 28, 2000 10:12 AM WQ - email to JT - Subject: Re: Shipping - Jesus - What is the cost of return of one sample kit through the mail? The customer wants us to provide kits that have postage paid in advance on the kit. Please reply as soon as possible. Bill Q Sr September 28, 2000 5:40 AM WQ - email to JT - Subject: Re: Training - Jesus - How much will you charge for shipping of the samples, we need to include those costs in the bid price to Husky Please advise as soon as possible. Bill Q Sr September 28, 2000 5:30 AM WQ - email to JT - Shipping - Jesus - How much will you charge for shipping of the samples, we need to include those costs in the bid price to Husky Please advise as soon as possible. Bill Q Sr September 28, 2000 3:57 AM JT - email to WQ - Shipping - Bill: The shipping cost in Spain are very expensive and I could estimate the cost of shipping from Tekniker to customer and from the customer to Tekniker could be about 20$ can. Thank you. Regards Jesus September 26, 2000 10:32 AM BQ - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Husky - Dad, I don't really care if any WearCheck laboratory wants to dump data to the WebCheck server. We will require this for Volvo anyway. We'll have to figure out a remuneration scheme later. Billy September 26, 2000 7:16 AM JT - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Training - Bill: The price of 30$ can. does not include neither the shipping from the lab to the customer nor the shipping from the customer to my lab, therefore i think we should consider that the shipping couy Thank you very much September 26, 2000 7:08 AM WQ - email to BC - Subject: Re: Training - Bob - Husky want us to ship the samples required for a four year program for a single machine (4 for the first year, and 3 for each of following three years). The shipment would be made to Husky's customer to coincide with the delivery of a new machine. If they sold two machines to the same customer the shipment would be 26 kits). I am not sure what they are proposing to do for existing machines, but will be talking to Mike Vermen of Husky about the program today. The quantity of 13 is a bit awkward for us as well. Regards Bill Sr September 26, 2000 12:38 AM BC - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Training - Bill - I can confirm that the UK can accept the return charges from the UK, I understand I am only getting samples from the UK so no problems for me. We prefer to ship in boxes of 10 kits. As we expect to get 98 samples per year, it will make sense if we will simply send 5 or 10 boxes of 10 at one time. Note that we normally do offer training free of charge at our site so no problem either, but if the Wearcheck group is going to be part of Noria, this cannot continue charges will have to be made. regard Bob September 25, 2000 8:50 PM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: Re: Husky - Billy - I will call Mike tomorrow. It is taking a bit of time getting replies to final details before I submit the quotation. If they keep shrinking the number of samples the program may not be worth-while, and some of the labs may drop out. Bob almost did. Should I raise the price per sample a bit if they are going to do less? I have Mike's business card. With regard to use of WebCheck. Is there much work for Spain, UK, and Australia to use the program. What would they be required to do? Can they dump files into the program (on the pattern set up for Dingo?). I will need to give them the details of what is involved. Please advise Dad September 25, 2000 12:16 PM BQ - email to WQ - Subject: Husky - Dad, I had a call from Mike from Husky today. He wants you to include pricing for sampling every 6 months instead of 3 months, as well. So that would be: 1 initial sample samples every 6 months (6 over 3 years) = 7 samples total. He would also like a call when you get a chance. I don't have his number because I gave you his business card, but Ramin's is 905-951-5000 x2447. Regards, Bill Quesnel September 25, 2000 10:28 AM WQ -email to AV (copy to BQ) - Subject: Re: Husky Quotation - Andre - Thank you for the reply concerning training and the points which you have raised. We are making some progress with the Husky quotation and I hope to finalize this week. We will allocate the business which would have gone to WC Germany to WC Belgium (with exception of Italy which will go to WC Spain) 1) Husky expects WearCheck Group to provide the sample kits with shipping paid both to the customer and for return of samples. Is the price of 920 Belgium Francs (Can$30.00) sufficient to cover the shipping costs for Alpha Maintenance? 2) Husky will place orders on WC Canada and we would refer orders to appropriate WC Group members for shipment. WC Group will invoice WC Canada for shipments, and WC Canada will invoice Husky. WC Canada would pay WC Group members within 45 days of receipt of invoices. 3) The program will be a Husky brand name program (not WearCheck) You will ship your normal kits with whatever literature you require, only the brand name is changed. 4) Husky have requested that we ship 13 sample kits per machine. 5) Customers will most likely return single samples to the lab, on a "postage-paid" basis. If you agree with working within these conditions I will go ahead and complete the quotation for Husky. We can talk more of this when we meet in Canada and Tulsa. Best Regards Bill Q Sr. September 25, 2000 10:16 AM WQ - email to BC (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Participation / Husky - Bob - I discussed this with Bill Jr and we are willing to provide the WebCheck program based on a future payment once volume of business using the system warrants purchase. We agree that there is not enough business from the Husky program to warrant the purchase. We would only invoice you for the program once you decide that it is providing sufficient benefit to Robertson to warrant the purchase. There would be no change in the price. We feel that you could get started with the Husky program and if we ever get our act together with Volvo you would be online and running for that business. If WC Group is unable to generate enough worldwide business to warrant the purchase of WebCheck, then you will not have to pay at all. A few other points - 1) Husky expects WearCheck Group to provide the sample kits with shipping paid both to the customer and for return of samples. Is the price of 13.5 (Can$30.00) sufficient to cover the shipping costs for Robertson's? 2) Husky will place orders on WC Canada and we would refer orders to appropriate WC Group members for shipment. WC Group will invoice WC Canada for shipments, and WC Canada will invoice Husky. WC Canada would pay WC Group members within 45 days of receipt of invoices. 3) The program will be a Husky brand name program (not WearCheck) If you agree with working within these conditions I will go ahead and complete the quotation for Husky. I am finding out what it is like to be between the customer and trying to organize a WearCheck Group bid! We can talk more about this in Tulsa. Best Regards Bill Q Sr. September 25, 2000 6:57 AM BC - email to WQ - / Husky - Bill - Thanks for your offer. Yes I can work with such a system and hopefully Volvo will be on board before 2001. Yes too, the cost of GBP 13.50 is sufficient to cover return postal cartons from within the UK. I guess you will e-mail us the orders to send to Husky depots in the UK and we will send business reply address labels and invoice you at the end of the month the kits are despatched. As there will only be 98 samples it maybe possible that we invoice just 2 or 3 times a year. Regards Bob September 20, 2000 6:58 PM WQ - email to JT - Subject: Re: HUSKY - Jesus - The samples from Italy will be done in Spain. Will you be coming to Tulsa for the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference in October? William Quesnel Sr September 20, 2000 3:22 PM AV - email to WQ (copy GD) - Subject: Re: Reply from Husky - Changes - Dear Bill, Answers to your questions 1 to 5: 1,2 : same price as WC-CAN (Why complicate things ?) 3: No custom forms needed within the EC. 4. Free of charge at both locations, preferably only once a year. 5. No Best regards, Andr September 20, 2000 7:38 AM WQ - email to WC Group (less WC Ger) - Subject: FW: Reply from Husky - Changes - Collleagues - We are continuing discussion with Husky, and received replies to our initial proposal:Bill: Good morning Bill - After going through the proposal you supplied we came a few questions: 1) We find the pricing of the German lab to be excessive, could we not re-route those samples to Belgium or perhaps the UK, both of which have considerably better pricing. 2) We require a single contact lab that would handle the Husky account, preferably your office. 3) Please review your projections, the number of G-Line machines we sent you were described as four years worth of machines and from your table it appears that you may have misinterpreted that to be yearly output. 4) Is it possible that you could average out the pricing in each region to determine a cost per region, as this will give us a better handle on the overall cost? 5) Please define exactly what you mean by a technical rep will be available for training, will a rep go to each of our customers for training? The ultimate goal is that your organization would handle all the distribution of kits to our customers, testing and collection of data, and advise both Husky and our customer of any problems or missing oil samples. As oil sampling is your specialty we would rather you handle the administration part, and we would have access to the data to determine trends and problems. Please review the comments and advise the best course of action to further this relationship. Regards Mike -----end of 1st message from Husky------- -----to which I replied------- Mike Bill Jr has asked me to handle the detail regarding your reply to our initial proposal. I am more of the "administrative type" and have good rapport with our associated laboratories around the world. Bill is still available to you at any time to answer questions if you prefer. 1) I will consult with WearCheck Germany and the other European laboratories before giving a definite answer, however we could operate as a "brand name" program and use any laboratory a customer wishes in any area. I would favour sending the samples previously designated to WC Germany to WC Belgium, as it is closer. Would you have any preference for a "brand name" for your program? 2) You may have WearCheck Canada Inc as your single contact laboratory. a) Would you place all orders for sample kits on WearCheck Canada Inc. (please advise) b) Would you like the sample kits shipped out of Canada or from the laboratory which would handle the testing? (please advise) c) Would you like one price including shipping from the laboratory to the Husky customer with shipping back to the laboratory paid by the customer? (please advise) d) We anticipate it could be expensive to ship one sample at a time across a border to the relative laboratory and we would have difficulty including that expense in the cost of pre-paid kits. If you wish we can investigate these costs and include them in the pre-paid cost of the kits. (please advise). e) We would handle all administration of all of the data for the program and it will appear seamless, within WebCheck. Both Husky and Husky's Customers will be alerted to problems. Husky would have access to all the data on whatever hierarchical arrangement you wish (e.g.: head office sees all, branches see only their data, and each individual customer could see only his data). 3) Sorry about misinterpreting your projections, I am preparing a new spread sheet that reflects the correct numbers (which will be considerably reduced) 4) I will arrange the spreadsheet to show costs by area broken down by country with total number of samples, total cost, and average cost per sample for the area. 5) With regard to training, we normally would schedule a training program, advertise it through WebCheck and have candidates register on-line, with the expectation of getting about 10 to 30 people (depending on facilities available) to attend at a central location (this could be a mixture of customers and Husky personnel). Training would be provided by a technician from the respective laboratory. Best Regards William Quesnel Sr. ------end of reply to Husky------ We have taken WC Germany out of the program (as they will only do brand name for 10,000 plus samples and will not lower their price). WearCheck Belgium have agreed to take on the portion of the program initially allocated to Germany. ------start of 2nd message from Husky------- Bill: Here are the answers to your inquiries: Point 2) Yes we would want to place the orders with your company. From there you would co-ordinate with the rest of the labs. b)We could ship 13 prepared kits with each machine. We would like each sample bottle to include pre-paid freight from our customer to the nearest one of your labs, as well as the appropriate customs stickers to ensure trouble-free passage across any borders. d) Please elaborate - do you mean from your office to the lab or do you mean from our customer to the closest lab for analysis? We would like the samples to be pre-paid from our customer to the nearest lab. Should you have any further questions please feel free to call me on Monday. Mike -----end of message from Husky------ I have revised the spreadsheet (attached), based on a pre-paid "brand name" program. (payment after kits shipped - before processing) You will notice the program is substantially reduced, as we were misinformed-informed of the sales (sales are over four years not one year). The program uses 13 sample kits per machine. Four samples the first year of operation and three each year in following three years. We envision receiving instructions from Husky, then advising the appropriate laboratory to ship kits to the designated customer. 1) I need to know what your costs will be to ship kits from your laboratory to the customer (should be minimum 13 kits per shipment). 2) I need to know what your costs will be to pre-pay shipping from the customer back to your laboratory (could be 1 kit per shipment). 3) You would need to include proper customs forms in the kits to bring the kits back across any borders. 4) Please let me know if you charge for training (both at your laboratory and/or at the customers' site). 5) If there is any part of the program allocated to your laboratory that you do not wish to be responsible for, please let me know. Please advise as soon as possible, so I can revise the bid to Husky. Bill Quesnel Sr. billqsr@wearcheck.ca Bill September 20, 2000 2:58 AM BC - email to WQ - Subject: Re: (Husky) -Bill - Thank you for the information. While I am extremely grateful for your efforts with this contract, I cannot justify the cost to use webcheck against just 98 samples. I had hoped we would have had the Volvo contract in place by now to justify my expenses in Webcheck, but it seems this has stalled and is waiting on Billy. Therefore I must forfeit my option to join the Husky program and will agree that the UK samples can go elsewhere. Hopefully if the Volvo contract moves on I can justify the expense of Webcheck. At the moment I have the Volvo contract in the UK and Turkey and believe I was helping everyone else to share in the work as agreed in Spain. There was never any extra work for me. I will continue to seek global contracts for the group, but please remember that I cannot market Wearcheck at all, owing to legal restraints placed on me by German Lawyers. Consequently I cannot share the booth in Tulsa, but will bring Brochures with me, judge the situation and discuss possibilities with you at the time. Bob September 19, 2000 3:39 PM WQ - email to AV - Subject: Re: Husky Brand Name Program - Confidential - Andre Thanks for the quick reply, I have sent the new spreadsheets out today. You have answered some of the questions, but I need to know the costs of shipping as well. Bill Jr and I are at WearCheck USA today, and tomorrow returning to Toronto on Thursday. You will be happy to hear that WC USA migrated to the full blown version of WebCheck without too much problem (and in only on day). There are a few glitches with printing, and Bill Jr is here to provide a WebCheck training program to WC USA staff and some major customers. Regards Bill Q Sr September 18, 2000 10:07 PM JT - email to WQ - Subject: HUSKY - Dear Bill: I already read your e-mail about Husky and i would like to suggest that if Germany has taken out of the program the samples from Italy should be sent to my lab in Spain and nor to Belgium. Regards. September 18, 2000 7:56 AM AV - email to WQ (copy GD) - Subject: Re: Husky Brand Name Program - Confidential - Dear Bill, Thanks for this info. As I already pointed out: we have no problem working with the HUSKY brand name on the reports, labels,... If this would be a problem for Germany (to accomplish the wishes of the customer), we could analyse those few samples as well. Our language possibilities are as you know: dutch, frensh, english and german. Though we prefer to work postpaid, it is possible to send prepaid kits, where we would prefer to use our own botlles, envelopes & labels and would present these in carton boxes containing 6 bottles per box, included the labels with the HUSKY brand, the envelopes and the polyethylene tubing which fits on the vampire pump (but without the pump itselfs). Or WC-Can sells its prepaid kits to the european HUSKY facilities, but then Can would have to put in pre-printed envelopes with the address of the european WC-lab on it. In that case you would also have to put a sequential number on the label, which the Eur. lab uses on the invoice versus Can. In the second case, I presume the shipping cost will have to be adapted. Training courses can be given for european people at our place or at HUSKY, and will be free of charge. Best regards, Andr September 16, 2000 2:44 PM MV - email WQ (copy RS IC GE SP) (fwd BQ) - RE: Husky Brand Name Oil Analysis Proposal - Hello Bill I have no problem with you taking over the proposal. Here are the answers to your inquiries: Point 2) Yes we would want to place the orders with your company. From there you would co-ordinate with the rest of the labs. b)We could ship 13 prepared kits with each machine. We would like each sample bottle to include pre-paid freight from our customer to the nearest one of your labs, as well as the appropriate customs stickers to ensure troublefree passage across any borders. d) Please elaborate - do you mean from your office to the lab or do you mean from our customer to the closest lab for analysis? We would like the samples to be pre-paid from our customer to the nearest lab. Should you have any further questions please feel free to call me on Monday. Mike September 15, 2000 5:14 PM WQ - email to MV (copy BQ RS IC GE SP) - Subject: Husky Brand Name Oil Analysis Proposal - Mike - Bill Jr has asked me to handle the detail regarding your reply to our initial proposal. I am more of the "administrative type" and have good rapport with our associated laboratories around the world. Bill is still available to you at any time to answer questions if you prefer. 1) I will consult with WearCheck Germany and the other European laboratories before giving a definite answer, however we could operate as a "brand name" program and use any laboratory a customer wishes in any area. I would favour sending the samples previously designated to WC Germany to WC Belgium. Would you have any preference for a "brand name" for your program? 2) You may have WearCheck Canada Inc as your single contact laboratory. a) Would you place all orders for sample kits on WearCheck Canada Inc. (please advise) b) Would you like the sample kits shipped out of Canada or from the laboratory which would handle the testing? (please advise) c) Would you like one price including shipping from the laboratory to the Husky customer with shipping back to the laboratory paid by the customer? (please advise) d) We anticipate it could be expensive to ship one sample at a time across a border to the relative laboratory and we would have difficulty including that expense in the cost of pre-paid kits. If you wish we can investigate these costs and include them in the pre-paid cost of the kits. (please advise). e) We would handle all administration of all of the data for the program and it will appear seamless, within WebCheck. Both Husky and Husky's Customers will be alerted to problems. Husky would have access to all the data on whatever hierarchical arrangement you wish (e.g.: head office sees all, branches see only their data, and each individual customer could see only his data). 3) Sorry about misinterpreting your projections, I am preparing a new spread sheet that reflects the correct numbers (which will be considerably reduced) 4) I will arrange the spreadsheet to show costs by area broken down by country with total number of samples, total cost, and average cost per sample for the area. 5) With regard to training, we normally would schedule a training program, advertise it through WebCheck and have candidates register on-line, with the expectation of getting about 10 to 30 people (depending on facilities available) to attend at a central location (this could be a mixture of customers and Husky personnel). Training would be provided by a technician from the respective laboratory. Best Regards William Quesnel Sr. September 15, 2000 7:46 AM BQ - email to WQ - Subject: Fw: WearCheck Oil Analysis Proposal - Dad, Could you comment on this back to Mike. We should discuss first. Regards, Billy ----- Original Message ----- From: Vernem, Mike (Bolton) To: 'Bill Quesnel' Cc: Shahmiri, Ramin (Bolton) ; Crookston, Ian Bolton) ; Early, Glen (Bolton) ; Patience, Steve (Bolton) Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 8:26 AM Subject: RE: WearCheck Oil Analysis Proposal Good morning Bill After going through the proposal you supplied we came a few questions: 1) We find the pricing of the German lab to be excessive, could we not re-route those samples to Belgium or perhaps the UK, both of which have considerably better pricing. 2) We require a single contact lab that would handle the Husky account, preferably your office. 3) Please review your projections, the number of G-Line machines we sent you were described as four years worth of machines and from your table it appears that you may have misinterpreted that to be yearly output. 4) Is it possible that you could average out the pricing in each region to determine a cost per region, as this will give us a better handle on the overall cost? 5) Please define exactly what you mean by a technical rep will be available for training, will a rep go to each of our customers for training? The ultimate goal is that your organization would handle all the distribution of kits to our customers, testing and collection of data, and advise both Husky and our customer of any problems or missing oil samples. As oil sampling is your specialty we would rather you handle the administration part, and we would have access to the data to determine trends and problems. Please review the comments and advise the best course of action to further this relationship. Regards Mike September 11, 2000 4:59 PM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: Re: WearCheck Oil Analysis Proposal - Billy - Notice that you neglected to change pricing summary on page 10 for Boart UK from C$18 to C$30 Dad September 11, 2000 12:52 PM WQ - email to AV - Subject: Re: WearCheck Worldwide Quote for Husky Molding Injection Systems - Andre - Just a bit too late to make the changes, however we can revise when we get down to signing an agreement. The quotation had to be sent by email by noon Toronto time today, and it is on the way now. Best Regards Bill Q Sr September 11, 2000 12:46 PM BQ - email to SR (Husky)(copy to WCGroup) - Subject: WearCheck Oil Analysis Proposal Ramin, Attached is the WearCheck International proposal for a global Husky oil analysis program. I apologize for the delay in getting this quote to you, however, this proposal involved a number of details that took some time to retrieve from all the WearCheck members. As a result of this undertaking, however, WearCheck International will be better prepared to for future quotes to global clients. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 1-800-268-2131 x223, or any of the members directly. Once again, on behalf of WearCheck International I thank you for the opportunity to bid on this proposal for Husky. I look forward to a successful partnership between Husky and the WearCheck International group. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel Vice-President WearCheck Canada Inc. ph +1 905 569 8600 x223 fax +1 905 569 8605 billq@wearcheck.ca ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A proud member of WearCheck International (www.wearcheck.com) September 11, 2000 12:02 PM WQ - email to AV - Subject: Re: WearCheck Worldwide Quote for Husky Molding Injection Systems - Andre - Just a bit too late to make the changes, however we can revise when we get down to signing an agreement. The quotation had to be sent by email by noon Toronto time today, and it is on the way now. Best Regards Bill Q Sr September 11, 2000 12:01 PM BQ - email to SR (Husky)(copy to WCGroup) - Subject: WearCheck Oil Analysis Proposal Ramin, Attached is the WearCheck International proposal for a global Husky oil analysis program. I apologize for the delay in getting this quote to you, however, this proposal involved a number of details that took some time to retrieve from all the WearCheck members. As a result of this undertaking, however, WearCheck International will be better prepared to for future quotes to global clients. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 1-800-268-2131 x223, or any of the members directly. Once again, on behalf of WearCheck International I thank you for the opportunity to bid on this proposal for Husky. I look forward to a successful partnership between Husky and the WearCheck International group. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel Vice-President WearCheck Canada Inc. ph +1 905 569 8600 x223 fax +1 905 569 8605 billq@wearcheck.ca ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A proud member of WearCheck International (www.wearcheck.com) September 11, 2000 11:55 AM WQ - email to BW - - Betreff: Fw: :Husky Quote - Italy Turkey - Colleagues - Too late to change the quotation as it is on it's way. We need to sort this out and send a revision for these countries. Barbara can you please send me an electronic copy of the WearCheck Charter by email? Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca September 11, 2000 11:47 AM WQ - email to BW -Subject: Re: Husky Quote - Barbara - We have no idea what quantity Husky will order in for each respective country, we are basing our pricing on a carton of 12 kits. I will leave the price as is. Regards Bill Q Sr September 11, 2000 11:45 AM BW - email to WQ - Subject: AW: Husky Quote - Bill, regarding the price you can fill in the DM 104.00, if Husky will place a order about 600 sample kits in one order. Best regards Barbara Weismann September 11, 2000 11:40 AM AV - email to WQ - Subject: Re: WearCheck Worldwide Quote for Husky Molding Injection Systems - Dear Bill, Please find the reviewed HUSKY-XLS attached. (Only the shipping cost was a bit exagerated.) Concerning the kits: both options Pre- or Post-paid are possible for Belgium. Though we would prefer post-paid using Wearcheck kits. Best regards, Andr September 11, 2000 11:30 AM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: Husky - corrected to recent emails - WC Ger - WC Sp - WC UK - Billy - Attached please find the 11th hour up-dates to the Husky proposal. I took the time as I found out that not all MS Office programs have the facility to import from each other. My machines at work must have an older version as they will not do it, so had to do it manually. Anyway the attached copy of the quote (and working spreadsheet) are right up to date will all changes. Please use this copy to send to Husky Bill Sr September 11, 2000 11:08 AM BW - email to WQ - Subject: AW: :Husky Quote - Bill, - Italy belongs to WEARCHECK -Germany, we registered the name in 1996 for Italy (Certification No. 666 064, dated 20th November 1996). We are active in Italy since 1992. In the moment we are looking for a sale-partner for Italy. Best regards Barbara Weismann September 11, 2000 10:19 AM WQ - email to BW - Betreff: Husky Quote - Barbara and Peter - I attach the final spreadsheet for the Husky Quotation. We will send the proposal at noon Toronto time.(two hours from now) You will notice that your price exceeds everyone else by at least double. Please take a second look at the test package offered and see if you can reduce that price some. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr. billqsr@wearcheck.ca IND II Routine Industrial Equipment Oil Analysis Kit Viscosity ASTM D445 Test at 40 C ICP-AES ASTM D5185 17 elements for wear metals, additives and contaminants Karl Fischer ASTM D1744 Water concentration in PPM or % if water is present. Visible Debris Microscopy Performed if visible debris is present Particle Count ISO 4406 Laser Particle Counter. TAN ASTM D446 Total Acid Number. Recommendation: WearCheck recommends IND II test kits (Industrial level two test kit) for all Husky injection systems to meet the requirements to determine optimum Oil Drain Intervals (ODIs) and assess the effectiveness of filtration systems. September 11, 2000 10:05 AM WQ - email to JT - Subject: :Husky Quote - Jesus Thank you for quick response and pointing out I had missed Spain - sorry about that. I have had other feed back and missed a few others, now corrected. I understand that Spain should handle Italy - is this correct? I have changed it from WC Germany to WC Spain and advised Barbara. I attach the corrected spread sheet. Quote will be sent to Husky at noon Toronto Time Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca September 11, 2000 9:55 AM WQ - email to BC - Subject: Husky Pricing - Bob - I have changed your price to 13.50 GBP (if only WC Ger would come down the quote would look good) I have given Turkey to WC UK - hope argument does not develop over one machine. Thanks for info about WC Spain doing Italy - have changed. Thanks Bill Q Sr. September 11, 2000 8:54 AM BW - email to WQ - Subject: AW: :Husky Quote - Italy Turkey - Bill, we don t have an electronic copy of the WEARCHECK Charter. We only have the undersigned Original. Copies of this I handed out during the meeting in Munster. Do you need a copy agin (by fax?)? Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH September 11, 2000 7:30 AM WQ - email to BW - Betreff: :Husky Quote - Barbara - Thanks for quick response. No matter how many time I proof-read the spreadsheet I still managed to miss two areas. I have added Eastern Europe and put in WC-Ger I have changed shipping costs in Germany to $3.00 I have changed WC GmbH to WC-Ger as requested I understand that Italy belongs to WC Spain, so have changed it. I understand that Turkey belongs to WC UK, so have changed it. (only 1 machine here) I attach the revised spreadsheet. Quote will be sent to Husky at noon Toronto time Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr. billqsr@wearcheck.ca September 11, 2000 4:19 AM BW - email to WQ - Subject: AW: Further to Husky Quotation - Hallo Bill, Spreadsheet Husky Program In our Email dated 7th September we informed you, that we will handle samples from Germany, Scandinavia, Austria, Italy, Israel and Eastern Europe. In your spreadsheet we found Turkey and did not found Eastern Europe. Please correct the countries Turkey out and Eastern Europe in. Regarding the estimated shipping costs some corrections: Germany 3 Can$ Please write down WC Germany and not WC GmbH WEARCHECK Germany will operate the Husky samples as prepaid samples under the WEARCHECK program and will not use a brand-name. A brand-name we will only offer by a sample volume about 10.000 samples/year. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH September 11, 2000 4:11 AM BC - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Husky Pricing - Bill - > Thanks for the info. This price is right for us, but to conform I will change my price to 15.00 GBP. I will use Husky logo if necessary, but prefer to use Robertson (Not Wearcheck). I note that Peter has claimed Turkey, but we already trade there and will continue to do so. I thought Jesus had claimed Italy. It is not your problem, but you should include the UK for Turkey. regards Bob September 11, 2000 2:36 AM JT - email to WQ - Subject: Re: WearCheck Worldwide Quote for Husky Molding Injection Systems - Dear Bill : I e-mail you because i received your e-mail and i noticed that you forget to include Spain in the spreadsheet attached. Regards September 11, 2000 12:02 AM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: Husky - Billy - Forgot to mention that before I started editing the Husky quotation I visited Husky's WebPages and downloaded and printed all their corporation culture information. I have taken the best of ours that matches theirs to write that section of our proposal, so if they seem to be a bit incomplete or slightly off our published values on our web-page grant me the poetic license to make the sale. Dad September 10, 2000 11:48 PM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: H:usky Worldwide Quotation - Billy - I have labored most of the weekend to re-write this proposal, and am getting pretty punchy. I would recommend that you print out and read this thing carefully before you send it off. Maybe have Gloria and Ruth read it as well. I could have misstatements and errors galore. You may need to add some more detail to the write-up. You may get revisions back in answer to my email. I just received an email from Peter Jordan upping the Aussie price from A$24.00 to A$32.00 (made corrections) and have sent off revised spread sheet to Peter. I sent a message to Bob Cutler as his low pricing seems to jump off the page at me. Too bad the Germans are so greedy, makes the quotation look a bit lop-sided, with there more-than-double-price. I have not detailed the post-paid alternative for WC Canada or WC USA, trying to keep it simple. We could handle that at a local level if that is OK. I have attached both the MSWinWord detailed quotation file, and the MSExcel spreadsheet (worksheet). If you need to make last minute corrections you can do them in the worksheet, and calculations are automatic.... then need to type them into MSWinword document. I have only heard from WC Australia. Good Luck Dad September 10, 2000 11:37 PM WQ - email to BC - Subject: Husky Pricing - Bob - I have attached the spread sheet of worldwide pricing for Husky. I note that WearCheck UK pricing is exceeding low in comparison to all other labs. I re-state the necessary tests below: IND II Routine Industrial Equipment Oil Analysis Kit Viscosity ASTM D445 Test at 40 C ICP-AES ASTM D5185 17 elements for wear metals, additives and contaminants Karl Fischer ASTM D1744 Water concentration in PPM or % if water is present. Visible Debris Microscopy Performed if visible debris is present Particle Count ISO 4406 Laser Particle Counter. TAN ASTM D446 Total Acid Number. Have you also taken into consideration the cost of purchasing the WebCheck program (Up front fee of US$10,000 plus US$4,000 per annum for website maintenance and up-grades to the program? Please reply a.s.a.p. - the quotation is due Monday September 11, 2000 Bill Q Sr. September 10, 2000 11:32 PM WQ - email to PJ - Subject: Re: WearCheck Worldwide Quote for Husky Molding Injection Systems - Peter Change made to spreadsheet. We will go with your A$32 price as customer will probably order kits a carton or so at a time. I attach corrected spread sheet. Quotation nearly completed, should hit tomorrow's deadline. Hope we get this one and can begin working together as a group. Bill Q Sr September 10, 2000 9:28 PM PJ - email to WQ - Subject: RE: WearCheck Worldwide Quote for Husky Molding Injection Systems - Bill, Looks OK to me. Please note that the price of A$24 per kit is based on purchasing in lots of 100 of more per time. If kits are ordered in lots of only 10, the price will be A$32. Cheers, Peter Jordan. September 10, 2000 1:05 PM WQ - email to WC Group - Subject: Further to Husky Quotation - Further information on the Husky quote: In order for us, in North Amer. to handle a post-paid program, we will have to use a brandname. I am proposing that for North Amer. and South Amer. that we use HU, for the Husky oil analysis program. We will create stick-ons for the sample mailers, and labels for our sample cartons with the Husky logo. I believe that the rest of the world will wish to operate as pre-paid, and will not use a branded program, Please advise individually to the question - will you use a brand name "Husky" or WearCheck sample kits? Also, for North and South Amer. we can put all results into our WebCheck (call it WebCheck North America), and all other results for all other laboratories will be in the WebCheck International system. Unfortunately, I do not see this as being resolved in the near future. I need your changes and/or approval of the pricing spreadsheet by Monday morning September 11 to get the quotation out to Husky on time!!! Pease reply or I will go with the spreadsheet as presented. Regards Bill Quesnel Sr. September 8, 2000 4:01 PM WQ - email to WC Group - Subject: WearCheck Worldwide Quote for Husky Molding Injection Systems - Colleagues - Billy has asked me to put together a spread sheet of the information we have received back from all of you to organize a quotation to include in the proposal to be sent to Husky Molding Injection Systems. I have taken some license with what you have sent in. Please review the attached spreadsheet Husky Program.xls and send back any modification you wish to make to the numbers that involve your operations and territory. Please pay particular attention to the pricing you have put forward and revise if you wish. I have estimated shipping charges, either for shipping cartons of kits to the customer or for the customer to ship individual kits back to the lab @ per kit basis. Please correct me where you have a good knowledge of actual shipping costs. You will notice there is quite a wide variance in our pricing, however it evens out when one factors in the shipping costs. No-one claimed South America however we could handle those samples out of Canada. If the customer actually samples all the machinery he has outlined, this will be quite a substantial program world-wide. Please get back to me as soon as possible with your changes or your permission to go ahead "as-is". William Quesnel Sr. September 6, 2000 11:18 AM BQ email to WCGroup - Subject: Fw: World-Wide quote -Dear Members, SECOND REQUEST. Please respond and let me know if you are interested, OR NOT. So far the following have responded: WearCheck Canada (of course) - YES WearCheck USA - YES WearCheck Belgium - YES WearCheck UK - YES The following have not: WearCheck Germany WearCheck Australia WearCheck Hungary WearCheck Spain WearCheck Africa Regards, Bill August 22, 2000 11:19 AM BQ - email to WC Group - Subject: World-Wide quote - Dear Members, I have been asked by a local manufacturer of large hydraulic extrusion machinery to quote on a global oil analysis program. Husky Injection Molding Inc. manufacturers and sells hydraulic extruders around the world (www.husky.ca). Each machine sells for approximate $1.5M each. Husky would like to provide oil analysis kits for each unit for the 3-year warranty period (including machines that have already been sold). In essence each machine would receive 13 samples (one initial, then one every 3 months for 3 years). Husky will pick up the cost of the program for each client. In addition to the traditional benefits from an OA program, Husky is very interested in saving the client money by extending oil drain intervals on these units. Currently they have no idea how long the oils should last in their machinery. The test package required is: - ICP - Particle Count - Viscosity @ 40 C - TAN Husky's biggest concern is that they will have laboratories capable of analysing samples from machines located around the world. The break-down of the number of units sold per year per country are as follows (you can project the number of samples per year as: total samples per year = (number of units x 4) + (number of units x 6) as Husky will be doing 4 samples on new units, and 3 per year for 2 more years on all units including those already in the field. North America =========== United States - 966 Canada - 50 Mexico - 183 Europe ===== United Kingdom 30 Scandinavia - 5 Luxembourg - 185 Portugal 7 Spain - 15 Australia - 25 Germany - 25 France - 35 Italy - 20 Turkey 1 Israel - 10 Eastern Europe - 48 (Includes Russia and former Eastern Block countries) Asia === Japan - 20 Korea - 10 Thailand - 15 Indonesia - 15 China - 80 Asia - 20 Philippines 1 Africa ==== Africa - 13 South America =========== South America - 70 ( Includes Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, Peru, Equador) Central America - 10 I have told Husky that our price will be approximately CAN$ 30 per sample (which includes shipping - within Canada - sample kit, and analysis). Husky will be using WebCheck to manage the oil analysis program. Each Husky client will either receive a hard-copy report, or will also use WebCheck. ***************************************************** ** Action Plan ***************************************************** If you wish to participate in this quote, please provide the following information by September 7, 2000: - Pricing for above test package (please note any deviations from tests). - Countries (from the above list) from which you already perform samples or countries (from the above list) from which you believe you could process samples (i.e. there is a reasonable shipping route available) - please provide details of anticipated methods/costs of shipping samples if post (mail) is not available. - Whether or not you will transmit your data to WebCheck. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel Vice-President WearCheck Canada Inc. ph +1 905 569 8600 x223 fax +1 905 569 8605 billq@wearcheck.ca ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A proud member of WearCheck International (www.wearcheck.com) August 22, 2001 9:55 AM WQ email to JT - Subject: Re: Husky Quotation Conditions Change: Jesus Thank you for the information for Husky, however it is not complete? Please advise how many kits you normally package together in a carton of kits (10 - 12 or more?) What would your price be for a single kit mailed out to the customer? What would your price be for a carton of (?) kits? Do you charge the cost of the shipping of the kit from your laboratory to the customer, to the customer, or is it included in the price? Do you charge the cost of the shipping of the kit from the customer to your laboratory, to the customer, or is it included in the price? What is the part number or description that you give to the type of kit that is required? (EG: Wear Check Canada Inc call it and IND-II which stands for Industrial kit - 2nd level) I need this information to complete the bid to Husky Best Regards Bill Quesnel Public (905) 951-5000 Phone (905) 951-5385 Fax Public ON http://www.husky.ca/ L7E 1C6 4 Lenner Road Falcon Park Supplier New Germany ICP ICP RSA Industrial and Consumer Plastics ICP 000118000142469946609C Sampling Equipment August 16, 2001 9:45 AM RI email to MF (copy WQ) - Subject: SHIPMENT OF BOTTLES FROM SOUTH AFRICA - Have you forwarded the original bills of lading to our customs brokers (Oakville Customs Brokers) yet?? I have just received a call that the shipment will be arriving in Toronto tomorrow or early next week. Please advise ASAP. Best regards Ruth Inglehart Office Manager July 18, 2001 3:22 PM RI email to MF (copy WQ) - Subject: order number 010625ri01 - Hi Mary Please send the original shipping documents to our customs brokers Oakville Customs Brokerage - attention: Rita. Their address is 2180 Buckingham Road suite 204, Oakville, Ontario Canada L6H 6H1 and their phone number is 905-829-7070 and fax 905-829-8424. They will be the party responsible for clearing our shipment, paying any duties, taxes etc. I will be processing payment for your invoice MF30154 tomorrow July 19 for $22471.73 Canadian. Please contact me for any further assistance. Best regards Ruth Inglehart January 21, 2000 10:00 AM BJ - Bottle Shipment - Compliments of the season Herewith the details of shipment of your order, BQ991101-01 Vessel Name: Grey Fox Voyager No: 2005 ETA Port of Toronto: 04 March 2000 August 16, 2001 9:45 AM RI email to MF (copy WQ) - Subject: SHIPMENT OF BOTTLES FROM SOUTH AFRICA - Have you forwarded the original bills of lading to our customs brokers (Oakville Customs Brokers) yet?? I have just received a call that the shipment will be arriving in Toronto tomorrow or early next week. Please advise ASAP. Best regards Ruth Inglehart Office Manager Public 011-27-31-705-7777 Phone 011-27-31-705-7273 Fax Public Yes; $10,000 or more Copper Cliff Inco-Clarabelle Mill Inco-Clarabelle Mill Canada I1031 Inco-Clarabelle Mill 991028000012900111532C Mining November 30, 2000 November 6, 2001 7:01 AM LL email to WQ - Subject: Re: Webcheck accounts - This is for Web Check only. It is a refresher course for the smelter people. We should also drop in at the mill to touch base with them. November 6, 2001 7:00 AM LL email to WQ - Subject: Re: INCO Personnel - These are all new planners that have started in the last two months. No they do not show up in the data base I have not met all of these people yet. Len November 5, 2001 1:56 PM GG email to LL (copy BQ WQ) - Subject: RE: Webcheck accounts - Billy, - Inco has requested that you go there to do some training (sounds like WebCheck). Please reply to Len ASAP with what dates you would be available. Regards, Gloria November 5, 2001 10:59 AM WQ email to LL (copy GG BQ) - Subject: INCO Personnel - Len Do all these guys show up in your INCO - WearCheck files? Do you have their job titles? > Barry Hepting bhepting@inco.com > Bob Beauchamp rbeauchamp@inco.com > Mike Ainsworth mainsworth@inco.com > Al Frank afrank@inco.com > Ken MacDonald kmacdonald@inco.com > Pierrette Lalonde-Chinn plalonde-chinn@inco.com > Dave Schneider dschneider@inco.com > Rick Mallette rmallette@inco.com > Tom Zanetti tzanetti@inco.com William Quesnel Sr November 5, 2001 10:57 AM GG email to LL (copy BQ WQ) - Subject: RE: Webcheck accounts - Billy, Inco has requested that you go there to do some training (sounds like WebCheck). Please reply to Len ASAP with what dates you would be available. Regards, Gloria November 5, 2001 10:47 AM WQ email to GG LL (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: Webcheck accounts - Will Wear Check be invoicing for this training? Will you include Oil Analysis Training along with Web Check Training? Bill Q Sr November 1, 2001 7:44 AM LL email to GG - Subject: Fw: Webcheck accounts - Gloria, the below are new accounts that we will need to set up for Inco. They are all at the smelter working for Gail MacDonald. Can you set this up. I sent big Bill a note asking what Bill JR's schedule was like, Gail wants to set up training for these people. Can you advise on when Bill would be available. Len October 31, 2001 7:27 AM GM email to LL - Subject: Webcheck accounts - Hi Len! - Thanks for getting back to me so promptly. I would prefer to run the course on an afternoon instead of a morning, if possible. Also, I may be able to book the computer lab, so that attendees can follow along on workstations. Please ensure the following people have accounts (some may have one already). I'm in the process of ensuring they all have access to the internet from their workstation. > Barry Hepting bhepting@inco.com > Bob Beauchamp rbeauchamp@inco.com > Mike Ainsworth mainsworth@inco.com > Al Frank afrank@inco.com > Ken MacDonald kmacdonald@inco.com > Pierrette Lalonde-Chinn plalonde-chinn@inco.com > Dave Schneider dschneider@inco.com > Rick Mallette rmallette@inco.com > Tom Zanetti tzanetti@inco.com thanks Gail December 20, 2000 10:20 AM LL - email to WQ - Training - Bill,Tamrock want a separate course on their own, to be held at their shop. I will talk to Steve Lee to see if we can include Copco in their course. Steve wanted to do the course in the same room as last course Bill put on, depending on how many Inco people go we maybe able to squeeze some Copco people in. I would bet on two separate courses for now. Len December 20, 2000 9:45 AM WQ - email to LL - Training - Len - The WebCheck training is about 4 hours long. What would the possibility be of putting together one big session with Tamrock and Inco together? Would we need to rent a meeting room at a hotel, or would we do this on premises at Inco or Tamrock? Maybe we should try to fit in Copco with Inco if Tamrock want a separate session? What are the possibilities here? Please advise so I can discuss with Bill Jr. Friday. Bill Sr November 30, 2000 11:34 AM LL. Met with Steve Lee and Dale Gieb. Dale was impressed with the Webcheck training. Steve has requested another on site presentation for early in the new year is this possible? Steve wants to get all of the maintenance people involved so he will need at least 1 weeks notice. Inco is about to upgrade the MIM's system and hoping that it will be more compatible with Webcheck so the informtion can folw from one system to the other. November 30, 2000 11:34 AM LL. Met with Steve Lee and Dale Gieb. Dale was impressed with the Webcheck training. Steve has requested another on site presentation for early in the new year is this possible? Steve wants to get all of the maintenance people involved so he will need at least 1 weeks notice. Inco is about to upgrade the MIM's system and hoping that it will be more compatible with Webcheck so the informtion can flow from one system to the other. November 9, 2000 11:32 AM LL. Two people heading to the training course on Nov.17. Dale Gieg and Dave Lounsbury will be the people attending. Can Bill send them a list of resturants that are close to the Novatel Motel. They will be down Thurs. Night. As I mentioned before they are interested in seeing how Webcheck will communicate with their Mims system, can you set something up for them maybe after the course or when convienient. November 3, 2000 1:15 PM LL. Met with Dave Lounsbury and Steve Lee. Dave wants to take the next step and start to set up the equipment with the correct numbers. Dave is also going to work out a scedule for his machines and to coordinate this with the rest of the areas in the mill. Steve is sending down two planners to go on training in Mississauga on Webcheck. One of their main purposes is to see if Webcheck and MIMS (Inco's system) can be integreated. Should this not be possible Steve suggested that they may stop their oil sampling program October 25, 2000 12:44 PM LL. Met with Dale and Mitch White who does takes the samples. Printed out a list of equipment for Dale. He and Mitch are going to go thriough the printout and update the list. At a glance Dale sa w duplication of the Sag mill. They only have 5 sample points and there were 9 listed down. Dale had a problem with 4 samples that he could not print as they were not finished in the lab. They were WC-0069591,69592,67278, and 60954. They are now ready to view. Some of the samples have been outstanding since the end of Sept. can we look into this? Again with Inco running Explorer 4.0 could this be causing the problem? When printing out an equipment list, Dale wanted it sorted by Unit ID number he selected this default but it was no different that just leaving the default blank. Is there another way to sort by Unit ID # Once Dale gets his equipment sorted out he wants to set up a binder with stickers so they can eliminate the wrong information getting back into the system. Can we print stickers for Dale's area only once he straightens out the information? October 17, 2000 9:01 AM LL. Need to set up a meeting with Both Dale Geib and Dave Lounsbury to go over their equipment list and to get the right information into the system as well Dale wants to re-Id his equipment so it means something. At the same meeting they are going to set up a sampling schedule so we can eliminate this Purolator shipment rpoblem that keeps coming up. August 21, 2000 9:24 AM LL. Called into the mill to follow up on a complaint. That being the lack of shipping forms in the sample kits. Dave Lounsbury had 12 bottles and no shipping forms. I wanted to follow up with Dave White who looks after the kits in the whse to see if he is taking the slips out and putting them somewhere but Dave was off last week. Dave Lounsbury will look into when he gets back. I told the guys that we only put in3 forms in each box so try to send more than one sample at a time to take advantage of the forms. I have 2 boxes of IND-2 samples at my house so I opened the kits and there were no shipping forms in the kits. Can you send me the forms up when you get a chance? I hope this was just a one time deal. June 27, 2000 9:21 AM LL. Received a call from Dave Lounsbury looking for extra Purolator forms. I met with Dave and told him that we only send out 3 forms per box and would hope that Inco can coordinate sending more than one sample at a time back to us. Dave is going to set it up that samples will be taken at the same time so they will not run into this shortage of forms again. Doug Fosten has given me some new numbers to get entered in to the system and some numbers to delete. Doug is not worried about loosing the histories. Numbers to add: CD 34-THK-101 Worm Gear Esso Omala 320 3 US Gal. Capacity Area 54 Secondary Gear Esso Omala 320 9.5 US Gal. Capacity Area 54 Main Gear Esso Omala 320 70 US Gal Capacity Area 54 CM 34-THK-102 Worm Gear Esso Omala 320 3 US Gal. Capacity Area 54 Secondary Gear Esso Omala 320 9.5 US Gal. Capacity Area 54 Main Gear Esso Omala 320 70 US Gal. Capacity Area 54 225 Thickner 43-THK-1 Gear Reducer South Esso Omala 220 2 US Gal. Capacity Area 54 Worm Gear South Esso Omala 320 16 US Gal. Capacity Area 54 Gear Reducer North Esso Omala 220 2 US Gal. Capacity Area 54 Worm Gear North Esso Omala 320 16 US Gal. Capacity Area 54 Main Gear Esso Omala 220 65US gAL. Capacity Area 54 Numbers to delete: INCOCLARA 225 THK main mill gear Gearbox 225 THK North drive Gearbox 225 THK South Mill Drive Gearbox 225 THK South Side Gearbox 225 THK South Side Gearbox 225 THK Soth side worm gear Gearbox 225 THK Mainbull Gear Gearbox INCOCLARA 34-THK-101 Gearbox 34-THK- 102 Gearbox CDTHK Final Rake Gear Gearbox CDTHK Second Spur Gear Gearbox CDTHK Wormgear Gearbox The mill is trying to use the same numbering system as the MIMS system. May 31, 2000 3:08 AM LL. Doug has given me information on how he wants his machines to appear on the system. Steve Lee is reviewing the information and will give it to me early next week I will send it down for your comments. The other two planners will get me their info next week as well. May 24, 2000 3:27 AM LL. Steve would like some clarification on a couple of terms. What determines an Abnormal condition and what determins a Sever Condition. If you want you can forward this to me and I will bring it into Steve. Will be starting next week to input oil type and resevoir size for the Clarabelle mill. After the strike vote Steve wants to start the Matte processing plant and the Smelter on there way with the oil program. I know I asked last time but is there a template that we can download the equipment into that will show what info is left out. May 18, 2000 10:23 PM LL. Met with Steve Lee as Steve has now been given the smelter and matte processing to oversee their oil analysis program. Steve wants me to get with the planners in the mill and start to set up the units. He first wants to set up oil type and resevoir size and once that is done he will assign the next goal. Is there a template that we have that when we download the equipmentit falls into the template and the information missing is visible and you can fill in that data? May 3, 2000 9:31 PM LL. Steve Lee would likw another refresher course for his people. I let him know of the course being offered on May 11 at the Four Points. Steve was to get back to me or Bill to reserve seats as of yet he has not done anything. Listening to Steve it will most likely be an on site course again. Is may 11 booked? If this is cancelled at the Four Pints can we bring the road show to Inco? February 29, 2000 6:55 AM LL. Spoke with Steve Lee who would like to have two more planners to have access to the Web Check system. They are Doug Fosten e-mail address dfosten@inco.com and Al Cecchetto and his e-mail address is acecchetto@inco.com. Inco would also like instruction on the computer system. Can you look at the week of Mar.13 or the week of Mar.20. Can you get back to me on which week is better or let me know what is a good time for you. February 11, 2000 2:09 PM LL. Met with Steve and what he wants is we set up the planners so they can start accessing the results. The VP just gave them the blessing so the planners will be hooked up to the net. Sent a fax to Bill Quesnel with the email address for the inco guys earlier today. Will need to do a spresd sheet with the equipment at the mill so we can get all the information into the system. November 6, 2001 7:01 AM LL email to WQ - Subject: Re: Webcheck accounts - This is for Web Check only. It is a refresher course for the smelter people. We should also drop in at the mill to touch base with them. Public 705-682-7737 Phone 38 ONT - Northeast Len LeBlanc Public Ont P0M 1N0 4 Lunner Road Falcon Park Supplier New Germany Industrial and Consumer Plastics (PTY) Ltd Industrial and Consumer Plastics (PTY) Ltd RSA Industrial and Consumer Plastics (PTY) Ltd 001201000163354472092C Manufacturer June 28, 2001 7:59 AM MF email to RI (copy BQ WQ) - Subject: S A BOTTLES - Hi Ruth - Bruce has already advised you that your order will be complete and ready for shipping by 13 July 2001 - the earliest shipping date that I have been given at this stage is 24 July 2001. I am waiting for confirmation of this. Transit time is approx. 28 days. I will advise once confirmation is received. Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact myself or Bruce. Kind regards Mary Freeme June 25, 2001 3:31 PM RI email to BJ (copy WQ) - Subject: order for bottles and mailers - Please enter our order number 010625ri01 for the following: 50000 only WL1 @ $0.065 ea 50000 only WB1 @ $0.09 ea 50000 only WL2 @ $0.075 ea 50000 only WL2 @ $0.12 ea Please advise at your very earliest convenience, the shipping and delivery date for the above order. Regards Ruth Inglehart Office Manager June 25, 2001 11:20 AM BJ email to WQ - Subject: RE: Bottles Needed - Bill - Our pricing is as per the attached pricing . We will treat your order as urgent as soon as we receive it. Regards Bruce Jackson June 21, 2001 8:59 PM WQ email to BJ - Subject: Re: Bottles Needed - Bruce - Please confirm sample bottle prices as soon as possible - we need to order soon Bill Quesnel June 14, 2001 7:26 AM WQ email to BJ (copy RI KM GG FP BQ RB) - Subject: Re: Bottles Needed - Bruce We need to place an order now to get the material in on time. We were slow to get started using the new bottles last year, and met some resistance to customers, however acceptance is now more widespread and bottles will be moving faster. We asked for the change in the bottle length as a product improvement, as we feel if the bottle fits firmly in the outer container, there is no chance of the top coming off the inner bottle and resulting spillage. The present bottle has "adequate" capacity for sample, however it right at the bottom of the limit, and if our customers do not fill the bottle, we could have too little sample. We will accept the present bottles for this shipment, but would ask that you seriously consider making the change as we believe it to be a readily noticeable improvement to your product. You could discuss this with Gary Brown and Lesley Crawford of WearCheck RSA (SetPoint). I hope with the change in the value of the rand Vs the almighty dollar that there is no increase in pricing. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr June 13, 2001 5:50 PM BJ email to WQ - Subject: RE: Bottles Needed - Hi Bill - Good to hear from you again. Yes Wearcheck RSA are using the same sample bottles and the same size outer container. I will investigate your request re size changes, however I do not think it will be possible with the existing moulds. I will also confirm the prices. I am at present in Jhb on business but will revert to you with the above info as soon as I am back in the office. What is your timing like with regard to the required date of the products. Rgds Bruce Jackson June 12, 2001 8:49 AM WQ email to BJ - Subject: Bottles - Bruce Time for WearCheck Canada Inc to order bottles again. Are WearCheck RSA still using sample bottles of the same size and using the same size outer container (mailer)? Would it be possible to make the Inner Sample Container slightly higher so there would be no space between the outer side of the Inner Sample Container Lid and the inner side of the Outer Container Lid? This would give us more sample in the Inner Sample Container (we are near our allowable limit with presently supplied size Inner Sample Container) It would also prevent the Inner Sample Container rattling around inside the Outer Sample Container and prevent the lid of the Inner Sample Container from coming off (if loosely installed) - May even prevent the Outer Sample Container from closing if the lid on the Inner Sample Container is loose. Are the last quoted prices still in effect? WL1 (Inner Sample Container Lid) C$ 0.065 ea WB1 (Inner Sample Container) C$ 0.09 ea WL2 (Outer Sample Container Lid) C$ 0.075 ea WB2 (Outer Sample Container ) C$ 0.12 ea WB3 (Top Hat) C$ 0.06 ea Screening of the Mailer C$ 0.06 ea Please advise as soon as possible so we can place our next order. William Quesnel Sr June 7, 2001 4:06 PM WQ email to BJ LC GB - Subject: Bottles - Hi Folks Time for WearCheck Canada Inc to order bottles again. Are you still using sample bottles of the same size and using the same size outer container (mailer)? Would it be possible to make the Inner Sample Container slightly higher so there would be no space between the outer side of the Inner Sample Container Lid and the inner side of the Outer Container Lid? This would give us more sample in the Inner Sample Container (we are near our allowable limit with presently supplied size Inner Sample Container) It would also prevent the Inner Sample Container rattling around inside the Outer Sample Container and prevent the lid of the Inner Sample Container from coming off (if loosely installed) - May even prevent the Outer Sample Container from closing if the lid on the Inner Sample Container is loose. Are the last quoted prices still in effect? WL1 (Inner Sample Container Lid) C$ 0.065 ea WB1 (Inner Sample Container) C$ 0.09 ea WL2 (Outer Sample Container Lid) C$ 0.075 ea WB2 (Outer Sample Container ) C$ 0.12 ea WB3 (Top Hat) C$ 0.06 ea Screening of the Mailer C$ 0.06 ea Please advise as soon as possible so we can place our next order. William Quesnel Sr June 28, 2001 7:59 AM MF email to RI (copy BQ WQ) - Subject: S A BOTTLES - Hi Ruth - Bruce has already advised you that your order will be complete and ready for shipping by 13 July 2001 - the earliest shipping date that I have been given at this stage is 24 July 2001. I am waiting for confirmation of this. Transit time is approx. 28 days. I will advise once confirmation is received. Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact myself or Bruce. Kind regards Mary Freeme Public 011-27-31-705-7777 Phone 011-27-31-705-7178 Fax Public Bottles Customer Mississauga Komatsu - Canada Komatsu - Canada Canada Komatsu - Canada 950718001281764977613C Off Road Equipment April 3, 2000 4:08 PM BQ - email to all Sales Staff - I just received notification on Friday afternoon that we have been terminated as the Komatsu KOWA laboratory. As of May 12, 2000 Fluid Life will be the new KOWA laboratory for all of Canada. Obviously I am quite upset over this situation, and am not prepared to let it go easily. I called a couple of people at Komatsu Canada on Friday afternoon including the service manager for all of Canada (who had no idea that we were being turfed), and the fellow who runs the show at Komatsu, Stan Ostrowski. Stan was reluctant, but eventually told me who we lost it to and why. Frankly I don't like the why, and think that this exercise is pointless. According to Stan Ostrowski at Komatsu essentially we are being terminated from the KOWA program because the program has been stagnant for the last several years. Volume has not increased nor decreased since 1997 (at roughly 500 samples per month). Stan also feels that we cannot market the program successfully and that Fluid Life is very agressive and will do a much better job. I have written a formal response to Komatsu (17 pages) to see if we can persuade them to stay on our side. (see C:\MyDocuments\WearCheck\Sales\KOWAResponse.doc and KOWA10 year summary.xls) I am including the content of this response in this e-mail (but not the support documentation). Any input from yourselves would be much appreciated. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel Vice-President WearCheck Canada Inc. ph +1 905 569 8600 x223 fax +1 905 569 8605 billq@wearcheck.ca ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A proud member of WearCheck International (www.wearcheck.com) April 3, 2000 4:08 PM BQ - email to all Sales Staff - I just received notification on Friday afternoon that we have been terminated as the Komatsu KOWA laboratory. As of May 12, 2000 Fluid Life will be the new KOWA laboratory for all of Canada. Obviously I am quite upset over this situation, and am not prepared to let it go easily. I called a couple of people at Komatsu Canada on Friday afternoon including the service manager for all of Canada (who had no idea that we were being turfed), and the fellow who runs the show at Komatsu, Stan Ostrowski. Stan was reluctant, but eventually told me who we lost it to and why. Frankly I don't like the why, and think that this exercise is pointless. According to Stan Ostrowski at Komatsu essentially we are being terminated from the KOWA program because the program has been stagnant for the last several years. Volume has not increased nor decreased since 1997 (at roughly 500 samples per month). Stan also feels that we cannot market the program successfully and that Fluid Life is very agressive and will do a much better job. I have written a formal response to Komatsu (17 pages) to see if we can persuade them to stay on our side. (see C:\MyDocuments\WearCheck\Sales\KOWAResponse.doc and KOWA10 year summary.xls) I am including the content of this response in this e-mail (but not the support documentation). Any input from yourselves would be much appreciated. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel Vice-President WearCheck Canada Inc. ph +1 905 569 8600 x223 fax +1 905 569 8605 billq@wearcheck.ca ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A proud member of WearCheck International (www.wearcheck.com) Public (905) 625-6292 Phone Public ON Customer Komatsu - U.S.A. Komatsu - U.S.A. Komatsu - U.S.A. 950718001301764977613C Off Road Equipment Public (708) 367-2681 Phone (708) 367-2987 Fax Public 185 Concession Street P.O. Box 4300 Lakefield Lakefield Research Ltd. Lakefield Research Ltd. Lakefield Research Ltd. 010831000433354472092C August 31, 2001 4:54 PM http://www.lakefield.com/ Web Site Visited: Lakefield Research Ltd. August 31, 2001 4:54 PM http://www.lakefield.com/ Web Site Visited: Lakefield Research Ltd. Public (705) 652-2000 Phone (705) 652-6365 Fax Public ON http://www.lakefield.com/ K0L 2H0 Liebherr Liebherr Liebherr 000829000232469946609C February 13, 2001 5:10 AM PW - email to BQ (copy WCI Group) - Subject: AW: WCI 2000 Action Plan - Liebherr Wear Limits - Dear Bill, Dear Members, I discussed the subject regarding the limits for Liebherr equipment with various departments within the Liebherr group. Finally they agreed, to publish a list for the confidential use of selected Liebherr-authorized laboratories and a small group of field engineers. At present Mr. Ullrich, a German who works in Liebherr Colmar, is responsible for this list. Mr. Ullrich has contacted all the manufacturer of the components in the Liebherr equipment (like Deutz, Liebherr Bulle, Cummins and Mercedes for engines or Mannesmann Rexroth, Hydromatik, Linde for hydraulic components) and asked them for their limits. Based on the information of the component manufacturer he has created a table. He is breaking down the limits which were given to him by the engine- hydraulic- and gear-manufacturers to the individual Liebherr machines and which are sometimes not in line with each other (Hydraulic-pump manufacturer have different limits to the valve manufacturer, but both using the same oil). Nearly all of the component manufacturer were in contact with us before they presented their data to Liebherr. In some cases, after they received our suggestion for the limit values, they also checked with the laboratory of their lubricant manufacturer (who also come back to us with the same questions). Liebherr is planning to have their limit tables finalized during this year. Mr Ullrich will dicuss the subject during the BAUMA-Exhibition ( April 2 - 8 in Munich) with some of the field peoble. I suggest that we postpone our summery until Liebherr has published their own list. otherwise it may lead to a confusion. I feel it is more important for us to agree on diagnose statements based on the limit values and not on the value. Liebherr likes to know, what diagnose get the customer e.g. at an iron value above 30 if the published limit is 30 ppm. Should he change the oil, change the filter repair a often failing part? What kind of action is based on this limit? Beside of the limit table this information is much harder to realize. There are plans that only labs like the Wearcheck-Group who are especially authorized by Liebherr, streamline their diagnose statements with the aim, that every customer around the world is getting the same interpretation for the analysed sample for the same value. I suggest we wait until the Liebherr table is available for us in the final structure. I have received in the meantime 5 drafts and had several meetings with Mr. Ullrich as well as with the various Liebherr Groups. Basically they followed our guidelines. If the table is more or less final, Liebherr would like to get to know our comment to the limits and even more they would like to know what we recommend, if the result is borderline or above the limit. Not the value but the interpretation of the found value is the key knowledge, Liebherr is looking for. Please let me know whether we should still concentrate on the table or better invest the time on harmonizing the statements. Best Regards Peter Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH February 12, 2001 1:33 PM BQ - email to WCI Group - Betreff: Fw: WCI 2000 Action Plan - Liebherr Wear Limits - Dear Members, I am resending this e-mail. Obviously I have not established a set of wear limits for Liebherr equipment as of yet. On the first go around ( August of 2000 ), I received data from Belgium (approx. 3,000 samples), and South Africa (approx. 10,000 samples). Australia sent me an Excel spreadsheet with 17 samples, so something went wrong there. We have approximately 10,000 samples from Liebherr equipment. The biggest problem is that everybody who sent the data, sent it in their own format, and some were even in multiple tables. I don't have time to format your data into what I require. I need it in the format outlined in the attached spreadsheet (and described below). Please send your Liebherr data in the format defined and I will have a wear metals guide for Liebherr, back to you within one month. We really need the data from Germany. Peter, please send us your Liebherr data. I figure that we will need at least 50,000 samples to get good results. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel ----- Original Message ----- From: Bill Quesnel To: Andre Verlinden ; Bill Quesnel ; Bob Cutler ; Gary Brown ; Gilbert De Mey ; Greg Kilmister ; Jesus Terradillos ; jtchambers@compuchemlabs.com ; Judith Bereczki ; KSOSB@aol.com ; lesley@wearcheck.co.za ; Peter Jordan ; Peter Weismann Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 12:04 PM Subject: WCI 2000 Action Plan - Liebherr Wear Limits Dear members, One of the items arising from our WCI 2000 meetings in Munster, France was the requirement to develop a wear limit guide for Liebherr. Following is the Action Plan for this task: BQJ - August 15, 2000 - Send structure required for wear metal limits to all members. All - August 22, 2000 - Send wear metal limits to BQJ to compile. BQJ - August 30, 2000 - Wear Metal Limits guide back to all members. Here is the structure required for the wear metal data: MAKE, MODEL, SYSTEM_TYPE (i.e. ENGINE, TRANSMISSION, etc.), SAMPLE_DATE (dd.mm.yyyy) UNIT_AGE, TIME_ON_OIL, TIME_UNIT_OF_MEASURE (i.e. hrs, kms, mls, etc.), OIL TYPE, FE, CR, NI, AL, CU, PB, SN, TI, AG, MO, SI, H2O (in %), GLYCOL (POS, NEG, or %), FUEL (in %) Attached is an example Excel file containing these headings, and some data. Please generate a datafile of all your Liebherr data and e-mail it to me. As the attached file suggests, don't be too picky with your data. I will be formatting all the data before working on the limits. If anyone has an accessible list of Liebherr models, please send it to me. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel Vice-President WearCheck Canada Inc. ph +1 905 569 8600 x223 fax +1 905 569 8605 billq@wearcheck.ca ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A proud member of WearCheck International ( www.wearcheck.com) August 28, 2000 8:18 AM BG -email to WQ (copy BQ) - Subject: Liebherr Wear Metal tables - Liebherr as we all now would like a set of wear metal guidelines. Their thought is "a swing case is a swing case, and a drive is a drive" etc. They are in the theory that the wear levels or wear patterns will be the same for Hitachi, Komastu, Liebherr, and the industry wide. Many wear metals probably will be the same and approximately of the same quantitative value. The key difference will be in bearing materials. It is known not all rolling element bearings (more so then plain bearings) are complex and use different materials for bearing in lay and surface material this will effect the wear metal guidelines. Indications are that Liebherr is declaring ALL engines are theirs (Cummins, etc. whatever is installed in their equipment uses these values). This policy should be confirmd as there may a significant effect on warranty issues. It is suggested we take Komatsu, Cat, and other wear metals tables that be found and that this value or table be reviewed and adjusted accordingly to meet Liebherr's goal. These tables then can be forwarded to Liebherr International and issued as a technical bulletin much like the Engine Metal table (more on this later). Criteria to adjust the initial table should include: 1.. Excessive values and technical strip/repair orders to determine what repairs were actually performed, 2.. Low values why and how many are well below fleet averages, 3.. Models, tables of coarse will have to reflect class or size so 5 ton unit is not compared to 500 ton units, and 4.. Misc. items as the work progress on the tables A meeting should be held to indicate any direction you may want me to proceed in. For your Consideration; Barry Goslin February 13, 2001 5:10 AM PW - email to BQ (copy WCI Group) - Subject: AW: WCI 2000 Action Plan - Liebherr Wear Limits - Dear Bill, Dear Members, I discussed the subject regarding the limits for Liebherr equipment with various departments within the Liebherr group. Finally they agreed, to publish a list for the confidential use of selected Liebherr-authorized laboratories and a small group of field engineers. At present Mr. Ullrich, a German who works in Liebherr Colmar, is responsible for this list. Mr. Ullrich has contacted all the manufacturer of the components in the Liebherr equipment (like Deutz, Liebherr Bulle, Cummins and Mercedes for engines or Mannesmann Rexroth, Hydromatik, Linde for hydraulic components) and asked them for their limits. Based on the information of the component manufacturer he has created a table. He is breaking down the limits which were given to him by the engine- hydraulic- and gear-manufacturers to the individual Liebherr machines and which are sometimes not in line with each other (Hydraulic-pump manufacturer have different limits to the valve manufacturer, but both using the same oil). Nearly all of the component manufacturer were in contact with us before they presented their data to Liebherr. In some cases, after they received our suggestion for the limit values, they also checked with the laboratory of their lubricant manufacturer (who also come back to us with the same questions). Liebherr is planning to have their limit tables finalized during this year. Mr Ullrich will dicuss the subject during the BAUMA-Exhibition ( April 2 - 8 in Munich) with some of the field peoble. I suggest that we postpone our summery until Liebherr has published their own list. otherwise it may lead to a confusion. I feel it is more important for us to agree on diagnose statements based on the limit values and not on the value. Liebherr likes to know, what diagnose get the customer e.g. at an iron value above 30 if the published limit is 30 ppm. Should he change the oil, change the filter repair a often failing part? What kind of action is based on this limit? Beside of the limit table this information is much harder to realize. There are plans that only labs like the Wearcheck-Group who are especially authorized by Liebherr, streamline their diagnose statements with the aim, that every customer around the world is getting the same interpretation for the analysed sample for the same value. I suggest we wait until the Liebherr table is available for us in the final structure. I have received in the meantime 5 drafts and had several meetings with Mr. Ullrich as well as with the various Liebherr Groups. Basically they followed our guidelines. If the table is more or less final, Liebherr would like to get to know our comment to the limits and even more they would like to know what we recommend, if the result is borderline or above the limit. Not the value but the interpretation of the found value is the key knowledge, Liebherr is looking for. Please let me know whether we should still concentrate on the table or better invest the time on harmonizing the statements. Best Regards Peter Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Public Public Customer Niagara Falls Lube Manager Lube Manager Lubemanger@home.com Lube Manager 000315000023093394988C Sampling Equipment October 23, 2001 4:12 PM RI email to RR (copy WQ) - Subject: Re: 2001 OIL SAMPLING CHARGES - I will take your word that 901148 was a prepaid kit for Ont Hydro - the info sheet number is a single one between 2 orders that I can trace, so it must have been put on your sample here. I will bill you for only 2 mob2 analyses at $22.00 each + GST. = $47.08 To avoid any confusion in the future, please pay as you go when bringing in your samples - either by credit card or by cash or chq. Ruth October 23, 2001 11:45 AM RR email to RI - Subject: RE: 2001 OIL SAMPLING CHARGES - I do not mind paying for my own 2 MOB2 samples, but not for a pre-paid IND2 (your Kit) from OPG and a reference oil, that you need to make a proper recommendation. Please advise. Rod October 23, 2001 10:20 AM WQ email to RI RB BQ- (fwd to RR) - Subject: Re: 2001 OIL SAMPLING CHARGES Ruth Yes we bill him for all samples processed for Lube Manager. We feel we have a mutually beneficial relationship with Lube Manager, however we will bill for all samples purchased and/or processed. Rod made the calls on the customers listed as they were paying for his services, and oil analysis is an important component of what he does. He does not get oil analysis services free of charge. Bill Q Sr RI email to WQ - Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 2:18 PM Subject: Fw: 2001 OIL SAMPLING CHARGES Hi Bill Please read the following and let me know your thoughts! Tks Ruth RR email to RI - Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 8:31 AM Subject: Re: 2001 OIL SAMPLING CHARGES Hi Ruth I will send WC a bill for all the "client saving" work I have done for them since last year. Intro into NB Power, Provincial Paper, Marathon Pulp and all the rest! Are you sure they want to bill me for 2 MOB2 samples? No offense taken. Rod RI email to RR - Date: October 22, 2001 7:58 AM Subject: Re: 2001 OIL SAMPLING CHARGES HiRod I have e-mailed to you under separate cover lab #'s 901148,876002,853666 abd 847116. regds Ruth RR email to RI - Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 10:17 PM Subject: Re: 2001 OIL SAMPLING CHARGES please advise for what these samples were from. Rod RI email to RR - Date: October 18, 2001 3:35 PM Subject: 2001 OIL SAMPLING CHARGES Hi Rod I guess it's about time that I caught up in charging Lube Manager for oil samples processed this year. Details are: Lab # 901148 Ind2 30.00 Lab # 876002 Mob2 22.00 Lab # 853666 Mob2 22.00 Lab # 847116 Mob2 22.00 Total 96.00 GST 6.72 Total to be charged to your mastercard $102.72. Please call me with your number and I will send out an invoice to you. regds Ruth September 24, 2001 3:08 PM WQ email to BQ GG RB - Subject: Rod Raymond - Rod Raymond paid me a visit this morning, to discuss organization of his proposed new business. He was asking my advice on how to structure the new company he wants to start in partnership with Paul Dumont and the guy from Agat. He was seeking my personal advice. Told him they would be best to start a parent company, call it whatever they wish, and have each of their own companies as divisions of the parent company. Each company would pay an administration fee to the parent, and the parent would hire a staff of one person to do all the books. Each partner would bring something to the table - a product line or product lines, and skills. The parent company would purchase all goods for resale, and do all invoicing to customers. The parent would pay commission to the division that made sales at a percentage of sales. The parent company would pay a "purchasing" commission to the division that brought the product line to the parent. In this way they could all still own their own companies, and appear to be a larger corporation. They would be equal partners in the parent, however there would be next to no value left in the parent company. It gave him something to think about so he will re-think his organization. He talked to me vaguely about selling sample kits for WearCheck and earning revenue. I told him that Wear Check is agreeable to selling kits through their proposed company, however would not grant them any exclusive right to sell kits, and would not give them a reserved territory to sell in. Wear Check would reserve the right to sell directly to customers as well as to hire salesmen that may even overlap into their area of operations. I explained to Rod that WC-Canada are moving towards a system that will allow us to pay half commissions to field sales staff based on samples coming in from a qualified customer. This would enable one salesman to sell to a parent company and receive a commission to do so, while other salesmen would be receiving half commissions for sample kits sent in to the lab from branches of the same company. This would be expanded to allow commissions to be paid on "brand name" programs. WC-Canada is willing to pay commissions to his company under the same conditions, however we would continue to require call reports to qualify customers. I told him we would not turn over any of our present "brand name" house accounts to anyone under the new system, however would begin paying half commissions. Wear Check would reserve the right to make calls on potential brand name customers, and to enter any kind of re-sale program available to us. Rod says he enjoyed our talk and thought that he detected a lot less animosity in me. I told him I do not have any animosity, just wish to keep control of Wear Check's market, and that we would never give that up. I asked him about the guy from Agat, warned him that he may be "a mole", however Rod assured me that he has been talking to him since early spring and is very familiar with all the problems he was having at Agat. He volunteered that Agat is having a lot of problems hanging on to people, that they have lost two or three other field sales staff. He said Fluidlife are having trouble holding good staff. I mentioned to him that I drive past Fluidlife on my way for blood tests, and notice that they are closed much of the time. (I went by at 2:00 pm today and their are lights on and I saw someone moving around in the lab) He said that they do close down some days if they are busy elsewhere. I asked Rod if Les Boak would be joining his merry band, and he said he is working on it, however Les has a drawback of being stuck on "loyalty", and is resisting. Rod did say that Wear Check is the only gang in town that can deliver oil analysis properly through the web, that he can work with. He is going back for more discussion with Paul and the other guy and will keep us posted. He does not anticipate moving on this before year end. William Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca President WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca August 27, 2001 5:32 PM WQ email to RR (copy PD BQ) - Subject: Re: discussion - Rod Contacted Paul by phone and he will be at our office tomorrow at eight - see you there. Bill Q Sr August 27, 2001 2:49 PM RR email to WQ (copy PD) - Subject: RE: discussion - > only tues 8:00 AM works for me, Paul please advise. August 27, 2001 1:40 PM WQ emailt to RR (copy BQ PD GG RB) - Subject: Re: discussion - Rod - Bill Jr is back from vacation today and we discussed your email. We are prepared to meet with you either Tuesday or Friday this week - otherwise would have to go to Friday of the next week or later. Please advise time and date you and Paul would like to meet with us, at WearCheck conference room. Bill Q Sr August 26, 2001 1:36 PM BQ email to WQ - Subject: Fw: discussion - Dad, My first reaction, of course, is to tell Rod to go jump in a lake, however, the idea is worth considering. We need to first determine what it is we are planning to accomplish. If the goal is to sell WearCheck in three years for five million dollars, then we should focus all our efforts on acheiving this. In light of this plan, perhaps a self-managed (and motivated) sales staff, that is, albeit, out of our control, may be an end to a means. Bill August 23, 2001 9:22 AM WQ email to BQ RB - Sirs - I received a phone call from Paul Dumont about 3:00 pm yesterday inviting me to a foursome for golf for today. Paul said he would invite Bill Jr as well. I told him I could not make it today, as have too much to do, and reminded him Bill Jr is on vacation. This gave me an opportunity to bring up the suggestion from Rod, and I asked Paul if he was aware of Rod asking for a meeting. He said he was, and that he and Rod had a long and interesting conversation this week. Paul kept talking about how his company as a proprietary type company is small, and thinking of the future he feels he needs to be bigger - in a corporation or something. I asked him if he and Rod were talking about a partnership, and he said yes. Asked him if he had ever worked with a partner before, and reminded him of some of our own horror stories. He said he realizes that there are drawbacks to being partnered in a corporation, however he thinks Rod brings some strengths to a partnership that he does not have, and that he is doing some things that Rod would like to get into. I told him that I had sent the message from Rod on to Bill Jr, on vacation, and have not heard back, however I am not adverse to listening to their story. I told Paul that WearCheck is very happy with him and what he is doing for us, and he replied that we are the greatest to work for and with, and it is important for him to keep that relationship open and working. I told him we would get back to them about a meeting, once Bill is back from vacation. William Quesnel Sr August 22, 2001 9:45 AM WQ email to RB BQ - Subject: Fw: discussion - Sirs I am diametrically opposed to anyone outside Wear Check Canada Inc controlling our field sales force! I have always felt that our field sales staff was not doing as good a job as we would like. Most of them are not trained to sell the "big accounts". Ross, and I discussed this fact just the other day, and the need get our field sales staff going after more lucrative accounts. I do not think that it is wise for us to let Rod step into this role, especially on an exclusive basis. I do you think we should listen to Rod's proposal (and Paul if he attends with Rod). We need to know what is going on behind the scenes here. Bill Q Sr August 22, 2001 8:00 AM RR email to WQ BQ (copy PD) - Subject: discussion - Hi Bill and Bill - Paul and I met yesterday to discuss the feasibility of a partnership. One of the areas that we discussed at great length was Wear Check. We would like to discuss with you the possibility of assuming the responsibility of all your outside sales. We discussed methods that would assist Wear Check in > improving customer representation, increase sample volume, upgrade sample > test package requirements and provide sales force field support. > Rod August 3, 2001 4:52 PM WQ emaiol to WC Team - Subject: Fw: noria e mail - Folks - This is about confidential information. I talked to Rod right away by telephone. He advises that Chris Barnes says he was given our customer list, and email lists. Does anyone know anything about this? This is serious - our customer lists and email lists are confidential - and important property of WearCheck and not for distribution to anyone. If this has happened we need to find out how! Bill Q Sr ----- Original Message ----- From: "Lube Manager" To: "Bill Quesnel" Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 3:48 PM Subject: RE: noria e mail > Did Billy or anyone else at Wear Check send Noria your client list? > -----Original Message----- > From: Bill Quesnel [mailto:billqsr@wearcheck.ca] > Sent: August 3, 2001 2:01 PM > To: Lube Manager > Subject: Re: noria e mail > not I > Bill Sr > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Lube Manager" > To: "Bill Quesnel Sr." ; "Bill Quesnel" > > Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 8:04 PM > Subject: noria e mail > > Did you pass my e-mail address on to Noria? > > Rod June 5, 2001 4:27 PM GG fwd email to WQ (from LP to RR) - Subject: FW: So the venue is on. - This is an e-mail from Luc to Rod, but Luc sent it to Rod's old e-mail by mistake. It appears that Luc sent Rod the same database that he sent us and from the sounds of it Rod has sent out e-mails to all the contacts in it. (probably notices about his training courses) Gloria. -----Original Message----- From: luc@anasys.ca [mailto:luc@anasys.ca] Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 7:56 PM To: Rod Raymond Subject: So the venue is on. Trying to fugure something out: Got an email from Steeve Grundy that was adressed to Lube Manager. Steve Grundy will not be interested and so will not be the other guys at Entek so if you are using the entek database I sent you, you should go through it and delete anyone from Entek including Steve and Cliff Grundy, Wil Tudorof, Bill Hogue, Helen Robins, Marion Clyde, and anyone at Entek. They could wonder where you got their names. Other than that, gotoo tell you!!! had a call from marvoulous Marvin Austin who wants me to rep for him saying he has "absolutely no more business with Michel Murphy" I guess the rag is burning! Luc Pellerin Anasys Inc Ventes Agent distributor pour/for Entek IRD /Wearcheck Canada Tel: 418-847-8932 Fax: 418-847-8912 Email: luc@anasys.ca www.anasys.ca June 5, 2001 4:18 PM WQ - phone call from RR - he was wondering if I had read the email from Doak concerning Fluid Life prices. He said that Les sent it to Rod's old email address at WearCheck. I told him I thought that the account was dormant, however would check and advise him. He said not to bother as Les had sent him another copy. Rod says business is good, less training than usual, but he is still scheduling some. I told him Guy Legault was unable to fill a course in Ottawa for him so had cancelled it. June 4, 2001 12:16 PM RR email to BQ (copy WQ GG) - Subject: problems - Hi Guys - I was doing my monthly report for Cancord and when I pulled up reports in " manager " to view, I got old reports; wanted WC 0087821, got WC 0087793 and wanted/clicked on WC 0087892, got WC0077398, I have not discussed with client. Please advise if there is a little boop or you have a linkage issue. please let me know as soon as possible, I have to get there reports to them. Rod May 18, 2001 2:31 PM BQ email to GG - Subject: Re: Rod Raymond - Gloria - I would bet that Rod called Les when he did not get an expected email from him and Les told him where it was sent, so panic set in. You have handled this well, you devious person you - the more we keep Rod in the dark the better. I talked to Bill Jr about this (he called from Miami airport and said that they had a great meeting in Florida with Ryder). We will discuss when Bill Jr gets back and plan our response to this. Bill Sr May 18, 2001 10:05 AM GG email to RI KM FP WQ BQ - Subject: Rod Raymond - I just received a phone call from Rod wondering if his old e-mail was still active because Les had sent him something there. I told him that his e-mail used to be forwarded to me, but that I had requested this to stop because it was mostly junk-mail and I assumed that it had been cancelled. I didn't know what else to say. Gloria May 18, 2001 3:57 AM GG email to RI KM FP BQ WQ - Subject: FW: Pricing Agreement for Lube Manager - I received this e-mail today, but as you can all see it was meant for Rod Raymond, but was sent to his old wearcheck account by mistake!! This is a quote from Les Boake at Fluid Life for LubeManager. Gloria -----Original Message----- From: Les Boake [mailto:les@fluidlife.com] Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 4:31 PM To: rodr@wearcheck.ca Subject: Pricing Agreement for Lube Manager Hi Rod! Thanks for your understanding of how best to work together. A reseller arrangement seems to be the most appropriate method of conducting business. Following is our pricing offering to you. Basic Test Package $135.00 per case includes 23 spectrochemical elements, viscsity at 40 & 100C, water crackle test, fuel dilution, glycol contamination test, % solids test (or FTIR in liue of solids) *Specialized Testing Options 15% discount from our commercial book pricing * The most common tests performed routinely are listed below along with the book commercial pricing: ISO Particle Count (with photo) $25.00 ISO Particle Count (without photo) $15.00 Sediment Test $20.00 Magnetic Iron Particle Count (direct reading) $35.00 Analytical Ferrography $75.00 Total Base Number $25.00 Total Acid Number $20.00 Moisture (Karl Fischer) $20.00 RBOT $195.00 Rod, we ask that you keep this pricing agreement in strict confidence. We very much look forward to working with you. Regards, Les May 9, 2001 3:12 PM WQ email to RR - Subject: Re: new one page flyer critique - Rod - Just a short suggestion - should include a section on "How and where to install sample ports" - Schematic approach are making a living doing this. PS - not good email form to include all email addresses with message - if you use Bcc: instead of Cc: other people do not see all the email addresses you are sending to. Bill Q Sr May 3, 2001 10:08 AM From: "Lube Manager" To: "Stephen Guy" ; "Richard Larson CLS" ; "Peter Trepanier" ; "Nick Finnelli" ; "Linda Fowler" ; "Joe Aiello" ; "Jim Arner" ; "Cal Dwyer" ; "Bill Honchar" ; "Troy Pronchuk" ; "Rod Chinook" ; "Jon Fazenbaker" ; "Kieth Scott" ; "'Robert Wilkin" ; "Les Boake" ; "Guy H. Legault" ; "Frank Leone" ; "Dan Beuker" ; "Bob Jones" ; "Bill Quesnel Sr." Subject: new one page flyer critique Date: May 3, 2001 10:08 AM Hi Guys As I continue to add complementary product lines, I must remake sales flyers. Would you be kind enough to take a couple of minutes to review and offer your opinion on this attachment. It is a one page handout that highlights services and products I offer and promote. Rod May 3, 2001 10:08 AM RR - email to : "Stephen Guy" ; "Richard Larson CLS" ; "Peter Trepanier" ; "Nick Finnelli" ; "Linda Fowler" ; "Joe Aiello" ; "Jim Arner" ; "Cal Dwyer" ; "Bill Honchar" ; "Troy Pronchuk" ; "Rod Chinook" ; "Jon Fazenbaker" ; "Kieth Scott" ; "'Robert Wilkin" ; "Les Boake" ; "Guy H. Legault" ; "Frank Leone" ; "Dan Beuker" ; "Bob Jones" ; "Bill Quesnel Sr." Subject: new one page flyer critique (C:\My Documents\WearCheck\Sales\Lube Manager\outline of lube manger.doc) Hi Guys As I continue to add complementary product lines, I must remake sales flyers. Would you be kind enough to take a couple of minutes to review and offer your opinion on this attachment. It is a one page handout that highlights services and products I offer and promote. Rod April 20, 2001 11:21 AM RR - email to BQ WQ - Subject: domain - Please transfer the domain names; lubemanager.com and pmmanager.com. I have someone to look after this and they have not received a response. The request will time out, if not dealt with ASAP. I realize you are busy, but a couple of minutes and it's done. rod April 16, 2001 6:20 AM RR - email to BQ (copy WQ) - Subject: domain name - Hi Bill - I wanted to follow up on my request to transfer my domain names; lubemanager.com and pmmanager.com to Look, easy hosting. Thank you for registering them on my behalf in May 99. The time is now here to have my own web presence. Thanks Rod January 3, 2001 2:01 PM WQ - email to GG BQ - Subject: Fw: CCGS Samual Risley - I think it is most unfortunate that Rod feels he needs to copy this message to Pierre Jean, and include a list of our competitors for him! I have seen similar complaints from Rod in the past, and which were also copied to Pierre Jean. Do we have a problem in our system that continues to make these problems happen? You will note that I have not copied this to either Rod or Pierre Jean. I do think RR needs an answer to this message (please copy me when you do) Bill Sr January 3, 2001 8:21 AM RR - email to GG BQ WQ - (copy "Pierre Jean" ) -Subject: CCGS Samual Risley - We still have two files in the data base. The data base still needs to be cleaned. The last samples were not tested in accordance to the assigned test packages. Why? I am sure glad Pierre has lots of patience with Wear Check but, I wonder how long it will be before he tries AGAT, Fluid Life, CTC or Cat. If there are outstanding issues that need clarifying, please call. Do not just keep putting it off, this will not go away! Happy New Year Rod November 1, 2000 3:11 AM RR - email to BQ GG (copy WQ PJ) - Subject: Gull Isle data entry - please tell me why only one engine samples was entered correctly? One thing that annoys Pierre is the inconsistency of his data base. I still do not understand how this can be a problem, we have given you all of the units, components, IDs. Please advise! Rod October 23, 2000 4:17 PM WQ - email to RI - Subject: Re: Training - Lube Manager - Rod - WearCheck - Ruth We were supposed to design our own training course and conduct them, in which case we woul have paid as follows: You can see by the copy of message sent to Guy Bill Jr and Gloria on July 5, 2000, that we were organizing an elaborate commission scheme. We did not have time to set it up with Rod and Guy for Rod to do the course. Rod would charge us flat fee of $2,500 per day to do training courses plus travel expense, and Guy would arrange all facilities and bill WearCheck for costs. I am afraid that this could have cost us a lot of money if not properly set up (EG: how many trainees, at what price and who is paying WearCheck?), so I though it much simpler if they just split the revenue and looked after all the cost. That way Guy would get his training course done and satisfy the customer and we would not have to worry about it costing us a lot of money. We will address the training properly when we get back from Tulsa. Sorry for leaving you out of the loop, and you finding yourself the one stuck talking to Guy. Bill Sr Guy / Gloria / Bill Jr. WearCheck can host a second training course in Ottawa the day following the RMOC course however would need minimum of 10 attendees at $495 each. The commission works as follows. I suggest that the courses are sold for approximately $500 each attendee, and WearCheck would retain 60% of the fees (or $260 per attendee). For this portion WearCheck first trains the sales person to be able to conduct his own courses, provides the "canned" training course, presentation media and literature, picks up any costs for hotel meeting rooms, coffee breaks, and sandwich lunch, and pays the field sales person regular 12% commission on the total sale in addition to the 40% on fees. The field sales person conducting the course would pick up 40% commission on the training course fees and his regular 12% commission on the sale (including any kits sold at the course) for a combined total of $260, per attendee (WearCheck would end up with $240 per attendee). For his portion the field sales person lines up the delegates who will attend, pays his own travelling costs to present the course, and provides his time We need to build good one-day Oil Analysis Training Courses put together that sales staff can organize and teach on their own! If WearCheck can put together a comprehensive course and teach field sales staff I think the company and field sales personnel should be willing to spit the revenue. In the beginning it may be necessary for WearCheck personnel to travel to the field location to help the salesman learn to conduct the training sessions. We would need to get a minimum of 10 attendees at $500 each to be able to do this. Once the field sales person is confident he can run the courses on his own he could arrange courses for however many attendees he wishes and at whatever price he wished, as any reduction in fees would be felt more by him than the company. If we were to take on a franchise from Noria (see www.oilanalysis.com ) we would have to sell courses at Noria's set fees. Oil Analysis Training (including WebCheck training will sure help to promote our oil analysis business. I am even more convinced after my visit last week to WearCheck Germany, and since the Noria presentation to WearCheck Group here in France. The Germans will expand their new laboratory building to accommodate a larger meeting room (they already have a room that will hold about thirty delegates), and are expanding their training programs to include seminars hosted at hotel meeting rooms throughout their territory. They have sent Rudiger to the USA to train at Noria. The Weismanns tell us that this has been the most effective method of getting and holding business. The courses attract the more sophisticated customers that are major users once they get on the system. I think WearCheck Canada has a better program to offer with our advanced Internet presence, and if we can team up with Noria's literature we would have a great course. There is an opportunity here to increase revenue and improve earnings for field sales staff at the same time. What the hell - If Rod could afford to quit his job at WearCheck to do this full time there must be good money in it, and will all our resources we should be able to do a better job than he can. If we can get the Noria franchise maybe the best idea would be to have Gloria travel to Noria to take Instuctor's Training then train our field sales staff to give present the Noria seminars, using Noria's complete package. Regards Bill Sr ----- Original Message ----- From: Ruth Inglehart To: Bill Quesnel Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 3:35 PM Subject: Re: Training - Lube Manager - Rod - WearCheck Bill Am I correct in assuming that Guy & Rod will split 50/50 on the revenue from the training course? We had originally said that Rod would get 50%, Guy 12% and WearCheck 38%. Pls advise. I spent about 1/2 an hour on the phone this A.M. with Guy trying to get things figured out. Tks Ruth ----- Original Message ----- From: Bill Quesnel To: Gloria Gonzalez ; Guy H. Legault Cc: Ruth Inglehart ; Kevin Marson ; Bill Quesnel Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 11:44 AM Subject: Training - Lube Manager - Rod - WearCheck Guy I do not think you should put these people off any more. If you can make same arrangements as were done in past using Rod Raymond, please do so. We are behind in getting our training together, and it is a simple solution for the present. I understand from your email that the cost of the seminar will be absorbed by the two of you before splitting the profits and that there is no cost to WearCheck. Guy, It would be good if you can do it in the name of WearCheck and try to minimize the amount of promotion Rod does for Lube Manager. We are presently attending the Noria conference in Tulsa OK USA and will learn of their training methods while we are here. Hopefully we can get something going on our own in the name of WearCheck before long. Regards Bill Sr ----- Original Message ----- From: Gloria Gonzalez To: William (WearCheck) Quesnel ; Bill Quesnel Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 10:57 AM Subject: Fw: Course November 15 in Ottawa Bill, Billy, I need some feedback please. Gloria ----- Original Message ----- From: Guy H. Legault To: Gloria Gonzales Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 10:50 PM Subject: Course November 15 in Ottawa Gloria As requested I have found a suitable hotel near the Queensway with free parking. Their boardroom costs only $115 for the day. It is a Travelodge which hosts a lot of meetings, etc. I presume this price is reasonable. I will also need to rent an Overhead Projector at about $40.00 for the day. This and the meal I have not arranged yet, pending approval of the hotel. I need to know the following: a) how much per student you are ready to pay for the lunch? b) how the money is going to be provided for the lunches, hotel and OHP, which will all be separate c) who will tell me how many students have paid up - as I will use the same instructions Bill used for a course in Sudbury (companies pay Ruth in advance) I need to know as we go to decide if we need bookings for a second day, or cancel. d) will Rod provide his certificate of course completion, or is there one for WearCheck If you can't answer these questions quickly, I will have to postpone the course again, or With Bill's permission I will do all of this administration and simply split the earnings with Rod. I will still advertise it as WearCheck sponsored, but remember that Rod has his own logo on the slides, course binder and certificates. Guy September 7, 2000 4:29 AM RR - email to GG (copy PJ-coastguard WQ BQ) - Subject: data base - The Samuel Risley has two data bases; CCGS Samuel Risley and CCGTHU, can you combine these into CCGS Samuel Risley. The last samples processed were not done in accordance with the guidelines provided on test packages. Please advise of problems that prevent WC from following client's wishes. If I find this problem frustrating and confusing, imagine what less experienced clients must think! WC has the best lab and info management system but, these are the little things that drive your clients nuts! Rod May 9, 2000 7:33 AM WQ - Re John DeWulf - I just learned late last night that Rod screwed us pretty good in Sudbury. He tried to force John DeWulf to take on his filters and John quit working for us because of it. Len told me that he had a meeting with John a while ago and John told him he could not work for Rod as Rod was very underhanded. Apparently Rod ran a couple of oil analysis training courses in what was at the time - John's terrritory and billed customers out of Lube Manager. When John became aware of what Rod was up to he just pulled back and stopped working - I wish he would have informed us. Len said that he met with John at a Tim Horton and John dumped a bunch of Rod's filters on Len. I asked Len to put them in the PHQ truck that is being returned to Burlington. I will ask Rod to come by and pick them up. Len says he wants nothing to do with Rod. Rod asked Len to pick up the filter line, but Len has refused to do so. I am not sure how recent that was, but will talk further to Len today. I told Len that Rod cannot offer to sell his products through our sales staff unless he gets permission in writing from WearCheck first. Len says some customers in the area are pretty pissed with Rod (and WearCheck) because of the filter sales, and he is working to correct the situation. I told Len to arrange a meeting with John to assurel him that we will not be selling filters, just in case John feels his filter business is threatened by WearCheck. John could be a help or a hinderance to Len's sales. April 10, 2000 1:51 PM WQ -email to RR - Rod We thought we were negotiating in good faith to reach and agreement with you, and also that you had reached tentative agreement with most of the content of the agreement. Is there specific clauses that are problems, and if so let us work towards resolution of those problems, and arrive at a working agreement. Please advise Bill Quesnel April 10, 2000 1:11 PM RR -email to WQ BQ - I am unable to sign the proposed agreement between Wear Check Canada and Lube Manager. It infringes on my ability to be independent. I will continue to recommend Wear Check through your sales contractors. As discussed, I will not divulge any information to anyone that could be sensitive to Wear Check Canada. Please call if you have any questions. Thank you Rod Raymond April 7, 2000 11:29 AM RR - email to WQ BQ - A list of the lines I carry Wear Check USA, oil analysis - Oil analysis program consulting - Oil analysis training courses; Mobile, Industrial - Depth Filters, by pass - Water removal filters; fuel, compressed air and hydraulic. - Sampling devices - Stainless steel, washable filters - Filter carts - Absolute rated hydraulic filters Things that I would like to learn about and possibly sell; - Vibration - Thermograpghy - Ultrasonics - Oil analysis sensors Please review my schedule of rates: would appreciate feed back. Agreement went to lawyers this morning, if no concerns should be sign next week. One problem; John Murphy has been selling watergard filters for 10 years. I have been supplying those filters for a year. I pay john a commission; $ 1600 in 1999. I would want to continue this arrangement; please advise Rod March 10, 2000 3:16 PM Attached please find a copy of draft of agreement between WearCheck Canada Inc and Lube Manager. Please go over this with your advisors and get back to us when you are prepared. We have reached tenative agreement with ALS Chemex to begin the invasion of the west. I will meet with JIm Chambers the end of this month, to talk of WearCheck's beachead in the USA and plans to move inland.. Just a small thing, Rod but need to be sure we have asked you to return all WearCheck material to the office. Sorry - but that would even include the WearCheck jacket. There is a legal responsibility put on us if you were to continue to wear it to visit customers. If you paid for the jacket we will refund your money, Ruth is not sure. I return tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. to Florida. I am reading my e-mail billqsr@wearcheck.ca while on holidays. October 23, 2001 4:12 PM RI email to RR (copy WQ) - Subject: Re: 2001 OIL SAMPLING CHARGES - I will take your word that 901148 was a prepaid kit for Ont Hydro - the info sheet number is a single one between 2 orders that I can trace, so it must have been put on your sample here. I will bill you for only 2 mob2 analyses at $22.00 each + GST. = $47.08 To avoid any confusion in the future, please pay as you go when bringing in your samples - either by credit card or by cash or chq. Ruth Public Public ON 220 Bristol Circle Customer Oakville Lubrication Engineers of Canada Limited Lubrication Engineers of Canada Limited Canada Lubrication Engineers of Canada Limited 000418000063093394988C Oil Company April 18, 2000 2:14 PM WQ - visited WearCheck - looking to set up formal oil analysis program using WebCheck Says he wants to see expansion of oil analysis program in Canada as part of their marketing strategy. Offered to give him brand name. They are much larger in USA and UK than in Canada. Chris took away literature, and box of new sample kits to show superiors. April 18, 2000 2:14 PM WQ - visited WearCheck - looking to set up formal oil analysis program using WebCheck Says he wants to see expansion of oil analysis program in Canada as part of their marketing strategy. Offered to give him brand name. They are much larger in USA and UK than in Canada. Chris took away literature, and box of new sample kits to show superiors. Public (905) 829-3833 Phone (905) 829-2630 Fax (800) 465-8237 Watts Public ON www.lubeng.com L6H 5R3 Competitor Lubricon Lubricon U.S.A. Lubricon 950720002031764977613C Oil Analysis Laboratory Public (317) 783-2968 Phone Public 210 Salt Works Road Harmony Marketing Services Inc Marketing Services Inc USA Marketing Services Inc 010824000423354472092C September 6, 2001 11:57 AM WQ email to JS - Subject: Re: Your Fax 08-24-01 - Jack Sorry about that. I have no excuse - have been carrying your package in my briefcase - I will send today. Bill Q September 6, 2001 4:41 AM JS email to WQ - Subject: FW: Your Fax 08-24-01 Still did not get your brochures. August 24, 2001 4:31 PM JS email to WQ - Subject: RE: Your Fax 08-24-01- Thanks -- Look firward to digessting your literature. By the way--I will be at the AISE Convention in Cleveland for one of my other clients. This is a bi-yearly international meeting and usually well attended from the operators standpoint. August 24, 2001 12:23 PM WQ emai to JS (Fwd BQ RB GG) - Subject: Your Fax 08-24-01 - Jack - Thanks for the reminder. I tucked your card in my pocket however when I was over at WearCheck this week, I had left the card at home. I have now entered Marketing Services Inc into my WearCheck database and will correspond with you from there. (That way I will have your address next week when I am at WearCheck) I will put together a package of literature and send to you. Thanks for the tip about AISE - I have bookmarked their web page, and will discuss with my son Bill next week, to see what we can do about participating. This is near to home.. Recent developments are very exciting - CAT has taken and interest in the software and we are working on proposal for a roll-out in their 140+ laboratories world-wide. We now have renewed interest from our sister WearCheck labs in four of the countries not already using the software, so are quite busy. Once you have received and digested our literature send me an email on how you wish to work with us (Please use email address below - my WearCheck identity. I do most of my correspondence on email - usually have it up live on an office computer through the day). WearCheck Canada Inc works with WearCheck-USA (Cary NC) in regard to any oil analysis business in the USA, and we have seamless cooperation from them in all endeavours we have proposed so far. Look forward to working together. Best Regards Bill Quesnel September 6, 2001 11:57 AM WQ email to JS - Subject: Re: Your Fax 08-24-01 - Jack Sorry about that. I have no excuse - have been carrying your package in my briefcase - I will send today. Bill Q Public (724) 452-3131 Phone (724) 452-3724 Fax Public PA 16037 2655 North Sheridan Way Suite 250 Associate Mississauga Materials and Maufacturing Ontario Materials and Maufacturing Ontario Canada Promotory 11 Materials and Maufacturing Ontario 981126000032475626224C Association Public (905) 823-2020 Phone (905) 823-4141 Fax Public ON www.mmmo.on.ca L5K 2P8 4141 Sladeview Crescent Unit 10 Supplier Mississauga Maxxam Laboratory Maxxam Laboratory Canada Maxxam Laboratory 990118000052475626224C Oil Analysis Laboratory Public (905) 569-7599 Phone Public ON Customer Mobil Oil Mobil Oil Mobil Oil 001205000173354472092C Oil Company May 17, 1999 12:23 PM I have received your signed copy of the confidentiality agreement. Attached is the WebCheck document for your perusal. A few additional items to note: - WebCheck is currently in use by four laboratories situated in Canada, USA, Belgium, and Germany. - There are approximately 200 users currently on the system. - An administrator function is currently being developed to allow laboratories to add/edit/update users, and to monitor usage statistics. I am setting up a demonstration account for your use. You will receive an automated e-mail welcome message when the account is activated giving you the necessary instructions to logon. I thought I should explain the connection between CINRG Systems Inc. and WearCheck Canada Inc. I am the Vice-President and a part-owner of WearCheck Canada Inc. I have developed the WebCheck system and as a result of the success of this system, the other WearCheck owner (my father) and I decided to develop a new software company. WebCheck (and our Oil Analysis LIMS ) will shortly become a product of CINRG Systems Inc. as soon as our accounts determine how we should transfer the assets. This change of ownership does not affect the relationship between WebCheck and the subscribing laboratories. As WebCheck is not proprietary to WearCheck, or the International WearCheck Group, this move to CINRG Systems Inc. makes good sense. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 1-905-569-8600 x223. One question, how did you learn about WebCheck? May 17, 1999 12:23 PM I have received your signed copy of the confidentiality agreement. Attached is the WebCheck document for your perusal. A few additional items to note: - WebCheck is currently in use by four laboratories situated in Canada, USA, Belgium, and Germany. - There are approximately 200 users currently on the system. - An administrator function is currently being developed to allow laboratories to add/edit/update users, and to monitor usage statistics. I am setting up a demonstration account for your use. You will receive an automated e-mail welcome message when the account is activated giving you the necessary instructions to logon. I thought I should explain the connection between CINRG Systems Inc. and WearCheck Canada Inc. I am the Vice-President and a part-owner of WearCheck Canada Inc. I have developed the WebCheck system and as a result of the success of this system, the other WearCheck owner (my father) and I decided to develop a new software company. WebCheck (and our Oil Analysis LIMS ) will shortly become a product of CINRG Systems Inc. as soon as our accounts determine how we should transfer the assets. This change of ownership does not affect the relationship between WebCheck and the subscribing laboratories. As WebCheck is not proprietary to WearCheck, or the International WearCheck Group, this move to CINRG Systems Inc. makes good sense. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 1-905-569-8600 x223. One question, how did you learn about WebCheck? Public Public H-2922 Komarom WC - International Member Koolaj MOL - Hungarian Oil & Gas MOL - Hungarian Oil & Gas Hungary MOL - Hungarian Oil & Gas 990611000102469946609C Oil Analysis Laboratory Public 011-36-34-526-492 Phone 011-36-34-346-175 Fax 011-003-634-526-492 Dirct Public u. 2 Box 5570 Customer Fort McMurray Neegan Developments Corp Ltd. Neegan Developments Corp Ltd. Canada Neegan Developments Corp Ltd. 000609000133093394988C ReSeller August 2, 2000 3:41 PM WQ - email to BQ - Subject - Neegan - Billy - I tend to agree with your thinking on this. I would tread cautiously as they do sound like they are way out in left field. Hold out for a meeting with Dave Tuccaro, in Mississauga. If they are honest and above board that should not be a problem. No need to piss Cat off just on some wild flyer, when we may want to approach them in near future to look at WebCheck. Dad July 24, 2000 3:39 PM BQ - Email to WQ - Subject: Neegan and Ft. McMurray - Dad, - I spoke with Robert Laboucane last Thursday and I now have a clearer understanding of what is transpiring in Ft.McMurray. Dave Tuccaro is a native-American businessman. He operates several companies (12?) that generate sales in excess of CAN $15M per year. Dave has set-up a warehouse in Ft. McMurray which was designed to house a laboratory in the future if plans dictated such. So far 1) there currently is no laboratory operating in Ft.McMurray under the name of Neegan Developments, 2) there are no oil samples being done by anyone from Neegan with any oil analysis laboratory. One of Dave's companies leases equipment to Syncrude (I believe 45 units, though numbers vary from that to 200). Robert Laboucane's main interest at this point is that they have 8 Kleen-oil units on test with Dave's equipment at Syncrude, and Robert is the Kleen-oil rep for this region. Robert told me of a plan to first prove the worth of the Kleen-oil filters on those units. Armed with this data, they would meet with the CEO of Syncrude (a personal friend of Robert, so he says) and all the maintenance personnel. Syncrude will be so impressed with this data that they are going to retro-fit all their equipment (I think they have >10,000 units) with the Kleen-oil system. "but Robert", says I, "95% of all that equipment is Caterpillar, and under warranty. Don't you realize that Syncrude will not jeopardize their warranty without Caterpillar's consent". "Yes", says Robert, "however, Syncrude is big enough that Caterpillar will do what they say". I am of the strong opinion that Caterpillar will not do what they say. In fact Caterpillar will declare the Kleen-oil unit bunk, and say "if you install this and extend your oil drains, then we will not honor your warranty claims". Period. Also that if the CEO of Syncrude gives Kleen-oil 5 minutes of his time, I'll be surprised. 8 units on test for 10,000+, that's silly. Secondly, Robert also works for Agra labs. Robert is going to speak on Dave's behalf for working some sort of laboratory set-up deal in Ft.McMurray to do "other testing". I don't know what, but it must have to do with environmental, or crude oil testing or such. I imagine that is how come Robert is involved in the oil analysis lab deal. Robert says that Dave was told that if he sets up an oil analysis laboratory in Ft.McMurray that Caterpillar (Finning) will close their laboratory there, and give the business to Dave. Apparently we are talking 100 samples a day (I had initial estimates from some weeks ago talking about 500-600/day). Once again, I seriously doubt this. I told Robert that Caterpillar is not in the habit of contracting out their oil analysis business to a-n-y-o-n-e. Robert once again thought that this was as sure as the nose on his face. According to Paul Dumont as told to him by Paul's brother out West, Robert says that he sets up a lot of the deals for Dave Tuccaro and that Robert (also native-American) has many friends on the tribal council and in business in that region. My first impression of Robert (from our telephone conversation) is that this is not the type of man I would feel comfortable acting as a middle man for our affairs with Dave Tuccaro. Essentially I do not know why he is involved in this in the first place. He knows very little about oil analysis, setting up a laboratory, or the business end of oil analysis including Caterpillar politics. Aside from being some type of salesman for Agra, 8 days a month, he doesn't even seem to know much about a laboratory. I have Dave Tuccaro's phone number, and I still haven't decided whether or not I want to get involved in this. This is all too political. I'd like to simply find a nice laboratory that actually exists, has an existing sample base, and is run by people who are honest, above-board, and have integrity. I am not getting a warm fuzzy feeling here. Robert initially wanted me to come to Calgary tomorrow for a "meeting". It sounded to me like a "meeting" meant that Dave was passing through town on his way out to Vancouver and that I guess we'd meet in a coffee shop and talk about building an oil laboratory at some point in the future. Then when I said I would come, he told me "I'd better check with Dave", then called me back half-an-hour later and said "could you make it Thursday, not Tuesday?". So I said I would look into it, then really decided that I wasn't interested in flying to Calgary only to meet Robert, and have him tell me that Dave didn't show up, or got another flight, and gee, they're really sorry. On Friday I contacted Robert and told him, that I'm sorry but I can't come at this point, and besides I don't think I need to be involved at this stage of this deal anyway. I do not doubt that Dave, if motivated would be able to set-up and finance an oil anlaysis laboratory in Ft.McMurray. I would be comfortable meeting with Dave Tuccaro, here in Mississauga, so that we could show him what we have, and he could work from there. I don't think that I should be expected to go out to Calgary to stand in a warehouse and do a power point presentation on what we have. I feel we are looking for partners, and do not want to be put in a position where we are ponying up to someone to get them to let us on board. Let me know what you think. July 18, 2000 3:44 PM WQ - email to BQ - Billy - Neegan - This is pretty important message, have you already arranged meeting (is this what date in “Subject:” refers to?) If so good luck with meeting, this has potential to increase our WearCheck business more than anything else recently. Dad -----Original Message----- From: R.Laboucane [mailto:ripplefx@telusplanet.net] Sent: July 17, 2000 7:40 PM To: billqsr@wearcheck.ca Subject: Meeting in Calgary, July 25th, 10am Dear Bill, My name is Robert Laboucane, and I am a Kleenoil Filtration System Distributor. My Company Name is Ripple Effects Ltd. I have spoken with Paul DuMont about your visiting Calgary to meet with Mr. David Tuccaro, President of Neegan Development Corporation of Ft. McMurray. Mr. Tuccaro is the owner of nine different companies. He currently has plans of setting up a Laboratory in Ft. McMurray. One of his main interests for his Laboratory is to set up a system for doing Oil Sample Analysis of which there is tremendous potential in the Oil sands region of Alberta. I have explained to him a little about your company and he is very interested in meeting with you to discuss a possible business arrangement. He has also indicated interest in meeting with Paul DuMont to obtain more information of the training available for his staff as well as other companies in Ft. McMurray to learn how to set up a preventative maintenance program and especially how to read oil sample analysis reports. Please call me at your earliest convenience to discuss the above. Office Phone: 403-242-1618 or 403-248-4331 Ext.814 Cell Phone: 403-620-3139 Home Phone: 403-686-4720 Fax: 403-217-3095 Robert Laboucane President June 9, 2000 3:30 PM WQ - Phone call from Paul Dumont - good news, Neegan liked the work prepared by BQ, showing WearCheck style oil analysis and graphs. They are very interested to work with WearCheck Canada, through the internet. Presently they are "IN" with Syncrude and Sun Corp through the government's insistence that those companies give business to local companies which are owned by Canadian aboroginals (both Dave Takaro and Tony Pedle are full blood indian). Mark Dumont and Robert Laboucanne of Kleenoil have an "IN" with Neegan (they are both Metis) and supply Kleenoil services to both Syncrude and Sun Corp through Neegan. Neegan presently is handling oil analysis from both companies, giving the samples to CTC for processing. Paul Dumont says that Neegan gets funding from the Canadian government, and are interested in exploring possibilities with WearCheck. Paul thinks he may get grant money from Neegan to pay for him to make a trip to Fort McMurray. I told Paul we would be glad to come along with him, or he should try to get them to come to Mississauga, so we can discuss a working arrangement. Paul thinks they are doing a large amount of samples in Fort McMurray and at fairly high prices. August 2, 2000 3:41 PM WQ - email to BQ - Subject - Neegan - Billy - I tend to agree with your thinking on this. I would tread cautiously as they do sound like they are way out in left field. Hold out for a meeting with Dave Tuccaro, in Mississauga. If they are honest and above board that should not be a problem. No need to piss Cat off just on some wild flyer, when we may want to approach them in near future to look at WebCheck. Dad Public (780) 791-0654 Phone Public AB T9H 3G5 2705 E. Skelly Drive Suite 305 Supplier Tulsa Noria Corporation Noria Corporation USA Noria Corporation 000124000172469946609C Publisher September 5, 2001 6:41 AM BW email to WQ - Subject: AW: Practicing Oil Analysis Conf - Tulsa Sep 18-21- Hi Bill, as mentioned before we will not attend the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference in Tulsa. We feel it make no sense to send German literature to your booth, Because there are no German speaking visitors there. We wish a successful stay in Tulsa. Best regards Barbara Weismann August 29, 2001 11:49 AM WQ email to WC Group - Subject: Practicing Oil Analysis Conf - Tulsa Sep 18-21 - Dear Colleagues A second reminder about the POAC in Tulsa. WearCheck USA and WearCheck Canada Inc will be placing a twenty by ten booth in the trade show again this year. We will absorb the cost of the booth. If any of you wish to participate - this year it is free of charge. Just pay your admission to the POAC and show up. If you cannot be there would you please send us promotional literature. It will be greatly appreciated, and we will present it in our booth. We will repeat the large spread of literature offered in our booth again this year. Send some business cards and we will put them out for delegates to pick up. We still have lots of brochures for WearCheck Belgium, however if you have anything new Andre, please send it. The WearCheck South African literature was very popular last year and it was all picked up! We have none left. Gary if you would be so kind as to send about twice as much we will give it out, and some business cards as well. Jesus we would like about twenty of each of your brochures - they are very good, and Spanish brochures would go well. I am not sure if any of you got any business out of it last year, but we are trying to raise the awareness of WearCheck International as a group, and attract world-wide clients. Send literature to : Attention: Keith Scott WearCheck USA 501 Madison Avenue Cary, North Carolina USA 27513 This would have to be sent as soon as possible and probably best sent by courier. Please advise Jim Chambers and I - by Email what literature you are sending over and if you will or will not be attending this year! It would be great for the image of WearCheck Group if we have a good showing. I say again - if you want to display in our booth, you are most welcome. WearCheck USA and WearCheck Canada get the most benefit from this trade show in North America so we will foot the bill for the booth space this year. Hey - Jim can afford it, with that fat Ryder account! WearCheck Canada is sending Bill Sr, Billy Jr (Billy is doing a paper "Learning the Basics - Beyond Change the Oil : Top Ten Tricks for Interpreting an Oil Analysis Report"), Ross Bennett (Marketing Manager) and Gloria Gonzalez (Manager Sales & Customer Service). We are looking forward to another mini-WearCheck meeting in Tulsa - hope to see you all there! Please let me know what you are doing or will contribute A.S.A.P - shipping time is running out!I IMPORTANT: We meet with Dupont in Tulsa (I NEED YOUR QUOTATIONS!!) to present a proposal on behalf of Wear Check International, and would like to be prepared with prices from each of the WearCheck laboratories. Dupont is a very large organization with manufacturing plants world-wide. William Quesnel Sr August 27, 2001 11:38 PM WQ email to WC Group - Subject: Practicing Oil Analysis Conference - Noria Tulsa OK USA Sep 18-21 - Dear Colleagues Time is rolling around again this year for the POAC in Tulsa. WearCheck USA and WearCheck Canada Inc will be placing a twenty by ten booth in the trade show again this year. We will absorb the cost of the booth. If any of you wish to participate - this year it is free of charge. Just pay your admission to the POAC and show up. If you would please send us what literature you can it will be greatly appreciated, and we will present it in our booth. We will repeat the large spread of literature offered in our booth again this year. If you cannot come send some business cards and we will put them out as well. We still have lots of brochures for WearCheck Belgium, however if you have anything new Andre, please send it. The WearCheck South African literature was very popular last year and it was all picked up! We have none left. Gary if you would be so kind as to send about twice as much we will give it out, and some business cards as well. Jesus we would like about twenty of each of your brochures - they are very good, and Spanish brochures would go well. I am not sure if any of you got any business out of it last year, but we are trying to raise the awareness of WearCheck International as a group, and attract world-wide clients. We meet with Dupont in Tulsa (I NEED YOUR QUOTATIONS!!) to discuss just such a program. Please advise if you will or will not be attending this year! Will all of you Noria trainers be there? It would be great for the image of WearCheck Group if we have a good showing. I say again - if you want to display in our booth, you are most welcome. WearCheck USA and WearCheck Canada get the most benefit from this trade show in North America so we will foot the bill for the booth space this year. Hey - Jim can afford it, with that fat Ryder account! WearCheck Canada is sending Bill Sr, Billy Jr (Billy is doing a paper "Learning the Basics - Beyond Change the Oil : Top Ten Tricks for Interpreting an Oil Analysis Report"), Ross Bennett (Marketing Manager) and Gloria Gonzalez (Manager Sales & Customer Service). We are looking forward to another mini-WearCheck meeting in Tulsa - hope to see you all there! Please let me know what you are doing or will contribute A.S.A.P - shipping time is running out! William Quesnel Sr July 10, 2001 2:34 PM GG emzil to BQ (copy WQ) - Subject: Noria - POA conference - Hi Billy, You received a fax from Noria today requesting the balance of $845.00 US which is outstanding and is due on or before July 10, 2001 in order to hold your booth space. Please call Darla Bethel at 918-749-1400 x103 to see what you can do, since there is nobody here to sign any cheques (WQ phoned Darla Bethel and advised we would send cheque Friday - LQ made cheque on friday sent by mail and faxed Darla copy - Friday morning). Gloria May 29, 2001 10:39 AM BQ email to BO - Subject: Paper for POAC 2001 - Brett, What are the requirements for paper submissions for POAC 2001. I know the deadline is tomorrow. I have the abstract completed and would like to submit it for consideration. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel May 28, 2001 4:20 PM www.oilanalysis.com Web Site Visited: Noria Corporation May 23, 2001 6:12 AM BQ email to FW BO (copy KH JF WQ) - Subject: RE: Paper for POAC 2001 - Frances, Thank-you for the opportunity to present a paper on "Understanding Oil Analysis Test Data". I would be pleased to present a paper on this topic. Will this article be mentioned in your brochure for POAC 2001? I will begin work on the topic "Effectively Managing a Warranty-Based Oil Analysis Program via the Internet" for consideration as an article in POA Magazine. Please send me the necessary information regarding the mechanical info and details for POA articles. You can pass this on to Brett, I have spoken with Keith Scott and Jim Chambers regarding the opportunity to offer a free oil analysis sample kit to interested persons for your POAC brochure. Keith will get back to Brett by this afternoon (EST). If you have any data regarding the percent return on this offer, then that would help them in their decision. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel WearCheck May 22, 2001 11:45 AM BO email to BQ - Subject: FW: Paper for POAC 2001 - Bill: I requested that she contact you. If necessary: Frances Ward fward@noria.com 918-749-1400, Ext. 109 Brett -----Original Message----- From: BrettO Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 11:15 AM To: Frances Ward Subject: FW: Paper for POAC 2001 Frances: An abstract from WearCheck Canada. Brett April 2, 2001 10:16 AM DP - email to GG (fwd to WQ) - Subject: Fw: Jim Fitch Itin - Gloria, Here is Jim Fitch's itin. > Would you forward the hotel address and tel.info > > Tue, Apr 10 AMERICAN AIRLINES, AA 1910 > From: TULSA, OK (TUL) Departs: 2:09p > To: CHICAGO OHARE, IL (ORD) Arrives: 3:54p > Class: Economy Seat: 13D > Status: Confirmed Confirmation: SMLULM > Meal: Smoking: No > Aircraft: Boeing 737-800 Jet Mileage: 587 > Flight Time: 1 hour and 45 minutes > > Tue, Apr 10 AMERICAN AIRLINES, AA 1956 > From: CHICAGO OHARE, IL (ORD) Departs: 5:21p > To: TORONTO ON, CANADA (YYZ) Arrives: 8:00p > Class: Economy Seat: 14B > Status: Confirmed Confirmation: SMLULM > Meal: Smoking: No > Aircraft: Fokker 100 Jet Mileage: 436 > Flight Time: 1 hour and 39 minutes > > Thu, Apr 12 AMERICAN AIRLINES, AA 1437 > From: TORONTO ON, CANADA (YYZ) Departs: 7:05p > To: CHICAGO OHARE, IL (ORD) Arrives: 7:47p > Class: Economy Seat: 14B > Status: Confirmed Confirmation: SMLULM > Meal: Smoking: No > Aircraft: Fokker 100 Jet Mileage: 436 > Flight Time: 1 hour and 42 minutes > > Thu, Apr 12 AMERICAN AIRLINES, AA 0531 > From: CHICAGO OHARE, IL (ORD) Departs: 9:50p > To: TULSA, OK (TUL) Arrives: 11:40p > Class: Economy Seat: 21B > Status: Confirmed Confirmation: SMLULM > Meal: Smoking: No > Aircraft: McDonnell Douglas MD80 Mileage: 587 > Flight Time: 1 hour and 50 minutes > > Thank you. > David Pimm > Field Services Coordinator > Noria Corporation > 918-749-1400 x 111 > www.oilanalysis.com April 2, 2001 4:55 AM GG - email to JF (copy WQ) - Subject: April 11-12th training in Burlington - Jim, I have booked a room for you at the Burlington Holiday Inn for April 10-12th (tentatively). Please send me your flight schedule (flight number and time of arrival and departure) and we will have Bill Sr. will pick you up and return you to the airport. I will also need to know the starting and finishing times, what time you would like to break for lunch and if you have any other breaks scheduled in the morning or in the afternoon. Please let me know ASAP so that I can finalize these details with the hotel. Thanks. Best Regards, Gloria Gonzalez March 29, 2001 11:54 AM BO email to BQ - Subject: RE: Paper for POAC 2001 - Bill: Send your abstract over. We have no formatting requirements for the abstract. Just an outline of your presentation/topic. Brett March 29, 2001 11:10 AM BQ emaio to BO - (copy DL Volvo) - Subject: RE: Paper for POAC 2001 - synopsis Effectively Managing a Warranty-Based Oil Analysis Program via the Internet Bill Quesnel - WearCheck International For many decades OEMs have embraced oil analysis as an essential service in the warranty of capital equipment. ROI on such a program is directly related to the effective administration of the program by both the OEM and the oil analysis company. The administration of such a program is a complex process involving many aspects of registration, monitoring and tracking a large amount of equipment over the entirety of its life cycle. The advent of Web-based applications has both simplified and drastically increased the effectiveness of a warranty-based oil analysis program. This paper illustrates how the Internet has enabled Volvo to create a first-class warranty-based oil analysis program by stepping through the requirements of such a program and demonstrating how each aspect has been implemented using the Internet. March 29, 2001 10:04 AM WQ - email to GG - Subject: Jim Fitch - Noria - Here is Jim Fitch's email JFitch@Noria.com Please book room at Holiday Inn for Jim - Apr 10-11-12 Send him email to advise you have done so (tentatively) Ask for his flight schedule (flight number and time of arrival) I will pick Jim up at the airport and return him to airport. March 26, 2001 4:54 PM WQ - email to GG (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: Noria Training - Thanks for the info Gloria - we also need to advise Noria how many will attend before March 26 so they can send training material. I think we should have them send training material for 25 people. So - so far we have 12 - maybe 15 : 1) Scott Robertson 2) Paul Dumont 3) John Murphy 4) Guy Legault 5) Luc Pellerin 6) Richard Lajoie? 7) Bill Quesnel Sr 8) Bill Quesnel Jr 9) Kevin Marson 10) Gloria Gonzalez 11) Barry Goslin 12) Petro Canada 13) Tembec Timiskaming 14) Dofasco? 15) Dofasco? 16) Commercial Alcohol? 17) Commercial Alcohol? I may have a guest to attend, will let you know in a couple of days. Can we afford to have anyone else out of the WearCheck office at the same time? Barry? Deen? Frank? Ruth? Are Peter Nykoluk and Jeff Meyer gone (or not doing anything for WearCheck anymore)? Too bad about Len Leblanc - I will talk to him to see if I can persuade him to come. Need to work harder to get customers, keep at it. Did Bill Jr. put a note on front of reports being mailed out? I will contact WearCheck USA again and find out if they are sending anyone. Bill Sr March 8, 2001 10:49 AM WQ - email to WC Team - Subject: Noria Oil Analysis Training Seminar - Gloria Please advise field sales staff that we have arranged for Noria to present a two day comprehensive training seminar for oil analysis on Wednesday April 11 and Thursday April 12 - (view the course itinerary at http://www.noria.com/service/complete.html ) We will also schedule in a seminar to up-date on WebCheck for those attending (Bill Jr will arrange this to fit the schedule - probably Tuesday afternoon - April 10). That is the week of Good Friday. I will look for a suitable hotel where we can book rooms. WearCheck will pay for hotel rooms and meals during the seminar. If we need to pick up the tab for people travelling to the seminar will do that as well. I will advise you which hotel as soon as I find the right one. I was talking to Bill Jr about attendance at these training sessions, and he says we should invite customers as well, to help defray the costs. Bill Jr plans to put the invitation up in Webcheck and price it out at C$945 for the two days. If this one is successful we will hold another in a couple of months. We think we need to break the inside attendance in half rather than have everyone away at the same time. I would like you to attend the first training session, and the others (managers and diagnosticians) need to decide among themselves how to split it up. William Quesnel Sr March 8, 2001 10:23 AM DP - email to WQ (copy JF) - Subject: RE: Wearcheck Canada <#WC30701 - Bill, Thank you for your confirmation. Wearcheck Canada is now booked for April 11/12 for a 2 day Oil Analysis seminar to be held in Toronto. We understand that you will inform us of the venue. I will fax you today some general guidelines for room setup and equipment av equipment requirements, which will help in choosing the venue. Jim Fitch will be your instructor and looking forward to the visit. Please let me know by March 26 as to the number of attendees, that way we have time to print the manuals and send them and other materials ground UPS. Thanks and Best Regards, David Pimm Field Services Coordinator Noria Corporation 918-749-1400 x 111 www.oilanalysis.com March 8, 2001 9:55 AM WQ - email to DP (copy WC Team) - Subject: Re: Wearcheck Canada <#WC30701 - David Thanks for quick reply. I will fax back our acceptance of your Quotation, and you can use that as your purchase order. We will arrange hotel accommodations for the Noria representative that will conduct the seminar, and I will pick him up at the airport and return to the airport. We will most likely host this at a local hotel, as it appears we will have a larger turnout than first envisaged. I will keep you posted of the arrangements, and number of attendees. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr March 8, 2001 9:50 AM DP - email to WQ - Subject: RE: Wearcheck Canada <#WC30701 - Bill, April 11/12 will work for us. If you don't mind, please send me an official PO or confirmation on the price and terms and we will get going on a cheap airfare. Thanks David Pimm March 8, 2001 9:35 AM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: Fw: Wearcheck Canada <#WC30701> - Billy - Week of April 9th - Good Friday Prefer week of April 16 - gives you more room to fill up the course. As you can see - extra people cost only US$125 each more (for literature). Please advise your preference and I will go ahead and book this. Dad March 8, 2001 8:55 AM WQ - email to DP - Subject: Re: Wearcheck Canada <#WC30701 - David - Please disregard that last message I was looking at the wrong calendar and got the dates screwed up. Good Friday is on April 13 Could we schedule for the Wednesday April 11 and Thursday April 12? Please advise A.S.A.P. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr March 7, 2001 4:52 PM DP - email to WQ - Bill, Thanks for your interest. We would love to participate in a onsite seminar for your employees. I understand that you are participating as an advertiser in POA Europe and NA. Thank you. I know that you will not be disappointed in the results you see from that. Presenting an onsite seminar would further forge our company relations further still. Attached is a quotation for the 2 day course. Available dates in April would be week of 9th or 16th, and we would prefer a Th/Fr timeframe. he sooner we can firm up the date, we can go ahead book a cheaper fare to TOR. Thanks March 7, 2001 3:46 PM WQ - email to JC KS (copy BQ) - Subject: Fw: On site Seminar - Jim Keith - I am trying to organize a training seminar for our field sales staff and inside people through Noria. (See following) If you are interested in participating please advise. Bill Q Sr March 7, 2001 3:42 PM WQ - email to DP - Subject: Re: On site Seminar - David - Thanks for your quick response. I will be out of office tomorrow but you can reach me on my cell phone 905-467-3562. Probably best to reach me by email anytime. We will look through the various training courses listed, and send you an email with our best estimate of what would suit WearCheck. We are looking to train inside staff involved in running our lab, customer service and inside sales, as well as field sales staff that are involved directly in selling oil analysis programs to customers. I feel an organized course such as Noria offers would help to standardize our approach to customers, and get the inside personnel on-side with the field sales staff. If you have conducted similar seminars for other independent laboratories your input in how we structure the course will be highly valued. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr. March 7, 2001 2:53 PM DP - email to WQ - Subject: On site Seminar - Bill, Re: your email to Jim and Drew wrt training We have a variety of "on site" seminars that we can offer you, including the 4 day seminar. Go to our website under services/onsite seminars and you will find additional info. I will plan a call tomorrow to follow-up, however if you need immediate info please give me a call. Thanks for your interest. David Pimm Field Services Coordinator Noria Corporation 918-749-1400 x 111 www.oilanalysis.com March 7, 2001 2:02 PM WQ - email to JF DT (copy BQ) - Subject: Training - Sirs - I looked through your website to see when Noria's next training seminar is scheduled for Eastern Canada and could not find any seminars for either Toronto Ontario area or Montreal Quebec area. Would it be possible for WearCheck to schedule some "in-house" (in our lab-office in Mississauga) training from Noria. We are considering pulling in our sales staff for a two or three day meeting and would like to offer them a comprehensive training seminar to give them fresh ideas. We are looking for a seminar that would send them back to the field motivated to do more for the customer. We would also include several members of our inside staff in the seminar, and could possibly have between 12 and 16 attendees. Please advise what seminar you would recommend and what our cost would be, if you are interested. February 7, 2001 10:34 AM From: "Bill Quesnel" To: "Peter Weismann" ; "Peter Jordan" ; ; ; "Judith Bereczki" ; ; "Jesus Terradillos" ; "Greg Kilmister" ; "Gilbert De Mey" ; "Gary Brown" ; "Bob Cutler" ; "Andre Verlinden" ; "Bill Quesnel - WearCheck" Subject: POA Ad Date: February 7, 2001 10:34 AM Dear Members, I have been approached by Brett O'Kelley of Noria to place an advertisment for WearCheck International into their Practicing Oil Analysis magazine. Our rate for a full page advertisement (4-color) would be $3,900 to run in both their North American and European issue for March / April (one time). Who would be interested in contributing to this advertisement. I will do the artwork, and send PDF versions to all members for approval. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel Vice-President WearCheck Canada Inc. ph +1 905 569 8600 x223 fax +1 905 569 8605 billq@wearcheck.ca ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A proud member of WearCheck International (www.wearcheck.com) November 13, 2000 10:16 AM WQ - email to RI (copy GB JC BC GD BQ JT AV) - Subject: Practicing Oil Analysis Cost Sharing Ruth Attached please find an Excel spreadsheet with the calculations of the costs for the booth, meeting room and shipping expenses for the Tulsa Practicing Oil Analysis Conference. Jim Chambers, Gilbert deMey and I agreed to spit the cost three ways between WC Belgium, WC Canada and WC USA. The other WC members (Bob Cutler WC UK and Jesus Terradillos WC Spain) attended the conference but did not use the booth, so we will not charge them. WC Africa sent us literature which we displayed, however it was beneficial to us to have it, and to invoice them would be more of a nuisance than it is worth. The costs are calculated in US dollars, and I have included the cost from Noria for the booth space (20' x 10'), the cost of shipping booths to and from the show (estimated US cost at $300), the cost of display racks, the training room and photo-copying literature. I split it three ways and have credited back to WC USA, the estimated cost of freight for shipping their booth. Please type up formal invoices dated October 31, 2000 and we will attach copies of the invoices before mailing. I have copied this email to the WC members involved. Bill Quesnel Sr. billq@wearcheck.ca October 13, 2000 12:49 PM BQ - emial to Frances Scott (Noria) (copy WQ) - Subject: POA WebCheck article - Frances, Here is the article on Webcheck for POA magazine. ( C:\My Documents\WearCheck\Sales\WebCheck - POA article.doc) C The graphics will follow: WebCheck_POA_1.TIF (38 Mb) WebCheck_POA_2.TIF (17 Mb) WebCheck_POA_3.TIF (11 Mb) The 3rd graphic is a composition of screen shots. I am not sure how this will print. If you want the actual screen shots sent down as PSD files or something else, just let me know. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel October 10, 2000 12:53 PM WQ -email to RB - Subject: Re: Oil analysis conference - Robert - At this point in time it is best that you ship it directly to the hotel, address it to be held for Gilbert or Andre at the hotel desk. The hotel is :Marriott Southern Hills 1902 East 71st Street Tulsa, OK, USA, 74136 Regards Bill Quesnel Sr October 9, 2000 6:15 AM RB - email to WQ - Subject: Oil analysis conference - Hi Bill, we are still going to send a panel for the WearCheck Booth (it will be a A1 format). If you agree, I will send it directly to the hotel in Tulsa so that it still can arrive in time. Please let me know - P.S. Any news on the Volvo story? Best regards, Robert Unil Belgium October 6, 2000 9:25 AM WQ - email to AV JT BQ GG GD BC JC - Subject: Practicing Oil Analysis Conference - Colleagues - Noria now has the complete itinerary listing all the papers and training sessions for the conference up on their website at: http://www.noria.com/conf/sessiongrid2000.html WearCheck will host a conference meeting room available for entertaining or training customers - The Dogwood Room.. There is to be a WebCheck Training course conducted in the Dogwood Room on October 26 from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm. We have a pre-registration form advertised on our WebCheck opening page and have emailed all users in North America. We will in addition hand out initiations to prospective trainees after Bill Jr's paper on October 24 at 4:40 pm to 5:30pm. We are advertising the POAC on our website and advising customers they should attend the conference. We will ship out the literature that we have on the first of next week to be sure it arrives in Tulsa on time. Attendees are all listed in the address of this email, and I understand that Bob Starling from WC USA will attend as well. See you all there, and looking forward to a good conference. Best Regards Bill Q Sr October 2, 2000 4:15 PM WQ - phoned Alisha Silver at 918-493-7000 to ask about capacity of DogWood room. 65 theatre 40 classroom with tables 25 in a u shape 25 conference 50 banquet big screen September 28, 2000 5:04 PM WQ - email to AV JC GD GG BQ - Subject: POAC - Tulsa - Conference room - I received following email from Mike Ramsey (Noria) - Subject: Fw: POA2000 Update Hi Bill - just wanted to let you know that your hospitality suite at the Marriott for Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 will be the Dogwood Room. We have extended the time you can use the room. Here is the time slot: Monday 5:00 pm through Midnight Wed. You have probably already started making arrangements with the Marriott, but you can call Alisha Silver at 918-493-7000 for your banqueting and catering needs. If you need anything please let me know. Mike Ramsey Noria Corporation I called the hotel and am advised that the conference room does not have a data port but does have a telephone that can provide access to outside lines. Billy do you have a Tulsa number for dial up access for UU Net? I have checked out Netcom (AT&T) and they do not have local number for dial up access. Closest City with dial up for Netcom is St Louis Missouri Bill Sr September 26, 2000 6:04 PM WQ - email to GD (INCO) (Copy LL) - Subject: Practicing Oil Analysis Conference - Tulsa OK October - Gail MacDonald Here is the web address for Noria's web site : http://www.oilanalysis.com You will find link to the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference on their home page, as well as links to their discussion sites. Hope to see you there, look us up - WearCheck International will have a booth. If you attend you will probably learn more about oil analysis at this conference than you want to know. Bill Quesnel Sr September 26, 2000 7:22 AM WQ - email to RB - (copy GG JC BC GD BQ JT AV) - Subject: Re: oil analysis conference planning Robert You can have any space you require for poster. (I am presently away from the office, however if you wish it to fit to one of our panel sizes I will measure one and send you the dimensions when I get home). We are putting together the WC USA booth with the WC Canada booth to create a 20 foot wide space. Out booths are quite different in that we have the type that is assembled using panels fitted together with pins, white panels with red and black lettering. The WC USA booth is blue and is one of the "pop-up" type that can be assembled in a few minutes. We will fit them together as best we can once we are onsite. We plan to add several racks to display literature, depending on how much we receive from other Group members. In addition we have reserved a meeting room and have scheduled a WebCheck training session for the day following Bill Jr's presentation of his paper. . We have heard from several other members and attendance now stands at: WC Canada - Bill Quesnel Sr. Bill Quesnel Jr. Gloria Gonzalez WC USA - Jim Chambers, Bob Starling WC Belgium - Gilbert De Mey, Andre Verlinden WC UK - Bob Cutler WC Spain - Jesus Teradillos We have heard back from WC Australia, WC South Africa, and WC Germany - will not attend Have not had any response from WC Hungary. We want to present an International presence and I feel we will be well represented. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr September 25, 2000 10:47 PM RB - email to WQ - Subject: RE: oil analysis conference planning - Hi Bill, documentation concerning WearCheck Belgium has been sent to WearCheck Canada. Can you please acknowledge when it arrives. Can you also tell me what space you could give us for a panel in the booth. This would be a poster-type panel. Do you have any news on the Volvo presentation? Best regards, Robert Communication manager Wearcheck belgium September 25, 2000 4:01 AM WQ - email to PJ - Subject: Re: Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Participation -Peter - Thanks for the return message. Will let you know if we think participation with the booth was worthwhile for all concerned. We now have Bob Cutler from WC-UK, Jesus Terradillos from WC-Spain, and Bob Starling from WC-USA, joining our previous list of attendees, so WC International is well represented. Best Regards Bill September 24, 2000 10:38 PM PJ - email to WQ - Subject: FW: Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Participation - Bill, We (ALS) won't be participating this time. However, we are interested in your feedback regarding your impressions and if you think it was valuable. Maybe next time. Cheers, Peter Jordan September 22, 2000 8:21 AM MR - email to WQ - Subject: Fw: POA2000 Update - Hi Bill - just wanted to let you know that your hospitality suite at the Marriott for Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 will be the Dogwood Room. We have extended the time you can use the room. Here is the time slot: Monday 5:00 pm through Midnight Wed. You have probably already started making arrangements with the Marriott, but you can call Alisha Silver at 918-493-7000 for your banqueting and catering needs. If you need anything please let me know. Mike Ramsey Noria Corporation 2705 E. Skelly Dr. Suite No. 305 Tulsa, OK 74105 918-749-1400 x102 Fax: 918-746-0925 www.noria.com mramsey@noria.com September 22, 2000 4:22 AM MR - email to WQ (rply BQ) - Subject: POA2000 Update - Hi Bill - just wanted to let you know that your hospitality suite at the Marriott for Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 will be the Dogwood Room. We have extended the time you can use the room. Here is the time slot: Monday 5:00 pm through Midnight Wed. You have probably already started making arrangements with the Marriott, but you can call Alisha Silver at 918-493-7000 for your banqueting and catering needs. If you need anything please let me know. Mike Ramsey Noria Corporation 2705 E. Skelly Dr. Suite No. 305 Tulsa, OK 74105 918-749-1400 x102 Fax: 918-746-0925 www.noria.com mramsey@noria.com September 20, 2000 8:36 PM WQ - emai to JT - Subject: Re: HUSKY - Do you wish to participate in our booth in the show? Bill Quesnel September 20, 2000 7:12 AM JT - email to WQ - Bill: I will go to Tulsa in october. I will arrive to Tulsa on sunday 22 until sunday 29. I hope i will see you there. Regards September 20, 2000 4:00 AM WQ - email to JT - Jesus - Will you be coming to Tulsa for the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference in October? William Quesnel Sr September 20, 2000 2:58 AM BC - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Participation -Bill - I will continue to seek global contracts for the group, but please remember that I cannot market Wearcheck at all, owing to legal restraints placed on me by German Lawyers. Consequently I cannot share the booth in Tulsa, but will bring Brochures with me, judge the situation and discuss possibilities with you at the time. Bob September 18, 2000 9:53 AM WQ - email to BC (copy AV GD BQ JC) - Subject: Re: Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Participation - Bob - If you wish to participate in the booth and have use of the conference room you cut all of our costs to US $598 each, and of course there will be no charge for displaying literature. I would suggest you ship whatever literature you wish to display to Gloria at WearCheck Mississauga, right away and we will combine in a package to ship across the US border and into Tulsa (no extra charge). Hey! - I am really glad that you are coming. I do not believe anyone is bringing along a spouse this trip. Will anyone else from Robertson be coming? I though it was a great conference last year, and I hope we can light the WearCheck light at this year's show. I hope you don't mind my copying this to our fellow conspirators, they will be pleased as well. Gilbert and Andre are coming over a few days early to spend some time in WC Canada's lab looking at our system, you are welcome to do so as well! I travel to WC USA next Tuesday and will be discussing the configuration of mixing WC Canada's booth with WC USA's booth. Will keep you posted. Bill Q Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca September 15, 2000 8:40 AM BC (WC-UK) email to WQ (fwd BQ AV GD JC) - Subject: Re: Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Participation - Bill - I will be in Tulsa from 22/10/00 and 29/10/00 inclusive. Bob September 14, 2000 9:56 AM WQ - email to WC Group - Subject: Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Participation - To all WearCheck International members (special note to Jim Chambers of USA - Gilbert De Mey of Belgium) The Noria sponsored Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 conference will be held in Tulsa Oklahoma USA October 24-26, 2000 WearCheck Canada believe that WearCheck International should show a strong presence, participate in the conference/trade show this year, and need to decide what level of participation WCI will take. The cost of the booth is US$ 1.690 and a conference room an additional US$700 for two days = total cost US$2,390. So far Belgium Canada and USA are sharing so cost is US$797 each to participate (if another member came in it would be US$598) If anyone is planning to attend and wishes to share in our 20ft x 10ft booth we would ask that they pay a portion of the cost. We plan to have a display stand featuring the literature in the booth. We have asked you to send literature for display and would only charge you a nominal US$100 each to cover costs of the display stand and handling the literature for you. You would need to send literature immediately if you wish it to arrive in time to make the display. Please advise me if you are sending literature, and send to Gloria Gonzalez, WearCheck Canada Inc, 4161 Sladeview Crescent, Unit 11, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L5L 5R3, We have received literature from WearCheck Africa, and the UK has asked for a price to display literature. Bill Jr will present his paper, "WebCheck - an Oil analysis Based Maintenance Extranet System at 4:40 pm. Tuesday October 24th, and will conduct a WebCheck training program from 10:00am to 2:00pm in our conference room on Wednesday October 25th. We will display group literature here as well. So far attendees at the conference are: William Quesnel Sr - WearCheck Canada Bill Quesnel JR - WearCheck Canada Gloria Gonzalez - WearCheck Canada Jim Chambers - WearCheck USA (and others) Gilbert De Mey - WearCheck Belgium Andre Verlinden - WearCheck Belgium You can preview the POA2000 conference by visiting Noria's website at : http://www.oilanalysis.com/ If you do plan to attend I suggest that you visit the site and register early (I have registered). Please reply as soon as possible (by return Email) regarding participation by your company, if you are presenting a paper, or will attend, wish to actively participate in the trade show, wish to send literature to display in the booth, or are not interested in being involved (WearCheck Germany will not attend). If you are not planning to participate at all please advise a.s.a.p. Bill Quesnel Sr September 13, 2000 11:12 AM WQ - email to RB (AM) (copy GG BQ) - Subject: Re: oil analysis conference planning - Robert - Best thing you can do for now is send all the brochures you wish to display to WearCheck Canada Inc in Mississauga attention Gloria Gonzalez. We are combining our booth with WearCheck USA's booth (I do not know what their booth looks like but will find out next week when I visit USA) We will have space 20ft wide by 10ft deep and plan on setting up a literature display from WC Group members. Our booth has quite a bit of info on the panels, If you wish to send across a special panel for WC Belgium please do so and we will incorporate. The address to send your literature (and panel) is: WearCheck Canada Inc Attention : Gloria Gonzalez 4161 Sladeview Crescent Unit 11 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5L 5R3 We will handle shipping of brochures and booth out of Canada. Your last question regarding Power Point Presentation for Volvo, requires answer from Bill Jr and I have copied him on this If you do not hear from him email to billq@wearcheck.ca for reply Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr. September 13, 2000 11:12 AM WQ - email to RB (WC-Bel) (copy GG BQ) - Subject: Re: oil analysis conference planning - Robert - Best thing you can do for now is send all the brochures you wish to display to WearCheck Canada Inc in Mississauga attention Gloria Gonzalez. We are combining our booth with WearCheck USA's booth (I do not know what their booth looks like but will find out next week when I visit USA) We will have space 20ft wide by 10ft deep and plan on setting up a literature display from WC Group members. Our booth has quite a bit of info on the panels, If you wish to send across a special panel for WC Belgium please do so and we will incorporate. The address to send your literature (and panel) is: WearCheck Canada Inc Attention : Gloria Gonzalez 4161 Sladeview Crescent Unit 11 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5L 5R3 We will handle shipping of brochures and booth out of Canada. Your last question regarding Power Point Presentation for Volvo, requires answer from Bill Jr and I have copied him on this If you do not hear from him email to billq@wearcheck.ca for reply Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr. September 13, 2000 6:32 AM RB (AM) - email to WQ - Subject: FW: oil analysis conference planning- Hi Bill, thank you for your input concerning the Volvo brochure. About the Tulsa conference: since WearCheck Belgium is participating in the costs of the stand, how can we best represent WearCheck Belgium besides the presentation of brochures. Do you already have an idea of how your stand is going to look like? Can we emphasize our services with a panel on WearCheck Belgium? To what address do we have to send our brochures and documents? Can you please tell me whether the power point presentation on the benefits of oil analysis was sent to Volvo? Thanks Robert Unil Belgium Bergensesteenweg 713 B-1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw Tel +32 (0)2 365 02 27 Fax /32 (0)2 360 01 12 www.unil.com September 11, 2000 3:06 PM WQ - Phone call to Mike Ramsey - Billy will do his paper at 4:40 Tuesday afternoon October 24. Mike is IT guy for Noria and has been excited by Jim Fitch to meet Bill. They want Noria to be the infomration source for WebCheck. Want to work together with CiNRG to produce Web-based Oil Anlysis Training Courses. MIke asked fora copy of a PowerPoint presentation of Bill's paper, and I advised that we were keeping it to ourselves until after the presentation in Tulsa. Noria want to use many of the slides in Bill's presentation. Told Mike we will arrange a meeting while we are in Tulsa. September 8, 2000 4:05 PM WQ - email to MR - Subject: Re: Shipping Instrucitons for Trade Show - Mike - Thanks for quick reply. I have not received exhibitor kit, please send a.s.a.p. Bill Quesnel September 8, 2000 9:48 AM MR - email to WQ - Date: September 8, 2000 9:48 AM - Shipping Booth - Bill - The booth freight should arrive on or prior to Oct. 20. Please ship to: Wearcheck International Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Taylor Convention Services ABF Freight 4410 S. Jackson Street Tulsa, OK 74107 You should have received an Exhibitors Kit with some forms you need to fill out and send back. Please let me know if you don't have this. I will check with Drew to see if he has the presenter schedule yet. September 7, 2000 6:03 AM BW - email to WQ - Subject: AW: Practicing Oil Analysis Conference Planning - Hallo Bill, WEARCHECK Germany will not visit the Practising Oil Analysis Conference 2000 in Tulsa. We feel it make no sense to display german informations and literature. We wish a successful exhibition. Best regards Barbara Weismann September 7, 2000 4:59 AM WQ - email to DT - Subject: Fw: Presentation - Date and Time - Drew / Mike - Please advise date and time for Bill Quesnel Jr presentation of WebCheck - An Oil Analysis Based Maintenance Extranet System , once you have your schedule completed. Who do I contact to receive information regarding shipping instructions (address) for our booth material? Regards Bill Quesnel Sr August 30, 2000 8:34 AM WQ - email to JF (copy AV GD JC) - Subject: Re: Presentation - Date and Time - Jim - Thanks for quick reply. We have already booked rooms and flights, will be three from WC Canada - Myself, Bill Jr and Gloria Gonzalez (sales manager), as well two from Belgium - Gilbert DeMey and Andre Verlinden. Jim Chambers from USA will attend, but has not advised who else will be there with him. Regards William Quesnel Sr. August 29, 2000 5:05 PM WQ - email to JF (copy BQ JC) - Subject: Presentation - Date and Time - Jim - Could you please advise the date and time you have scheduled for Bill Quesnel (CiNRG) to do his presentation of WebCheck - An Oil Analysis Based Maintenance Extranet System We wish to schedule a training session for WebCheck and advise our web-based customers that it will be available in Tulsa during the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference. We would prefer to present the paper early on in the sessions if possible. I note that you have scheduled workshops for Monday and Thursday. Will these workshops coincide with paper presentations or are the papers presented on Tuesday and Wednesday? If so we would prefer to present early Tuesday to give us time to schedule a WebCheck training session following the paper. Perhaps people who attend the paper would be interested to attend the WebCheck training session if it followed. Please advise at your earliest convenience. William Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.c a WearCheck Canada Inc http://www.wearcheck.ca August 25, 2000 12:35 PM WQ - email to AB GD AV WQ - Subject: Re: hotel reservation Tulsa - Dear Anne - I have booked rooms at the conference hotel (same hotel - where I am staying for POAC Tulsa): Marriott Southern Hills 1902 East 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74136 918-493-7000 US$99.00/day - single room with king sized bed - non smoking arrival date October 22, departure date October 27 guaranteed with my MasterCard account in name of William Quesnel Gilbert DeMey (address as WearCheck Belgium) - confirmation number 83146751 Andre Verlinden (address as WearCheck Belgium) - confirmation number 83147712 Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca August 25, 2000 8:48 AM AB - email to WQ - Subject: hotel reservation Tulsa - Dear Sir, Could you please book two rooms at the same hotel you are staying for the POAC in Tulsa in October ? Gilbert and André will arrive Oct 22 and leave Oct 27. Many thanks in advance for your kind cooperation. Please confirm this message. Best regards. Anne Brock August 24, 2000 6:56 AM JC - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Practicing Oil Analysis Conference - Bill you must think I am sleep at the wheel but I was not seeing your E-mail messages. I now remember I had both accounts coming to my work system. I will get back to you with our ideas. Right now I expect 2 people at the show, I being one. Jim August 22, 2000 1:13 PM WQ - email to WC Group - Subject: Practicing Oil Analysis Conference Planning - Dear Colleagues I am planning for the POAC in Tulsa October 24-26. I would like to know from each WearCheck Group member whether they plan to participate in the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference 2000 in Tulsa Okalahoma USA October 24-26. Anyone who is attending and wishes to use the reserved booth space or meeting room will be expected to contribute to the cost of the booth. We would like to receive display literature from each and all of the Group members. I have been visiting Noria's website for the conference http://www.noria.com/conf/confmain.html, and there is information on what will go on, however there is still no formal timetable for events. My understanding is that they will hold workshops before and after the conference/tradeshow, and they have scheduled these on Monday Oct 23 and Thursday Oct 26. The papers for the conference and the tradeshow are to be held Tuesday Oct 24 and Wednesday Oct 25, with some on Thursday Oct 26. WearCheck Canada and USA have booked a 20ft x 10ft booth, as WearCheck International. So far I have had only the response from WearCheck Africa to submit informational brochures and literature. WearCheck Belgium has said they will participate. have booked a conference/meeting room for the two days of the conference/tradeshow where we could conduct WebCheck training seminars or meet with customers in any other format desired. I would like WearCheck Group's ideas about this, if you are participating. I booked my air travel and room at the conference hotel (which I found good last year) rooms get booked pretty quickly, it is: Tulsa Marriott Southern Hills 1902 East 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74136 918-493-7000 $99.00 single and double August 22, 2000 1:03 PM WQ - email to JC (copy BQ GG) - Subject: Practicing Oil Analysis Conference -Jim - I am planning for the POAC in Tulsa October 24-26, and need to know who will be coordinating planning for the trade show for WearCheck USA. I have been visiting Noria's website for the conference http://www.noria.com/conf/confmain.html, and there is information on what will go on, however there is still no formal timetable for events. My understanding is that they will hold workshops before and after the conference/tradeshow, and they have scheduled these on Monday Oct 23 and Thursday Oct 26. The papers for the conference and the tradeshow are to be held Tuesday Oct 24 and Wednesday Oct 25, with some on Thursday Oct 26. I have booked a 20ft x 10ft booth space and will be supplying WearCheck Canada's 10ft x 10ft booth. I understand that WearCheck USA also has a 10ft x 10ft booth and we need to look at how we will fit these together. So far I have had only the response from WearCheck Africa to submit informational brochures and literature (and are willing to pay). WearCheck Belgium has said they wish to participate (provide funding) , and we are being visited by Gilbert and Andre in September (to talk about WebCheck development), and will discuss their intended participation at POAC Tulsa at the same time. I have booked a conference/meeting room for the two day of the conference/tradeshow where we could conduct WebCheck training seminars or meet with customers in any other format desired. I would like WearCheck USA's ideas about this. I notice that there is no offer of free sample kits included in the "What You Get For Free When You Attend" section, so maybe this did not work out too good for those that did so last year. Maybe we could ship some sample kits out to the conference, and only pass them out to valued contacts at the booth, or follow the lead of the competitors.... if they do it so do we. I will be sending out an email to all WearCheck Group members today asking if they will have delegates attending the POAC and if they wish to send literature. I booked my air travel to the conference this week, arriving Tulsa October 22 AA567 at 8:44 pm and departing October 26. AA 768 at 12:40 pm I have booked at the conference hotel (which I found good last year) rooms get booked pretty quickly, it is: Tulsa Marriott Southern Hills 1902 East 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74136 918-493-7000 $99.00 single and double August 16, 2000 2:10 PM WQ email to Noria WebMaster - Subject: Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Exhibitor Listing Sirs Please change the listing for our booth from: WearCheck Canada Inc to: WearCheck International WearCheck Labs from Canada, USA, Belgium and South Africa are represented and participating in the one booth. Bill Quesnel billqsr@wearcheck.ca WearCheck Canada Inc. http://www.wearcheck.ca August 3, 2000 1:05 AM GB - email to WQ - Subject: NORIA CONFERENCE - Hi Bill, Just a short note regarding promotional literature for the Wearcheck exhibition.I am sending the following to you today by courier: TECHNICAL BULLETINS. 10 How to get the most out of your oil analysis programme. 10 Implementing reliability centred maintenance 10 How to read a can of oil (part 1.) 10 How to read a can of oil (part 2.) 10Your questions answered. 10An introduction to synthetic oils. 10Oil pressure mapping to measure bearing wear. 10 Wear limits vs trends. 10 Monitoring oil degradation with infrared spectroscopy. 10 Wearcheck pens 2 Wearcheck Africa caps.(You can change caps depending on which country the prospective client is enquiring about!Just make sure you take it off if any Germans ask any questions!) And finally a few business cards. Please could you let us have an invoice for our share of the cost of the booth and could it be dated September. We will be ordering sample/thief pumps within the next week ,We are ordering 1000 so you could benifit by adding your order to ours.If you can give me a quantity ,perhaps the USA miight also be interested,then I will come back to you with a quote landed in Canada. Please give our regards to Lorraine and Bill junior and your families. Regards, Gary. August 3, 2000 1:05 AM GV - email to WQ - Subject: NORIA CONFERENCE - Hi Bill, Just a short note regarding promotional literature for the Wearcheck exhibition.I am sending the following to you today by courier: TECHNICAL BULLETINS. 10 How to get the most out of your oil analysis programme. 10 Implementing reliability centred maintenance 10 How to read a can of oil (part 1.) 10 How to read a can of oil (part 2.) 10Your questions answered. 10An introduction to synthetic oils. 10Oil pressure mapping to measure bearing wear. 10 Wear limits vs trends. 10 Monitoring oil degradation with infrared spectroscopy. 10 Wearcheck pens 2 Wearcheck Africa caps.(You can change caps depending on which country the prospective client is enquiring about!Just make sure you take it off if any Germans ask any questions!) And finally a few business cards. Please could you let us have an invoice for our share of the cost of the booth and could it be dated September. We will be ordering sample/thief pumps within the next week ,We are ordering 1000 so you could benifit by adding your order to ours.If you can give me a quantity ,perhaps the USA miight also be interested,then I will come back to you with a quote landed in Canada. Please give our regards to Lorraine and Bill junior and your families. Regards, Gary. July 17, 2000 8:10 AM BQ - email to JF (copy to WQ) - WebCheck - An Oil Analysis Based Maintenance Extranet System Abstract The use of the Internet for extranet applications is in it's infancy and the synergistic effects of these systems is only beginning to be understood. This paper details many of the benefits of WebCheck, an oil analysis based maintenance extranet system. WebCheck is a mature system operating in several countries with hundreds of on-line users. WebCheck allows for the exchange of equipment condition monitoring data provided by a centrally linked global commercial oil analysis laboratory. Centralization of the world-wide Laboratory Management Information Systems (LIMS) through the Internet allows for live and interactive flow of condition monitoring data between the laboratories, customers, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), oil suppliers and consultants. I would like to present this paper as President of my software company, CINRG Systems Inc. (not WearCheck). July 7, 2000 5:03 PM WQ - email to JF (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: WCI meeting in Colmar - Jim - Canada is definitely interested in becoming a partner with Noria in presenting training programs. We would accept Noria's terms as outlined to become an exclusive trainer. I have been in contact with our office by Email since leaving Canada and I understand that our field sales representatives have lined up three WearCheck Oil Anlysis Training Seminars for August-September. WearCheck has conducted 17 Oil Anlysis Training Seminars and 6 WebCheck Training Seminars in the past 18 months, and it is our intent to accelerate this project. Most of these training programs have been organized by 4 of our 6 field sales staff, and were presented by Bill Jr or Rod Raymond (who has since left WearCheck to work as an oil analysis consultant). We experimented with advertising a one-day Oil Anlysis Training Seminar at a price of Can$495 on our WebCheck site, in conjunction with a free WebCheck Training Course. The course sold out within two weeks and was held at our laboratory in Mississauga. We believe Oil Analysis Training should be structured to a standardized course of studies, such as Noria developed and not have all the independent labs conducting courses put together individualy. It seems like too much duplication of effort. We are in the business of analyzing oil and even though training is important, and can gain us customer loyalty, it would be best if it is standardized. I know Bill Jr has been planning a Web-based training program for some time, and has done some work on it. We both appreciate that Noria has a tremendous amount of information and graphics already in place, and once again we think it would be non-productive to try to duplicate the good work you have already done. Perhaps there is some way CiNRG could co-operate with Noria in this type of project as well. Bill Q Sr July 7, 2000 5:03 PM From: "William Quesnel" To: "Jim Fitch" Cc: "Bill Quesnel" Subject: Re: WCI meeting in Colmar Date: July 7, 2000 5:03 PM Jim Canada is definitely interested in becoming a partner with Noria in presenting training programs. We would accept Noria's terms as outlined to become an exclusive trainer. I have been in contact with our office by Email since leaving Canada and I understand that our field sales representatives have lined up three WearCheck Oil Anlysis Training Seminars for August-September. WearCheck has conducted 17 Oil Anlysis Training Seminars and 6 WebCheck Training Seminars in the past 18 months, and it is our intent to accelerate this project. Most of these training programs have been organized by 4 of our 6 field sales staff, and were presented by Bill Jr or Rod Raymond (who has since left WearCheck to work as an oil analysis consultant). We experimented with advertising a one-day Oil Anlysis Training Seminar at a price of Can$495 on our WebCheck site, in conjunction with a free WebCheck Training Course. The course sold out within two weeks and was held at our laboratory in Mississauga. We believe Oil Analysis Training should be structured to a standardized course of studies, such as Noria developed and not have all the independent labs conducting courses put together individualy. It seems like too much duplication of effort. We are in the business of analyzing oil and even though training is important, and can gain us customer loyalty, it would be best if it is standardized. I know Bill Jr has been planning a Web-based training program for some time, and has done some work on it. We both appreciate that Noria has a tremendous amount of information and graphics already in place, and once again we think it would be non-productive to try to duplicate the good work you have already done. Perhaps there is some way CiNRG could co-operate with Noria in this type of project as well. Bill Q Sr July 7, 2000 4:44 PM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: copy of presentation - Bill - I would hold Jim Fitch off on this. I would tell him that you want to save the slides for the seminar and feel the entire presentation should be "new" when you present. I don't think you should release any hard copy of the slides until after your presentation. Dad July 7, 2000 12:21 PM From: "William Quesnel" To: "Bill Quesnel" Subject: Fw: automated response Date: July 7, 2000 4:44 PM Bill I would hold Jim Fitch off on this. I would tell him that you want to save the slides for the seminar and feel the entire presentation should be "new" when you present. I don't think you should release any hard copy of the slides until after your presentation. Dad ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Fitch" To: Cc: "Frances Scott" ; Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 12:21 PM Subject: RE: automated response > Bill, Jr., > > I would be very interested in getting a copy of your presentation on > WebCheck software. Maybe send me a hardcopy or just the Powerpoint file. I > am thinking about incorporating a few things from your presenting into our > seminar (w/ credit given). > > I will have Frances Scott send you the speaker's instruction for our > conference when she returns next week. I would very much like to have you > present this in our Products Track. > > All best, > > Jim > > -----Original Message----- > From: Bill Quesnel [mailto:billq@mail.wearcheck.ca] > Sent: None > To: JFitch@Noria.com > Subject: automated response > > > I am away June 29 to July 14 inclusive as I will be at the WearCheck > International Meetings in Munster, France. > > If you really need to contact me I will be checking my e-mail at > semi-regular intervals (as time permits). > > Please direct any customer concerns or sales enquiries to > GloriaP@wearcheck.ca. > > Regards, > Bill Quesnel > Vice-President > WearCheck Canada Inc. > July 7, 2000 8:21 AM JF - email to WQ (copy FS WQ) - Subject: RE: copy of presentation - Bill, Jr., I would be very interested in getting a copy of your presentation on WebCheck software. Maybe send me a hardcopy or just the Powerpoint file. I am thinking about incorporating a few things from your presenting into our seminar (w/ credit given). I will have Frances Scott send you the speaker's instruction for our conference when she returns next week. I would very much like to have you present this in our Products Track. All best, Jim July 7, 2000 8:21 AM From: "Jim Fitch" To: Cc: "Frances Scott" ; Subject: RE: automated response Date: July 7, 2000 8:21 AM Bill, Jr., I would be very interested in getting a copy of your presentation on WebCheck software. Maybe send me a hardcopy or just the Powerpoint file. I am thinking about incorporating a few things from your presenting into our seminar (w/ credit given). I will have Frances Scott send you the speaker's instruction for our conference when she returns next week. I would very much like to have you present this in our Products Track. All best, Jim -----Original Message----- From: Bill Quesnel [mailto:billq@mail.wearcheck.ca] Sent: None To: JFitch@Noria.com Subject: automated response I am away June 29 to July 14 inclusive as I will be at the WearCheck International Meetings in Munster, France. If you really need to contact me I will be checking my e-mail at semi-regular intervals (as time permits). Please direct any customer concerns or sales enquiries to GloriaP@wearcheck.ca. Regards, Bill Quesnel Vice-President WearCheck Canada Inc. July 7, 2000 8:12 AM JF - email to WC Group - (copy DP CF) - Subject: WCI meeting in Colmar - Let me begin by saying it was a real pleasure to have the opportunity to meet each of you and to spend three fine days discussing matters of high interest. Charo and I are most appreciative of the generous hospitality extended to us. The French cuisine and social programs were TERRIFIC! A special thanks to Vera for her efforts and week's success. In our view there are many excellent opportunities that could spring from cooperation WCI and Noria. Of foremost interest to us is the possibility of marketing Noria's training programs through WCI labs as members of our Global Alliance program as I outlined in my presentation. I will follow up with the labs individually to see if we can forge such an alliance. In the mean time, if there is anything I or Noria could be of service to WCI please do let me know. I hope to see each of you again in Tulsa this October at our conference Practicing Oil Analysis 20000 (http://www.noria.com/conf/confmain.html). All best, Jim Fitch July 7, 2000 8:12 AM From: "Jim Fitch" To: ; ; ; ; ; "'vera duin'" ; "'Barbara Weismann'" ; "Jesus Terradillos" ; ; Cc: "David Pimm" ; "Charo M. Fitch (E-mail)" Subject: WCI meeting in Colmar Date: July 7, 2000 8:12 AM Let me begin by saying it was a real pleasure to have the opportunity to meet each of you and to spend three fine days discussing matters of high interest. Charo and I are most appreciative of the generous hospitality extended to us. The French cuisine and social programs were TERRIFIC! A special thanks to Vera for her efforts and week's success. In our view there are many excellent opportunities that could spring from cooperation WCI and Noria. Of foremost interest to us is the possibility of marketing Noria's training programs through WCI labs as members of our Global Alliance program as I outlined in my presentation. I will follow up with the labs individually to see if we can forge such an alliance. In the mean time, if there is anything I or Noria could be of service to WCI please do let me know. I hope to see each of you again in Tulsa this October at our conference Practicing Oil Analysis 20000 (http://www.noria.com/conf/confmain.html). All best, Jim Fitch ************************* Jim Fitch Noria Corporation 2705 E. Skelly Dr. Suite Number 305 Tulsa, OK 74105 USA 918-749-1400 x101 FAX: 918-746-0925 Jfitch@noria.com www.noria.com ************************* June 29, 2000 3:05 PM WQ - email to MR - Subject: Practicing Oil Analysis Conference 2000 Trade Show - Tulsa Mike WearCheck International would like to book space for a booth in the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference Trade Show to be held in Tulsa October 24-26, 2000. Please advise where I can get form to enter our request, or if you can please send by email to myself billqsr@wearcheck.ca or fax to our office at 905-569-8605. Regards William Quesnel Sr President WearCheck Canada Inc. www.wearcheck.ca June 9, 2000 8:10 AM BW - Email to WQ - Subject: AW: Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Participation Hallo Bill, thanks for your information regarding the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference 2000 in Tulsa. As mentioned before WEARCHECK Germany will not participate on a booth in the exhibition. In the moment I am not sure if I will attend the conference. Peter and R diger definitely will not attend, because R diger will have during the same time a seminar and Peter must stay in the company while R diger is out. Looking forward to see you and your family on the 30th June. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Kerschelweg 28 D 83098 Brannenburg Germany Fax: + 49-8034-9047-47 Tel.: + 49-8034-9047-17 E-Mail: bw@wearcheck.de Internet: http://www.wearcheck.de April 19, 2000 11:09 AM VD - email to JF - Thank you for your quick response. We are happy to receive you and your wife at the WearCheck International Meeting. From Paris it will be about 500 km to the hotel in Munster. It will be, more or less, a 6-hour drive. There is a paying way via Strasbourg, which is a bit longer in km but maybe quicker, because it's the fastest highway, and there is a non-paying way via Nancy, which is shorter. This is also a highway, route national 4, except for the last part (which is a beautiful drive, partly through the mountains and along small villages). On Monday July 3rd we will visit Colmar, which is an adorable city and have dinner in a typical restaurant. I am going to finalize the conference program and I will send you more details a.s.a.p. April 10, 2000 8:55 AM BQ - email to WCI Members - I received a phone call from Jim Fitch of Noria on Friday. He has informed me that he is accepting our offer to give a presentation at WCI 2000 in Colmar, France. Jim Fitch will be attending in place of Drew Troyer. You can direct any comments or questions to myself or Jim Fitch (jfitch@noria.com). Belgium ====== Could you please send the appropriate information to Jim Fitch (jfitch@noria.com) regarding hotel accomodations, flight information, etc. Also, you will need to agree on a date and time for a Noria presentation for the meetings. My suggestion is for the final day of meetings so that Jim may be able to join us for a all or some of the social events. March 24, 2000 10:26 AM DT - email to WQ - RE: WearCheck Interational Group - We are discussing this issue now. It seems that we have some issues to resolve with Wear Check Germany. If they are on-board, it makes sense for us to go over. If not, it may still make sense, but we have to think through it. Dave Pimm and I will get back to you soon. March 24, 2000 7:48 AM WQ - email to DT - I have not received a reply to my message of March 15, am uncertain if youreceived it, so will repaeat I now have official permission to ask Noria to present at the annual WearCheck International Group meetings to be held inColamar France (near the 3 frontier point between France Germany and Belgium. Formal meetings are to be held July 3,4,5, 2000, followed by an additional 4 days of socializing and touring the countryside. Presentations are usually between 2 and 4 hours in length and we like to stick to that. How much time would your require for the presentation, and which day and time would you prefer. I will send you details of hotel accomodations later and you are welcome to remain at the hotel to accopany us during the period followig the formal meetings. The social part often provides the best opportunity to get to know each other and certainly is the best time to conduct individual meetings. The nearest airports to Colmar are Strasbourg (France) and Basel (Switzerland) I and my son Bill will be accompanied by our wives - Bill will bring his young children and I will bring my teenage granddaughter. Please advise if whom will attend if you are coming. Look forward to having Noria there, and I know that the group is interested in what you will have to tell us. March 15, 2000 10:31 PM WQ - email to DT (Copy to BQ) - I now have official permission to ask Noria to present at the annual WearCheck International Group meetings to be held inColamar France (near the 3 frontier point between France Germany and Belgium. Formal meetings are to be held July 3,4,5, 2000, followed by an additional 4 days of socializing and touring the countryside. Presentations are usually between 2 and 4 hours in length and we like to stick to that. How much time would your require for the presentation, and which day and time would you prefer. I will send you details of hotel accomodations later and you are welcome to remain at the hotel to accopany us during the period followig the formal meetings. The social part often provides the best opportunity to get to know each other and certainly is the best time to conduct individual meetings. The nearest airports to Colmar are Strasbourg (France) and Basel (Switzerland). I and my son Bill will be accompanied by our wives - Bill will bring his young children and I will bring my teenage granddaughter. Look forward to having Noria there, and I know that the group is interested in what you will have to tell us. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr billq@wearcheck.ca WearCheck Canada Inc http;//www.wearcheck.ca March 12, 2000 10:42 PM GD - email to WQ - As I stated before, I give you permission to negotiate on behalf of WC Belgium. We are very interested to set up seminars here in Europe together with Noria. I think they can bring us a lot of added value. Can you inform me how much time we have to foresee for the Noria presentation (max. 4 hours) during the WC congress? March 12, 2000 12:35 PM WQ - email to GD - We asked group members in February if we could invite Drew Troyer to speak at the WearCheck International meetings to be held in France this July. The only negative response we received was from Barbara Weismann, and she eventually said she would agree, however the should be limited to two hours. WearCheck Canada Inc would like to extend the invitation to Drew to come and speak to the group. Noria is making a considerable impact in the oil analysis industry in North America. Noria is a newcomer to the publishing business, however the people working for the company are not. They are working to standardize oil analysis training and distribute and publish a lot of material that is helping to raise indsutry awarness of oil analysis. Drew tells us they are coming to Europe, and would like to work with the WearCheck group there (they already are involved with Teknikker and talking to the Weismanns) If you give me permission to proceed and a time slot for Noria I will be happy to discuss arrangements with Drew Troyer. March 4, 2000 10:26 AM DT - email to WQ - We are discussing this issue now. It seems that we have some issues to resolve with Wear Check Germany. If they are on-board, it makes sense for us to go over. If not, it may still make sense, but we have to think through it. Dave Pimm and I will get back to you soon. September 5, 2001 6:41 AM BW email to WQ - Subject: AW: Practicing Oil Analysis Conf - Tulsa Sep 18-21- Hi Bill, as mentioned before we will not attend the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference in Tulsa. We feel it make no sense to send German literature to your booth, Because there are no German speaking visitors there. We wish a successful stay in Tulsa. Best regards Barbara Weismann Public (918) 749-1400 Phone (918) 746-0925 Fax (800) 597-5460 Watts Public OK www.oilanalysis.com 74105 Supplier Oakville Oakville Custom Brokers Oakville Custom Brokers Canada Oakville Custom Brokers 950720002411764977613C Public (905) 829-7070 Phone (905) 829-8424 Fax Public Brokerage ON Edificio Tekniker Avda Otaola 20 Apartado 44 WC - International Member Eibar OilTech Analysis S.L. OilTech Analysis S.L. Spain aarnaiz@tekniker.es OilTech Analysis S.L. 001110000083354472092C Oil Analysis Laboratory Public 011-34-43-206744 Phone 011-34-43-202757 Fax 011-34-43-201728 Phone Public AB http://www.tekniker.es 20600 200 - 131 Bloor Street West Associate Toronto Oliver Interactive Oliver Interactive Canada Oliver Interactive 981126000022475626224C Computer Programs November 26, 1998 5:29 PM E-mail from Graham Oliver Sorry you're upset, but I can tell you that I tried to get in touch with Bill jr. SEVERAL TIMES by phone and fax, and received no reply. I found it humiliating after a while to keep calling him and begging him to return my calls! Here is a copy of my fax to him on March 4th of this year. . Bill: Now that EXAKT is coming off the production-line, I'd like to get together with you regarding the plans we have to work together. Specifically, before we get EXAKT into a full-scale promotional mode, I'd like you to think along the lines of getting one or two or three of your clients to begin using it, even though we might have to make some pretty special pricing concessions in order to get a few trial sites going with it. That's the gist of my message today, Bill. I'd appreciate your getting back to me with a suggestion regarding when we might get together on this. Graham Oliver (End of fax) In any case, we have "connected" now, and getting together still sounds like a good idea to me. How about next week, any day except Wednesday. Please name the time as long as it's not during rush-hour traffic please. (I'll be coming from Bayview and 401). If you're thinking of an "embedding" situation as well as (or rather than) a stand-alone arrangement, then we'd better see if Joe can join us because MMO has the mandate for these kinds of arrangements. Regards...Graham Oliver Oliver Interactive, Inc. 200 - 131 Bloor Street West, Toronto ON M5S 1R8 E-Mail admin@oliver-group.com, Phone: 416.229.9567, Fax: 416.229.2919 November 26, 1998 5:29 PM E-mail from Graham Oliver Sorry you're upset, but I can tell you that I tried to get in touch with Bill jr. SEVERAL TIMES by phone and fax, and received no reply. I found it humiliating after a while to keep calling him and begging him to return my calls! Here is a copy of my fax to him on March 4th of this year. . Bill: Now that EXAKT is coming off the production-line, I'd like to get together with you regarding the plans we have to work together. Specifically, before we get EXAKT into a full-scale promotional mode, I'd like you to think along the lines of getting one or two or three of your clients to begin using it, even though we might have to make some pretty special pricing concessions in order to get a few trial sites going with it. That's the gist of my message today, Bill. I'd appreciate your getting back to me with a suggestion regarding when we might get together on this. Graham Oliver (End of fax) In any case, we have "connected" now, and getting together still sounds like a good idea to me. How about next week, any day except Wednesday. Please name the time as long as it's not during rush-hour traffic please. (I'll be coming from Bayview and 401). If you're thinking of an "embedding" situation as well as (or rather than) a stand-alone arrangement, then we'd better see if Joe can join us because MMO has the mandate for these kinds of arrangements. Regards...Graham Oliver Oliver Interactive, Inc. 200 - 131 Bloor Street West, Toronto ON M5S 1R8 E-Mail admin@oliver-group.com, Phone: 416.229.9567, Fax: 416.229.2919 Public (416) 229-9567 Phone (416) 229-2919 Fax Public ON M5S 1R8 9555 Rockside Road Competitor Cleveland Predict DLI Predict DLI USA Predict DLI 991117000122469946609C Oil Analysis Laboratory Public (216) 642-3223 Phone (216) 642-1484 Fax (800) 543-8786 Watts Public OH www.predict-DLI.com 44125 3485 Boul Des Enterprises Competitor Terrebonne Predictest Predictest Canada Predictest 961210000701885214752C ReSeller Public (514) 477-8100 Phone (514) 477-8099 Fax (514) 477-8099 (514) 552-6825 Pager Public PQ J6X 4J9 Supplier Purolator Courier Purolator Courier Purolator Courier 950721002541764977613C Shipping Public (800) 387-3027 Watts 543-7643 WC Ac 163-4946 P Ac Public Supplier Mississauga Q.M.I. Q.M.I. Canada Quality Management Institute Q.M.I. 950721002631764977613C Consultant Public (905) 272-3920 Phone (905) 272-3942 Fax Public Quality Systems ON Supplier Questron Technologies Questron Technologies Canada Questron Technologies 991012000142469946609C Computer Programs July 6, 2001 4:06 PM WQ email to KM - Subject: Spectrometer data - Questron - Kevin - I did not want to leave the impression from our conversation today that the data you were trying to retrieve from the repaired spectrometer is not important. If is very important that Wearcheck are able to demonstrate that the spectrometer reconditioned by Questron was not working after they performed their work. Would you please make it a top priority to see if you can extract the data from the computer in a understandable format as soon as possible. This is holding up our lawsuit. I think it is critical that we have this data, and wish to submit this data with the list of documents Bill Jr has completed. William Quesnel Sr May 6, 2001 6:32 PM SE email to WQ - Subject: Re: Information - Questron lawsuit - Dear Bill, I am happy to help you in any way I possibly can. Please let me know if you would like me to make a formal statement. Please use the information that I gave you any way that assists you. Please keep me informed and let me know if I can help you further. Best wishes Steve May 4, 2001 4:32 PM WQ email to SE - Subject: Information - Questron lawsuit - Steve You sent me two messages on January 8,2001 regarding the work that had been performed on our PS4 Baird machine. I told you at the time that we would be using this information in the pursuit of damages in a lawsuit against Questron Technologies. I also told you at the time that I would not mention your name and keep this as reference information only. Our solicitors think you statements are very important to our case and we may need to use your name. Do I have your permission to do so? ---------------------------------------------- SE - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Ismatek Autosampler Rebuild - Dear Bill, The work that we carried out on the Autosampler was as follows: 1.. The "Bread Board" that was in the system was not functional and did not collect the correct signals. 2.. Sci-tek Instruments had to re-design a printed circuit board to accommodate the changes that true Logic had carried out. 3.. The PCB then had to be produced and the components mounted on the PCB. 4.. The motors in the instruments were found to be defective and had to be changed. It seemed that they had been supplied with the incorrect voltage that had been generated from the "Bread Board" design circuit board in the instrument. I hope that his helps. Please let me know if you require any further details. Regards Steve Earthy ----------------------------------------------- SE - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Used Baird PS4 Spectrometer - Dear Bill, Regarding the PS4 system that was rebuilt with "NEW" design electronics from Trulogic Inc. I hope the following helps. 1.. The drift that you saw on data may have been caused by inferior capacitors mounted on the channel collection circuitry. It is vital that if you are using capacitors for the storing of data that these are very high quality. 2.. The Optical array appears to have not been altered although the connections to the PMT's have been changed to accommodate their new electronics. 3.. The stepper motor system has been changed to one of refractor plate for the profiling of the instrument. There are TWO options that I see for putting this system back into good working order. These are: 1.. Replace ALL the electronics that have been placed in the system with the old electronics as supplied by baird. The MC20 measuring system is a good system and proven to be very stable. There would however, be some changes to be done to the instrument, namely, the profiling system and the main wiring of the power supplies. This would be an expensive operation and although the optical array of the instrument is probably still good would probably cost over $30000. 2.. It should be possible to replace the electronics supplied by Truelogic with instrument control electronics that Sci-Tek Instruments have used in other ICP systems as an upgrade very effectively. By doing this we could still use the connections that Truelogic have installed plus the refractor plate system but a different and very stable measuring system. The cost of this work would probably be in the order $25000. I hope this helps. Please let me know if I can send you any more information. Regards Steve Earthy ---------------------------------------------------- PS the ICP2000 is working fine. William Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca President WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca February 8, 2001 10:49 AM WQ - phone call to Rex Bishop for up-date - Questron sent a letter through their solicitors advising that they would be defending the lawsuit. The time expired on February 5th and Cass and Bishop faxed yesterday to request immeadiate delivery of their motion to defend, however have not received a reply as yet. Rex advises that we should grant a grace period of at least one week to show that we have given every opportunity to Questron to comply, and will fax a final notice to Questron next week. They will wait a few days after that, then they will file a motion with the court for closure and judgement in the case. December 5, 2000 10:14 AM WQ - met with Rex Bishop - he will review the files I have brought - see: C:\My Documents\WearCheck\Legal\Questron Claim.doc C:\My Documents\WearCheck\Legal\Questron Summary of Claim.xls (other documents in Questron file) December 4, 2000 10:08 AM WQ - phone call to Rex Bishops. He has following questions: 1) Do we have proof PS4 was working prior to True Logic working on it? (yes logs) 2) Change claim for overtime and pay to after the Action Plan - Oct 10, 99 (recaluculated) 3) Relationship True Logic - Questron Technologies Corp - Questron Technology Inc (USA) and at what date did name change from True Logic to Questron? (some info in letter) (WQ - Dec 5 - investigated websites found Questron Technologies and Questron Technology - appear to be separate companies - nothing for True Logic. Wrote and delivered letter to Rex Bishop - see Documents - Cass & Bishop 00-12-05) November 29, 2000 1:41 PM WQ - email to BQ RI - Subject: Claim against Questron - I meet with Rex Bishop and James Tuck of Cass & Bishop tomorrow morning at 10:00 am, to discuss WearCheck's claim against Questron for the costs of replacement of our ICP. Attached please find a copy of a summary of the claim and a chronological list of the documents that I found in the file taken from Ruth's office. If you have any copy of any communication with True Logic or Questron that is not shown in this list please advise - I will want copies of anything you can find. Bill if you have any email of discussions to or from either Questron (True Logic) or Sci-Tek that relate to the instrument Questron worked on please print them out or forward them to me. They are valuable evidence, if they put dates and times and have detail of discussions. Bill Sr November 29, 2000 1:41 PM WQ - email to BQ RI - Subject: Claim against Questron - I meet with Rex Bishop and James Tuck of Cass & Bishop tomorrow morning at 10:00 am, to discuss WearCheck's claim against Questron for the costs of replacement of our ICP. Attached please find a copy of a summary of the claim and a chronological list of the documents that I found in the file taken from Ruth's office. If you have any copy of any communication with True Logic or Questron that is not shown in this list please advise - I will want copies of anything you can find. Bill if you have any email of discussions to or from either Questron (True Logic) or Sci-Tek that relate to the instrument Questron worked on please print them out or forward them to me. They are valuable evidence, if they put dates and times and have detail of discussions. January 21, 2000 9:53 AM BQ - fax to PC - My responses to Questron's reply of January 12, 2000: 1st Paragraph starting "The subject spectrometer…" This is true, however, we were quoted as having an electronics upgrade with Windows based software (our original intention). Which is somewhat ironic as Manny states in the next paragraph that "in order to appease the customer one last time, I offered them a copy of our Windows 98 product when it would be ready…". Truth here is that we were never informed that the Windows software was not completed until the installation was already underway. We were also told that the Windows software wourld be ready in less than a month. Turns out the programmer developing the Windows software for Questron, left the company for a better paying position at a bank to assist them in Y2K upgrades. Manny then undertook to complete the software himself (which is still not completed). Mark did in fact install the electronics upgrade, and did a good job of that, however, we could not calibrate the instrument within our required parameters. Not even remotely close. We attempted many times to calibrate the instrument, both by ourselves, and with Questron's assistance, to no avail. Mark came in on several days and tried "this and that", but always we were unable to calibrate the instrument to the point where we could run production samples. 2nd Paragraph starting "The invoice for the job…" Questron at no time stated that it was normal for 40% payment up front (something I would not have agreed to anyway). The invoice was submitted, however, remains unpaid because Questron has never completed the work. The spectrometer is not ready to run. Frankly I believe that Questron is puzzled, and unsure as to where the problem lies. Our original quote was for both spectrometers to be converted, and as you may well surmise, we have no intention of letting Questron touch our only working spectrometer at this time. My final question to Questron would be "Ok, if your work is completed then how come our spectrometer is not running?". 3rd Paragraph starting "Whereas, we do not deny…" Horse-hockey. Yes the instrument was not operating on the day that Questron undertook to convert the instrument. The instrument, in fact had not been operating for several days. Questron was attempting to resolve a problem we were experiencing with the Potassium line on the instrument. It was at this time that we agreed with Questron that this would be a good time to perform the upgrade (which we had been discussing with Questron for several months). A spectrometer is not a complicated instrument. Think of it like a car. In 1940 a car was a very simple machine. In 1960 a Spectrometer was a very simple instrument. By 1990, however, both have become complicated but only by electronics and computers. The basic elements, RF (well RF is new, however a power source is a power source), Optical, Chemical Sample Introduction have not changed, and are not overly complicated. Questron replaced the electronics from the photomultiplier array to the data acquistion, changed the computer and software controlling the instrument, replaced the monochromator with their own version. They are entirely responsible for results that the spectrometer now produces. I can produce ICP calibration documents indicating the operating parameters of the instrument shortly before Questron began disembowling the instrument that will show the "inferior" nature of the results after Questron's work. 4th Paragraph starting "Mr. Cass, your client has been…" I believe I can find a customer or two that was extremely dissatisfied with Questron's work in the past. In fact, I visited an oil analysis laboratory in Cleveland, Ohio (Cleveland Tech), and the laboratory manager, Matt Cherry?, told me that he would never use Questron again , ever, and that they were bumbling idiots. Seems they sold him a rebuilt ICP generator that didn't work. Embroil away. September 23, 1999 10:14 AM WQJr. - Phoned Manny Phull to ask if Questron is ready to complete the ICP Action Plan. Extension to deadline for Action Plan to complete our ICP requested by Manny Phull - change date from Sep 27, 1999 to Oct 9, 1999. Agreed to by WQJr. September 23, 1999 10:14 AM BQ - email to WQ. - Phoned Manny Phull to ask if Questron is ready to complete the ICP Action Plan. Extension to deadline for Action Plan to complete our ICP requested by Manny Phull - change date from Sep 27, 1999 to Oct 9, 1999. Agreed to by WQJr. August 17, 1999 10:13 AM WQJR - Manny Phull asked for extension of dates on Action Plan for ICP to be moved from Aug 13, 1999 to Sept 27, 1999. Agreed to by WQJr on condition that Manny Phull sign and return the Action Plan Agenda (Agreement) Received copy of signed agreement by fax today. August 17, 1999 10:13 AM BQ - email to WQ - Manny Phull asked for extension of dates on Action Plan for ICP to be moved from Aug 13, 1999 to Sept 27, 1999. Agreed to by WQJr on condition that Manny Phull sign and return the Action Plan Agenda (Agreement) Received copy of signed agreement by fax today. July 16, 1999 10:12 AM WQJR - Action Plan to complete work on ICP sent to Manny Phull July 6, 2001 4:06 PM WQ email to KM - Subject: Spectrometer data - Questron - Kevin - I did not want to leave the impression from our conversation today that the data you were trying to retrieve from the repaired spectrometer is not important. If is very important that Wearcheck are able to demonstrate that the spectrometer reconditioned by Questron was not working after they performed their work. Would you please make it a top priority to see if you can extract the data from the computer in a understandable format as soon as possible. This is holding up our lawsuit. I think it is critical that we have this data, and wish to submit this data with the list of documents Bill Jr has completed. William Quesnel Sr Public (905) 564-8417 Phone (905) 564-7356 Fax Public Equipment Service ON Revenue Canada Revenue Canada Revenue Canada 010727000363354472092C Public Public WC - International Member Llandudno Robertson Research Robertson Research United Kingdom pch@sptes.demon.co.uk Robertson Research 000514000212469946609C Oil Analysis Laboratory October 12, 2001 8:50 AM BC email to WC Group -Subject: Re: Baird and Cobalt solutions - Bill - Wearcheck Uk buys their cobalt solution from a guy we met in Tulsa. I advise you to contact him on mike@vhlabs.com he will be keen to hear from you.He is somewhere in the USA. Regards Bob October 12, 2001 8:27 AM BQ email to WC Group - Subject: Baird and Cobalt solutions - Dear WCI Member, - As you may or may not know, Conostan will no longer be carrying the Cobalt solution typically used for wash detection (i.e. 3.99% Co), or any other Cobalt solutions. Those of us with Baird instruments using a wash detection fluid will be out of luck in that regard. If any of you are currently using a wash detection fluid (either Cobalt or some other element), please let me know what course of action you are taking, or a course of action that we might consider. We are thinking about using Yttrium as the wash detection fluid (as we don't currently use background correction), but so far we are unable to get responses from the major standard makers on this fluid. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel September 24, 2001 10:50 AM WQ email to BC - Subject: Re: Dupont - Bob - Bob sometimes I fail to see how anyone gains from these world-wide deals! It has been a lot of work putting this thing together. WC-Canada are already doing one Dupont plant in Canada, and have just been advised we are getting a second major plant, through the efforts of our local salesman in the area. We are not sure if we should take Dupont Canada business to fit the "world-wide plan" or simply organize using our standard IND-II kits? Anyway I am going to finish this thing and send it back to John Underhill. Maybe a downstream benefit of wresting the account away from Analysts Inc in the USA - (at least for WC-USA). Bill Q Sr September 13, 2001 4:12 PM BC email to BQ - Subject: Cynrg - Bill - I am home just now and have just read your email sent to work. Please advise how RR can help out here if you are still interested with your plan to combine software efforts and costs. RR have a team of programmers, doing Internet stuff for me and my clients as well as the rest of RR - we need to talk. N.B. RR are serious about our earlier discussions re WCC. You need only give a guiding light what you would expect is a fair sum. If we cannot agree we will not mess you about. I know there is a corporate meeting very soon and it would be a good opportunity to put the prospect to the Board. We need to close on a figure for Volvo too, as Volvo want to push ahead with one database. I have little knowledge of costs you would incur if I "dumped" UK data on your programme or server. I think if I understood what expense this would create for you each year I would be able to come up with a suggestion for a fair price. Regards Bob September 13, 2001 12:46 PM BQ email to BC (copy WQ) - Subject: RE: Software Proposal - Bob, Not yet. I was addressing another issue with regard to CINRG. Essentially this is the story: Caterpillar contacted me and wanted a demonstration of the WebCheck system. I travelled to Peoria, IL on August 2-4 and met with Cat. They submitted an RFP (Request for Proposal) to me regarding supplying their laboratory group world-wide with WebCheck. I just completed that document and sent it back last night. During this effort, I solicited the aid of WearCheck Belgium, Africa, Australia, and Spain becuase they have IT departments. I wanted to see if there was any interest in becoming CINRG affiliates to support development and sale of the WebCheck product to both Cat and other clients world-wide. During this whole process, however, I have begun to form the basis for a WCI global software services vision that would see WCI co-developing WebCheck for use globally. I just wanted to cc: all WCI directors on my latest response to WearCheck Africa, since I felt my response was applicable to all. I will still proceed with a proposal on the WCI groups use of WebCheck for Volvo, and other such clients (i.e. Husky, Dupont). The WCI global software services vision would build upon this proposal to develop a long-term solution to all our software requirements. I'm just trying to find the time. Today is the first day in over a month that I actually have had time to sit back and think, and I've still got a ton of stuff to get completed. I'm simply taking the day to respond to clients, WCI members, and employees on issues that I've put on the back-burner for a little too long. The proposal will contain the details necessary for members to participate in WebCheck. I'll give you a heads up at this time, and say that I'm not looking for a lot of money on this, essentially I just want to make sure that my costs are covered, however, it's so difficult to put a proposal together when yourself, for instance, does 24,000 Volvo samples a year, but Hungary might do 2. Unfortunately it seems essential that everyone buy into the project to ensure that we satisfy these global clients. If you have any ideas on costing, I'm certainly willing to listen. I mean, what do you feel that this is worth to Robertson's? At the very least I'm going to make sure that you and I work out an amiacable deal, and we get your Volvo contract working with WebCheck. By the way, we just sold Liebherr on the WebCheck OEM system that I demonstrated in North Carolina, they are gung-ho to get rolling. It's like selling food to hungry people. Best Regards, Billhnical experience September 13, 2001 11:14 AM BC email to BQ - Subject: RE: Software Proposal - Bill - Am I missing something here? Have you made a proposal, because I have no record of it. If so please fill me in with the details. Regard September 13, 2001 10:31 AM BQ email to WC Group - Subject: RE: Software Proposal - Larry, See responses below: Actually, I believe that some basic assumptions are not entirely accurate, so I have only made two responses below. I believe the remainder of the questions are starting to go somewhat astray as a result. I'll use the rest of this e-mail to give you an idea of what, to this point, I envision in a relationship between the software departments of WCI members, and also what I have yet to determine. Just last night I completed the RFP for Caterpillar's SOS Services Software. For confidentiality purposes, at this point, I will not go into great detail regarding this proposal, or Cat's vision for SOS Services Software, however, it is obvious that it has many aspects in common with what CINRG has begun to do (hence Cat's interest in us). I am convinced that it is possible to integrate the software efforts of WCI to develop a common LIMS and Client system. I also realize that the infrastructure that will be necessary to reach this target does not exist, nor does a definitive plan for reaching this target. Towards this end, the first goal is to simply seek co-operation (or an intent of co-operation) from a sufficient number of WCI members to create the necessary momentum to actually see this vision through to completion. You state that you are currently in the process of redeveloping your LIMS. My immediate reaction is to wince. Trust me when I say that we have most likely considered 95% of everything that you are going to (or would want to see) in your LIMS and that we may very well have 80% of that completed. Your efforts (and in fact all our software efforts) would be best served "adding all sorts of nifty items", as you say. For instance, the item you mention in 3) we have already done, and I'm sure we have a lot of nifty items that you have not thought of, and vice versa. But what will end up happening is that you will spend 95% of your effort developing the core modules, and the nifty things will get put off to the very end, and perhaps may not even get incorporated. Again, we all re-invent the wheel. As I have been trying to seek cooperative software efforts within WCI since 1995 I will give you my impression of the cycle: 1. Determine that your existing LIMS is outdated. 2. Have a look at what vendors are currently offering. 3. Decide that the vendor products do not even remotely match current requirements for your "unique" laboratory business, and it's too expensive anyway (i.e. US$150,000). 5. Look at some of the other WCI laboratory LIMS. 6. Decide that the effort to learn and then customize any of these LIMS will be just too great, and also be concerned that you don't really know who these WCI software people are anyway, and wonder whether or not they will be around to support this LIMS in 2 years, so wonder if you are going to just end up hanging out there when that lab is sold to someone else, or they decide to sell the software to another company. All in all, far to risky, I mean it's not like they are a software company. 7. Decide to develop a system in-house, actually this will be a very good use of your software department, besides they have always wanted to do this, and the software department already knew that the outside vendors wouldn't be able to match the companies requirements, and those other LIMS developed by other WCI members won't do what we want, I mean they are oil analysis laboratories, but we're different and have different requirements. Of course, the fact that we are basing our current requirements on our past system limitations and requirements might not have occurred to us. 8. Spend 2 years on the design, development, and implementation of the project at a cost of US$500,000 in salaries and US$150,000 in hardware and software upgrades. 9. Spend a further 3 years adding functionality and upgrading hardware and software at a cost of US$250,000 for salaries, and US$100,000 in hardware and software. 10. Now, 5 years later, new technology has not only come along but hurtled past you. 11. Decide your existing LIMS is outdated. 12. Go to 2, however, this time it will be different, so at 3. decide instead to buy an outside product. Of course the system fails to work for you and you spend 2 years and a lot of money and lose a lot of business, and permanently damage your laboratories reputation, so this time go directly to 7., speed up 8., the whole market has changed in this time period so you're back at 9., and two years later you're back at 10. Now stand back and watch this happen in 9 or 10 oil analysis companies who, incidentally, are part of a chartered laboratory group. Each one at some stage of this process, some at 8., some at 9., some at 1., some at 10. All of them hopelessly doomed to re-invent themselves alone, according to their own time schedules. So, now when I say I winced at the idea of WearCheck Africa starting this process again, it is simply because I would rather have you contribute to WebCheck than to try and re-invent a LIMS and client system. You are correct in that you have some unique conditions, however, I see nothing in your comments and questions that cannot be implemented into the existing WebCheck framework. Frankly, if Robertson's, WearCheck Belgium, WearCheck Africa, and ALS Chemex agree that we develop a collaborative software effort, I am willing to practically give you the entire WebCheck system. Provided we develop a concrete and effective plan for implementing a global software solution for WCI, that meets the needs of the many global clients that are beginning to look at WearCheck as the only global oil analysis company. Don't look to me for all the answers, but simply cooperate in this effort and with that we shall have all the necessary technical experience that we require to carry this through, with a resulting system that is unparalleled in our industry and at a cost truly indicative of the economy of scale of this project. The first step is a commitment of cooperation, which comes from the belief that we can accomplish this goal. The second step would be a meeting of the key players in the world-wide effort, with the intention of coming away with a definitive plan as to how to accomplish this global software vision. This can be accomplished. The first steps are as follows: 1. Give me a commitment to cooperation in this project. This is a letter written by the directors of your company indicating support for a WCI global software vision. 2. Produce an RFP listing all the functional requirements that are be required for your operation. This should encompass laboratory, sales, inventory, and client requirements. 3. I will collate all the RFPs and provide a response, as to which of these are currently met by WebCheck, and detail the amount of work required to fulfill any additional requirements and enhancements. 4. With this response as the basis for the world-wide software functional requirements, we can then tackle logistical issues, including management of world-wide oil analysis programs, existing software to satisfy major outstanding requirements (i.e. sales contact functionality, or accounting systems). Again all members will be invited (expected) to include all concerns and forseeable logistical issues. 5. The compilation of these documents will then serve as the agenda for a meeting of the WCI global software vision group, with the added goal of developing a plan to disseminate the work-load accross the various WCI members, and software maintainability, and upgrade logistics. I invite each interested WCI member to respond to this e-mail and specifically to items 1 - 5 above. For this time, do not consider the financial implications of this proposal, simply the intent, and your level of desire to attain this goal. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel September 7, 2001 9:30 AM BC email to BQ WQ - Subject: Webcheck + Bill - Could you please let me know what price you have decided on for the Wearcheck group to put Volvo data onto the new webcheck. Also Bill, are you able to give a ballpark value you are looking for on that OTHER matter we discussed. re info sent a few days ago. We are keen to push ahead if possible. Regards Bob September 5, 2001 5:14 AM BC email to WQ - Subject: Dupont - Bill - We already do Dupont work through a number of our paper types. We do not expect to gain any business here. However, I have amended Belgium's chart to show how we would charge if necessary. Bill I have yet to see how Wearcheck UK gains from these Worldwide deals - I never seem to see an advantage for us. Maybe you can advise! Regards Bob August 29, 2001 11:26 AM WQ email to BC (copyh JC KS) - Subject: Re: Volvo Internet - Bob - Sorry to hear that you will not be attending POAC in Tulsa. Could you arrange to send promotional literature to us for display in the booth, and business cards we could put out for delegates to pick up? If so please send to: Attention: Keith Scott WearCheck USA 501 Madison Avenue Cary, North Carolina USA 27513 This would have to be sent as soon as possible. Please advise Jim Chambers and I - by email what literature you are sending over. I will speak to Bill Jr about Volvo today and get back to you with an answer. Sorry about the delay, however Bill was on vacation and had a lot to do as soon as he got back, so I did not bring it up at our last meeting. Volvo is very important to us, becoming a very large customer! It would be great to have all the information from WC on Webcheck for them. I would like very much to learn more about the robot that you have installed. I know we were given a presentation in Colmar, however actually having the unit working in a high production Wearcheck laboratory such as yours, will provide the Return on Investment information to help us decide whether or not this equipment is worthwhile. If you would be so kind to send us some pictures of the unit working in your laboratory it would be greatly appreciated. Sure would like to see that BBC video! I hope it generates a lot of good publicity for you! Best Regards Bill Q Sr ----- Original Message ----- From: "Bob Cutler" To: ; Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 6:25 AM Subject: Volvo Internet > Bill and Bill > > Firstly, I will not be attending the seminar in Tulsa this year. But I wish you all well. > > Secondly, I really need to know the terms for the Wearcheck group to dump the Volvo data onto WebCheck as Gunnar will be phoning soon and I want to tell him the Wearcheck plans for the future. > > N.B. We have the BBC here today, they will be filming our new labs building and the new robots we have had installed to do the viscosities and PQ work. It looks great and can process up to 83 samples per hour dependent on the average viscosity of the oil batch. > Regards > > Bob > > Robertson Research International Telephone: +44+ (0)1492 581811 > Tyn-y-coed Site Fax: +44+ (0)1492 583416 > Llanrhos Telex: 61216 ROBRES G > Llandudno 61559 SPTES G > North Wales > UK LL30 1SA > > General Email: info@robresint.co.uk Encryption Type Acceptable: uuencoded > > World Wide Website: www.robresint.co.uk > > > ******************************************************************** > * This email may contain confidential and privileged information * > * intended solely for the individual or organisation to whom it is * > * addressed. If the reader is not the intended addressee, or the * > * employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the addressee, * > * you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or * > * copying is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email * > * in error, please notify the sender and either destroy the email * > * or return it to info@robresint.co.uk * > * Please note this email is not intended to create legal relations.* > ******************************************************************** > August 29, 2001 9:39 AM WQ email to BC - Subject: Re: New lab Building - Congratulations Bob - It is a fine looking building! It is worthy of the work you are carrying on! I am sure you are going to enjoy your new "digs"! It is good to see that oil analysis produces substantial enough revenues to move the directors to build such a building for you. Bill Q Sr August 29, 2001 6:33 AM BC email to WQ BQ - Subject: Volvo Internet - Bill and Bill Firstly, I will not be attending the seminar in Tulsa this year. But I wish you all well. Secondly, I really need to know the terms for the Wearcheck group to dump the Volvo data onto WebCheck as Gunnar will be phoning soon and I want to tell him the Wearcheck plans for the future. N.B. We have the BBC here today, they will be filming our new labs building and the new robots we have had installed to do the viscosities and PQ work. It looks great and can process up to 83 samples per hour dependent on the average viscosity of the oil batch. Regards Bob August 21, 2001 4:18 AM DW email to WQ (fwd to BQ) - Subject: Fw: Bob Cutler e-mail - Dear Bill and Bill, I am a Director of Robertson and work with Bob Cutler on certain issues.Robertson are interested in the data received today and would be interested in visiting your operation.However, to ensure it is worthwhile I would be keen to know a price window within which your expectations lie. If this is possible, please e-mail me directly or via Bob. Kind Regards, Doug Wordsworth. Robertson Research International Telephone: +44+ (0)1492581811 Tyn-y-coed Site Fax: +44+ (0)1492583416 Llanrhos Telex: 61216 ROBRES G Llandudno 61559 SPTES G North Wales UK LL30 1SA August 20, 2001 4:10 PM WQ email to BC - Subject: Re: Financials - Bob - Wow - you are watching your email (more so then most of our colleagues) - the number are in Canadian dollars. Bill Q Sr August 20, 2001 3:59 PM BC email to WQ - Subject: Financials - Bill - Thanks for the info. I have already passed it on to the right person. Just one simple question: are these numbers Canadian or US dollars? Regards Bob August 20, 2001 2:35 PM WQ email to BC (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: Wearcheck Canada - Confidential - Bob - Sorry for delay, however have been preoccupied with recent developments. I am sending along the financial statements that were supplied to Australian Laboratory Services (WC-Australia) and to Alpha Maintenance (WC-Belgium), both of whom showed interest from within the WearCheck group to purchase WearCheck Canada Inc. Greg Kilmister made an offer, however we decided it is less than half of what we would accept. We have also been approached by Vernolab (France), however we are in no particular hurry to sell WearCheck Canada Inc., especially since our numbers are improving as expected in recent budgeting. WearCheck USA has been awarded the national Ryder Truck account in the USA which provides them with 800-1000 samples per day. This will dramatically boost WearCheck Canada's royalties revenue to more than double the present level. Aside from this we are presently discussing with Caterpillar the possibility of providing WebCheck and LabCheck worldwide for their 147 laboratories. We have made an initial presentation to the top people in Peoria, and their major dealer Finning is coming to look at the software the first week in September. It is looking very promising as CAT have been trying to develop exactly what WebCheck/LabCheck could provide and are not making much progress. If this project comes to fruition Bill Jr, and Kevin Marson would immediately move full time to CiNRG and we would hire a manager to run WearCheck Canada Inc. We have hired a marketing manager, who is working with us to target larger national and international accounts. He is quickly learning our business and will probably be capable of running WearCheck Canada Inc. in the very near future. I have sent along the financial numbers for your interest, and we are still entertaining bids for the laboratory, however there is no bargain to be easily had here. I have attached: 1) WCPlan2001.xls - our budget for the current year, past history and future projections 2) WCEvaluation2001.doc - a summary of evaluation removing exceptional costs etc. 3) February2001.xls - financial statement for February 2001 4) January2001.xls - financial statement for January 2001 5) WCFinancial1997-1998 - financial statements prepared by outside accounting firm for 1997-1998 6) WCFinancial1999-2000 - financial statements prepared by outside accounting firm for 1997-1998 Please treat these documents as confidential and on a need to know basis within Robertson. Best regards Bill Q Sr August 15, 2001 4:49 PM BC email to WQ - Subject: Re: Husky Quotation Conditions Change: - Bill - Under wearcheck I can only claim the UK. apart from Andre's, Judit's and Jesus's areas, Peter has trademarked all others in Europe. This is why I have been reluctant to promote Wearcheck outside the UK as I get nothing for my efforts. To supply one sample kit in the UK is 15 GBP, but no one ever takes less than 10 kits (with a little advice from us!!) One metre of tubing with a sample kit would be FOC. However, I am interested in the gadget you have shown. I do not know of this item. Can you tell where to buy these from and how it is used. Regards Bob August 15, 2001 9:00 AM WQ email to BC - Husky - Bob - Thanks for info. Did you not claim several other companies for kits as well (Scandinavia - Turkey - ?) If there is additional cost for sending kits to foreign countries please advise this as well. Also - need price for a single kit (note that your carton of 10 costs 110 UK however need price for a single kit. Sample thief I refer to is actually a sampling hose as per picture attached. Husky have gauge plugs installed on the extrusion machines they wish to sample. Please advise Bill Q August 14, 2001 12:08 PM WQ email to BC (copy BQ) Subject: Re: Husky Quotation Conditions Change: - Bob - I know Bill Jr is working on this (Volvo), and I will meet with him tomorrow to discuss, and will reply then. Regards Bill Sr August 14, 2001 12:05 PM WQ email to BC - Subject: Re: Husky Quotation Conditions Change: - Bob - Thanks for info. Did you not claim several other companies for kits as well (Scandinavia - Turkey - ?) If there is additional cost for sending kits to foreign countries please advise this as well. Also - need price for a single kit (note that your carton of 10 costs 110 UK however need price for a single kit. Sample thief I refer to is actually a sampling hose as per picture attached. Husky have gauge plugs installed on the extrusion machines they wish to sample. Please advise Bill Q August 14, 2001 11:50 AM BC email to WQ (fwd BQ) - Subject: Re: Husky Quotation Conditions Change: Bill - Have you decided about costs for wearcheck members to just deposit their info onto Webcheck for the benefit of the Volvo contract. Regards Bob August 14, 2001 11:47 AM WQ email to BC (fwd BQ) - Husky - Bob - Thanks for info for Husky quotation. I will get back to you on the WearCheck Canada company information soon. We have some exciting developments going on at Wearcheck and CiNRG. Will fill you in when it gets closer to a definite proposition. Bill Sr August 14, 2001 10:31 AM BC email to WQ - Subject: Re: Husky Quotation Conditions Change: Bill - I guess there is something wrong with our emails. I have just received your email dated 1/8/01 re: Husky. See below. The cost for one pack of 10 kits equals 110 GBP there is no transport costs to send out kits. Clients pay their own way to return, but will be an extra 0.5GBP per bottle if that is what they want. Pumps are 20 GBP each for 2 or more. Regards Bob August 6, 2001 5:38 PM RC email to WQ BQ - Subject: Wearcheck Canada - Confidential - Bill and Bill - I have just returned from my camping holiday deep in the Welsh mountains, but need a holiday to rest from my holiday. I would like to push ahead with any possibility of talking to you about Wearcheck Canada. I am not sure how confidential your email address is. My wearcheck one is far from confidential. That is why I am using my personal email address. Please reply to Cutlerrfw@aol.com Please let me know if you are still interested in our discussions in N.C. re Wearcheck Canada. If so please let me have any info I can present to my Directors. I am sure that if I make the right presentation they will want to come to visit you. Regards Bob July 17, 2001 10:45 AM RI email to BC (copy WQ) - Subject: NORIA INVOICE - I am cancelling our invoice IN0050269 for Noria advertising. I just this week received a credit note from Noria to correct our account. Please discard our invoice IN0050268 for $975.00 U.S.(IN0050269 is our internal invoice to convert to Cdn $) Regards Ruth Inglehart May 8, 2001 5:50 AM RI email to BC (copy BQ WQ) - Subject: Noria Advertising - WearCheck Canada just received invoice 7662 from Noria for advertising in the March/April issue of Practicing Oil Analysis Europe magazine. The total is $1950.00 U.S. I am sending out an invoice to your company for $975.00 U.S. Kindly process payment immediately, as we have to pay Noria before the end of the month. Thank you for your co-operation. Ruth Inglehart Office Manager April 26, 2001 4:14 AM BQ - email to BC (copy WCI-Group) - Subject: RE: Volvo Contract - Bob, I wanted to personally thank-you personally for the work that you have done on this Volvo deal for WCI. In North America we have already benefited substantially from this contract. Upon the intent of reciept of the contract with Volvo we improved our existing on-line pre-registration system for Hitachi to streamline the registration process and allow us to automatically generate and ship warranty packages with pre-labelled Volvo kits each 1000 hours. From the program inception, on Februrary 15th, to date Volvo North America have registered 173 new units with both WearCheck Canada and WearCheck USA, representing over 15,000 future samples for a period of only two months. We see this program forming a corner stone for our continued efforts with OEMs in North America. To this end I have submitted the abstract for a proposed paper detailing our implementation of this program to Noria for their POA 2001 conference with Volvo's acceptance and full cooperation. Should you, Bob, require my assistance on further world-wide contracts, I would be more than willing to assist. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel March 28, 2001 11:09 PM BC - email to WCI Group - Subject: Volvo - Ladies and Gentlemen I have not yet had your reply from my fax last week re: Volvo. Would you please get back to me with your comments asap. For your convenience I am faxing it again in case you did not get it. Bob Robertson Research International February 16, 2001 1:08 PM BQ - email to BC (copy WQ JC) - Subject: Re: POA Ad - Bob, I apologize for the delay, I hadn't read this message until I received your latest e-mail. See my responses below: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ > I have a problem with joint global wearcheck business. I find that I am not able to market under the Wearcheck Banner through fear of legal action from Germany, who has trademarked most of Europe. So I must market under Robertson even in the UK to avoid any problems. If this denies me the right to be part of WCI then so be it. However if I am still invited to be part of WCI, I would want any global advert to mention Robertson to justify any expenditure in advertising Globally. BQ: I certainly sympathize with you Bob. I feel (and so do many others, I'm sure) that Robertson is a very strong partner in WCI. As such, I am more than willing to advertise each of the WCI company names in the WCI advert (i.e. Robertson, Tekniker, MOL, ALS Chemex). By the way, the European distribution of POA Mag is 12,000 issues on the first magazine (I also believe that their current North American magazine reaches points around the world). If you received my demographics, then you will see that the UK gets the lion's share for European distribution. I hope that you feel Noria is a good route to advertise WCI as a global company, as I do. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ > Secondly, I have a problem with Webcheck, which may also preclude me from WCI, I guess. The cost of $2000 dollars per month is expensive if I do not gain any extra business. The Volvo business has at last begun, but not yet given me any more work (I mean revenue as there has been plenty of work). BQ: First, I will speak on behalf of Jim Chambers as well as myself to say that we are very appreciative of the effort on your part with regards to Volvo. We have begun to ship kits in both the US and Canada for the Volvo program, and I might add that WebCheck is an integral part. All registrations are done on-line by Volvo headquarteres, and all sampling is tracked by the system. It is truly a very slick application and Volvo is extremely pleased. With regards to the cost of WebCheck here are some of our costs to run the system, which you could use to forecast for yourself: Web Application Server | software 24,000 | 3,000 Database Server | software 26,000 | 18,000 Firewall Server | software 6,000 | 6,000 Back-up Server | software 6,000 | 4,000 T1 Internet connection 1,600 (per month) WebCheck development costs (over 5 yrs) > 250,000 (more like 500,000) Administration ( 2 persons ) 120,000 (per year) ---------------------------------------------- Total initial investment = CAN$ 343,000 ( US$ 230,000 ) Yearly costs (not including depreciation on hardware) = CAN$ 139,200 ( US$95,000 ) When Australia (and myself) first forecasted the cost of this system at US$70,000, we were way out to lunch. These figures are not inflated. My original proposal was US$ 4,000 to buy in as a member, then US$ 4,000 per year for a read-only system. I knew this was cheap at the time, but I wasn't concerned with that. What I didn't realize is that nobody took the project seriously, probably as a result of the cost. It's entirely possible that the cost and analysis of the original proposal made the endeavour appear simple and inexpensive. This is not the case (you would have some idea of this, so would ALS Chemex, Clevelend Tech, Dingo, etc). At US$ 2,000 per month you are paying US$ 24,000 per year. I need to have 4 laboratories involved just to make back my yearly costs on this, not even to start paying back the initial investment. US$ 2,000 is still inexpensive. I have started marketing this system outside the group and am already working on several agreements with other companies at this time (and not at US$ 2,000 per month, either). The other catch is the more labs, the more samples, the greater the need to upgrade hardware. I have already costed my next two servers (at CAN$ 40,000 for the pair), to keep up with the anticipated demand over the next 1 year. Perhaps this gives you an idea of the magnitude of such a project. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ > I have been asked, by Lubrizol and Ingersoll Rand to set up a worldwide agreement, possibly using webcheck, but again I get no more work, I only put business your way. That is fine with me, but it costs me 2000 dollars per month for the privellege. >> Bill, I need some help here. Please consider my position, I need to convince my directors I am not someone's fool. BQ: We have not yet justified the cost of this system from our side (considering the investment outlined above), however I do know that it will pay off in the end. Some considerations for us are: In 2000: - 26% of all samples received are reviewed through WebCheck by the person who sent the sample. - 48% of all sampels received are reviewed by someone at the organization from which the sample was sent (head office, etc.) - 54% of all samples recieved are reviewed by someone (either the customer and/or OEM). - We are going to take this number to 80% or higher within the next 2 years. - Each of these persons is now instantaneously accessible to us through e-mail /WebCheck / HTML e-mail mailout. - We do not print reports (nor mail them) for 48% of our samples. As a result we are saving approx. CAN$20,0000 per year on postage, stationary, toner, and labour costs. - We offer a free oil analysis software system, our competitors do not. WebCheck is an investment in the future of doing oil analysis. No doubt everyone will be doing it on the Web at some point. We have retained our business in Canada (and generated business in the States) solely based on our level of service coupled with WebCheck. No doubt about it. I have now introduced advertising in WebCheck. The revenue generated by advertising will offset both the initial investment and the yearly costs. I am offering any WebCheck member laboratory a 20% commission on leads for advertising, which will directly offset the cost of the system on their part. Advertising rates are basically US$ 450 / month (based on a 12 month contract). I have commitments from 3 companies at this time (very little marketing has been done as of yet), including Noria. Clients using WebCheck to manage their oil analysis programs derive more benefit, do more oil analysis, and continue to do oil analysis. I don't believe since the inception of WebCheck that we have lost a single client who is on the system (over almost 3 years). That is a bold claim, but I am serious (or seriously mis-informed, one or the other). I am in the midst of a transition to make CINRG and WebCheck my livelihood, primarily based on the reception to this system after the Noria conference I am convinced that it has made the difference for WearCheck Canada and WearCheck USA, and will do so for any other oil analysis company. I am still offering a discounted price for all WCI members as opposed to external laboratories at this time. For your consideration. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel February 5, 2001 10:58 AM WQ - email to BC (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: WebCheck Pricing - Bob - I have discussed with Bill Jr this morning and here is pricing for the WebCheck client and LIMS systems. OPTION 1 - Read-Only Mode ======== WebCheck client system only - This is where the laboratory is simply sending data to our server in a Read-Only mode (the laboratory does not receive feedback information from the client, clients will have limited functionality). Monthly: $2,000 Time required to set-up: Generally around 2 weeks. OPTION 2 - Read/Write Mode ======== WebCheck client system, and limited LIMS capability - This is where the laboratory sends data to our server for the client to access on WebCheck, however, the laboratory receives data and information back from the WebCheck server (i.e. equipment updates, feedback info, test requests, etc.). Monthly: $2,500 Time required to set-up: Generally around 1.5 months. OPTION 3 - ASP LIMS ======== WebCheck client and LIMS system - The laboratory uses the WebCheck LIMS from our server using a VPN connection, and their clients retrieve their OA data through WebCheck. Monthly: $4,000 Time required to set-up: Generally around 3 months. These prices apply to each laboratory location using WebCheck [All prices in US dollars] Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca for Bill Quesnel Jr billq@wearcheck.ca February 5, 2001 1:10 AM BC - email to WQ - Subject: Re: BP - Burmah Castrol Marine - Bill - Thanks for the info. The cost of postage as opposed to courier from places other than the UK is not known, but postage will be much cheaper than courier. Mail from within the UK (next day delivery) is 42 pence / per sample. Courier from outside the UK varies considerably from country to country. Typical charges are for 0.5 kilo weights (4 kits) for next day delivery are: Ireland = 27.50 GBP per package (1-6 samples) Denmark = 32.00 GBP Finland = ditto Norway = 39.00 Turkey = 44.00 It will be cheaper for clients to send larger quantities say 10+ kits. Which will reduce the cost by about 50% per sample as the increase weight does not increase the price too much. Or it would be MUCH cheaper still if they simply sent it by post. The time will about 2-5 days depending which country. Bill let me know your proposed charges for Webcheck. I need to consider this topic for a meeting on Tuesday. Regards Bob January 28, 2001 11:37 PM BC - email to WQ (fwd BQ) - Subject: Webcheck - Bill - Please advise what your proposals and costs are for Wearcheck UK to join Webcheck. We want to make a difinitive decision on this matter soon, but it depends on the costs and conditions you have in mind. Regards Bob Robertson Research International Telephone: +44+ (0)1492 581811 Tyn-y-coed Site Fax: +44+ (0)1492 583416 Llanrhos Telex: 61216 ROBRES G Llandudno 61559 SPTES G North Wales UK LL30 1SA General Email: info@robresint.co.uk Encryption Type Acceptable: uuencoded World Wide Website: www.robresint.co.uk ******************************************************************** * This email may contain confidential and privileged information * * intended solely for the individual or organisation to whom it is * * addressed. If the reader is not the intended addressee, or the * * employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the addressee, * * you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or * * copying is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email * * in error, please notify the sender and either destroy the email * * or return it to info@robresint.co.uk * * Please note this email is not intended to create legal relations.* ******************************************************************** January 25, 2001 12:45 PM WQSr - email to BC (copy to WC Group) - Subject: Re: Volvo Warranty Program - Bob The prices for the Volvo program just acquired for North America (for WearCheck Canada and WearCheck USA) are as follows: Mobile Kits (engines - gear cases) US $ 7.25 each for processing plus US $ 1.60 each for pre-paid postage mailers = Total US $ 8.85 per kit Hydraulic Kits (hydraulic systems) US $14.65 each for processing plus US$ 1.60 each for pre-paid postage mailers = Total US $15.25 per kit We are taking over an existing program that was run by CTC Analytical Technologies. CTC has stocked Volvo with a lot of kits which will be returned to WearCheck for processing, and we will be billing on a post-paid basis (after the samples have been processed). We will be sending out packages of pre-paid (and pre-addressed) mailers (@ US$ 1.60 each) to have these kits sent to our laboratories for processing. The price is the same for the United States and Canada. Once we start sending out our own postage-paid and pre-addressed kits, the pricing does not change however we will be asking for a portion of the price "up-front" to fund the cost of the kits (say US$ 1.50). This amount would be deducted from the overall priceof the kit (EG - Mobile kit US$ 8.85 - US$ 1.50 = US$ 7.35) to arrive at the amount for post-paid billing. Volvo will use WebCheck to manage the program, and WearCheck USA are coordinating the program with Volvo's North American headquarters in Ashville. WearCheck USA are sending personnel to Volvo in Ashville for training on the use of WebCheck. Volvo will pre-register new vehicles into WebCheck, before shipping - which will set up sampling schedules, and order new kits to be sent to the end user. The end user will take the samples and send to the appropriate laboratory. WebCheck in North America is seamless between WC-USA and WC-Canada so all the results will be pooled for access by whomever Volvo authorize. We will be processing quite a large number of samples for existing equipment already in the field (for which CTC provided the kits). It has not been decided what to do with existing oil analysis data that was supplied by CTC. We will keep you posted as the program develops. Best Regards Bill Q Sr January 25, 2001 12:19 AM BC - email to Group (LC JT JC JB GD GB BW BC WQ BQ AV PW KS GK) - Subject: Re: Volvo Warranty Program - Ladies and Gentlemen - Gunnar of Volvo Sweden has asked me to confirm the prices quoted for the year 2000 still valid. If not, can you please let me know your revised price so that I can reply to Gunnar asap. Regards Bob Cutler November 13, 2000 3:26 PM WQ - email to BC (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: Fuel detector Sniffer - Bob - You have done a good job on this, unfortunately we have looked at this and decided our GC method is working very well and not costing us a lot of money to do, so wish to stay with this for the moment. Regards Bill QSr November 13, 2000 7:26 AM BC - email to JT WQ AV - Subject: Fuel detector Sniffer - Gentlemen - I have a quote from Spectro for 3 sniffer sets. Discount offered is 24,439 US dollars for all three. Please advise by return if you are still interested in buying one. I plan to order one for the UK this week. If you are still interested I will try to get the price down. Either way I will let him know who is interested and each will need to order singlely through their normal purchase depts. Regards Bob July 5, 2000 12:56 PM WQ - email to BC - Subject: Fuel Sniffer - Bob - The fuel snifffer in use in WC Germany is from Spectro Inc of Littleton OH - andis called a Fuel Sniffer. Bill Q Sr June 1, 2000 6:48 AM BQ - Email to BC - (Copy WQ) - Subject: Re: SFR and WearCheck - Bob - I relayed your information to John Nagel, and he chewed MY ass off. SFR, and their customers are waiting for the ability to download their data into the Dingo software before switching over the sampling programs. SFR is extremely frustrated and feel that somehow I am responsible for getting this thing going. I don't know how that happened, as we don't even get one sample from SFR. I would however like to see this expidited as SFR is into a lot of very large global corporations, and we don't need them saying that WearCheck can not handle global business. Essentially WearCheck International is riding on this ability to have you download data in a Dingo format as specified by my specification. If I can assist in any way possible (i.e. work with Phil) I would be happy to do so, as I need this completed. I understand your current situation with respect to Peter, and I am sickened at the fact that WearCheck Germany has once again pulled a f***ing boner like this causing Robertson's to rethink it's position in WCI. You are much more important to WCI than WearCheck Germany, in my opinion, and I will support you in any way that I can. With or against WCI Europe. re: WebCheck Obviously I would like to be in Sweden, however, can not at this time. I will ensure that your WebCheck account is available to you. I believe that the account you will be using for demonstration purposes is: URL: http://client.wearcheck.com UserId: volvo_001 Password: sweden Expires: March 10, 2002 If you require any further information, support, or whatever, please let me know. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel Jr. June 1, 2000 4:15 AM BC - Email to BQ - Subject: Re: SFR and WearCheck - Hi Bill - I will explain our change of name later. We have had expensive problems with trade marks and do not intend paying anyone for the right to use Wearcheck. No we do not have technical problems transferring data to SFR it is just that we have had just three samples these last two weeks and Phil has not written the program to do the job. He will do this very soon. I will be going to Sweden on the 27/6/00 and will be discussing Webcheck. I realise you will not be coming, but please ensure we can access the program from Sweden at this time. Regards Bob June 1, 2000 3:50 AM BQ - Email to BC - Bob, I had a call today from John Nagel of SFR corporation. He was questioning >me as to why WearCheck UK is now sending their reports as Robertson's. Any official statement that you would like me to make regarding this >change? He also mentioned that your programmers are having difficulty in creating the Dingo download file. Anything I can do to help? Best Regards, Bill Quesnel January 13, 2000 9:40 AM http://www.robres.co.uk Web Site Visited: Robertson Laboratories January 13, 2000 9:40 AM http://www.robres.co.uk Web Site Visited: Robertson Laboratories November 17, 1999 2:03 PM Letter Printed: Volvo Meetings - Robertson Laboratories November 17, 1999 2:03 PM Letter Printed: Volvo Meetings - Robertson Laboratories October 24, 1999 1:33 PM WQ - meeting with Peter Weismaan in Tulsa Peter tells me that WearCheck UK may be for sale. Apparently Robertson Research has not been doing well - probably on the geo-chemical side (because of downturn in mining) The board of directors is a bit desperate as the shareholders are screaming about poor dividends. They may need to raise cash to keep their owners happy and keep their jobs on the board of directors. The division of Shell that owns WearCheck Belgium may be purchasing. He was talking to Bob Cutler's boss, and has advised that WearCheck Germany is interested to purchase WearCheck UK. Maybe someone should tell the Australians and they can all bid against each other. Wonder how Bob is holding up under this. I told Peter about ALS buying Chemex and what that will mean for us in Canada. Things are happening in the business. October 12, 2001 8:50 AM BC email to WC Group -Subject: Re: Baird and Cobalt solutions - Bill - Wearcheck Uk buys their cobalt solution from a guy we met in Tulsa. I advise you to contact him on mike@vhlabs.com he will be keen to hear from you.He is somewhere in the USA. Regards Bob Public 011-44-149-258-1911 Phone 011-44-149-258-5290 Fax Public Gwynedd http://www.robres.co.uk LL30 1SA Royal Purple Lubricants Royal Purple Lubricants Royal Purple Lubricants 010423000263354472092C March 29, 2001 10:42 AM KH - email to WC Group - Subject: Royal Lubricants - Dear WearCheck Members: WearCheck USA has procured a contract to provide Royal Purple Lubricants with a private-labeled oil analysis program that has started in North America. The program consist of the following analyses: 1. Spectrochemical burn for: 9 wear metals (Iron, Nickel, Chromium, Titanium, Copper, Aluminum, Tin, Lead and Silver) 9 additives (Boron, Barium, Calcium, Magnesium, Molybdenum. Sodium Phosphorus, Zinc and Antimony) 2 contaminants (Silicon and Potassium) 2. Viscosity at 40C or 100C (dependent on oil type) 3. Water content reported in % 4. Soot, Glycol and Total Base Number (TBN) for ALL engines 5. Total Acid Number (TAN) for ALL non-engine samples 6. Particle Count for hydraulic and compressor samples We are invoicing $11.50 (US) per sample on a prepaid basis. Royal Purple has shown a very strong interest in making it an international program. They have already received request from: Europe South America Japan Central America Asia Australia Mideast Currently all samples are being sent to the WearCheck USA and Canada laboratories for processing. We have informed Royal Purple that we would ask the WearCheck International Group if any other laboratories would like to participate in this program. We cannot estimate the sample volume in your areas due to the newness of this program. We would work with any of you to assist in any way we can by providing contacts and art work for the program. If any of you have an interest in participating in this international program, please contact me at the email address below. Please provide analysis details and pricing for you area. Sincerely, Kenneth Hill March 29, 2001 7:18 AM KH - email to JC BQ WQ - Subject: Royal Purple Lubricants - Jim, Billy and Bill: {Please review this letter for the WearCheck International Group and let me know if any changes need to be made.} Sincerely, Kenneth Hill Vice President WearCheck USA Phone: (717)-266-8647 Fax: (717)-266-9116 Pager: (888)-721-2135 Email: khillwcusa@aol.com March 29, 2001 10:42 AM KH - email to WC Group - Subject: Royal Lubricants - Dear WearCheck Members: WearCheck USA has procured a contract to provide Royal Purple Lubricants with a private-labeled oil analysis program that has started in North America. The program consist of the following analyses: 1. Spectrochemical burn for: 9 wear metals (Iron, Nickel, Chromium, Titanium, Copper, Aluminum, Tin, Lead and Silver) 9 additives (Boron, Barium, Calcium, Magnesium, Molybdenum. Sodium Phosphorus, Zinc and Antimony) 2 contaminants (Silicon and Potassium) 2. Viscosity at 40C or 100C (dependent on oil type) 3. Water content reported in % 4. Soot, Glycol and Total Base Number (TBN) for ALL engines 5. Total Acid Number (TAN) for ALL non-engine samples 6. Particle Count for hydraulic and compressor samples We are invoicing $11.50 (US) per sample on a prepaid basis. Royal Purple has shown a very strong interest in making it an international program. They have already received request from: Europe South America Japan Central America Asia Australia Mideast Currently all samples are being sent to the WearCheck USA and Canada laboratories for processing. We have informed Royal Purple that we would ask the WearCheck International Group if any other laboratories would like to participate in this program. We cannot estimate the sample volume in your areas due to the newness of this program. We would work with any of you to assist in any way we can by providing contacts and art work for the program. If any of you have an interest in participating in this international program, please contact me at the email address below. Please provide analysis details and pricing for you area. Sincerely, Kenneth Hill Public Public Berrybrook House Stilebrook Road Supplier Onley Sci-Tek Instruments Sci-Tek Instruments U.K. Sci-Tek Instruments 991222000122469946609C Spectrometers October 24, 2001 8:33 AM BQ email to SE (copy WQ AV) - Subject: RE: E-MAIL ADDRESS - Steve, **** Stephen -- Third Copy **** PLEASE RESPOND **** -----Original Message----- From: Bill Quesnel [mailto:billq@wearcheck.ca] Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 2:35 PM To: STEPHEN J. EARTHY Cc: Kevin Marson; Bill Quesnel - WearCheck Subject: FW: ISMATEK AUTOSAMPLER. Importance: High **** Stephen -- Second Copy **** PLEASE RESPOND **** -----Original Message----- From: Bill Quesnel [mailto:billq@wearcheck.ca] Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 3:43 PM To: STEPHEN J. EARTHY Cc: Bill Quesnel - WearCheck; Kevin Marson Subject: RE: ISMATEK AUTOSAMPLER. Importance: High Steve, As a result of having our older Baird down for 2 weeks, and having to use our Sci-Tek Baird in the interim, I decided to work towards resolving the original issues that were present after installation. Running the Sci-Tek instrument alone, we required over 16 hours of operation a day just to handle the normal sample volume. When the older Baird was back up and running, I did some work to take the analysis time for one sample down from 65 seconds to 39 seconds. This has been successful, and now this Baird is operating at peak efficiency. The main problem with the Sci-Tek Baird is that is cannot run using the "ID System", and is currently taking 85 seconds to analyse a sample using the "Sample Changer Batch File" mode. Unacceptable. My first item of business is to determine and correct the problem with the autosampler/software/MC-20 to allow this instrument to operate using the "ID system". Presently we are using the "Sample Changer Batch File" which has the unfortunate side effect that the sipper sits in the sample until integration is complete, and sits in the wash station for an additional 30 seconds, as well. When we attempt to run the "ID System", the sipper goes into the first sample for the required "Sample take-up time", then into the wash. After the appropriate "Wash-time", the autosampler moves forward one sample, however, the sipper never leaves the wash station. Just sits there (we let it go for over an hour, just to see). I have followed your previous instructions (below) with the following results: MC-20 MB DIP settings: 01000011 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. 01010101 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. I then tried the Biard default (from the MC-20 manual), and the following settings: 01000101 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. (9600 baud) 10000101 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. (4800 baud) 01000001 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. (9600 baud - alternate crystal speed) 10000001 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. (4800 baud - alternate crystal speed) I have set the MC-20 MB DIP settings back to the original (10010100), and the Batch System is working as it did before, and the ID System is still not working (as described above). After having read the PlasmaComp V, Injection-Dilution System, and MC-20 manuals, I have the following questions: 1. We are using an ASA autosampler. Why are we setting SW1-3, 4, 5 to 010 when the manual shows that we should be using 000? 2. Where is the sample sensor that we have on our other autosampler sipper unit? Is this important for the proper functioning of the IDS system? 3. What does the "Peak Threshold" value represent for the Sample Changer Batch File information? This is a new value from the older versions, and is not covered in their manual. We tried setting this to 0.7, 0.5, 0.3 (when start level is set at 0.3). Any suggestions for a setting? 4. The configuration of the autosampler, and sipper station are quite different from the original autosampler system we sent to you for repair. Is this the same system (only modified) or is this a different system? If it has been modified, what has been done to the original configuration (minus the corrections for what Questron did)? We need to rectify this situation, as I am not going to use this spectrometer in production until we can get the analysis time equal to the older ICP. Please give me some ideas as to what to do next! Best Regards, Bill Quesnel October 24, 2001 2:50 AM SE email to AV BQ WQ - Subject: E-MAIL ADDRESS - I understand from Bob Cutler that you have tried to E-Mail me without success. My private E-Mail address is sjearthy@nstcc.freeserve.co.uk and my business address is steve.earthy@sci-tek.co.uk If you need to contact me please copy to both addresses so that I can be sure that I receive the message even if I am travelling. Regards Steve Earthy TEL: 07951 002146 August 16, 2001 2:40 PM BQ email o SE (copy KM WQ) - Subject: FW: ISMATEK AUTOSAMPLER. - **** Stephen -- Second Copy **** PLEASE RESPOND **** -----Original Message----- From: Bill Quesnel [mailto:billq@wearcheck.ca] Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 3:43 PM To: STEPHEN J. EARTHY Cc: Bill Quesnel - WearCheck; Kevin Marson Subject: RE: ISMATEK AUTOSAMPLER. Importance: High Steve, As a result of having our older Baird down for 2 weeks, and having to use our Sci-Tek Baird in the interim, I decided to work towards resolving the original issues that were present after installation. Running the Sci-Tek instrument alone, we required over 16 hours of operation a day just to handle the normal sample volume. When the older Baird was back up and running, I did some work to take the analysis time for one sample down from 65 seconds to 39 seconds. This has been successful, and now this Baird is operating at peak efficiency. The main problem with the Sci-Tek Baird is that is cannot run using the "ID System", and is currently taking 85 seconds to analyse a sample using the "Sample Changer Batch File" mode. Unacceptable. My first item of business is to determine and correct the problem with the autosampler/software/MC-20 to allow this instrument to operate using the "ID system". Presently we are using the "Sample Changer Batch File" which has the unfortunate side effect that the sipper sits in the sample until integration is complete, and sits in the wash station for an additional 30 seconds, as well. When we attempt to run the "ID System", the sipper goes into the first sample for the required "Sample take-up time", then into the wash. After the appropriate "Wash-time", the autosampler moves forward one sample, however, the sipper never leaves the wash station. Just sits there (we let it go for over an hour, just to see). I have followed your previous instructions (below) with the following results: MC-20 MB DIP settings: 01000011 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. 01010101 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. I then tried the Biard default (from the MC-20 manual), and the following settings: 01000101 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. (9600 baud) 10000101 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. (4800 baud) 01000001 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. (9600 baud - alternate crystal speed) 10000001 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. (4800 baud - alternate crystal speed) I have set the MC-20 MB DIP settings back to the original (10010100), and the Batch System is working as it did before, and the ID System is still not working (as described above). After having read the PlasmaComp V, Injection-Dilution System, and MC-20 manuals, I have the following questions: 1. We are using an ASA autosampler. Why are we setting SW1-3, 4, 5 to 010 when the manual shows that we should be using 000? 2. Where is the sample sensor that we have on our other autosampler sipper unit? Is this important for the proper functioning of the IDS system? 3. What does the "Peak Threshold" value represent for the Sample Changer Batch File information? This is a new value from the older versions, and is not covered in their manual. We tried setting this to 0.7, 0.5, 0.3 (when start level is set at 0.3). Any suggestions for a setting? 4. The configuration of the autosampler, and sipper station are quite different from the original autosampler system we sent to you for repair. Is this the same system (only modified) or is this a different system? If it has been modified, what has been done to the original configuration (minus the corrections for what Questron did)? We need to rectify this situation, as I am not going to use this spectrometer in production until we can get the analysis time equal to the older ICP. Please give me some ideas as to what to do next! Best Regards, Bill Quesnel -----Original Message----- From: STEPHEN J. EARTHY [mailto:sjearthy@scitekuk.freeserve.co.uk] Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 8:05 AM To: Kevin Marson Cc: Bill Quesnel Subject: ISMATEK AUTOSAMPLER. Dear Kevin, I have looked at the problems that we discussed yesterday and suggest the following: 1.. Look at the configuration of the Measure Board in the MC20. This board is the FIRST board to the right of the HV and HV switching boards that are surrounded by the HV shield in the MC20 and it has a last ribbon cable connected to the board. BEFORE YOU EXAMINE THE BOARD AND REMOVE IT ENSURE THAT THE MC20 IS TURNED OFF. When you have turned off the MC20 remove the board. You will notice an 8 way bank of dip switches on this board. These switches set up the communication from the MC20 to the PC. They also adjust the Baud rate for external items such as the autosampler or ID system that are connected directly to the MC20 and therefore are not influenced by the PC. The current configuration of these dip switches will probably be 10010100 where 1=ON and 0 =OFF this is marked on the switches as ON/OFF. This will give you a baud rate of 4800 instead of 9600. When I checked the autosampler in England we tried various Baud rates at it seemed like the system responded to the 4800 and the 9600 rate best. To change the Baud rate and some other settings on this board to 9600 use the following configuration for the measure board. Change the setting on this board to 01000011. This should cure the problem. 2.. You may find that when you change the dip switches the autosampler probe may work in the order sequence. In other words instead of being in the WASH station the probe will be in the sample. If this occurs there is a simple wire reverse to be done in the autosampler so please phone for help to do this. 3.. If neither 1 or 2 help try the following dip switch configuration 01010101 The auto sampler will work or not in this mode.. Please remember that EVERY time you want to remove any of the MC20 boards you TURN THE MC20 OFF first. You will also need to reset the MC20 when you turn it back on and turn the HV on. If you have any problems please telephone the office. I may not be available this afternoon but my colleague Brian Braithwaite who designed the interface electronics that we put in the autosampler will be in the office and will be pleased to talk to you. Let me know how you go on. Any problems contact me. Regards Steve Earthy July 27, 2001 3:48 PM BQ email to SE (copy WQ KM) - Subject: RE: ISMATEK AUTOSAMPLER. - Steve, As a result of having our older Baird down for 2 weeks, and having to use our Sci-Tek Baird in the interim, I decided to work towards resolving the original issues that were present after installation. Running the Sci-Tek instrument alone, we required over 16 hours of operation a day just to handle the normal sample volume. When the older Baird was back up and running, I did some work to take the analysis time for one sample down from 65 seconds to 39 seconds. This has been successful, and now this Baird is operating at peak efficiency. The main problem with the Sci-Tek Baird is that is cannot run using the "ID System", and is currently taking 85 seconds to analyse a sample using the "Sample Changer Batch File" mode. Unacceptable. My first item of business is to determine and correct the problem with the autosampler/software/MC-20 to allow this instrument to operate using the "ID system". Presently we are using the "Sample Changer Batch File" which has the unfortunate side effect that the sipper sits in the sample until integration is complete, and sits in the wash station for an additional 30 seconds, as well. When we attempt to run the "ID System", the sipper goes into the first sample for the required "Sample take-up time", then into the wash. After the appropriate "Wash-time", the autosampler moves forward one sample, however, the sipper never leaves the wash station. Just sits there (we let it go for over an hour, just to see). I have followed your previous instructions (below) with the following results:MC-20 MB DIP settings: 01000011 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. 01010101 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. I then tried the Biard default (from the MC-20 manual), and the following settings: 01000101 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. (9600 baud) 10000101 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. (4800 baud) 01000001 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. (9600 baud - alternate crystal speed) 10000001 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. (4800 baud - alternate crystal speed) I have set the MC-20 MB DIP settings back to the original (10010100), and the Batch System is working as it did before, and the ID System is still not working (as described above). After having read the PlasmaComp V, Injection-Dilution System, and MC-20 manuals, I have the following questions: 1. We are using an ASA autosampler. Why are we setting SW1-3, 4, 5 to 010 when the manual shows that we should be using 000? 2. Where is the sample sensor that we have on our other autosampler sipper unit? Is this important for the proper functioning of the IDS system? 3. What does the "Peak Threshold" value represent for the Sample Changer Batch File information? This is a new value from the older versions, and is not covered in their manual. We tried setting this to 0.7, 0.5, 0.3 (when start level is set at 0.3). Any suggestions for a setting? 4. The configuration of the autosampler, and sipper station are quite different from the original autosampler system we sent to you for repair. Is this the same system (only modified) or is this a different system? If it has been modified, what has been done to the original configuration (minus the corrections for what Questron did)? We need to rectify this situation, as I am not going to use this spectrometer in production until we can get the analysis time equal to the older ICP. Please give me some ideas as to what to do next! Best Regards, Bill Quesnel July 19, 2001 4:12 AM SE email to BQ WQ (copy KM) - Subject: RE: RF GENERATOR. - Dear Bill and Kevin, The Interface and RF Cable were returned with the RF Generator. The line voltage is set at 240. Please do NOT adjust. If you see the LLV message just ignore. PLEASE ENSURE THAT NOTHING IS CONNECTED TO THE SERIAL INTERFACE CONNECTOR ON THE GENERATOR THIS IS TAPED OVER AND SHOULD ONLY BE USED FOR RS232 CONNECTIONS. THESE ARE NOT USED ON THE BAIRD 2000. IT IS POSSIBLE THAT CONNECTING TO THIS PORT MAY HAVE CAUSED THE INITIAL DAMAGE. Regards STEPHEN J. EARTHY July 18, 2001 3:25 PM BQ email to SE (copy KM WQ) - Subject: RE: RF GENERATOR - Steve, We received the generator back, but are missing the analog interface cable, so are unable to install and test! Please forward ASAP!!!! We sent everything down to New Jersey on the other generator so we don't even have the spare! Also, what voltage are the tappings set for? Regards, Bill July 16, 2001 3:54 AM SE email to WQ (copy DM) - Subject: Re: RF GENERATOR - Dear Bill, - You are too valued a customer to delay the shipment of the RF Generator. This was done last week as soon as we were satisfied that the system was working reliably. Whilst I was overseas last week I understand that Derek has spoken to Kevin regarding the situation and I believe that Derek did explain the situation from our point of view to Kevin. We will contact you again once you return from the conference. Best wishes Steve Earthy July 12, 2001 11:00 AM WQ email to SE (copy DM KM BQ) - Subject: Re: RF GENERATOR - Steve I hope that you have not delayed shipping the generator back to WearCheck Canada while we discuss whether or not we should share in the cost of the repair!Wearcheck Canada needs the generator back right away! We do not feel we should pay anything for the repairs. We received this generator in the reconditioned machine that you sent to us. When the machine would not work we swapped it out for a generator that we had, and the machine was made to work following that exchange. You stated that we should send the generator back to Sci-Tek for repair (at your cost). We went through a lot of delay waiting for you to give us details of how and where to ship the machine. After the long delay, we needed to get the generator repaired on an urgent basis and felt we could save some money - for Sci-Tek by shipping it to Advanced Energy - our own service (for which Wearcheck Canada paid the freight both ways). We sent you the detail of what the cost of the repairs would be as follows: WQ email to SE - Subject: RF Generator repairs required - Steve - Advanced Energy has given us a quote to fix the RF generator that was shipped with the refurbished ICP from Sci-Tek. When we did not hear back from you advising how to ship the generator to Sci-Tech we sent it to Advanced Energy. If it was a minor repair we would have had them proceed and billed it back to Sci Tech, however it seems to have major problems. Here is a reproduction of the repair estimate from Rich Spangler of AE: Repair Quote Evaluation: ================== The unit is old and most of the boards that need to be changed require the support of a higher rev. level board than is currently in the unit. This does not take into account any additional damage that may be discovered after these boards are replaced. RMA#: 400623002 AE P/N: 3150248-001 S/N: 1644-10494-14 1300189 * 1 Control Board US$993.00 1300013 * 1 Remote Driver Board US$228.00 1620006 * 1 Housekeeping Supply US$64.50 Software * 1 Software US$75.00 1300138 * 1 Directional Coupler PCB US$336.00 1300027 * 1 Interconnect Board US$501.00 1300271 * 1 Display US$268.00 Shop Fees Packaging Packaging US$250.00 Labour 10.00hr @ US$150.00 hr US$1500.00 Total US$4000.50 (not including freight) Advanced Energy 1007 Laurel Oak Road Voorhees, NJ 08043 Phone (856)627-6100 Fax (856)627-6159 We are now in a real bind as the RF generator in our old ICP2000 has gone down and requires repair, so we are counting on the reconditioned ICP2000 (from Sci-Tek) for our production, and can only run 250 samples in an eight hour shift. We have pulled the faulty generator out of the and are shipping to Advanced Energy to be repaired. We do need to get this other generator repaired. We need to know how you wish to proceed. Do you wish Advance Energy to go ahead with repairs to the faulty generator at cost estimates provided - and we will bill back to Sci-Tech? Do you wish Advance Energy to send the faulty generator to Sci-Tech for repair? If so please supply shipping instructions A.S.A.P. Do you have another generator you can send to WearCheck Canada Inc? Please reply by return email or telephone 905-569-8600 for Bill Quesnel Jr or myself at 905-467-3562!! Regards, William Quesnel Sr You instructed us to return the machine to Sci-Tek with the following message: SE email to WQ - Subject: Re: RF Generator repairs required - Hi Bill, Thanks for your message. Please ask Advanced Energy to send the generator to us for repair. I find it difficult to believe that there is so much wrong with the system. It worked well before we sent it to you. Please let me know if I can help you in any way with your Law Suit against Questron. Best wishes Steve Earthy Steve we would like an explanation of the damage that were repaired, and how WearCheck Canada Inc caused those damages to the generator. Meantime please insure that the generator is shipped immediately - we need it as we have a machine down! Bill Jr and I are presently attending the WearCheck International meeting in the USA however you can reach me by cell phone at 905-467-3562. Bill Quesnel Sr. July 9, 2001 9:13 AM KM email to WQ (copy BQ) - Subject: [SCI-TEK][GENERATOR] - Bill, I received a call today from Derek Martin from Sci-Tek this morning (July 9, 2001), Steve Earthy is currently in Spain and could not respond himself. He said that he worked on the generator prior to the instrument being shipped to us, and said the generator was in good condition. We talked for a while bla, bla....he said the control electronics where damaged (which he thought was a bit unusual). However, the main reason for his call was to determine if WCA and Sci-Tek will be sharing the cost of the repair. Derek said that it would not be prudent if they obsorbed all ofthe costs. If you would like to respond directly to him his e-mail address is showcard@AOL.com or reach him by telephone at 011-44-1234-240765. If you want me to contact them, give me a call or e-mail with the details. Regards, Kevin Marson July 8, 2001 6:28 PM SE email to WQ (copy BQ) - Subject: RF GENERATOR - Dear Bill, I am pleased to advise you that the RF Generator is now ready to be returned to you and we should be able to send this to you on Monday. However, we are very concerned about the extent of the damage to this generator considering that when we shipped it to with the instrument it was working fully and reliably. I feel that we should discuss this situation because the repair of the generator was very expensive. I shall be travelling on Monday but my colleague Derek Martin will call you to discuss the best solution to this matter. Regards STEPHEN J. EARTHY July 5, 2001 6:31 AM SE email to BQ - Subject: Re: RF GENERATOR Bill, The generator should be ready for shipment tomorrow Friday. I will confirm this as soon as possible. Regards Steve July 4, 2001 5:17 PM BQ email to SE - Subject: RE: RF GENERATOR - Stephen, We are in dire need of the generator. We currently have a generator on the fritz and no shipping crate. So we are in the process of building a shipping crate to ship said generator to New Jersey (RFPP). In the meanwhile, we have only one spectrometer running, and slow at that. Remember the instrument you installed would not work properly if we used the Cobalt internal standard batch changer mode. When we use the sample changer batch mode (without Cobalt), then the software is doing some extra stuff (the sipper sits in the sample during integration instead of moving immediately to the wash) causing us some undue delay in sampling (it takes 50% longer to analyze a sample on this ICP then our existing ICP 2000). So it's a double wammy. We attempted to move the working generator, and remote panel (different cable configurations) into our existing ICP 2000 and that did not work (which makes us think that we need to send the matching box down to RFPP as well). Any ideas on the sample changer batch file dilemma? Could you also supply a list of the items you will be shipping back to us. I haven't dug out the manifest but I believe that we shipped the generator, and remote panel, correct? Regards, Bill Quesnel July 4, 2001 7:47 AM WQ email to SE (fwd BQ) - Subject: Re: RF GENERATOR - Stephen - Were you able to ship the generator today? If so please advise shipping details - air waybill number, so we can clear as soon as possible. We have a spectrometer down and it is hurting us. Bill Q Sr July 4, 2001 6:14 AM SE email to BQ (fwd to WQ) - Subject: Re: RF GENERATOR Dear Bill, I understand that you called the office regarding the RF generator. As I told you in my last message we had hoped that the instruments would have been returned the early part of this week. Unfortunately it failed on test on Monday prior to shipping it to you. We now hope that the system will be finished today or at the worst Thursday. I am sorry for the delays but there is little point in shipping until it is completely reliable. I will try to give you further information later today or in the morning. Regards STEPHEN J. EARTHY TEL 07951 002146 FAX 0870 1316484 June 13, 2001 9:41 AM WQ email to SE - Subject: Re: RF GENERATOR - Stephen - Thanks for letting us know the generator has arrived. As you know we need it back as soon as possible. We will appreciate your swift action turning it around. I also want to thank you for your support in our suit against Questron, we are moving ahead with that action. Best Regards William Quesnel Sr June 12, 2001 3:26 PM SE email to KM (copy WQ BQ) - Subject: RE: RF GENERATOR - Dear Kevin, Just to let you know the generator has arrived with us. We will turn it around as quickly as possible. Regards STEPHEN J. EARTHY www.sci-tek.co.uk TEL 07951 002146 FAX 0870 1316484 May 12, 2001 2:48 PM WQ email to BQ - Subject: Fw: RF Generator repairs required - Billy We need to bring the generator back from Advanced Energy - to ship it to Sci-Tech. If we ship out of Canada to Sci-Tech and follow their instructions we will not have to pay duty on the shipments. It could be complicated if we ship it to England out of the USA (from Adavanced Energy) Please have them ship it back to WearCheck Canada ASAP so we can get this going. Dad May 12, 2001 9:40 AM SE email to WQ - Subject: Re: RF Generator repairs required - Dear Bill, Please send the generator back either UPS or DHL to: SCI-TEK INSTRUMENTS, BERRYBROOK HOUSE, STILEBROOK ROAD, OLNEY. MK46 5EA. ENGLAND. Please ask that it is sent as a temporary export so that neither party has to pay import duties on receipt or return to you. Best wishes Steve May 11, 2001 12:39 PM WQ email to SE (copy RI KM BQ) - Subject: Re: RF Generator repairs required - Steve Please advise how you want the generator shipped, name of broker and shipping address. Regards, William Quesnel Sr May 11, 2001 3:45 AM SE email to WQ - Subject: Re: RF Generator repairs required - Hi Bill, Thanks for your message. Please ask Advanced Energy to send the generator to us for repair. I find it difficult to believe that there is so much wrong with the system. It worked well before we sent it to you. Please let me know if I can help you in any way with your Law Suit against Questron. Best wishes Steve Earthy May 9, 2001 7:39 PM WQ email to SE - Subject: RF Generator repairs required - Steve - Advanced Energy has given us a quote to fix the RF generator that was shipped with the refurbished ICP from Sci-Tek. When we did not hear back from you advising how to ship the generator to Sci-Tech we sent it to Advanced Energy. If it was a minor repair we would have had them proceed and billed it back to Sci Tech, however it seems to have major problems. Here is a reproduction of the repair estimate from Rich Spangler of AE: Repair Quote Evaluation: ================== The unit is old and most of the boards that need to be changed require the support of a higher rev. level board than is currently in the unit. This does not take into account any additional damage that may be discovered after these boards are replaced. RMA#: 400623002 AE P/N: 3150248-001 S/N: 1644-10494-14 1300189 * 1 Control Board US$993.00 1300013 * 1 Remote Driver Board US$228.00 1620006 * 1 Housekeeping Supply US$64.50 Software * 1 Software US$75.00 1300138 * 1 Directional Coupler PCB US$336.00 1300027 * 1 Interconnect Board US$501.00 1300271 * 1 Display US$268.00 Shop Fees Packaging Packaging US$250.00 Labour 10.00hr @ US$150.00 hr US$1500.00 Total US$4000.50 (not including freight) Advanced Energy 1007 Laurel Oak Road Voorhees, NJ 08043 Phone (856)627-6100 Fax (856)627-6159 We are now in a real bind as the RF generator in our old ICP2000 has gone down and requires repair, so we are counting on the reconditioned ICP2000 (from Sci-Tek) for our production, and can only run 250 samples in an eight hour shift. We have pulled the faulty generator out of the and are shipping to Advanced Energy to be repaired. We do need to get this other generator repaired. We need to know how you wish to proceed. Do you wish Advance Energy to go ahead with repairs to the faulty generator at cost estimates provided - and we will bill back to Sci-Tech? Do you wish Advance Energy to send the faulty generator to Sci-Tech for repair? If so please supply shipping instructions A.S.A.P. Do you have another generator you can send to WearCheck Canada Inc? Please reply by return email or telephone 905-569-8600 for Bill Quesnel Jr or myself at 905-467-3562!! Regards, William Quesnel Sr May 7, 2001 8:53 AM WQ email to SE (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: Information - Questron lawsuit - Stephen Thank you very much for your quick response and your offer of support. I believe we have already built a solid case against Questron. We meet with our solicitors this evening and I will advise them of your offer. Will keep you posted. Best Regards billqsr@wearcheck.ca May 6, 2001 6:32 PM SE email to WQ - Subject: Re: Information - Questron lawsuit - Dear Bill, I am happy to help you in any way I possibly can. Please let me know if you would like me to make a formal statement. Please use the information that I gave you any way that assists you. Please keep me informed and let me know if I can help you further. Best wishes Steve May 4, 2001 4:32 PM WQ email to SE - Subject: Information - Questron lawsuit - Steve You sent me two messages on January 8,2001 regarding the work that had been performed on our PS4 Baird machine. I told you at the time that we would be using this information in the pursuit of damages in a lawsuit against Questron Technologies. I also told you at the time that I would not mention your name and keep this as reference information only. Our solicitors think you statements are very important to our case and we may need to use your name. Do I have your permission to do so? ---------------------------------------------- SE - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Ismatek Autosampler Rebuild - Dear Bill, The work that we carried out on the Autosampler was as follows: 1.. The "Bread Board" that was in the system was not functional and did not collect the correct signals. 2.. Sci-tek Instruments had to re-design a printed circuit board to accommodate the changes that true Logic had carried out. 3.. The PCB then had to be produced and the components mounted on the PCB. 4.. The motors in the instruments were found to be defective and had to be changed. It seemed that they had been supplied with the incorrect voltage that had been generated from the "Bread Board" design circuit board in the instrument. I hope that his helps. Please let me know if you require any further details. Regards Steve Earthy ----------------------------------------------- SE - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Used Baird PS4 Spectrometer - Dear Bill, Regarding the PS4 system that was rebuilt with "NEW" design electronics from Trulogic Inc. I hope the following helps. 1.. The drift that you saw on data may have been caused by inferior capacitors mounted on the channel collection circuitry. It is vital that if you are using capacitors for the storing of data that these are very high quality. 2.. The Optical array appears to have not been altered although the connections to the PMT's have been changed to accommodate their new electronics. 3.. The stepper motor system has been changed to one of refractor plate for the profiling of the instrument. There are TWO options that I see for putting this system back into good working order. These are: 1.. Replace ALL the electronics that have been placed in the system with the old electronics as supplied by baird. The MC20 measuring system is a good system and proven to be very stable. There would however, be some changes to be done to the instrument, namely, the profiling system and the main wiring of the power supplies. This would be an expensive operation and although the optical array of the instrument is probably still good would probably cost over $30000. 2.. It should be possible to replace the electronics supplied by Truelogic with instrument control electronics that Sci-Tek Instruments have used in other ICP systems as an upgrade very effectively. By doing this we could still use the connections that Truelogic have installed plus the refractor plate system but a different and very stable measuring system. The cost of this work would probably be in the order $25000. I hope this helps. Please let me know if I can send you any more information. Regards Steve Earthy ---------------------------------------------------- PS the ICP2000 is working fine. William Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca President WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca February 20, 2001 8:43 AM WQ - email to SE - Subject: Re: Shipment of Generator - Stephen - We are still waiting ? Why is this taking so long ? Will you return the generator promptly when we send it ? We would now prefer to send the generator to our North American supplier and bill Sci-Tek, is this allowable ? We need this generator repaired NOW ! Bill Quesnel Sr February 8, 2001 11:24 PM SE - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Shipment of Generator - Dear Bill, Thanks for your message. Please ship the generator to us. I will send you our Account numbers later today. Best wishes Steve January 25, 2001 9:45 AM WQ - email to SE - Subject: Shipping of Generator - Steve We are waiting for answer to email sent January 8 Subject: Re: Shipment of Generator for ICP2000 - Steve Please advise if you have a preferred method of shipment or preferred carrier. We are preparing to ship the generator to you and as we will ship it with the freight billed to Sci-Tek (collect) we thought it best to ask you your preferences. Please advise by return email Regards William Quesnel Sr Please advise by return how you wish to ship the generator. We need to get this unit operational As Soon As Possible! William Quesnel Sr January 8, 2001 3:14 PM WQ - email to SE - Subject: Re: Shipment of Generator for ICP2000 - Steve Please advise if you have a preferred method of shipment or preferred carrier. We are preparing to ship the generator to you and as we will ship it with the freight billed to Sci-Tek (collect) we thought it best to ask you your preferences. Please advise by return email Regards William Quesnel Sr January 8, 2001 9:41 AM WQ - email to SE - Subject: Re: Used Baird PS4 Spectrometer - Steve This information is just what I was looking for. I appreciate your effort in putting this together and sending back to me. I hope you had a good Christmas and are looking forward to a prosperous New Year! William Quesnel Sr January 8, 2001 9:39 AM WQ - email to SE - Subject: Re: Generator for ICP2000 - Steve - We will ship the generator right away. Thanks for the reply William Quesnel Sr January 8, 2001 9:38 AM WQ - email to SE - Subject: Re: Ismatek Autosampler Rebuild - Steve - Thank you very much. The information supplied will be of great assistance to our cause, should we need to press our case. Much appreciated William Quesnel Sr January 8, 2001 5:32 AM SE - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Ismatek Autosampler Rebuild - Dear Bill, The work that we carried out on the Autosampler was as follows: 1.. The "Bread Board" that was in the system was not functional and did not collect the correct signals. 2.. Sci-tek Instruments had to re-design a printed circuit board to accommodate the changes that true Logic had carried out. 3.. The PCB then had to be produced and the components mounted on the PCB. 4.. The motors in the instruments were found to be defective and had to be changed. It seemed that they had been supplied with the incorrect voltage that had been generated from the "Bread Board" design circuit board in the instrument. I hope that his helps. Please let me know if you require any further details. Regards Steve Earthy January 8, 2001 5:32 AM SE - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Generator for ICP2000 - Dear Bill, - Thanks for re-sending the messages to me. What with the Christmas holidays and my overseas commitments I am sorry that I have replied to you sooner. I hope that you had a good Christmas and every good wish for the New Year. With regards the RF Generator I would be pleased to repair it for you if you could return to Sci-Tek Instruments. Regards Steve Earthy January 8, 2001 5:31 AM SE - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Used Baird PS4 Spectrometer - Dear Bill, Regarding the PS4 system that was rebuilt with "NEW" design electronics from Trulogic Inc. I hope the following helps. 1.. The drift that you saw on data may have been caused by inferior capacitors mounted on the channel collection circuitry. It is vital that if you are using capacitors for the storing of data that these are very high quality. 2.. The Optical array appears to have not been altered although the connections to the PMT's have been changed to accommodate their new electronics. 3.. The stepper motor system has been changed to one of refractor plate for the profiling of the instrument. There are TWO options that I see for putting this system back into good working order. These are: 1.. Replace ALL the electronics that have been placed in the system with the old electronics as supplied by baird. The MC20 measuring system is a good system and proven to be very stable. There would however, be some changes to be done to the instrument, namely, the profiling system and the main wiring of the power supplies. This would be an expensive operation and although the optical array of the instrument is probably still good would probably cost over $30000. 2.. It should be possible to replace the electronics supplied by Truelogic with instrument control electronics that Sci-Tek Instruments have used in other ICP systems as an upgrade very effectively. By doing this we could still use the connections that Truelogic have installed plus the refractor plate system but a different and very stable measuring system. The cost of this work would probably be in the order $25000. I hope this helps. Please let me know if I can send you any more information. Regards Steve Earthy January 5, 2001 11:34 AM WQ - email to SE - Subject: Generator for ICP2000 - Steve I sent you the following email December 15 Subject: Generator for ICP2000 Stephen I am not sure if you received the following message sent Dec 8 as I have had no reply since: For the moment we just want to get the generator working, so that we have a spare if one of our other machines goes down. I may need to hand over that generator as part of the settlement of our lawsuit as well, meantime we need to get it in good working order. Please advise shipping instructions to you. William Quesnel Sr To which you replied on December 17 Subject: Re: Estimated value of used Baird PS4 spectrometer Dear Bill, I have just received three messages from you which I don't recall receiving. I will check and see if I have them at home. If so please accept my apologies for not replying. I will get back to you on all the items for Monday. Hope this is OK. Steve Please advise as soon as possible William Quesnel Sr January 5, 2001 11:30 AM WQ - email to SE - Subject: Ismatek Autosampler Rebuild - Steve I sent you the following email on Dec 15 Subject: Ismatek Autosampler Rebuild Stephen I am not sure if you got this email sent Dec 8 as I have not had a response since: We have launched a lawsuit against Questron Technologies Corp (formerly True Logic Inc) to recover damages suffered by WearCheck Canada Inc through Questron's inability to complete their contract to recondition our Baird PS4 spectrometer. In the process of that rebuild they did a lot of work on the Ismatek Autosampler. This is the same autosampler that we sent to Sci-Tech, and you rebuilt for us. Could you please send me a description of the actual work that you needed to do on the autosampler to get it to work with the rebuilt Baird ICP2000 that you supplied to WearCheck Canada Inc? We need this to justify the portion of our monetary claim related to the Ismatek Autosampler. Again I will not hold you to any numbers that you quote to me. Our attorney's have asked us to put together numbers to justify the claim we are making. I will not put your name on the information you give me. It is for reference only. Best Regards, William Quesnel Sr To which you replied on December 17 Subject: Re: Estimated value of used Baird PS4 spectrometer Dear Bill, I have just received three messages from you which I don't recall receiving. I will check and see if I have them at home. If so please accept my apologies for not replying. I will get back to you on all the items for Monday. Hope this is OK. Steve Please advise as soon as possible William Quesnel Sr January 5, 2001 11:26 AM WQ - email to SE - Subject: Used Baird PS4 Spectrometer - Steve I sent you the following email on December 15 Subject: Estimated value of used Baird PS4 spectrometer - Stephen I am not sure if you got this message, sent Dec 8, as have not reply. What I am really looking for is an expert opinion on what that PS4 Baird is worth in the present state, or what it would cost to put it right. It may be an issue in the settlement of our lawsuit I do not mean to put you on the spot, and don't feel you are. Our attorney's have asked us to get an outside opinion of the re-sale value of the PS4 in its present state. Would the Questron proprietary wiring all have to be replaced? I will really appreciate your opinion. You replied on December 17 William Quesnel Sr Subject: Re: Estimated value of used Baird PS4 spectrometer - Dear Bill, I have just received three messages from you which I don't recall receiving. I will check and see if I have them at home. If so please accept my apologies for not replying. I will get back to you on all the items for Monday. Hope this is OK. Steve Please advise as soon as possible William Quesnel Sr December 17, 2000 11:20 PM SE - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Estimated value of used Baird PS4 spectrometer - Dear Bill, I have just received three messages from you which I don't recall receiving. I will check and see if I have them at home. If so please accept my apologies for not replying. I will get back to you on all the items for Monday. Hope this is OK. Steve December 15, 2000 2:05 PM WQ - email to SE - Subject: Generator for ICP2000 - Stephen - I am not sure if you received the following message sent Dec 8 as I have had no reply since: - For the moment we just want to get the generator working, so that we have a spare if one of our other machines goes down. I may need to hand over that generator as part of the settlement of our lawsuit as well, meantime we need to get it in good working order. Please advise shipping instructions to you. William Quesnel Sr December 15, 2000 2:02 PM WQ - email to BQ KM - Subject: Help with the speed of reconditioned Baird - Bill & Kevin Would you please try the suggestions that Stephen Earthy has made to you so we can either get this machine running up to speed or contact him with further request for more information. If you had told me you had this information I would have waited to contact SE. Now that you have his input do not let this drag on and on! Get it done! it is costing us time and money! If we do not resolve this soon, we risk losing further cooperation from Stephen the longer it runs on. Billy - You sent the following to SE after my email (below): Stephen, Further information: We currently must run the new ICP using the sample id method not the batch method (or the other way around, I forget), basically we are running without using the Co as indicator. We discussed the problem with the Co detection method about a month ago, and you did send me some files, and suggestions about PIN settings on the Baird MC-20 boards. We have not gotten around to this yet, so perhaps that is the first place we should try. Another item, however, is the generator. Who is paying for the shipping to the U.K.? We would like to get this repaired before one of the other 2 fails. It is simply a matter of wait until something breaks and then we will fix it, that has kept us from figuring out (or trying your suggestions) why the Co detection method is not working (sipper just sits in the bath after the first sample). I sent this message not knowing you had already received information from SE which had not been acted on: Stephen The reconditioned Baird ICP2000 that you supplied to WearCheck Canada Inc is now up and running, and we are using it every day. We have a problem with the speed. The machine is taking close to two minutes to run a sample, where our other Baird ICP2000 takes closer to one minute to run. I understand there is a problem with the way the reconditioned machine is batching the samples. Is this a software problem? What can we do to get this machine running at the same speed as our original machine? It is costing us time and argon. Please advise! William Quesnel Sr I have send a second request to SE regarding shipping of the Generator back to them for changes. William Quesnel Sr December 15, 2000 1:48 PM WQ - email to SE (copy BQ) - Subject: Ismatek Autosampler Rebuild - Stephen - I am not sure if you got this email sent Dec 8 as I have not had a response since: We have launched a lawsuit against Questron Technologies Corp (formerly True Logic Inc) to recover damages suffered by WearCheck Canada Inc through Questron's inability to complete their contract to recondition our Baird PS4 spectrometer. In the process of that rebuild they did a lot of work on the Ismatek Autosampler. This is the same autosampler that we sent to Sci-Tech, and you rebuilt for us. Could you please send me a description of the actual work that you needed to do on the autosampler to get it to work with the rebuilt Baird ICP2000 that you supplied to WearCheck Canada Inc? We need this to justify the portion of our monetary claim related to the Ismatek Autosampler. Again I will not hold you to any numbers that you quote to me. Our attorney's have asked us to put together numbers to justify the claim we are making. I will not put your name on the information you give me. It is for reference only. Best Regards, William Quesnel Sr December 15, 2000 1:42 PM WQ - email to SE - Subject: Estimated value of used Baird PS4 spectrometer - Stephen I am not sure if you got this message, sent Dec 8, as have not reply. What I am really looking for is an expert opinion on what that PS4 Baird is worth in the present state, or what it would cost to put it right. It may be an issue in the settlement of our lawsuit I do not mean to put you on the spot, and don't feel you are. Our attorney's have asked us to get an outside opinion of the re-sale value of the PS4 in its present state. Would the Questron proprietary wiring all have to be replaced? I will really appreciate your opinion. William Quesnel Sr December 8, 2000 1:14 PM WQ - email to SE - Subject: Re: Baird ICP2000 Generator - Stephen - For the moment we just want to get the generator working, so that we have a spare if one of our other machines goes down. I may need to hand over that generator as part of the settlement of our lawsuit as well, meantime we need to get it in good working order. Please advise shipping instructions to you. December 8, 2000 1:12 PM WQ - email to SE - Subject: Re: Value of used Baird PS4 spectrometer - Stephen What I am really looking for is an expert opinion on what that PS4 Baird is worth in the present state, or what it would cost to put it right. It may be an issue in the settlement of our lawsuit. December 8, 2000 1:11 PM SE - email WQ - Subject: Re: Value of used Baird PS4 spectrometer - Dear Bill, Thanks for your messages. It was really good to hear from you again. I am very pleased things are going well. Please give my fondest regards to all at Wearcheck. I will reply to other messages individually as you have requested. The PS4 that you have really requires the original electronics from the Baird system, the MC20, replaced. A lot of the original wiring has also been removed. Whilst it is possible to do all of this work the time to do so may be excessive. We have another Baird 2000 her that we could supply with out an RF Generator, you have three, for approximately 15500.00 (Pounds Sterling). This may be an alternative. Please let me have your initial thoughts on this. This costing may be better than either replacing the modified electronics with the MC20 or trying to modify them so that they work properly. Another disadvantage of getting the modified electronics to work properly would be working with different software. Looking forward to your thoughts on this one. Best wishes Steve Earthy ----- Original Message ----- From: Bill Quesnel To: Stephen Earthy Cc: Bill Quesnel Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 04:11 Subject: Value of used Baird PS4 spectrometer Stephen You traveled with me to view the used Baird PS4 spectrometer that WearCheck Canada has in cold storage. Could you please advise what you think would be a market re-sale value for the machine in its present condition? Could you please advise what Sci-Tech would be willing to purchase that Baird PS4 spectrometer for? Could you also please advise what it would cost to rebuild the Baird PS4 spectrometer, given the present condition, to make it a useful machine? It will be greatly appreciated if you can give me answers to all these questions. You will notice I have send separate messages for each subject. The only reason I do that is that It helps me to track the subjects and file the information properly. Please reply to each message separately. We are quite pleased with the new machine, it has relieved our cost of overtime, and we are getting all the samples run within the working day now! Best Regards William Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca President WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca December 8, 2000 1:11 PM SE - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Baird ICP2000 Generator - Dear Bill, I think it probably be best to return the generator to us for repair. If you decided to take the route suggested in my other message regarding the PS4 it would be possible to return the generator to you in the Baird 2000 Instrument. let me know your thoughts on this. Best wishes Steve Earthy December 8, 2000 11:11 AM WQ - email to SE (copy BQ) - Subject: Value of used Baird PS4 spectrometer - Stephen You traveled with me to view the used Baird PS4 spectrometer that WearCheck Canada has in cold storage. Could you please advise what you think would be a market re-sale value for the machine in its present condition? Could you please advise what Sci-Tech would be willing to purchase that Baird PS4 spectrometer for? Could you also please advise what it would cost to rebuild the Baird PS4 spectrometer, given the present condition, to make it a useful machine? It will be greatly appreciated if you can give me answers to all these questions. You will notice I have send separate messages for each subject. The only reason I do that is that It helps me to track the subjects and file the information properly. Please reply to each message separately. We are quite pleased with the new machine, it has relieved our cost of overtime, and we are getting all the samples run within the working day now! Best Regards William Quesnel Sr December 8, 2000 10:52 AM WQ - email to SE (copy BQ) - Subject: Baird ICP2000 Generator - Stephen - When we were setting up the reconditioned Baird ICP2000 received from Sci-Tech, we experienced problems with the RF generator, and replaced it with the generator from our existing PS4 machine (we were set-up so that our generators were exchangeable between our existing Baird ICP2000 and the Baird PS4). Bill Jr and Kevin Marson advised me that they had discussed with you the state of the generator removed from the reconditioned machine. The generator does need to be sent out to be set-up for our machines. We can arrange to send this to our present supplier, and will bill those costs back to Sci-Tech, or we can send it to you. Please advise how you would like us to proceed? We need to get this generator ready for operation. William Quesnel Sr December 8, 2000 9:14 AM BQ - email to SE (copy to WQ) - Subject: Re: Ismatek Autosampler Rebuil - Stephen, In addition to this, could you comment on what you told me when you took a quick look at the electronics that they installed. Something about setting the gains at maximum, that would cause a lot of background noise. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel Jr. December 8, 2000 9:12 AM WQ - email to SE (copy BQ) - Subject: Ismatek Autosampler Rebuild - Stephen - We have launched a lawsuit against Questron Technologies Corp (formerly True Logic Inc) to recover damages suffered by WearCheck Canada Inc through Questron's inability to complete their contract to recondition our Baird PS4 spectrometer. In the process of that rebuild they did a lot of work on the Ismatek Autosampler. This is the same autosampler that we sent to Sci-Tech, and you rebuilt for us. Could you please send me a description of the actual work that you needed to do on the autosampler to get it to work with the rebuilt Baird ICP2000 that you supplied to WearCheck Canada Inc? We need this to justify the portion of our monetary claim related to the Ismatek Autosampler. William Quesnel Sr December 8, 2000 9:06 AM BQ - email to SE (copy WQ) - Subject: Re: Speed of reconditioned Baird - Stephen, Further information: We currently must run the new ICP using the sample id method not the batch method (or the other way around, I forget), basically we are running without using the Co as indicator. We discussed the problem with the Co detection method about a month ago, and you did send me some files, and suggestions about PIN settings on the Baird MC-20 boards. We have not gotten around to this yet, so perhaps that is the first place we should try. Another item, however, is the generator. Who is paying for the shipping to the U.K.? We would like to get this repaired before one of the other 2 fails. It is simply a matter of wait until something breaks and then we will fix it, that has kept us from figuring out (or trying your suggestions) why the Co detection method is not working (sipper just sits in the bath after the first sample). Best Regards, Bill December 8, 2000 9:04 AM WQ - email to SE (copy KM BQ) - Subject: Speed of reconditioned Baird - Stephen The reconditioned Baird ICP2000 that you supplied to WearCheck Canada Inc is now up and running, and we are using it every day. We have a problem with the speed. The machine is taking close to two minutes to run a sample, where our other Baird ICP2000 takes closer to one minute to run. I understand there is a problem with the way the reconditioned machine is batching the samples. Is this a software problem? What can we do to get this machine running at the same speed as our original machine? It is costing us time and argon. Please advise! William Quesnel Sr October 19, 2000 8:05 AM SE email to KM (copy BQ) - Subject: ISMATEK AUTOSAMPLER. - Dear Kevin, I have looked at the problems that we discussed yesterday and suggest the following: 1.. Look at the configuration of the Measure Board in the MC20. This board is the FIRST board to the right of the HV and HV switching boards that are surrounded by the HV shield in the MC20 and it has a last ribbon cable connected to the board. BEFORE YOU EXAMINE THE BOARD AND REMOVE IT ENSURE THAT THE MC20 IS TURNED OFF. When you have turned off the MC20 remove the board. You will notice an 8 way bank of dip switches on this board. These switches set up the communication from the MC20 to the PC. They also adjust the Baud rate for external items such as the autosampler or ID system that are connected directly to the MC20 and therefore are not influenced by the PC. The current configuration of these dip switches will probably be 10010100 where 1=ON and 0 =OFF this is marked on the switches as ON/OFF. This will give you a baud rate of 4800 instead of 9600. When I checked the autosampler in England we tried various Baud rates at it seemed like the system responded to the 4800 and the 9600 rate best. To change the Baud rate and some other settings on this board to 9600 use the following configuration for the measure board. Change the setting on this board to 01000011. This should cure the problem. 2.. You may find that when you change the dip switches the autosampler probe may work in the order sequence. In other words instead of being in the WASH station the probe will be in the sample. If this occurs there is a simple wire reverse to be done in the autosampler so please phone for help to do this. 3.. If neither 1 or 2 help try the following dip switch configuration 01010101 The auto sampler will work or not in this mode.. Please remember that EVERY time you want to remove any of the MC20 boards you TURN THE MC20 OFF first. You will also need to reset the MC20 when you turn it back on and turn the HV on. If you have any problems please telephone the office. I may not be available this afternoon but my colleague Brian Braithwaite who designed the interface electronics that we put in the autosampler will be in the office and will be pleased to talk to you. Let me know how you go on. Any problems contact me. Regards Steve Earthy October 17, 2000 12:27 PM BQ - email to SE (copy BQ KM) - Subject: WearCheck Canada and ICP Spectrometer - Steven, I can not say that I have had a good day. We installed the fan in the exhaust vent of the ductwork for the ICP spectrometer, and lowered the exhaust hood over the torch. The ICP is not getting TMP messages anymore. So that is fixed. Next I had Anwar calibrate the instrument, which went very well (after we spent 2 hours fiddling with the sample pump). When Anwar went to run back the standards to confirm the calibration the computer gave us a "< Error communicating with MC-20 >" message. I spent 2 hours fiddling with the computer, and ICP, until finally resetting the MC-20, and all appeared to be fine. I started the Baird software with no MC-20 error message. I created a run to run the calibration standards, and started it. The sipper entered the first sample (blank), did it's thing, the computer printed out it's blank, then the sipper went into the wash, and never came back out again. O.K. this time 3 hours fiddling with the Start and Peak factors, with no success, and everything else I could think of, still no success. Throughout this I was getting random "< Error communicating with MC-20 >"messages, so I had to keep resetting the MC-20 from under the ICP. I decided to try running "Sample run with Batch Changer" instead of "Sample run with ID System" and this is what happened: The run started, went into the blank, then gave me an "MC-20 error". I pressed ESC, and then it integrated the sample, and gave results. Then into the wash, then back to the next sample and the same thing. I press ESC when I get the "MC-20 error" and then the sample is integrated, and the results displayed, back into the wash, advance the next sample, into the next sample, MC-20 error, again and again. Is the MC-20 screwed up? Very frustrated, Bill Quesnel October 1, 2000 4:51 AM SE - email to WQ - Subject: Re: INSTALLATION OF BAIRD 2000 - Dear Bill, Thanks for your message. I am quite happy work on my own so as not spoil other peoples vacations etc. Hopefully everything will go well and the instrument will be up and running very quickly. Looking forward to seeing you at the airport and thanks for all your assistance. I will try and send you a digital photo so you can recognise me but if not I am about 5' 9" short hair medium build and wear silver framed glasses. I could probably be anyone getting off the flight with this description. However, I am sure we will recognise each other pretty easily. I have asked for the tools etc to be shipped by DHL this Monday, however I will try and change the shipment route to UPS. We have accounts with both companies. Looking forward to meeting you. regards Steve Earthy September 30, 2000 10:37 AM WQ - email to SE - Subject: Re: INSTALLATION OF BAIRD 2000 - Steve - I forgot to mention that WearCheck Canada Inc have an account with UPS. Regards Bill Q Sr September 30, 2000 10:24 AM WQ - email to WC Management Team - Subject: Steve Earthy - Baird2000 - I cannot stress enough the importance of getting the reconditioned Baird2000 up and running. If I could cancel my trip to the mining show in Las Vegas I would do so to ensure that Steve Earthy gets every opportunity to get this machine going. I am asking each and every one of you to volunteer your time to accomodate Steve. I do not want him to be able to say that we did not provide him ample opportunity or enough cooperation. I especially call on Bill and Kevin to work with Steve. He should get your full attention. The only thing that should take you away from this is a critical problem that threatens to shut down WearCheck Canada Inc. I ask you all to volunteer to accompany Steve if he feels it necessary to work on the weekend. I know as well that Monday is Thanksgiving and he may want to work that day as well. I am not sure if there is anyone in the laboratory that would be suitable to work with Steve - I leave that to Bill and Kevin to decide. I do know that we really need this machine!! As per my earlier reply to Steve, I will pick him up at the airport and arrange his hotel. I want to hold a meeting with Steve and all of you on October 4 to discuss how we will provide back-up to Steve. Bill Sr September 30, 2000 10:14 AM WQ - email to SE (Copy WC Team) - Subject: Re: INSTALLATION OF BAIRD 2000 - Steve I am glad you could reschedule to get here sooner. It is very important to WearCheck Canada Inc that we get the reconditioned Baird2000 up and into production. Unfortunately that is quite a short week in Canada, as Monday is the Thanksgiving holiday. Bill Jr and I have some travel plans that cannot be cancelled. Bill Jr will be gone Friday October 6 supposed to return to work Tuesday October 10. I am leaving Saturday October 7 returning to work Thursday October 13. I am copying this email message to our management team of Bill Jr, Kevin Marson (lab manager) Ruth Inglehart (office manager) and Gloria Gonzalez (Sales Manager). We all realize the importance of getting this machine running, as our production has been seriously hampered with the lack of a second spectrometer. We will make every effort to assist you in getting the machine going. You inquired about the possibility of working days during the weekend, We will make accommodation to enable you to do that, and will try to arrange to have someone working with you. We will even give you a key to the building, if you wish to work after hours. I will meet Air Canada flight 869 at 10:45 am and will arrange for hotel accommodations as near the laboratory as possible. I will put a car at your disposal for the duration of your stay. Best Regards William Quesnel September 29, 2000 11:55 AM SE - email to WQ (fwd BQ) - Dear Bill, Just to confirm that I will be arriving in Toronto on Wednesday October 4 at 10.45am on Flight AC869. I plan to leave on Wednesday October 11 at 19.50 on AC3086 unless everything is working and finished before that date. I am shipping tools etc via UPS or DHL do you have an account with either or both of these shippers? Can you please let me know so that I decide on the best route. Alternatively can you suggest a better route. I plan to this this box on Monday. Can you arrange for a hotel for the nights of October 4 till October 10 for me. Is it possible to meet me at the airport? If not what is the best way of getting out to Missisauga. I look forward to meeting you soon. Best wishes Steve Earthy September 29, 2000 7:42 AM SE - email to WQ - Subject: INSTALLATION OF BAIRD 2000 - Dear Bill, Just to confirm that I will be arriving in Toronto on Wednesday October 4 at 10.45am on Flight AC869. I plan to leave on Wednesday October 11 at 19.50 on AC3086 unless everything is working and finished before that date. I am shipping tools etc via UPS or DHL do you have an account with either or both of these shippers? Can you please let me know so that I decide on the best route. Alternatively can you suggest a better route. I plan to this this box on Monday. Can you arrange for a hotel for the nights of October 4 till October 10 for me. Is it possible to meet me at the airport? If not what is the best way of getting out to Missisauga. I look forward to meeting you soon. Best wishes Steve Earthy September 28, 2000 5:22 AM WQ - email to SE (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: Subject: WC Canada - Commissioning ICP2000 - When? Stephen I regret we must ask you to come earlier, as we will both be away at the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference the week of the 21st. The POAC has been scheduled for some time, and we must attend as Billy is delivering a paper. Please advise the dates you wish to come. I recommend that you send your tools by courier if necessary to get them over quickly. Bill Sr September 28, 2000 5:02 AM WQ - email to SE (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: BAIRD 2000 COMMISIONING. Stephen It will be good if you can make these arrangements. I will be flying out of Toronto on Sunday October 8 in the morning, however would be available for you on Saturday October 7 if you wanted to work that day. Will ask Bill Jr if he could accommodate you on Sunday October 8 if you wished to work that day. Regards Bill Q Sr September 27, 2000 5:30 AM SE - email to WQ BQ - Subject: BAIRD 2000 COMMISIONING. Dear Bill, Just to let you know that I am trying to arrange flights for next week to arrive on Wednesday October 4 in Toronto and leave on or before October 11. I will let you know when everything is arranged and the parts etc have been shipped. Best wishes Steve September 26, 2000 6:08 PM WQ - email to SE (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: Subject: WC Canada - Commissioning ICP2000 - When? Stephen This is great news. We do need you as soon as possible. I will personally come and work with you on weekends if I cannot get any of my staff to do so. Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca September 26, 2000 1:49 PM SE - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Subject: WC Canada - Commissioning ICP2000 - When? Dear Bill, I will make plans for an early visit to you and contact you again tomorrow. If I come mid week can I work on Saturday and Sunday for at least some of the day if necessary? I will contact you soon. Steve September 26, 2000 11:59 AM WQ - email SE (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: Subject: WC Canada - Commissioning ICP2000 - When? - Stephen - I regret we must ask you to come earlier, as we will both be away at the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference the week of the 21st. The POAC has been scheduled for some time, and we must attend as Billy is delivering a paper. Please advise the dates you wish to come. I recommend that you send your tools by courier if necessary to get them over quickly. Bill Sr September 26, 2000 7:01 AM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: Fw: Subject: WC Canada - Commissioning ICP2000 - When? Billy - Please read my reply to Stephen. I have asked him to come earlier as his dates conflict with the POAC. Can you reply to him concerning his question about the front panel? Dad September 26, 2000 4:21 AM BQ - email to SE (copy WQ) - Subject: Re: Subject: WC Canada - Commissioning ICP2000 - When? - Stephen, We have done nothing further to the generator. I suggest that you come at your earliest. We are not keen to wait an additional month to see this instrument set-up. If you need to, go ahead and ship your tools to us, and our customs brokerage will handle it. Regards, Bill September 26, 2000 1:36 AM SE - email to WQ BQ - Subject: Re: Subject: WC Canada - Commissioning ICP2000 - When? - Dear Bill, Thanks for your message. The most convenient time for me to come to Canada would be week commencing October 21st. However, if this is not acceptable I could come earlier, although to do I will have to change my vacation. I realise that that you need the system up and running as soon as possible so please advise whether the suggested date is OK or if you want me to bring things forward. I shall need to send some tools etc to you prior to my visit as I understand that Canadian customs can be difficult if I arrive with tools, parts etc. What do you advise? What is the status with the front panel on the RF Generator. Is it working correctly or is it still displaying garbage? Regards Steve Earthy September 25, 2000 2:14 PM WQ - email to SE (copy BQ) - Subject: Subject: WC Canada - Commissioning ICP2000 - When? - Stephen Thank you for your reply of September 13, however I have not heard from you since. When can you make the trip to Canada to commission our reconditioned Baird ICP2000? We need to get this machine running as soon as we can, as we are paying overtime every day to get our samples processed. We are going to be travelling some next month, and now need to have the second machine on line. Bill Jr and I are away Oct 22-27 - I will be away Oct 8-14 as well. Please check your schedule and set a date as soon as possible. Please reply to me with copy to Bill Jr. Bill Quesnel Sr. September 13, 2000 7:18 AM SE - email to WQ (fwd to BQ) - Subject: Re: WC Canada - Commissioning ICP2000 - Dear Bill, I am in the process of arranging flights etc having just arrived back in England from Baird service work in Spain. I will contact you as soon as I have provisional dates to check they are convenient. I appreciate the urgency and will do everything to arrange things very quickly. Best wishes Steve Earthy September 11, 2000 3:27 PM WQ - email to SE (copy BQ) - Subject: WC Canada - Commissioning ICP2000 - Stephen Please advise as soon as possible. When can you make the trip to Canada to commission our reconditioned Baird ICP2000. We thought with our experience we could get the machine running so went ahead and wired it in and set it up. Bill Jr set up the machine, and tried running it, however is experiencing some problems. I know he has been talking to you about the problems. We need to get this machine running as soon as we can. We are going to be busy travelling in the next two months, and would like to have the second machine on line Bill Jr and I are away Sep 19-21, then again Oct 22-27 - I will be away Oct 8-14 as well. Please check your schedule and set a date. Please reply to me with copy to Bill Jr. Bill Quesnel Sr. September 6, 2000 10:27 AM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: Stephen Earthy - Billy - Any word from Stephen Earthy when he can come? I would like to meet him while he is here. Dad August 22, 2000 12:12 PM SE - email to BQ (copy WQ) - Subject: BAIRD 2000 - Dear Bill, Regarding the packing of the spectrometer. The following items need to be removed. 1.. There is a large red bracket under the photomultiplier housing. This should be removed. 2.. The support for the grating is a solid support fitted for transit this should be removed and the other rubber mounted support fitted. This needs to be done very carefully to avoid any vibration to the spectrometer. When done the spectrometer should be absolutely level. Let me know if you have any further queries. Best wishes Steve August 22, 2000 4:15 AM SE - email to BQ (copy WQ) - Subject: RE: BAIRD 2000 - Dear Bill, regarding the error message that you are getting on the RFP FAN - this message is caused by insufficient air flow around the electronics inside the generator. I would suggest the following: 1.. The fact that are getting LLV may be significant in this case as maybe the fan is not receiving sufficient power. I therefore suggest that you retap the generator to your exact line voltage. Measure your mains and adjust accordingly. To do this turn OFF the generator and remove from the instrument. Open the lid and on the left hand side of the generator you will see a cover. Remove this and underneath you will see the tapings. Adjust accordingly any queries let me know. 2.. If this does not cure the problem you can remove the fan sensor and see if this gets rid of the message. To do this open the generator, once it has been turned off, and you will see three wires coming from the fan blue, red and black these go to a connector Remove connector from the interconnect card, the card that has the large fuses on and turn on. If the message has gone it has been caused by a 5v sensor voltage either going high or low. I hope this helps NORMALLY I WOULD NOT SUGGEST THAT ANY CUSTOMER OPENS THE GENERATOR BECAUSE OF THE LETHAL VOLTAGE. its up to you. I would normally cover all these eventualities during installation. I will send you the unpacking instructions for the spectrometer in another e-mail. best wishes Steve August 21, 2000 9:47 AM SE - email to BQ (copy WQ) - Subject: FILES FOR BAIRD 2000 - Dear Bill, Here is the second disk of files. (of the files for BAIRD200) Steve August 11, 2000 3:50 AM RI - email to WQ - Subject: Fw: DELIVERY OF BAIRD 2000 - Hi Bill - I have been in touch with Oakville Customs Brokers and Peter has identified the airlines as Canada 3000. I have asked that the trucking company have a hydraulic tailgate to offload the spectrometer and to supply a dolly to move it to the spectrometer room. Frank is making arrangements to get the old one to a storage space. Regds Ruth ----- Original Message ----- From: Stephen J. Earthy To: Ruth Inglehart Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 6:15 PM Subject: Re: DELIVERY OF BAIRD 2000 Dear Ruth, We have asked our shippers to send it care of your shipping agents. I expect they will advise you when it arrives from the point of delivery and customs clearance. We have insured the insurance from our premises to yours so you will not have to extend the insurance to your lab. I expect that it will not arrive on your premises till early next week. Hope this helps.If I can help further please let me know. Best wishes Steve Earthy ----- Original Message ----- From: Ruth Inglehart To: SJEARTHY@SCITEKUK.FREESERVE.CO.UK Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 8:16 PM Subject: DELIVERY OF BAIRD 2000 Dear Stephen I understand our Baird will be arriving this Saturday. Have you made arrangements directly to our door? Our customs brokers Oakville Customs want to know if we will be requiring any special equipment for offloading the shipment. Please advise ASAP. Thank you Ruth Inglehart Office Manager WearCheck Canada Inc. Phone: (905) 569-8600 ext 222 Fax: (905) 569-8605 ruthi@wearcheck.ca August 11, 2000 3:50 AM RI - email to WQ - Subject: Fw: DELIVERY OF BAIRD 2000 - Hi Bill - I have been in touch with Oakville Customs Brokers and Peter has identified the airlines as Canada 3000. I have asked that the trucking company have a hydraulic tailgate to offload the spectrometer and to supply a dolly to move it to the spectrometer room. Frank is making arrangements to get the old one to a storage space. Regds Ruth August 11, 2000 3:43 AM WQ - email to SE - Subject: Re: DELIVERY OF BAIRD ICP SYSTEM - Stephen - Thanks for the information, this is important to our planning of handling of the Spectrometer. I am not familiar with the flight number CMM312 - Please advise what airline this is? We are very anxious to get the spectrometer into our lab an running as we are experiencing minor problems with our production unit on a fairly regular basis. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr August 10, 2000 12:37 PM SE - email to WQ - Subject: RE: DELIVERY OF BAIRD ICP SYSTEM - Dear Bill, Sorry for the delay in replying to your recent e-mail. The Air way Bill number for the Baird 2000 is: 750 054 468 84 The shipment contains the Ismatek Autosampler. the Shipment is travelling on flight: CMM312 EXPECTED ARRIVAL TIME 16.25 ON AUGUST 12. If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me. Best regards Steve Earthy June 21, 2000 1:15 PM SE - email to WQ BQ - Subject: BAIRD 2000 Hi Bill, Just a brief progress report on the autosampler for the Baird 2000 ICP system. The new PCB for the autosampler is now finished with the components fully mounted. We have tested the system at our works and all appears to be good. I have arranged with Bob Cutler to test the system on his Baird 2000 tomorrow so that we can ensure that we have not overlooked ay parameters that are needed. What size sampler vials do you use? How many vials does the sampler tray hold? You did not send the sampler tray to us from our discussions I recall that we both agreed that this was not necessary. Please confirm that you have the tray safely. Are you diluting the samples manually or on the autosampler?. What do you intend to do regarding peristaltic pumps? You will need one for the sample one for the cobalt and one for the refill of the Co solution. There is a minipulse system on the instrument which could be used for at least one of the tasks. However, as we previously discussed you will need the speed of a pump like a minipulse 3 to ensure the correct dilution. Looking forward to your reply. We are now getting very close to our goal and look forward to seeing you very soon. I will contact you again this Friday to give an update. Best wishes Steve Earthy June 7, 2000 9:18 PM SE - Email to WQ - Subject: Re: BAIRD 2000 - Dear Bill - Thanks for your message. We will try our best to speed up delivery. I will contact you later this week. Best wishes Steve Earthy June 7, 2000 7:29 AM WQ - email to SE (Copy to BQ) - Subject: Re: BAIRD 2000 - Stephen, As I said on the phone this news is discouraging. We are in quite a bind with only one spectrometer running, and have been in this position for about 1 1/2 years. I realize that this is not your fault, however wanted to voice my concern. Bill Jr and I both leave June 28 for the WearCheck International Group Meetings which will be held in France this year. Bill Jr will return to Canada in mid July however I will be travelling until end of July. It would be comforting to us if we had the rebuilt spectrometer in the lab and up and running before that date. It always seems that when we both are away for any length of time we experience our worst problems with the spectrometer. I know you are doing everything you can to get the machine to us, and we will appreciate any extra effort that can be made. Bill Quesnel Sr June 7, 2000 5:57 AM SE - email to WQ - Subject: RE: BAIRD 2000 - Dear Bill, As promised here is a brief update on the shipping status for the Baird 2000. As I have already told you the instrument was finished and set up with your analytical program some considerable time ago. We have experienced problems with the Ismatek Autosampler. The PCB's for this autosampler are scheduled to be with us with the next few days. We will then thoroughly test the system and hope to be able to ship before the end of the month. If all goes well the system should be with you by July 1st. I will send you another update in a few days time. Best wishes Steve Earthy June 7, 2000 5:57 AM SE - Email to WQ (Copy BQ) - Subject: RE: BAIRD 2000 - Dear Bill, As promised here is a brief update on the shipping status for the Baird 2000. As I have already told you the instrument was finished and set up with your analytical program some considerable time ago. We have experienced problems with the Ismatek Autosampler. The PCB's for this autosampler are scheduled to be with us with the next few days. We will then thoroughly test the system and hope to be able to ship before the end of the month. If all goes well the system should be with you by July 1st. I will send you another update in a few days time. Best wishes Steve Earthy February 10, 2000 11:25 AM SE - E-mail to BQ (Copy to WQ) - Thank you for your order for the Baird 2000 ICP system. We thank you for your confidence in Sci-tek Instruments. Please send me the Ismatek Autosampler so that we can interface it to the Baird 2000 and make sure it works prior to shipment. The solid state generator is manufactured by RFPP and is the standard solid state generator supplied by Baird. We do have a spare system always in stock so in the event of the system breaking down and you not be able to get the generator repaired quickly we could possibly loan you this system whilst yours is being repaired. Once again many thanks for your order and I look forward to the opportunity of meeting you very soon. January 21, 2000 3:10 PM BQ - e-mail to SE - As my father noted we are working legally to obtain our Baird electronics from Questron Technologies. In the meantime we are very interested in purchasing a re-built ICP 2000 from yourself. I have included a Word document that is our calibration form for the current PS-4. This form outlines the elements that we are interested in and the ppm levels we expect from the instrument for generaly daily operation. Below, however, is the complete list of elements that we wish to have installed on the spectrometer: Al Ag Ar B Ba Be Ca Cd Cr Cu Fe K Mg Mn Mo Na Ni P Pb S Si Ti Zn We use Be for Garrett turbine oil analysis (0.01 ppm to 50 ppm), and we occasionally perform Ar, and Cd analysis for a single customer at the 2ppm - 20 ppm range. Let us know if you can achieve these levels for all elements as specified above and in the Word document. Please fix us with a firm quote for the instrument configured as above, with the Ismatec auto-sampler, and Window-based software, with installation and training, and shipping to Toronto, Canada. January 21, 2000 10:08 AM WQ - e-mail to SE - Stephen, As my father noted we are working legally to obtain our Baird electronics from Questron Technologies. In the meantime we are very interested in purchasing a re-built ICP 2000 from yourself. I have included a Word document (C:\MyDocuments\Wearcheck\that is our calibration form for the current PS-4. This form outlines the elements that we are interested in and the ppm levels we expect from the instrument for generaly daily operation. Below, however, is the complete list of elements that we wish to have installed on the spectrometer: Al Ag Ar B Ba Be Ca Cd Cr Cu Fe K Mg Mn Mo Na Ni P Pb S Si Ti Zn We use Be for Garrett turbine oil analysis (0.01 ppm to 50 ppm), and we occasionally perform Ar, and Cd analysis for a single customer at the 2ppm - 20 ppm range. Let us know if you can achieve these levels for all elements as specified above and in the Word ocument. Please fix us with a firm quote for the instrument configured as above, with the Ismatec auto-sampler, and Window-based software, with installation and training, and shipping to Toronto, Canada. January 13, 2000 7:53 AM SE - e-mail to WQ - We shipped a Baird 2000 Air Freight from Boston to the UK about 12 months ago. The approximate cost for this was £ 600(Pounds Sterling) or 1380 Canadian Dollars. (I hope I have the exchange value right). This charge is just for the freight. There are additional charges such as customs clearance, freight handling, insurance etc. These can be expensive unless you use your own agents. This did include the costs of sending a PC and other items such as an autosampler with the instrument but hopefully this will be a guide price for you. I would anticipate that the cost of the PS4 would be very similar. There are NO special requirements for shipment of this type of instruments that would increase the price substantially that I know of. Hope this helps. Looking forward to hearing more information regarding TrueLogic and the where about of your electronics for the PS4 as soon as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can help you further. January 12, 2000 12:40 PM Thanks for the response. We are pressing True Logic to get the matter resolved. I will discuss costs of the commissioning with Bill Jr. Friday and get back to you. Do you have an idea of freight costs from UK to Canada? Any special shipping costs with this kind of instrument? January 12, 2000 12:10 PM SE - e-mail to WQ - My apologies for responding quicker to your request for prices for commissioning the Baird 2000 in Toronto. I believe the fairest way to charge would be on an hourly basis or a daily basis. Our charges would therefore be 150 Canadian dollars per hour. We anticipate that the work will take 3 days. There would also be charges for travel, flights, hotels and subsistence. I would be pleased to send you a detailed quotation for this work but I do feel the best way is to quote on the hourly or daily rate. I hope that this helps. Have you heard from Truelogic yet? When do you anticipate that you will want this work carried out? January 7, 2000 10:45 AM WQ - e-mail to SE - Dear Stephen Please note change of my e-mail address to billqsr@wearcheck.ca We have contacted True Logic concerning the return of the Baird equipment (MC20) and are awaiting a timetable from them. We have reviewed the pricing on the Baird2000 and it is within our budget Could you please advise the cost of commissioning the unit in Canada Also we would like to know if their would be any trade-in value on our PS4 in present condition (or restored to original condition) Could you please send pictures of the unit you have offered including the sample handling system. We need to replace our inactive spectrometer in the near future as our volume is increasing. Regards Bill Quesnel billqsr@wearcheck.ca President WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca January 7, 2000 10:22 AM SE - e-mail to WQ - Just checking on the status of the Baird PS4 system. Have you got the MC20 back from TrueLogic yet? Please let me know how things how and the time scale for the upgrade of your ICP system. Have you had time to consider the prices that I gave you for the Baird 2000 system that we currently have? Best wishes for 2000 December 24, 1999 9:54 AM BQJr - e-mail to SE (copy to WQ) - Our current suppliers TRULOGIC performed the following modifications on our Baird ICP PS4: Replaced the MC-20 section and all electronics, and data gathering systems. Modified the auto-sampler carousel to read their electronic signals. Obviously this stuff will need to be scrapped so I will contact TRULOGIC and get back the original Baird electronics. I do not think that we will have difficulty getting the TRULOGIC technician that converted the machine to come in and assist you in unworking what they have done. December 24, 1999 6:34 AM SE - e-mail to WQ - Thanks for your reply. The basic cost of the Baird 2000 is £17500.00 this price includes basic warranty of THREE months but does not include installation and commissioning. The instrumental analytical program is currently set for oil analysis. However the price shown above is dependent on the exact number of channels that you require. The system has 24 channels. The instrument will be reprogrammed to set your exact needs. The autosampler that is shown in the internet picture has been sold. However, we have a smaller version of this autosampler an X-Y system which will accommodate up to 90 samples plus 12 standards. However, there is NO ultra-sonic wash station with this autosampler and this is often required for cleaning purposes in oil analysis. The cost of this autosampler is £2500.00. The dilution probe system is £375.00 .There is a TWO channel peristaltic pump on the instrument you may need another Gilson Minipulse THREE pump to ensure that dilution are accurately carried. All the prices shown in this letter are in POUNDS STERLING we would be pleased to supply a quotation in US dollars and are pleased to accept payment in US dollars. Please let me have details of your exact analytical needs so that I can formalise a quotation to you. Best wishes and a happy Christmas. Steve Earthy SCI-TEK INSTRUMENTS, BERRYBROOK HOUSE, STILEBROOK ROAD, OLNEY. MK46 5EA. ENGLAND. TEL: (+44) 01234 240765 FAX: (+44) 01234 240965 MOBILE 07901 920602 December 23, 1999 12:24 PM SE - e-mail to WQ - Thanks for your message. Do you want me to quote for a system that includes an autosampler with automated dilution and the Windows software? Are there any other features or accessories that you would us to quote for? Due to the different frequency in Canada to the UK it would probably be desirable to purchase a PC system in Canada. I look forward to your reply but will certainly send you a basic price tomorrow. Sci-tek Instruments will be closed from December 24th mid day till January 4th. If you need to contact me in the meantime you can E-Mail me at sjearthy@nstcc.freeserve.co.uk or you can fax me at 44 870 1316484 Best wishes and have a great Christmas December 23, 1999 12:17 PM WQ - e-mail to SE - Thanks for quick reply Yes please quote the auto sample and dilution We would prefer to purchase PC in Canada I will discuss further with Bill Jr tomorrow and be talking to you. December 22, 1999 10:53 AM SE - e-mail to WQ - Dear Mr. Quesnel, Following our telephone discussions whilst you were visiting Bob Cutler at Robertson's I am writing to confirm that Sci-tek Instruments would be pleased to assist you with the problems that you are having with the Baird PS4 system. We also have available TWO Baird 2000 systems and we would be pleased to consider the possibilities of installing one of these systems in your laboratories. Sci-Tek Instruments are a specialist service company. We service most of the baird systems in Europe and also some in the Middle east. We were appointed the service representatives for baird in the UK almost 12 years ago and our service personnel were trained by Baird Europe and also in the US by baird Corp. We look forward to the possibilities of assisting you further. Have you visited our Internet site. The address is http://www.scitekuk.freeserve.co.uk this will give you more information about Sci-Tek Instruments and also shows pictures of the ICP systems that we currently have available. All these system are fully backed with service. I look forward to the opportunity of assisting you in the future. Regards Steve Earthy SCI-TEK INSTRUMENTS, BERRYBROOK HOUSE, STILEBROOK ROAD, OLNEY. MK46 5EA. ENGLAND. TEL: (+44) 01234 240765 FAX: (+44) 01234 240965 MOBILE 07901 920602 October 24, 2001 8:33 AM BQ email to SE (copy WQ AV) - Subject: RE: E-MAIL ADDRESS - Steve, **** Stephen -- Third Copy **** PLEASE RESPOND **** -----Original Message----- From: Bill Quesnel [mailto:billq@wearcheck.ca] Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 2:35 PM To: STEPHEN J. EARTHY Cc: Kevin Marson; Bill Quesnel - WearCheck Subject: FW: ISMATEK AUTOSAMPLER. Importance: High **** Stephen -- Second Copy **** PLEASE RESPOND **** -----Original Message----- From: Bill Quesnel [mailto:billq@wearcheck.ca] Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 3:43 PM To: STEPHEN J. EARTHY Cc: Bill Quesnel - WearCheck; Kevin Marson Subject: RE: ISMATEK AUTOSAMPLER. Importance: High Steve, As a result of having our older Baird down for 2 weeks, and having to use our Sci-Tek Baird in the interim, I decided to work towards resolving the original issues that were present after installation. Running the Sci-Tek instrument alone, we required over 16 hours of operation a day just to handle the normal sample volume. When the older Baird was back up and running, I did some work to take the analysis time for one sample down from 65 seconds to 39 seconds. This has been successful, and now this Baird is operating at peak efficiency. The main problem with the Sci-Tek Baird is that is cannot run using the "ID System", and is currently taking 85 seconds to analyse a sample using the "Sample Changer Batch File" mode. Unacceptable. My first item of business is to determine and correct the problem with the autosampler/software/MC-20 to allow this instrument to operate using the "ID system". Presently we are using the "Sample Changer Batch File" which has the unfortunate side effect that the sipper sits in the sample until integration is complete, and sits in the wash station for an additional 30 seconds, as well. When we attempt to run the "ID System", the sipper goes into the first sample for the required "Sample take-up time", then into the wash. After the appropriate "Wash-time", the autosampler moves forward one sample, however, the sipper never leaves the wash station. Just sits there (we let it go for over an hour, just to see). I have followed your previous instructions (below) with the following results: MC-20 MB DIP settings: 01000011 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. 01010101 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. I then tried the Biard default (from the MC-20 manual), and the following settings: 01000101 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. (9600 baud) 10000101 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. (4800 baud) 01000001 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. (9600 baud - alternate crystal speed) 10000001 - repeated MC-20 errors. Unable to run software. (4800 baud - alternate crystal speed) I have set the MC-20 MB DIP settings back to the original (10010100), and the Batch System is working as it did before, and the ID System is still not working (as described above). After having read the PlasmaComp V, Injection-Dilution System, and MC-20 manuals, I have the following questions: 1. We are using an ASA autosampler. Why are we setting SW1-3, 4, 5 to 010 when the manual shows that we should be using 000? 2. Where is the sample sensor that we have on our other autosampler sipper unit? Is this important for the proper functioning of the IDS system? 3. What does the "Peak Threshold" value represent for the Sample Changer Batch File information? This is a new value from the older versions, and is not covered in their manual. We tried setting this to 0.7, 0.5, 0.3 (when start level is set at 0.3). Any suggestions for a setting? 4. The configuration of the autosampler, and sipper station are quite different from the original autosampler system we sent to you for repair. Is this the same system (only modified) or is this a different system? If it has been modified, what has been done to the original configuration (minus the corrections for what Questron did)? We need to rectify this situation, as I am not going to use this spectrometer in production until we can get the analysis time equal to the older ICP. Please give me some ideas as to what to do next! Best Regards, Bill Quesnel Public 011-44-01234-240765 Phone 011-44-01234-240965 Fax Public MK46 5EA Burlington Security (Password Protection) Security (Password Protection) Ted Security (Password Protection) 950721002801764977613C Security Public (905) 575-4585 Phone (905) 332-5307 Ted Public ON 2343 Brimley Road Suite 814 Supplier Scarborough SystemLink Toronto Inc SystemLink Toronto Inc Canada SystemLink Toronto Inc 991012000132469946609C Computer Programs April 18, 2000 10:30 AM JF - email to WQ - I got your e-mail and I will be in on Tuesday April 25th to address your outstanding issues and get you back on track. April 18, 2000 10:28 AM www.systemlinkinc.com Web Site Visited: SystemLink Toronto Inc October 12, 1999 10:04 AM WQ - phoned SysLink to have James call me concerning the ACCPac program. Need to be able to do month end accounting and reports (sales commission) Left message on answering machine for him to call me. April 18, 2000 10:30 AM JF - email to WQ - I got your e-mail and I will be in on Tuesday April 25th to address your outstanding issues and get you back on track. Public (416) 491-0940 Phone (905) 985-4238 Fax Public ON www.systemlinkinc.com M1S 3L6 No; will not sample 100 Magill Street, Walden Ind. Park Not Sampling Lively Tamrock EJC Canada Ltd. Tamrock EJC Canada Ltd. Canada T1013 Mobile Tamrock EJC Canada Ltd. 971222003352402161137C Equipment Manufacturer December 14, 2000 August 7, 2001 11:39 AM BQ email to JT PJ GK LC GB AG (copy WQ) - Subject: CINRG / WCI affiliation proposal - Lesley, Gary, Alistair, Greg, Peter, Gilbert and Jesus, Please read the attached proposal. I would say that this is my last (and best) attempt for a viable solution to the CINRG group within WearCheck International. I think that you will find my proposal interesting at the least, and hopefully as exciting as I think that it is. I have not included any hype, just a straight-forward presentation of the current situation. I know each one of you well enough to first, propose this to you and second, consider your participation valuable. I hope that you will each take the time to discuss this proposal with me. (see Document today - Cinrg Proposal) Best Regards, Bill Quesnel April 23, 2001 7:09 AM GG - email to WQ BQ KM RI - Subject: Tamrock, Lively - I spoke with Len LeBlanc this morning regarding Tamrock in Lively and he tells me that they are interested in starting a program similar to that of Atlas Copco. Here is Len's Maximizer note regarding this: "LL. Met with Dante as he sent an email to get together.Tamrock is wanting to start a program up and are ready to start.Dante has given me a spec card for a Toro scoop listing components used . Dante is thinking at this time there will be 4 sampling points and they will be. 1. Engine 2. Hydraulic system 3. Transmission/ Torque Convertor 4. Differential Dante would like access to the system and his email address is dante.frescura@sandvick.com Can we set Dante up with so test information so he can go in and take a look at how things are set up. Dante wants to be able to track the cost of the oil analysis by unit he just wants to see a running total. Told Dante that when he is signed up he should be looking for the next training course put on by Bill and to go over the procedures so putting info into the system it would be very helpful. I will fax down acopy of the spec sheet." I have given Dante a WebCheck account, and Len will meet with him tomorrow to show him how it works. Regards, Gloria December 20, 2000 10:30 AM LL - email to WQ - Training - Bill,Tamrock want a separate course on their own, to be held at their shop. - Len December 20, 2000 9:45 AM WQ - email to LL - Training - Len - The WebCheck training is about 4 hours long. What would the possibility be of putting together one big session with Tamrock and Inco together? Would we need to rent a meeting room at a hotel, or would we do this on premises at Inco or Tamrock? Maybe we should try to fit in Copco with Inco if Tamrock want a separate session? What are the possibilities here? Please advise so I can discuss with Bill Jr. Friday. Bill Sr December 14, 2000 1:56 PM LL. Dave wants to set up a presentation for Webcheck for early in the new year, is this a problem? Can you let me know. Dave feels he will have maybe 10 people at this presentation.I will try to coordinate this with the Inco presentation. What type of notice will Bill need to put on this presentation. Dave is looking for an answer first week of Jan. so he can set up his people. November 30, 2000 11:44 AM LL. Met with Dave Vaillancourt who wants to get together soon to set up a program. Tamrock was just awarded the service contract from Soth Mine they beat out Atlas Copco. I would like to set Dave up with a program similsr to Copco, can you send me info on what we are prsently doing for Copco. August 7, 2001 11:39 AM BQ email to JT PJ GK LC GB AG (copy WQ) - Subject: CINRG / WCI affiliation proposal - Lesley, Gary, Alistair, Greg, Peter, Gilbert and Jesus, Please read the attached proposal. I would say that this is my last (and best) attempt for a viable solution to the CINRG group within WearCheck International. I think that you will find my proposal interesting at the least, and hopefully as exciting as I think that it is. I have not included any hype, just a straight-forward presentation of the current situation. I know each one of you well enough to first, propose this to you and second, consider your participation valuable. I hope that you will each take the time to discuss this proposal with me. (see Document today - Cinrg Proposal) Best Regards, Bill Quesnel Public 705-692-5881 phone 705-692-9812 fax 38 ONT - Northeast Len LeBlanc MOB1 - 12 Public Ontario P3Y 1K7 P.O.Box 54249 Tulsa Taylor Convention Services Taylor Convention Services USA Taylor Convention Services 010914000453354472092C Public (918) 585-3727 Phone (918) 585-3729 Fax Public OK 74155-0249 Edificio Tekniker Avda Otaola 20 Apartado 44 WC - International Member Eibar Tekniker Tekniker Spain aarnaiz@tekniker.es Tekniker 981129000062204451944C Oil Analysis Laboratory September 14, 2001 7:44 AM WQ email to AA - Subject: RE: Software Proposal - Aitor,Yes, I am considering WearCheck Spain a welcome membert of this collaborative effort. Regards, Bill September 14, 2001 6:36 AM AA email to BQ (copy JT) - Subject: RE: Software Proposal - Dear Bill - I agree with almost all statements you made. I feel that development of a lab software able to be adapted to every lab particularities while keeping a common development ground could be worthwhile, for the sake of global customer capture as well as for a reduction in 'reinvented wheels'. Right now, the main doubt we have is whether you are considering Wear Check Spain IT work within your 'collaborative software effort' or not. I will be very grateful if you could solve us this doubt. I think that Jesus can soon send you a letter of commitment as you indicate in point 1. I will then also deliver you a requirements list as complete as possible. Aitor September 13, 2001 4:56 PM BQ emailt to WC Group - Asunto: RE: Software Proposal - Frankly, if Robertson's, WearCheck Belgium, WearCheck Africa, and ALS Chemex agree that we develop a collaborative software effort, I am willing to practically give you the entire WebCheck system. Provided we develop a concrete and effective plan for implementing a global software solution for WCI, that meets the needs of the many global clients that are beginning to look at WearCheck as the only global oil analysis company. Don't look to me for all the answers, but simply cooperate in this effort and with that we shall have all the necessary technical experience that we require to carry this through, with a resulting system that is unparalleled in our industry and at a cost truly indicative of the economy of scale of this project. August 22, 2001 10:01 AM WQ email to JT - Subject: Husky quotation incomplete - Jesus - Thank you for the information for Husky, however it is not complete? Please advise how many kits you normally package together in a carton of kits (10 - 12 or more?) What would your price be for a single kit mailed out to the customer? What would your price be for a carton of (?) kits? Do you charge the cost of the shipping of the kit from your laboratory to the customer, to the customer, or is it included in the price? Do you charge the cost of the shipping of the kit from the customer to your laboratory, to the customer, or is it included in the price? What is the part number or description that you give to the type of kit that is required? (EG: Wear Check Canada Inc call it and IND-II which stands for Industrial kit - 2nd level) I need this information to complete the bid to Husky Best Regards William Quesnel Sr July 19, 2001 2:27 PM WQ email to GG - Subject: Fw: Fw: Dupont - Gloria - Please help Jesus out with this information. Keep me posted on what is being done Bill Q Sr July 19, 2001 5:36 AM JT email to WQ - Subject: Re: Fw: Dupont - Bill, Thanks for the information, We are looking for information of Dupont in Spain but we don t have a contact name, Could you obtain the mail of John Underwood to ask him for their contact in Spain. Best regards Jesus July 12, 2001 1:03 PM WQ email to JT - Subject: Fw: Dupont - Jesus - Got this message from Gloria Gonzalez in our WC Canada office while I was in Cary at the meetings. I am not sure if anyone told you about this at the time. Follow up and keep us posted on developments. This could be another world-wide customer for WearCheck. Bill Q Sr ----- Original Message ----- From: "Gloria Gonzalez" To: "Bill Quesnel Sr." ; "Bill Quesnel Jr." Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 3:24 PM Subject: Dupont Hi, I just got off the phone with John Underwood from Dupont in the USA and he tells me that Dupont is looking for a reputable lab to do their oil samples "internationally". He was very interested in WearCheck Spain right at the moment because Dupont in Spain are looking for a lab ASAP. John told me that in the US they are using Analysts Inc., but I think that this is going to change soon!! This just might be the break we need to get Dupont back in here!! Anyway, John Underwood is going to send Jesus an e-mail (he tried the Tekniker website, but it seems to be down) and I told him that I wasn't sure if he was at the international meeting this week. If you seem him, please let him know. Gloria November 10, 2000 2:22 PM WQ - email to JT (copy BG BQ) - Subject: Re: Garret - Jesus - 1) Pratt & Whitney : Yes Barry Goslin still works at WearCheck Canada, however he does not have a contact name at P&W. As I said in my last email, we do not have much direct contact with Pratt & Whitney. In the past we were asked by one of our customers to process samples from P & W engines, and the customer talked to P & W, following which P & W sent us "blind" test samples to process. We processed the samples and diagnosed the material contained correctly so P & W listed WC Canada as one of their authorized laboratories for those particular engines. P&W has various families of engines, and publish oil analysis methods for each family of engines. We typically do PW120 for Air Ontario, we do a lot of PT6 (AVI 3 ferrography:Bearskin, Ministry of Natural Resources, etc.) family (Dehaviland DASH 7,8, and I believe 6, plus other aircraft manful.) all use this family (Mil. twin Huey and Super Cobra known as the 'TWIN PAC' reg TM). I do not have a contact name at P&W for oil analysis laboratory services however I can supply the link to their website in Canada http://www.pwc.ca/www/en_pwc/index2.asp and you will find a contacts page on that site. I believe that oil/filter analysis services fall under their Quality Control department. 2) Garrett (Honeywell): I have sent an Email to Robbie Phillips of Honeywell (Honeywell purchased Allied Signal - Garrett a few years ago). Robbie co-ordinates the oil/filter laboratory analysis program for Garrett aircraft engines. I suggested to him that WearCheck Spain are interested in becoming an authorized Garrett laboratory for Spain and Portugal and asked if Garrett already has a laboratory processing their samples. I sent him your name, address and phone number along with your Email address as well as a link to the Tekniker website. Honeywell Mr. Robbie Phillips Engines&Systems Senior Engineer, SOAP Lab Material Labs Center- Phoenix robbiephillips@honeywell.com tel 602-365-2248 fax 602-365-2676 Cell 602-300-2599 Next week I will arrange to send a filter kit and whatever literature we have on procedures for processing these aircraft samples to your attention in Spain. If I can be of any further help do not hesitate to ask. Good Luck Bill Quesnel Sr. billqsr@wearcheck.ca November 9, 2000 4:07 AM JT - email to WQ - Subject: Garret - Bill: Thank very much for this useful information.I have some questions more about Garret and P&W. I would like to know how can i contact with Garret and i also want to know the contact person to become an authorized lab. Could you send a kit of filter test and oil analysis because i do not know how it is. Do you have a procedure for filter analysis? Does Barry still work in wc Canada? Does he know how can i contact with the guy of P&W? These questions are very important for me because I have a meeting with a very important company in Spain and I have no idea about filter and used aircraft oil analysis. Thank you very much in advance Regards October 17, 2000 11:12 AM WQ - email to JT (copy BQ BG) - Pratt & Whitney - Jesus - We are the authorized laboratory in Canada for Allied Signal's Garrett Aircraft, and our technicians were trained at Allied Signal's facilities in Arizona (see: http://www.garrettaviation.com/ ). They taught us the tests and methods of measuring the debris filtered from aircraft oil filters removed from Allied Signal 331 and 731 engines. These aircraft oil filters are specially designed to catch any metal debris in the circulating oil. We wash the filters in kerosene and strain through laboratory filters to create a filter patch containing any debris washed out of the oil filter. The filter patches are dried and weighed before creating the patch and once again dried and again weighed after creating the filter patch, to learn the weight of the dry debris collected on the filter patch. The filter patch is placed under a stereoscopic microscope and the debris examined by a trained technician. He observes the morphography of any visible particles, as well as the colour and texture of any other material (such as filter material or sealants) in the debris. Allied Signal provided set procedure using a magnet to detect and measure iron content in the debris and a set procedure using various wet chemicals to determine the alloy composition or particles in the debris (WearCheck Canada often dissolve any larger particle in acid and run it through an ICP to get accurate alloy composition of the particle - though this is not an Allied Signal procedure). Customers send in an oil sample with each filter which we run through the ICP. Allied Signal provide WearCheck with SOAP, a computerized automated diagnostic program. We type in the results of the tests and the program prints out a procedure report for the customer to follow. All results are sent by electronic data transfer to Garrett, and critical reports are faxed immediately to Garrett. Garrett engineers decide on what is to be done for critical samples. We do an average of 110 Garrett aircraft filters and 110 oil samples per month. Sample prices run from C$80 to C$150 (kit includes filter & oil sample) depending on quantity ordered and engine type. We processed Garrett filters for a few years for Air Ontario (a Canadian airline) when they approached us (about 8 years ago) to run similar tests on Pratt & Whitney filters from engines in other aircraft in their fleet. Pratt & Whitney is a USA company based in East Hartford Connecticut (see: http://www.pratt-whitney.com/profile/locations.html ). We talked to Pratt & Whitney Canada in Montreal and their engineer sent us two blind samples of material to identify. We were able to do so using the tests we used for Garrett. They then "allowed" us to test their engines. At one time Pratt & Whitney maintained a list of "approved laboratories" and we made great effort to get on the list, and did get on their list for PW100 series engines. We acquired Pratt & Whitney's service letter: PRATT & WHITNEY Canada 1000 Marie-Victorin Longueuil, Quebec issued 31 October 1989 / revised 1 November 1992 AIRCRAFT GAS TURBINE OPERATION INFORMATION LETTER LETTER NO. 31 REVISION NO. 2 commonly referred to as AGTOIL NO.31 OIL SAMPLING AND DEBRIS ANALYSIS (PW100 SERIES) topics: general wear Test description DR ferrography, A ferrography, wear particle (filter) Analysis: ICP, DR ferrography, A ferrography, filter including patch weight Possible source of material for PW100 series engines Qualified Labs (WearCheck Canada is listed here) This is a 51 page document which outlines procedures for identifying metals from Pratt & Whitney engines. We put together kits that would hold a Pratt & Whitney filter for return to our laboratory and have been doing the filters for the Air Ontario for many years. We have expanded this work to another airline (Bearskin Airlines) and also a division of the Canadian government. We followed the same procedure used on the Garrett filters to prepare patches and examine the debris. We hired Barry Goslin as a diagnostician a few years ago, as he is very experienced with aircraft filters (was doing this work with the Canadian air force) and also highly trained in ferrography. We introduced the use of ferrography of oil samples from these aircraft and are now doing approximately 30 filter reports and 30 oil sample ferrography reports per month on Pratt & Whitney engines. Prices range from C$60 to C$100 for filters and C$60 to C$100 for oil samples depending on quantity of kits ordered. I am not sure how you would get authorized by Pratt & Whitney and do not know a contact at the company that would be relative to your inquiry. I am copying this to Bill Jr and Barry Goslin and perhaps they know a contact for you or may have more to add about the procedures. We can send you a copy of the Pratt & Whitney letter by mail if you wish. Perhaps you could schedule a stop in Canada (either on your way to Tulsa or on the way back) to visit the lab an learn more about this. I will make the change to your company name (drop OilTech and use Fundation Tekniker) Look forward to seeing you in Tulsa. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr October 17, 2000 7:45 AM JT - email to WQ - 5 AM - Subject: bp/castrol. - Deer Bill: Thank very much for the information about BP/Castrol . Both companies are our customers in Spain and we are very interested in this international Agreement with companies, Bill the name of my compny is FUNDATION TEKNIKER.Please change the name, Oiltech does not exist. Bill, i am thinking to use the same kit that you have. Could you send me the company name, address, phone and fax number, e-mail in order to contact them and ask them a quotation. Could you tell me the price for the kits and shipping,...that wearcheck Canada has got. One month ago I contacted with a Spanish airline company that they operate in Canary Island and they have 30 planes, the engines are Pratt and Whitney. This company send the filters to Italy to be analyzed. They only analyze the filters. I know that wearcheck Canada is a lab authorize by Pratt and Whithey to analyze oil and filters. I would like to know How could wearcheck Spain get the authorization to analyze the samples and filters in Spain for Pratt and Whitney? Is this company canadian? do you have any contact in P&W? How do you do the filter analysis? What methodology do you use for filter weight? Thank very much in advance. August 30, 2000 3:15 AM JT - email to WQ (forwarded to BQ) - Subject: Pratt and Whitney - Dear Bill: How are you? I came back this week from me summer holidays. I email you because I contacted with a Spanish airline company that they operate in Canary Island and they have 30 planes, the engines are Pratt and Whitney. This company send the filters to Italy to be analyzed. They only analyze the filters. I know that wearcheck Canada is a lab authorize by Pratt and Whithey to analyze oil and filters. I would like to know How could wearcheck Spain get the authorization to analyze the samples and filters in Spain for Pratt and Whitney? Is this company canadian? do you have any contact in P&W? How do you do the filter analysis? What methodology do you uses for filter weight? Thank very much in advance. This information is very important for me because the next week I have a meeting with this company. Refgards. July 24, 2000 3:42 PM WQ - email to JT - Visit to Spain - Jesus - Please pardon me! I was unable to make the trip to Spain. I had to go to London to meet with Bob Cutler and the guys from Lubrigard, so was a day late getting out of Paris. I lost my Email when I was in Belgium, so did not have it to use in Paris. Just got to a hotel where I could connect now. I apologize for not telephoning but had a room in Lourdes without telephone, and am not to good at running pay phones in Europe. Again I am sorry I did not make it to Spain. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr May 4, 2000 11:26 AM BQ - email to AA JT (Copy to WQ) - Aitor, With regards to a medical extranet: > a) It is a health condition analysis where blood/orine equipment is used > jointed together with client capacity to have online their results and > conclusions, in similar way to Wearcheck bussiness; or > b) is it something more focused towards just Extranet software services, > provided to the medical/patient community, such as a site to store and > retrieve all patient data, compare trends, etc. The system would be both a.) and b.). Two systems would be developed. The first a.) is a LIMS system for medical laboratories (both private and government). The LIMS would allow medical laboratories to schedule, and store data ( blood, urine, x-ray, etc.) in the database, similar to an oil analysis LIMS. This system would be provided using the ASP model (Application Service Provider) where a registered laboratory logs into the system through a VPN to conduct daily LIMS functions. This would allow the data to be centralized and available in the b.) client extranet system. Once this system was established, you could then develop a site b.) where doctors would be able to log in and retrieve test results/reports, as well as schedule testing for patients, etc. Patients would be able to log in and view their own medical history, add information (height, wieght, blood pressure, etc.) to their records, consult with their doctor as well as other doctors. As far as who pays, and who gets paid, my philosophy on this issue is that you allow private doctors, and clients to use the b.) system for free, and you charge larger medical facilities (hospitals) for usage of the a.) system. The biggest amount of money for the system will come from advertising (medical and drug companies). The principle is to build the site, get a lot of "consumers" registered and using the site, then to seek out advertisers. You could generate a great deal of revenue from advertisers. I would most certainly be interested in doing a collaborative effort with you on this project. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel April 27, 2000 4:40 AM AA - email to BQ - Dear Bill - Some days ago Jesus told me that you are very interested in offering Extranet Services to the medical community. Since Jesus appeared quite interested in the idea, though he not understood perfectly its scope, we both are wondering if you could offer us a little overview on which direction are you thinking to address this area: We are willing to investigate new forms of bussiness here, at Spain, and we believe there is a posibility of contacting with some medical organizations > here. We also think that Spain is at least some years back with respect to US/Canada in Internet usage and therefore, we would welcome any colaboration with you, if it is possible. I have been reading some news from US and it seems that everybody is focussing in the health market, sharing knowledge in chats, allowing customers to put their medical dossier in the web, and helping people to diagnose their status and to schedule next preventive/ predictive analysis. Still, we are a little confused about what could be paid for and who would pay, and I wonder if you could enlighten a little bit this issue. Thank you in advance and best regards. Aitor Arnaiz Dpto. Procesos de fabricaci n - Manufacturing processes dept. Fundaci n Tekniker Tel. : 34 943 206744 Avda. Otaola, 20 Apartado 44 Fax : 34 943 202757 20600 Eibar, Gipuzkoa Spain E-mail: aarnaiz@tekniker.es November 16, 1998 9:22 AM Fax from Jesus advising meetings are June 21-22-23, social activities 24,25,26 - 1999.. Asked for confirmation of whom would attend by Nov 20 September 14, 2001 7:44 AM WQ email to AA - Subject: RE: Software Proposal - Aitor,Yes, I am considering WearCheck Spain a welcome membert of this collaborative effort. Regards, Bill Public 011-34-943-206744 Phone 011-34-943-202757 Fax 011-34-943-201728 Phone Public AB http://www.tekniker.es 20600 5716 Coopers Supplier Mississauga Thermo Instruments Canada Inc Thermo Instruments Canada Inc Canada Thermo Instruments Canada Inc 991012000122469946609C Laboratory Equipment Public (905) 890-1035 Phone (905) 890-5775 Fax Public ON Supplier Boston Thermo Instruments USA Thermo Instruments USA USA Thermo Instruments USA 991013000152469946609C Laboratory Equipment October 13, 1999 2:17 PM WQ - phoned Bob McCarthy to call us about PS4 October 13, 1999 2:17 PM WQ - phoned Bob McCarthy to call us about PS4 Public (800) 333-4249 Watts Public MA 1380 Zuni Street P.O. Box 40567 Denver Titan Laboratories Titan Laboratories USA Titan Laboratories 010202000213354472092C Public (303) 893-5273 Phone (303) 595-8741 Fax Public CO http://www.titanlab.com 40567 Supplier Mississauga Trade Displays Trade Displays Canada Trade Displays 950721003031764977613C Advertising Public (905) 564-5528 Phone (905) 564-0669 Fax Public ON Trimac Trimac Trimac 000928000023354472092C September 28, 2000 10:31 AM WQ - email to RI BQ GG PN PD LL SR GL GM RL JM - Subject: Re: Trimac Guy Thanks for sending me copies of the Trimac call reports. Ruth Thanks for the information on sales. $5,000 per year is no big deal to lose, though I guess the national program would have been bigger. All After reading the Maximizer call reports from Guy Legault for Trimac I think that this is no great loss. There are a lot of sales calls to various Trimac branches and the head office, which met with what seems to me to be a great lack of interest in oil analysis, on the part of most of the branches. Some good work done at a few but surely not consistent. If you read those call reports you will see the degree of apathy and disinterest that we have faced. I think Agat will have problem getting much revenue out of this, unless it is a "top down" program with a big prepaid order up front from head office for distribution to the branches. No big loss in my books, though we hate to lose any customer. Bill Sr ----- Original Message ----- From: Ruth Inglehart To: Bill Quesnel Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 9:55 AM Subject: Re: Trimac Sales for Trimac for 1999 were only $5020.00 and for 2000 up to Aug 31 $4788.00 Regds Ruth September 27, 2000 12:26 PM GL - email to BQ WQ - Trimac - Bill - Sorry to hear about the Trimac loss. I have been going over the notes in Maximizer that I have produced from the time I was given this national account in January 2000, until I gave it back to you in June. I am attaching them as a Maximizer document, as they contain only the up-to-date data. Take a look at the documents and notes for the Calgary head office. Then look at those for Oakville, Saskatoon and Langley, where the three regional maintenance managers are located. From the very beginning it was evident that Rod had handed me a situation that was in need of TLC. I tried to do this, but the Trimac head office did not want to talk to me. Then from the two Western regional offices I learned that they were stopping o/a period, or cutting back drastically. East of the Prairies there are only a few active sites, as most of them use owner/operators, but Sarnia, Picton, Sudbury and Thunder Bay were active to some extent. Quite early in my work it became obvious that someone would need to visit Trimac's Calgary office. I came to the conclusion that I could not do what was required without being located at the Mississauga office and gave it back to you. I have had recent contacts with some of Trimac's local sites, the last of them on September 22. All the local maintenance people seem to have been satisfied with our service. The regional managers were not ready to do proper predictive maintenance, and despite getting them on WebCheck they reduced the use of our samples. Someone sold them a big deal at the Calgary headquarters, as it certainly does not seem to have been initiated by regional people in the middle. No one I talked to wanted a more comprehensive approach, just better communications. I hope this is of use in making sure this sort of thing is not repeated. Someone sold them a top-down approach to o/a. So, what's to do? Find out who the super inside sales guy is at AGAT. Make him an offer he can't refuse. Regards//Guy September 26, 2000 5:47 PM WQ - eamil to JM RL GM GP GL KS LL PD PN BQ GG - RI - Subject: Re: Trimac- People I believe this is a case of lack of knowledge on the part of Trimac. Did we have anyone from Trimac up and running on WebCheck (like Ryder is doing?). If they do not know about the system and have not used it then it does not exist. I believe there is an element of the "local" company getting the work in this as well, as the contract was let in Calgary. Agat probably did a very good job of selling to them out there, though they do not have internet based software to compare to WebCheck they do offer the following, as per their website information: WinOASIS allows for the immediate receipt of lubrication oil analytical data via the Internet. Upon completion and quality review, the completed analysis data is e-mailed to the client for inclusion in a comprehensive database. The program allows for the trending, archiving, viewing, exporting, charting and general handling of your data. It is a networkable program and can be shared by a number of users on a network. Wear elements and other analytical parameters are automatically trended for a variety of sample points. The user can easily set up these points with static information for that point. Completed actions taken as a result of the analytical results can be recorded for permanent record with the sample point. The actions that are routinely taken can be entered for easy access using pull-down menus. The preventive maintenance manager has the advantage, when using this system, of having their data readily organized, viewable and managed within minutes of analytical completion. The user interface has been designed to be easy to use. This program allows the user to export the data to an ASCII file. Not the same thing at all, however a good sales presentation may overcome the differences. Ruth Could you please print out the sales to Trimac for the year todate for 2000 and for 1999 so we can gauge how much we have lost and at what price? I will be in the office tomorrow about 3:00 pm (I hope) flying in from North Bay Regards Bill Sr September 26, 2000 12:07 PM BQ - email to PN PD LL KS GL GG GM WQ RL JM - Subject: Trimac -We have lost Trimac. Trimac asked for a bid on all of North America, and we just found out that we lost the bid. Agat got it. Why? Because, apparently, they have the best client software. Oh, and get this, it works on the Internet. I asked them about shipping their samples to a U.S. lab, and they feel (er...know) that it will be no problem to ship them from south of the border to Agat in Canada. Price was not the object, in fact all the laboratories that bid were close. Who is kidding me? If anyone can find out what really happened I'd like to know, because this all sounds like a big joke. I think someone has lost his marbles. We offer, best cost, best Internet software, and a laboratory in Canada and one in the States that are integrated on one system. This is ridiculous. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel Vice-President September 28, 2000 10:31 AM WQ - email to RI BQ GG PN PD LL SR GL GM RL JM - Subject: Re: Trimac Guy Thanks for sending me copies of the Trimac call reports. Ruth Thanks for the information on sales. $5,000 per year is no big deal to lose, though I guess the national program would have been bigger. All After reading the Maximizer call reports from Guy Legault for Trimac I think that this is no great loss. There are a lot of sales calls to various Trimac branches and the head office, which met with what seems to me to be a great lack of interest in oil analysis, on the part of most of the branches. Some good work done at a few but surely not consistent. If you read those call reports you will see the degree of apathy and disinterest that we have faced. I think Agat will have problem getting much revenue out of this, unless it is a "top down" program with a big prepaid order up front from head office for distribution to the branches. No big loss in my books, though we hate to lose any customer. Bill Sr ----- Original Message ----- From: Ruth Inglehart To: Bill Quesnel Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 9:55 AM Subject: Re: Trimac Sales for Trimac for 1999 were only $5020.00 and for 2000 up to Aug 31 $4788.00 Regds Ruth Public Public 1902 East 71st Street Tulsa Tulsa Marriott Southern Hills Tulsa Marriott Southern Hills USA Convention Services Department Tulsa Marriott Southern Hills 010914000463354472092C September 14, 2001 12:20 PM Letter Printed: Cancellation 2001-09-14 - Tulsa Marriott Southern Hills September 14, 2001 12:20 PM Letter Printed: Cancellation 2001-09-14 - Tulsa Marriott Southern Hills Public (918) 523-3523 Phone Public OK 74136 11 McIlveen Drive P.O.Box 2150 Saint John Universal Sales Limited Universal Sales Limited Canada Universal Sales Limited 010314000233354472092C November 23, 2001 2:58 PM MA email to WQ (fwd to BQ) - Subject: RE: Request for information - The machines we are currently using Wear Check for lubricant analyses, are all lubricant / coolant flooded rotary screw air compressors of Sullair or Ingersoll Rand manufacture. - The two Sullair air compressors that are lubricated with Sullube 32 that we are concerned with, have trended over time (by Wear Check analyses) with a steady loss of barium - a corrosion inhibitor. - The air compresors are located in one of our owner's paper mills and by our investigation are likely ingesting some of the bleaching vapors with the inlet air. (Probably sodium hypochlorite) - I don't believe you are correct in the identity of the formulator ofSullube 32. Dow Chemical formulate most of Sullair's rotary screw air compressor "coolants". - We did provide samples of "new" lubricant / coolant for Wear Check analyses and we have used those test results as our control for evaluating "used" lubricant analyses. - My points are: (a) I am still actively involved in interpreting the lubricant analyses and should not have to be. (b) Wear Check over four months with barium levels declining raised no caution, no alarm, no concern. (c) In an action, more or less, to test Wear Check, we sampled the same lubricant from the same machine two days after sending a sample to Wear Check and sent the sample to Dow. (d) I have already advised Dow's test response which raised an alarm directed at the loss of barium and a low pH value. (We have changed the lubricant - prolonged operation would have caused us machine damage and a potential loss of use and mill down time) (e) Wear Check (Barry Goslin) has since changed the original GW6-227-01 sample test report made on the October 11 sample, to include the comments I made relative to barium loss. There is no amendment or revision noted on the report. (This type of change to your reports in your data base after the fact has occurred before with the same technician and concerns me as not being compliant to a scientific process / protocol that a laboratory should be following. I find it quite uncomforting / unsettling that the Wear Check data base of reports can be changed at any time by Wear Check. If we had not maintained a written log of test reports we would not have picked up the changes. Similarly if we had not used Dow we would not have had an alarm.) (f) By lubricant analyses we know we have a difficulty with this installation but not by the action of Wear Check. I have since done a lot more investigation with the mill engineers and will be modifying the installation. November 23, 2001 2:46 PM WQ email to MA (copy RI RB GG BQ GG KM) Subject: Request for information - Dear Mr Alarie - I held a meeting at Wear Check to discuss your questions, and have learned that they are working on it, however they feel the questions require an in-depth answer. To our knowledge the lubricant (Sollube) being used is made by Petro Canada and we have the current tech data sheets for these fluids. We are consulting with Petro Canada to find if there has been any new development in these fluids and will put together an answer to your questions by early next week. When I sent you my previous Email - I was out of the office and did so without consulting the technicians who are working on this. Wear Check is still remiss in not getting replies back to you in a timely basis, or at the very least to advise you that they are addressing the request. I assure you that it will not happen again. We appreciate all the business we get, but take special interest in customers that are following their oil analysis closely. We welcome the opportunity to work with you. One question did arise in the meeting, "What is being compressed?" Are these air compressors or are they compressing freon, ammonia or some other gases? Please advise. Best Regards William Quesnel Sr November 21, 2001 10:22 AM GG emailt o BQ RI RB WQ FP - Subject: RE: Universal Sales - We have done as much as we can here, and we feel that Billy is the best qualified to answer this customer. November 21, 2001 10:20 AM GG email to WQ RB KM BQ fP - Subject: RE: Universal Sales - Bill, I spoke to Kevin and Billy regarding this sample on Friday and I did as you asked me...I printed out your email with the notes and gave a copy to Kevin, Billy and Barry. Billy had said that he was going to contact the customer, but I guess he has not (or he just didn't copy us on the email). I will talk to Kevin and Barry right now. I would reply to this customer myself, but the explanations that he is looking for are over my head. Gloria November 21, 2001 7:11 AM WQ email to BQ RB KM GG FP RI - Subject: Universal Sales - Importance: High - Billy, Ross, Gloria - I still have not seen anything that indicates this major problem is being addressed! This started back in October, and he has had nothing from Wear Check except my Nov 16 apology for not replying to him sooner and promise to get him answers right away! What are you doing about this? This guy has been very patient, however I believe he can do Wear Check some serious damage if his questions are not addressed! You need to look after this NOW! William Quesnel Sr November 20, 2001 7:40 AM GG email to WQ - Subject: RE: Maximizer Data Transfer - Universal Sales - Kevin and Billy are putting together a reply for this person. I will check with them today to see if this hasn't been done already. November 19, 2001 12:21 PM WQ email to GG - Subject: Fw: Maximizer Data Transfer - Universal Sales - Gloria Is anything being done? Please copy me on your reply to this company. William Quesnel Sr November 16, 2001 4:53 PM BG email to BQ KM GG RB WQ - Subject: Re: Universal Sales Limited - Several samples have received since the initial request. There are several issues or points that need to be identified. What are these compressors compressing? Request was made on one sample that has low additives. Ammonia and most other sour gases will consume- destroy typical additive packages that are in-organic. Discussions with Petro Canada have relayed this point. Organic additive compounds are used are these applications. This is point of what is being compressed needs to be taken into consideration. Barium for most of the units seen from this customer do seem to level off at their own running quantity. One single unit has dropped Barium down as low as 5 ppm this unit speculated as compressing at different times something other than a fluid/gas that the others are not being exposed. Therefore it has to be considered unique trend/wear rate. There have no excessive wear metal (not that I am quickly aware of). Suspicion would be process product (gas or liquid) is being ingested by the lubricant resulting in the barium reduction. Entrained (ammonia, freon, etc.) gas in compressor fluids is a common occurrence and considered normal by many people, provided the lubricant is the correct fluid for the current operation. Any of the major lubricant manufacturers list: for sour gas not for pure oxygen application general applications. From: Sullair Corporation Feb. 22, 2000 Kristi Kowaski Senior Sales Administrator Fax Sullube tm Rotary Screw Compressor Fluid Pg.4 "Where a compressor is operating under unusually harsh conditions, the total acid number may be used a guideline to help determine when Sullube fluid should be changed. It is good practice to determine the total acid number of the fluid at periodic intervals and to record the results along with hours of operation. As a general rule, Sullube should be replaced when the acid number (mg KOH/g) reaches a value of 1. " I do not believe none of the samples have reached 1.0 TAN It is believed that this fluid is intended for 8.000 hour cycle unless TAN (1.0) or wear metals rates are being effected. Additives prevent wear of oil wetted components. I believe to date no abnormal wear mode/rates due to additive depletion or excessive TAN has occurred. Yes fluctuating values can be of concern. HOWEVER, has there been top oil? This would change values of the fluid on the whole. Compressing process if this is some applications (pipeline) a compressor will see many different fluids/gases this too will effect results. Hours of operation have been reported on a regular bases which most customers do not provide. Diagnosis is typically done on information provided of the unit, lubricant and the operating conditions that are known at the time of diagnosis. November 16, 2001 2:13 PM WQ eamil to RI KM GG BQ RB -Subject: Fw: Request for Info - Maurice - Hi - This guy is not unreasonable and seems overall to be OK with our service - he just wants (and deserves answers to his questions) William Quesnel Sr March 8, 2001 9:46 AM WQ - email to WearCheck Team - Subject: Fw: Universal Sales - Oil Analysis Program - Hi Folks - Here is another message from Maurice Alarie - regarding Universal Sales Oil Analysis Program for air compressors. This promises to introduce us to a host of new customers if they are want to have the customers login to look at results as well. It could lead to more business if we do a good job of this. Please give logins for WebCheck to: Alarie Maurice A. Northrup, Mark A. Nielsen, Ann M Would it be Deen or Barry that would be diagnosing these samples? Please pass along the relevant information in all of Maurice Alarie's emails to the diagnostician. Bill Sr March 8, 2001 2:55 AM MA - email to WQ (MN AN) - - Our Mark Northrup (direct phone # 506-634-2389), email address "northrup.mark@universalsales.com", is managing our air compressor maintenance contracts. - Mark reports directly to our Ann Nielsen (direct phone # 506-632-5864), email address "nielsen.ann@universalsales.com". - I provide operations management guidance and engineering services.- Typically I'll be watching the trending of monthly oil analyses by customer by machine. - Mark will advise WearCheck the names of our customers who will want access to the data. - Many of our customers have only one machine but our larger contracts may cover 9 - 12 machines at one location. - We will be coding the machines by our customers "Unit Numbers". - I am very interested in this program. - Oil lubricated / cooled rotary screw air compressors use a wide variety of lubricants. - The air compressor industry is largely without a technical standards body such as ASTM or SAE. - Many of the air compressor OEMs offer a variety of proprietary synthetic coolants / lubricants, the use of which is conditioned on extended warranties. - Many of the proprietary OEM synthetics are PAOs, or Diesters but there is the odd Polyglycol / Ester and Silicone products. - I prefer the Amsoil, Anderol, Exxon-Mobil, Summit synthetics that are sold on the ASTM tested merits of the products alone but the compressor OEMs have a marketing advantage. - SInce large amounts of ambient air with contaminants are mixed with the lubricant that is absorbing the heat of compression many changes occur in the lubricant, some alarming if occuring in an internal combustion engine but not so alarming when occuring in an air compressor. - We intend to establish a starting base line by testing samples of the new lubricant used in each of our customer's machines and then monitoring the test data thereafter for trending change. November 23, 2001 2:58 PM MA email to WQ (fwd to BQ) - Subject: RE: Request for information - The machines we are currently using Wear Check for lubricant analyses, are all lubricant / coolant flooded rotary screw air compressors of Sullair or Ingersoll Rand manufacture. - The two Sullair air compressors that are lubricated with Sullube 32 that we are concerned with, have trended over time (by Wear Check analyses) with a steady loss of barium - a corrosion inhibitor. - The air compresors are located in one of our owner's paper mills and by our investigation are likely ingesting some of the bleaching vapors with the inlet air. (Probably sodium hypochlorite) - I don't believe you are correct in the identity of the formulator ofSullube 32. Dow Chemical formulate most of Sullair's rotary screw air compressor "coolants". - We did provide samples of "new" lubricant / coolant for Wear Check analyses and we have used those test results as our control for evaluating "used" lubricant analyses. - My points are: (a) I am still actively involved in interpreting the lubricant analyses and should not have to be. (b) Wear Check over four months with barium levels declining raised no caution, no alarm, no concern. (c) In an action, more or less, to test Wear Check, we sampled the same lubricant from the same machine two days after sending a sample to Wear Check and sent the sample to Dow. (d) I have already advised Dow's test response which raised an alarm directed at the loss of barium and a low pH value. (We have changed the lubricant - prolonged operation would have caused us machine damage and a potential loss of use and mill down time) (e) Wear Check (Barry Goslin) has since changed the original GW6-227-01 sample test report made on the October 11 sample, to include the comments I made relative to barium loss. There is no amendment or revision noted on the report. (This type of change to your reports in your data base after the fact has occurred before with the same technician and concerns me as not being compliant to a scientific process / protocol that a laboratory should be following. I find it quite uncomforting / unsettling that the Wear Check data base of reports can be changed at any time by Wear Check. If we had not maintained a written log of test reports we would not have picked up the changes. Similarly if we had not used Dow we would not have had an alarm.) (f) By lubricant analyses we know we have a difficulty with this installation but not by the action of Wear Check. I have since done a lot more investigation with the mill engineers and will be modifying the installation. Public (506) 632-5864 Phone (506) 634-2307 Fax Public NB http://www.universalsales.com E2L 3T9 Z1 Les Cents Sillions Rue Lavoisier BP 813 27138 Verneuil Sur Avre Vernolab PCAS Vernolab PCAS France Vernolab PCAS 010704000323354472092C September 24, 2001 3:25 PM WQ email to BQ - Subject: Vernolab - Billy I had a phone call from Pierre Godin of St Jean Photochemical Inc. the Quebec subsidiary of Vernolab. He said Jean Luc Krempp held conversations with members of Wear Check in Europe and was greeted with hostility and objection to Vernolab joining the Wear Check Group. Jean Luc wants to know if Wear Check Canada Inc is still for sale. I told Pierre that a lot of the value of WC-Canada is tied up with being a member of the Wear Check International, and that if we did sell the lab, we still intend to operate CiNRG and sell software services to Wear Check Group. Pierre says they are still interested in buying WC Canada, even under these circumstances, and he would discuss again with Jean Luc and get back to me. I explained again that CiNRG would require the cooperation of WearCheck International to purchase Webcheck software, and we would need to preserve our relationships with them, and that WC Canada would be of less value without the use of WebCheck software. I told him that we were presently negotiating with two Wear Check Group laboratories concerning the purchase of Wear Check Canada, and he repeated that Vernolab is still interested. We should talk about this and Robertson's request for pricing over dinner tonight. Dad June 19, 2001 8:35 AM WQ email to NG (for JLK) - Subject: Re: My visit of May 2001 - Jean Luc - Thank you for your follow up message. It was a pleasure to meet with you. Bill Jr is still interested in moving forward in the computer world, and we must find alternate management for our laboratory, whether that involves the sale of the laboratory or introduction of new management. I will certainly be advancing the possibility of membership for Vernolab at the WearCheck International Group meetings in the USA, and will keep you posted regarding the reaction of our associates. June 19, 2001 12:31 AM NG email to WQ - Subject: My visit of May 2001 - Dear Sir, Further to my visit of last month, I was pleased to have met you at your premises. I found the visit of your laboratory and the web demonstration very interesting. I hereby confirm that our Company is still very interested in studying the takeover of your lab activity. Likewise and if your Group agrees with it, we would like to talk with you about the possibility that our Company join Wearcheck. We took note that you will be able to give us an answer after the Congress which will take place in the U.S. beginning of July. Please don't hesitate to contact us for any further information. Looking forward to hearing from you, Truly yours, Jean-Luc KREMPP VERNOLAB PCAS Tel: 33 (0)1 69 74 81 00 Fax: 33 (0)1 69 09 49 74 Mail: Jean-Luc.Krempp@pcas.fr VERNOLAB-PCAS. ZI. Rue LAVOISIER. BP 813. 27138 VERNEUIL SUR AVRE cedex. FRANCE. ZI de la Vigne aux Loups. BP 181. 91161 LONGJUMEAU. June 1, 2001 8:29 AM From Website - All of PCAS’s analytical services were combined into a subsidiary in 2000, the Vernolab Company, acquired in March 1999. Vernolab thus regrouped all the corresponding technical and human resources. This activity is divided into two complementary laboratories: - Verneuil sur Avre, Vernolab’s main site, is dedicated to the analysis of oils in use and diagnoses carried out by mechanical engineers. - The Longjumeau site, situated near communication hubs (in particular Orly airport) which analyzes engine fuels and lubricants. Vernolab’s activity experienced a slump during this fiscal year, penalized by the movements and reorganizations in the petroleum industry, which practically froze new contracts. This trend has stabilized today. This profit center will again show growth at the beginning of 2001. September 24, 2001 3:25 PM WQ email to BQ - Subject: Vernolab - Billy I had a phone call from Pierre Godin of St Jean Photochemical Inc. the Quebec subsidiary of Vernolab. He said Jean Luc Krempp held conversations with members of Wear Check in Europe and was greeted with hostility and objection to Vernolab joining the Wear Check Group. Jean Luc wants to know if Wear Check Canada Inc is still for sale. I told Pierre that a lot of the value of WC-Canada is tied up with being a member of the Wear Check International, and that if we did sell the lab, we still intend to operate CiNRG and sell software services to Wear Check Group. Pierre says they are still interested in buying WC Canada, even under these circumstances, and he would discuss again with Jean Luc and get back to me. I explained again that CiNRG would require the cooperation of WearCheck International to purchase Webcheck software, and we would need to preserve our relationships with them, and that WC Canada would be of less value without the use of WebCheck software. I told him that we were presently negotiating with two Wear Check Group laboratories concerning the purchase of Wear Check Canada, and he repeated that Vernolab is still interested. We should talk about this and Robertson's request for pricing over dinner tonight. Dad Public 011-33-232-606500 Phone 011-33-232-601646 Fax Public Cedex http://www.pcas.fr/anglais/filiales/fiver.html Customer Volvo Volvo Sweden CE Customer Support Volvo 000423000202469946609C Off Road Equipment May 10, 2001 12:20 PM GD reply to WC Group message from BQ - Subject: RE: Welcome to WebCheck - Hi Bill, No doubt, the new Webcheck version looks great. Somehow we will have to find a way to acquire this new version at an acceptable cost. Any suggestions? Best Regards, Gilbert De Mey May 10, 2001 5:20 AM BQ email to WC Group - Subject: FW: Welcome to WebCheck - Dear WCI member, I received this e-mail from Gunnar of Volvo. This question can only be answered by each of you. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel -----Original Message----- From: Einarsson Gunnar [mailto:gunnar.einarsson@volvo.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 5:21 AM To: billq@wearcheck.ca Subject: RE: Welcome to WebCheck Hi Bill, Thanks for the fast reply. I have today access to two different version of WebCheck!? In what I think is the old, I can find reports on Volvo units, i.e. sample id WC-M0002751. I also find reports from Belgium lab, i.e. sample id 000315B035. Those examples I can't find in WebCheck that I get access to today, why? Will it be possible to se all old results from Volvo units in the latest version of WebCheck in the near future? When will it be possible to get access to all WearCheck labs via the WebCheck by using the WearCheck's Client Extranet System? Regards Gunnar________________________________________________ Gunnar Einarsson Volvo CE Customer Support AB Dept CML-37, 631 85 Eskilstuna, SWEDEN E-mail. gunnar.einarsson@volvo.com Tel. +46 (0)16 15 2679 Mobile. +46 (0)70 585 2039 Fax. +46 (0)16 15 2915 April 26, 2001 4:14 AM BQ - email to BC (copy WCI-Group) - Subject: RE: Volvo Contract - Bob, I wanted to personally thank-you personally for the work that you have done on this Volvo deal for WCI. In North America we have already benefited substantially from this contract. Upon the intent of reciept of the contract with Volvo we improved our existing on-line pre-registration system for Hitachi to streamline the registration process and allow us to automatically generate and ship warranty packages with pre-labelled Volvo kits each 1000 hours. From the program inception, on Februrary 15th, to date Volvo North America have registered 173 new units with both WearCheck Canada and WearCheck USA, representing over 15,000 future samples for a period of only two months. We see this program forming a corner stone for our continued efforts with OEMs in North America. To this end I have submitted the abstract for a proposed paper detailing our implementation of this program to Noria for their POA 2001 conference with Volvo's acceptance and full cooperation. Should you, Bob, require my assistance on further world-wide contracts, I would be more than willing to assist. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel March 29, 2001 5:09 AM BC - email to WCI Group - Subject: Volvo - Ladies and Gentlemen I have not yet had your reply from my fax last week re: Volvo. Would you please get back to me with your comments asap. For your convenience I am faxing it again in case you did not get it. Bob Robertson Research International January 25, 2001 12:45 PM WQSr - email to BC (copy to WC Group) - Subject: Re: Volvo Warranty Program - Bob The prices for the Volvo program just acquired for North America (for WearCheck Canada and WearCheck USA) are as follows: Mobile Kits (engines - gear cases) US $ 7.25 each for processing plus US $ 1.60 each for pre-paid postage mailers = Total US $ 8.85 per kit Hydraulic Kits (hydraulic systems) US $14.65 each for processing plus US$ 1.60 each for pre-paid postage mailers = Total US $15.25 per kit We are taking over an existing program that was run by CTC Analytical Technologies. CTC has stocked Volvo with a lot of kits which will be returned to WearCheck for processing, and we will be billing on a post-paid basis (after the samples have been processed). We will be sending out packages of pre-paid (and pre-addressed) mailers (@ US$ 1.60 each) to have these kits sent to our laboratories for processing. The price is the same for the United States and Canada. Once we start sending out our own postage-paid and pre-addressed kits, the pricing does not change however we will be asking for a portion of the price "up-front" to fund the cost of the kits (say US$ 1.50). This amount would be deducted from the overall priceof the kit (EG - Mobile kit US$ 8.85 - US$ 1.50 = US$ 7.35) to arrive at the amount for post-paid billing. Volvo will use WebCheck to manage the program, and WearCheck USA are coordinating the program with Volvo's North American headquarters in Ashville. WearCheck USA are sending personnel to Volvo in Ashville for training on the use of WebCheck. Volvo will pre-register new vehicles into WebCheck, before shipping - which will set up sampling schedules, and order new kits to be sent to the end user. The end user will take the samples and send to the appropriate laboratory. WebCheck in North America is seamless between WC-USA and WC-Canada so all the results will be pooled for access by whomever Volvo authorize. We will be processing quite a large number of samples for existing equipment already in the field (for which CTC provided the kits). It has not been decided what to do with existing oil analysis data that was supplied by CTC. We will keep you posted as the program develops. Best Regards Bill Q Sr January 25, 2001 12:19 AM BC - email to Group (LC JT JC JB GD GB BW BC WQ BQ AV PW KS GK) - Subject: Re: Volvo Warranty Program - Ladies and Gentlemen - Gunnar of Volvo Sweden has asked me to confirm the prices quoted for the year 2000 still valid. If not, can you please let me know your revised price so that I can reply to Gunnar asap. Regards Bob Cutler January 22, 2001 12:50 PM WQ - email to WC Group (Copy WC Team) - Subject: Volvo Warranty Program - Dear Colleagues We are very pleased to advise that WearCheck USA has acquired the Volvo Warranty Program account for North America (stolen from CTC Analytical Services). Keith Scott from WearCheck USA is presently visiting WearCheck Canada and we are discussing the implementation of the program. WearCheck USA and WearCheck Canada will use WebCheck to present one face to Volvo for North America. We envisage a large network of viewers including Volvo International - Volvo HeadQuarters in Ashville USA - Volvo Canada - all the Volvo dealers and some of the larger North American end users. Volvo in Ashville will pre-log new units into the system as they are sold, which will automatically set up sampling schedules and trigger shipments of kits from WC-USA or WC-Canada. Volvo will receive the same kits whether in USA or Canada. The pre-addressed sample kits will be returned to the relative laboratory for processing and all the information is gathered into a single database which can be shared by all authorized users. Volvo through the WebCheck program, will view identical reports from either lab and may have the data presented as they wish to various levels of authority. We will be taking over a well entrenched CTC program for existing equipment in the field, on a post-paid basis (paid after the samples are processed). CTC sent out large quantities of kits to Volvo dealers - and we will be receiving all these CTC kits for processing beginning in February. Volvo have an extensive database of historical samples processed by CTC. We will examine the data, assess the viability of the information and consider assimilating the data into our database, if useable. WearCheck Canada congratulate Jim Chambers, Keith Scott and the rest of the WearCheck USA team on a real coup, and at a reasonable price! Thanks go to Bob Cutler as well, for introducing us to Volvo at a higher level and peaking Volvo's interest in an international program. We are looking forward to demonstrating to Volvo how well the cooperation between WearCheck USA and WearCheck Canada works, the power of the WebCheck program and who knows, perhaps this will lead to bigger and better things in the future! William Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca President WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca December 7, 2000 5:12 AM BQ - email to GUNNAR EINARSSON-VOLVO.SE) (copy WC Group) - Subject: Re: Powerpoint -Gunnar, - I have produced a WebCheck Demonstration CD-ROM for Volvo. The CD contains 4 Lotus Screen Cam films describing the usage of WebCheck for North American dealers, as well as several papers, and a user guide. I will also include the original PowerPoint presentations and a transcript of the dialog from the films. I will ship the CD-ROM via courier as of today and you should receive it next week. Please let me know by the end of next week, whether or not you received it. If you require anything further please let me know. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel December 5, 2000 8:50 AM JC - email to BC (copy WQ) - Subject: Volvo USA - Leaves - Bob, I just received Billy's response to your latest plea for a solid effort for Volvo. Three weeks ago, we were invited to meet with Volvo Construction USA on December 7, at 8:30 am. I am going to that meeting with the goal of winning that account. Our information has that Volvo Construction USA is ready for a change now. They seem to be aware of the efforts at Headquarters with WearCheck(your group) and that is a plus. I think, I will know by December 8. We believe the account is a minimum of $100,000.00 a year. You know how important that is to us. This can only help in the World Wide program.. I hope you receive this e-mail and respond with your thoughts before 12 noon December 6 for I will leave for the meeting at that time. James T.Chambers President WearCheck USA 919-379-4001 www.compuchemlabs.com November 9, 2000 9:30 AM GE (GUNNAR EINARSSON - VOLVO) email to BQ- Subject: Powerpoint - Hello Bill, My name are Gunnar Einarsson and I have taken over Wear Check business from Linda Jonas, who has left our Company. Linda informed me before she left that You had promised her a Power point presentation that should be used for info to our dealer. Are the presentation ready? If so pls. send it to me so we can go ahead with the implementation of the Wear Check concept. If the presentation not are ready pls. inform me when You can have it ready. Best Regards Gunnar Einarsson Manager Dealer Development Volvo CE Customer Support E-mail: vce.einar@memo.volvo.se October 17, 2000 3:09 PM BC - email to WQ - Subject: Re: BP Amaco / Burmah Castro (volvo) - Hi Bill How are you progessing with the Volvo business - when will we be ready to roll. Bo October 17, 2000 11:25 AM WQ - email to BC (copy BQ) - BP Amaco / Burmah Castrol (volvo) - Bob - The work required for Volvo is in Bill Jr's hands, which at the moment are pretty full - I have copied this mail to him and will let him discuss with you directly. Bill Q Sr September 11, 2000 4:54 PM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: Volvo and e-commerce - Billy Volvo going into e-commerce used equipment business Wonder if oil analysis could be part of third-party inspection Dad September 8, 2000 12:27 AM BC - email to RB adn Group - Subject: Re: FW: wearcheck brochure - Robert - I think Linda has a point, it is taking too long for us to agree matters and do our things to help the project along. We must all repond soon to her requirements so that we do not lose momentum. What do you need from me? Regards Bob September 7, 2000 11:17 PM RB - email to Group - Subject: FW: wearcheck brochure - Dear WearCheck members, hereafter an e-mail we received from Linda Jonas concerning the Volvo project - Best regards, Robert Brys -----Original Message----- From: LINDA JONAS [mailto:VCE.LINJON@memo.volvo.se] Sent: donderdag 7 september 2000 15:30 To: robert.brys@unil.com Subject: wearcheck brochure --- Received from VCE.LINJON +46 16 15 21 64 00-09-07 15:30 Hello Robert, I am sorry that it is taking some time to come to a decision on how we should go on with the brochure. I have now gathered some comments internally, however I have not got the presentation from Canada yet- I reminded them once again yesterday. There will also be some changes in our organisation due to the fact that I have decided to take on another job outside Volvo from the 1st of October. I will hand over the Oil-analysis business to Gunnar Einarsson: Mail:vce.einar@memo.volvo.se, phone: 0046 16 152679 I will make him updated on all that has to do with Wearcheck and oil-analysis. You will hear from me or Gunnar soon again, Kind regards, Linda ---------------------------------------------------------- From: robert.brys@unil.com To: vce.linjon@memo.volvo.se Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 09:13:48 +0200 Subject: wearcheck brochure Hi Linda, what's the status on this project? Did you get the power point presentation from wearcheck canada, regards, Robert Unil Belgium Bergensesteenweg 713 B-1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw Tel +32 (0)2 365 02 27 Fax /32 (0)2 360 01 12 www.unil.com ---- 00-09-07 15:30 ---- Sent to --------------------------- -> robert.brys(a)unil.com CC: -> VCE.EINAR GUNNAR EINARSSON CML-37 August 9, 2000 4:09 AM BC - email to WC Group - Subject: Re: WCI Web Site - Dear Colleagues - I have still not received signed copies of the Volvo contract from every one giving me permission to send the contract to Linda of Volvo (who made a special effort to meet us in France). The companies are Germany (who have refused to sign) Canada who have said they are interested but have problems and have not signed and the USA who I have not heard a word. Please advise how I should repond to Volvo. Without Canada there is no WEBCHECK, without the others we are not worldwide working as one group. What is the point of addressing Liebherr globally when we cannot agree to the Volvo proposal? Remember I was specifically asked (no pressurised) in Spain to bring in the group where I had the opportunity. Please let me have your comments (well the ones you can print and send over the airwaves). Bob July 19, 2000 8:14 AM RB - email to WC Group - Dear WearCheck members, attached you will find a document with the basis for a Volvo-WearCheck brochure (see C:\My Documents\WearCheck\Sales\volvo.doc) . This document has been sent to Linda Jonas - so that she can see it and show it to her communication dept. before taking her vacation.I will meet with her concerning the brochure after august 15th. Could please read thru this document and mail your suggestions or remarks on my behalf robert.brys@unil.com I'll be out of the office from 27th of july until august 15th. So i hope to get all your feedback by the time I come back. I thank you for your assistance, best regards, Robert Brys Communication manager WearCheck / Unil Belgium Bergensesteenweg 713 B-1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw Tel +32 (0)2 365 02 27 Fax /32 (0)2 360 01 12 www.unil.com June 6, 2000 10:46 AM BC - Email to BQ GD (Copied to WQ) - Subject: VOLVO Meeting Cancellation - Gilbert & Bill Please see letter from Linda at Volvo regards Bob Hello again Bob, I am sorry to say, but I feel that we have not come so far in the process yet as we should have, in order to present the program at the Brush Up. I suggest that we cancel your presentation June 26. Hopefully there will be another more suitable time to make it. In order to get the program to work as smoothly as possible, I feel that we have to clear out a lot of unsolved questions before we present anything. I hope that we can start to work intensively with this matter after your Wearcheck meeting in July. I guess you will have some more information from your Wearcheck collegues at that time. As I understand it Bill in Canada is not convinced that we want to find a global solution for Volvo CE. I guess this is something that you have to discuss at your meeting. I hope it will not be inconvenient to reorganise your and your collegue Gilberts schedule. Please, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or if you need any help from us. kind regards, Linda Jonas June 6, 2000 9:05 AM BC - Emial to JL - Subject: Re: Oilanalysis-Volvo CE - Dear Linda - Thanks for your email. I am sorry I have kept you waiting. I plann to travel to Sweden on the morning of the meeting (if I can get a flight early enough) I am trying to fit my flights in with a visit to France on July 1st so I will confirm my plans very soon now. Bill of Wearcheck Canada will not be able to implement any of the changes in the program before your meeting. We are meeting in France during the 1st week in July for our worldwide Wearcheck meeting. Here we will discuss how to move forward in earnest wit h this project. Bill I believe is concerned he may have a big expense to meet your requirements, but not get any work from Volvo. Gilbert of Wearcheck Belgium is planning to meet me in Sweden, but as yet we have not finalised our plans. We will present the information at the meeting based on your earlier email which listed the topics you wanted us to cover. I will confirm my flights this week if possible and definitely by next week. Regards Bob Cutler June 5, 2000 4:56 PM LJ - Email to BC (Copy to LH NW) - Hello Bob, - I am starting to wonder what has happened since you haven´t respondedto my mail dated May 17. How is it going with the computer changes? It is quite urgent that we get some response on this matter since our intention is to present the programme at the Brush Up.(If we don't get to see any results on the computer changes we have to reconsider some strategic descisions). Before we present a programme it must be ready and clear.. We also need to set your agenda on the presentation and to make some"commercial material" about the programme. The time is starting to run out. We have scheduled 45min- 1 hour to your presentation. Please advice me about your flight details and if you need hotelrooms. I hope to hear from you soon. kind regards, Linda Jonas March 31, 2000 6:45 PM RC - email to WQ - The contact at Volvo now is a lady namely: Linda Jonas Product Manager Competitive Products Tel: +46 16 15 21 64 Fax: +46 16 15 29 15 e-mail vce.linjon@memo.volvo.se Her Boss is: Fredrik Hallenborg Manager Product Management tel: +46 16 15 20 18 fax: +46 16 15 29 15 email: vce.hallon@memo.volvo.se regards Bob Robertson Research International Telephone: +44+ (0)1492 581811 Tyn-y-coed Site Fax: +44+ (0)1492 583416 Llanrhos Telex: 61216 ROBRES G Llandudno 61559 SPTES G North Wales UK LL30 1SA General Email: info@robresint.co.uk Encryption Type Acceptable: uuencoded World Wide Website: www.robresint.co.uk ******************************************************************** * This email may contain confidential and privileged information * * intended solely for the individual or organisation to whom it is * * addressed. If the reader is not the intended addressee, or the * * employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the addressee, * * you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or * * copying is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email * * in error, please notify the sender and either destroy the email * * or return it to info@robresint.co.uk * * Please note this email is not intended to create legal relations.* ******************************************************************** March 31, 2000 6:24 PM BC - email to WQ - Hi Bill - The contact at Volvo now is a lady namely: Linda Jonas Product Manager Competitive Products Tel: +46 16 15 21 64 Fax: +46 16 15 29 15 e-mail vce.linjon@memo.volvo.se Her Boss is: Fredrik Hallenborg Manager Product Management tel: +46 16 15 20 18 fax: +46 16 15 29 15 email: vce.hallon@memo.volvo.se regards Bob Robertson Research International Telephone: +44+ (0)1492 581811 Tyn-y-coed Site Fax: +44+ (0)1492 583416 Llanrhos Telex: 61216 ROBRES G Llandudno 61559 SPTES G North Wales UK LL30 1SA General Email: info@robresint.co.uk Encryption Type Acceptable: uuencoded March 30, 2000 12:50 PM BC - email to WQ - Sorry I have been a little slow replying. Yes Volvo came to see us. They were very keen to pursue the idea of a world wide venture using the Webcheck. They require a single data base and want the system to allow various types of people to get various degrees of entry passwords. They want the UK to put all its data on the server and as they were shown checkmate, they want to see some of the functions of Checkmate on Webcheck. We explained that we thought this was already available on the NEW version of Webcheck or if not it would be put on to meet their requirements. We explained that we would like them to give us feed back on exactly what they want webcheck to do and we would pass it on. They are doing this now. They want to trial the system, using Denmark as the pilot country. That is the UK providing the analysis work and the data for Volvo Denmark and we putting it on the web. This is because Volvo Denmark are talking to Q8 oil who are in competition with us for this venture. They gave us a thick contract to read and pass on for all to sign. This is really just the contract they would ask anybody to sign if they were supplying wheel nuts etc. I will fax it to you. They would not be able to force the local dealers to use wearcheck, but would point out that the ones who do not would be disadvantaged by not getting all the data from around the world. We explained how one could use the system to identify true problems with their machinery or prove it was a local problem using Checkmate, but we explained that this was also possible with Webcheck. So in brief, all went well and you need to gear up to get the local dealers ready to understand their disadvantaged position if they do not join in. I guess you could court a couple of big dealers with free trials of the NEW webcheck and point out how much better it would be if they had ALL the data available. Certainly Volvo HQ & R&D want it so there will be some form of pressure, but not one you could truly rely on. I will give you the names of the people tomorrow as I am at home now and these details are at work. May 10, 2001 12:20 PM GD reply to WC Group message from BQ - Subject: RE: Welcome to WebCheck - Hi Bill, No doubt, the new Webcheck version looks great. Somehow we will have to find a way to acquire this new version at an acceptable cost. Any suggestions? Best Regards, Gilbert De Mey Public Public Supplier Burlington Waal Security Waal Security Waal Security 950721003301764977613C Public (905) 573-6300 Phone Public Security ON 9 Le Mans Plac Westmead P. O. Box 15108 WC - International Member Westmead WearCheck Africa WearCheck Africa R.S.A. info@wearcheck.co.za WearCheck Africa 990124000042469946609C Oil Analysis Laboratory August 17, 2001 8:40 AM BQ email to RB WQ KM - Subject: Fw: WCI Affiliation. - Gentlemen, I would take this (Allister Geach Message Aug 17 5:48am) as a very favourable response from WZA. I am still most interested in having WZA's input into oil analysis based software development. They have a great deal of knowledge and experience to offer. August 17, 2001 5:48 AM AG email to BQ (copy Larry Baddock) (fwd to WQ RB KM) - Subject: WCI Affiliation. Hi Billy We had a fairly lengthy discussion on your proposal at a management on Wednesday and Larry Baddock will be e-mailing you next week to seek clarification on technical issues and financial implications. We would be happy to provide software support for your products in South Africa/Africa but also see some potential for Webcheck wrt our operation (even with the band width problems in SA) to assist in encouraging the development of difficult (read resistant) OEM markets in SA. I am in favour of transmitting data to your server to support global programs and possible future OEM requirements Your LIMS would also possibly be of interest with respect to the Barlows lab in Isando, especially if Caterpillar prescribe your system for dealer labs. Barlows have given up expecting any software out of Caterpillar and have basically resigned themselves to being dependant on Wearcheck Africa systems well into the future, so these latest developments are rather interesting and could have implications for Barlows and ourselves. I will make sure Larry contacts you next week. If there is a higher degree of urgency then I would suggest a phone call. Larry can be reached outside of normal business hours on his cell 083 2522899 if need be. (We are up to our eyeballs at the moment, so our lack of an urgent response should definitely not be interpreted as a lack of interest. I see a lot of potential here. Lesley made the point in our management meeting that your proposal for our involvement in software support/development is not dis-similar to what Wally proposed several years ago when software development for Wearcheck International was first discussed. At that time we wanted to assist with the specification and development of "international software" and commit our knowledge of the oil analysis business and our IT resources to the project rather than throwing vast amount of money at something we would have little control over! ) I will be looking forward to an update from Larry and yourself once the two of you have touched base. Thanks for the power point presentation, it will go down well here. Cheers for now Best Regards. Alistair Geach. Technical Manager. Wearcheck Africa. Tel: +27-(0)31 7005460 Fax: +27-(0)31 7005471 E-mail: alistair@wearcheck.co.za August 7, 2001 11:39 AM BQ email to JT PJ GK LC GB AG (copy WQ) - Subject: CINRG / WCI affiliation proposal - Lesley, Gary, Alistair, Greg, Peter, Gilbert and Jesus, Please read the attached proposal. I would say that this is my last (and best) attempt for a viable solution to the CINRG group within WearCheck International. I think that you will find my proposal interesting at the least, and hopefully as exciting as I think that it is. I have not included any hype, just a straight-forward presentation of the current situation. I know each one of you well enough to first, propose this to you and second, consider your participation valuable. I hope that you will each take the time to discuss this proposal with me. (see Document today - Cinrg Proposal) Best Regards, Bill Quesnel April 5, 2001 9:02 AM WQ - email to GB (copy BQ LQ) - Gary - Thanks for the quick response. Sorry to hear of your woes. No one needs to have the extra work and anxiety of a protracted legal battle along with the stress of running a company. Our prayers are with you for a successful outcome. If we can be of any assistance - if only as an understanding ally please feel free to call on us.Sale of WearCheck Canada is one of two routes we are exploring. The other course of action is to employ a top notch manager for the company (really looking for a "madman with a mission" that loves oil analysis). This would be a person with an extensive background in the field that wants to promote and build WearCheck business. If we find a qualified person, hopefully within a short period of time we could hand over autonomy over the oil analysis side to that individual and allow Bill Jr to move into computer programming full time.We have heard back from the Australian's and they are considering the prospectus. I may call on you for advice when we get down to examining the ALS offer. Have you decided whom will be attending the WC International meetings in North Carolina USA this year? Lorraine and I are looking forward to the meetings. Given all that is going on - they should be interesting this year! Best Regards Bill Q Sr April 5, 2001 4:50 AM GB - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Wear Check Canada - FOR SALE - with attachments - Hi Bill, Thanx for the kind thoughts. Alistair Geech will be our rep at the meeting this year.I hope he comes back!!! We have just lost Gary Blevens who had been with us for 10 years to an oil lab in Saudi.He was our technical field support who I trained to take over my duties in the Transvaal.(not easy to replace.) Any help you require please feel to ask. Regards, Gary. April 5, 2001 4:26 AM GB - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Wear Check Canada - FOR SALE - with attachments - Hi Bill, Unfortunately we are presently engaged in a high court battle trying to wrestle our business back from Setpoint.Financially they are in desperate trouble so I doubt that they would even think about buying anything!Currently the court has granted us ownership of Wearcheck until the dispute on the sale agreement in which Setpoint are in breach, has been settled. Please keep us in your thoughts during this very trying time. Best of luck with your sale, Regards to all, Gary. April 2, 2001 5:07 PM WQ - emailto GB LC (copy BQ) - Subject: WearCheck Canada Inc - FOR SALE - Leslie - Gary Leslie, a few years back you professed that SetPoint may have an interest in WearCheck Canada Inc. We have been approached by Australian Laboratory Services who wish to purchase the company. I have worked for the past month preparing a prospectus to send to them, and finished today. I have copied all the information to you as well. Let me say that it was a long and difficult job to prepare the information in a format that one hopes is readily understandable. We do have computer systems that provide all the information, just not in a presentable format when exported. I have attached: 1) WCEvaluation2001.doc (WinWord format) that summarizes the financial position of WearCheck Canada Inc over the past three years, the budget year 2001, and three planning years into the future. I have added many items (unique to us as owners of the company) back into the profit to demonstrate the real profits of WearCheck Canada - to normalize the profit line. 2) WCFinanacial1999-2000.pdf and WCFinancial1997-1998.pdf (Adobe Acrobat) are scanned copies of financial "Review Engagement Reports" prepared by an outside financial accounting firm. The business is family owned, and we have not felt the need to go through the formal audit process. Goebell, McAdam, Alexander LLP have been auditors of WearCheck for the past 25 years. WCFinancial1999-2000 is a draft report, however it will not be altered significantly once it is finalized. 3)WCPlan2001.xls (Excel Format) is the budget and working papers for WearCheck Canada Inc.'s budget for this year 2001. This document shows three prior years, the budget for 2001, and three years planning into the future. You will find considerable detail in this document. 4) January2001.xls (Excel Format) is actual financial statements for January 2001 prepared in-house. 5) February2001.xls (Excel Format) is actual financial statements for February 2001. I am happy to say we are ahead of budgeted profit so far this year. 6) Laboratory Instrumentation List.xls (Excel Format) shows all existing laboratory equipment at WearCheck Canada Inc., in detail. This will give you an idea of how current our equipment is. 7) CapitalAssets1999-2000.xls (Excel Format) shows the detail of purchases of Capital Equipment in 1999 and 2000. You will note in our 2001 budget that we have planned significantly reduced purchases of Capital Equipment. We now feel we have most of the necessary equipment in place. In addition to the above items, WearCheck Canada Inc has registered the WearCheck name and logo on the highest copyright register in the USA and Canada. WearCheck Canada has a licensing agreement in place with WearCheck USA whereby WearCheck USA pays WearCheck Canada Inc royalty fees of: 2000-2001 = 4% of USA sales (commencing Jul 1st ending Jun 1st - following year) 2001-2002 = 3% of USA sales (commencing Jul 1st ending Jun 1st - following year) 2002-2003 = 2% of USA sales (commencing Jul 1st ending Jun 1st - following year) 2003-2007 = 1% of USA sales (commencing Jul 1st ending Jun 1st - following year) for the use of the WearCheck name in the USA. WearCheck Canada retains ownership of the WearCheck name and copyright throughout and surviving the licensing agreement. We can substantiate the claims made in normalizing the financial numbers, and can provide the names and contact details of customers and supplier to be used as referees to verify performance. Bill Jr and I appreciate your interest in WearCheck Canada Inc. We wish to sell the company so both of us can get on with our first interests in business. We expect to receive an offer to purchase from Australian Laboratory Services and would welcome any interest Set Point may have in acquiring WearCheck Canada Inc. Best Regards William Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca President WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca William Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca President WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca November 7, 2000 1:50 PM WQ - email to AG (copy BQ BG) - Subject: Questions ref. RPD Rotary Ferrograph - irs; Allister We have been approached by Anelex to purchase RPD Rotary Ferrorgraph equipment . Our analyst Barry Gosliin sent an email to Michel Murphy the Canadian representative, asking several questions. I met Mr Murphy and Ken Burnett at the POAC in Tulsa. They asked me to ask the questions of you. I must say I am not impressed by the ease which they evaded answering the questions. They either don't know the answers or are too lazy to find out. In their minds it must be a simple solution to ask us to ask you. You may decline to answer if you wish, and I will not blame you in the slightest. Subject: Questions ref. RPD Rotary Ferrograph - irs; Several questions have risen about the RPD Rotary Ferrograph. Mr. Murphy of Analex Canada has suggested writing the questions down, e mailing them and having Mr. Ken Burnett/Murphy reply at the Niora Conference In Late Oct. Questions; 1) The amount of solvent for a sample (ISO 32 to 68) seems unclear. 2) Slide preparation "dry off the solvent by rotation at 200 rpm, PRESET 4, for a few minutes." Is this calculated in the "six minute" preparation time and this method of trying appears it may effect non ferrous particle distribution as well as lubricant degradation & corrosive wear indication. 3) If phosphate ester based lubricants require immediate wash cycle suspect one or more piece of equipment must have an expected life range well less that of the whole apparatus, what components are these and the replacement cost? (including the rotating head and Perspex guard). 4) "The PQ is a "standard method" please specify ISO/ASTM technique number. 5) Price of the consumables: glass slides, pipette tips (including capacity of pipette tip), 6) What is the ISO/ASTM technique for doing grease samples. 7)The rinse/sterilization of delivery system between samples leaves some doubt that the unit can go from a heavy sooted diesel type sample to a clean turbine sample without contamination.and, 8)The unit demands that the operator must control all stages of operation and per say can only operate one machine at a time. We are in no hurry to purchase the machine from them (if we ever do). I am also curious to hear how the machine you were building came out. It seemed to me you had a better idea with multiple units in one box. We appreciate any insight you can give us. Best Regards William Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca October 19, 2000 10:35 PM WQ - email to LC (copy RI) - Re: Delivery lead time - bottles etc.: - Lesley Please advise the delivery lead time is for new bottles. caps etc. We want to plan our next order.Please reply to both Ruth and I. Bill Q Sr. October 19, 2000 9:54 PM LC - email to WQ (cc RI) - Subject: Re: Delivery lead time - bottles etc. - Hi Bill I have forwarded your request to the manufacturers as it is better for you to deal direct. His e-mail address is brucej@incp.co.za All the best Lesley Lesley Crawford, E-mail lesley@wearcheck.co.za Tel: 031-7005460, Fax: 031-7005680 Wearcheck Africa Division of Set Point Technology www.wearcheck.co.za www.setpoint.co.za October 5, 2000 7:18 PM WQ - email to AG - Viscometer Tube Cleaning - Allister - Thank you very much for your quick and informative reply. This will be of great assistance to us in solving our present dilemma. I am pleased to say I have had three good responses to my questions. look on this as further proof positive of the benefits of our WearCheck International cooperation. Best Regards Bill Sr October 5, 2000 9:40 AM AG - email to WQ - Subject: Viscometer Cleaning Solvents. Dear Bill.Sr We use Hexane for our 40 baths and toluene for our 100 degree baths. We ran into problems with the air quality in our lab when the Houllions were first installed so had to move them into to our fume cupboards. The instruments are quite tall so filling the solvent reservoirs in the fume cupboards was quite difficult. We subsequently plumbed all the bath reservoirs together and feed them automatically from a small solvent header tank. The solvent is pumped to the header tank from a 2.5l reagent bottle using a solenoid type 12V (3A) fuel pump. A computer power supply is used to power the pump. Our TBN equipment is also housed in the fume cupboards as we still use chlorobenzene as per ASTM 2896. We will be moving to IP400 soon which is more chemically friendly, but the equipment will remain in the fume cupboard. We have very good quality air in our laboratory but this is only achieved through having a massive air conditioning plant that only supplies fresh air to the lab. The fume cupboards have a make up air supply so that little of the cooled air is withdrawn from the lab by the fume extraction system. The make up air however is unconditioned can effect temperature and humidity stability and also brings with it some dirt if it is not adequately filtered. I hope this info is of use to you. Best Regards. Alistair Geach. Technical Manager. Wearcheck Africa - A division of Set Point Technology (Pty) Ltd. Tel: +27-(0)31 7005460 Fax: +27-(0)31 7005471 E-mail: alistair@wearcheck.co.za October 1, 2000 11:06 PM GB - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Husky Quotation Conditions Change - Hi Bill, We would be happy to carry out the test profile described for US$20.Thanks for the sample valve unfortunately our thief gun does not accomadate it.I have asked my son to investigate a modif ication. Regards to all, Gary. Original Message dated 9/30/00, 5:10:35 PM Author: William Quesnel - WearCheck Re: Husky Quotation Conditions Change: Colleagues We are continuing our dialogue with Husky and it are more encouraged with each discussion that the program will go ahead. Husky have asked us to re-quote incorporating the following conditions. 1) Husky will advise WearCheck Canada Inc when a new machine will be shipped 2) WearCheck Canada Inc will ship sufficient kits to Husky to provide oil analysis for the machine for three years. 3) WearCheck Canada Inc will pre-label the sample bottles with sample information. 4) WearCheck Canada Inc will provide pre-addressed mailers for the kits addressed to the appropriate WearCheck laboratory 5) WearCheck Canada will ship the kits to Husky and invoice Husky up-front for the cost of the kit materials. 6) Husky's customer will take samples at designated times and ship prepaid to the appropriate WearCheck laboratory. 7) The WearCheck laboratory will supply the test information to WebCheck, and invoice WearCheck Canada Inc for processing. 8) The samples will be diagnosed by WearCheck Canada Inc in WebCheck 9) WearCheck Canada Inc will supply reports to Husky through WebCheck, and invoice Husky for processing. WearCheck Canada Inc will provide access to each of the WearCheck laboratories to enable them to use WebCheck Based on this scenario, I am asking you to quote me your price to WearCheck Canada Inc for processing each sample: IND II Routine Industrial Equipment Oil Analysis Kit Viscosity ASTM D445 Test at 40 C ICP-AES ASTM D5185 17 elements for wear metals, additives and contaminants Karl Fischer ASTM D1744 Water concentration in PPM or % if water is present. Visible Debris Microscopy Performed if visible debris is present Particle Count ISO 4406 Laser Particle Counter. TAN ASTM D446 Total Acid Number. WearCheck Canada Inc will provide sample kits, shipping to Husky, diagnosis and delivery of sample reports. Husky customers will pay shipping to the appropriate WearCheck laboratory. You are required to perform testing and report results through the use of WebCheck. WearCheck Canada will provide access to WebCheck to participating laboratories. Sorry to keep changing the conditions but we are trying to match the customer's needs as best we can. I see this as a great opportunity for WearCheck to launch a world-wide program and use the power of WebCheck. Hopefully this is just a start. Please advise your price as soon as possible. Best Regards Billl September 29, 2000 11:50 AM WQ - email to GB - Subject: Re: SAMPLE GUNS/THIEF PUMPS - Gary - Look forward to receiving your sample gun. The sample port on the front of the pump was one of the reasons Bill Jr gave for trying your pumps. Will this not work with other equipment? Most of the application we have would use our own gauge plugs, and that is where we wished to investigate the fit. Please advise.Bill Sr September 1, 2000 9:16 AM WQ - email to GB - Subject: Sample Theif (Gauge Plug) - Gary - We have shipped one of our gauge plug sample thief ports to your attention by Purolator Courier (Air) today. Purolator Waybill Number is 5064 345 . Please advise if this plug fits your sample pump, and if so please send one of that type pump to us to examine. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr. August 30, 2000 8:31 AM WQ - email to GB - Subject: Re: SAMPLE GUNS/THIEF PUMPS - Gary - Will arrange to send one of our gauge plug valves A.S.A.P. Bill Sr August 29, 2000 10:39 PM GB - email to WQ - Subject: Re: SAMPLE GUNS/THIEF PUMPS - Hi Bill, perhaps it would be a plan for you to send me one of your valves and i will pass it on to Quentin to see if he can modify the mould. Regards, Gary. August 29, 2000 10:20 AM WQ - eamail to GB (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: SAMPLE GUNS/THIEF PUMPS - Gary Look forward to receiving your sample gun. The sample port on the front of the pump was one of the reasons Bill Jr gave for trying your pumps. Will this not work with other equipment? Most of the application we have would use our own gauge plugs, and that is where we wished to investigate the fit. Please advise. Bill Sr August 29, 2000 9:38 AM GB - email to WQ - Subject: Re: SAMPLE GUNS/THIEF PUMPS - Hi Bill, I will send over sample gun ,which does not have sampling port in the front as we found that in a lot of cases on caterpillar equipment you could not get in except with the special sample tube available fom cat. regards, Gary. August 29, 2000 5:38 AM GB - email to WQ - Subject: Re: SAMPLE GUNS/THIEF PUMPS - Hi Bill, I will send over sample gun ,which does not have sampling port in the front as we found that in a lot of cases on caterpillar equipment you could not get in except with the special sample tube available fom cat. regards, Gary. August 28, 2000 3:00 PM WQ - email to GB - Subject: Re: SAMPLE GUNS/THIEF PUMPS - Gary - Sorry to ask this at such a late date, but could you send us a couple of your sample thief pump? Billy has asked me to evaluate your pumps, and I must admit I have not seen one. We need to know if the thief type sampling port at the front of the pump is suitable for our drain plugs and what is the maximum pressure it has been tested to. I guess we will be too late to get on this order batch, but perhaps we can get in on the next one. Best Regards, William Quesnel Sr August 25, 2000 4:41 PM WQ - email to GB - Subject: SAMPLE GUNS/THIEF PUMPS - Gary - Sorry to ask this at such a late date, but could you send us a couple of your sample thief pump? Billy has asked me to evaluate your pumps, and I must admit I have not seen one. We need to know if the thief type sampling port at the front of the pump is suitable for our drain plugs and what is the maximum pressure it has been tested to. I guess we will be too late to get on this order batch, but perhaps we can get in on the next one. Best Regards, William Quesnel Sr August 25, 2000 9:40 AM WQ - email to BQ (copy GG RI) - Subject: Fw: SAMPLE GUNS/THIEF PUMPS - Billy Have you looked at Gary's proposal to sell us sample thief pumps? Are these pumps as good as or better than the Easy Vac variety, or are they cheaper? If we have good reason to change to these and do not have to order more than 200 at a time maybe we should look at getting some? Bill Sr August 25, 2000 9:28 AM WQ - emai to GB (copy JC BQ) - Subject: Re: Egyp - laboratory - Gary - Sorry about the repeat request. We did get an answer from Set Point (attached) however Leon van der Merwe had a wrong email address for me (I am billqsr@wearcheck.ca not bquesnel@wearcheck.ca ) Billy got the email instead of me and did not copy to me as he thought I already had a copy. Looks like Leon is picking up the ball on this as he has gone back to the Pharaoh with some questions. I had a reply from Jim Chambers (follows) Bill Sorry I missed your e-mail. For the future please was jtchambers@compuchemlabs.com. The mindspring account is now used by the family and I did not check for mail. I can not help with the Egypt question but Bob Starling has some experience with Army labs in the past. The tech spec look like the one's you would see in the CBD in the states. Call or e-mail if I call help. Jim Seems I had a wrong email address for Jim so he was not getting my messages at all. Boy this electronic world still has it's mechanical problems. Anyway looks like the request is now in the hands of Set Point, and we will be glad to cooperate in any way we can. William Quesnel Sr August 25, 2000 6:17 AM BQ email to WQ - Subject: Re: SAMPLE GUNS/THIEF PUMPS - Dad, Would you mind looking into this for me. I am of the mind that this pump would better suit our needs, and would give our service more of a patented "WearCheck" look. One feature I like is the thief type sampling port at the front of the pump. I need to know if this is suitable for our drain plugs and to what pressure it has been tested at. Regards, Billy August 24, 2000 1:18 AM GB - email to WQ - Subject: SAMPLE GUNS/THIEF PUMPS - Hi Bill, I need to place my order for 1000 pumps - if you could let me know howmany you might take if the price is right please could you give me an indication so I can negotiate a good price for all of us. Regards, Gary. August 23, 2000 9:06 AM WQ - email to JC GB LC (copy BQ) - Subject: Egypt - laboratory - I sent the following email on August 6, 2000 and have not had a response from anyone, perhaps this message dropped into a crack somewhere. I repeat the message here: Hi folks Does WearCheck Africa's territory include Egypt? We have been asked to tender on the following, and think there may be some potential to expand WearCheck into this area. We may need to co-ordinate our efforts in the USA and with the originator of this message. I think that this could be an ideal test of Billy's CiNRG's LIMS and WebCheck systems. Any suggestions on how we should proceed? Bill Quesnel Sr. bquesnel@wearcheck.ca ----- Original Message ----- From: "ABDELMONAIM ELBAZ ELSAIID" To: Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 10:03 PM Subject: Supplying oil analysis lab Dear Managing Director I hereby would like to introduce our company ProSyLab. ProSyLab is a holding company established in 1994 by a group of experienced marketing sales, chemists, biologist and engineers for the sole purpose of promoting Hi-tech to the Egyptian & Middle East Market. In addition, ProSyLab has expanded its activities to several other fields. I have the pleasure to introduce my self: Dr. A. Elbaz Elsaiid (Chem. & Environmental Systems Dept.) Our address: 10El Mesaha Square, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt P.O box: 67 Orman 12612 Tel: 3362327-3351087 Fax: 3600205 Email: rania@psl.ie-eg.com (at present, please use this email for your email contact) ProSylab has a sister company in USA: Morcon Tech. Inc., contact person: Eng. Hossam Morsi 181 second Ave., Suite 321 P.O box 1490-San Mateo, CA 94401 3815 Tel: 001 650 401 7590 Fax: 001 650 401 7599 Recently, we are invited in tender to supply: OIL ANALYSIS LABORATORY A- THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: 1- Stationary fully computerized lab system (LAN). a) 220v - 50 Hz/sec operated. b) Report generation facility according to required report Type/Format. c) Software of the latest version with vendor guarantee of software upgrade for 5 years. d) Automatic standardization (for calibration &comparative). 2- Satisfy oil analysis requirements for the equipment's: M60A1/A3 Tanks, M1A1 Tanks, M88A1/A2 RCV, M113, M109 3- References and standards should be as US army (AOAP) standards. 4- Types of oil to be tested: MIL-L-2104C GRADE 10 MIL-L-2104C GRADE 30 MIL-L-2104C GRADE 40 MIL-L-2104C GRADE 50 MIL-L-2105C Multi-grade oil MIL-L-2105C GEAR OIL GO 90 MIL-H-5606E Hydraulic Petroleum Base CAT TD (TO-4) 10W Transmission fluid 5- Capacity: 200-250 Samples/Day 5000-6000 Samples/Month 6- Provide lube oil condition (NSFU-SFU-OG). 7- Provide analysis of wear metals in oil. 8- Evaluate condition of components servicing oil. 9- Classify type/cause of wear particles in oil and servicing component filters. 10- Evaluate condition of components: a) Wear metals (8-10) micron, b) Contamination, c) Trends, d) System problems. 11- Debris analysis: a) Large particles (120 micron), b) Filters, c) Grease/oil, 12- Oil condition: a) Humidity (water/fuel/coolant), b) Acidity, c) Additive level, d) Oxidation (corrosion). B- SPARES SUPPORT: Spare parts to support operation & maintenance of lab equipment for 5 years. C- INSTALLATION & OPERATION: Vendor is responsible for lab equipment installation & operation. D- TRANING: a) On JOP Training with the US evaluators during the performance period. b) Basic physical property training. We do appreciate to cooperate with your company in this tender. If you are interest to participate, please advice by return and we will send to you all details. Waiting for your response ASAP. Thanking you in advance for kind cooperation, we remain. Dr. A. Elbaz Elsaiid --------------end of message------------ Best Regards, William Quesnel Sr President WearCheck Canada Inc. ph 905 569 8600 fax 905 569 8605 billqsr@wearcheck.ca --------------------------------------------------------------- A proud member of WearCheck International www.wearcheck.com August 23, 2000 2:30 AM GB - email to WQ (copied to BQ later) - Subject: Re: World-Wide quote - Hi Bill, We are very happy to go along with your proposal-we would transmit our data to WebCheck and the price of can$ 30 would be very acceptable. Our biggest problem in Africa is getting the sample to the laboratory.We are currently using a 'bush pilot' who flies in approx 300 samples /month to us from Tanzania,otherwise very costly courier services are used.we therefore put the onus on the customer to pay for the sample to get to us. Good Luck Gary. August 14, 2000 5:33 AM Leon van der Merwe - email to ProSylab (copy to SetPoint WearCheck, WQ, Robbie Frank, Mark Saunders) - Subject: FW: Supplying oil analysis lab Dear Dr Elbaz Elsaiid We thank you for your email sent to Mr Quesnel of Wearcheck ( A member of the Setpoint Group) By way of this email I wish to introduce myself. My name is Leon van der Merwe and I am the Divisional Executive : Exports for the Setpoint Laboratory Core. Your enquiry covers activities from a number of divisions in the Setpoint Technology Group and as such I wish to elaborate on the capabilities of the Setpoint Group. In essence the Setpoint Technology Group is divided into four Core business units each with it's own divisions. These are as follows. 1) Process and Environmental Core -- Specialising in the supply, manufacture and support of product and knowledge to the petrochemical process industry as well as the environmental monitoring industry. 2) Laboratory Instrumentation Core -- Specialising in the supply and support > of product and knowledge to the laboratory industry. 3) Outsourcing Core -- Specialising in analysing samples from customers in various industries such as mining, environmental and petrochemical. This core owns and operates a number of it's own laboratories. 4) Digital Core-- Specialising in the creation of infrastructure related to electrical, mechanical and water plant and process industries as well as software control systems. Relating the above to you enquiry, it is clear that your need ( or that of your customer) requires skills from at least 3 of the above Setpoint Business Cores,(a) covering the supply of laboratory product ( Lab Instrumentation Core ),(b) the supply of environmental monitoring product Process and Environmental Core ) and (c)the provision of laboratory management skills, software, LIMS and laboratory operational experience and knowledge ( Outsourcing Core ). Setpoint Technology Group is therefore in an advantaged position to offer you a package of scientific product and knowledge covering various fields of specialities. This is a unique and successful feature not found elsewhere in Africa. You would therefore transact with one entity ensuring continuity of results across the complete spectrum of need. In order for us to explore the possibility of mutually beneficial synergy, please forward me (a)an overview of the project as called for in the tender, (b)relevant technical details (c) your marketing position vis-a vis the enduser, (d) your marketing position vis-a vis the financier of the project (e) your company technical expertise related to this project. Looking forward to hearing from you. Khalas Tamneuati Best regards Leon van der Merwe ------------------------------------------------ Leon van der Merwe Divisional Executive : Exports Tel: +2711 466 2200 Cell + 2782 579 7666 Fax: + 2711 466 2220 email : leonvdm@smm.setpoint.co.za Tel + 2711 849 4457 ( Home) email : leonsmm@icon.co.za ( Out of Office) August 6, 2000 8:36 AM WQ - email to GB LC (Copy to JC WearCheck USA and BQ) - Subject: Fw: Supplying oil analysis lab Hi folks Does WearCheck Africa's territory include Egypt? We have been asked to tender on the following, and think there may be some potential to expand WearCheck into this area. We may need to co-ordinate our efforts in the USA and with the originator of this message. I think that this could be an ideal test of Billy's CiNRG's LIMS and WebCheck systems. Any suggestions on how we should proceed? Bill Quesnel Sr. bquesnel@wearcheck.ca ----- Original Message ----- From: "ABDELMONAIM ELBAZ ELSAIID" To: Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 10:03 PM Subject: Supplying oil analysis lab Dear Managing Director I hereby would like to introduce our company ProSyLab. ProSyLab is a holding company established in 1994 by a group of experienced marketing sales, chemists, biologist and engineers for the sole purpose of promoting Hi-tech to the Egyptian & Middle East Market. In addition, ProSyLab has expanded its activities to several other fields. I have the pleasure to introduce my self: Dr. A. Elbaz Elsaiid (Chem. & Environmental Systems Dept.) Our address: 10El Mesaha Square, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt P.O box: 67 Orman 12612 Tel: 3362327-3351087 Fax: 3600205 Email: rania@psl.ie-eg.com (at present, please use this email for your email contact) ProSylab has a sister company in USA: Morcon Tech. Inc., contact person: Eng. Hossam Morsi 181 second Ave., Suite 321 P.O box 1490-San Mateo, CA 94401 3815 Tel: 001 650 401 7590 Fax: 001 650 401 7599 Recently, we are invited in tender to supply: OIL ANALYSIS LABORATORY A- THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: 1- Stationary fully computerized lab system (LAN). a) 220v - 50 Hz/sec operated. b) Report generation facility according to required report Type/Format. c) Software of the latest version with vendor guarantee of software upgrade for 5 years. d) Automatic standardization (for calibration &comparative). 2- Satisfy oil analysis requirements for the equipment's: M60A1/A3 Tanks, M1A1 Tanks, M88A1/A2 RCV, M113, M109 3- References and standards should be as US army (AOAP) standards. 4- Types of oil to be tested: MIL-L-2104C GRADE 10 MIL-L-2104C GRADE 30 MIL-L-2104C GRADE 40 MIL-L-2104C GRADE 50 MIL-L-2105C Multi-grade oil MIL-L-2105C GEAR OIL GO 90 MIL-H-5606E Hydraulic Petroleum Base CAT TD (TO-4) 10W Transmission fluid 5- Capacity: 200-250 Samples/Day 5000-6000 Samples/Month 6- Provide lube oil condition (NSFU-SFU-OG). 7- Provide analysis of wear metals in oil. 8- Evaluate condition of components servicing oil. 9- Classify type/cause of wear particles in oil and servicing component filters. 10- Evaluate condition of components: a) Wear metals (8-10) micron, b) Contamination, c) Trends, d) System problems. 11- Debris analysis: a) Large particles (120 micron), b) Filters, c) Grease/oil, 12- Oil condition: a) Humidity (water/fuel/coolant), b) Acidity, c) Additive level, d) Oxidation (corrosion). B- SPARES SUPPORT: Spare parts to support operation & maintenance of lab equipment for 5 years. C- INSTALLATION & OPERATION: Vendor is responsible for lab equipment installation & operation. D- TRANING: a) On JOP Training with the US evaluators during the performance period. b) Basic physical property training. We do appreciate to cooperate with your company in this tender. If you are interest to participate, please advice by return and we will send to you all details. Waiting for your response ASAP. Thanking you in advance for kind cooperation, we remain. Dr. A. Elbaz Elsaiid August 3, 2000 11:57 PM GB - email to WQ - Subject: WCI WEBSITE. - Hi Bill, All our technical bulletins are at our website http://www.wearcheck.co.za .According to Lesley she seems to think that you or Billy would copy them across,if you have a problem with this please let me know. It sounds like you guys had a very busy time touring Europe,I certainly can recommend longboating on the rivers in the UK.At 4 mph there is no chance of rushing anywhere!Going through the locks was funnier than a Spike Milligan show!The only problem was going to the toilet and trying to shower-- you had to be a Houdini to use either,needless to say when visiting the numerous pubs for lunch and supper we took advantage of their ablutions!. Thats all for now. Regards to all, Gary. August 3, 2000 7:59 AM WQ - email to GB - Subject: Re: NORIA CONFERENCE - Gary - Thanks for the support with the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference. Will do the invoice for September as requested. I have passed this message on to Bill Jr and will discuss the sample pumps with him tomorrow. I have also taken liberty of sending copy to Gilbert deMey and Jim Chambers (as they are partnering in the booth at Tulsa as well) so you may hear from them about pumps as well. Lorraine, Danielle, and I had a busy trip in Europe following the meetings, would have rather had a vacation such as you people planned for yourself - in a slow boat down the canal. We moved into Colmar for a couple of days, then drove to Amsterdam for three days, back down to Brussels to visit WearCheck Belgium for a couple days then to Paris for a week. We rushed around visiting all the monuments. I traveled to London for a Lubrigard meeting (on the bullet train - nice experience). Drove from Paris to Lourdes for four days, to Grenoble for a day, then through the mountains of Switzerland (beautiful drives over the mountain passes) back to Germany to Garmish (village south west of Munich) for three days, then flew home on the 28 July. Bill Sr August 3, 2000 1:05 AM GB - email to WQ - Subject: NORIA CONFERENCE - Hi Bill, Just a short note regarding promotional literature for the Wearcheck exhibition.I am sending the following to you today by courier: TECHNICAL BULLETINS. 10 How to get the most out of your oil analysis programme. 10 Implementing reliability centred maintenance 10 How to read a can of oil (part 1.) 10 How to read a can of oil (part 2.) 10Your questions answered. 10An introduction to synthetic oils. 10Oil pressure mapping to measure bearing wear. 10 Wear limits vs trends. 10 Monitoring oil degradation with infrared spectroscopy. 10 Wearcheck pens 2 Wearcheck Africa caps.(You can change caps depending on which country the prospective client is enquiring about!Just make sure you take it off if any Germans ask any questions!) And finally a few business cards. Please could you let us have an invoice for our share of the cost of the booth and could it be dated September. We will be ordering sample/thief pumps within the next week ,We are ordering 1000 so you could benifit by adding your order to ours.If you can give me a quantity ,perhaps the USA miight also be interested,then I will come back to you with a quote landed in Canada. Please give our regards to Lorraine and Bill junior and your families. Regards, Gary. June 19, 2000 1:01 AM LC = - Email to WQ - Subject: Re: WearCheck Canada - Good morning Bill - I have forwarded your e-mail to Tim McDonald of Appleton and he will contact you. With best regards Lesley June 19, 2000 1:01 AM LC - Email to WQ - Subject: Re: WearCheck Canada - Good morning Bill - I have forwarded your e-mail to Tim McDonald of Appleton and he will contact you. With best regards Lesley June 14, 2000 2:41 PM WQ - Email to LC - Re: WearCheck Canada: - Lesley, Hope everything is well with you and yours. We are looking forward to the meetings in France, and seeing Gary, Jen, and WearCheck friends again, sorry you will not be there. You will remember some time back I sent around an Email looking for a manager for WearCheck Canada. We've had little response to that request, however we have been approached to sell WearCheck Canada. Bill Jr wants to devote his entire time to the development of the software he has created for our business and we have already created a new company CINRG. I really have no desire to operate the laboratory and while the oil analysis business is very interesting I can accomplish more running my mining business. Perhaps the best solution is to sell the business, so we are now thinking seriously of doing so. Last year in Spain you gave me the name of a contact in the company which purchased WearCheck RSA, and they did get in touch with me. We were really not ready to get serious about selling at that time, however we are now. If these people still have an interest, would you be so kind as to bring us together again. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca Cell phone (905) 467-3562 (carry with me all the time) Home phone (905) 335-9922 Home fax (905) 332-0289 June 14, 2000 10:41 AM WQ - Email to LC (Copy to BQ LQ) - Subject: WearCheck Canada- Lesley Hope everything is well with you and yours. We are looking forward to the meetings in France, and seeing Gary, Jen, and WearCheck friends again, sorry you will not be there. You will remember some time back I sent around an Email looking for a manager for WearCheck Canada. We've had little response to that request, however we have been approached to sell WearCheck Canada. Bill Jr wants to devote his entire time to the development of the software he has created for our business and we have already created a new company CINRG. I really have no desire to operate the laboratory and while the oil analysis business is very interesting I can accomplish more running my mining business. Perhaps the best solution is to sell the business, so we are now thinking seriously of doing so. Last year in Spain you gave me the name of a contact in the company which purchased WearCheck RSA, and they did get in touch with me. We were really not ready to get serious about selling at that time, however we are now. If these people still have an interest, would you be so kind as to bring us together again. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca Cell phone (905) 467-3562 (carry with me all the time) Home phone (905) 335-9922 Home fax (905) 332-0289 January 13, 2000 9:43 AM http://www.wearcheck.co.za Web Site Visited: Wear Check Africa August 17, 2001 8:40 AM BQ email to RB WQ KM - Subject: Fw: WCI Affiliation. - Gentlemen, I would take this (Allister Geach Message Aug 17 5:48am) as a very favourable response from WZA. I am still most interested in having WZA's input into oil analysis based software development. They have a great deal of knowledge and experience to offer. Public 011-27-31-700-5460 Phone 011-27-31-700-5471 Fax Public International Member http://www.wearcheck.co.za 3608 Castro Barros 1639 (1690) Buenos Aires WearCheck Argentina WearCheck Argentina Argentina consultas@wearcheck.com.ar WearCheck Argentina 010205000223354472092C September 18, 2001 5:02 PM WQ email to DS - Subject: Re: Du Pont. - Thanks Daniel I will now get the quotation together and send to Dupont. I will copy you on the final document. Hope things are going good with WC-USA. Are you making and plans for building a full laboratory? Bill Q Sr July 23, 2001 2:03 PM GS email to WQ (copu BQ) - Subject: APPRECIATION - Dear Mr. Quesnel: I would like to express my appreciation for the reception you and your son provided to my son Daniel at the recent WearCheck International meeting. Daniel came back full of enthusiasm to continue with the espansion of the local market after received such welcome from all the members of the group, hopping to improve our past perfomance, specially if the local region efforts succeeds on accommodate the economic situation of the country. My best regards, Guillermo Sansot July 22, 2001 8:22 PM DS email to WQ - Subject: RE: Inquiry off our WebSite - Bill, Thank you very much and I will take action inmediately. And I will come wright and will be seeing each other again, thank you again. Daniel Sansot Castro Barros 1639 (1640) Mart nez, Prov. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel/Fax: 54 11 4733-3145 E-mail: braco@interprov.com July 20, 2001 12:07 PM WQ email to DS (copy BQ) - Subject: Inquiry off our WebSite - Daniel - Hope you had a pleasant trip back to Argentina, and enjoyed your stopover in Florida. I hope you survived the WearCheck group meeting and feel you came away with some good information, as well as achieving your goal of joining our group. WearCheck Canada Inc received the following request for information through Reliability Web Services - (website WearCheck Canada subscribes to). I will leave this to you to answer. Best Regards William Quesnel Sr **************************************************************************** > *** > Contact_FullName: Ariel Schwindt > Contact_Title: Mechanical Engineer > Contact_Organization: Transportadora de Gas del Sur > Contact_StreetAddress: Ruta 3 Sur Km 701 > Contact_Address2: Castelar 1426 > Contact_City: Bah a Blanca > Contact_State: Buenos Aires > Contact_ZipCode: 8000 > Contact_Country: Argentina > Contact_WorkPhone: 54-291-4555590-218 > Contact_FAX: 54-291-4555590-217 > Contact_Email: ariel_schwindt@tgs.com.ar > Requesting:: Software, Books, Etc > Most important aspect: Quality > other detail:: available software, training, delivery > Respond By:: > Will Purchase:: Future > Prefered Vendors: > Excluded Vendors: > Prior Reliability Shopper:: No > Remote Name: > Remote User: > HTTP User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 98) > > Request Detail: > > Oil Analisis Software, Extreme limits crteria June 22, 2001 4:38 AM BW email to JC (copy WQ BQ) - Subject: Argentina as member of the WEARCHECK-Group Hello Jim, regarding the Email from Jesus about Mr. Daniel Sansot and WEARCHECK membership of the laboratory, also WEARCHECK Germany will inform that we will not agree to this membership . So it is not possible to invite Daniel Sansot or other people from his lab to our meeting. Please confirm till 22nd June that Argentina will not attend the WEARCHECK-meeting. After we received no proposed change to the Charter two month prior to our meeting (7th may 2001) it is not possible during our meeting to make any changes in the Charter. (Charter, page 4, Amendments: "Any proposed change to the Charter must be submitted in writing to all member laboratories two month prior to any meeting". So it is not possible for Argentina to be a new member of the group (Charter page 3, New Membership: "A new laboratory can be added to the Group with unanimous approval of the Charter members only.") We did not receive the agenda from the meeting till today. Please send ASAP: Best regards Barbara Weismann June 12, 2001 8:28 AM JT email to JC - Dear Jim: Please reply my e-mail sent it 3 weeks ago Thank you very much for your e-mail. I am preparing my trip to USA. I will flight from Washington to Raleigh-Durham oN 7 on 7 of july and i will arrive at 18h50m to Raleigh.I will need a single room for 6 nights (7/7/2001 to 13/7/2001) queen bed. I will leave to Spain on 13 of july at 11h30m. On the other hand, I am very surprised because i do not understand why you send information about the WC meeting to Daniel Sansot. We have talked about it many times in the previous meetings and i want to remind you that in the Charter of International Wearcheck Group in the point for New Mwmberships you could read "a new lab can be added tp the Group with unanimous approval of the charter members only". We do not approve Argentina as member of wc Group. I am looking forward to seeing you soon ." Regards Jesus Terradillos May 21, 2001 5:09 AM JC email to WQ - Subject: Fw from JT May 21 - I hope you had a great week-end. Bill did a wonderful presentation for Ryder on Friday. As you can see I have some fence mending with Jes s about Argentina. I will be in meetings this morning but hope to talk with you later today. James T.Chambers May 21, 2001 4:26 AM JT email to JC - Dear Jim: - Thank you very much for your e-mail. I am preparing my trip to USA. I will flight from Washington to Raleigh-Durham oN 7 on 7 of july and i will arrive at 18h50m to Raleigh.I will need a single room for 6 nights (7/7/2001 to 13/7/2001) queen bed. I will leave to Spain on 13 of july at 11h30m. On the other hand, I am very surprised because i do not understand why you send information about the WC meeting to Daniel Sansot. We have talked about it many times in the previous meetings and i want to remind you that in the Charter of International Wearcheck Group in the point for New Mwmberships you could read "a new lab can be added tp the Group with unanimous approval of the charter members only". We do not approve Argentina as member of wc Group. I am looking forward to seeing you soon . Regards Jesus Terradillos Responsable del Laboratorio Fundacion TEKNIKER jterradillos@tekniker.es Avenida Otaola, 20 Tel.: 943/20 67 44 20600 EIBAR Fax: 943/20 27 57 Gipuzkoa - SPAIN www.tekniker.es March 28, 2001 1:56 PM DS - emal to BQ (fwd WQ) - Subject: WebCheck - Mr. Bill Quesnel: Good day, how are you? Thank you for sending this e-mail, I quote to them our services (oil analysis) few weeks ago and look like they are shopping around. Bill, can you quote for me how much is the webcheck software. I got your information and Demo CD last week from James Chambers. I am still studying it and probably I will ask you some questions about it. Very best regards. p/BRACO S. A. Daniel Sansot Castro Barros 1639 (1640) Mart nez Prov. Buenos Aires Argentina Tel/Fax 54 11 4733-3145 March 28, 2001 3:18 AM BQ - email to SIM-BSV S.R.L (copy WQ) - Subject: Re: WebCheck - Luis, We have agents in Argentina. There information is as follows: BRACO S.A. Castro Barros 1639 (1690) Buenos Aires ARGENTINA phone/fax: (54 11) 4733 3145 e-mail: Australian Laboratory Services WearCheck Australia > Australian Laboratory Services WearCheck Australia > Australian Laboratory Services 000410000182469946609C Public Public WearCheck Belgium > Alpha Maintenance Systems WearCheck Belgium > Alpha Maintenance Systems WearCheck Belgium > Alpha Maintenance Systems 981129000022204451944C Public Public 4161 Sladeview Crescent Units 11-12-13 WC - International Member Mississauga WearCheck Canada Inc WearCheck Canada Inc WearCheck Canada Inc 950721003341764977613C Oil Analysis Laboratory November 9, 2001 10:30 AM WQ email to RI KM GG BQ RB - Subject: Short Term Sales Project - Hi - Following our meeting yesterday I am not sure that I made the point about short term sales increase with enough emphasis. Wear Check Canada needs to quickly boost in sales in the short term! It is good to formulate a proper strategy and then pursue that strategy, however I would like to see parallel testing of the strategy combined with formation of a master plan. I think it is a great idea to get the new CDRom of companies (in January) and set up to transfer files to the salesmen, however in the short term we should test the theory. These efforts should produce short term sales and it should allow us to modify the approach to the program as we go, depending on results. I want you to do the following: Ross - please print out pages of the company listings, mark companies, and pertinent information, include: - contact person (or persons) - type of sample program proposed (mobile - plant - etc.) Gloria - you can either create a new database in Maximizer (Prospects) or use existing Customer data base Gloria - type the company listings including the info marked by Ross into Maximizer. Set-up and/or fill in the user defined fields for: - number of employees (shown in listings) - type of sample program proposed - sales area (according to new boundaries) - salesman You can delegate this if you instruct on how it is to be done. Gloria Ross Billy & Me (if you want) - develop mail-out packages (or email packages) customized to required types of programs identified and proposed in selecting potential customers. Gloria - create templates of covering letters (customized to the program type) to go with the mail-outs in Maximizer (I can help you with this) Merge mail can pull from defined fields and create letters including: - customer name address phone fax etc. - customer contact name - sales rep's name - type of program - and any other fields wanted in the letter (that have been put into Maximizer) Gloria - use click and drag to print individual letters to prospect contacts. When you print out a letters, it save a record of the letter in the prospect file in Max (including date printed) Gloria - as each package is sent out, send files of prospects including copies of the covering letter to relative salesman Gloria - if a response is received advise the salesman ( if you ask for prospects to respond by email, you can drag and drop into notes). This is a very basic outline of what I would like you to do, and you may have much to add to this, however I want the project run through Maximizer so it can be tracked and measured. I think a quick project like this (in the short term) would go a long way to impressing field sales staff that Gloria, Ross (and head office) are working to help them in the field. It may especially impress our new field sales staff, and reassure Paul Dumont and Len Leblanc that we are not changing the way they work simply to bug them or cut their earnings. William Quesnel Sr September 6, 2001 6:46 PM WQ email to WC Team - Subject: Charles - Accident - Burns - HI - Tonight near quitting time Charles went to shut off the pump in the cupboards under the fume hood in the warehouse. The cupboard exploded when he opened the door. The fire was extinguished - I don't know by whom. I took Charles to the Credit Valley Hospital Emergency for treatment to burns on his fingers and arm. The burns are bad enough that they have bandaged his hands and up his arms - like a mummy. His wife Loma and Melissa came over to the hospital. I drove Charles back to the laboratory to pick up his car - as the doctor says it is OK for him to drive, and he is gone home for the night. Charles has an appointment at 11:00 am to see a plastic surgeon at the hospital. I told him to take the morning off and go to the hospital to see the doctor (he wanted to come into the lab and wear rubber gloves to work - I said NO) He told me Cheryl is off tomorrow - so Frank find somebody to cover for Charles. I also advised him that he is to strictly follow the doctor's recommendation. I think he will be OK and that they are taking extra precautions - as they should. Billy-Frank-Kevin - I charge you with the duty to remedy the situation with the exploding cupboard before the equipment is used again. We have to move whatever causes the ignition spark away from any possible gas - and ventilate the cupboard where the waste solvent bottle is. (It is a good thing the explosion did not break the large bottle of solvent in the cupboard!!!). Please make sure the situation is remedied before the equipment is used again. Ruth-Kevin-Frank - Charles accident needs to be reported as a compensable accident and the proper forms filled out. Please be sure this is done as soon as possible. Ruth - I told Charles that he will not lose any wages for missing tomorrow, even if he is gone a few days! William Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca President WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca August 22, 2001 3:14 PM WQ eamail to KM (copy BQ) - Subject: Fw: Laboratory Meeting Minutes August 21, 2001 - Kevin - Thanks for feedback - this has been a good discussion. I would think the diagnosticians will welcome changes that will lead to new challenges in their job, and the opportunities to learn new things to help them meet new and more important challenges. It will be great if you can get the automated fax going. I know this has been a serious problem for some time. Keep me posted. Bill Q Sr August 22, 2001 2:20 PM KM email to WQ - Subject: RE: Laboratory Meeting Minutes August 21, 2001 - Bill - I personally have no problem multi-tasking my responsiblities. However, I'm not BG or DM and I believe we may face resistance when suggesting this be included in their job description. After saying this I would like to mention I was talking with a representative from FACSys (our fax server program) and mentioned that they may have a solution to our "Automated fax" programming woes. If they can produce, then we can free-up approximately 1-2 hour of the diagnosticians time. Also, it will allow us to customize and configure customer faxing. Furthermore, the US Ryder program is moving faster than expected and this is putting pressure on us to develop the software quickly (hopefully not sacrificing quality!). The US will need the ADM (Auto-Diagnosing Module) module processing 60-75% of their samples very soon! The development of ADM will have a great impact on WCC also. If we implement and fine tune it we will be able to free-up at least 3-4 hours of DMs' day. So, some of our current projects may allow us to change the job descriptions of diagnosticians dramatically in the near future. I or BQ will keep you posted on their status. Regards, Kevin Marson August 22, 2001 11:26 AM WQ email to KM (copy BQ FP GG RI RB) - Subject: Re: Laboratory Meeting Minutes August 21, 2001 - Hi Kevin - Thanks for quick reply - I assumed that the overtime was just a suggestion, that is why I wanted to state my position on it right away. Could we and should we re-write the diagnosticians job description to include work in the laboratory. From what I have observed in other labs in the WearCheck group a lot of the diagnosticians have naturally taken an interest in learning everything they can about their job, and the every-day lab testing is a big part of that experience. WC-Belgium have four employees all of whom work in the lab - including the Head Chemist (Andre) and all these employees are diagnosticians as well. The "office" of WC-Belgium is separated out for sales people and administrative (who do not work in the lab). I think it would be great if our diagnosticians showed the same interest, and also if they have nothing else to do for a period of their day it would be good if they helped speed up the sample through-put in he lab. It would also give them a better feel, and appreciation for the work done by their colleagues in the lab. When you were diagnosing samples you often went out and did work in the laboratory as well - How do you feel about having our present diagnosticians do some of the same? Bill Sr August 22, 2001 10:45 AM KM email to WQ - Subject: RE: Laboratory Meeting Minutes August 21, 2001 - Bill - I will address your answers individually, but first I just want you know, the overtime mentioned in the minutes were only a suggestion and not considered an action plan. I believe the lab supervisor should be trained first and then he/she should train the rest of the staff. There has been resistance by FP regarding his training. This has been due to the time constraints in his schedule > Q: "Once Frank is pulled out of the rotation, will he be conducting most of the training, or will it sometimes be yourself or another lab tech?" > A: My plan is to train FP so he can train the technicians > Q: "Will Frank be able to leave the rotation now that we have hired Denise Arrazola and Jane Houng?" > A: Yes, and when this occurs he will be able to perform other tasks that have been neglected due to resource constraints. > Q: "while Shona is still with us, will we have sufficient techs in the lab to get all the work done, and leave time for training?" > A: Yes. FP and I have concluded prior to Shonas' departure (1 month maximum) we must have a new technician hired and trained. We don't want sample turn-around to be effected. NOTES: You mentioned, diagnosticians should help in the laboratory. That would be nice, however this must be mentioned in their job description (as a daily or expected task) or it will become a thorn in our sides. August 22, 2001 8:38 AM WQ email to KM (copy RB GG RI FP BQ) - > Subject: Re: Laboratory Meeting Minutes August 21, 2001 - Kevin - I have read through the minutes of the Lab meeting. I like the format and agenda that was followed. You should copy these minutes to the member of> the management team (see Cc above). In reference to training: All training will take place during working hours. I would think that on the job training would consist of an instruction run through of a procedure, followed by actual hands-on work under steadily decreasing supervision, until the tech works on his/her own, with periodic review of competence until supervision is satisfied with the quality and quantity of work performed. If there is enough work in the lab at present to occupy everyone's time, full time, sparing no time for training, we will hire another lab technician before we will schedule and pay overtime for training. Training would imply that there are two people required, and the cost of overtime for two people for training is too prohibitive. Please reserve overtime only when required to complete> necessary work. Once Frank is pulled out of the rotation, will he be conducting most of the training, or will it sometimes be yourself or another lab tech? Will Frank be able to leave the rotation now that we have hired Denise Arrazola and Jane Houng? I understand Shona is leaving at the end of October. Between now and October, while Shona is still with us, will we have sufficient techs in the lab to get all the work done, and leave time for training? I notice that neither of the diagnosticians attended the lab meeting. Once you and Bill get auto-diagnosis up and running at 65-80% of samples, will the diagnosticians have free time to participate more in the laboratory? I know Barry is very busy with ISO at the present, however Deen may have some free time. I would like to see diagnosticians working in the lab occasionally, and accompanying sales staff to visit customers occasionally. In reference to performance reviews: I leave it to Bill Jr to answer about performance review scheduling. Bill Q Sr August 21, 2001 2:07 PM KM email to WQ (copy BQ FP) - Subject: Laboratory Meeting Minutes August 21, 2001 The attach file ("WC Lab Meeting 2001-08-17.doc") contains the minutes of the Laboratory Meeting dated August 17, 2001. (see C:\My Documents\WearCheck\Meeting Minutes\WC Lab Meeting 2001-08-17) Regards, Kevin Marson Laboratory Manager kevinm@wearcheck.ca August 21, 2001 11:39 AM WQ email to WC Group (copy RB GG BQ) - Subject: Marketing Oil Analysis - Dear Colleagues We are reviewing our marketing at Wear Check Canada Inc. We have been ploughing through old literature and discovered that we have done many things in the past that were successful, but have somehow dropped through the cracks. We also think that we must produce new and unique ideas relative to our niche in the marketplace. We are redefining our approach to potential customers. Who should we be going after and how? We have decided to focus on the larger national and/or international companies. One idea is to develop specific programs for specific equipment that is used industry wide. Some good examples of this in the "Mobile Equipment World" would be the large ready-mix concrete trucks, compacting garbage trucks, or similar types of trucks that have some type of ancillary equipment requiring oil analysis. We propose to approach one major user, or Original Equipment Manufacturer, and gain co-operation in developing a unit specific oil analysis/maintenance program. We would work together to establish proper requirements and measurable goals for an effective program. This approach does have some similarities to our "Brand Name" "Warranty Type" programs with people like Komatsu, and Volvo, however we want to look at an application on a more generic basis over a range of different manufacturers, for a specific type of equipment. We would develop a comprehensive and highly cost effective program complete with detailed implementation procedures targeted at the specific type of unit/application. Once established, implemented and producing measurable results that can be demonstrated, we would take the program to an industry wide market place, approaching all major users of the equipment. We would not restrict this approach to the trucking industry, and think there is a broader application, and bigger and better market, in the manufacturing industry. Has anyone taken this approach before, and if so do you have examples you wish to share, that WearCheck Canada Inc could borrow and apply immediately? You may notice that Analysts Inc have customized their kit offering for oil analysis (to some extent) for Dupont in the literature I am sending you by fax today - concerning a request from Dupont for a Wear Check world wide program for oil analysis for Dupont. They have recommended a variety of kits for specific equipment, or components. William Quesnel Sr April 16, 2001 9:51 AM WQ - email to WC Group - Subject: WearCheck International Charter Up-Date Dear Colleagues At the 2000 WearCheck International Group Meetings in Colmar France it was decided that the WearCheck Charter is getting out of date and requires some revision. I was given the task of collecting revisions from the members of the group to be tabled at the up-coming 2001 WCIG Meetings to be held in Carey North Carolina USA the week of July 8th this year. I have typed an old copy of the Charter that I have in my files - the edition that was signed in Germany. Please forward any revisions that you wish to propose and I will prepare a document including all suggestions. I will remind you in April, May, and then return a copy to you (including all the suggestions I have received) in June so you have time to consider what others have suggested before the meetings. This is a repeat of same message sent to WC International Group on March 15, 2001, to date I have received no reply or suggestions of changes.. Lorraine and I are still looking forward to renewing old acquaintances at the meeting in July. (attached : C:\My Documents\WearCheck\International\WearCheck Charter 1994-03-28.doc) William Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca President WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca March 16, 2001 1:37 PM WQ - email to WC Group - Subject: WearCheck Charter - Dear Colleagues At the 2000 WearCheck International Group Meetings in Colmar France it was decided that the WearCheck Charter is getting out of date and requires some revision. I was given the task of collecting revisions from the members of the group to be tabled at the up-coming 2001 WCIG Meetings to be held in Carey North Carolina USA the week of July 8th this year. I have typed an old copy of the Charter that I have in my files - the edition that was signed in Germany. Please forward any revisions that you wish to propose and I will prepare a document including all suggestions. I will remind you in April, May, and then return a copy to you (including all the suggestions I have received) in June so you have time to consider what others have suggested before the meetings. Lorraine and I are looking forward to renewing old acquaintances at the meeting in July. March 5, 2001 6:10 AM BQ - email to BC GD JC (copy WQ) - Subject: Noria Advertising - Gentlemen, Here is the final tally on our Advertising for Noria. Please confirm your participation: [ ] WearCheck Belgium [ ] Robertsons [ ] WearCheck USA [ X ] WearCheck Canada We will each be responsible for US$ 4,452.50 for 5 issues of the Noria European and 4 issues of the Noria North American magazines (full color, full page ad). You may review the attached Excel spreadsheet for details. I will create the advertisment and distribute a PDF version for your final approvals prior to sending to Noria. February 15, 2001 6:02 AM BQ - email to WCI Group - Subject: WCI Advertisement in Noria's POA Magazine Dear Members, Subsequent to my first e-mail regarding a WCI Advertisement in Noria's POA Magazine: Attached is demographics for distribution in Europe (Demographics.xls). So far I have had the following responses: USA - Yes Canada - Yes Belgium - Yes Germany - Need Demographic Information Australia - No South Africa - No Hungary - No Reply Spain - No Reply UK - No Reply If you are willing to pay for advertising in POA please let me know to what extent you are willing to pay. We can work a deal for 5 issues of both the European and 5 issues of the North American magazine (full color, full page) for US $20,000. Also, if you feel that it is not justified to pay the same amount in each country, then let me know what you would be willing to pay. Honestly, it's up to each of you, but I think that this is the best advertising punch for WCI globally. If we consider a full year of advertising in both magazines (NA and Eur), thats 6 X 2 = 12 magazines, we would be looking at US$ 24,000 / 9 or just US$ 2,700 for each of the our nine members. Let me know if you would be interested in 2002 as well. Time is a bit of an issue, excuse the pun, as we must firm up for the March/April issue by Monday. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel February 7, 2001 10:34 AM BQ - email to WC Group - Subject: POA Ad - Dear Members, I have been approached by Brett O'Kelley of Noria to place an advertisment for WearCheck International into their Practicing Oil Analysis magazine. Our rate for a full page advertisement (4-color) would be $3,900 to run in both their North American and European issue for March / April (one time). Who would be interested in contributing to this advertisement. I will do the artwork, and send PDF versions to all members for approval. December 16, 2000 4:15 PM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: Documentation required for research grants for year 2000 Billy Attached please find the files required to apply for the research grant for year 2000. I have completed all of the claim portion of the project for both files. In the Excel spreadsheet (Research2000log.xls) you need to fill in the actual work performed for each day where I have shown hours worked by Kevin Marson and yourself. I have removed all the text from this form, however have attached the file (Research1999log.xls) so you can see what you put in last year. In the WinWord document (Proj#3-2000) you need to fill in the dissertation for: Clause 5B - SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES SOUGHT IN TAXATION YEAR Clause 5C - SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGICAL UNCERTAINTIES THAT HAD TO BE RESOLVED IN THIS TAXATION YEAR Clause 5D - PROGRESS MADE TOWARDS THE OVERALL OBJECTIVES WITHIN THE PERIOD OF THIS TAXATION YEAR You may wish to modify some of the comments at the bottom of Clause 5E as well. I have high-lighted all of the pertinent clauses, in yellow. The file (Proj#3-2000) has the dissertation from 1999 left in - I have also included the file (Proj#3-1998) for 1998 if you want to go back to see former comments. When you are finished please email copies of Research2000log.xls and Proj#3-2000.doc back to me. William Quesnel Sr December 15, 2000 2:25 PM WQ - email to KM - Subject: Re: Pay Changes 2001 -Kevin - Thanks for swift reply. This looks good to me - will put it through as is. Bill Sr ----- Original Message ----- From: Kevin Marson To: Bill Quesnel Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 11:44 AM Subject: Re: Pay Changes 2001 Bill, Here are the changes that meet the 6% wage increase limit. Regards, Kevin Marson ----- Original Message ----- From: Bill Quesnel To: Kevin Marson Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 11:01 AM Subject: Pay Changes 2001 Kevin I have not heard back from you since I sent back your first proposal so I am sending you another with my ideas of what changes should be. Feel free to modify and send back to me. You will notice, that I too have exceeded the guideline of 6% (but remembered J.Yang quit last year and has not been replaced - so a bit of leeway there). William Quesnel Sr December 15, 2000 2:06 PM WQ - email to RI - Subject: Re: Pay Changes 2001 - Ruth Did you notice that I wanted to move all those people to "staff" instead of hourly pay? I simply rounded the pay out to work out to an even amount per month. Bill Sr ----- Original Message ----- From: Ruth Inglehart To: Bill Quesnel - Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 12:54 PM Subject: Re: Pay Changes 2001 Hi Bill I sent you an answer re wages on Dec 6 - apparently you did not get it. The increases you propose sound okay to me but I would have Debra at $11.50 not $11.54. Ruth ----- Original Message ----- From: Bill Quesnel To: Ruth Inglehart ; Gloria Gonzalez Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 11:05 AM Subject: Pay Changes 2001 Ruth Gloria I have not heard back from you since I sent back your first proposal so I am sending you another with my ideas of what changes should be. Feel free to modify and send back to me. You will notice, that I too have exceeded the guideline of 6%, however believe it is needed if we are gong to keep people in the key positions of Reception and Data Entry William Quesnel Sr December 15, 2000 12:56 PM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: Re: Working at Home - Billy !) Employees need to be at work to be able to service their customers, both outside and inside the company. If a customer telephones and an employee is at home, it would be possible to have the telephone lines arranged, however the employee may not have all the information at hand, or the convenience to discuss with peers to resolve enquiries. EXAMPLES: - A big problem we have right now, is that the computer system relies on you or Kevin being at work to "fix" things. If you are not there and it goes down, there is a lot of time lost, even if you can fix it over the phone. - If Gloria is at home and a salesman needs an answer to a situation with a customer that requires some discussion between herself, you and maybe Ruth, it will take much more time by telephone than it would if she were in the office. The end result is that customers are kept waiting for answers. 2) I have a hard time accepting "an elite group" that can choose to work at home, simply because the facilities are in place in the system to allow them to do so. Meanwhile the lab technicians who have to do all the testing, have to be at work to be able to do so - as that is where the machines are. The order takers and shippers also have to be at work to be able to do their work. These same "drones" are expected to wait to get answers to day to day problems or needs, until the "elite" member they need to talk to comes to work, and the bosses are not around to see if they are working or not. There will always be a resentment on the part of the workers toward those that are allowed to work from home, when the workers have to brave the elements to get into the work place to do their jobs. EXAMPLES: - When people are working from home and it is an exceptionally busy day, people are dashing around getting things done, the home worker does not see the efforts being made, so employees get the feeling that any extra efforts made are not appreciated. Why work? Nobody is watching! - By the same token the bosses cannot judge what the home worker is accomplishing unless it is pre-arranged in some form of project with deadlines. For a worker to book off and simply state "I am working on a project from home today" does not convey a good feeling to those in the office that anything is actually being accomplished. - Diagnosticians working from home cannot walk out into the lab and look at the oil. I know that the system is getting more and more sophisticated but oil analysis is still very much hands on. Diagnosticians can get a lab tech to rush a test on a sample easier if they are there in person. 3) Lack of coverage by cross-trained staff if they are working from home. Say the ultimate is achieved, most key people are working from home and an emergency arises for a key worker in the lab or office. The person who normally would help out and fill in, is at home, so that phase of the operation shuts down. 4) Lack of security. It is still an issue, regardless of how much you like and trust your staff. Sensitive information is being stored off premises. I am quickly listing the negative aspects I can think of, I am sure there are many more. Don't get me wrong - I do understand and appreciate that working from home is a big incentive to workers and a lot is accomplished through doing so. Dad ----- Original Message ----- From: Bill Quesnel - To: Bill Quesnel - Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 12:14 PM Subject: Re: Working at Home Dad, I do feel that there is place for working from home with some of our employees. What is required is to have a protocol in place, with definite schedules for projects and tasks that are to be undertaken. Part of the WebCheck Organizer module that I am developing relates to defining/assigning and creating deadlines for projects. We have developed a LIMS system that allows people to work remotely. I think that we should take advantage of that to expand our concept of our workforce. We have a tool that no other laboratory has yet we do not explore the possibilities that it presents. I believe that some people can be trusted to work at home on dictated schedules when given tasks that are clearly defined. In fact, this is one way to promote self-sufficiency for other employees. Typically having a person at work is used as a convenience for other people not to have to learn tasks, or cope with the continual presence of problems that are encountered on a daily basis. At WearCheck we have been very poor at assigning tasks to new individuals. It always seems that it takes quite the effort to relieve ourselves of these "older" duties. Perhaps it is best to determine what lies at the root of requiring an individual to be present every day, and develop into our business models strategies to cope with this. This would certainly assist in the cross-training of employees and would lower the impact of losing a "key" employee, while giving other employees added responsibility. Billy December 15, 2000 12:02 PM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: Fw: Working at Home - Bill - Just so you know - Kevin took exception to my remarks - with good cause! I did not explain myself very well in the original message, and it sounded as if I was tarring him with the same brush that Rod Raymond deserved. I have apologized and hope he can accept the apology and that it goes no further. I just wanted to "nip it in the bud" - with regard to Gloria starting to work from home. I am opposed to anyone taking time away from the office to work at home. I believe that our employees should be at the office during the day, as they are needed at the office. I know there is often projects that get behind and it would be nice to be able to get away and just do them, however we still need our people in the office. Dad December 15, 2000 12:01 PM KM - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Working at Home - Bill, Thank you! Kevin ----- Original Message ----- From: Bill Quesnel Sr : To: Kevin Marson CC Bill Quesnel Jr - December 15-00 11:53 AM Subject: Re: Working at Home Kevin Sorry I put you together with Rod Raymond when I called this a mistake. Rod is a case unto himself and you are not in that category. The only problem with working at home is that the employee is not at work - when and where needed. The mistake I made was allowing it to get out of control. Rod felt he was empowered to work at home because other people, you and Bill Jr were doing it, so why not him? Here is where the "mistake" crept in... Rod started taking days away from the office to work at home, so was not in the office where he was needed. It is another matter entirely that all the work he did at home - stayed at his home, and no copies came to WearCheck, that is another and much larger problem. I know that the work you are doing is resident in WearCheck's computers. Please accept my apology for generalizing this subject. I now realize it read very poorly, with the lack of explanation. I do trust you, and always have. I also know that you have the best interests of WearCheck at heart, often to your own detriment. I do not recollect the meeting where I expressed the opinion that I expect my managers to work 60 hours a week? I do often tell a story about a consultant that was hired by Boart that lectured to the managerial group at that company that they should be working 60 hours a week. I profess to working long hours myself as a method of getting ahead in the world (without anyone knowing how slow I really am). Then for myself the extra work I do is usually at something I really like to do and if I am working at something I really like to do - it is not work! ----- Original Message ----- From: Kevin Marson To: Bill Quesnel Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 11:20 AM Subject: Re: Working at Home Bill, I do not belieive it was a "mistake"(as mentioned in your e-mail: first line & paragraph). Most of my work now is computer related and does not always require me to be at WearCheck to complete these tasks. Also, we (you, Billy and myself) in the past had a meeting, where you inidcated you expect your Managers to work at least 60 hr/wk. First, I do not see this happening with all managers. Secondly, if one does (meet the 60 hr/wk min) how do you ensure the employee is properly compensated for this work. I do not necessarely mean financially, I would consider at least some flexibility as compensation. I have never been compensated for working on my own time (or within the 60hr/wk), which is no problem, but I do take exeption to the fact that my working external to the companys physical location is a mistake. I am not Rod Raymond, and my dedication to this company speaks for itself. The number of years that I've worked here should indicate to you that I can be trusted and my objectives/goals are not always in my self interest. Regards, Kevin Marson Laboratory Manager ----- Original Message ----- From: Bill Quesnel To: Gloria Gonzalez Cc: Ruth Inglehart Kevin Marson Bill Quesnel Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 11:23 AM Subject: Working at Home Gloria We will not pay for working from home. I made the mistake of allowing Kevin and Rod to do this in the past. It is now company policy that no-one will be paid for working from home. This applies to everyone. Any exception will be discussed in advance and agreed to by myself. William Quesnel Sr December 15, 2000 11:30 AM BQ - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Pay Changes 2001 -Dad, These figures look good. I am glad to see that Deen is finally getting a raise. I know that he will be in my office day 0 of the new raise announcements wondering why it wasn't $5,000. Regards, Bill ----- Original Message ----- From: Bill Quesnel Sr To: Bill Quesnel Jr Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 11:14 AM Subject: Pay Changes 2001 Billy I have not heard from you since I sent the spreadsheet for recommended salary changes, November 7. I have filled in my idea of what the changes should be and send it again attached to this message. I propose moving Gloria close to the 6% - she is still not doing the SALES job we need, however I feel it is not her fault. We need to eventually get her to the same level as the other managers so came half way. I have raised Ruth and Kevin only nominal amounts as both went to full car allowance this year. (worth about $8,000 per year). Please return with you opinions. Need to get this done in time to advise staff of their raises before year end William Quesnel Sr December 15, 2000 11:01 AM WQ - email to KM - Subject: Pay Changes 2001- Kevin I have not heard back from you since I sent back your first proposal so I am sending you another with my ideas of what changes should be. Feel free to modify and send back to me. You will notice, that I too have exceeded the guideline of 6% (but remembered J.Yang quit last year and has not been replaced - so a bit of leeway there). William Quesnel Sr December 15, 2000 9:38 AM WQ - email to BQ FP KM - Subject: Pumping Kerosene for the Filter Station Move -Bill Kevin Frank - If you want to use compressed air to push the solvent, something like this would fill the bill. I looked at the 16 gallon model #4264: http://www.citationce.com/fluidxtr.htm This company makes pressurized pump driven solvent parts cleaners and is located in Mississauga. I think a better alternative may be to purchase a pump from one of their solvent cleaners: http://www.citationce.com/prtsclnr.htm We could pump solvent out of a pail to the filter station and let it drain back into a clear carboy. You could use ordinary 10 gallon refillable pail to decant kerosene and bring the solvent into the laboratory. This way there would be no need for compressed air at all. These solvent pumps run in varsol. I called their office and talked to a tech representative (Bob) who assures me that the pump is safe for pump kerosene, as it is always submerged. You need to locate the switch safely away from the solvent or any fumes. Bob said the 110v pump sells for $160 - PHQ have two of these solvent cleaners and they are very durable and reliable. What do you think? Best Regards, William Quesnel December 12, 2000 11:23 PM WQ - email to GG (copy WC Team) - Subject: Working at Home - Gloria - We will not pay for working from home. I made the mistake of allowing Kevin and Rod to do this in the past. It is now company policy that no-one will be paid for working from home. This applies to everyone. Any exception will be discussed in advance and agreed to by myself. William Quesnel Sr December 12, 2000 11:07 AM WQ - email to GG RI - Subject: Wages - Hi - I have come back with some suggestions. I have based the Reception pay on the fact that we offered $11.00 per hour the last time we went looking, were not successful and have now offered $12.00. Deb had two raises in 1999 and I think if Deb wants the $12.00 per hour she should change jobs with Jody. Do you not think that the Receptionist has more responsibility when it comes to filling in for Ruth when away, and filling in for data entry, besides doing the job as Receptionist? I have reduced the amount for Charles, as he has had continued increases in the past few years, and a pretty hefty raise in 1998. He has been making more than the lab techs. Let me know what you think. William Quesnel Sr December 12, 2000 10:29 AM WQ - email to FP GG (copy WC Team) - Subject: Safety Meeting - Thursday Dec 14 - Frank & Gloria If you are doing a walk-through prior to the safety meeting please carry a print-out of the attached WinWord document and take a look at the things listed. I have compiled this list from some concerns raised by Barry, a walkthrough that I did on my own and from the minutes of the last Staff-Safety meeting. Will we all be there for the safety meeting Thursday this week? William Quesnel Sr December 12, 2000 6:10 AM RI - email to WQ - Subject: Fw: - Gloria has taken the day off today and sent me this e-mail. Does she get paid for working at home?? Ruth ----- Original Message ----- From: Gloria Gonzalez To: ruthi@wearcheck.ca Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 1:18 PM Ruth, I will be doing a lot of updating of units for Rod from home today. He needs this done before Christmas (which is when his contract with the Coast Guard ends). I hope that this will reflect on my paycheque. Gloria December 5, 2000 5:14 PM WQ - email to GG - Subject: Re: WAGES - Gloria - Did Debra want the receptionists job or is she content to stay at data entry? We are having the problem to fill the receptionists job. As far as I can see the receptionists job is more difficult than the data entry. Receptionist has to fill i for Ruth when she is away, has to be able to do data entry and be receptionist besides? Why should data entry get the same money as receptionist? Bill Sr December 5, 2000 2:46 PM GG - email to WQ -(copy RI) - Subject: WAGES - Bill, - Attached is my recommendation for Debra. I realize that it exceeds the 6%, however, if we have brought up the receptionist wages to $12.00, I can't see why we should pay Debra any less. She is a hard worker, and at this point I would REALLY hate to lose her and start this whole thing all over again! Gloria November 23, 2000 10:06 AM WQ - email to BG - Subject: Re: Confidential - Barry - You have raised concerns with your email. I believe these items should be brought to the attention of the safety officers, whether in open meeting or by private memo does not matter. I detect an undercurrent of animosity towards Frank in your document. I hope he is not overbearing in his status of safety officer, it would be unfortunate if true. I cannot let these points rest, so will be investigating this Friday, before the Staff Meeting. I will bring up the subject of cleaning work stations and the coat rack use, during the staff meeting. Thank you for making me aware. Regards Bill Q Sr November 22, 2000 5:43 AM BG - email to WQ (hard copy to BQ) - Subject: Confidential - Sir; The monthly staff meetings are to improve or progress the conditions or morale of personnel. Sir: I believe that the Safety Committee is' relax' when it comes to "sensitive issues". I have read the workplace inspection report Nov. 9, 2000 Please just think this over: 2-two 20 pound (BBQ style) tanks are under the fume - just below the glycol station : think maybe the doors should be marked and NO sources of ignition near by like power bars or etc. or about the case of tanks that are stored under the computer used for screening. People traditionally open the doors sit down put their feet in the cupboard in order to sit up to the key board and to screen samples ( no hazard here?) The filter patch station has been moved: are the chemicals flammable? if so you are not allowed to have non spark proof electrical sources in the whole fume Hood. Proof: notice the fan switches are spark proof and mounted EXTERNAL, the lights have cover for vapors to prevent ignition. So you take the ferrography station... Tetra is about flammable as gasoline (try WHIMMIS sheets) their is a 150 Watt bulb (un protected) about 1/2 inch from the samples vials which contain 1 ml to approx. 7 ml of tetra no hazard? Tetra is MEAN stuff.. The fume doesn't close, the ferrogram maker and DR unit were design to limit exposure to chemical hazard. BUT the front door doesn't close and a non spark proof fan blows across the front of the fume hood ... think maybe the airflow IN the fume hood is correct? Under the counter were the particle counter is try the six (6) or seven (7) chemicals their are they acids? or bases? Try the pull draws to the right of the 'ACID" cabinet I think you find more than 20 chemicals? The new Flammable cabinet.. some things are believe are flammable and acid/corrosive ah the other symbols for hazards stored within I believe should be affixed to the front outside surfaces (if the bottle has a emblem on the front indicating a hazard it should be on the door) The semi empty office had a tritrator (Old KF) now setting in the old ferrography station setting on the floor in the office for approx. 3 weeks let see chemical hazard and not to mention trip/break the unit. Boxes and misc. things are stored ALL over this office and the space/ room between the conference room and Mr. Quesnel office. This type of fraction has caused several individuals (yes me too) to be a PAIN! Coffee, yes I like to have coffee at my desk... The word"workspace" I believe is incorrect in the previous meetings definition. The hazard is the ACCIDENTALLY consumption of chemicals in a beverage (water, coffee, or pop). Kevin's office has cabinet FULL of chemicals (oil etc) why was the safety officer drinking in a office with a chemical tritrator setting on the floor? SUGGEST spaces/offices that have readily access to chemicals (including oil) are not permitted beverages or food for consumption? As it stands by the words "workspace" Ruth, Debra, and Bill Jr. should not be allowed this privilege? As I said I wish this to be treated as confidential and you sir consider this 'document' I know that as I have two "Chemicals" for chemical staining I cannot have the option of drinking or eating AT my workspace. I believe the time and effort put into some issues has been error and yes "do as I say not as I do". The lab staff when 'caught up' go and assist Charles/Sheryl ( as was seen last week. Curious the safety officer states the lab is in a pig sty BUT we go make kits for stock? The new coat rack "Nice to be used?" WHY was it installed then? Many of the Safety concerns could have address by this so called low sample period but we look the other way. I cleaned the fume hoods last and personnel stated chucking fluids at the drains, missing and leave the mess on the fume hood walls, Yeah this is a bitch memo but intended to raise a question not head hunting ( sure would like that, no secret I dislike Frank) November 14, 2000 7:17 AM RI - email to WQ - Subject: overtime spreadsheet, etc.- Attached is a spreadsheet for overtime for 1999 and 2000 up to Oct 31, 2000 also a spreadsheet for WAQ and KM for days away up to today Nov 14, 2000 Regds Ruth (see C:\My Documents\WearCheck\General\timeaway) (see C:\My Documents\WearCheck\General\overtime) November 9, 2000 8:49 AM WQ - email to AV JT JC GD BC - Subject: Bottle and mailer pricing - Colleagues During the Tulsa POAC some of you noticed WearCheck Canada's carton of sample bottles on display. You asked me the prices we are paying for these bottles and mailers we have purchased from WC South Africa's supplier. I sent a request to Bruce Jackson and he has replied with our costs in Canadian dollars: Hi Bill Hope you are well. Lesley asked me to contact you re the lead time of the sample containers. At present using the same numbers (50,000) as your previous order our lead time to shipping is in the region of 5 weeks. As mentioned last time our prices have increased due to substantial raw material price increases. Please find new prices below. WL1 (Inner Sample Container Lid) C$ 0.065 ea Sample Bottle Lid WB1 (Inner Sample Container) C$ 0.09 ea Sample Bottle WB3 (Top Hat) C$ 0.06 ea Used to do "bottoms" of oil samples WL2 (Outer Sample Container Lid) C$ 0.075 ea Mailer Lid WB2 (Outer Sample Container ) C$ 0.12 ea Mailer Screening of the Mailer C$ 0.06 ea Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information. Regards Bruce Jackson You can see from the above that the cost of Mailer (c/w lid) is C$ 0.195 (we reuse these) and the Sample Bottle C$ 0.155. Bruce email address is brucej@incp.co.za if you wish to contact him directly concerning any interest you may have in purchase of sample bottles and mailers. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca November 2, 2000 11:01 AM WQ -email to AV (copy BQ) - Subject: Canada - Andre - I hope you had a good trip back home, and did not find too much working waiting. We enjoyed the convention in Tulsa, but must admit I was pretty tired by the time I got back to Burlington. I have begun investigating bringing you to Canada and am working on the employment contract. I do need your resume (work history) to be able to proceed with getting a Visa. You should send detail of 1) Personal Information - This should include marital status, spouse, child's names. General outline of health, any serious problems? 1) Education - This should include levels achieved,with dates and detail of certificates or degrees. Please include any courses you have attended which granted certification of completion (including training on computers, or lab equipment) 2) Work history - This should include company worked for, date of hiring, detail of work responsibilities, and date of leaving. Please complete for each company you have worked for. Detail any promotions or changes in responsibilities showing dates during employment with each company. History should be from leaving school, up to and including present employment. Do you have a date in mind when you would like to begin with WearCheck Canada? This will get me started. Regards Bill Q Sr November 1, 2000 9:46 AM WQ - email to BQ KM GG RI - Subject: PEM - Plant Maintenance Engineering and Maintenance article - Gloria - I read the article you gave me "Technical know-how is important but attitude is the key to success" I suggest you give copies to Billy, Ruth and Kevin if not already done. I ask all of you to read it before the management meeting on Friday. I think we need to talk about the contents of this article as they apply to WearCheck! Billy - Gloria I have listed WearCheck in the Industrial Sourcebook section of PEM - Plant Maintenance Engineering and Maintenance website. You can find their homepage for the magazine at: http://www.pem-mag.com/ Regards Bill Sr October 23, 2000 10:51 PM WQ - email to KM GG FP - Subject: Storage Cabinets - Frank As stated in the warehouse last week you are authorized to go ahead and order the necessary gas storage cabinet (rack) and horizontal drum safety cabinet. I discussed with Andre from Belgium and they have a similar set-up for their bottles and barrels in their laboratory, as they felt it necessary for safety. Keep it within the costs quoted. Bill Sr Dear Bill: As noted in our last two workplace inspection reports, Gloria and I have recommended a storage cabinet for the drum of Heptane and compressed Gas cylinders (both full and empty) which are located in the warehouse. I have sourced a number of suppliers and have decided on Tenaquip. The cost is: For the horizontal drum safety cabinet: $1174.00 plus taxes which includes a drum cradle for easy handling and $672.00 plus taxes for the Gas Cylinder storage cabinet which holds 5-10 cylinders. Obtaining these two items would tidy up the warehouse and reduce the possibility of any accidents since we all use these items on a regular basis. Please consider this request and respond at your convenience. Regards, Frank Perri. October 18, 2000 9:22 AM WQ - email to GG BQ (copy RI KM) - Subject: Re: samples in lab - I think this a great idea. I can't see why diagnosticians cannot do some of the testing as well (when they have nothing else to do). Gloria, Bill, Kevin - did you not do testing and open samples when you were diagnosticians/ I spent Monday at WearCheck and noticed that Barry is walking around most of the afternoon with nothing to do but talk to people in the lunchroom. We are still paying him an hour per day of overtime? Bill Sr October 18, 2000 4:59 AM GG - email to BQ (copy RI KM WQ) - Subject: samples in lab - Billy, Please have a look at the number of tests outstanding in the lab vs. the number of samples to be diagnosed (713 vs. 15). What's wrong with this picture? Can we not have Barry and Deen help out a bit since they really have nothing to do and as you know the lab techs are in the warehouse in the mornings opening samples, which means that the lab is empty and no tests are getting done. If Barry and Deen can help open samples this can get the lab techs back in the lab, but no one here has the authority to ask them to do this. We have to do something about this before all the irate calls start coming in! HELP!!!! Gloria October 13, 2000 8:11 AM BG - email to Michel Murphy WQ BQ - Subject: Questions ref. RPD Rotary Ferrograph - irs; Several questions have risen about the RPD Rotary Ferrograph. Mr. Murphyof Analex Canada has suggested writing the questions down, e mailing them and having Mr. Ken Burnett/Murphy reply at the Niora Conference In Late Oct. Questions; 1) The amount of solvent for a sample (ISO 32 to 68) seems unclear. 2) Slide preparation "dry off the solvent by rotation at 200 rpm, PRESET 4, for a few minutes." Is this calculated in the "six minute" preparation time and this method of trying appears it may effect non ferrous particle distribution as well as lubricant degradation & corrosive wear indication. 3) If phosphate ester based lubricants require immediate wash cycle suspect one or more piece of equipment must have an expected life range well less that of the whole apparatus, what components are these and the replacement cost? (including the rotating head and Perspex guard). 4) "The PQ is a "standard method" please specify ISO/ASTM technique number. 5) Price of the consumables: glass slides, pipette tips (including capacity of pipette tip), 6) What is the ISO/ASTM technique for doing grease samples. 7)The rinse/sterilization of delivery system between samples leaves some doubt that the unit can go from a heavy sooted diesel type sample to a clean turbine sample without contamination.and, 8)The unit demands that the operator must control all stages of operation and per say can only operate one machine at a time. October 11, 2000 4:06 PM WQ - email to Mgt Team - Subject: Sci-Tech - Steve Earthy - Baird2000 - Billy - I was just wondering how Steve made out getting the Baird ICP up and running? We are enjoying the trade show in Las Vegas, but working hard as Larry has been feeling poorly since we are here and is missing a lot of booth time. Your mom and I are staffing the booth. Lots of old friends dropping by to shoot the crap with us, but some good business leads as well. Just did a US$400,000 quote for a customer in Idaho, good chance we will get it. Mom is off looking for a fax machine to send the quote. Wow! - is Vegas ever growing - more and more casinos, and bigger and better. We had dinner at Paris last night - very good. Dad October 5, 2000 9:27 AM WQ - email to Mgt Team - Subject: Re: Receptionist - Gloria et al - We will have to look at what we are paying Debra and adjust her if necessary. Is it also difficult to fill the data entry position, or just the receptionist? Further to this subject The end of the year is looming near. We are having difficulty filling the position in the front office (of receptionist-data entry-accounting assistant-etc), with someone willing to work on a permanent basis. Billy, Kevin and I had a discussion concerning the present dissatisfaction in the laboratory work force. Perhaps we need a major revamp of our wage structure. Are we paying adequate wages to retain the trained work force we have and to attract new people? The question of sick days is still hanging. Apparently some people are upset with my reply that I will not increase the number of paid sick days. Perhaps I am being too hard-headed? I would like each of you to do some research for the next management meeting, and let us table our views. I will conduct some investigation on my own. We should decide what the average wage increase should be for 2001, and or increase the benefits (more paid sick days). We have been forced to hold to minimum increases through the lack of profitability, however we are beginning to show some improvement in profits. Bill says that our employee reviews are long overdue. Please give the idea of employee reviews some thought and let us talk about how these reviews should be conducted, and by whom. I would also like to discuss the direction WearCheck is taking. We have been focusing on improvements in computer systems for managing the laboratory and delivering information. Do we need to turn some of this focus to further improvements in the laboratory and increasing marketing efforts? You have a profit sharing plan, and you should be outspoken with your views of how you can improve your paycheque. This is all food for thought, let's have a good discussion at the next meeting. Meanwhile we need to get somebody reliable as a receptionist+extras. Bill Sr October 5, 2000 7:44 AM GG - email to Mgt Team - Subject: Re: Receptionist - If we will pay $12.00 for this position, what does this mean as far as Debra goes? Debra has shown to be very responsible and dedicated her position and I would most definitely hate to see her get up and leave. I will call the agencies right away and let them know about the change. Regards, Gloria October 5, 2000 7:12 AM WQ - email to Mgt Team - The end of the year is looming near. We are having difficulty filling the position in the front office (of receptionist-data entry-accounting assistant-etc), with someone willing to work on a permanent basis. Billy, Kevin and I had a discussion concerning the present dissatisfaction in the laboratory work force. Perhaps we need a major revamp of our wage structure. Are we paying adequate wages to retain the trained work force we have and to attract new people? The question of sick days is still hanging. Apparently some people are upset with my reply that I will not increase the number of paid sick days. Perhaps I am being too hard-headed? I would like each of you to do some research for the next management meeting, and let us table our views. I will conduct some investigation on my own. We should decide what the average wage increase should be for 2001, and or increase the benefits (more paid sick days). We have been forced to hold to minimum increases through the lack of profitability, however we are beginning to show some improvement in profits. Bill says that our employee reviews are long overdue. Please give the idea of employee reviews some thought and let us talk about how these reviews should be conducted, and by whom. I would also like to discuss the direction WearCheck is taking. We have been focusing on improvements in computer systems for managing the laboratory and delivering information. Do we need to turn some of this focus to further improvements in the laboratory and increasing marketing efforts? You have a profit sharing plan, and you should be outspoken with your views of how you can improve your paycheque. This is all food for thought, let's have a good discussion at the next meeting. Bill Sr October 5, 2000 6:53 AM WQ - email to Mgt Team - Subject: Re: Receptionist - Gloria et al - Have we advised the employment agencies (Hire Purpose, Pro-Temps and any others) that we will now pay $12.00 as starting wage for the receptionist? I am opposed to employing related persons in situations where supervision is involved, and where the position and especially where the position requires sharing and close cooperation with other work departments. In my experience I have found that this situation sooner or later leads to conflict which is impossible to resolve without damage to existing work relationships. We need to be paying going rates to attract reliable permanent workers. Regards Bill Sr October 3, 2000 4:14 PM Dear Bill: As noted in our last two workplace inspection reports, Gloria and I have recommended a storage cabinet for the drum of Heptane and compressed Gas cylinders (both full and empty) which are located in the warehouse. I have sourced a number of suppliers and have decided on Tenaquip. The cost is: For the horizontal drum safety cabinet: $1174.00 plus taxes which includes a drum cradle for easy handling and $672.00 plus taxes for the Gas Cylinder storage cabinet which holds 5-10 cylinders. Obtaining these two items would tidy up the warehouse and reduce the possibility of any accidents since we all use these items on a regular basis. Please consider this request and respond at your convenience. Regards, Frank Perri. October 3, 2000 10:40 AM GG - email to Mgt Team - Subject: Receptionist - Managers, I would like to take this opportunity to express my concerns regarding the Receptionist position. I have been banging my head against the wall trying to come up with some answers for our problem. Unfortunately I have not found any. The lack of a dedicaded person up front is becoming very frustrating for Ruth and I, as we have to fill these shoes ourselves. I have spoken to many people regarding our situation, and it seems that we are not the only ones with the "Receptionist" dilema. It seems that this position is very "un-interesting" and people feel that if they miss a few days here and there that it won't matter because when they come in the next day there isn't a pile of work waiting for them. As we all know, this company requires all the days work (pre-logging and data entry) to be done on the same day that it comes in. I also spoke with Shirley Gajdemsky from Pro-Temps and she has informed me that the going rate right now for this type of work is $12.00/hour. I had offered this job previously to my step-mother, but she declined because she felt that the job description that I gave her and the pay did not match-up. On October 23rd I leave for Tulsa, which only leaves us 2 1/2 weeks to fill this position, which still doesn't give enough time to train someone efficiently. I really don't want to make a haste decision on hiring someone that will only get up and leave in a couple of weeks (again!), but it seems to be the pattern here. My older sister had come in for an interview the last time we did interviews, but obviously did not get hired, and she is certainly trainable, pleasant, looking for full-time permanent and doesn't mind the pay. If anyone has anything better to offer at this time, please speak now as we are running out of options and we need to fill this position yesterday. Best Regards, Gloria Gonzalez September 25, 2000 2:02 PM WQ - email to WC Group - Subject: Training - Colleagues I am ready to finalize the quotation for Husky - just a couple of points I need clarification on: - 1) Husky expects WearCheck Group to provide the sample kits with shipping paid both to the customer and for return of samples. Is your price as quoted sufficient to cover the shipping costs from your lab to the customer and return of samples to you? Customers could send in single samples. 2) Husky will place orders on WC Canada and we would refer orders to appropriate WC Group members for shipment. The program is "prepaid". WC Group will invoice WC Canada for shipments, and WC Canada will invoice Husky. WC Canada would pay WC Group members within 45 days of receipt of invoices. 3) The program will be a Husky brand name program (not WearCheck) You will ship your normal kits with the literature you require, only the brand name is changed. 4) Husky have requested that we ship 13 sample kits per machine. 5) Customers will most likely return single samples to the lab, on a "postage-paid" basis. 6) Will you provide training free of charge at your location? I propose to advise Husky that training is free of charge to their customers at any of the WearCheck laboratories, however we would expect to recover costs if we need to travel to a customer's location to provide training. If you agree with working within these conditions I will go ahead and complete the quotation for Husky. Please advise as soon as possible. Regards Bill Q Sr September 25, 2000 1:38 PM WQ - email to BQ - / Husky - Billy -Will this suggestion to Bob Cutler involve a lot of work on the program to implement, or would they be handled the same way the Belgians are now? I sent this out before I had your "Snowed Under" message this morning. Dad Bob - I discussed this with Bill Jr and we are willing to provide the WebCheck program based on a future payment once volume of business using the system warrants purchase. We agree that there is not enough business from the Husky program to warrant the purchase. We would only invoice you for the program once you decide that it is providing sufficient benefit to Robertson to warrant the purchase. There would be no change in the price. We feel that you could get started with the Husky program and if we ever get our act together with Volvo you would be online and running for that business. If WC Group is unable to generate enough worldwide business to warrant the purchase of WebCheck, then you will not have to pay at all. September 25, 2000 1:35 PM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: Re: Snowed under - Billy - You can only do what you have the desire and energy to do. That is one of the reasons I wanted to hold a meeting to prioritize WearCheck's projects and work load. I believe we should hold another meeting to revise the list, now that you have spelled out what you see as important requirements. I can make some quick suggestion, and these are only suggestions as I am not fully knowledgeable of what is involved in some of these projects. I make these suggestions and ask questions as a point of discussion: - Development of an industrial, and mobile training course (slides, documentation) - Yes these are important! Can Rod Raymond do immediate training? - Giving training courses ( 1 each per month, total 3 per month) - Rod Raymond, until you have the time, then train someone else to do this (Gloria & Salesmen) - A Quality System (documented, implemented) - This is already slotted to the back burner as it is not critical - WebCheck/LabCheck improvements (extremely numerous) - Is the system working for the majority of people? - If so make improvements only when critical. - WearCheck/WebCheck brochures - Yes - I agree you need this, and would be good to have for the show in Tulsa. - New GC procedure for Glycol (GC re-configuration, testing, writing of new procedure). - I though you had a process from the USA? - Make/Model database (codifying, entry of data, implementation into WebCheck/LabCheck) - Is this what Barry is gathering info for? - Fluids database modifications to incorporate daily upgrading and multi-laboratory - The "daily upgrading" makes this a huge project, is it necessary? - Automated Faxing/E-mailing - Was not aware that this is still a problem, what is the solution? This has been hanging a long time. - Employee reviews (well over-due) - You should let Managers review people that report to them, and you review the managers? - Will this work? - Conversion of WebCheck International to one WebCheck system - Is that any closer with the USA changeover? Can they simply feed data to the one system? - Volvo requirements (training course, WebCheck modifications) - Not sure what is required for Volvo as you have not said anything about it since the meeting. - Brandname Check-up (presentations for all our existing branded customers) - Can Gloria be trained to assist with these presentations and eventually do them? - Partner with a Western-Canadian laboratory - I am working on this one, need to hear from the Australians. - Implement a new customized SIF procedure for new bottles - I do not know what is needed to do this, but if I can help I will. - Improve current auto-diagnosis system - I suppose this is waiting on the Make/Models and Fluids databases to be improved? - Solicit advertisers for WebCheck to generate development revenue - Will the field sales staff help with this? What is required to get KleenOil going? WearCheck needs to prioritize projects because we work within a limited budget for money. Yes we are making money, and I too believe that we are poised on the brink of great things for WearCheck. I think the presentation in Tulsa will blow the competition away. We need to conserve our resources to the projects that are vital to our success, if we are going to work within our resources. As far as Andre goes: - I have discussed the possibility of his move to Canada to take over full responsibility for running WearCheck Canada. He would start as Laboratory Manager and gradually take on additional duties until he is running the place, as General Manager. I entered those discussions following our discussions where you stated you want to eventually move to CiNRG full time and not run the Laboratory. The offer has been made to Andre and it is with Gilbert's blessing. As stated previously the plan was as follows: - I would send information to Andre and Anne concerning the cost of living in Canada (real estate, rental homes, daycare, groceries..etc.) (done) - I would investigate Canada's Immigration policy with regard to Andre working in Canada (done - he will have no problem coming in) - I asked Andre to send his resume so I can design the job to fit his qualifications, so there will be no question of his being able to come to Canada (waiting on Andre) - Andre was to travel to Canada to spend a little time in the laboratory, talking to people and seeing how we work (scheduled for October, though no definite date) - As previously stated if Andre is coming to Canada to take on the job it will would be December of this year at the earliest. - We have to put together a financial offer for Andre - how much are we going to pay him? Should be structured on incremental increases as responsibility increases. - The plan was to have sufficient revenue generated in CiNRG for Kevin to move to work on CiNRG's payroll. We need to sit down and discuss the plan for Andre if your thinking has changed from the original plan. As far as I am concerned we are right on schedule, though I am not sure of the revenue being there for Kevin to move. Dad September 25, 2000 6:57 AM BQ - email to WQ - Subject: Snowed under - Dad, Just a little note to bring you up-to-date on the lack of completion of items at WearCheck. I just had a quality audit from Orenda Aviation, and it has brought some items to light. Firstly, both Kevin and I are unable to cope with the amount of responsibilities being thrust upon us. It is becoming frustrating trying to balance laboratory, employees, WearCheck USA, and all the projects that are ensuing. I include Kevin because really he is the only other person that has shown the desire to see change, the knowledge to make those changes, and the capability to implement changes around here. I would like to get an update on what is happening with Andre. Is he coming to Canada, if so when. What is the plan. Either I quit doing Web-programming, or I get someone in here who can actually make a decision about something and carry it out to completion. I cannot be the quality manager, the system administrator, database manager, IT manager, general manager, sales manager and vice-president. I read my e-mail today, and see Bob Starling's needs list as a result of our meeting in NC. This amounts to over 60 hours of work. I cannot do it and all the others things that I have to do, yet in the same breath I have to acknowledge that it must be done. Being this overloaded is causing me to drop too many balls. I am constantly letting people down in my inability to complete anything on time, or at all. Our laboratory techs deserve a full-time laboratory manager. We need a documented quality system in place. Barry is getting frustrated because I can't hold his hand on his projects. This Web stuff is consuming most all of my time, and what is left over is being culled out of me by any number of customer requests that I must fulfill (I give what I can to Gloria, but the rest I must do). I know what you are thinking, that I need to start assigning this stuff to other people, to start training them so that they can take over this stuff. I don't think you understand the magnitude of what I am currently doing. Especially the IT side. You really have no idea what it took to get the US laboratory to the point they are now. Bob Starling asked me where I found the time to do this, and this was not a light question. He is non-IT but he sure has seen enough of CTC's woes to understand that I have undertakend and completed an utterly incomprehensible task. Really he wasn't saying "where did you find the time to do this", he was saying "I don't believe that one person could single-handedly accomplish something that CTC has spend millions (yes millions) of dollars on, and is scarecly any closer to". I am not trying to sing my praises, just letting you know that I am getting discouraged. An install of the nature just completed for WearCheck USA takes a lot of work. This was by far the best change-over I've seen and many would agree. It has taken some of the poop out of me. I look ahead and see a very busy road. I am going to uncerimoniously turn down any new tasks from now until the New Year. Period. WearCheck is poised to be a great laboratory and with that a great source of revenue for it's owners. You and me. This place needs to run itself, though, and that is going to require someone like Andre. Someone dedicated to the laboratory, and the company as a whole. Seems that I am more dedicated to this Web stuff, and it is just been too successful to ignore. If you still want to sell WearCheck I am open to this idea. This company deserves top notch management. A little effort (and a few good people) would catapult WearCheck forward. I've just not got the time and energy. The desire is there, but I have to be honest with myself, and say that it is not going to get completed. An alternative would be to simply hire out the experience at a great cost and get some of these items done. We should discuss all this. I could easily sit down, make a list of what WearCheck needs to do to be successful, as long as there would be someone to actually carry this stuff out. Let me just itemize a few things: - Development of an industrial, and mobile training course (slides, documentation) - Giving training courses ( 1 each per month, total 3 per month) - A Quality System (documented, implemented) - WebCheck/LabCheck improvements (extremely numerous) - WearCheck/WebCheck brochures - New GC procedure for Glycol (GC re-configuration, testing, writing of new procedure). - Make/Model database (codefying, entry of data, implementation into WebCheck/LabCheck) - Fluids database modifications to incorporate daily upgrading and multi-laboratory - Automated Faxing/E-mailing - Employee reviews (well over-due) - Conversion of WebCheck International to one WebCheck system - Volvo requirements (training course, WebCheck modifications) - Brandname Check-up (presentations for all our existing branded customers) - Partner with a Western-Canadian laboratory - Implement a new customized SIF procedure for new bottles - Improve current auto-diagnosis system - Solicit advertisers for WebCheck to generate development revenue Bill Quesnel Vice-President September 21, 2000 3:01 PM WQ - emai to FP (copy BQ KM GG RI) - Subject: Re: Indoor Air Quality Testing - Frank Please leave discussion of this proposal to the next safety meeting. We need to consider the cost of this survey. Bill Sr September 20, 2000 11:42 AM FP - email to WQ BQ (copy GG KM RI) - Subject: Indoor Air Quality Testing - Dear Bill: I have researched and received several quotes for occupational hygiene monitoring. The quote provided by Pinchin Environmental is $2,095.00.(plus GST). The cost includes preparation and on-site field time, sample analyses, reporting and all disbursements. The objective of the testing would be to determine compliance with the occupational exposure limits set in the Ontario Regulation respecting Control of Exposure to Biological or Chemical Agents (O.Reg 833), and in the case of the office air quality sampling, conformance with non-industrial indoor air quality quidelines published by recognized authorities. Wearcheck uses many chemicals in the workplace but I have limited the testing to six. They are Isopropyl Alcohol, Toluene, Heptane, Kerosene, Tetrachloroethylene and Hexane. Samples would be collected over an eight hour shift to ensure they are taken during a representative period. Sample "tubes" would be worn by 1 person in the warehouse, 2 people in the lab and 2 people in the offices.The samples would be taken and analyzed in an accredited laboratory in accordance with the procedures outlined by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Blank samples would be taken and submitted for quality control purposes. The final report would outline applicable occupational exposure standards and guidelines, the results of the air sampling and recommend action if required. The final report would be received in about 4 weeks time once sampling and testing has been completed. I would strongly recommend we have this monitoring done. There has been a number of concerns from the employees with regards to the smell of solvents in the air. A report like this will put many minds at ease. Regards, Frank Perri August 14, 2000 9:55 PM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: Expenses - Air Fares Car Rentals - Billy - I notice in your expenses that you have not corrected your airfares and rental car costs. You show.. Month Air Fares Rental Car Total May $ 3,166.12 $ 2,755.00 $ 5,921.12 June $ 1,000.00 $ 1,633.50 $ 2,633.50 Totals $ 4,166.12 $ 4,388.50 $ 8,554.62 We Spent June $2,675.00 $ 1,261.50 $ 4,388.62 You said that the travel agency had overcharged you both on the rental car and air fares. did they credit you back? All in all the trip to Europe cost over $30,000 total for both of us.. Dad June 14, 2000 10:41 AM Q - Email to LC (Copy to BQ LQ) - Subject: WearCheck Canada (Sale) - Lesley Hope everything is well with you and yours. We are looking forward to the meetings in France, and seeing Gary, Jen, and WearCheck friends again, sorry you will not be there. You will remember some time back I sent around an Email looking for a manager for WearCheck Canada. We've had little response to that request, however we have been approached to sell WearCheck Canada. Bill Jr wants to devote his entire time to the development of the software he has created for our business and we have already created a new company CINRG. I really have no desire to operate the laboratory and while the oil analysis business is very interesting I can accomplish more running my mining business. Perhaps the best solution is to sell the business, so we are now thinking seriously of doing so. Last year in Spain you gave me the name of a contact in the company which purchased WearCheck RSA, and they did get in touch with me. We were really not ready to get serious about selling at that time, however we are now. If these people still have an interest, would you be so kind as to bring us together again. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca Cell phone (905) 467-3562 (carry with me all the time) Home phone (905) 335-9922 Home fax (905) 332-0289 June 14, 2000 10:41 AM WQ - Email to LC (Copy to BQ LQ) - Subject: WearCheck Canada (Sale) - Lesley Hope everything is well with you and yours. We are looking forward to the meetings in France, and seeing Gary, Jen, and WearCheck friends again, sorry you will not be there. You will remember some time back I sent around an Email looking for a manager for WearCheck Canada. We've had little response to that request, however we have been approached to sell WearCheck Canada. Bill Jr wants to devote his entire time to the development of the software he has created for our business and we have already created a new company CINRG. I really have no desire to operate the laboratory and while the oil analysis business is very interesting I can accomplish more running my mining business. Perhaps the best solution is to sell the business, so we are now thinking seriously of doing so. Last year in Spain you gave me the name of a contact in the company which purchased WearCheck RSA, and they did get in touch with me. We were really not ready to get serious about selling at that time, however we are now. If these people still have an interest, would you be so kind as to bring us together again. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca Cell phone (905) 467-3562 (carry with me all the time) Home phone (905) 335-9922 Home fax (905) 332-0289 June 14, 2000 10:41 AM WQ - Email to LC (Copy to BQ LQ) - Subject: WearCheck Canada (Sale) - Lesley Hope everything is well with you and yours. We are looking forward to the meetings in France, and seeing Gary, Jen, and WearCheck friends again, sorry you will not be there. You will remember some time back I sent around an Email looking for a manager for WearCheck Canada. We've had little response to that request, however we have been approached to sell WearCheck Canada. Bill Jr wants to devote his entire time to the development of the software he has created for our business and we have already created a new company CINRG. I really have no desire to operate the laboratory and while the oil analysis business is very interesting I can accomplish more running my mining business. Perhaps the best solution is to sell the business, so we are now thinking seriously of doing so. Last year in Spain you gave me the name of a contact in the company which purchased WearCheck RSA, and they did get in touch with me. We were really not ready to get serious about selling at that time, however we are now. If these people still have an interest, would you be so kind as to bring us together again. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca Cell phone (905) 467-3562 (carry with me all the time) Home phone (905) 335-9922 Home fax (905) 332-0289 June 14, 2000 10:05 AM WQ - Email to GC (WC - Aus) (Copy ot BQ LQ) -Subject: Re: Canadian Operations (Sale) - Greg As you can see Bill Jr., has copied me on your Email. We discussed at some length your enquiry and yes we are certainly willing to talk about selling the laboratory. Bill Jr wants to devote his entire time to development of software, and I have my mining buisness to run. We are in the process of trying to find a manager to replace Bill Jr to run the oil analysis business. We are looking for a unique individual - a "madman with a mission" that loves oil analysis, with all the qualifications to run the laboratory and advance our oil analysis business. We are finding this quest very difficult as the oil analysis field is a narrow one. Perhaps the best solution is to sell the oil analysis business, and I can see where it would be great fit for ALS. Bill Jr wishes to continue the development of the software (WebCheck is the Internet delivery/management system for sample information and LabCheck is the laboratory information management system that integrates our sample processing with WebCheck We formed a new company, CINRG, and the present plan is to sell the software from WearCheck to CINRG (as the cost of development has been borne by WearCheck). We would then license back the use of the software to WearCheck Canada Inc just as CINRG is licensing WearCheck USA, WearCheck Germany and WearCheck Belgium. We had an evaluation of WearCheck done three years ago, and I am in the process of having it brought up to date. At the moment Bill Jr is fully involved in amalgamating the WebCheck and LabCheck databases for WearCheck USA and WearCheck Canada, to bring us to one system. He is trying to meet a very tight deadline before the WearCheck Interanational Meetings July 1, so has little time to spare for anything else. He has requested that I handle coorespondence with you concerning the possible sale. We are both attending the meetings in France. Bill Jr is presenting a paper at the meeting on the future of oil analysis through the Internet and he is hoping to interest more of our associates in this software. I will be visiting the German and Belgium laboratories to discuss their involvement with WebCheck. We need to take some holidays following the WCI meetings and will be prepared to discuss the possible sale with you when we return from France at the end of July. We were dissapointed to learn Australia was not attending this year. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca June 13, 2000 7:21 PM GC - Email to BQ (Copied to WQ) - Subject: Canadian Operations - Bill - Just a quick catchup to see if you are still interested in persuing discussions with us re the sale of the Canadian business. As I had not heard from you I thought you may have reconsidered and feel that there would be nothing gained by exploring the option. What are your current thoughts. Greg F Kilmister General Manager Australian Laboratory Services Pty Ltd May 10, 2000 11:34 AM WQ email to WearCheck Group - Opportunity - WearCheck Canada Inc - I am sure that everyone knows of Bill Jr's plan to move his efforts more into software. He is now spending most of his time programming WebCheck and LabCheck (LIMS), those systems which allow us to work interactively with customers on the Internet. We have formed a separate company CINRG which will be devoted to working on software and Internet solutions. It has been a plan for some time that Bill Jr would eventually move full time to CINRG, and customer demand on the present systems is forcing the move. Bill will still be in close touch with WearCheck laboratories continuing to develop the systems, however he needs to leave the day-to-day running of WearCheck Canada soon. Kevin Marson our present Laboratory Manager has been working with Bill Jr developing the software, and he will eventually be joining Bill Jr at CINRG. Unfortunately we do not have an in-house successor for Kevin or Bill Jr. These moves will create an opportunity at WearCheck Canada. We need an individual that is keenly interested in oil analysis with a minimum of five years of laboratory supervisory experience. We are really looking for a "Madman with a Mission" that can bring special knowledge and training to WearCheck Canada. The individual should have training and experience with laboratory equipment (Baird Spectrometer, Houlian Viscometers, Hewlett Packard Gas Chromatograph, BioRad automated FTIR, Automated TAN-TBN, Automated Hiac/Royco Particle Counter, Automated Distillation Unit... Gibson auto samplers etc...). We would prefer someone that is already well experienced in the world of oil analysis who could step into our operation and "take over". I am sending this message out to WearCheck group on the chance that one of you may have an up-and-coming star that has progressed beyond a position that you can offer at the moment and you are at risk of losing such a top notch individual. The perfect candidate would eventually be running WearCheck Canada Inc. Please advise if you know of a good candidate either from within your operations or in an associated company. We need to fill this position as soon as we can, so please reply to me so that we can move ahead with alternate plans to fill the position. Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca April 24, 2000 2:10 PM WearCheck Sales Update for April 24, 2000 sent to all Field Sales Staff January 28, 2000 2:17 PM RR - e-mail to SR PN GM GL LL RL PD (Copy to JM WQ BQ) - We plan to pay for a one day training course through STLE, in Toronto on Feb 23rd. I am doing a wearcheck oil analysis course on the 24th, Billy is doing webcheck training on the 25th. I need to know ASAP who can make it. WC is paying for basic STLE course. I would like full participation. Hint!!!! Can discuss expenses! Things are progressing, we need to be the best trained, equipped and motivated. This is an opportunity to be heard! This is the time we discuss our future plans on sales, client and service support. Don't stay out in the dark, we might pass you by! (WQ - agreed WC would fund hotel rooms for out-of-towners - would like mini sales meeting) January 23, 2000 3:48 PM WQ - e-mail to BQ - Time to fill in the blanks for a research grant for 1999 Attached please find two excel files Research98log.xls is the one we did for last year, you can use as a guideline for the info I need. Research99log.xls has all the hours logged in for 1999 and is corrected for missed days and vacation time. I have filled in information for meetings according to my log of time spent at WearCheck. You will notice for instance that January 15, though a work day, is missing, as you and Kevin were both away that day. Can you fill in the blanks in "Description of Work" column similar to what was done for 1998 If you want to give general titles and descriptions at various locations, I can fill in the detail. At least give me a few dozen work descriptions that I can expand on. I have also included Proj#399.doc in MSWord format - the actual claim document. We need to edit Proj#399.doc to produce a new detailed report for or 1999 research claim. I have edited all the sections I can, excepting those requiring descriptions of work. I left 1998 information in the following clauses - you need to change the wording to edit to 1999 information: 5B Scientific & technological advances sought in the taxation year 5C Scientific & technological uncertainties that had to be resolved in this taxation year 5D Progress made towards the overall objectives within the period of this taxation year 5D Major activities carried out in the period of this taxation year This year we should get approximately $40,000 from this. As always, need to get this done soon so Ruth can finish 1999 year end. Then Dave Alexander can file year end taxes and conduct accountants review of WearCheck. When you get done with these please send back to me by e-mail. I will finish up, review one more time for any errors I may have made, cross-check documents, and deliver to Dave. Dad November 24, 1999 10:14 AM WQ - e-mail to BQ - Attached please find two excel files Research97log.xls is the one we did for last year, you can use as a guideline for the info I need. Research98log.xls has all the hours logged in for 1998 and I have corrected for vacation time away for employees, as well as according to my log of time spent at WearCheck. Can you fill in the blanks in "Description of Work" column similar to what was done for 1997 If you want to give general titles and descriptions at various locations, I can fill in the detail. At least give me a few dozen work descriptions that I can expand on. I have also included Proj#397 We need to write a new detailed report for Proj#398 Can you take a look at the following clauses: 5B Scientific & technological advances sought in the taxation year 5C Scientific & technological uncertainties that had to be resolved in this taxation year 5D Progress made towards the overall objectives within the period of this taxation year 5D Major activities carried out in the period of this taxation year I need you to write in the details for these four clauses. It is always nice to get that $30,000 cheque that comes from this. We need to get this done pretty soon as Dave Alexander needs it to file our year end taxes and conduct the accountants review of WearCheck. When you get them done please e-mail to me and I will finish up and deliver to Dave. Thanks Dad November 24, 1999 10:14 AM WQ - e-mial to BQ - Attached please find two excel files Research97log.xls is the one we did for last year, you can use as a guideline for the info I need. Research98log.xls has all the hours logged in for 1998 and I have corrected for vacation time away for employees, as well as according to my log of time spent at WearCheck. Can you fill in the blanks in "Description of Work" column similar to what was done for 1997 If you want to give general titles and descriptions at various locations, I can fill in the detail. At least give me a few dozen work descriptions that I can expand on. I have also included Proj#397 We need to write a new detailed report for Proj#398 Can you take a look at the following clauses: 5B Scientific & technological advances sought in the taxation year 5C Scientific & technological uncertainties that had to be resolved in this taxation year 5D Progress made towards the overall objectives within the period of this taxation year 5D Major activities carried out in the period of this taxation year I need you to write in the details for these four clauses. It is always nice to get that $30,000 cheque that comes from this. We need to get this done pretty soon as Dave Alexander needs it to file our year end taxes and conduct the accountants review of WearCheck. When you get them done please e-mail to me and I will finish up and deliver to Dave. Thanks Dad May 8, 1999 5:01 PM Following is our itinerary for Spain June 11 - 9:15 p.m. - Depart Toronto on Air Canada Flight 9104 June 12 - 10:40 a.m. - Arrive Frankfurt - Germany June 12 - 1:55 p.m - Depart Frankfurt on Lufthansa Flight 4316 June 12 - 4:05 p.m - Arrive Bilbao - Spain Staying at the hotel arranged by WearCheck Spain (Tekniker) We will be taking day trips around the area in Spain and may go overnight to France one night To arrange accommodations in Spain get in touch with Gema Baque (e-mail = gbaque@tekniker.es) July 1 - 12:40 p.m. - Depart Bilbao on Lufthansa Flight 4377 July 1 - 2:50 p.m. - Arrive Frankfurt - Germany July 1 - 5:00 p.m. - Depart Frankfurt on Air Canada Flight 9105 July 1 - 7:15 p.m. - Arrive Toronto Price for each of three passengers is Canadian $ 1,050.00 + $ 23.00 tax = $ 1,073.00 April 26, 1999 9:54 AM WQ - e-mail from Claude Lafleur re Spectrometer up-grades, Here's the information that you requested regarding th eservicing of your lab equipment. Thermo Instruments ( Canada ) Inc. 5716 Coopers Avanue Unit # 1 CDN-Mississauga Ontario L4Z 2E8 Tel. (905) 890-1034 Fax (905) 890-5775 They've worked on our ARL spectrometers. I'm not sure what other instrumentation they will service. April 19, 1999 1:44 PM WQ - E-mail to Rod Bill - following our discussion Friday I feel a need to make a definitive statement to remove any confusion that could arise from our discussion. I stated that I find there is a conflict of interest in having your son Nathan working for WearCheck as a commissioned Field Sales person. I explained to you that because you hold some responsibility for what the Field Sales staff are paid, it would cause problems with other members of our staff and that there is already some grumbling about it. I do not doubt your honesty however you are placing yourself in position to be questioned whenever there is any benefit given to Nathan, whether earned or not. You are in a position of responsibility for our Field Sales Staff, (commissioned sales staff), and WC reserve the right to change borders of sales areas, commission status and set the qualifications that we want our Field Sales staff to have. Any changes we would want you to implement that would involve Nathan will always be called into question. We cannot allow this condition to arise. I insist that you terminate WearCheck's relationship with Nathan, however WC will honour his commission status, and pay commission to him for his existing customers for our normal four month period. Yours Sincerely, Bill Quesnel President WearCheck Canada Inc. bquesnel@partshq.com April 19, 1999 1:43 PM WQ - E-mail to Bill Rod Ruth Kevin Gloria - This is a follow up to discussions Friday April 17 held by Bill, Rod and Bill Sr.. concerning improving WearCheck Canada sales. We talked about how WC can use the coming computer technology to make money. Bill Jr. is confident that a program can be written to incorporate the information now handled by accounting (ACCPAC) the laboratory (LIMS) and the sales department (MAXIMIZER) to provide a powerful information system to the benefit of Sales, Accounting and the Laboratory. The new program would be internet based and eventually provide live information to everyone's fingertips - Field Sales included. Bill Sr. agreed it would be good if we could combine all these databases so that we are dealing with only one list. It will also be great if Field Sales can get feedback on what is going on with customers. Rod said that there are many customer issues and requirements stacking up and not getting done, and that the Sales dept is reluctant to address any more than they already have, as he realizes the work load everyone at WC Mississauga has. We agreed there is a real need to get our computer programs (WebCheck) working for WC's benefit and it can be most useful to us as a tool to secure our existing customers, and stop us from losing customers as fast as we get them. We discussed the need to get as many of our customers as possible using WebCheck and eliminate mailing and faxing of samples (despite the fact that Bill is implementing a new fax program that will allow diagnosticians to fax reports (that will print out the way they appear in the program) directly from the diagnostic screen. In this respect we have already agreed that existing customers are to be offered one free WebCheck login if they will agree to discontinue mailing of reports and faxing of abnormal samples - we will still phone direct to customers concerning severe reports. WC is to get more aggressive in offering this service to help cut down on printing and faxing time. Rod and Bill Jr. will write up how this offer should to be made and what type of customers will qualify for the free service. We also talked about the need for Mississauga office to back up our field sales staff. Rod admits that there could be much better back-up provided to field sales staff by resolving customer database information problems, handling quotes to customers, providing sales leads that emanate from samples received at WC) and by improving our direct contact with customers. Bill Sr.. stated there is a need to continue using Maximizer to track Fields Sales call reports to keep tabs on the Field Sales commission status, and provide a "Prospect" database for Field Sales to work with. First and foremost on the list was getting Gloria trained to handle inside sales administration. In this respect Bill Jr. said we will free Gloria up from doing data entry, pre-logging and other duties to allow her time to address sales issues. Rod has agreed to spend more time in the Mississauga office. Bill Sr. asked Rod to spend 5 days a week 8 hours a day in Mississauga for the next several months working with Gloria and Bill Jr., until the backlog and other important customer concerns are addressed. Bill Jr. has agreed to work with Gloria to clear off the backlog and to train her to be able to set up people to utilize the computer programs. Bill Sr.. stated Rod is to stop making independent sales calls and focus on training the people that should be making the calls. He should not visit customers unless there is someone with him being trained, either the field sales agent that is responsible for the customer (getting the commission) or someone from inside WC Mississauga (Gloria or a diagnostician). Rod needs to make only important outside calls and every call Rod makes should be helping to train other people to do their job better. Rod is to let Ruth, Gloria and Bill Jr. know where he is when he is out of the office, whether working with a salesman or visiting customers. We talked about the need to improve the level of technical expertise of our field sales staff. They need to become computer literate, and at least have the ability to participate in the coming technology that will give them an advantage in our industry. Bill Sr. talked about the need to provide computer hardware to sales people to get them on the system. Rod says that most of the salesmen have computers and just need to get with the program. Bill Sr. asked Rod to work with the salesmen to get them using the internet to send in call reports and be able to access WebCheck. Bill Sr. asked Rod to write a review of the field sales staff and their individual skill levels. Do we have the field sales staff that can do the best job for us - will they be able or have the desire to use the coming technology. Do we need to make some changes. Bill Sr..I stated that John Murphy is to be treated as an exception, hopefully we can get him to use the computer, however he is filling an immediate need for WC to have a strong presence in the area where Cleveland Tech are trying to get going. Any changes (terminations) in field staff are to be discussed before implementation. Rod and Ruth are to work together to decide which types of sales call reports are not acceptable. Bill Sr. made a few suggestions - "left my card", "everything OK", "called left message", "will call back" . In other words call reports that signify there was really nothing accomplished, will not up-date the salesman's commission status. Field sales staff need to give us much more information, so we can know our customers and deal with their expectations. A memo is to be sent to Field Sales staff pointing out what WC will and will not accept as bona-fide call reports. (Please copy all memos in this concern to Bill Sr. and other members of the management team.) We discussed brand name sales and restated that sales people do not earn commissions on sales of brand name samples as our profit margins do not allow room for commissions. (KOWA especially). I welcome your input to what I hope will be ongoing improvement in our sales performance. I want have another management meeting in a couple of weeks to review progress. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel bquesnel@partshq.com January 24, 1999 2:27 PM Attached please find two excel files Research97log.xls is the one we did for last year, you can use as a guideline for the info I need. Research98log.xls has all the hours logged in for 1998 and I have corrected for vacation time away for employees, as well as according to my log of time spent at WearCheck. Can you fill in the blanks in "Description of Work" column similar to what was done for 1997 If you want to give general titles and descriptions at various locations, I can fill in the detail. At least give me a few dozen work descriptions that I can expand on. I have also included Proj#397 We need to write a new detailed report for Proj#398 Can you take a look at the following clauses: 5B Scientific & technological advances sought in the taxation year 5C Scientific & technological uncertainties that had to be resolved in this taxation year 5D Progress made towards the overall objectives within the period of this taxation year 5D Major activities carried out in the period of this taxation year I need you to write in the details for these four clauses. It is always nice to get that $30,000 cheque that comes from this. We need to get this done pretty soon as Dave Alexander needs it to file our year end taxes and conduct the accountants review of WearCheck. When you get them done please e-mail to me and I will finish up and deliver to Dave. Thanks Dad Dad November 9, 2001 10:30 AM WQ email to RI KM GG BQ RB - Subject: Short Term Sales Project - Hi - Following our meeting yesterday I am not sure that I made the point about short term sales increase with enough emphasis. Wear Check Canada needs to quickly boost in sales in the short term! It is good to formulate a proper strategy and then pursue that strategy, however I would like to see parallel testing of the strategy combined with formation of a master plan. I think it is a great idea to get the new CDRom of companies (in January) and set up to transfer files to the salesmen, however in the short term we should test the theory. These efforts should produce short term sales and it should allow us to modify the approach to the program as we go, depending on results. I want you to do the following: Ross - please print out pages of the company listings, mark companies, and pertinent information, include: - contact person (or persons) - type of sample program proposed (mobile - plant - etc.) Gloria - you can either create a new database in Maximizer (Prospects) or use existing Customer data base Gloria - type the company listings including the info marked by Ross into Maximizer. Set-up and/or fill in the user defined fields for: - number of employees (shown in listings) - type of sample program proposed - sales area (according to new boundaries) - salesman You can delegate this if you instruct on how it is to be done. Gloria Ross Billy & Me (if you want) - develop mail-out packages (or email packages) customized to required types of programs identified and proposed in selecting potential customers. Gloria - create templates of covering letters (customized to the program type) to go with the mail-outs in Maximizer (I can help you with this) Merge mail can pull from defined fields and create letters including: - customer name address phone fax etc. - customer contact name - sales rep's name - type of program - and any other fields wanted in the letter (that have been put into Maximizer) Gloria - use click and drag to print individual letters to prospect contacts. When you print out a letters, it save a record of the letter in the prospect file in Max (including date printed) Gloria - as each package is sent out, send files of prospects including copies of the covering letter to relative salesman Gloria - if a response is received advise the salesman ( if you ask for prospects to respond by email, you can drag and drop into notes). This is a very basic outline of what I would like you to do, and you may have much to add to this, however I want the project run through Maximizer so it can be tracked and measured. I think a quick project like this (in the short term) would go a long way to impressing field sales staff that Gloria, Ross (and head office) are working to help them in the field. It may especially impress our new field sales staff, and reassure Paul Dumont and Len Leblanc that we are not changing the way they work simply to bug them or cut their earnings. William Quesnel Sr Public (905) 569-8600 Phone (905) 569-8605 Fax 7791 (800) 268-2131 Watts Public ON Head Office L5L 5R3 P.O. Box 116 1 Uerschlweg 28 WC - International Member Brannenburg WearCheck Deutschland GmbH WearCheck Deutschland GmbH Germany WearCheck Deutschland GmbH 010827000013564741967C Oil Analysis Laboratory February 2, 2001 10:49 AM WQ - email to BW PW (copy RI BQ) - Subject: WebCheck and Germany - Barbara and Peter Bill Jr and I have discussed the situation with regard to Germany and WebCheck. We feel that you have chosen to "go your own way" at WearCheck Germany with regard to Internet based software. You are not promoting the WebCheck software as "WebCheck" as required by the agreement but have re-named the software to OelCheck as per your login page at http://www.oelcheck.de/default.asp?Lang=DE You are operating the software on your own server which would make if very difficult for us to continually customize any improvements to fit your operations. We believe from our conversations that you have added to the WebCheck software and programmed modifications into the software. We are continually working on WebCheck to improve functionality, however many of the changes are fundamental to the software platform, and would require separate modification tailored to your server. This situation is impractical from a software development approach, and certainly not affordable at the prices quoted. The original proposal called for deployment on a central server (such as we now have shared between Canada and the USA) where the improvements are made, and shared by those using the system. You preferred to have your own server and operate your own system. The spirit of WebCheck is to build a centralized, internet based system, to minimize the cost of software development and provide leading edge information management systems for oil analysis customer, laboratories, equipment manufacturers, oil companies and consultants. Invoice No. INN0048955 was issued as a routine by our accounting system and I have now instructed Ruth our office manager to issue a credit note for that invoice. We cannot provide improvements to the original WebCheck software in Germany, under existing conditions, so in future we will discontinue invoicing WearCheck Germany for this item in the agreement. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca WearCheck Canada Inc http://www.wearcheck.ca BW - email to WQ - Subject: Fw: Invoice No. INN0048955 From: Barbara Weismann To: 'billq@wearcheck.ca' Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 12:17 PM Subject: Invoice No. INN0048955 Hi Bill, we are really surprised as we received your invoice dated Dec.31, 2000. We agreed an "Initial sign up fee" and an "Annual fee to fund further development of software-upgrades". The "Annual fee to cover costs of web-hosting and T1 access lines" was taken off. We paid: USD 6000 Initial sign up fee USD 2000 Annual fee 1998 USD 2000 Annual fee 1999 We never received any support or software-upgrades. Sometimes you make promises to Peter on the phone, but nothing arrived. Since end of 1998 we don't have access to the International Web check program. During the WEARCHECK-Meeting in Colmar you committed to give us no further support and updates, because we are working with our own webserver. Working with our own Webserver and not going on your platform was known as we signed the agreement - that is why we took off the annual fee for web-hosting. If you changed your mind and will send us your software upgrades since 1998, give us support for our questions and give us access to the International Webcheck program, we will pay immediately. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH February 2, 2001 4:00 AM BW - email to WQ - Subject: AW: Subject: AW: BP - Burmah Castrol Marine - Shipping Hi Bill, We will cover all the countries where we are the owner of the trademark. We had send the list of theses countries several times - at least 2nd October 2000. Following the countries again: Germany, Austria, Switherland, Russian Federation, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Chechien, Belarus, Croatia, Latvia, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden. The price does not include the shiping to our lab. The shipping costs from the various countries are listed in your proposal for Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd. dated Sept. 2000. But we feel theses informations are not necessary in the moment. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH January 29, 2001 9:12 AM BW - email to WQ - Subject: Fw: Invoice No. INN0048955 From: Barbara Weismann To: 'billq@wearcheck.ca' Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 12:17 PM Subject: Invoice No. INN0048955 Hi Bill, we are really surprised as we received your invoice dated Dec.31, 2000. We agreed an "Initial sign up fee" and an "Annual fee to fund further development of software-upgrades". The "Annual fee to cover costs of web-hosting and T1 access lines" was taken off. We paid: USD 6000 Initial sign up fee USD 2000 Annual fee 1998 USD 2000 Annual fee 1999 We never received any support or software-upgrades. Sometimes you make promises to Peter on the phone, but nothing arrived. Since end of 1998 we don't have access to the International Web check program. During the WEARCHECK-Meeting in Colmar you committed to give us no further support and updates, because we are working with our own webserver. Working with our own Webserver and not going on your platform was known as we signed the agreement - that is why we took off the annual fee for web-hosting. If you changed your mind and will send us your software upgrades since 1998, give us support for our questions and give us access to the International Webcheck program, we will pay immediately. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Kerschelweg 28 D 83098 Brannenburg Germany Fax: + 49-8034-9047-47 Tel.: + 49-8034-9047-17 E-Mail: bw@wearcheck.de Internet: http://www.wearcheck.de January 8, 2001 8:33 AM BW - email to WQ BC - Subject: WG: Round Robin Samples - Von: Barbara Weismann - Gesendet: Montag, 8. Januar 2001 19:34 An: 'gregK@als.com.au'; 'gilbert.demey@wearcheck.com'; 'andre.verlinden@wearcheck.com'; 'billqsr.@wearcheck.ca'; 'billq@wearcheck.ca'; 'jtchambers@compuchemlabs.com'; 'lesley@wearcheck.co.za'; bob.cutler@robresint.co.uk'; 'JBerecz@mol.hu' Betreff: Round Robin Samples Dear WEARCHECK-Member, All the best for the New Year 2001 from WEARCHECK Germany. We received one Round Robin sample (only 1, not 4 as stated in the IWCG-Meeting) on 31th october 2000 from WEARCHECK Belgium. On the 2nd november we send the lab-report with our diagnose per mail and per email to WEARCHECK Belgium. Till today we did not receive the summary of the results from the Round Robin Test. But note: Liebherr Colmar received such a summary on the 4th January. This information for Liebherr includes all the results and diagnose-statements with the name of the individual lab and a translation from the English diagnose-statements into French. We think, we all participate on the Round Ronbins with the impression that the results should treat confidentially. If an information about the Round Robins should given outside of the WEARCHECK-group following points should be observed. * First of all, the Round Robin-participants should be informed. * If anybody will use the results outside the group, he needs the agreement of all the members. If there is no unanimity consensus it is not possible. * If results are going outside the group, there should not be shown the individual lab. This is the normal procedure by every Round Robins we participate. Liebherr contacted us to discuss the results of every group member. They were really surprised that we did not have the results in hand and that they got the results classified to each lab. I informed Andre Verlinden that Liebherr like to discuss the results with WEARCHECK Germany and we don't have the results. In the meantime we got the results from Liebherr (not from WEARCHECK-Belgium) and we had the discussion. Even in our opinion the variation of the results for the wear-metals are relatively close. But Liebherr made an in-house conclusion, because the values vary in some metals by more than 50%., they can not be satisfied with the WEARCHECK group. It seems that sending out the summary without any additional explanation has created unnecessary mistrust. We tried our best to harmonize the situation, but a shadow against the quality of the laboratory-work of the WEARCHECK group will remain. Basically Liebherr complains that we are talking about Internet and uniformed data-platform, but on the other side we are not able to streamline our laboratory-results. The same conclusion which was made during the IWCG-Meeting 2000 by Mr. Haas now has moved to their upper management level. Re: Future processing Round Robin samples We had the commitment 4 Round Robin samples should send out 4 times a year (July 2000 to June 2001). After 6 months until now, we have only 1 sample and no summary. Is this a sign that we are going to stop the Round Robin in the WEARCHECK group completely and participate only on external Round Robins? Please think about the situation. Your short comment is welcome. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Kerschelweg 28 D 83098 Brannenburg Germany Fax: + 49-8034-9047-47 Tel.: + 49-8034-9047-17 E-Mail: bw@wearcheck.de Internet: http://www.wearcheck.de The translation from our diagnose-statement does not correspond with our original, some statements are missing . We showed Liebherr our Original Lab report and they saw by themselves the incomplete translation (conscious or unconscious?). We don't know what was the reason for the translation. The responsible people in Liebherr are used to read and understand the English language. Original diagnose-statement on our WEARCHECK-Lab report Reduced dispersions in the blotter test, traces in the IR-Spectrum and the presence of typical Antifreeze Additives like Boron (B), Sodium (Na) and Potassium (K) let assume coolant leak (or wrong handling during topping-up). Please dobble check for coolant leeaks (wet cylinder liners). Copper and iron slightly increased. Oil change because of the antifreeze or repeated oil analysis is recommended (even if the ASTM glycol test is negative)! Severe damage may occur on all of the oil-wetted components! Translated diagnose-statement from Belgium La presence des additifs glycol comme Bore, Natrium et Potassium indique la presence de glycol dans l huile. Veuillez bien verifier le systeme frigorifique. Teneurs en fer en cuivre un peu elevees. Nous vous conseiillons de changer la charge d huile a cause du glycol ou de nous envoyer regulierement un nouvel echantillon. September 7, 2000 6:03 AM BW - email to WQ - Subject: AW: Practicing Oil Analysis Conference Planning - Hallo Bill, WEARCHECK Germany will not visit the Practising Oil Analysis Conference 2000 in Tulsa. We feel it make no sense to display german informations and literature. We wish a successful exhibition. Best regards Barbara Weismann September 6, 2000 4:31 AM GD - email to BW (copy to Group) - Subject: RE: Invoice for participation to the WEARCHECK meeting in Munster Dear Barbara, We would like to clear up some misunderstandings with regard to your e-mail. Indeed we have divided the costs for the participation of Noria since he was invited as a guest speaker coming from the States. As you are well aware, Noria is a major key player concerning technology information in the field of oil analysis. Noria is probably the most important supplier of archived know-how in our line of business. In our opinion, and I believe the other members will agree, it is better to treat Noria as a 1st class partner in order to be able to get the best out of them so that we are in the front line when receiving information and have a competitive advantage. By means of our seminar in Munster and by socializing, we can now say that Noria and its manager, Jim Fitch, have become valuable partners for our business. We therefore do not regard Noria as a simple supplier, but more as the gateway to the essential information and data we will need more and more in order to be able to run our businesses professionally in the future. Concerning your remark on the insurance; As organizer of a seminar in a foreign country, you need to cover the participants as much as possible. One of the first steps in any pro-active maintenance schedule is to prevent accidents from happening through a proper maintenance policy. Avoiding personal accidents is however not always possible, but you can cover the risks by taking an insurance that covers all participants for risks not covered by their own insurance. As organizer we felt it necessary to protect all participating members to a maximum degree. As long as nothing happens, everything will always be ok but as soon as something major happens, you better need to be covered as much as possible. Often the local insurances do not cover the accidents that occurred during a seminar abroad. Moreover as organizer it would have meant a lot of work asking each participant if he was insured and what risks that insurance would have covered. For only 160 ff (approx. 22 US$) you were covered for all possible accidents during the seminar, you were covered against theft, loss of luggage and personal belongings. We care for the members within the WearCheck Group. The reason for organising the seminar in a place away from the business is just to encourage the informal contacts and to enhance the relationship between the different members. Casual conversation during diners can be more productive than spending 8 hours in the conference room. At the seminar in Munster, business always came at first, even during diner most of the conversation was an exchange of ideas and projects. External interference is much higher when having the seminar in its own organisation. The risk of being disturbed with questions and matters to follow-up is much higher. Moreover in this way, families with children and participants did not have to travel back and forth but the whole group was able to stay together all the time, even during the periods of the seminar. Hotels nowadays provide all necessary equipment as you can find in an office. And if you participate to a congress or seminar, you are supposed to be prepared and bring all the necessary data with you. If you look at the minutes of the meeting, you will notice that it was a very productive and rewarding meeting indeed. On the invoice you will notice that we only mentioned the costs for participation to the seminar. This amount is very low and the tax-inspector will accept this without any questions. If he should ask for more, it is not necessary to provide him all the details. If you look at the cost of one-day seminars here in Belgium or abroad, the amount you have to pay is really peanuts (only 914 FF or approx. 125 US$ for 2 persons; 322 FF for the insurance and 592 FF for the participation of Noria). We have better things to do than spending our time on this matter. If you feel that the amount we charge you is not correct, let us know so that we can issue a credit note for that amount. We won t enter into further discussions or explanations about this matter. We are proud to be a member of the WearCheck group and we truly believe in its potential. These international meetings are an essential step for the growth of WearCheck International. We want to be part of this growth by the further development of mutual projects and by the continuous exchange of information and data within the group. We sincerely hope that all the other members feel the same way. Yours Sincerely, Gilbert De Mey September 5, 2000 5:15 PM BW - email to WC Group --Subject: Invoice for participation to the WEARCHECK meeting in Munster Hallo Gilbert, yesterday we received your invoice for the participation to the WEARCHECK meeting in Munster. We were surprised about the costs for the participation of Noria. For our opinion Jim Fitch was invited to present his service and his company. Similar presentation we had in Munster by Labotec, in Spain by Pamas , ISL, Flutec, in Germany by Analex, Spectro - we never paid for such a presentation. We gave them the opportunity to present their service and to find new customers and maybe new partners. WEARCHECK Germany has deducted the costs for Noria from the invoice.. The insurance for seminar participants we never had all the years before and we can not assume why we should need it. We have our own insurance and do not need an extra insurance. WEARCHECK Germany will not pay the insurance-costs as long as we don4t know the reasons of the necessity. . For further situations we would prefer that the group should be asked before if there is any payment expected. Also we will recommend again, further meetings should take place in the respective WEARCHECK place and not in an hotel far away. So the business will be first of all and we will save also the money for the conference room. Besides a lot of things are much easier to handle making copies, searching written informations For a tax-inspector it looks like a business-meeting and not like a holiday, we will not get any problems. With the meeting in Munster and the seminar-programm we will get problems if there will be an inspection. With best regards Barbara Weismann August 11, 2000 5:23 AM WQ - email to PW (copy to BQ) - Subject: Reply to GTA - Breaks alliance with CTC over OSA-II - recalls units - Peter - I am not surprised that OSA would not come to see you in Germany, or continue discussion about the OSA. I think they know of WearCheck's opinion of the lack of viability of OSA units. GTA seem to be selling units by means of intense marketing. I do not think that problems at CTC (though they have many) are the reason GTA removed the units. I think it is further proof that they do not work properly. Our trip through Europe was "too busy". We drove 6000km and visited eight countries. Did not spend long enough in any one place to have a true holiday, though we enjoyed it just the same. With regard to our new home, we have finalized all major structural changes with the builder and meet with them this week to choose colours, carpets, and wood finishes in the house. They will be digging the foundation this month and construction will start probably in September. The contract calls for us to close the deal next April. Things are going very well. We are making some progress with the Lubrigard deal, though it is still a story of lack of money, and our (Belgium and Canada) reluctance to provide any more funds without some concrete guarantees from Tan Delta. I have received a report from our patent attorneys stating the patent is still in review and they think that the claims in the application are "too broad". Patent attorneys never commit themselves to a clear statement, but I am trying to get a clear opinion from them. If Tan Delta are successful in completing an agreement with a major sensor manufacturer (with sufficient financial backing) to make the sensor, I believe that is assurance enough that the device will be protected, and they are working on that. Progress is slow, but we are talking. I hope Paul enjoys attending Bowling Green and I repeat that he has an open invitation to visit us in Canada anytime. If you and Barbara get the time drop up and see us. Best Regards Bill Sr ----- Original Message ----- From: Peter Weismann To: 'William Quesnel - WearCheck' Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 9:50 AM Subject: AW: GTA - Breaks alliance with CTC over OSA-II - recalls units. Thank you, Bill, for this information. We had a discussion with the OSA-people in Tulsa and they promised us, they will come and see us with their instrument as the first instrument in Europe not later than Summer this year. So far nobody came back. Maybe the CTC Case is one of the reasons. How was your trip in Europe? Are your plans with your home progressing? I hope the Lubrigard thing continues to make some progress. Barbara and I will be in Detroit from Aug. 21st to 25th to accompany our sun to the University in Bowling Green. Best regards to all of you. Peter Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Kerschelweg 28 D 83098 Brannenburg Germany Fax: + 49-8034-9047-47 Phone: + 49-8034-9047-11 E-Mail: pw@wearcheck.de URL: http://www.wearcheck.de . Seems they have broken with CTC and pulled back their OSA units (see No 9.). - Bill Quesnel Sr. Global Technovations Announces OSA-II Activity and Receives New Endorsements August 10, 2000 5:46 AM PW - email to WQ - Subject: AW: GTA - Breaks alliance with CTC over OSA-II - recalls units. Thank you, Bill, for this information. We had a discussion with the OSA-people in Tulsa and they promised us, they will come and see us with their instrument as the first instrument in Europe not later than Summer this year. So far nobody came back. Maybe the CTC Case is one of the reasons. How was your trip in Europe? Are your plans with your home progressing? I hope the Lubrigard thing continues to make some progress. Barbara and I will be in Detroit from Aug. 21st to 25th to accompany our sun to the University in Bowling Green. Best regards to all of you. Peter Weismann . Seems they have broken with CTC and pulled back their OSA units (see No 9.). - Bill Quesnel Sr. Global Technovations Announces OSA-II Activity and Receives New Endorsements July 1, 2000 2:34 AM WQ/LQ - Visit to WearCheck Germany - Billy - We had a very interesting visit to the German laboratory and a great evening with the Weismanns yesterday. Glad we made the trip here. German business is steadily increasing and they are adding new tests to their repertoire. They are selling more samples on which they do even more tests and at higher prices. WC Germany are moving to automate as much of the testing as they can, and are always looking at methods that allow them to use the original sample bottle in the new machines. They have a new automated particle counter in the laboratory with a conveyor-way that carries the (original) sample bottles from a loading pen through a device that automatically grabs the bottle and conducts the test, then carries on to a holding pen where the bottles are removed. The conveyor takes the normal sample bottle so their is no need to decant the samples. The apparatus takes up an area about 4' by 4'. Peter says there were some initial bugs with the thing but correlation with existing equipment has proven the apparatus. He is very happy with it. They have also purchased a blotter tester similar to the one we saw in Spain. The use an eyedropper to create about 12 blots per page which are dried and then placed in the reader. I remember the Belgians were doing blotter tests when we visited their laboratory 8 years ago, and still are. They purchased an automated Bio-Rad that looks like a newer model than ours, and is complete with an automated sampling rack, which will sip from their normal sample bottles (no need to decant but only holds about 20 sample bottles). Peter says Bio-Rad enlarged the hosing to sip more of the sample faster and he gets about 60 samples per hour with the new machine. They had a consultant come in to set up the Bio-Rad and maximize performance. Rudiger has been trained (at Predict) for ferrograpy (and I think Peter went as well) and they have begun to get this going. They have a microscope similar to our set-up upstairs next to Rudiger's office, however do not have the computer organized the way we do. I think they would crap themselves if they saw how you are able to pull ferrograph pictures into your sample reports. (Pop one up on the screen when you do your demo in France). They are working with filter patches doing debris analysis as well, and have a neat device for drying the patches beforehand. Peter says that they had a consultant come in to work with them, and found that if the patches are not dried beforehand the weights being measured and recorded are useless - as they can be out by as much as 200% (on the lighter samples). WC Germany places the days' requirement of filter patches on filter glasses on a tray over a drying chemical with everything under a glass bell housing. They have a three station filter vacuum set up on the lab bench (vacuum pump and disposal under the bench) and use neat disposable plastic containers with a hole the size of the filter patch in the bottom that they place over the patch, turn on the suction, then fill from the top with sample and wash. Once the sample is done they toss away the plastic container. The plastic containers are available in a variety of sizes from Millipore and Peter says they are relatively cheap. They use this set-up to do "bottoms" on oil samples, and it could be used to do filter debris patches as well. They have bought a "sniffer" to test for fuel in oil. Peter says they have correlated with a GC and eliminated the need for the GC as the sniffer is very accurate and is also very fast. Again they just take the top off the sample bottle and place it in the device so no need to decant. The machine does one sample at a time. Maybe Barbara can explain this device to you if you get some time to talk to her during the meetings in France. They are expanding the laboratory building 6 meters back. They will increase laboratory space downstairs by this addition and also moving out of the downstairs offices. Peter and Barbara take up about 1/4 of the downstairs with their office - which also holds all their files and a meeting table to accommodate 6 people. They will move office upstairs into what is now their training room - which is about 50 feet by 20 feet in size. They will move the training room into the upstairs expansion at the other end of the building. The new training room will be larger than what they have now (they are able to host about thirty delegates in the present facility), and are expanding their training programs to include seminars hosted at hotel meeting rooms throughout their territory. They are sending Rudiger to the USA to train at Noria. The Weismanns tell us that this has been the most effective method of getting new customers and holding or expanding business with present customers. Son Paul will be taking his university courses (bio-chemistry and business) in Rolling Green University in Ohio, starting in September 2000, and daughter Pietra is in Munich training in computer programs for the Internet (She is presently training on building web-sites and is revamping WC Germany's site). They are planning that Paul will come into the WearCheck business and he will be attending the WearCheck International meeting in Colmar France along with Barbara this year. WC Germany have improved their literature and have a very organized mailing campaign. They do three four page newsletters per year that are sent out to customers along with reports and invoices and now have a circulation of about 5000. They stuff every sample shipment with relative tech-data sheets for the particular samples being sent, and proper procedures for taking samples for the particular application along with other relative information (EG the South African style write-ups). These documents are pre-printed (similar in quality to the recent printing you did for WebCheck) and provided to the person packing kits in bulk. Peter says they can get these printed in quantities of 5000 for the same low cost as purchasing copy paper. They send out a very professional looking package of kits with high quality useful information. As usual the Germans are very proactive, and enjoying the business. Peter is still making two trips every year to Hong Kong consulting for Oil Companies and spends a bit of his time as an expert witness in civil suits. They are prospering and demonstrate affluence in all that they do. Bill Sr June 12, 2000 9:08 PM WQ - Email to BW - Subject: Re: Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Participation Barbara - Thanks for the reply. WearCheck Canada Inc and WearCheck USA will combine our display booths to have a 20' x 10' display. We plan to make space for literature from group companies as a display for anyone who wishes to pick up such brochures. There is no charge to group members to participate in this display, merely need a supply of literature that any member wishes to present. We can talk about this when we visit your laboratory. Looking forward to seeing you and the family. Lorraine and I have just purchased a property to build a new house this coming year, and are looking for good ideas. Best Regards Bill Q Sr June 9, 2000 8:10 AM BW - Email to WQ - Subject: - Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Participation - Hallo Bill, thanks for your information regarding the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference 2000 in Tulsa. As mentioned before WEARCHECK Germany will not participate on a booth in the exhibition. In the moment I am not sure if I will attend the conference. Peter and R diger definitely will not attend, because R diger will have during the same time a seminar and Peter must stay in the company while R diger is out. Looking forward to see you and your family on the 30th June. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Kerschelweg 28 D 83098 Brannenburg Germany Fax: + 49-8034-9047-47 Tel.: + 49-8034-9047-17 E-Mail: bw@wearcheck.de Internet: http://www.wearcheck.de April 7, 2000 2:20 PM PW - email to BC (Copy to WQ GD) - Re Lubrigard - Hallo Bob, you are surely anxious to know about my future plans. Here now the answer of all the open points regarding your mails dated 07.03., 27.03 and 31.03.2000 and some additional reasons which should explain my point of view. As you already know, I had intentions to start manufacturing the sensor in Germany. A well-known company in Germany was prepared, to cooperate with me and together we had plans, to sell the sensor in the German speaking countries. Of course I was also willing to sell the sensor within the group to Gilbert, Bill or you, as long as you were not able to start the manufacturing in your own territories or in a cheaper manufacturing place. I was willing to pay to Lubrigard 10% of the selling price of a sensor, never mind the manufacturing, processing and marketing costs. This was not less as in the contract whit LUBRIGARD Holding Ltd., if I consider the participation in this Company and the shares, which LUBRIGARD Holding Ltd. would have in LUBRIGARD Germany. The sensor must be available on the market very soon. Because of my activities many clients searched on the Patent. They know the sensor by now because they had mostly successful tests. At present they are asking how we are going to proceed. We must present a well-known manufactur-company with reliability and the best would be an existing supplier for the OEM's. You know it is not easy, very time consuming and sometimes not possible to introduce a new supplier to an OEM. They will prefer to get this sensor from their existing or on other well-known-supplier and not from an unknown company. As you can expect I had especially during the past weeks discussions with many different people like the car-manufacturers, sensor-producers and patent lawyers. This information exchange let me see the future for Lubrigard under a new aspect: The experts told me that the Lubrigard-Patent descriptions and claims seems to be "state of engineering". It is nearly impossible to identify and mark the LUBRIGARD sensor as a real new sensor, because at present the sensor is already "state of engineering". We would have hands full to defend our patent rights successful. This fact will allow any manufacturer to build a similar sensor and avoid or bypass the patent until we get them to court. And if a court case would help is very questionable. After these information I am sure, that in the near future a sensor will be on the market using very similar technology. Just yesterday an independent institute announced the same principle but using a plate compensator instead of circular compensator in the same frequency range, and measuring the viscosity at the same time. In such a case nobody knows the real market- and price-development for large volumes of Lubrigard-sensor. We work by the principle maxim: Don't swim in the sky - face the facts and be realistic. Watching the possibilities for realistic sales figures and price achievements I am not prepared to pay a lost 100.000 pounds to CRS or any other unknown company in exchange for the exclusive marketing rights in a given territory. Another reason why I refuse to pay this sum is the uncertainty. I already have one very negative experience how quick a company can be closed and how quick my exclusive contract with the CRS company may become useless, because the LUBRIGARD Ltd board may decide, to step out of this company and transfer the rights to a new created one. If CRS will be handled in a similar way as Lubrigard Holding, no one of the 100000 pounds investors would have any kind of control or any participation on decisions. This new company can stop all the marketing activities at once and all the invested money as well as the rights are gone. The 100.000 pounds down payment in combination with a fee of 6 pounds per manufactured sensor is a number out of the stomach without any calculation or financial base. If prices go down because of competition or because of large volume discounts, maybe the sales price of a sensor is even less than 6 pounds. You mentioned your good offers in exchange for the selling rights. If the Mr. Swan or anyone else is prepared to buy the exclusive European rights for an excellent price you may anyhow do what you want. I can not stop you. It is your decision. Please take in consideration, if you are selling the exclusive rights for Germany, that we have registered the LUBRIGARD Trademark. We recommend, the new owner should discuss with me the terms and conditions for the Lubrigard trademark and the LUBRIGARD.de domain. Also if you or he is interested in continuing the business with the German clients who are in the test stage for the sensor at present we can discuss the conditions for the transfer. You can be assured it was not an easy decision to refuse your contract draft. I invested since the first introduction of the sensor to the WEARCHECK-Group four years ago beside of the 7000 pounds more than 50.000 DM and a lot of my time and my personal credibility. But the risk of loosing another 100.000 pounds is too high. Best regards Peter Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Kerschelweg 28 D 83098 Brannenburg Germany Fax: + 49-8034-9047-47 Phone: + 49-8034-9047-11 E-Mail: pw@wearcheck.de URL: http://www.wearcheck.de March 20, 2000 11:05 AM PW - email to WQ (Forwarded to BQ) - we now get more and more interest on customers on the web check. We therefore are installing our own web server which should be up and running in about three weeks time. We are interested in the upgrade which you included in the meantime into thenternational version of web check. Because our login has expired some time ago, we kindly ask you to allow us access again. You mentioned some time ago the graphic function of web check for us as an update. Could you please send us this function? We are now in the process to re-design our laboratory reports which you havereated so that they look in the web exactly like they look in the printout. We are looking for a tool which allows us to speed up the generation of individual report in the web check. Do you know whether there is a program as a report builder? We have now an oil company who is interested in the pick-up list for tests which you demonstrated for VOLVO in UK. Is this list for the test selection also part of the web check? Best regards Peter Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Kerschelweg 28 D-83098 Brannenburg February 28, 2000 9:12 AM PW - email to BC (Copy GD WQ CC) - Sorry for my delay in my answer. I have been travelling extensively during the past two weeks. I have been in USA at Bio-Rad for a Spectrometer training and got stuck in Boston because of snow. In the last week, we had two seminars. I understand your need for some urgent money and I need also to proceed on a German Lubrigard company Also the sensor production needs to get started. On Wednesday this week I will have a discussion with a consultant. He will assist me in bringing my ideas regarding Lubrigard and my participation in Lubrigard into an understandabledraft. In short: I do not find it a good idea in exchanging 100.000 pounds for a licence contract which is made with a company which can be cut off from Lubrigard Ltd. like it happened with Lubrigard Holding Ltd. As you know, we spent already some money but we never got any information how this money was spent and whether all the expenses were spent in our interest. I will come back to you Wednesday afternoon or Thursday. Please let me know the best time to call you. so I can discuss some topics over the phone. November 29, 1998 2:17 PM WQ- Phone call to Peter (at his home) RE: Lubrigard Peter wants me to set my agenda for trip to Europe and he will match it. He wants to travel to England to see manufacturing plant for Lubrigard. We are to meet with Ford in Dusseldorf on the 9th December Peter will arrange meetings with Mercedes and Mann in Cologne on 10th December He wants me to come back to Munich with him before returning to Canada.. Peter says that Lubrigard do not reply to e-mail very quickly, they are not meeting promises of delivery or improvements to the devices. Peter says the units are on test with Mercedes, Mann and Audi and so far nothing negative. He could get test for 10 units on BP ocean going vessels if available from Lubrigard. The ony thing complex about the devices is permativity. One of the problems is that Lubrigard is not 100% correct at varying temperatures - e.g.:. A reading at 80 degrees C = 20 A reading at 100 degrees C = 30 Peter says that this variance can be explained and compensated for. RE: WebCheck I told him that Belgium is up and running with 31 users on-board so far. We discussed the misunderstnding about giving Peter the sourcecode for WebCheck. He understands now about the possibility of hackers getting source code off a WebSite. He wants his computer people to be able to modify for Germany. I said WC would give them a copy of WebCheck complete with source code. I explained that they could work away on a copy that is isolated, e-mail changes to Bill and he could incorporate into the program and up-date Germany's copy of codes. In this way we will not diverge from each other and create several versions of WebCheck. Peter sounds very up-beat about using WebCheck and I believe they will still purchase. February 2, 2001 10:49 AM WQ - email to BW PW (copy RI BQ) - Subject: WebCheck and Germany - Barbara and Peter Bill Jr and I have discussed the situation with regard to Germany and WebCheck. We feel that you have chosen to "go your own way" at WearCheck Germany with regard to Internet based software. You are not promoting the WebCheck software as "WebCheck" as required by the agreement but have re-named the software to OelCheck as per your login page at http://www.oelcheck.de/default.asp?Lang=DE You are operating the software on your own server which would make if very difficult for us to continually customize any improvements to fit your operations. We believe from our conversations that you have added to the WebCheck software and programmed modifications into the software. We are continually working on WebCheck to improve functionality, however many of the changes are fundamental to the software platform, and would require separate modification tailored to your server. This situation is impractical from a software development approach, and certainly not affordable at the prices quoted. The original proposal called for deployment on a central server (such as we now have shared between Canada and the USA) where the improvements are made, and shared by those using the system. You preferred to have your own server and operate your own system. The spirit of WebCheck is to build a centralized, internet based system, to minimize the cost of software development and provide leading edge information management systems for oil analysis customer, laboratories, equipment manufacturers, oil companies and consultants. Invoice No. INN0048955 was issued as a routine by our accounting system and I have now instructed Ruth our office manager to issue a credit note for that invoice. We cannot provide improvements to the original WebCheck software in Germany, under existing conditions, so in future we will discontinue invoicing WearCheck Germany for this item in the agreement. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca WearCheck Canada Inc http://www.wearcheck.ca BW - email to WQ - Subject: Fw: Invoice No. INN0048955 From: Barbara Weismann To: 'billq@wearcheck.ca' Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 12:17 PM Subject: Invoice No. INN0048955 Hi Bill, we are really surprised as we received your invoice dated Dec.31, 2000. We agreed an "Initial sign up fee" and an "Annual fee to fund further development of software-upgrades". The "Annual fee to cover costs of web-hosting and T1 access lines" was taken off. We paid: USD 6000 Initial sign up fee USD 2000 Annual fee 1998 USD 2000 Annual fee 1999 We never received any support or software-upgrades. Sometimes you make promises to Peter on the phone, but nothing arrived. Since end of 1998 we don't have access to the International Web check program. During the WEARCHECK-Meeting in Colmar you committed to give us no further support and updates, because we are working with our own webserver. Working with our own Webserver and not going on your platform was known as we signed the agreement - that is why we took off the annual fee for web-hosting. If you changed your mind and will send us your software upgrades since 1998, give us support for our questions and give us access to the International Webcheck program, we will pay immediately. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Public 011-49-80-34-90470 Phone 011-49-80-34-904747 Fax Public International Member http://www.wearcheck.com/reach.html D 83094 P.O. Box 116 1 Uerschlweg 28 WC - International Member Brannenburg WearCheck Deutschland GmbH WearCheck Deutschland GmbH Germany WearCheck Deutschland GmbH 011130000033564741967C Oil Analysis Laboratory February 2, 2001 10:49 AM WQ - email to BW PW (copy RI BQ) - Subject: WebCheck and Germany - Barbara and Peter Bill Jr and I have discussed the situation with regard to Germany and WebCheck. We feel that you have chosen to "go your own way" at WearCheck Germany with regard to Internet based software. You are not promoting the WebCheck software as "WebCheck" as required by the agreement but have re-named the software to OelCheck as per your login page at http://www.oelcheck.de/default.asp?Lang=DE You are operating the software on your own server which would make if very difficult for us to continually customize any improvements to fit your operations. We believe from our conversations that you have added to the WebCheck software and programmed modifications into the software. We are continually working on WebCheck to improve functionality, however many of the changes are fundamental to the software platform, and would require separate modification tailored to your server. This situation is impractical from a software development approach, and certainly not affordable at the prices quoted. The original proposal called for deployment on a central server (such as we now have shared between Canada and the USA) where the improvements are made, and shared by those using the system. You preferred to have your own server and operate your own system. The spirit of WebCheck is to build a centralized, internet based system, to minimize the cost of software development and provide leading edge information management systems for oil analysis customer, laboratories, equipment manufacturers, oil companies and consultants. Invoice No. INN0048955 was issued as a routine by our accounting system and I have now instructed Ruth our office manager to issue a credit note for that invoice. We cannot provide improvements to the original WebCheck software in Germany, under existing conditions, so in future we will discontinue invoicing WearCheck Germany for this item in the agreement. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca WearCheck Canada Inc http://www.wearcheck.ca BW - email to WQ - Subject: Fw: Invoice No. INN0048955 From: Barbara Weismann To: 'billq@wearcheck.ca' Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 12:17 PM Subject: Invoice No. INN0048955 Hi Bill, we are really surprised as we received your invoice dated Dec.31, 2000. We agreed an "Initial sign up fee" and an "Annual fee to fund further development of software-upgrades". The "Annual fee to cover costs of web-hosting and T1 access lines" was taken off. We paid: USD 6000 Initial sign up fee USD 2000 Annual fee 1998 USD 2000 Annual fee 1999 We never received any support or software-upgrades. Sometimes you make promises to Peter on the phone, but nothing arrived. Since end of 1998 we don't have access to the International Web check program. During the WEARCHECK-Meeting in Colmar you committed to give us no further support and updates, because we are working with our own webserver. Working with our own Webserver and not going on your platform was known as we signed the agreement - that is why we took off the annual fee for web-hosting. If you changed your mind and will send us your software upgrades since 1998, give us support for our questions and give us access to the International Webcheck program, we will pay immediately. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH February 2, 2001 4:00 AM BW - email to WQ - Subject: AW: Subject: AW: BP - Burmah Castrol Marine - Shipping Hi Bill, We will cover all the countries where we are the owner of the trademark. We had send the list of theses countries several times - at least 2nd October 2000. Following the countries again: Germany, Austria, Switherland, Russian Federation, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Chechien, Belarus, Croatia, Latvia, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden. The price does not include the shiping to our lab. The shipping costs from the various countries are listed in your proposal for Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd. dated Sept. 2000. But we feel theses informations are not necessary in the moment. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH January 29, 2001 9:12 AM BW - email to WQ - Subject: Fw: Invoice No. INN0048955 From: Barbara Weismann To: 'billq@wearcheck.ca' Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 12:17 PM Subject: Invoice No. INN0048955 Hi Bill, we are really surprised as we received your invoice dated Dec.31, 2000. We agreed an "Initial sign up fee" and an "Annual fee to fund further development of software-upgrades". The "Annual fee to cover costs of web-hosting and T1 access lines" was taken off. We paid: USD 6000 Initial sign up fee USD 2000 Annual fee 1998 USD 2000 Annual fee 1999 We never received any support or software-upgrades. Sometimes you make promises to Peter on the phone, but nothing arrived. Since end of 1998 we don't have access to the International Web check program. During the WEARCHECK-Meeting in Colmar you committed to give us no further support and updates, because we are working with our own webserver. Working with our own Webserver and not going on your platform was known as we signed the agreement - that is why we took off the annual fee for web-hosting. If you changed your mind and will send us your software upgrades since 1998, give us support for our questions and give us access to the International Webcheck program, we will pay immediately. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Kerschelweg 28 D 83098 Brannenburg Germany Fax: + 49-8034-9047-47 Tel.: + 49-8034-9047-17 E-Mail: bw@wearcheck.de Internet: http://www.wearcheck.de January 8, 2001 8:33 AM BW - email to WQ BC - Subject: WG: Round Robin Samples - Von: Barbara Weismann - Gesendet: Montag, 8. Januar 2001 19:34 An: 'gregK@als.com.au'; 'gilbert.demey@wearcheck.com'; 'andre.verlinden@wearcheck.com'; 'billqsr.@wearcheck.ca'; 'billq@wearcheck.ca'; 'jtchambers@compuchemlabs.com'; 'lesley@wearcheck.co.za'; bob.cutler@robresint.co.uk'; 'JBerecz@mol.hu' Betreff: Round Robin Samples Dear WEARCHECK-Member, All the best for the New Year 2001 from WEARCHECK Germany. We received one Round Robin sample (only 1, not 4 as stated in the IWCG-Meeting) on 31th october 2000 from WEARCHECK Belgium. On the 2nd november we send the lab-report with our diagnose per mail and per email to WEARCHECK Belgium. Till today we did not receive the summary of the results from the Round Robin Test. But note: Liebherr Colmar received such a summary on the 4th January. This information for Liebherr includes all the results and diagnose-statements with the name of the individual lab and a translation from the English diagnose-statements into French. We think, we all participate on the Round Ronbins with the impression that the results should treat confidentially. If an information about the Round Robins should given outside of the WEARCHECK-group following points should be observed. * First of all, the Round Robin-participants should be informed. * If anybody will use the results outside the group, he needs the agreement of all the members. If there is no unanimity consensus it is not possible. * If results are going outside the group, there should not be shown the individual lab. This is the normal procedure by every Round Robins we participate. Liebherr contacted us to discuss the results of every group member. They were really surprised that we did not have the results in hand and that they got the results classified to each lab. I informed Andre Verlinden that Liebherr like to discuss the results with WEARCHECK Germany and we don't have the results. In the meantime we got the results from Liebherr (not from WEARCHECK-Belgium) and we had the discussion. Even in our opinion the variation of the results for the wear-metals are relatively close. But Liebherr made an in-house conclusion, because the values vary in some metals by more than 50%., they can not be satisfied with the WEARCHECK group. It seems that sending out the summary without any additional explanation has created unnecessary mistrust. We tried our best to harmonize the situation, but a shadow against the quality of the laboratory-work of the WEARCHECK group will remain. Basically Liebherr complains that we are talking about Internet and uniformed data-platform, but on the other side we are not able to streamline our laboratory-results. The same conclusion which was made during the IWCG-Meeting 2000 by Mr. Haas now has moved to their upper management level. Re: Future processing Round Robin samples We had the commitment 4 Round Robin samples should send out 4 times a year (July 2000 to June 2001). After 6 months until now, we have only 1 sample and no summary. Is this a sign that we are going to stop the Round Robin in the WEARCHECK group completely and participate only on external Round Robins? Please think about the situation. Your short comment is welcome. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Kerschelweg 28 D 83098 Brannenburg Germany Fax: + 49-8034-9047-47 Tel.: + 49-8034-9047-17 E-Mail: bw@wearcheck.de Internet: http://www.wearcheck.de The translation from our diagnose-statement does not correspond with our original, some statements are missing . We showed Liebherr our Original Lab report and they saw by themselves the incomplete translation (conscious or unconscious?). We don't know what was the reason for the translation. The responsible people in Liebherr are used to read and understand the English language. Original diagnose-statement on our WEARCHECK-Lab report Reduced dispersions in the blotter test, traces in the IR-Spectrum and the presence of typical Antifreeze Additives like Boron (B), Sodium (Na) and Potassium (K) let assume coolant leak (or wrong handling during topping-up). Please dobble check for coolant leeaks (wet cylinder liners). Copper and iron slightly increased. Oil change because of the antifreeze or repeated oil analysis is recommended (even if the ASTM glycol test is negative)! Severe damage may occur on all of the oil-wetted components! Translated diagnose-statement from Belgium La presence des additifs glycol comme Bore, Natrium et Potassium indique la presence de glycol dans l huile. Veuillez bien verifier le systeme frigorifique. Teneurs en fer en cuivre un peu elevees. Nous vous conseiillons de changer la charge d huile a cause du glycol ou de nous envoyer regulierement un nouvel echantillon. September 7, 2000 6:03 AM BW - email to WQ - Subject: AW: Practicing Oil Analysis Conference Planning - Hallo Bill, WEARCHECK Germany will not visit the Practising Oil Analysis Conference 2000 in Tulsa. We feel it make no sense to display german informations and literature. We wish a successful exhibition. Best regards Barbara Weismann September 6, 2000 4:31 AM GD - email to BW (copy to Group) - Subject: RE: Invoice for participation to the WEARCHECK meeting in Munster Dear Barbara, We would like to clear up some misunderstandings with regard to your e-mail. Indeed we have divided the costs for the participation of Noria since he was invited as a guest speaker coming from the States. As you are well aware, Noria is a major key player concerning technology information in the field of oil analysis. Noria is probably the most important supplier of archived know-how in our line of business. In our opinion, and I believe the other members will agree, it is better to treat Noria as a 1st class partner in order to be able to get the best out of them so that we are in the front line when receiving information and have a competitive advantage. By means of our seminar in Munster and by socializing, we can now say that Noria and its manager, Jim Fitch, have become valuable partners for our business. We therefore do not regard Noria as a simple supplier, but more as the gateway to the essential information and data we will need more and more in order to be able to run our businesses professionally in the future. Concerning your remark on the insurance; As organizer of a seminar in a foreign country, you need to cover the participants as much as possible. One of the first steps in any pro-active maintenance schedule is to prevent accidents from happening through a proper maintenance policy. Avoiding personal accidents is however not always possible, but you can cover the risks by taking an insurance that covers all participants for risks not covered by their own insurance. As organizer we felt it necessary to protect all participating members to a maximum degree. As long as nothing happens, everything will always be ok but as soon as something major happens, you better need to be covered as much as possible. Often the local insurances do not cover the accidents that occurred during a seminar abroad. Moreover as organizer it would have meant a lot of work asking each participant if he was insured and what risks that insurance would have covered. For only 160 ff (approx. 22 US$) you were covered for all possible accidents during the seminar, you were covered against theft, loss of luggage and personal belongings. We care for the members within the WearCheck Group. The reason for organising the seminar in a place away from the business is just to encourage the informal contacts and to enhance the relationship between the different members. Casual conversation during diners can be more productive than spending 8 hours in the conference room. At the seminar in Munster, business always came at first, even during diner most of the conversation was an exchange of ideas and projects. External interference is much higher when having the seminar in its own organisation. The risk of being disturbed with questions and matters to follow-up is much higher. Moreover in this way, families with children and participants did not have to travel back and forth but the whole group was able to stay together all the time, even during the periods of the seminar. Hotels nowadays provide all necessary equipment as you can find in an office. And if you participate to a congress or seminar, you are supposed to be prepared and bring all the necessary data with you. If you look at the minutes of the meeting, you will notice that it was a very productive and rewarding meeting indeed. On the invoice you will notice that we only mentioned the costs for participation to the seminar. This amount is very low and the tax-inspector will accept this without any questions. If he should ask for more, it is not necessary to provide him all the details. If you look at the cost of one-day seminars here in Belgium or abroad, the amount you have to pay is really peanuts (only 914 FF or approx. 125 US$ for 2 persons; 322 FF for the insurance and 592 FF for the participation of Noria). We have better things to do than spending our time on this matter. If you feel that the amount we charge you is not correct, let us know so that we can issue a credit note for that amount. We won t enter into further discussions or explanations about this matter. We are proud to be a member of the WearCheck group and we truly believe in its potential. These international meetings are an essential step for the growth of WearCheck International. We want to be part of this growth by the further development of mutual projects and by the continuous exchange of information and data within the group. We sincerely hope that all the other members feel the same way. Yours Sincerely, Gilbert De Mey September 5, 2000 5:15 PM BW - email to WC Group --Subject: Invoice for participation to the WEARCHECK meeting in Munster Hallo Gilbert, yesterday we received your invoice for the participation to the WEARCHECK meeting in Munster. We were surprised about the costs for the participation of Noria. For our opinion Jim Fitch was invited to present his service and his company. Similar presentation we had in Munster by Labotec, in Spain by Pamas , ISL, Flutec, in Germany by Analex, Spectro - we never paid for such a presentation. We gave them the opportunity to present their service and to find new customers and maybe new partners. WEARCHECK Germany has deducted the costs for Noria from the invoice.. The insurance for seminar participants we never had all the years before and we can not assume why we should need it. We have our own insurance and do not need an extra insurance. WEARCHECK Germany will not pay the insurance-costs as long as we don4t know the reasons of the necessity. . For further situations we would prefer that the group should be asked before if there is any payment expected. Also we will recommend again, further meetings should take place in the respective WEARCHECK place and not in an hotel far away. So the business will be first of all and we will save also the money for the conference room. Besides a lot of things are much easier to handle making copies, searching written informations For a tax-inspector it looks like a business-meeting and not like a holiday, we will not get any problems. With the meeting in Munster and the seminar-programm we will get problems if there will be an inspection. With best regards Barbara Weismann August 11, 2000 5:23 AM WQ - email to PW (copy to BQ) - Subject: Reply to GTA - Breaks alliance with CTC over OSA-II - recalls units - Peter - I am not surprised that OSA would not come to see you in Germany, or continue discussion about the OSA. I think they know of WearCheck's opinion of the lack of viability of OSA units. GTA seem to be selling units by means of intense marketing. I do not think that problems at CTC (though they have many) are the reason GTA removed the units. I think it is further proof that they do not work properly. Our trip through Europe was "too busy". We drove 6000km and visited eight countries. Did not spend long enough in any one place to have a true holiday, though we enjoyed it just the same. With regard to our new home, we have finalized all major structural changes with the builder and meet with them this week to choose colours, carpets, and wood finishes in the house. They will be digging the foundation this month and construction will start probably in September. The contract calls for us to close the deal next April. Things are going very well. We are making some progress with the Lubrigard deal, though it is still a story of lack of money, and our (Belgium and Canada) reluctance to provide any more funds without some concrete guarantees from Tan Delta. I have received a report from our patent attorneys stating the patent is still in review and they think that the claims in the application are "too broad". Patent attorneys never commit themselves to a clear statement, but I am trying to get a clear opinion from them. If Tan Delta are successful in completing an agreement with a major sensor manufacturer (with sufficient financial backing) to make the sensor, I believe that is assurance enough that the device will be protected, and they are working on that. Progress is slow, but we are talking. I hope Paul enjoys attending Bowling Green and I repeat that he has an open invitation to visit us in Canada anytime. If you and Barbara get the time drop up and see us. Best Regards Bill Sr ----- Original Message ----- From: Peter Weismann To: 'William Quesnel - WearCheck' Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 9:50 AM Subject: AW: GTA - Breaks alliance with CTC over OSA-II - recalls units. Thank you, Bill, for this information. We had a discussion with the OSA-people in Tulsa and they promised us, they will come and see us with their instrument as the first instrument in Europe not later than Summer this year. So far nobody came back. Maybe the CTC Case is one of the reasons. How was your trip in Europe? Are your plans with your home progressing? I hope the Lubrigard thing continues to make some progress. Barbara and I will be in Detroit from Aug. 21st to 25th to accompany our sun to the University in Bowling Green. Best regards to all of you. Peter Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Kerschelweg 28 D 83098 Brannenburg Germany Fax: + 49-8034-9047-47 Phone: + 49-8034-9047-11 E-Mail: pw@wearcheck.de URL: http://www.wearcheck.de . Seems they have broken with CTC and pulled back their OSA units (see No 9.). - Bill Quesnel Sr. Global Technovations Announces OSA-II Activity and Receives New Endorsements August 10, 2000 5:46 AM PW - email to WQ - Subject: AW: GTA - Breaks alliance with CTC over OSA-II - recalls units. Thank you, Bill, for this information. We had a discussion with the OSA-people in Tulsa and they promised us, they will come and see us with their instrument as the first instrument in Europe not later than Summer this year. So far nobody came back. Maybe the CTC Case is one of the reasons. How was your trip in Europe? Are your plans with your home progressing? I hope the Lubrigard thing continues to make some progress. Barbara and I will be in Detroit from Aug. 21st to 25th to accompany our sun to the University in Bowling Green. Best regards to all of you. Peter Weismann . Seems they have broken with CTC and pulled back their OSA units (see No 9.). - Bill Quesnel Sr. Global Technovations Announces OSA-II Activity and Receives New Endorsements July 1, 2000 2:34 AM WQ/LQ - Visit to WearCheck Germany - Billy - We had a very interesting visit to the German laboratory and a great evening with the Weismanns yesterday. Glad we made the trip here. German business is steadily increasing and they are adding new tests to their repertoire. They are selling more samples on which they do even more tests and at higher prices. WC Germany are moving to automate as much of the testing as they can, and are always looking at methods that allow them to use the original sample bottle in the new machines. They have a new automated particle counter in the laboratory with a conveyor-way that carries the (original) sample bottles from a loading pen through a device that automatically grabs the bottle and conducts the test, then carries on to a holding pen where the bottles are removed. The conveyor takes the normal sample bottle so their is no need to decant the samples. The apparatus takes up an area about 4' by 4'. Peter says there were some initial bugs with the thing but correlation with existing equipment has proven the apparatus. He is very happy with it. They have also purchased a blotter tester similar to the one we saw in Spain. The use an eyedropper to create about 12 blots per page which are dried and then placed in the reader. I remember the Belgians were doing blotter tests when we visited their laboratory 8 years ago, and still are. They purchased an automated Bio-Rad that looks like a newer model than ours, and is complete with an automated sampling rack, which will sip from their normal sample bottles (no need to decant but only holds about 20 sample bottles). Peter says Bio-Rad enlarged the hosing to sip more of the sample faster and he gets about 60 samples per hour with the new machine. They had a consultant come in to set up the Bio-Rad and maximize performance. Rudiger has been trained (at Predict) for ferrograpy (and I think Peter went as well) and they have begun to get this going. They have a microscope similar to our set-up upstairs next to Rudiger's office, however do not have the computer organized the way we do. I think they would crap themselves if they saw how you are able to pull ferrograph pictures into your sample reports. (Pop one up on the screen when you do your demo in France). They are working with filter patches doing debris analysis as well, and have a neat device for drying the patches beforehand. Peter says that they had a consultant come in to work with them, and found that if the patches are not dried beforehand the weights being measured and recorded are useless - as they can be out by as much as 200% (on the lighter samples). WC Germany places the days' requirement of filter patches on filter glasses on a tray over a drying chemical with everything under a glass bell housing. They have a three station filter vacuum set up on the lab bench (vacuum pump and disposal under the bench) and use neat disposable plastic containers with a hole the size of the filter patch in the bottom that they place over the patch, turn on the suction, then fill from the top with sample and wash. Once the sample is done they toss away the plastic container. The plastic containers are available in a variety of sizes from Millipore and Peter says they are relatively cheap. They use this set-up to do "bottoms" on oil samples, and it could be used to do filter debris patches as well. They have bought a "sniffer" to test for fuel in oil. Peter says they have correlated with a GC and eliminated the need for the GC as the sniffer is very accurate and is also very fast. Again they just take the top off the sample bottle and place it in the device so no need to decant. The machine does one sample at a time. Maybe Barbara can explain this device to you if you get some time to talk to her during the meetings in France. They are expanding the laboratory building 6 meters back. They will increase laboratory space downstairs by this addition and also moving out of the downstairs offices. Peter and Barbara take up about 1/4 of the downstairs with their office - which also holds all their files and a meeting table to accommodate 6 people. They will move office upstairs into what is now their training room - which is about 50 feet by 20 feet in size. They will move the training room into the upstairs expansion at the other end of the building. The new training room will be larger than what they have now (they are able to host about thirty delegates in the present facility), and are expanding their training programs to include seminars hosted at hotel meeting rooms throughout their territory. They are sending Rudiger to the USA to train at Noria. The Weismanns tell us that this has been the most effective method of getting new customers and holding or expanding business with present customers. Son Paul will be taking his university courses (bio-chemistry and business) in Rolling Green University in Ohio, starting in September 2000, and daughter Pietra is in Munich training in computer programs for the Internet (She is presently training on building web-sites and is revamping WC Germany's site). They are planning that Paul will come into the WearCheck business and he will be attending the WearCheck International meeting in Colmar France along with Barbara this year. WC Germany have improved their literature and have a very organized mailing campaign. They do three four page newsletters per year that are sent out to customers along with reports and invoices and now have a circulation of about 5000. They stuff every sample shipment with relative tech-data sheets for the particular samples being sent, and proper procedures for taking samples for the particular application along with other relative information (EG the South African style write-ups). These documents are pre-printed (similar in quality to the recent printing you did for WebCheck) and provided to the person packing kits in bulk. Peter says they can get these printed in quantities of 5000 for the same low cost as purchasing copy paper. They send out a very professional looking package of kits with high quality useful information. As usual the Germans are very proactive, and enjoying the business. Peter is still making two trips every year to Hong Kong consulting for Oil Companies and spends a bit of his time as an expert witness in civil suits. They are prospering and demonstrate affluence in all that they do. Bill Sr June 12, 2000 9:08 PM WQ - Email to BW - Subject: Re: Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Participation Barbara - Thanks for the reply. WearCheck Canada Inc and WearCheck USA will combine our display booths to have a 20' x 10' display. We plan to make space for literature from group companies as a display for anyone who wishes to pick up such brochures. There is no charge to group members to participate in this display, merely need a supply of literature that any member wishes to present. We can talk about this when we visit your laboratory. Looking forward to seeing you and the family. Lorraine and I have just purchased a property to build a new house this coming year, and are looking for good ideas. Best Regards Bill Q Sr June 9, 2000 8:10 AM BW - Email to WQ - Subject: - Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Participation - Hallo Bill, thanks for your information regarding the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference 2000 in Tulsa. As mentioned before WEARCHECK Germany will not participate on a booth in the exhibition. In the moment I am not sure if I will attend the conference. Peter and R diger definitely will not attend, because R diger will have during the same time a seminar and Peter must stay in the company while R diger is out. Looking forward to see you and your family on the 30th June. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Kerschelweg 28 D 83098 Brannenburg Germany Fax: + 49-8034-9047-47 Tel.: + 49-8034-9047-17 E-Mail: bw@wearcheck.de Internet: http://www.wearcheck.de April 7, 2000 2:20 PM PW - email to BC (Copy to WQ GD) - Re Lubrigard - Hallo Bob, you are surely anxious to know about my future plans. Here now the answer of all the open points regarding your mails dated 07.03., 27.03 and 31.03.2000 and some additional reasons which should explain my point of view. As you already know, I had intentions to start manufacturing the sensor in Germany. A well-known company in Germany was prepared, to cooperate with me and together we had plans, to sell the sensor in the German speaking countries. Of course I was also willing to sell the sensor within the group to Gilbert, Bill or you, as long as you were not able to start the manufacturing in your own territories or in a cheaper manufacturing place. I was willing to pay to Lubrigard 10% of the selling price of a sensor, never mind the manufacturing, processing and marketing costs. This was not less as in the contract whit LUBRIGARD Holding Ltd., if I consider the participation in this Company and the shares, which LUBRIGARD Holding Ltd. would have in LUBRIGARD Germany. The sensor must be available on the market very soon. Because of my activities many clients searched on the Patent. They know the sensor by now because they had mostly successful tests. At present they are asking how we are going to proceed. We must present a well-known manufactur-company with reliability and the best would be an existing supplier for the OEM's. You know it is not easy, very time consuming and sometimes not possible to introduce a new supplier to an OEM. They will prefer to get this sensor from their existing or on other well-known-supplier and not from an unknown company. As you can expect I had especially during the past weeks discussions with many different people like the car-manufacturers, sensor-producers and patent lawyers. This information exchange let me see the future for Lubrigard under a new aspect: The experts told me that the Lubrigard-Patent descriptions and claims seems to be "state of engineering". It is nearly impossible to identify and mark the LUBRIGARD sensor as a real new sensor, because at present the sensor is already "state of engineering". We would have hands full to defend our patent rights successful. This fact will allow any manufacturer to build a similar sensor and avoid or bypass the patent until we get them to court. And if a court case would help is very questionable. After these information I am sure, that in the near future a sensor will be on the market using very similar technology. Just yesterday an independent institute announced the same principle but using a plate compensator instead of circular compensator in the same frequency range, and measuring the viscosity at the same time. In such a case nobody knows the real market- and price-development for large volumes of Lubrigard-sensor. We work by the principle maxim: Don't swim in the sky - face the facts and be realistic. Watching the possibilities for realistic sales figures and price achievements I am not prepared to pay a lost 100.000 pounds to CRS or any other unknown company in exchange for the exclusive marketing rights in a given territory. Another reason why I refuse to pay this sum is the uncertainty. I already have one very negative experience how quick a company can be closed and how quick my exclusive contract with the CRS company may become useless, because the LUBRIGARD Ltd board may decide, to step out of this company and transfer the rights to a new created one. If CRS will be handled in a similar way as Lubrigard Holding, no one of the 100000 pounds investors would have any kind of control or any participation on decisions. This new company can stop all the marketing activities at once and all the invested money as well as the rights are gone. The 100.000 pounds down payment in combination with a fee of 6 pounds per manufactured sensor is a number out of the stomach without any calculation or financial base. If prices go down because of competition or because of large volume discounts, maybe the sales price of a sensor is even less than 6 pounds. You mentioned your good offers in exchange for the selling rights. If the Mr. Swan or anyone else is prepared to buy the exclusive European rights for an excellent price you may anyhow do what you want. I can not stop you. It is your decision. Please take in consideration, if you are selling the exclusive rights for Germany, that we have registered the LUBRIGARD Trademark. We recommend, the new owner should discuss with me the terms and conditions for the Lubrigard trademark and the LUBRIGARD.de domain. Also if you or he is interested in continuing the business with the German clients who are in the test stage for the sensor at present we can discuss the conditions for the transfer. You can be assured it was not an easy decision to refuse your contract draft. I invested since the first introduction of the sensor to the WEARCHECK-Group four years ago beside of the 7000 pounds more than 50.000 DM and a lot of my time and my personal credibility. But the risk of loosing another 100.000 pounds is too high. Best regards Peter Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Kerschelweg 28 D 83098 Brannenburg Germany Fax: + 49-8034-9047-47 Phone: + 49-8034-9047-11 E-Mail: pw@wearcheck.de URL: http://www.wearcheck.de March 20, 2000 11:05 AM PW - email to WQ (Forwarded to BQ) - we now get more and more interest on customers on the web check. We therefore are installing our own web server which should be up and running in about three weeks time. We are interested in the upgrade which you included in the meantime into thenternational version of web check. Because our login has expired some time ago, we kindly ask you to allow us access again. You mentioned some time ago the graphic function of web check for us as an update. Could you please send us this function? We are now in the process to re-design our laboratory reports which you havereated so that they look in the web exactly like they look in the printout. We are looking for a tool which allows us to speed up the generation of individual report in the web check. Do you know whether there is a program as a report builder? We have now an oil company who is interested in the pick-up list for tests which you demonstrated for VOLVO in UK. Is this list for the test selection also part of the web check? Best regards Peter Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Kerschelweg 28 D-83098 Brannenburg February 28, 2000 9:12 AM PW - email to BC (Copy GD WQ CC) - Sorry for my delay in my answer. I have been travelling extensively during the past two weeks. I have been in USA at Bio-Rad for a Spectrometer training and got stuck in Boston because of snow. In the last week, we had two seminars. I understand your need for some urgent money and I need also to proceed on a German Lubrigard company Also the sensor production needs to get started. On Wednesday this week I will have a discussion with a consultant. He will assist me in bringing my ideas regarding Lubrigard and my participation in Lubrigard into an understandabledraft. In short: I do not find it a good idea in exchanging 100.000 pounds for a licence contract which is made with a company which can be cut off from Lubrigard Ltd. like it happened with Lubrigard Holding Ltd. As you know, we spent already some money but we never got any information how this money was spent and whether all the expenses were spent in our interest. I will come back to you Wednesday afternoon or Thursday. Please let me know the best time to call you. so I can discuss some topics over the phone. November 29, 1998 2:17 PM WQ- Phone call to Peter (at his home) RE: Lubrigard Peter wants me to set my agenda for trip to Europe and he will match it. He wants to travel to England to see manufacturing plant for Lubrigard. We are to meet with Ford in Dusseldorf on the 9th December Peter will arrange meetings with Mercedes and Mann in Cologne on 10th December He wants me to come back to Munich with him before returning to Canada.. Peter says that Lubrigard do not reply to e-mail very quickly, they are not meeting promises of delivery or improvements to the devices. Peter says the units are on test with Mercedes, Mann and Audi and so far nothing negative. He could get test for 10 units on BP ocean going vessels if available from Lubrigard. The ony thing complex about the devices is permativity. One of the problems is that Lubrigard is not 100% correct at varying temperatures - e.g.:. A reading at 80 degrees C = 20 A reading at 100 degrees C = 30 Peter says that this variance can be explained and compensated for. RE: WebCheck I told him that Belgium is up and running with 31 users on-board so far. We discussed the misunderstnding about giving Peter the sourcecode for WebCheck. He understands now about the possibility of hackers getting source code off a WebSite. He wants his computer people to be able to modify for Germany. I said WC would give them a copy of WebCheck complete with source code. I explained that they could work away on a copy that is isolated, e-mail changes to Bill and he could incorporate into the program and up-date Germany's copy of codes. In this way we will not diverge from each other and create several versions of WebCheck. Peter sounds very up-beat about using WebCheck and I believe they will still purchase. February 2, 2001 10:49 AM WQ - email to BW PW (copy RI BQ) - Subject: WebCheck and Germany - Barbara and Peter Bill Jr and I have discussed the situation with regard to Germany and WebCheck. We feel that you have chosen to "go your own way" at WearCheck Germany with regard to Internet based software. You are not promoting the WebCheck software as "WebCheck" as required by the agreement but have re-named the software to OelCheck as per your login page at http://www.oelcheck.de/default.asp?Lang=DE You are operating the software on your own server which would make if very difficult for us to continually customize any improvements to fit your operations. We believe from our conversations that you have added to the WebCheck software and programmed modifications into the software. We are continually working on WebCheck to improve functionality, however many of the changes are fundamental to the software platform, and would require separate modification tailored to your server. This situation is impractical from a software development approach, and certainly not affordable at the prices quoted. The original proposal called for deployment on a central server (such as we now have shared between Canada and the USA) where the improvements are made, and shared by those using the system. You preferred to have your own server and operate your own system. The spirit of WebCheck is to build a centralized, internet based system, to minimize the cost of software development and provide leading edge information management systems for oil analysis customer, laboratories, equipment manufacturers, oil companies and consultants. Invoice No. INN0048955 was issued as a routine by our accounting system and I have now instructed Ruth our office manager to issue a credit note for that invoice. We cannot provide improvements to the original WebCheck software in Germany, under existing conditions, so in future we will discontinue invoicing WearCheck Germany for this item in the agreement. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca WearCheck Canada Inc http://www.wearcheck.ca BW - email to WQ - Subject: Fw: Invoice No. INN0048955 From: Barbara Weismann To: 'billq@wearcheck.ca' Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 12:17 PM Subject: Invoice No. INN0048955 Hi Bill, we are really surprised as we received your invoice dated Dec.31, 2000. We agreed an "Initial sign up fee" and an "Annual fee to fund further development of software-upgrades". The "Annual fee to cover costs of web-hosting and T1 access lines" was taken off. We paid: USD 6000 Initial sign up fee USD 2000 Annual fee 1998 USD 2000 Annual fee 1999 We never received any support or software-upgrades. Sometimes you make promises to Peter on the phone, but nothing arrived. Since end of 1998 we don't have access to the International Web check program. During the WEARCHECK-Meeting in Colmar you committed to give us no further support and updates, because we are working with our own webserver. Working with our own Webserver and not going on your platform was known as we signed the agreement - that is why we took off the annual fee for web-hosting. If you changed your mind and will send us your software upgrades since 1998, give us support for our questions and give us access to the International Webcheck program, we will pay immediately. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Public 011-49-80-34-90470 Phone 011-49-80-34-904747 Fax Public International Member http://www.wearcheck.com/reach.html D 83094 WearCheck Germany > WearCheck Deutschland GmbH WearCheck Germany > WearCheck Deutschland GmbH WearCheck Germany > WearCheck Deutschland GmbH 010827000023564741967C Public Public WearCheck Germany > WearCheck GmbH WearCheck Germany > WearCheck GmbH WearCheck Germany > WearCheck GmbH 981129000042204451944C Public Public P.O. Box 116 WC - International Member Brannenburg WearCheck GmbH WearCheck GmbH Germany WearCheck GmbH 981126000022475624119C Oil Analysis Laboratory February 2, 2001 10:49 AM WQ - email to BW PW (copy RI BQ) - Subject: WebCheck and Germany - Barbara and Peter Bill Jr and I have discussed the situation with regard to Germany and WebCheck. We feel that you have chosen to "go your own way" at WearCheck Germany with regard to Internet based software. You are not promoting the WebCheck software as "WebCheck" as required by the agreement but have re-named the software to OelCheck as per your login page at http://www.oelcheck.de/default.asp?Lang=DE You are operating the software on your own server which would make if very difficult for us to continually customize any improvements to fit your operations. We believe from our conversations that you have added to the WebCheck software and programmed modifications into the software. We are continually working on WebCheck to improve functionality, however many of the changes are fundamental to the software platform, and would require separate modification tailored to your server. This situation is impractical from a software development approach, and certainly not affordable at the prices quoted. The original proposal called for deployment on a central server (such as we now have shared between Canada and the USA) where the improvements are made, and shared by those using the system. You preferred to have your own server and operate your own system. The spirit of WebCheck is to build a centralized, internet based system, to minimize the cost of software development and provide leading edge information management systems for oil analysis customer, laboratories, equipment manufacturers, oil companies and consultants. Invoice No. INN0048955 was issued as a routine by our accounting system and I have now instructed Ruth our office manager to issue a credit note for that invoice. We cannot provide improvements to the original WebCheck software in Germany, under existing conditions, so in future we will discontinue invoicing WearCheck Germany for this item in the agreement. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca WearCheck Canada Inc http://www.wearcheck.ca BW - email to WQ - Subject: Fw: Invoice No. INN0048955 From: Barbara Weismann To: 'billq@wearcheck.ca' Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 12:17 PM Subject: Invoice No. INN0048955 Hi Bill, we are really surprised as we received your invoice dated Dec.31, 2000. We agreed an "Initial sign up fee" and an "Annual fee to fund further development of software-upgrades". The "Annual fee to cover costs of web-hosting and T1 access lines" was taken off. We paid: USD 6000 Initial sign up fee USD 2000 Annual fee 1998 USD 2000 Annual fee 1999 We never received any support or software-upgrades. Sometimes you make promises to Peter on the phone, but nothing arrived. Since end of 1998 we don't have access to the International Web check program. During the WEARCHECK-Meeting in Colmar you committed to give us no further support and updates, because we are working with our own webserver. Working with our own Webserver and not going on your platform was known as we signed the agreement - that is why we took off the annual fee for web-hosting. If you changed your mind and will send us your software upgrades since 1998, give us support for our questions and give us access to the International Webcheck program, we will pay immediately. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH February 2, 2001 4:00 AM BW - email to WQ - Subject: AW: Subject: AW: BP - Burmah Castrol Marine - Shipping Hi Bill, We will cover all the countries where we are the owner of the trademark. We had send the list of theses countries several times - at least 2nd October 2000. Following the countries again: Germany, Austria, Switherland, Russian Federation, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Chechien, Belarus, Croatia, Latvia, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden. The price does not include the shiping to our lab. The shipping costs from the various countries are listed in your proposal for Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd. dated Sept. 2000. But we feel theses informations are not necessary in the moment. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH January 29, 2001 9:12 AM BW - email to WQ - Subject: Fw: Invoice No. INN0048955 From: Barbara Weismann To: 'billq@wearcheck.ca' Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 12:17 PM Subject: Invoice No. INN0048955 Hi Bill, we are really surprised as we received your invoice dated Dec.31, 2000. We agreed an "Initial sign up fee" and an "Annual fee to fund further development of software-upgrades". The "Annual fee to cover costs of web-hosting and T1 access lines" was taken off. We paid: USD 6000 Initial sign up fee USD 2000 Annual fee 1998 USD 2000 Annual fee 1999 We never received any support or software-upgrades. Sometimes you make promises to Peter on the phone, but nothing arrived. Since end of 1998 we don't have access to the International Web check program. During the WEARCHECK-Meeting in Colmar you committed to give us no further support and updates, because we are working with our own webserver. Working with our own Webserver and not going on your platform was known as we signed the agreement - that is why we took off the annual fee for web-hosting. If you changed your mind and will send us your software upgrades since 1998, give us support for our questions and give us access to the International Webcheck program, we will pay immediately. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Kerschelweg 28 D 83098 Brannenburg Germany Fax: + 49-8034-9047-47 Tel.: + 49-8034-9047-17 E-Mail: bw@wearcheck.de Internet: http://www.wearcheck.de January 8, 2001 8:33 AM BW - email to WQ BC - Subject: WG: Round Robin Samples - Von: Barbara Weismann - Gesendet: Montag, 8. Januar 2001 19:34 An: 'gregK@als.com.au'; 'gilbert.demey@wearcheck.com'; 'andre.verlinden@wearcheck.com'; 'billqsr.@wearcheck.ca'; 'billq@wearcheck.ca'; 'jtchambers@compuchemlabs.com'; 'lesley@wearcheck.co.za'; bob.cutler@robresint.co.uk'; 'JBerecz@mol.hu' Betreff: Round Robin Samples Dear WEARCHECK-Member, All the best for the New Year 2001 from WEARCHECK Germany. We received one Round Robin sample (only 1, not 4 as stated in the IWCG-Meeting) on 31th october 2000 from WEARCHECK Belgium. On the 2nd november we send the lab-report with our diagnose per mail and per email to WEARCHECK Belgium. Till today we did not receive the summary of the results from the Round Robin Test. But note: Liebherr Colmar received such a summary on the 4th January. This information for Liebherr includes all the results and diagnose-statements with the name of the individual lab and a translation from the English diagnose-statements into French. We think, we all participate on the Round Ronbins with the impression that the results should treat confidentially. If an information about the Round Robins should given outside of the WEARCHECK-group following points should be observed. * First of all, the Round Robin-participants should be informed. * If anybody will use the results outside the group, he needs the agreement of all the members. If there is no unanimity consensus it is not possible. * If results are going outside the group, there should not be shown the individual lab. This is the normal procedure by every Round Robins we participate. Liebherr contacted us to discuss the results of every group member. They were really surprised that we did not have the results in hand and that they got the results classified to each lab. I informed Andre Verlinden that Liebherr like to discuss the results with WEARCHECK Germany and we don't have the results. In the meantime we got the results from Liebherr (not from WEARCHECK-Belgium) and we had the discussion. Even in our opinion the variation of the results for the wear-metals are relatively close. But Liebherr made an in-house conclusion, because the values vary in some metals by more than 50%., they can not be satisfied with the WEARCHECK group. It seems that sending out the summary without any additional explanation has created unnecessary mistrust. We tried our best to harmonize the situation, but a shadow against the quality of the laboratory-work of the WEARCHECK group will remain. Basically Liebherr complains that we are talking about Internet and uniformed data-platform, but on the other side we are not able to streamline our laboratory-results. The same conclusion which was made during the IWCG-Meeting 2000 by Mr. Haas now has moved to their upper management level. Re: Future processing Round Robin samples We had the commitment 4 Round Robin samples should send out 4 times a year (July 2000 to June 2001). After 6 months until now, we have only 1 sample and no summary. Is this a sign that we are going to stop the Round Robin in the WEARCHECK group completely and participate only on external Round Robins? Please think about the situation. Your short comment is welcome. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Kerschelweg 28 D 83098 Brannenburg Germany Fax: + 49-8034-9047-47 Tel.: + 49-8034-9047-17 E-Mail: bw@wearcheck.de Internet: http://www.wearcheck.de The translation from our diagnose-statement does not correspond with our original, some statements are missing . We showed Liebherr our Original Lab report and they saw by themselves the incomplete translation (conscious or unconscious?). We don't know what was the reason for the translation. The responsible people in Liebherr are used to read and understand the English language. Original diagnose-statement on our WEARCHECK-Lab report Reduced dispersions in the blotter test, traces in the IR-Spectrum and the presence of typical Antifreeze Additives like Boron (B), Sodium (Na) and Potassium (K) let assume coolant leak (or wrong handling during topping-up). Please dobble check for coolant leeaks (wet cylinder liners). Copper and iron slightly increased. Oil change because of the antifreeze or repeated oil analysis is recommended (even if the ASTM glycol test is negative)! Severe damage may occur on all of the oil-wetted components! Translated diagnose-statement from Belgium La presence des additifs glycol comme Bore, Natrium et Potassium indique la presence de glycol dans l huile. Veuillez bien verifier le systeme frigorifique. Teneurs en fer en cuivre un peu elevees. Nous vous conseiillons de changer la charge d huile a cause du glycol ou de nous envoyer regulierement un nouvel echantillon. January 8, 2001 8:33 AM BW - email to WQ BC - Subject: WG: Round Robin Samples - -----Urspr ngliche Nachricht----- Von: Barbara Weismann - Gesendet: Montag, 8. Januar 2001 19:34 An: 'gregK@als.com.au'; 'gilbert.demey@wearcheck.com'; 'andre.verlinden@wearcheck.com'; 'billqsr.@wearcheck.ca'; 'billq@wearcheck.ca'; 'jtchambers@compuchemlabs.com'; 'lesley@wearcheck.co.za'; bob.cutler@robresint.co.uk'; 'JBerecz@mol.hu' Betreff: Round Robin Samples Dear WEARCHECK-Member, All the best for the New Year 2001 from WEARCHECK Germany. We received one Round Robin sample (only 1, not 4 as stated in the IWCG-Meeting) on 31th october 2000 from WEARCHECK Belgium. On the 2nd november we send the lab-report with our diagnose per mail and per email to WEARCHECK Belgium. Till today we did not receive the summary of the results from the Round Robin Test. But note: Liebherr Colmar received such a summary on the 4th January. This information for Liebherr includes all the results and diagnose-statements with the name of the individual lab and a translation from the English diagnose-statements into French. We think, we all participate on the Round Ronbins with the impression that the results should treat confidentially. If an information about the Round Robins should given outside of the WEARCHECK-group following points should be observed. * First of all, the Round Robin-participants should be informed. * If anybody will use the results outside the group, he needs the agreement of all the members. If there is no unanimity consensus it is not possible. * If results are going outside the group, there should not be shown the individual lab. This is the normal procedure by every Round Robins we participate. Liebherr contacted us to discuss the results of every group member. They were really surprised that we did not have the results in hand and that they got the results classified to each lab. I informed Andre Verlinden that Liebherr like to discuss the results with WEARCHECK Germany and we don't have the results. In the meantime we got the results from Liebherr (not from WEARCHECK-Belgium) and we had the discussion. Even in our opinion the variation of the results for the wear-metals are relatively close. But Liebherr made an in-house conclusion, because the values vary in some metals by more than 50%., they can not be satisfied with the WEARCHECK group. It seems that sending out the summary without any additional explanation has created unnecessary mistrust. We tried our best to harmonize the situation, but a shadow against the quality of the laboratory-work of the WEARCHECK group will remain. Basically Liebherr complains that we are talking about Internet and uniformed data-platform, but on the other side we are not able to streamline our laboratory-results. The same conclusion which was made during the IWCG-Meeting 2000 by Mr. Haas now has moved to their upper management level. Re: Future processing Round Robin samples We had the commitment 4 Round Robin samples should send out 4 times a year (July 2000 to June 2001). After 6 months until now, we have only 1 sample and no summary. Is this a sign that we are going to stop the Round Robin in the WEARCHECK group completely and participate only on external Round Robins? Please think about the situation. Your short comment is welcome. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Kerschelweg 28 D 83098 Brannenburg Germany Fax: + 49-8034-9047-47 Tel.: + 49-8034-9047-17 E-Mail: bw@wearcheck.de Internet: http://www.wearcheck.de The translation from our diagnose-statement does not correspond with our original, some statements are missing . We showed Liebherr our Original Lab report and they saw by themselves the incomplete translation (conscious or unconscious?). We don't know what was the reason for the translation. The responsible people in Liebherr are used to read and understand the English language. Original diagnose-statement on our WEARCHECK-Lab report Reduced dispersions in the blotter test, traces in the IR-Spectrum and the presence of typical Antifreeze Additives like Boron (B), Sodium (Na) and Potassium (K) let assume coolant leak (or wrong handling during topping-up). Please dobble check for coolant leeaks (wet cylinder liners). Copper and iron slightly increased. Oil change because of the antifreeze or repeated oil analysis is recommended (even if the ASTM glycol test is negative)! Severe damage may occur on all of the oil-wetted components! Translated diagnose-statement from Belgium La presence des additifs glycol comme Bore, Natrium et Potassium indique la presence de glycol dans l huile. Veuillez bien verifier le systeme frigorifique. Teneurs en fer en cuivre un peu elevees. Nous vous conseiillons de changer la charge d huile a cause du glycol ou de nous envoyer regulierement un nouvel echantillon. September 7, 2000 6:03 AM BW - email to WQ - Subject: AW: Practicing Oil Analysis Conference Planning - Hallo Bill, WEARCHECK Germany will not visit the Practising Oil Analysis Conference 2000 in Tulsa. We feel it make no sense to display german informations and literature. We wish a successful exhibition. Best regards Barbara Weismann September 6, 2000 4:31 AM GD - email to BW (copy to Group) - Subject: RE: Invoice for participation to the WEARCHECK meeting in Munster Dear Barbara, We would like to clear up some misunderstandings with regard to your e-mail. Indeed we have divided the costs for the participation of Noria since he was invited as a guest speaker coming from the States. As you are well aware, Noria is a major key player concerning technology information in the field of oil analysis. Noria is probably the most important supplier of archived know-how in our line of business. In our opinion, and I believe the other members will agree, it is better to treat Noria as a 1st class partner in order to be able to get the best out of them so that we are in the front line when receiving information and have a competitive advantage. By means of our seminar in Munster and by socializing, we can now say that Noria and its manager, Jim Fitch, have become valuable partners for our business. We therefore do not regard Noria as a simple supplier, but more as the gateway to the essential information and data we will need more and more in order to be able to run our businesses professionally in the future. Concerning your remark on the insurance; As organizer of a seminar in a foreign country, you need to cover the participants as much as possible. One of the first steps in any pro-active maintenance schedule is to prevent accidents from happening through a proper maintenance policy. Avoiding personal accidents is however not always possible, but you can cover the risks by taking an insurance that covers all participants for risks not covered by their own insurance. As organizer we felt it necessary to protect all participating members to a maximum degree. As long as nothing happens, everything will always be ok but as soon as something major happens, you better need to be covered as much as possible. Often the local insurances do not cover the accidents that occurred during a seminar abroad. Moreover as organizer it would have meant a lot of work asking each participant if he was insured and what risks that insurance would have covered. For only 160 ff (approx. 22 US$) you were covered for all possible accidents during the seminar, you were covered against theft, loss of luggage and personal belongings. We care for the members within the WearCheck Group. The reason for organising the seminar in a place away from the business is just to encourage the informal contacts and to enhance the relationship between the different members. Casual conversation during diners can be more productive than spending 8 hours in the conference room. At the seminar in Munster, business always came at first, even during diner most of the conversation was an exchange of ideas and projects. External interference is much higher when having the seminar in its own organisation. The risk of being disturbed with questions and matters to follow-up is much higher. Moreover in this way, families with children and participants did not have to travel back and forth but the whole group was able to stay together all the time, even during the periods of the seminar. Hotels nowadays provide all necessary equipment as you can find in an office. And if you participate to a congress or seminar, you are supposed to be prepared and bring all the necessary data with you. If you look at the minutes of the meeting, you will notice that it was a very productive and rewarding meeting indeed. On the invoice you will notice that we only mentioned the costs for participation to the seminar. This amount is very low and the tax-inspector will accept this without any questions. If he should ask for more, it is not necessary to provide him all the details. If you look at the cost of one-day seminars here in Belgium or abroad, the amount you have to pay is really peanuts (only 914 FF or approx. 125 US$ for 2 persons; 322 FF for the insurance and 592 FF for the participation of Noria). We have better things to do than spending our time on this matter. If you feel that the amount we charge you is not correct, let us know so that we can issue a credit note for that amount. We won t enter into further discussions or explanations about this matter. We are proud to be a member of the WearCheck group and we truly believe in its potential. These international meetings are an essential step for the growth of WearCheck International. We want to be part of this growth by the further development of mutual projects and by the continuous exchange of information and data within the group. We sincerely hope that all the other members feel the same way. Yours Sincerely, Gilbert De Mey September 5, 2000 5:15 PM BW - email to WC Group --Subject: Invoice for participation to the WEARCHECK meeting in Munster Hallo Gilbert, yesterday we received your invoice for the participation to the WEARCHECK meeting in Munster. We were surprised about the costs for the participation of Noria. For our opinion Jim Fitch was invited to present his service and his company. Similar presentation we had in Munster by Labotec, in Spain by Pamas , ISL, Flutec, in Germany by Analex, Spectro - we never paid for such a presentation. We gave them the opportunity to present their service and to find new customers and maybe new partners. WEARCHECK Germany has deducted the costs for Noria from the invoice.. The insurance for seminar participants we never had all the years before and we can not assume why we should need it. We have our own insurance and do not need an extra insurance. WEARCHECK Germany will not pay the insurance-costs as long as we don4t know the reasons of the necessity. . For further situations we would prefer that the group should be asked before if there is any payment expected. Also we will recommend again, further meetings should take place in the respective WEARCHECK place and not in an hotel far away. So the business will be first of all and we will save also the money for the conference room. Besides a lot of things are much easier to handle making copies, searching written informations For a tax-inspector it looks like a business-meeting and not like a holiday, we will not get any problems. With the meeting in Munster and the seminar-programm we will get problems if there will be an inspection. With best regards Barbara Weismann August 11, 2000 5:23 AM WQ - email to PW (copy to BQ) - Subject: Reply to GTA - Breaks alliance with CTC over OSA-II - recalls units - Peter - I am not surprised that OSA would not come to see you in Germany, or continue discussion about the OSA. I think they know of WearCheck's opinion of the lack of viability of OSA units. GTA seem to be selling units by means of intense marketing. I do not think that problems at CTC (though they have many) are the reason GTA removed the units. I think it is further proof that they do not work properly. Our trip through Europe was "too busy". We drove 6000km and visited eight countries. Did not spend long enough in any one place to have a true holiday, though we enjoyed it just the same. With regard to our new home, we have finalized all major structural changes with the builder and meet with them this week to choose colours, carpets, and wood finishes in the house. They will be digging the foundation this month and construction will start probably in September. The contract calls for us to close the deal next April. Things are going very well. We are making some progress with the Lubrigard deal, though it is still a story of lack of money, and our (Belgium and Canada) reluctance to provide any more funds without some concrete guarantees from Tan Delta. I have received a report from our patent attorneys stating the patent is still in review and they think that the claims in the application are "too broad". Patent attorneys never commit themselves to a clear statement, but I am trying to get a clear opinion from them. If Tan Delta are successful in completing an agreement with a major sensor manufacturer (with sufficient financial backing) to make the sensor, I believe that is assurance enough that the device will be protected, and they are working on that. Progress is slow, but we are talking. I hope Paul enjoys attending Bowling Green and I repeat that he has an open invitation to visit us in Canada anytime. If you and Barbara get the time drop up and see us. Best Regards Bill Sr ----- Original Message ----- From: Peter Weismann To: 'William Quesnel - WearCheck' Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 9:50 AM Subject: AW: GTA - Breaks alliance with CTC over OSA-II - recalls units. Thank you, Bill, for this information. We had a discussion with the OSA-people in Tulsa and they promised us, they will come and see us with their instrument as the first instrument in Europe not later than Summer this year. So far nobody came back. Maybe the CTC Case is one of the reasons. How was your trip in Europe? Are your plans with your home progressing? I hope the Lubrigard thing continues to make some progress. Barbara and I will be in Detroit from Aug. 21st to 25th to accompany our sun to the University in Bowling Green. Best regards to all of you. Peter Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Kerschelweg 28 D 83098 Brannenburg Germany Fax: + 49-8034-9047-47 Phone: + 49-8034-9047-11 E-Mail: pw@wearcheck.de URL: http://www.wearcheck.de . Seems they have broken with CTC and pulled back their OSA units (see No 9.). - Bill Quesnel Sr. Global Technovations Announces OSA-II Activity and Receives New Endorsements August 10, 2000 5:46 AM PW - email to WQ - Subject: AW: GTA - Breaks alliance with CTC over OSA-II - recalls units. Thank you, Bill, for this information. We had a discussion with the OSA-people in Tulsa and they promised us, they will come and see us with their instrument as the first instrument in Europe not later than Summer this year. So far nobody came back. Maybe the CTC Case is one of the reasons. How was your trip in Europe? Are your plans with your home progressing? I hope the Lubrigard thing continues to make some progress. Barbara and I will be in Detroit from Aug. 21st to 25th to accompany our sun to the University in Bowling Green. Best regards to all of you. Peter Weismann . Seems they have broken with CTC and pulled back their OSA units (see No 9.). - Bill Quesnel Sr. Global Technovations Announces OSA-II Activity and Receives New Endorsements July 1, 2000 2:34 AM WQ/LQ - Visit to WearCheck Germany - Billy - We had a very interesting visit to the German laboratory and a great evening with the Weismanns yesterday. Glad we made the trip here. German business is steadily increasing and they are adding new tests to their repertoire. They are selling more samples on which they do even more tests and at higher prices. WC Germany are moving to automate as much of the testing as they can, and are always looking at methods that allow them to use the original sample bottle in the new machines. They have a new automated particle counter in the laboratory with a conveyor-way that carries the (original) sample bottles from a loading pen through a device that automatically grabs the bottle and conducts the test, then carries on to a holding pen where the bottles are removed. The conveyor takes the normal sample bottle so their is no need to decant the samples. The apparatus takes up an area about 4' by 4'. Peter says there were some initial bugs with the thing but correlation with existing equipment has proven the apparatus. He is very happy with it. They have also purchased a blotter tester similar to the one we saw in Spain. The use an eyedropper to create about 12 blots per page which are dried and then placed in the reader. I remember the Belgians were doing blotter tests when we visited their laboratory 8 years ago, and still are. They purchased an automated Bio-Rad that looks like a newer model than ours, and is complete with an automated sampling rack, which will sip from their normal sample bottles (no need to decant but only holds about 20 sample bottles). Peter says Bio-Rad enlarged the hosing to sip more of the sample faster and he gets about 60 samples per hour with the new machine. They had a consultant come in to set up the Bio-Rad and maximize performance. Rudiger has been trained (at Predict) for ferrograpy (and I think Peter went as well) and they have begun to get this going. They have a microscope similar to our set-up upstairs next to Rudiger's office, however do not have the computer organized the way we do. I think they would crap themselves if they saw how you are able to pull ferrograph pictures into your sample reports. (Pop one up on the screen when you do your demo in France). They are working with filter patches doing debris analysis as well, and have a neat device for drying the patches beforehand. Peter says that they had a consultant come in to work with them, and found that if the patches are not dried beforehand the weights being measured and recorded are useless - as they can be out by as much as 200% (on the lighter samples). WC Germany places the days' requirement of filter patches on filter glasses on a tray over a drying chemical with everything under a glass bell housing. They have a three station filter vacuum set up on the lab bench (vacuum pump and disposal under the bench) and use neat disposable plastic containers with a hole the size of the filter patch in the bottom that they place over the patch, turn on the suction, then fill from the top with sample and wash. Once the sample is done they toss away the plastic container. The plastic containers are available in a variety of sizes from Millipore and Peter says they are relatively cheap. They use this set-up to do "bottoms" on oil samples, and it could be used to do filter debris patches as well. They have bought a "sniffer" to test for fuel in oil. Peter says they have correlated with a GC and eliminated the need for the GC as the sniffer is very accurate and is also very fast. Again they just take the top off the sample bottle and place it in the device so no need to decant. The machine does one sample at a time. Maybe Barbara can explain this device to you if you get some time to talk to her during the meetings in France. They are expanding the laboratory building 6 meters back. They will increase laboratory space downstairs by this addition and also moving out of the downstairs offices. Peter and Barbara take up about 1/4 of the downstairs with their office - which also holds all their files and a meeting table to accommodate 6 people. They will move office upstairs into what is now their training room - which is about 50 feet by 20 feet in size. They will move the training room into the upstairs expansion at the other end of the building. The new training room will be larger than what they have now (they are able to host about thirty delegates in the present facility), and are expanding their training programs to include seminars hosted at hotel meeting rooms throughout their territory. They are sending Rudiger to the USA to train at Noria. The Weismanns tell us that this has been the most effective method of getting new customers and holding or expanding business with present customers. Son Paul will be taking his university courses (bio-chemistry and business) in Rolling Green University in Ohio, starting in September 2000, and daughter Pietra is in Munich training in computer programs for the Internet (She is presently training on building web-sites and is revamping WC Germany's site). They are planning that Paul will come into the WearCheck business and he will be attending the WearCheck International meeting in Colmar France along with Barbara this year. WC Germany have improved their literature and have a very organized mailing campaign. They do three four page newsletters per year that are sent out to customers along with reports and invoices and now have a circulation of about 5000. They stuff every sample shipment with relative tech-data sheets for the particular samples being sent, and proper procedures for taking samples for the particular application along with other relative information (EG the South African style write-ups). These documents are pre-printed (similar in quality to the recent printing you did for WebCheck) and provided to the person packing kits in bulk. Peter says they can get these printed in quantities of 5000 for the same low cost as purchasing copy paper. They send out a very professional looking package of kits with high quality useful information. As usual the Germans are very proactive, and enjoying the business. Peter is still making two trips every year to Hong Kong consulting for Oil Companies and spends a bit of his time as an expert witness in civil suits. They are prospering and demonstrate affluence in all that they do. Bill Sr June 12, 2000 9:08 PM WQ - Email to BW - Subject: Re: Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Participation Barbara - Thanks for the reply. WearCheck Canada Inc and WearCheck USA will combine our display booths to have a 20' x 10' display. We plan to make space for literature from group companies as a display for anyone who wishes to pick up such brochures. There is no charge to group members to participate in this display, merely need a supply of literature that any member wishes to present. We can talk about this when we visit your laboratory. Looking forward to seeing you and the family. Lorraine and I have just purchased a property to build a new house this coming year, and are looking for good ideas. Best Regards Bill Q Sr June 9, 2000 8:10 AM BW - Email to WQ - Subject: - Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Participation - Hallo Bill, thanks for your information regarding the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference 2000 in Tulsa. As mentioned before WEARCHECK Germany will not participate on a booth in the exhibition. In the moment I am not sure if I will attend the conference. Peter and R diger definitely will not attend, because R diger will have during the same time a seminar and Peter must stay in the company while R diger is out. Looking forward to see you and your family on the 30th June. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Kerschelweg 28 D 83098 Brannenburg Germany Fax: + 49-8034-9047-47 Tel.: + 49-8034-9047-17 E-Mail: bw@wearcheck.de Internet: http://www.wearcheck.de April 7, 2000 2:20 PM PW - email to BC (Copy to WQ GD) - Re Lubrigard - Hallo Bob, you are surely anxious to know about my future plans. Here now the answer of all the open points regarding your mails dated 07.03., 27.03 and 31.03.2000 and some additional reasons which should explain my point of view. As you already know, I had intentions to start manufacturing the sensor in Germany. A well-known company in Germany was prepared, to cooperate with me and together we had plans, to sell the sensor in the German speaking countries. Of course I was also willing to sell the sensor within the group to Gilbert, Bill or you, as long as you were not able to start the manufacturing in your own territories or in a cheaper manufacturing place. I was willing to pay to Lubrigard 10% of the selling price of a sensor, never mind the manufacturing, processing and marketing costs. This was not less as in the contract whit LUBRIGARD Holding Ltd., if I consider the participation in this Company and the shares, which LUBRIGARD Holding Ltd. would have in LUBRIGARD Germany. The sensor must be available on the market very soon. Because of my activities many clients searched on the Patent. They know the sensor by now because they had mostly successful tests. At present they are asking how we are going to proceed. We must present a well-known manufactur-company with reliability and the best would be an existing supplier for the OEM's. You know it is not easy, very time consuming and sometimes not possible to introduce a new supplier to an OEM. They will prefer to get this sensor from their existing or on other well-known-supplier and not from an unknown company. As you can expect I had especially during the past weeks discussions with many different people like the car-manufacturers, sensor-producers and patent lawyers. This information exchange let me see the future for Lubrigard under a new aspect: The experts told me that the Lubrigard-Patent descriptions and claims seems to be "state of engineering". It is nearly impossible to identify and mark the LUBRIGARD sensor as a real new sensor, because at present the sensor is already "state of engineering". We would have hands full to defend our patent rights successful. This fact will allow any manufacturer to build a similar sensor and avoid or bypass the patent until we get them to court. And if a court case would help is very questionable. After these information I am sure, that in the near future a sensor will be on the market using very similar technology. Just yesterday an independent institute announced the same principle but using a plate compensator instead of circular compensator in the same frequency range, and measuring the viscosity at the same time. In such a case nobody knows the real market- and price-development for large volumes of Lubrigard-sensor. We work by the principle maxim: Don't swim in the sky - face the facts and be realistic. Watching the possibilities for realistic sales figures and price achievements I am not prepared to pay a lost 100.000 pounds to CRS or any other unknown company in exchange for the exclusive marketing rights in a given territory. Another reason why I refuse to pay this sum is the uncertainty. I already have one very negative experience how quick a company can be closed and how quick my exclusive contract with the CRS company may become useless, because the LUBRIGARD Ltd board may decide, to step out of this company and transfer the rights to a new created one. If CRS will be handled in a similar way as Lubrigard Holding, no one of the 100000 pounds investors would have any kind of control or any participation on decisions. This new company can stop all the marketing activities at once and all the invested money as well as the rights are gone. The 100.000 pounds down payment in combination with a fee of 6 pounds per manufactured sensor is a number out of the stomach without any calculation or financial base. If prices go down because of competition or because of large volume discounts, maybe the sales price of a sensor is even less than 6 pounds. You mentioned your good offers in exchange for the selling rights. If the Mr. Swan or anyone else is prepared to buy the exclusive European rights for an excellent price you may anyhow do what you want. I can not stop you. It is your decision. Please take in consideration, if you are selling the exclusive rights for Germany, that we have registered the LUBRIGARD Trademark. We recommend, the new owner should discuss with me the terms and conditions for the Lubrigard trademark and the LUBRIGARD.de domain. Also if you or he is interested in continuing the business with the German clients who are in the test stage for the sensor at present we can discuss the conditions for the transfer. You can be assured it was not an easy decision to refuse your contract draft. I invested since the first introduction of the sensor to the WEARCHECK-Group four years ago beside of the 7000 pounds more than 50.000 DM and a lot of my time and my personal credibility. But the risk of loosing another 100.000 pounds is too high. Best regards Peter Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Kerschelweg 28 D 83098 Brannenburg Germany Fax: + 49-8034-9047-47 Phone: + 49-8034-9047-11 E-Mail: pw@wearcheck.de URL: http://www.wearcheck.de March 20, 2000 11:05 AM PW - email to WQ (Forwarded to BQ) - we now get more and more interest on customers on the web check. We therefore are installing our own web server which should be up and running in about three weeks time. We are interested in the upgrade which you included in the meantime into thenternational version of web check. Because our login has expired some time ago, we kindly ask you to allow us access again. You mentioned some time ago the graphic function of web check for us as an update. Could you please send us this function? We are now in the process to re-design our laboratory reports which you havereated so that they look in the web exactly like they look in the printout. We are looking for a tool which allows us to speed up the generation of individual report in the web check. Do you know whether there is a program as a report builder? We have now an oil company who is interested in the pick-up list for tests which you demonstrated for VOLVO in UK. Is this list for the test selection also part of the web check? Best regards Peter Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Kerschelweg 28 D-83098 Brannenburg February 28, 2000 9:12 AM PW - email to BC (Copy GD WQ CC) - Sorry for my delay in my answer. I have been travelling extensively during the past two weeks. I have been in USA at Bio-Rad for a Spectrometer training and got stuck in Boston because of snow. In the last week, we had two seminars. I understand your need for some urgent money and I need also to proceed on a German Lubrigard company Also the sensor production needs to get started. On Wednesday this week I will have a discussion with a consultant. He will assist me in bringing my ideas regarding Lubrigard and my participation in Lubrigard into an understandabledraft. In short: I do not find it a good idea in exchanging 100.000 pounds for a licence contract which is made with a company which can be cut off from Lubrigard Ltd. like it happened with Lubrigard Holding Ltd. As you know, we spent already some money but we never got any information how this money was spent and whether all the expenses were spent in our interest. I will come back to you Wednesday afternoon or Thursday. Please let me know the best time to call you. so I can discuss some topics over the phone. November 29, 1998 2:17 PM WQ- Phone call to Peter (at his home) RE: Lubrigard Peter wants me to set my agenda for trip to Europe and he will match it. He wants to travel to England to see manufacturing plant for Lubrigard. We are to meet with Ford in Dusseldorf on the 9th December Peter will arrange meetings with Mercedes and Mann in Cologne on 10th December He wants me to come back to Munich with him before returning to Canada.. Peter says that Lubrigard do not reply to e-mail very quickly, they are not meeting promises of delivery or improvements to the devices. Peter says the units are on test with Mercedes, Mann and Audi and so far nothing negative. He could get test for 10 units on BP ocean going vessels if available from Lubrigard. The ony thing complex about the devices is permativity. One of the problems is that Lubrigard is not 100% correct at varying temperatures - e.g.:. A reading at 80 degrees C = 20 A reading at 100 degrees C = 30 Peter says that this variance can be explained and compensated for. RE: WebCheck I told him that Belgium is up and running with 31 users on-board so far. We discussed the misunderstnding about giving Peter the sourcecode for WebCheck. He understands now about the possibility of hackers getting source code off a WebSite. He wants his computer people to be able to modify for Germany. I said WC would give them a copy of WebCheck complete with source code. I explained that they could work away on a copy that is isolated, e-mail changes to Bill and he could incorporate into the program and up-date Germany's copy of codes. In this way we will not diverge from each other and create several versions of WebCheck. Peter sounds very up-beat about using WebCheck and I believe they will still purchase. February 2, 2001 10:49 AM WQ - email to BW PW (copy RI BQ) - Subject: WebCheck and Germany - Barbara and Peter Bill Jr and I have discussed the situation with regard to Germany and WebCheck. We feel that you have chosen to "go your own way" at WearCheck Germany with regard to Internet based software. You are not promoting the WebCheck software as "WebCheck" as required by the agreement but have re-named the software to OelCheck as per your login page at http://www.oelcheck.de/default.asp?Lang=DE You are operating the software on your own server which would make if very difficult for us to continually customize any improvements to fit your operations. We believe from our conversations that you have added to the WebCheck software and programmed modifications into the software. We are continually working on WebCheck to improve functionality, however many of the changes are fundamental to the software platform, and would require separate modification tailored to your server. This situation is impractical from a software development approach, and certainly not affordable at the prices quoted. The original proposal called for deployment on a central server (such as we now have shared between Canada and the USA) where the improvements are made, and shared by those using the system. You preferred to have your own server and operate your own system. The spirit of WebCheck is to build a centralized, internet based system, to minimize the cost of software development and provide leading edge information management systems for oil analysis customer, laboratories, equipment manufacturers, oil companies and consultants. Invoice No. INN0048955 was issued as a routine by our accounting system and I have now instructed Ruth our office manager to issue a credit note for that invoice. We cannot provide improvements to the original WebCheck software in Germany, under existing conditions, so in future we will discontinue invoicing WearCheck Germany for this item in the agreement. Best Regards Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca WearCheck Canada Inc http://www.wearcheck.ca BW - email to WQ - Subject: Fw: Invoice No. INN0048955 From: Barbara Weismann To: 'billq@wearcheck.ca' Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 12:17 PM Subject: Invoice No. INN0048955 Hi Bill, we are really surprised as we received your invoice dated Dec.31, 2000. We agreed an "Initial sign up fee" and an "Annual fee to fund further development of software-upgrades". The "Annual fee to cover costs of web-hosting and T1 access lines" was taken off. We paid: USD 6000 Initial sign up fee USD 2000 Annual fee 1998 USD 2000 Annual fee 1999 We never received any support or software-upgrades. Sometimes you make promises to Peter on the phone, but nothing arrived. Since end of 1998 we don't have access to the International Web check program. During the WEARCHECK-Meeting in Colmar you committed to give us no further support and updates, because we are working with our own webserver. Working with our own Webserver and not going on your platform was known as we signed the agreement - that is why we took off the annual fee for web-hosting. If you changed your mind and will send us your software upgrades since 1998, give us support for our questions and give us access to the International Webcheck program, we will pay immediately. Best regards Barbara Weismann WEARCHECK GmbH Public 011-49-80-34-90470 Phone 011-49-80-34-904747 Fax Public International Member http://www.wearcheck.com/reach.html D 83094 WearCheck Hungary > MOL - Hungarian Oil & Gas WearCheck Hungary > MOL - Hungarian Oil & Gas WearCheck Hungary > MOL - Hungarian Oil & Gas 000406000172469946609C Public Public WearCheck International WearCheck International WearCheck International 980209001021885214752C August 21, 2001 12:08 PM WQ email to WC Group (copy GG KM RI RB) - Subject: Dupont - world wide oil analysis - Colleagues - I am faxing to you today a request received from John Underwood of Dupont for a world wide program of oil analysis for Dupont. I am willing to co-ordinate a response to Dupont. If you wish to respond with your individual proposals you may direct them to me and I will prepare a combined world-wide proposal for Dupont. The request is for laboratories outside of the USA. Mr Underwood seems content with the service provided by Analysts Inc in the USA, however we may be able to persuade him to open that market to WearCheck USA through the power of WebCheck. We will be meeting with Mr Underwood in Tulsa at the POAC (one more reason for you to attend the convention), and it is important that we are able to present the world-wide offering at that meeting. It would be great if we show world wide participation in the POAC as well. This is yet another opportunity for Wear Check to use the strength of our association to gain a major client on a world-wide basis. If you wish to learn about Dupont, who they are, and how large an organization I suggest you go to any one of their websites - start with www.dupont.com and go to your relative country. Suffice to say they are a major believer in oil analysis (note paragraph four in Mr Underwood's letter), and promise to be a very major client. I would ask you to send your replies as soon as possible. It would be best if you fax the information to my home fax number as I am really enjoying working in my new in-home office and I am at home every evening, whereas I am not at Wear Check Canada Inc., on a daily basis. My home fax number is (905) 332-0289. You can usually reach me on my cell phone at (905) 467-3562, and you can always reach Lorraine at (905) 335-9922 (and she will find me) as she forwards our home number to her cell phone when she is out of the house. We need to get started immediately and open a dialogue between us, to insure we make a highly professional presentation to Dupont. I propose to share the proposal document will all that wish to participate (through the magic of email) and with your help massage it into a final presentation. Check your fax today for the 15+ pages. I am sending one copy to each Wear Check lab - if you don't get a copy by Wednesday August 22, let me know. William Quesnel Sr August 21, 2001 11:39 AM WQ email to WC Group (copy RB GG) - Subject: Marketing Oil Analysis - Dear Colleagues We are reviewing our marketing at Wear Check Canada Inc. We have been ploughing through old literature and discovered that we have done many things in the past that were successful, but have somehow dropped through the cracks. We also think that we must produce new and unique ideas relative to our niche in the marketplace. We are redefining our approach to potential customers. Who should we be going after and how? We have decided to focus on the larger national and/or international companies. One idea is to develop specific programs for specific equipment that is used industry wide. Some good examples of this in the "Mobile Equipment World" would be the large ready-mix concrete trucks, compacting garbage trucks, or similar types of trucks that have some type of ancillary equipment requiring oil analysis. We propose to approach one major user, or Original Equipment Manufacturer, and gain co-operation in developing a unit specific oil analysis/maintenance program. We would work together to establish proper requirements and measurable goals for an effective program. This approach does have some similarities to our "Brand Name" "Warranty Type" programs with people like Komatsu, and Volvo, however we want to look at an application on a more generic basis over a range of different manufacturers, for a specific type of equipment. We would develop a comprehensive and highly cost effective program complete with detailed implementation procedures targeted at the specific type of unit/application. Once established, implemented and producing measurable results that can be demonstrated, we would take the program to an industry wide market place, approaching all major users of the equipment. We would not restrict this approach to the trucking industry, and think there is a broader application, and bigger and better market, in the manufacturing industry. Has anyone taken this approach before, and if so do you have examples you wish to share, that WearCheck Canada Inc could borrow and apply immediately? You may notice that Analysts Inc have customized their kit offering for oil analysis (to some extent) for Dupont in the literature I am sending you by fax today - concerning a request from Dupont for a Wear Check world wide program for oil analysis for Dupont. They have recommended a variety of kits for specific equipment, or components. William Quesnel Sr August 15, 2001 9:44 AM WQ email to WC Group - Subject: Husky Program Quote - Changes - WQ second email to WC Group - Subject: Husky Quotation Conditions Change: Colleagues I know that we have asked for this pricing in the past, however I must ask you to contribute pricing once again as there has been some revision to the plan. We continue to talk to Husky Injection Molding in Canada. We had high hopes of a large program with Husky, however they have chosen a different route. They now wish to include a technical document in their literature advising all customers to use oil analysis on their machines. They will write in the Wear Check name and will state that Wear Check is the recommended laboratory however want the individual customers (and some dealers) to order directly from the laboratory in their own country. This means it will not be a brand named sampling program, and you can supply Wear Check kits (or whatever kits you wish0 directly to the end user, process the samples and use your own delivery system to reply to the customer directly. There will be no organized attempt to relay this information to Husky directly. Husky have installed sample ports in hydraulic lines on their injection moulding machines. I need you to bid again to provide Husky with the pricing by country. Please return the attached Excel spreadsheet with you bid filled in the proper location (locations). Based on this scenario, I am asking you to quote me your market price to Husky for a single sample kit as well as your price for a normal carton of kits. Please state your kit description or part number in the spreadsheet and show pricing for single kit as well price and quantity for a carton of kits. See the example already filled in for Wear Check Canada Inc. Following are tests required: Viscosity ASTM D445 Test at 40 C ICP-AES ASTM D5185 17 elements for wear metals, additives and contaminants Karl Fischer ASTM D1744 Water concentration in PPM or % if water is present. Visible Debris Microscopy Performed if visible debris is present Particle Count ISO 4406 Laser Particle Counter. TAN ASTM D446 Total Acid Number. Please fill in price for sample thief and If shipping is extra please fill in appropriate columns. Sorry to keep changing the conditions but we are trying to match the customer's needs as best we can. Hopefully this is just a start, and Husky will realize the benefits of the brand name program first offered. Please advise your price as soon as possible, as I need to get back to Husky with this information. Best Regards Bill October 17, 2000 3:14 PM WQ - email to JC - Subject: Re: Requested information to set up a Wearcheck lab in Argentina. - Jim Perhaps this would best be discussed in Tulsa - Jesus will be there and we would probably have a quorum with Bob Cutler, yourself, Bill Jr, myself, Andre Verlinden and Gilbert De Mey. Regards Bill Q Sr ----- Original Message ----- From: Jim Chambers To: William Quesnel ; Bill Quesnel Sr. Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 10:29 AM Subject: Fw: Requested information to set up a Wearcheck lab in Argentina. - Please help me answer Danial Sansot request for setting up a WearCheck lab in Argentina. He shares that he has worked with WC SAfrica in the passed. I know Spain has voiced a cliam on SA. E-mail a time we can talk about this issue. JTC October 4, 2000 10:54 AM JC - email to WQ - Subject: Fw: Requested information to set up a Wearcheck lab in Argentina. - Please help me answer Danial Sansot request for setting up a WearCheck lab in Argentina. He shares that he has worked with WC SAfrica in the passed. I know Spain has voiced a cliam on SA. E-mail a time we can talk about this issue. JTC ----- Original Message ----- From: Wearcheck To: jtchambers@compuchemlabs.com Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 1:33 PM Subject: RV: Requested information to set up a Wearcheck lab in Argentina. p/BRACO S. A. Daniel Sansot Castro Barros 1639 (1640) Mart nez Prov. Buenos Aires Argentina Tel/Fax 54 11 4733-3145 September 28, 2000 11:21 AM DE - email to JC (copy GB) (fwd WQ) - Subject WC Argentina - Daniel: Este es el mensaje que envié y a la dirección que me dió Gary Brown. -----Mensaje original----- De: Guillermo Sansot Para: jtchamber@mindspring.com Fecha: Jueves, 17 de Agosto de 2000 03:26 p.m. Asunto: RV: WEARCHECK IN ARGENTINA -----Mensaje original----- De: Guillermo Sansot Para: - James Chamber CC: Gary Brown ; Daniel Sansot Fecha: Miércoles, 16 de Agosto de 2000 11:08 a.m. Asunto: WEARCHECK IN ARGENTINA This message was sent yesterday but with a wrong address of Mr.. Chamber, therefor I am sending it with the proper correction. Sorry. Dear Mr.. Chambers: Let me introduce myself, I am Guillermo Sansot, FMC Corporate Representative in Argentina, Vice President of Minera del Altiplano S.A. an FMC local Corporation involved in the exploitation of a Lithium mine, President of Braco S.A. the family company handling local WEARCHEK oil analysis which for the time being are made in Wearcheck South Africa, President of OBRASUR S.A. a real state Corporation own by myself involved in a beach resort development and a rancher. Flor the last 38 years I have being working with FMC CORPORATION of Chicago as Assistant to the President of local FMC ARGENTINA S.A., then its Vice President, President for 22 years and after, keeping the position as President I was also FMC CORPORATE Regional Manager for Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay. With relation to WEARCHEK, originally the local introduction of its oil analysis made in South Africa were made by OBRASUR S.A.back in 1994, togheter with the real state business, until such a moment that we decided to separate both business, starting BRACO S.A. just for the oil analysis and few other items related with engines. I am presiding BRACO S.A. having my two older sons Guillermo Oscar (Willy) and Daniel working with me as Directors of the company. We started from scratch and little by little the trademark started to be recognized as one of the best, if not the best, analysis offered in the country. Of course the merit lands very much in the work performed by WEARCHECK South Africa but I believe our performance also contributed to the success of the trademark. Because we did not want an stranger to start using the trademark after our effort of introducing and developing it, I decided to look for protection. As a result WEARCHECK South Africa Management suggested to contact Mr.. Quesnel in Canada, which I did by traveling to Toronto, where I was received by Bill Quesnel in absence of his father. After explaining the purpose of my visit, Bill suggested to patent the trademark in Argentina which automatically would give me the protection I was looking for and indirectly would give me the Argentine territory as well, as far as we install a local laboratory. Well, that is the case since we already are establishing a new corporation in a joint venture with a local laboratory in operation for the last eight years. BRACO S.A. is in the process of buying more and new equipment in order to comply with WEARCHEK INTERNATIONAL standards requirement and we expect to be fully operating by the end of the year. That is the history of our involvement with WEARCHEK and hope to be able to join the Group in the near future. Sincerely yours, September 12, 2000 7:54 PM PJ (ALS) - email to WQ - Subject: RE: WearCheck Trademark Registration- Bill, We have registered the Wear Check name and Logo in Australia. Cheers, Peter Jordan September 12, 2000 4:55 PM JC (WC-USA) - email to WQ - Subject: Re: WearCheck Trademark Registration - Bill - We have not registered the WearCheck trademark in the US. Was that done before we came into the business? I have a meeting conflict next week. On Tuesday 19th, I will leave for Detroit for Chrysler called meeting. I will try to leave late Tuesday afternoon. I will be back Thursday night. Maybe I should meet with you in Canada or have a phone meeting about the Noria Conference and our business in the US. I will leave today about 1PM for Mississippi and be back Friday in the office. Maybe we can talk on Friday. The guys are excited about getting on the new software. Jim September 11, 2000 5:57 PM BW - email to WQ - Charter - Bill, we don t have an electronic copy of the WEARCHECK Charter. We only have the undersigned Original. Copies of this I handed out during the meeting in Munster. Do you need a copy agin (by fax?)? Best regards Barbara Weismann September 11, 2000 5:51 PM WQ - email to BW PW - (Copy BC JT BQ) - Charter - Colleagues Too late to change the quotation as it is on it's way. We need to sort this out and send a revision for these countries. Barbara can you please send me an electronic copy of the WearCheck Charter by email? Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca September 11, 2000 2:36 PM WQ - email to WC Group - Subject: WearCheck Trademark Registration - Colleagues - One of the actions assigned to me at the Group meetings in France was to register the WearCheck trademark worldwide. Please send me an up-dated list of the countries where you have registered the WearCheck trademark, so I can proceed with this task. William Quesnel Sr September 6, 2000 12:37 PM BQ email to WCGroup - Subject: Fw: World-Wide quote -Dear Members, SECOND REQUEST. Please respond and let me know if you are interested, OR NOT. So far the following have responded: WearCheck Canada (of course) - YES WearCheck USA - YES WearCheck Belgium - YES WearCheck UK - YES The following have not: WearCheck Germany WearCheck Australia WearCheck Hungary WearCheck Spain WearCheck Africa Regards, Bill September 6, 2000 4:31 AM GD - email to BW (copy to Group) - Subject: RE: Invoice for participation to the WEARCHECK meeting in Munster Dear Barbara, We would like to clear up some misunderstandings with regard to your e-mail. Indeed we have divided the costs for the participation of Noria since he was invited as a guest speaker coming from the States. As you are well aware, Noria is a major key player concerning technology information in the field of oil analysis. Noria is probably the most important supplier of archived know-how in our line of business. In our opinion, and I believe the other members will agree, it is better to treat Noria as a 1st class partner in order to be able to get the best out of them so that we are in the front line when receiving information and have a competitive advantage. By means of our seminar in Munster and by socializing, we can now say that Noria and its manager, Jim Fitch, have become valuable partners for our business. We therefore do not regard Noria as a simple supplier, but more as the gateway to the essential information and data we will need more and more in order to be able to run our businesses professionally in the future. Concerning your remark on the insurance; As organizer of a seminar in a foreign country, you need to cover the participants as much as possible. One of the first steps in any pro-active maintenance schedule is to prevent accidents from happening through a proper maintenance policy. Avoiding personal accidents is however not always possible, but you can cover the risks by taking an insurance that covers all participants for risks not covered by their own insurance. As organizer we felt it necessary to protect all participating members to a maximum degree. As long as nothing happens, everything will always be ok but as soon as something major happens, you better need to be covered as much as possible. Often the local insurances do not cover the accidents that occurred during a seminar abroad. Moreover as organizer it would have meant a lot of work asking each participant if he was insured and what risks that insurance would have covered. For only 160 ff (approx. 22 US$) you were covered for all possible accidents during the seminar, you were covered against theft, loss of luggage and personal belongings. We care for the members within the WearCheck Group. The reason for organising the seminar in a place away from the business is just to encourage the informal contacts and to enhance the relationship between the different members. Casual conversation during diners can be more productive than spending 8 hours in the conference room. At the seminar in Munster, business always came at first, even during diner most of the conversation was an exchange of ideas and projects. External interference is much higher when having the seminar in its own organisation. The risk of being disturbed with questions and matters to follow-up is much higher. Moreover in this way, families with children and participants did not have to travel back and forth but the whole group was able to stay together all the time, even during the periods of the seminar. Hotels nowadays provide all necessary equipment as you can find in an office. And if you participate to a congress or seminar, you are supposed to be prepared and bring all the necessary data with you. If you look at the minutes of the meeting, you will notice that it was a very productive and rewarding meeting indeed. On the invoice you will notice that we only mentioned the costs for participation to the seminar. This amount is very low and the tax-inspector will accept this without any questions. If he should ask for more, it is not necessary to provide him all the details. If you look at the cost of one-day seminars here in Belgium or abroad, the amount you have to pay is really peanuts (only 914 FF or approx. 125 US$ for 2 persons; 322 FF for the insurance and 592 FF for the participation of Noria). We have better things to do than spending our time on this matter. If you feel that the amount we charge you is not correct, let us know so that we can issue a credit note for that amount. We won t enter into further discussions or explanations about this matter. We are proud to be a member of the WearCheck group and we truly believe in its potential. These international meetings are an essential step for the growth of WearCheck International. We want to be part of this growth by the further development of mutual projects and by the continuous exchange of information and data within the group. We sincerely hope that all the other members feel the same way. Yours Sincerely, Gilbert De Mey September 5, 2000 5:15 PM BW - email to WC Group --Subject: Invoice for participation to the WEARCHECK meeting in Munster Hallo Gilbert, yesterday we received your invoice for the participation to the WEARCHECK meeting in Munster. We were surprised about the costs for the participation of Noria. For our opinion Jim Fitch was invited to present his service and his company. Similar presentation we had in Munster by Labotec, in Spain by Pamas , ISL, Flutec, in Germany by Analex, Spectro - we never paid for such a presentation. We gave them the opportunity to present their service and to find new customers and maybe new partners. WEARCHECK Germany has deducted the costs for Noria from the invoice.. The insurance for seminar participants we never had all the years before and we can not assume why we should need it. We have our own insurance and do not need an extra insurance. WEARCHECK Germany will not pay the insurance-costs as long as we don4t know the reasons of the necessity. . For further situations we would prefer that the group should be asked before if there is any payment expected. Also we will recommend again, further meetings should take place in the respective WEARCHECK place and not in an hotel far away. So the business will be first of all and we will save also the money for the conference room. Besides a lot of things are much easier to handle making copies, searching written informations For a tax-inspector it looks like a business-meeting and not like a holiday, we will not get any problems. With the meeting in Munster and the seminar-programm we will get problems if there will be an inspection. With best regards Barbara Weismann August 22, 2000 1:13 PM WQ - email to WC Group - Subject: Practicing Oil Analysis Conference Planning - Dear Colleagues I am planning for the POAC in Tulsa October 24-26. I would like to know from each WearCheck Group member whether they plan to participate in the Practicing Oil Analysis Conference 2000 in Tulsa Okalahoma USA October 24-26. Anyone who is attending and wishes to use the reserved booth space or meeting room will be expected to contribute to the cost of the booth. We would like to receive display literature from each and all of the Group members. I have been visiting Noria's website for the conference http://www.noria.com/conf/confmain.html, and there is information on what will go on, however there is still no formal timetable for events. My understanding is that they will hold workshops before and after the conference/tradeshow, and they have scheduled these on Monday Oct 23 and Thursday Oct 26. The papers for the conference and the tradeshow are to be held Tuesday Oct 24 and Wednesday Oct 25, with some on Thursday Oct 26. WearCheck Canada and USA have booked a 20ft x 10ft booth, as WearCheck International. So far I have had only the response from WearCheck Africa to submit informational brochures and literature. WearCheck Belgium has said they will participate. have booked a conference/meeting room for the two days of the conference/tradeshow where we could conduct WebCheck training seminars or meet with customers in any other format desired. I would like WearCheck Group's ideas about this, if you are participating. I booked my air travel and room at the conference hotel (which I found good last year) rooms get booked pretty quickly, it is: Tulsa Marriott Southern Hills 1902 East 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74136 918-493-7000 $99.00 single and double Best Regards, William Quesnel Sr President WearCheck Canada Inc. ph 905 569 8600 fax 905 569 8605 billqsr@wearcheck.ca --------------------------------------------------------------- A proud member of WearCheck International www.wearcheck.com August 22, 2000 10:53 AM WQ - email to BQ (copy to WC Group) - Subject: Re: World-Wide quote - Billy & Colleagues in WearCheck Group - This would be a great contract for WC Group especially if WebCheck is used. Not only will WearCheck get 17,000 samples (if we get 10 samples for each of all 1700 machines) at Canadian$30.00 each ($510,000 over three years) but the information you gather into one database will be very valuable. It affords the opportunity to view one manufacturer's machines operating in different locations (countries) and using many different brands of lubricants. If there are different models of machines within Husky, the machines should be fairly similar, being produced by one manufacturer. If WebCheck receives feedback on maintenance from customers (which is possible as part of the package) the information will give WearCheck a sound basis for improving diagnostic skills in lubrication testing of hydraulic extruding machinery. Another big plus would be the sharing of diagnostic expertise between members of the WC Group, should other members find the project of interest. This project is unique because of the small range of variables involved. A single manufacturer, with a limited range of machinery using a limited range of lubricants, however operating in different environments. It is the simplest example of what could be a workable cooperation for WC Group to start addressing the needs of Global Customers. This does reinforce the argument for "one" WebCheck system. Best Regards, William Quesnel Sr. President WearCheck Canada Inc. ph 905 569 8600 fax 905 569 8605 cell 905 467 3562 billqsr@wearcheck.ca -------------------------------------------------------------- A proud member of WearCheck International www.wearcheck.com August 22, 2000 8:56 AM BQ - email to WC Group - Subject: World-Wide quote - Dear Members, I have been asked by a local manufacturer of large hydraulic extrusion machinery to quote on a global oil analysis program. Husky Injection Molding Inc. manufacturers and sells hydraulic extruders around the world (www.husky.ca). Each machine sells for approximate $1.5M each. Husky would like to provide oil analysis kits for each unit for the 3-year warranty period (including machines that have already been sold). In essence each machine would receive 13 samples (one initial, then one every 3 months for 3 years). Husky will pick up the cost of the program for each client. In addition to the traditional benefits from an OA program, Husky is very interested in saving the client money by extending oil drain intervals on these units. Currently they have no idea how long the oils should last in their machinery. The test package required is: - ICP - Particle Count - Viscosity @ 40 C - TAN Husky's biggest concern is that they will have laboratories capable of analysing samples from machines located around the world. The break-down of the number of units sold per year per country are as follows (you can project the number of samples per year as: total samples per year = (number of units x 4) + (number of units x 6) as Husky will be doing 4 samples on new units, and 3 per year for 2 more years on all units including those already in the field. North America =========== United States - 966 Canada - 50 Mexico - 183 Europe ===== United Kingdom 30 Scandinavia - 5 Luxembourg - 185 Portugal 7 Spain - 15 Australia - 25 Germany - 25 France - 35 Italy - 20 Turkey 1 Israel - 10 Eastern Europe - 48 (Includes Russia and former Eastern Block countries) Asia === Japan - 20 Korea - 10 Thailand - 15 Indonesia - 15 China - 80 Asia - 20 Philippines 1 Africa ==== Africa - 13 South America =========== South America - 70 ( Includes Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, Peru, Equador) Central America - 10 I have told Husky that our price will be approximately CAN$ 30 per sample (which includes shipping - within Canada - sample kit, and analysis). Husky will be using WebCheck to manage the oil analysis program. Each Husky client will either receive a hard-copy report, or will also use WebCheck. ***************************************************** ** Action Plan ***************************************************** If you wish to participate in this quote, please provide the following information by September 7, 2000: - Pricing for above test package (please note any deviations from tests). - Countries (from the above list) from which you already perform samples or countries (from the above list) from which you believe you could process samples (i.e. there is a reasonable shipping route available) - please provide details of anticipated methods/costs of shipping samples if post (mail) is not available. - Whether or not you will transmit your data to WebCheck. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel Vice-President WearCheck Canada Inc. ph +1 905 569 8600 x223 fax +1 905 569 8605 billq@wearcheck.ca ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A proud member of WearCheck International (www.wearcheck.com) August 17, 2000 10:53 PM WQ - email to RB (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: Volvo-WearCheck Brochure - Robert - Attached please find some corrections I have made to the Volvo-WearCheck Brochure. I have given the file a new name as Volvo2.doc Good luck in this venture and Best Regards William Quesnel Sr. billqsr@wearcheck.ca August 16, 2000 2:10 PM WQ email to Noria WebMaster - Subject: Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Exhibitor Listing Sirs Please change the listing for our booth from: WearCheck Canada Inc to: WearCheck International WearCheck Labs from Canada, USA, Belgium and South Africa are represented and participating in the one booth. Bill Quesnel billqsr@wearcheck.ca WearCheck Canada Inc. http://www.wearcheck.ca August 16, 2000 12:54 PM WQ - email to WCI Group - Subject: WearCheck Group Meetngs - Minutes - Dear Colleagues Attached please find the final draft of the minutes of the WearCheck International meetings held in Colmar France July 3-5, 2000. I received very little response to my query for amendments or corrections, so there are few changes except for corrections in grammar and spelling. I have added to the Action Plan from reading through the minutes. I feel we did not spend enough time preparing a good action plan, and I suggest for next year that we form an action plan following each topic discussed. We should not leave it to the end of the meeting to try to compose. I would also suggest that Jim Chambers send out a copy of these minutes to all group members a few months before the meeting next year. I have also attached the minutes of the meeting held with Volvo at Colmar July 6, 2000 Best Regards Bill Quesnel August 16, 2000 4:07 AM RB - email to WC Group - Subject: RE: Volvo-WearCheck Brochure - Dear WearCheck members, message hereunder was sent to you on july 19th - until now we have not received your comments on this document. Can you please provide your input this week best regards, Robert Brys August 9, 2000 4:09 AM BC - email to WC Group - Subject: Re: WCI Web Site - Dear Colleagues - I have still not received signed copies of the Volvo contract from every one giving me permission to send the contract to Linda of Volvo (who made a special effort to meet us in France). The companies are Germany (who have refused to sign) Canada who have said they are interested but have problems and have not signed and the USA who I have not heard a word. Please advise how I should repond to Volvo. Without Canada there is no WEBCHECK, without the others we are not worldwide working as one group. What is the point of addressing Liebherr globally when we cannot agree to the Volvo proposal? Remember I was specifically asked (no pressurised) in Spain to bring in the group where I had the opportunity. Please let me have your comments (well the ones you can print and send over the airwaves). Bob August 8, 2000 4:30 PM BQ - email to WC Group - (Copy KM WQ) - Subject: WCI Web Site - Dear members, I am in the process of updating the WearCheck International Web site (www.wearcheck.com). I will be giving the site a new look and simplifying the number of pages on the site to contain the following information: 1. Home page - same info as present 2. About WCI - history of the group - information on our basic services. 3. Global Programs - steps to initiating a global oil analysis program with WCI - what WCI can offer a Global OEM. 4. Membership - requirements for joining WCI - the "WCI request for membership" forms. 5. Contacts - a list of contacts for Membership, Global programs, general information, etc. 6. News - articles on our past WCI meetings - future meetings - form for requests from OEMs, Instrument Manufacturers to participate in our next meeting - advertise our presence at Noria, etc. 7. Links to each laboratory - your address, e-mail, Web site, and a picture of your laboratory. If you have any general comments, or questions regarding the site, or content that should be present please e-mail me. Your input would be appreciated on the following: =================================== 1. If you have an updated picture of your laboratory that you would like me to use, please send it. I have pictures for all laboratories except MOL, and WearCheck Belgium, however, the I beleive the Tekniker photo is of your last facility, and the WearCheck Africa picture is somewhat fuzzy (it's from your Web site - sorry, Lesley, I lost the one's you sent last year). 2. Who should be appointed the main contact for the initiation of a global oil analysis program? 3. If someone would be so bold as to define "What are the steps to starting a global OA program with WCI? Essentially what we learned in our Volvo meeting, paraphrased. 4. Who will represent South America (by country if you wish), also if you want to be listed for other countries, aside from your current location, please let me know (i.e. for WearCheck Belgium, would you like to be listed for Belgium, France, Holland, etc.). Best Regards, Bill Quesnel Vice-President WearCheck Canada Inc. ph +1 905 569 8600 x223 fax +1 905 569 8605 billq@wearcheck.ca ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A proud member of WearCheck International (www.wearcheck.com) August 2, 2000 1:21 PM BQ - email to WC Group - Dear members, - One of the items arising from our WCI 2000 meetings in Munster, France was the requirement to develop a wear limit guide for Liebherr. Following is the Action Plan for this task: BQJ - August 15, 2000 - Send structure required for wear metal limits to all members. All - August 22, 2000 - Send wear metal limits to BQJ to compile. BQJ - August 30, 2000 - Wear Metal Limits guide back to all members. Here is the structure required for the wear metal data: MAKE, MODEL, SYSTEM_TYPE (i.e. ENGINE, TRANSMISSION, etc.), SAMPLE_DATE (dd.mm.yyyy) UNIT_AGE, TIME_ON_OIL, TIME_UNIT_OF_MEASURE (i.e. hrs, kms, mls, etc.), OIL TYPE, FE, CR, NI, AL, CU, PB, SN, TI, AG, MO, SI, H2O (in %), GLYCOL (POS, NEG, or %), FUEL (in %) July 19, 2000 2:33 PM RB - email to WC Group - Subject: Volvo-WearCheck Brochure - Dear WearCheck members, attached you will find a document with the basis for a Volvo-WearCheck brochure. This document has been sent to Linda Jonas - so that she can see it and show it to her communication dept. before taking her vacation. I will meet with her concerning the brochure after august 15th. Could please read thru this document and mail your suggestions or remarks on my behalf robert.brys@unil.com I'll be out of the office from 27th of july until august 15th. So i hope to get all your feedback by the time I come back. I thank you for your assistance, best regards, Robert Brys Communication manager WearCheck / Unil Belgium Bergensesteenweg 713 B-1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw Tel +32 (0)2 365 02 27 Fax /32 (0)2 360 01 12 www.unil.com July 17, 2000 4:11 PM BQ - email to WQ - Re minutes - Dad, - I have made some changes to the minutes. There were quite a few. Also I have several questions: 1. (pg: 6, Ln: 9, Col: 58) You have "Canada has learned about Noria in the US going into the lab business". Really?! Doesn't sound right to me. Please verify and correct. 2. (pg: 11, Ln: 42, Col: 90) You have "BQJ says....." what did I say? I don't remember. If you do, fill it in. 3. (pg: 12, Ln: 24, Col: 4) You have a title for Global Clients, but no action items. I will look at the Volvo minutes tomorrow.... July 17, 2000 4:11 PM BQ - email to WQ - Re minutes - Dad, - I have made some changes to the minutes. There were quite a few. Also I have several questions: 1. (pg: 6, Ln: 9, Col: 58) You have "Canada has learned about Noria in the US going into the lab business". Really?! Doesn't sound right to me. Please verify and correct. 2. (pg: 11, Ln: 42, Col: 90) You have "BQJ says....." what did I say? I don't remember. If you do, fill it in. 3. (pg: 12, Ln: 24, Col: 4) You have a title for Global Clients, but no action items. I will look at the Volvo minutes tomorrow.... July 13, 2000 1:24 PM GK - email to WC Group - I thought it appropriate to reply to Barbaras email on the specific issues raised re WearCheck Australia. The other more general issues she raises were probably covered at the France meeting and we will be happy to comment after reviewing the outcome of any discussions which did take place. In general though we are empathetic to Barbaras views and at the South African, Australian and UK meetings expressed a concern about the benefit of the meetings because of the loose structure of the group. To the specific items raised in relation to ALS:- On the comment about ALS not participating in the November 1999 and March 2000 round robins. These samples are taking a VERY LONG TIME to reach us from Hungary. The November (sent in late October) samples arrived on the 17th of January!!!! The March samples arrived in June. We have participated in every round robin, but our results are not included in the report because we do not receive the samples until almost three months after they are sent. When Judith was chasing the November results we indicated at that time that we had not received the samples, and subsequently upon receiving them turned them around quickly. Post from Hungary to Australia simply does not work and a courier is the only option. (A Xmas card sent from Judith to Peter Jordan arrived here in May!) Regarding the WearCheck meetings. ALS is part of a public company, it is not a private organisation. Travelling half way round the world is both time consuming and expensive. Our view is that the meetings are becoming more of a holiday with a little work tacked on. This is fine if people are looking for a tax deductible holiday and we have no problem with this, but it is not appropriate for ALS. If you take an honest look at the France agenda, there is very little substance or meat to it. The days consist of a three or four hour meeting (if at all) followed by sight seeing. We also felt that the meeting content was weak (eg the Noria discussion is of little relevance to us). We are committed to WearCheck as a group, but only if there is technical or commercial merit to the association. Otherwise we are simply individual labs that happen to be providing a service under the same brand name. Greg F Kilmister General Manager Australian Laboratory Services Pty Ltd June 22, 2000 1:28 PM BW/PW - email to WC Group - Subject: International Wearcheck Group Dear WEARCHECK-Member, regarding our WEARCHECK-Meeting in Colmar we prepared some oints/questions to discuss before the meeting with the authorized people in each WEARCHECK laboratory. * Membership of Australia WEARCHECK Australia is violating the Charter. WEARCHECK Australia did not attend the meeting in Spain in 1999 and will not attend Colmar 2000. Also there was no participation in the round robin Samples in November 99 and March 2000. In the ?Requirements of Membership? is written: ?Attend at least three out of every four IWCG annual meetings.? ?Participate in round robins to coordinate laboratory results and diagnoses.? A statement of Peter Jordan made during the last meeting they attended in UK 1998 is noted in the minutes as follows: ?What was the value of the WEARCHECK Conferences, to justify him travelling around the world to take part in these meetings.? In our opinion the Charter members have to decide about the Australien membership in the International WEARCHECK group. * Additions to the Charter In the minutes from Australia 1997 are really important decisions. We feel these points should be added to the Charter. Minutes Topic 5: ?It was decided to change the existing WCI charter to protect the rights of all remaining members if any other is bought out or taken over.? We suggest this should be handled as a new membership: ?A new laboratory can be added to the Group with unanimous approval of the Charter members only.? Minutes Topic 8: If a WCI member was not actively servicing a market or had no firm plans to do so, then they should not have exclusive rights to that market. Their obligation to their markets is to protect the WEARCHECK name by registering the name in their territorial markets. * Changes in the Charter - Group trade mark is not registered to our knowledge and therefore can not be protected. This part under the point ?New Membership? should be cancelled. - Paragraph 3-5 under the point ?New Membership? belongs to ?Requirements of membership?. * Some considerations 1. New ownership of Wearcheck labs The companies which bought the original WCI-members (WEARCHECK South Africa, UK, Belgium, United States) never had an agreement with the other original members. We suggest this should also be handled as a new membership: ?A new laboratory can be added to the Group with unanimous approval of the Charter members only.? 2. Annual meeting The annual meeting should be devoted to the business discussions at first - maybe 2 days. When this officinal part is completed, then there can be an optional social part. The members which have not enough time or are not interested in the social part should be free to leave. We suggest the annual meeting should be a business meeting first of all - social part should be secondary. 3. Charter - International WEARCHECK Group The Charter has less and less relationship to real business practise. It is only a ?Gentleman agreement? between the persons and not the companies who signed the contract in 1994. 4. Decisions and promises from the last meetings A lot of decisions and promises from the last meetings are not realized. - Spain 99: Bill Quesnel jr. registered the Internet site Oilanalysis.org.. He asked that all labs contribute articles and information and he would arrange for them to put on the site. Searching for the website you will find the following statement: The domain oilanalysis.org does not currently have a web site. As a result there is nothing to see at ww.oilanalysis.org. - Spain 99: Jesus Terradillos would ask Jim Fitch to feature WCI in their ?Practising Oil Analysis?. No response! - Spain 99: Bob Cutler - Castrol deal. Details of the test profile and the quote would be sent to the European Wearcheck labs. No information received by WEARCHECK Germany. - Spain 99: Andre Verlinden would arrange to send their newsletter (produced 3 times a year) to the Wearcheck members. No newsletter received by WEARCHECK Germany. - Spain 99: Other Round Robin programmes were discussed and Bob Cutler spoke from an American programme which NAMAS had suggested to join. Details should be provided to delegates No programme received WEARCHECK Germany. 5. The International WEARCHECK Group We feel we should think about the meaning of an International group. For our understanding an International group needs something like a firm-address, an owner, a registration, a rotected trade-mark, a legal contract between the partners and a financial base. The contract signed from the authorized persons of each company should include consequences if one member doesn't follow the contract. In our opinion all the essential points are not realized for the International WEARCHECK Group. At present the International WEARCHECK Group is a circle of friends which share information about oil analysis. Please think over whether a friendly exchange of information should be the aim to our future cooperation. We would appreciate if you discuss the topics together with the authorized persons in your company and inform the group members latest during the meeting about your decisions. Best regards Barbara and Peter Weismann May 31, 2000 10:42 AM WQ - Email to WC Group - Subject: Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Participation To all WearCheck International members (special note to Jim Chambers of WearCheck USA) The Noria sponsored Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 conference will be held in Tulsa Oklahoma USA October 24-26, 2000. Last year I attended the first of these conferences, representing WC-Canada and was pleased to meet Peter and Barbara Weismann from WC-Germany, Jesus Terradillos from WC-Spain, and Ken Hill from WC-USA at the conference. Peter did WearCheck proud - co-chairing a seminar as one of several "Oil Analysis Experts". Our competitors were out in full force at the trade show and we all agreed that it was a very good conference. WearCheck Canada believe that WearCheck International should show a strong presence, participate in the conference/trade show this year, and need to decide what level of participation WCI will take. Jim - I understand from our past conversations on the subject that WearCheck USA wish to be involved in exhibiting along with WearCheck Canada. I think we should apply for booth space as WearCheck International, and I am asking other members of WC group if they also wish to participate. I have received an application from Noria for booth space, and believe I should go ahead and book booth space as soon as possible. The price for a 10x8 foot booth is US$895 and a 20x8 foot booth is $1690. These prices are very reasonable. If other members wish to participate, I think we should book a 20' booth, and am willing to arrange for this. WearCheck Canada Inc will provide a 10' booth, which will still leave lots of space for other participants. Our booth uses signs across the top that feature the WearCheck logo, and will be suitable for WearCheck International. I propose that we supply a free sample kit to visitors to the booth - it is very popular and allows potential customers to try our services. I am not sure how many participants will be from Canada (to use WearCheck Canada kits), however expect there would be many from the USA. Last year the organizers (Noria) convinced four of the participating laboratories to provide free sample kits to each delegate. Jim - I think this is up to you to decide, as it would impact costs for WearCheck USA more than any of us. Bill Jr will be submitting a paper for presentation at the conference (you will get a preview of this at the WearCheck Group meetings in France). I also suggest that we book a meeting room (cost US$400 for one day) to provide WebCheck training for USA customers if desired by WearCheck USA (We can advertise on the Web for this free course in conjunction with the conference.) If group members cannot justify active participation at this conference, I would suggest that we feature a poster display in the booth consisting of literature from all group members - (at no charge to those providing the literature). We can discuss this at the meetings in France. You will meet Jim Fitch of Noria in France as he will be presenting "what Noria is all about" to the WC group. I am sure Jim would be interested in having WearCheck group promote the Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 conference to our extensive customer base in our home countries. You can preview the POA2000 conference by visiting Noria's website at : http://www.oilanalysis.com/ If you do plan to attend I suggest that you visit the site and register early (I have registered). We do need to make decisions regarding the booth space and conference room as soon as possible, to ensure our participation in the trade show. Please reply as soon as possible (by return Email) regarding participation by your company, if you are presenting a paper, or will attend, wish to actively participate in the trade show, wish to send literature to display in the booth, or are not interested in being involved. Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca May 14, 2000 4:31 PM From: "vera duin" To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Cc: Subject: WCI-meeting Date: Monday, February 21, 2000 1:16 AM See attachment. Best Regards, Vera Duin WearCheck Belgium/Unil Belgium vera.duin@unil.com ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com May 14, 2000 4:31 PM VD - email to WC Group - Subject: WCI-meeting Date: Monday, February 21, 2000 1:16 AM See attachment. Best Regards, Vera Duin WearCheck Belgium/Unil Belgium vera.duin@unil.com May 11, 2000 7:46 PM BQ - email to VD - 11, 2000 7:46 PM - Vera, Here is my agenda, as requested: Data Export for Oil Analysis Software and WCI ================================== A brief introduction to the advancement of WebCheck as a universal host for disseminating client data in multi-software formats. An opportunity to discuss how WCI should present itself to global clients using third-party oil analysis software. A Maintenance Extranet ================== This presentation details the evolution of WebCheck from a sample results delivery system, to the central focal point of a full maintenance extranet. The participation of WearCheck laboratories, clients, OEMs and suppliers will be examined in this presentation on one feasible future of oil analysis on the Internet. Regards, Bill Quesnel Vice-President WearCheck Canada Inc. billq@wearcheck.ca p: 905-569-8600 x223 f: 905-569-8605 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A proud member of WearCheck International May 11, 2000 7:46 PM BQ - email to VD - 11, 2000 7:46 PM - Vera, Here is my agenda, as requested: Data Export for Oil Analysis Software and WCI ================================== A brief introduction to the advancement of WebCheck as a universal host for disseminating client data in multi-software formats. An opportunity to discuss how WCI should present itself to global clients using third-party oil analysis software. A Maintenance Extranet ================== This presentation details the evolution of WebCheck from a sample results delivery system, to the central focal point of a full maintenance extranet. The participation of WearCheck laboratories, clients, OEMs and suppliers will be examined in this presentation on one feasible future of oil analysis on the Internet. Regards, Bill Quesnel Vice-President WearCheck Canada Inc. billq@wearcheck.ca p: 905-569-8600 x223 f: 905-569-8605 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A proud member of WearCheck International February 21, 2000 1:16 AM VD - email to WC Group - See attachment. BRF Members.doc in Documents February 7, 2000 9:38 AM BW - e-mail to WQ (Copied to Group) thank you for your information about NORIA. Because WEARCHECK Belgium is arranging the meeting, we feel it is up to them to coordinate and arrange for "outside speakers". According to our feeling a presentation of 1hour and 1 hour discussion should be enough. For some who need more detailed discussion, they can do it in the evening ours. WQ - reply to BW - I am suggesting Noria as a candidate to address us. It is of course up to Belgium to decide what is in the meeting. Agree that two hours would be enough February 4, 2000 7:47 AM WQ - e-mail to BW (Copy to WC Group) Barbara I apologize if my message to Noria implied that WearCheck Canada speaks for WearCheck International. We do not intentionally presume to do so, without the best interests of the group at heart! I was approaching Noria with what I hoped was the strength of the WearCheck Group behind me. Just another way to use the power of having a worldwide association, to impress potential business associates. Noria is rapidly expanding their influence in the Oil Analysis field, as you can see by visiting their web-site. http://www.oilanalysis.com/ The Internet is forcing business into "Global" enterprises, and we as a group need to recognize that fact. The Internet is going to cross all kinds of borders, break down business structures, and will seriously affect regional pricing. Noria is forming alliances with influential companies all around the world (as they are with WearCheck GmbH) At first WearCheck Canada regarded Noria as simply a publisher of a trade magazine, but they have grown into much more. We resisted an association with them as we thought they simply wanted to pirate our material, for their own gain. We now know they are growing into a reputable and influential company with a keen interest in Oil Analysis. They have been central in forming an organization to foster standardization of Oil Analysis and OA Training. Oil Analysis Training with an "industry-recognized" certificate bestowed on graduates. We would like to get a partnership with Noria to host "recognized" training sessions in Ontario in Canada. My e-mail to Drew prompted a telephone call from Noria to our offices in Canada. We advised Drew Troyer that we would be attending the WearCheck International Group meeting in France in July. We told him we planned to ask the group if they wished to participate in next years Practicing Oil Analysis Conference. We told him, if the group did not wish to participate, WearCheck Canada would host the booth and supply the papers. We have received their approval to put in a booth and they are very interested to have us present papers! Noria is very interested in meeting the other members of the WearCheck group and have requested to attend our meeting. Bill Jr. has sent request off to group members. I think it would be very beneficial to get closer to Noria - world-wide. Drew Troyer stated that they are attempting to organize a "Practicing Oil Analysis" conference in Europe - in the future. If they can expand Noria's relationships with related companies in Europe they will do so very soon. I think there is a good opportunity for WearCheck to be in the forefront of the first conference in Europe. It is in the group's best interest to be involved. The old adage "If you can't fight them - join them!" February 4, 2000 5:37 AM DT (Noria) e-mail to WQ - Hi Bill - I got the message from Barbara Weismann. I wanted to make a couple of comments to you: 1. Clearly, POA 2000 Conference provides the most benefit to the North American Wear Check consortium members. However, it doesn't cost anymore to have the locations of all the labs globally identified on your both graphics. 2. Many of the Wear Check folks will be here anyway because they are franchise agents. 3. We really beleive that with marketing, we can draw international attendance, especially from Europe. It seems that flying transatlantic flights are as cheap or or cheaper than domestic flights making attendance even more feasible. We hope to partner with Wear Check to market in Europe and around the world. Also, the web breaks down traditional barriers to some extent. To my knowledge, there is no other conference strictly dedicated to used oil analysis in the world. We think POA 2000 is a a good and feasible opportunity for prospective European delegates. 4. We are considering a POA Europe magazine and conference. We need to see validation of our assumption that this is feasible. A large attendance to the USA version from Europe would go a long way toward achieving this validation. I think Wear Check Europe would benefit greatly if we elect to proceed with these plans. This is one of the issues we hope to discuss if we attend the meeting in France. February 4, 2000 5:19 AM GD (WC Belgium) - Dear Bil -I do not support Barbara’s comments. I think you are doing a great job trying to promote WC International. Best Regards. Gilbert February 4, 2000 5:05 AM BW (WC GmbH) - Dear Bill, -I was very surprised about your information that the WEARCHECK International Group is interested to participate the OIL Analysis Conference 2000. I remember that we talked about this in Tulsa and we decided from our site there is no interest - because there are no potential european customers on this conference. For my opinion if you will speak for WEARCHECK International you should ask the members before. I don´t like that anybody is arringing things in my name which I did not agree. Please remember WEARCHECK International is a group of 8. Anybody who will speak in name of the group had to ask the group before. If anybody will not agree you can´t speak in name of the group. If you disuss this matter in the name of WEARCHECK Canada and USA we have no objections. I hope you will understand my standpoint - there is no personal background, it is my understanding of a trustful co-operation. February 3, 2000 11:18 AM BQ - e-mail to WCGroup - Dear Members - My father and I have been in discussion with Noria, and they are very keen to attend our WCI 2000 conference in France. We believe that this would be of great benefit to the group to be involved with Noria. Noria's interest in WCI is to strengthen their presence in the world both with their training courses/materials as well as their magazine "Practising Oil Analysis". We understand that Noria currently has an arrangement with Tekniker and is very close to having an arrangement with WearCheck GmbH. Noria is very interested in developing a world-wide affiliation with WCI. Drew Troyer stated that they would have to do some work in Canada, the USA, South Africa and Australia as they already have some forms of commitment in those areas. The sentiment, however, is that Noria would prefer to work with WCI. Drew expressed a great interest in meeting WearCheck Belgium. Noria has requested a half day during our conference to introduce themselves to WCI, to detail what Noria is all about, and to introduce us to the products that they market. Noria's goal is to establish both world-wide recognition as well as world-wide standardization for the oil analysis industry. This certainly is a goal of WCI as well. Please send me comments regarding the proposal that Noria attend our conference for a 1/2 day presentation, and some socializing afterwards. August 21, 2001 12:08 PM WQ email to WC Group (copy GG KM RI RB) - Subject: Dupont - world wide oil analysis - Colleagues - I am faxing to you today a request received from John Underwood of Dupont for a world wide program of oil analysis for Dupont. I am willing to co-ordinate a response to Dupont. If you wish to respond with your individual proposals you may direct them to me and I will prepare a combined world-wide proposal for Dupont. The request is for laboratories outside of the USA. Mr Underwood seems content with the service provided by Analysts Inc in the USA, however we may be able to persuade him to open that market to WearCheck USA through the power of WebCheck. We will be meeting with Mr Underwood in Tulsa at the POAC (one more reason for you to attend the convention), and it is important that we are able to present the world-wide offering at that meeting. It would be great if we show world wide participation in the POAC as well. This is yet another opportunity for Wear Check to use the strength of our association to gain a major client on a world-wide basis. If you wish to learn about Dupont, who they are, and how large an organization I suggest you go to any one of their websites - start with www.dupont.com and go to your relative country. Suffice to say they are a major believer in oil analysis (note paragraph four in Mr Underwood's letter), and promise to be a very major client. I would ask you to send your replies as soon as possible. It would be best if you fax the information to my home fax number as I am really enjoying working in my new in-home office and I am at home every evening, whereas I am not at Wear Check Canada Inc., on a daily basis. My home fax number is (905) 332-0289. You can usually reach me on my cell phone at (905) 467-3562, and you can always reach Lorraine at (905) 335-9922 (and she will find me) as she forwards our home number to her cell phone when she is out of the house. We need to get started immediately and open a dialogue between us, to insure we make a highly professional presentation to Dupont. I propose to share the proposal document will all that wish to participate (through the magic of email) and with your help massage it into a final presentation. Check your fax today for the 15+ pages. I am sending one copy to each Wear Check lab - if you don't get a copy by Wednesday August 22, let me know. William Quesnel Sr Public Public 9 Le Mans Plac Westmead P. O. Box 15108 Westmead WearCheck PTY WearCheck PTY R.S.A. WearCheck PTY 001110000093354472092C September 29, 2000 11:50 AM WQ - email to GB - Subject: Re: SAMPLE GUNS/THIEF PUMPS - Gary - Look forward to receiving your sample gun. The sample port on the front of the pump was one of the reasons Bill Jr gave for trying your pumps. Will this not work with other equipment? Most of the application we have would use our own gauge plugs, and that is where we wished to investigate the fit. Please advise.Bill Sr August 30, 2000 8:31 AM WQ - email to GB - Subject: Re: SAMPLE GUNS/THIEF PUMPS - Gary - Will arrange to send one of our gauge plug valves A.S.A.P. Bill Sr August 29, 2000 10:39 PM GB - email to WQ - Subject: Re: SAMPLE GUNS/THIEF PUMPS - Hi Bill, perhaps it would be a plan for you to send me one of your valves and i will pass it on to Quentin to see if he can modify the mould. Regards, Gary. August 29, 2000 9:38 AM GB - email to WQ - Subject: Re: SAMPLE GUNS/THIEF PUMPS - Hi Bill, I will send over sample gun ,which does not have sampling port in the front as we found that in a lot of cases on caterpillar equipment you could not get in except with the special sample tube available fom cat. regards, Gary. August 28, 2000 3:00 PM WQ - email to GB - Subject: Re: SAMPLE GUNS/THIEF PUMPS - Gary - Sorry to ask this at such a late date, but could you send us a couple of your sample thief pump? Billy has asked me to evaluate your pumps, and I must admit I have not seen one. We need to know if the thief type sampling port at the front of the pump is suitable for our drain plugs and what is the maximum pressure it has been tested to. I guess we will be too late to get on this order batch, but perhaps we can get in on the next one. Best Regards, William Quesnel Sr September 29, 2000 11:50 AM WQ - email to GB - Subject: Re: SAMPLE GUNS/THIEF PUMPS - Gary - Look forward to receiving your sample gun. The sample port on the front of the pump was one of the reasons Bill Jr gave for trying your pumps. Will this not work with other equipment? Most of the application we have would use our own gauge plugs, and that is where we wished to investigate the fit. Please advise.Bill Sr Public 011-27-31-700-5460 Phone Public International Member 3608 WearCheck PTY > Wear Check Africa WearCheck PTY > Wear Check Africa WearCheck PTY > Wear Check Africa 990611000082469946609C Public Public WearCheck PTY > WearCheck Africa WearCheck PTY > WearCheck Africa WearCheck PTY > WearCheck Africa 001002000252469946609C Public Public WearCheck South Africa > WearCheck Africa WearCheck South Africa > WearCheck Africa WearCheck South Africa > WearCheck Africa 000410000202469946609C Public Public WearCheck Spain > Oiltech Analysis S.L. WearCheck Spain > Oiltech Analysis S.L. WearCheck Spain > Oiltech Analysis S.L. 001110000103354472092C Public Public WearCheck Spain > Tekniker WearCheck Spain > Tekniker WearCheck Spain > Tekniker 981129000032204451944C Public Public WearCheck UK > Robertson Research WearCheck UK > Robertson Research WearCheck UK > Robertson Research 000406000192469946609C March 20, 2000 1:08 PM WQ - email to BC - What is the latest on Volvo? How did your latest meetings with them in the UK go? Perhaps you have already advised Bill Jr., however would appreciate if you could briing me up to date as I meet with Jim Chambers of WearCheck USA in a couple of weeks and want to discuss our approach to Volvo for North America. March 20, 2000 1:08 PM WQ - email to BC - What is the latest on Volvo? How did your latest meetings with them in the UK go? Perhaps you have already advised Bill Jr., however would appreciate if you could briing me up to date as I meet with Jim Chambers of WearCheck USA in a couple of weeks and want to discuss our approach to Volvo for North America. Public Public 501 Madison Avenue Cary WearCheck USA WearCheck USA USA a Division of Liberty Analytical Corp. WearCheck USA 990422000072469946609C Oil Analysis Laboratory November 21, 2001 2:37 PM WQ email to RS - Subject: Re: Parker Hannifin - Bob I apologize that I have not come back to your last message. I have not been working on the Dupont quotation as have been pre-occupied with more pressing opportunities. I will complete the thing in the next week or so. Have not been in a big hurry as I understand John Underwood wants to discuss face to face at the Noria meeting. I need to get it done just the same. I hope you have better luck getting info out of the group than I do - it took forever to get info, and a lot of it was ambiguous, so am still not sure of the quotations. Prices all over the map as you can see - there is some difference owing to costs in various countries - but some are five times others. In respect to the Dupont quote - I noticed that WC-USA is just slightly under the prices presently in effect. Did you want to stay with that - as we are moving into a new year and prices probably will go up a bit? Bill Q November 21, 2001 2:14 PM BS email to WC Group - Subject: Parker Hannifin - Hello All, I am using this message to communicate with you because I do not have all of your e-mail addresses. We have approached Parker Hannifin with the concept of a global fluid analysis program. They are mildly interested because of our network of labs and WebCheck. They have an on-going program called Par-Test. For those of you that may not know Parker Hannifin, they are a very large industrial filter and pump manufacturer. They also make other equipment for the industrial market place. We are talking to the Hydraulic Filter Division but they have several more Divisions that may be interested in a program. I need to know if you want to participate in this program and if so your pricing. I have the spread sheet that you sent to Bill but non of those test packages exactly matches the PH test package. PH's program is done by Fluid Technologies and each sample is tested for: Free Water ICP or Rotrode Viscosity test both at 100 and 40 degrees TAN Karl Fischer for water ISO Particle count reporting down to 2 microns Wear Particle Analysis - 20 ml of sample is filtered and magnified at 100X. A photo is taken and is a part of the test report. Very little in the way of a narrative evaluation is given. They leave that to the customer. We would of course provide the narrative. I believe our report will provide everything theirs does except perhaps an ISO cleanliness range chart. Please advise. Bob Starling November 6, 2001 2:48 PM BS email to WQ - Subject: Re: Proposal - Hello Bill, Must be nice!!! I am scheduled to visit with Parker Hannifin on the fourteenth. So if you can send me what you have I can complete it here. I would appreciate it. Bob October 29, 2001 6:25 PM WQ email to BS - Subject: Re: Proposal - Robert - I must confess - I have been on vacation the whole month of October, and am just now enroute to Canada. I will finish up the proposal for Dupont when I get home and will send you a copy then - if that is not too late. Bill Q Sr October 29, 2001 3:25 PM BS email to WQ BQ - Subject: Proposal - Hello Bill, We are scheduled to make a presentation to Parker Hannifin next month. The two key issues they are interested in are global coverage and webcheck. I believe that you prepared a proposal for Dupont along that line. Rather than re-invent a global proposal format, I would appreciate it if you could let me have a copy of the Dupont Proposal. I can cut and fit and make it fit for Parker. Please advise. Bob October 23, 2001 5:58 PM KS email to WQ - Subject: RE: Visit - Bill, - You have confirmed reservations at the Hilton Garden Inn at the airport. Your confimation number is 321938. The room was quoted at $149.00 a night. The hotel number is 919-840-8088 if you need it. Thanks, Keith October 22, 2001 10:50 AM WQ email to KS JC - Subject: Visit - Sirs - Lorraine and I are presently in Florida on vacation, and would like to visit you on our way back to Canada. We are leaving Kissimmee on October 28 (Sunday) and driving through to Carey. If this is convenient to you we would like to visit the WC laboratory on Monday. If you would be so kind to arrange a room at the same hotel we stayed during the WC International meeting for Sunday and Monday nights we would like to stay there. Look forward to seeing you. William Quesnel Sr September 24, 2001 5:36 PM WQ email to JC KS (copy RI BQ) - Subject: Wear Check Royalty Invoice - Sirs - Wear Check Canada Inc wish to begin invoicing for Wear Check Royalty payments every quarter. As you will notice by the attached statement of account when we invoice every six months, and WC-USA only pays after nine months, some of the charges are fifteen months old. Please advise your sales for July, Aug and Sept so we can invoice dated September 30. Best Regards William Quesnel Sr August 21, 2001 4:00 PM WQ - phone call to KS (put on speaker phone with JF and DB present) - Called Keith to discuss the world-wide quotation for Dupont. I sent a copy of the letter from John Underhill and back-up documentation for the requested quote. I told them that Dupont are not interested in a quotation from WC-USA as they are quite content with oil analysis in the USA that has been contracted the past 40 years to Analyst Inc. I suggested to Keith that we could lever the business away in the same way the Ryder account was gained. I asked him to complete the quotation anyway - and send to me. I would innocently include in our world wide quotation. At very least it gives WC-USA a look at how Analyst Inc are doing business, their quotation and pricing to Ryder (thanks to Ross for lifting those obscured prices). Asked the three how the Ryder program was coming along. Keith says they are very pleased with the work that Bill and Kevin have done to give them a data input screen and your work on the make and model entry. He says they need a facility within WebCheck to list odd ball makes and models so they can get back to Ryder for corrected information, and this is causing some problem at the moment. Keith says they think the program will probably be a lot larger than anticipated. They have contracted with a firm in Atlanta to deliver pre-packaged kits for Ryder (@$0.39US ea) and are pre-selling kits at $1.35 ea. - they are shipping out 2000 kits a day to Ryder. They have been talking to many of Ryder's branches and have found out that CTC was not supplying enough kits, and that over 80% of the branches were usually "stocked-out" of kits, or did not have enough kits to sample all the vehicles they should have. KS thinks the program will be much bigger than the original idea of 800-1000 samples per day. They are receiving Ryder samples and the sample load is continually increasing by an average of 25 kits per day, so that they are handling 25 more kits each day. DB says that the Ryder samples are basic and very easy and fast to diagnose, however they will require auto-diagnosis soon to be able to cope. KS says he will be pitching in on the diagnosis side from time to time, and that they can handle the increasing load, and make money. They all seem very pleased with the progress of the program but a bit concerned about future requirements. August 21, 2001 8:41 AM WQ email to KS (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: GC method for Glycol detection - Keith - This would be great. With your expertise with GC you will solve our problem long before we could. We just cannot seem to find the time necessary to devote to the project - with all that is happening on the computer side of WearCheck. I would appreciate it very much, and as previously stated WC-Canada are willing to fund half the costs of the development. Just send us a bill. Best Regards Bill Sr August 20, 2001 4:42 PM KS email to WQ - Subject: Re: GC method for Glycol detection - Bill, We will be coming up on the slower time of the year for environmental analyses. Perhaps we can investigate this project in the next few months. Keith B. Scott Vice-President of Operations Liberty Analytical 919-379-4002 August 20, 2001 2:05 PM WQ email to KS - Subject: GC method for Glycol detection - Keith - I originally sent this message on Aug 15 and got no "read receipt" so am sending again We have been trying to develop a method of detecting glycol in engine oil using the HP GC. We are having a lot of difficulty in getting this to work, and seem to be bogged down on the extraction method. Would WC USA be interested in developing this method and WC Canada will finance half the cost? Please Advise Quesnel Sr August 10, 2001 10:04 AM RI email to KS (copy WQ BQ) - Subject: bar coded lab labels - Keith I just received a quote from our printer for the lab labels - bar coded - 250000 sets of 2 - size 3/4" rectangle with round corners, permanent adhesive. Barcoded with 128C (bar code and human readable) @ $9.85 Cdn per 1000 plus shipping and handling. This would have to be cash on receipt as I have been having trouble getting paid by WCUSA.. Please advise Ruth July 25, 2001 11:52 AM KS email to WQ - Subject: Re: WCI Conference - Bill, Thank you for your kind words. Yes, the OSA technology, at Ryder's request, will continue to be evaluated in the laboratory utilizing a small portion of the samples. I am sure that Ryder will want to look at this data at some point in time. Until then, we need to build a laboratory capable of running 800 samples per day on conventional technology. That is the stated current Ryder run rate. This is certainly not a trival effort, but it sure beats the long faces we all would have had if we lost the contract. Keith B. Scott July 25, 2001 10:26 AM WQ email to KS - Subject: Re: WCI Conference - Keith We enjoyed ourselves at the meeting. I think some progress was made in group relations. The accomodations could not have been better, and the social side of the conference was enjoyable. Too many good meals! I understand from Bill Jr that you have landed the Ryder account! Congratulations! A long struggle and quite a bit of stick handling, however in the end you have the contract! Now you need to get it going. I understand that the contract was awarded on the basis it would be run through a conventional laboratory - leaving out the OSAs? Will you be working with the OSA to prove up the technology or will it just be put aside? I think there is still a possibility that there is a place for OSA machines in oil analysis, and if GTN keep pouring money into the project, they may eventually get it to work fairly well in some applications. Again - thanks for hosting us in Cary - It was nice to get away from the mad world of moving goods and furniture from one house to the other, even if just for a bit. Best Regards Bill Q Sr July 25, 2001 8:22 AM KS email to WC International Group - Subject: WCI Conference - Dear Members, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for attending the 2001 WCI Conference in Cary, North Carolina. It was a pleasure to meet all of you and share thoughts and ideas. I feel that the meeting was a success and I look forward to seeing all of you at future meetings. Keith B. Scott Vice-President of Operations Liberty Analytical 919-379-4002 July 6, 2001 2:33 PM JC email to WQ - Subject: Re: WearCheck Royalties - 2nd sending - Bill - The number is $312,522.45. See you Sunday. Will Try to make the agenda improvements tonight. Thanks for the help. Jim C.a July 6, 2001 10:24 AM WQ email to JC (Copy WC Group) - Subject: WearCheck International Meeting Agenda Addission - Jim -I know this is very late in the day, but would like to add some topics to the agenda Monday - July 8 - 11:00am Review and Report of worldwide Clients - Volvo Construction add: future targets P&H, EJC (Tamrock), JCB, Placer Dome, Barrick, Noranda Tuesday - July 9 - 1:30pm What is next for WCI add: Automation? Would also like to fit in discussions on following topics: Laboratory - costs of performing each test - ISO manuals - sharing existing manuals Sample Kits - make up of kits (packaging) - what information is sent with kits Marketing & Sales - Are commissions paid on "House Accounts" - Do sales representatives sell other products such as: - Vibration Analysis - Filters or Filtration Services - Thermography - Ultrasonics - On site testing equipment - Other products Some of these fit into the existing agenda William Quesnel Sr July 4, 2001 9:28 AM WQ email to JC KS - Subject: WearCheck Royalties - 2nd sending - Jim - Keith - Having problems with email. Have set my options to request a receipt. If I don't get a receipt acknowledgment or a reply within a week - I repeat the email. Originally sent June 28 - no reply Hi The time has come again (happy for me) to ask you to please advise your sales January 1st, to end June 30th for 2001 (as soon as you have completed your June numbers), so WearCheck Canada Inc can invoice you for royalties. We would like to show this in our June numbers. I am looking forward to our meetings. Promises to be very exciting with the Argentineans coming! William Quesnel Sr June 28, 2001 2:49 PM WQ email to JC - Subject: What's happening - Jim - Seems like we will have a record sales month at WearCheck Canada Inc in June. How are things going with WearCheck USA? Is the Ryder contract officially and publicly belong to WearCheck USA yet? June 28, 2001 2:47 PM WQ email to KS JC - Subject: WearCheck Royalties - Hi - The time has come again (happy for me) to ask you to please advise your sales January 1st, to end June 30th for 2001 (as soon as you have completed your June numbers), so WearCheck Canada Inc can invoice you for royalties. We would like to show this in our June numbers. I am looking forward to our meetings. Promises to be very exciting with the Argentineans coming! June 27, 2001 5:52 PM JC email to WC Group - (copy RS KS) - Subject: WCI Agenda 27 June 2001 - Thank you for the feedback from several of you. I have made the changes that were necessary. Please review and commit. If you have not e-mail your flight schedule, please do so we can set arrival and departure plans. See you soon. James T.Chambers May 15, 2001 1:20 PM JC email to WC Group - Subject: WCI Conference - Welcome to the WearCheck International Meeting July 8 - 10. We have the meeting location finally, The Hilton Garden Inn near the airport and the Research Triangle Park. I have secured the rooms for the conference for everyone based on your feedback. At this time, everyone will have at least one representative at the meeting. Our airport is Raleigh - Durham International (RDU). There will be transportation from the airport to the Hilton by complimentary hotel shuttle every 10 to 15 minutes. The room rates will be $99.00 per night plus 12% Occupancy tax and 7% state sales tax. Adjoining rooms are available for families traveling to the conference. The rooms come standard with either a queen bed or two double beds. The room amenities are refrigerator, microwave oven, coffee maker, hair dryer, iron and ironing board, two speaker phones and dataports. Please reconfirm your specific room needs. Everyone has shared that they will arrive sometime Saturday. We will meet from 2pm till 5pm Sunday and the host dinner will be at 7pm. Monday and Tuesday will be 8:30 till 5pm. We will schedule an outing on Wednesday based on the members plans as several are scheduled to leave our area on Wednesday for other commitments. James T.Chambers April 23, 2001 9:20 AM WQ - email to KS JF JC (copy GG BQ) - Subject: General Engine Products - Hi Folks I have been having some problems with email lately so am re-sending those recent messages I regard as important, and to which I have not reply. This inquiry came from the WearCheck Website. Mr Amish is located in Michigan - the company makes HUMVEE's - UP ARMOURED VEHICLES - and other Military Vehicles called SHADOW, COBRA and EAGLE See them all at http://www.amgeneralcorp.com Will WearCheck USA please follow up on this one (maybe we can all get a HUMVEE!) Bill Sr ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Amish" To: Cc: Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 2:00 PM Subject: mobile oil analysis Our division, General Engine Products, is responsible for the build of the former GM 6.5 L. diesel engine family. One of our lingering issues has been the GM requirement to change oil every 3000 miles. This is costly, especially to fleets, and results in the loss of business on occasion. We have undertaken a program here at Livonia Engineering to sample oil on commercial Hummers and look at extending the change interval to 5000 miles as a minimum. Your approach sound right up our needs, and I would like to discuss these activities at your convenience. I can be reached at 734-523-8043, 8087 fax or via e-mail at jamish@amgeneral. com. Thanks for your assistance. Jim Amish Manager-Engine Engineering Operations General Engine Products, division of AM General Corporation William Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca President WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca April 23, 2001 9:01 AM KH - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Royal Lubricants - Husky - Volvo etc... Thanks for the info. Maybe WCI can put international programs on the agenda for this years meeting. I believe all labs need to establish an approved plan for developing international business. It should cover policy, procedures, pricing and management responsibility based on which member brings it to the international table. Just a suggestion. Please keep me updated on the Husky and Volvo accounts. Best Regards, Kenneth Hill April 23, 2001 8:30 AM WQ - email to KH - Subject: Re: Royal Lubricants - Husky - Volvo etc... Ken Thanks for quick reply - Unfortunately we have several projects running around the group with poor coordinating of efforts: 1) Husky I have the Husky Injection Molding project (by the way Husky paid us a visit and performed an audit of WC Canada - we passed) They are going to modify how they run the program. Instead of a "top-down" demand for a WearCheck oil analysis for warranty program, they are going to advise customers to use oil analysis and advise customers to use WearCheck. It may still turn into considerable business and WC USA should do well. We are to visit them next week to present the commercial aspects of the program. 2) Volvo Bob Cutler did a lot of work to get members of WC Group together with Volvo in Europe to quote on a coordinated program, and he is continuing. WC USA meanwhile signs up Volvo for USA and for WC Canada as well, and we coordinate Volvo into WebCheck and a program that is running as it should . I now have an email from Bob Cutler asking us to approve an agreement whereby Robertson (WC UK) would coordinate the world wide program for Volvo.- with separate deals to be made between Volvo and world wide WC labs. I have not replied as yet as I am studying the document. 3) Royal Purple I did not respond as I learned that WC Canada are already working with you. I am surprised you did not hear from WC UK as Bob Cutler is pretty good to get back on inquiries. Perhaps there is little or no use in UK? - otherwise recommend you send him the message again. I will keep you posted Bill Q Sr April 23, 2001 7:28 AM KH - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Royal Lubricants - Bill: Not very good. Australia and Belgium agreed to the program at about the same price. Germany asked that I pass their name and contact to Royal and they would quote it from there. Those are the only members I heard from. I sent the WCI directory to my contact in Houston and they will send it to their international reps. I thought we would have a better response than this to an international program! Regards, Kenneth Hill WQ sent email to ask about progress with Group regards Royal Purple April 17, 2001 2:19 PM RS - email to BQ (copy KH) - Subject: Champion Billy, I had a conversation with Jack McCoy, Champion Corp. Marketing, this morning. While Brent Birch is our main contact at Champion, Jack has been tasked with the marketing aspect of the program. Champion manufacturers LuberFiner Filters. Conversation was on the following general topics: Canada: Jack wants to expand the Champion Program to Canada and use your lab. Ihave attached a copy of the Program Description for your review. This is a standard program and is not customized other than having the logo on the paperwork. Jon already has that done. Jack wants all kits shipped from your lab so that he can keep the US and Canadian Programs separate from a logistics standpoint. He wants to make sure that all samples in Canada goes to you to prevent problems with customs. Champion has assigned part numbers for the kits. A new part number will be created for Canada. Kits will be shipped to their distribution centers. Dealers and end-users will order the kits from the distribution centers. You will notice that our pricing is somewhat low. That was due to the fact that Champion had awarded the program to CTC not too long before I left. We had to come up with a good reason for Brent to switch that soon. We are not required to do a fuel dilution via GC. Champion did a calculation off viscosity for fuel dilution. You may however elect to do the GC anyway. That's your call. As you can see there are also packages for coolant and diesel fuel. Will any of that be a problem? Please provide me with your pricing and questions when you can. WebCheck Champion wants to begin promoting WebCheck with their dealers and end-users. You will notice that I have indicated no charge for that provided no hardcopy reports are required. Jack was particularly interested in how we set people up on the web. I explained how you do that and told them that they needed to decide who they want to have access and let us know. You may want to go ahead and set Jack up with a log on and password. His e-mail address is jmccoy@champlabs.com. Jack has asked for a few more WebCheck brochures. I will send those to him. He has asked to use your WebCheck brochure and insert their name. Will you agree to that? Other Literature Jack is also tasked with reviewing and updating Champion oil analysis literature. He has asked our help in providing our literature. Since we don't have any, can you send what you think is applicable from other WearCheck labs, to Jack? His address is: Jack McCoy Champion Laboratories, Inc. 200 S 4th Street Albion, IL 62807 Mexico He asked if we had any labs in Mexico. I told him know but we were looking at that. If you have any questions Billy let us know. Regards Bob April 17, 2001 10:34 AM WQ - email to RS (copy GG KM WQ) - Subject: RE: Champion - Bob, First, thanks for the business! We will do a formal review the proposal and get back to you on any changes/ommissions, etc. that we forsee. I just wanted to understand better what you meant by: "He has asked to use your WebCheck brochure and insert their name. Will you agree to that?" Do you mean put a Champion sticker over the WearCheck lab addresses on the back? Just let me know. I don't forsee a problem (hey, any free promotion works for me). I will have Gloria send him some WearCheck literature. Regards, Bill April 13, 2001 11:24 AM BQ - email to WQ JC KS (copy KM GG) - Subject: Re: RPVOT Testing of Used Oil Life Remaining - Some additional info: RPVOT (previously RBOT) is useful for determining the remaining useful life in an oil. As this is an expensive test your best client is someone with 1.) steam and natural gas turbines or 2.) equipment with very large reservoirs ( > 2,000 GAL). 1. Power generation companies will typically be looking for RPVOT testing on all turbine oils once per year. We do analysis for several fossil fuel-based power generation plants and we will be recommending this testing for their turbines (I would anticipate 16 analysis from this company per year). 2. This test can also be sold when a client with a very large reservoir and is uncertain about the remaining useful life on the current oil (say the oil is 3 or more years old) and would like some additional testing (aside from TAN - (AN)) to confirm. We do testing for a steel mill with 7 very large reservoirs (one is 45,000 litres) and we will be recommending this testing to them once per year. I figure that we need to do 8 test per month to justify the new instrumentation. FYI - The Noria course was absolutely excellent. Something we should have done for ourselves a long time ago (but it didn't exist a long time ago). We will be having several meetings to debrief both our salespersons and our staff on what they learned, and how we can change what we do to better accomodate our clients. I am sure that you will see some changes to our system, and service offerings in the next few months as a result of this seminar. Best Regards, Bill Jr April 12, 2001 8:57 AM WQ - email to JC KS (copy KM GG BQ) - Subject: RPVOT Testing of Used Oil Life Remaining - Sirs - We have been discussing the value of purchasing a new instrument to allow us to process RPVOT testing of used oil, as we are being pressed by several customers and our field sales staff to provide these tests. From my research of group activity I have learned the following. WC Africa - cannot justify purchase of a machine - (not enough testing required in African marketplace ?) WC Australia - cannot justify purchase of a machine - contract samples to Mobil lab at cost of Au$190 and resell for a mark-up - customer price not divulged WC Spain - purchased ISL for US$28,000 - process 5 samples / month (would like 49) at cost of US$7.00 ea (material) sell for US$140.00 ea WC UK - purchased ISL-4 for US$33,000 - process 40 samples / month at cost of US$8.25 ea (material) - customer price not divulged At our recent Noria training course Jim Fitch advised many labs in the USA now offer this service - selling prices from US$75.00 (which he says is probably a loss leader for that lab) up to US$250.00 per test. Would you be interested in providing these tests if WearCheck Canada is to purchase a machine and offer you a contract price to process samples? If so what do you think the potential for sales is - number of samples you could provide per month? William Quesnel Sr March 26, 2001 5:03 PM WQ - email to JC KS (copy BQ GG) - Subject: Noria Training Course - Sirs WearCheck Canada Inc has commissioned Noria to present a two day training course http://www.noria.com/service/complete.html in Canada. The course will be presented by Jim Fitch on April 11 and April 12 at the Holiday Inn in Burlington, Ontario. We have asked all of our field sales staff to attend this training session, and in conjunction with it will be holding a one day mini-sales meeting at WearCheck Canada Inc on April 10. Bill Jr will be doing a four hour up-date on WebCheck for them. WearCheck USA is welcome to send personnel to attend the training session and if you wish our mini-sales meeting as well. No charge for the seminar - just pay your own travel and expenses. The Holiday Inn will hold rooms at Can$109 per night until the end of this week, then regular rates will apply. Please advise me by return email William Quesnel Sr March 20, 2001 12:08 PM WQ - email to JC - Subject: Re: Review the Charter - Hi Jim - I sent the following message on March 16 - now notice that you are asking me again. Did you not receive this? Thanks for the meeting advice. Lorraine and I plan to drive down on Saturday probably arriving mid afternoon. We will be just the two of us - no Danielle this year (she's now living in Australia). Looking forward to the meeting. Bill Jr will contact you with his own plans. I will get to work on the WearCheck Charter and have it out for comment this week. March 19, 2001 6:39 AM JC - email to BQ (copy WQ) - Subject: Review the Charter - Bill(s) - This is a copy of the 1994 charter I had my file. Bill Sr., I think there are some minor changes or corrections you would like to make to this copy. No one has checked this copy but me for errors in typing or otherwise. I hope business is good. No news from Ryder yet but communication is still open. How many rooms might the Quesnel clan need in July? I have heard from Daniel Sansot of Argentina, Bob Cutler, Judit, and Gilbert so far. I have not heard from Jesus Terradilos of Spain. Would you send me his e-mail address so I could compare with what I sent? March 16, 2001 1:50 PM WQ - email to JC - Subject: Re: WCI Meeting in July 8 - 10 - Hi Jim - Thanks for the meeting advice. Lorraine and I plan to drive down on Saturday probably arriving mid afternoon. We will be just the two of us - no Danielle this year (she's now living in Australia). Looking forward to the meeting. Bill Jr will contact you with his own plans. I will get to work on the WearCheck Charter and have it out for comment this week. March 15, 2001 9:45 AM JC - email to WC Group - Subject: WCI Meeting in July 8 - 10 - Thanks for the feedback on the July dates. The date for our meeting will be July 8,9, and 10 as we agreed on in France. I am reviewing rates and facilities with three hotels now. It will be helpful to know how many rooms and what dates each group will need. I know many of you will arrive on Saturday the 7th and leave on Wednesday or Thursday. At this time I would like to schedule a short meeting Sunday afternoon about 2:30 until 5:00. The Sunday night host dinner will start at 7 PM. Monday and Tuesday meeting will be from 8:30 until 5:00. Robbie and will suggest daytime adventures for the families on Monday and Tuesday. Please share the ages of your children attending. I will secure all the hotel room as soon as I know your needs and we make the final selection. If you have any agenda items for the meeting please include them with your response. March 14, 2001 2:45 PM WQ - email to JC KS (copy BQ GG) - Subject: Noria Oil Analysis Training Seminar - Jim Keith WearCheck Canada Inc has organized a training seminar (see: http://www.noria.com/service/ser_sem.html ) for our field sales staff and inside people through Noria. (See advert inside WebCheck). The seminar cost WearCheck Canada Inc US$7,000.00 (+travel for Jim Fitch) for two days and will be conducted by Jim. If you are interested in participating or sending anyone to the seminar please advise. We are going to conduct the training at the Holiday Inn (on the QEW Highway at Guelph Line in Burlington Ontario - rooms available if booked before March 27 @ Can$109.00 per night) on April 11 and 12, 2001. We are inviting customers to attend as well, however charging them Can$945.00 for the two day session, and expect them to pay for hotel as well. We will probably feed them lunches while they are attending sessions. We are guessing we will have 15 of our WearCheck staff attending and Bill Jr thinks he can get enough customers to pay our costs. If you wish to send anyone - the seminar is free for WearCheck USA staff - your customer would have to pay the Can$945.00 and you all have to pay your own hotel costs. WearCheck Canada will have a Sales Meeting on April 10th and Bill Jr will be updating everyone on WebCheck as well - Let us know if you are interested. March 8, 2001 3:35 AM JC - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Practicing Oil Analysis Conference 2001 - Tulsa Sept 18-20 Yes to the oil conference in Sept The WCI meeting will be July 8-10 Sunday's meeting will start about 2:30 to 5 pm. Dinner about 7 pm More details later today. How many and what kind of room would the family need? March 7, 2001 4:26 PM WQ - email to JC - Subject: Practicing Oil Analysis Conference 2001 - Tulsa Sept 18-20 - Hi Jim - We are starting to plan our participation in the POAC in Tulsa. Are you interested in participating again this year? February 20, 2001 7:46 AM WQ - email to JC - Subject: Re: WCI Meeting in July - Jim - I noticed you left out Argentina. February 20, 2001 6:23 AM JC - email to WQ - Subject: Re: WCI Meeting in July - I will contact Argentina with our final date. Germany has a problem with July 1 -3. I had a feeling about before I sent the message. South Africa has a problem with the 8th - 10th. thanks for you input. Bob Culter, Gilbert De Mey, Peter Jordan, Barbara Weismann, and yourself have all responded already. I will e-mail Lesley, Judith and Jesus again. JTC February 19, 2001 11:05 AM JC - email to WearCheck Group - Subject: WCI Meeting in July WearCheck International Group I hope everyone is well and ready to make plans for our annual meeting in July. There have been a couple requests for the group to consider the dates July 1-3. This would aid anyone wanting to attend the Swansea Condition Monitoring Conference - Condition Monitoring 2001. This will be held in St Catherine's College, from 25 to 27 of June 2001, in Oxford, England. I understand it to be one of the best conferences in condition monitoring. This could aid in the justification of travel for some of our members. We can arrange for either date July 1 - 3 or July 8 - 10. Following the recommendation from late years meeting, we will plan the main meetings for Monday and Tuesday. Sunday we suggest a short afternoon meeting for each of us to update the group about our last year. The host dinner would be Sunday evening. There will be other activities and Wednesday could be a special group time. Please share if July 1 - 3 could work in your schedules. If not we will meet on the original dates of July 8 -10. We will have a firm date by 1 March 2001. January 25, 2001 11:15 AM WQ - Phone call to Jim Chambers (JC) and Keith Scott (KS). - Thanks to KS for visiting and helping us with our GCs - Congratulations on acquiring the Volvo account. Asked if we could advise Bob Cutler of pricing - Jim restated postpaid prices to process CTC existing sample kits as: Mobile Kits....... US$ 7.25 + US$ 1.60 for postage paid mailers (80% mix) Hydraulic Kits US$ 14.65 + US$ 1.60 for postage paid mailers (20% mix) WearCheck USA will ask for US$ 1.50 up front for kits when mailing out new kits and bill remainder of price per kit as postpaid (EG Mobile KIt US$ 1.50 up front and US$ 5.75 after processing). WC USA have run a 100 sample comparison between the laboratory and an OSA unit operted by Bob Starling (BS). The sample kits came into WearCheck in NC and were split to send to Bob. KS says they have not written up; the results yet and there is some disagreement between them as to validy of results. KS says the TBN was right on the numbers however discrepancies with contaminants (water fuel glycol). BS is coming to NC for a meeting and they will write up a report and send us a copy. WQSr advised that he would send copies of the recent coorespondence wth Greg Brown of Global Technovations regarding processing of sample information. JC says plans are underway for the International Meeting. WearCheck Africa has asked the date to be move forward a week to July 1. JC is planning for delegates to arrive on Sat Jun 30 and would have a brief meeting July 1 (2:00 pm to 5:00pm) to read minutes of last meeting, up-date on progress during the year. Business meetings would begin on monday July 2. JC is trying to attract suppliers with new technology to address the meeting, and maybe even sponsor. WQSr volunteered to handle the WearCheck Charter changes. WQSr will type the existing charter into MS Word and circutlate via email to WC Group and request any changes be proposed. WQSr will gather al suggested changes together for a session during the meeting. JC has contacted Argentina to advise them to send statement confirming that they have purchased the necessary equipment, and to invite them to WC Group meeting in USA. JC requested copies of the Liebherr Round Robin - they did not get one, and in fact did not get a sample to run, and piggybacked on the WearCheck Canada sample. JC sa;ys he does not know what sort of response WearCheck Germany wants. JC asked about the Husky Injection Molding program and WQSr advised that Husky were conducting a survey with their clients and would contact us at the end of January, so it is not a dead issue yet. JC advised that Titan Laboratories are coming to talk to WC-USA about handling some of their sample volume for the eastern seaboard of USA. Titan won the contract for Valvoline away from WC-USA. JC asked about Exxon-Mobil and BQJr advised that Tony (who was the most interested) had left Exxon for Castrol. Discussed Peter Russell's visit on behalf of Castrol Marine to Canda - JC says if we could land this international program it would benefit Europe the most and may help to bring them to WebCheck coopreration. January 5, 2001 3:37 AM RI - email to KS (copy WQ BQ) - Subject: ROYALTIES AND LIMS INVOICES - Hi Keith This is to confirm the message that I left on your voice mail today. WearCheck Canada owes WCUSA a credit of $2000.00 for Oct and Nov Lims usage we have not yet invoiced for December usage at $2000.00 To save on a lot of paperwork on this end, I will bill only for the royalties from July 1 to Dec 31 2000 and will invoice for Lims usage in January 2001 at $2000.00 U.S. per month. I hope that this is acceptable. Regards Ruth January 3, 2001 8:56 AM WQ - email to KS (copy BQ RI) - Subject: Re: Royalty on Sales - July-Dec 2000 - Keith Thank you very much. Please fax to attention Ruth Inglehart at 905-569-8605. I am copying this message to Ruth. Ruth Please date the WearCheck Canada Inc invoice to WearCheck USA for US$9,736.99 in December 2000. WearCheck Canada has been invoicing WearCheck USA @ US$3,000.00 per month and recently we negotiated a price of US$2,000.00 per month for the year 2000 and up to end of June 2001, when price will change to US$3,000.00 per month. Please issue credit notes dated in December to correct the excess invoicing for past few months. I wish you a prosperous new year! Best Regards William Quesnel Sr January 2, 2001 12:11 PM KS - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Royalty on Sales - July-Dec 2000 - Bill, - The total sales for the period July 1,2000 to December 31,2000 are $243424.86. The royalties due @4% are 9736.99. I have a prepared statement, if you would like me to fax it please give me a preferred fax number. hanks, Keith December 18, 2000 4:15 PM WQ - phone conference call JC KS BQ - agreed Argentina should be admitted to WearCheck International, provided they have purchased the necessary equipment and are practicing oil analysis. Should be made clear that the territory granted is only in Argentina as Spain has laid claim to Brazil. JC should send out email or other notice to all members saying that we have accepted them. Shoud invite WC Argentina to Group meeting in USA next year. December 15, 2000 4:33 PM WQ - email to JC (copy BQ) - Subject: Re: WEARCHECK IN ARGENTINA - Jim - I am in agreement of letting them have it - provided they comply to the laboratory standards. I talked to Jesus during the POAC and got him to finally agree that he had not responded to Bill Jr's request for feed-back a few years ago, when these people applied. Bill Jr subsequently told them they would need to get the proper equipment, register the trademark and go ahead. Now we must give it to them. I am prepared to discuss Monday evening - will be at WearCheck in the afternoon until 4:30 pm at least. Bill Sr December 15, 2000 4:10 PM JC - email to WQ BQ - Subject: Fw: WEARCHECK IN ARGENTINA - Could we discuss this on Monday morning? Bill Sr. I believe we talk about if the territiory is only for Argentine, there should be no problems if they meet our standards. I'll check my e-mail Monday morning. Thanks JTC December 12, 2000 10:27 AM GS - email to JC (fwd WQ BQ) - Subject: RV: WEARCHECK IN ARGENTINA - Dear Mr. Chambers: Since we have not received any comunication about our proposal to become in the future an Argentine member of Wearcheck International, issue that was going to be discussed among yourselves back in October 2000, we are wondering what was the outcoming result of said issue during your meeting. We will apprecite any information you can give us on that particular subject, considering our project to expand the existing lab, move we cannot take unless we have in writing the official confirmation from Wearcheck International that the Argentine territory belongs to our company BRACO S.A., of which I am its President. Regards, BRACO S.A. Guillermo Sansot President Castro Barros 1639 1640 Martinez Prov. Buenos Aires ARGENTINA Tele/Fax (54 11) 4733 3145 December 8, 2000 11:00 AM WQ - email to KS (copy BQ KM) - Subject: HP GC method for glycol - Keith - We are looking for some help. Bill Jr purchased a new Hewlett Packard GC with automated carousel about six months ago. The object of the purchase was get HP's new software and to move our oil analysis samples from the old HP GC we have in operation, to the new one, and this has been done. This made available, the older GC to run used engine oil samples to get better values of glycol content. We are also a able to use the new software for both machines. Bill proposed a method for testing glycol, whereby we would mix a small amount of the used engine oil with distilled water, agitate, place in the sample containers, and run on the GC. The theory being that the distilled water would absorbed the glycol and the GC would be able to give a pretty accurate reading of content. They would use a predetermined measured amount of distilled water and a measured amount of oil in the mixture. Four the past four months we have been delayed by the lack of "standards" to run to arrive at values for the process. I understand from Bill Jr that you are an expert on the use of GC equipment. Is there something you can do to help out WearCheck Canada in getting this process going? If Jim Chambers can spare you, WearCheck Canada is quite willing to pick up the tab to have you travel up to Canada and help us get this going? You could take the same opportunity to visit with us and spend some time in our lab. Please advise if there is any assistance you can give? William Quesnel Sr December 8, 2000 10:21 AM KS - email to WQ - Subject: Re: HP GC method for glycol - Bill, Thank you for the invitation. Of course, I would love to help you out, especially given all of the help that you and Billy have supplied to WearCheck USA. I will have to check potential schedules. Keith December 8, 2000 8:58 AM BQ - email to KS (Copy WQ KM) - Subject: Re: HP GC method for glycol - Keith, Further information: First, Keith, I just wanted to give you the credit for the methods development for the glycol method. That is yours, not mine. Second, the big problem is that the chromatograms from the revised fuel dilution method on the new GC don't look the same as on the old GC. Basically, the standards that we have produce a series of peaks distributed pretty evenly from the decane peak to the iso-octodecane peak on the old GC, but when run on the new GC the peaks are all coming out on the base rise of the oil peak. This may possibly be due to the shortened run time, but I also suspect our method of preparing standards. I asked a lab technician to distill some fuel, discard the IBP to 50% fraction, and keep the 50% to EBP fraction. Then make standards with a used oil sample (15W40) for which we know there is no fuel dilution. In the meantime, I should probably do a little trial and error on the temperature program. So far it's like pulling teeth to get someone to actually make my standards. Once we are satisfied with the values from the new GC, then I am going to scrap the old method, convert the old GC to capillary use, and install the Nukol column (that you recommended), and develop the glycol method. Again, I will require a lab technician to prepare some standards for use. I have proposed the following: - 50:50 antifreeze water mix. - Serial dilutions of used oil (with confirmed no glycol present) at 1:10, 1:100, 1:1000, and 1:10000. - Shake the dilutions vigoursly (we have a paint shaker in the back, and 2 hours ought to do it.), then sit the standards in a heated sonicator all day. - Extract the glycol fraction using your method of mixing with equal parts distilled-H2O shake, let settle, then draw off the aqueous phase, and shoot. We have already purchased some expensive pipettors that will easily draw 5 ml of oil so it sounds pretty straight forward, however, this will take time (having the standards prepared ahead of time would be fantastic, but unless I walk into the laboratory with a stick I'm not going to get this done), and I don't have a lot of that. Any suggestions, comments would be great for now, since my $40,000 GC is just sitting there looking pretty. Interested in making the standards for me? Best Regards, Bill November 26, 2000 9:05 AM WQ - email to KS - Subject: Forwarding email - Keith - I have this address ksob@aol.com for you. I am forwarding email to you that I receive through our website. Do you have another address at Wearcheck that you would prefer me to use or is this OK If you give me John, Doug or others' email addresses and who to forward what types of information requests to, I will comply. Typically I receive inquires for pricing information, questions about our processes etc.. Bill Quesnel Sr November 20, 2000 3:48 PM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: Re: Ryder - Billy - Well done! We need to do more of this, instead of just accepting work from the USA. I think that we need to have a sit-down meeting with GTN to discuss integrating their OSA units into WebCheck, not just some "one-off" experiment by Bob Starling to try to get OSA units into Ryder. Dad November 20, 2000 11:00 AM BQ - email to RS (copy WQ) - Subject: Re: Ryder - Bob, Why am I receiving this data? I do not have any sort of agreement with GTN. I only stated that it would be entirely possible to generate an interface between the OSA data and WebCheck, not that I had in fact done so. I am very interested in talking with GTN, however, I am not ready to start showing Ryder's OSA data on WebCheck. Who's paying for this work? Regards, Bill November 20, 2000 10:22 AM RS - email to BQ (copy KSOSB@aol.com) - Subject: Ryder - Billy, I finished up 7 Ryder samples last Friday. Billy Holland said that he would e-mail you the results. I believe he also e-mailed the 16 or so samples from Cary. We don't need the Cary samples put in the database. Only the Ryder samples. More Ryder samples are arriving today so more data will be available soon. Regards, Bob November 17, 2000 8:34 AM BQ - email to JC (Fwd WQ) - Subject: Fw: WebCheck - Jim, Your WebCheck demo CD-ROM was shipped out today by UPS (tracking number W619 488 2161). If you have any difficulties with the demo please contact me by e-mail or phone to discuss. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel November 13, 2000 10:16 AM WQ - email to RI (copy GB BC GD AV JC JT BQ) - Subject: Practicing Oil Analysis Cost Sharing - Ruth - Attached please find an Excel spreadsheet with the calculations of the costs for the booth, meeting room and shipping expenses for the Tulsa Practicing Oil Analysis Conference. Jim Chambers, Gilbert deMey and I agreed to spit the cost three ways between WC Belgium, WC Canada and WC USA. The other WC members (Bob Cutler WC UK and Jesus Terradillos WC Spain) attended the conference but did not use the booth, so we will not charge them. WC Africa sent us literature which we displayed, however it was beneficial to us to have it, and to invoice them would be more of a nuisance than it is worth. The costs are calculated in US dollars, and I have included the cost from Noria for the booth space (20' x 10'), the cost of shipping booths to and from the show (estimated US cost at $300), the cost of display racks, the training room and photo-copying literature. I split it three ways and have credited back to WC USA, the estimated cost of freight for shipping their booth. Please type up formal invoices dated October 31, 2000 and we will attach copies of the invoices before mailing. I have copied this email to the WC members involved. Bill Quesnel Sr. October 2, 2000 12:31 PM KS - email to WQ - Subject: Re: Fw: Viscometer Cleaning Chemicals - Bill, We use a material called Klean-AR. This is the brand name for Chromic acid. I believe that Chromic acid is sulfuric acid combined with Potassium Dichromate. It does a great job at cleaning the tubes. However, it is an extremely strong acid. Extra caution should be exercised when handling the material. Hope this answered your question. Keith September 30, 2000 10:41 AM WQ - email to KS - Subject: Re: Fw: Viscometer Cleaning Chemicals - Keith - Thanks for the quick answer, but I forgot to ask another question. How do you clean the tubes in the Houillon when they get carbon build up? Bill Sr September 29, 2000 10:13 AM KS - email to WQ - Subject: Fwd: Fw: Viscometer Cleaning Chemicals - Bill, WearCheck USA also uses toluene to rinse the viscosity bath tubes. However, the waste container is tied into our exhaust system and therefore no fumes are vented into the laboratory. Our automated TBN and TAN machine is located in a fume hood. Sincerely, Keith Scott September 21, 2000 2:12 PM WQ/BQ- Bob Starling and Ken Hill put up list of major potential and existing customers: Fairley Arlon $ 60,000 Schaeffer $ 60,000 Chevron $120,000 Champion $ 60,000 Ingersoll-Rand $ 20,000 Royal Purple $ 20,000 Rudd $ 25,000 Traxx (FC) $ 20,000 ----------------- Sub Total $385,000 Bapco $ ? Volvo $ 140,000 Husky $ 250,000 (over four years) WQ attended a produciton meeting for the Environmental Lab of Compuchem. Discussing scheduling and progress of processing samples received, for remainder of week. BQ ran a training session in the afternoon for Keith, Jon and Doug on using data entry and maintenance screens in WebCheck. September 20, 2000 2:24 PM WQ/BQ - WebCheck training program for representative from Fairley Arlon, Traxx and WearCheck USA crew. Theyh had booked several other customers for the training session however they did not show. Billy ran through entire program starting about 10:30 am, break for lunch and finished about 2:00 pm. Billy working on LabCheck and WearCheck programs in laboratory September 19, 2000 2:00 PM WQ - Meeting with Jim Cha;mbers - discussed POA Conference Tulsa booth. WC USA will ship their booth (blue) to Tulsa. Ken Hill advises that their booth is a "pop-up" type display that can be put up in 15 minutes. We will marry the two booths into our our 20' x 8' and use a display rack to show WC Group literature. Jim says that WC USA do not have much literature. Jim will bring Bob Starling with him to Tulsa. (Ken Hill will be in HItachi's booth at the American Mining Congress EXPOMIN2000 show in Las Vegas in two weeks. Talked about the Husky quotation, and Jim says it will be good for USA. Explained that we had misjudged the number of samples and that the final quote will be about 1/3 of intial bid. Told him I am working through all the Group politics to get the proposal completed. Jim had to leave at 4:00 pm for a meeting with Chrysler. Toured the laboratory, much more work going through the lab, approx 150 samples per day. Ken and Bob were packing a 200 kit order for Traxx. Billy working with Jon Fazenbaker , Keith Scott and Doug to fix glitches during the move to new program. September 12, 2000 9:35 AM WQ - email to JC - Subject: Re: WearCheck Trademark Registration - Jim - Yes Trademark is registered in USA before you came on board. Could have left you off the list, just wanted to keep you in the loop on what is going on. Will get back to you about the meeting schedules. I may come to Detroit too - sounds like Rod may have put us on to a big deal. Regards Bill Sr September 12, 2000 4:55 AM JC - email to WQ - Subject: Re: WearCheck Trademark Registration - Bill - We have not registered the WearCheck trademark in the US. Was that done before we came into the business? I have a meeting conflict next week. On Tuesday 19th, I will leave for Detroit for Chrysler called meeting. I will try to leave late Tuesday afternoon. I will be back Thursday night. Maybe I should meet with you in Canada or have a phone meeting about the Noria Conference and our business in the US. I will leave today about 1PM for Mississippi and be back Friday in the office. Maybe we can talk on Friday. The guys are excited about getting on the new software. Jim September 6, 2000 10:28 AM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: WearCheck USA Billy Have you finalized your plans for travel to WearCheck USA? I would like to come along. Please advise A.S.A.P. as I need to plan a trip to Val d'Or Quebec sometime after Sep 18. Dad September 6, 2000 10:28 AM WQ - email to BQ - Subject: WearCheck USA - Billy - Have you finalized your plans for travel to WearCheck USA? I would like to come along. Please advise A.S.A.P. as I need to plan a trip to Val d'Or Quebec sometime after Sep 18. Dad September 5, 2000 7:24 AM BQ - email to KH (copy BQ) - Subject: Castrol Pricing - Ken, re: Castrol quote - Currently we are charging CAN$ 10 per sample for the Dyrdene AM/PM program. We feel that we are charging too little and we would like to raise the price to CAN$ 11. Last year we did 3457 samples for the program. Best Regards, Bill Quesnel September 2, 2000 7:01 PM KH - email to DJ@BP (copy JC WQ) - Subject: Castrol price request - Don: Mr. Ed Benecewicz; Technical Services Liason for Castrol Heavy Duty Lubricants has contact WearCheck through our Canadian site for a price quote for standard oil analysis testing plus diesel fuels and coolants. It is my intention to contact him Tuesday morning. Could you please provide me with information as to whether or not they are going to be a part of the BP program you currently have with WearCheck USA. Could you please contact me at you earliest chance to discuss this matter. I will be in my office all weekend and Monday. Sincerely, Kenneth Hill Vice President WearCheck USA Phone: (717)-266-8467 Fax: (717)-266-9116 Pager: (888)-721-2135 Email: khillwcusa@aol.com September 2, 2000 10:55 AM KH - email to WQ (copy JC) - Subject: Re: Fw: Pricing - Bill: This is a very good lead. I met with Castrol about two months ago at their lab in Baltimore. Ian Fisher; Lab Manager, Christine Drehmer; Data supervisor and Keith Holleran; Dir. of Ops. I will contact Mr. Benecewicz on Tuesday morning. I am only one hour from their office. In addition, we currently perform the BP Lubricants program in the US. Castrol was purchased by them about two months ago. I will contact Don Jones with BP to coordinate this lead without crossing ourselves up on pricing. Sincerely, Kenneth Hill September 2, 2000 9:06 AM WQ - email to KH KS JC (copy GG BQ) - Subject: Fw: Pricing - Received this inquiry from sales@wearcheck.ca This could be a very good lead for WearCheck USA - we are doing brand name for Castrol in Canada. I visited their site at http://www.burmah-castrol.com/ - go take a look, they have all their reference websites listed there. I have replied to Mr. Benecewicz that I have forwarded his request to WearCheck USA for reply (copy to you). Bill Quesnel Sr ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 9:53 AM Subject: Pricing I am looking to get a price list for your standard oil analysis testing. Iwould appreciate it if you could fax or E-Mail me the information. My fax #is 410-682-9134. If you have any questions please call me at 410-682-9127. Thank you for your time. Ed Benecewicz Technical Services Liason Castrol Heavy Duty Lubricants PS Please include a price list for Diesel Fuels and Coolants if you have them. August 25, 2000 9:40 AM WQ -e mai to JC - Subject: Re: Egypt - Jim - Thanks for sending me correction to your email address - I will change my address books to send to Compuchem in future. I have copied you on detail of answers concerning the Egypt laboratory in another email today. Is Bob Starling now fully on-board with WearCheck USA? Bill Q Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca August 24, 2000 10:47 AM JC - email to WQ - Subject: Egypt - Bill - Sorry I missed your e-mail. For the future please was jtchambers@compuchemlabs.com. The mindspring account is now used by the family and I did not check for mail. I can not help with the Egypt question but Bob Starling has some experience with Army labs in the past. The tech spec look like the one's you would see in the CBD in the states. Call or e-mail if I call help. Jim August 23, 2000 9:07 AM WQ - email to JC GB LC (copy BQ) - Subject: Egyp - laboratory - I sent the following email on August 6, 2000 and have not had a response from anyone, perhaps this message dropped into a crack somewhere. I repeat the message here: Hi folks Does WearCheck Africa's territory include Egypt? We have been asked to tender on the following, and think there may be some potential to expand WearCheck into this area. We may need to co-ordinate our efforts in the USA and with the originator of this message. I think that this could be an ideal test of Billy's CiNRG's LIMS and WebCheck systems. Any suggestions on how we should proceed? Bill Quesnel Sr. bquesnel@wearcheck.ca ----- Original Message ----- From: "ABDELMONAIM ELBAZ ELSAIID" To: Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 10:03 PM Subject: Supplying oil analysis lab Dear Managing Director I hereby would like to introduce our company ProSyLab. ProSyLab is a holding company established in 1994 by a group of experienced marketing sales, chemists, biologist and engineers for the sole purpose of promoting Hi-tech to the Egyptian & Middle East Market. In addition, ProSyLab has expanded its activities to several other fields. I have the pleasure to introduce my self: Dr. A. Elbaz Elsaiid (Chem. & Environmental Systems Dept.) Our address: 10El Mesaha Square, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt P.O box: 67 Orman 12612 Tel: 3362327-3351087 Fax: 3600205 Email: rania@psl.ie-eg.com (at present, please use this email for your email contact) ProSylab has a sister company in USA: Morcon Tech. Inc., contact person: Eng. Hossam Morsi 181 second Ave., Suite 321 P.O box 1490-San Mateo, CA 94401 3815 Tel: 001 650 401 7590 Fax: 001 650 401 7599 Recently, we are invited in tender to supply: OIL ANALYSIS LABORATORY A- THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: 1- Stationary fully computerized lab system (LAN). a) 220v - 50 Hz/sec operated. b) Report generation facility according to required report Type/Format. c) Software of the latest version with vendor guarantee of software upgrade for 5 years. d) Automatic standardization (for calibration &comparative). 2- Satisfy oil analysis requirements for the equipment's: M60A1/A3 Tanks, M1A1 Tanks, M88A1/A2 RCV, M113, M109 3- References and standards should be as US army (AOAP) standards. 4- Types of oil to be tested: MIL-L-2104C GRADE 10 MIL-L-2104C GRADE 30 MIL-L-2104C GRADE 40 MIL-L-2104C GRADE 50 MIL-L-2105C Multi-grade oil MIL-L-2105C GEAR OIL GO 90 MIL-H-5606E Hydraulic Petroleum Base CAT TD (TO-4) 10W Transmission fluid 5- Capacity: 200-250 Samples/Day 5000-6000 Samples/Month 6- Provide lube oil condition (NSFU-SFU-OG). 7- Provide analysis of wear metals in oil. 8- Evaluate condition of components servicing oil. 9- Classify type/cause of wear particles in oil and servicing component filters. 10- Evaluate condition of components: a) Wear metals (8-10) micron, b) Contamination, c) Trends, d) System problems. 11- Debris analysis: a) Large particles (120 micron), b) Filters, c) Grease/oil, 12- Oil condition: a) Humidity (water/fuel/coolant), b) Acidity, c) Additive level, d) Oxidation (corrosion). B- SPARES SUPPORT: Spare parts to support operation & maintenance of lab equipment for 5 years. C- INSTALLATION & OPERATION: Vendor is responsible for lab equipment installation & operation. D- TRANING: a) On JOP Training with the US evaluators during the performance period. b) Basic physical property training. We do appreciate to cooperate with your company in this tender. If you are interest to participate, please advice by return and we will send to you all details. Waiting for your response ASAP. Thanking you in advance for kind cooperation, we remain. Dr. A. Elbaz Elsaiid --------------end of message------------ Best Regards, William Quesnel Sr President WearCheck Canada Inc. ph 905 569 8600 fax 905 569 8605 billqsr@wearcheck.ca --------------------------------------------------------------- A proud member of WearCheck International www.wearcheck.com August 22, 2000 1:04 PM WQ - email to JC (copy BQ GG) - Subject: Practicing Oil Analysis Conference -Jim - I am planning for the POAC in Tulsa October 24-26, and need to know who will be coordinating planning for the trade show for WearCheck USA. I have been visiting Noria's website for the conference http://www.noria.com/conf/confmain.html, and there is information on what will go on, however there is still no formal timetable for events. My understanding is that they will hold workshops before and after the conference/tradeshow, and they have scheduled these on Monday Oct 23 and Thursday Oct 26. The papers for the conference and the tradeshow are to be held Tuesday Oct 24 and Wednesday Oct 25, with some on Thursday Oct 26. I have booked a 20ft x 10ft booth space and will be supplying WearCheck Canada's 10ft x 10ft booth. I understand that WearCheck USA also has a 10ft x 10ft booth and we need to look at how we will fit these together. So far I have had only the response from WearCheck Africa to submit informational brochures and literature (and are willing to pay). WearCheck Belgium has said they wish to participate (provide funding) , and we are being visited by Gilbert and Andre in September (to talk about WebCheck development), and will discuss their intended participation at POAC Tulsa at the same time. I have booked a conference/meeting room for the two day of the conference/tradeshow where we could conduct WebCheck training seminars or meet with customers in any other format desired. I would like WearCheck USA's ideas about this. I notice that there is no offer of free sample kits included in the "What You Get For Free When You Attend" section, so maybe this did not work out too good for those that did so last year. Maybe we could ship some sample kits out to the conference, and only pass them out to valued contacts at the booth, or follow the lead of the competitors.... if they do it so do we. I will be sending out an email to all WearCheck Group members today asking if they will have delegates attending the POAC and if they wish to send literature. I booked my air travel to the conference this week, arriving Tulsa October 22 AA567 at 8:44 pm and departing October 26. AA 768 at 12:40 pm I have booked at the conference hotel (which I found good last year) rooms get booked pretty quickly, it is: Tulsa Marriott Southern Hills 1902 East 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74136 918-493-7000 $99.00 single and double Best Regards, William Quesnel Sr President WearCheck Canada Inc. ph 905 569 8600 fax 905 569 8605 billqsr@wearcheck.ca --------------------------------------------------------------- A proud member of WearCheck International www.wearcheck.com August 6, 2000 8:36 AM WQ - email to GB LC (Copy to JC WearCheck USA and BQ) - Subject: Fw: Supplying oil analysis lab Hi folks Does WearCheck Africa's territory include Egypt? We have been asked to tender on the following, and think there may be some potential to expand WearCheck into this area. We may need to co-ordinate our efforts in the USA and with the originator of this message. I think that this could be an ideal test of Billy's CiNRG's LIMS and WebCheck systems. Any suggestions on how we should proceed? Bill Quesnel Sr. bquesnel@wearcheck.ca ----- Original Message ----- From: "ABDELMONAIM ELBAZ ELSAIID" To: Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 10:03 PM Subject: Supplying oil analysis lab Dear Managing Director I hereby would like to introduce our company ProSyLab. ProSyLab is a holding company established in 1994 by a group of experienced marketing sales, chemists, biologist and engineers for the sole purpose of promoting Hi-tech to the Egyptian & Middle East Market. In addition, ProSyLab has expanded its activities to several other fields. I have the pleasure to introduce my self: Dr. A. Elbaz Elsaiid (Chem. & Environmental Systems Dept.) Our address: 10El Mesaha Square, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt P.O box: 67 Orman 12612 Tel: 3362327-3351087 Fax: 3600205 Email: rania@psl.ie-eg.com (at present, please use this email for your email contact) ProSylab has a sister company in USA: Morcon Tech. Inc., contact person: Eng. Hossam Morsi 181 second Ave., Suite 321 P.O box 1490-San Mateo, CA 94401 3815 Tel: 001 650 401 7590 Fax: 001 650 401 7599 Recently, we are invited in tender to supply: OIL ANALYSIS LABORATORY A- THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: 1- Stationary fully computerized lab system (LAN). a) 220v - 50 Hz/sec operated. b) Report generation facility according to required report Type/Format. c) Software of the latest version with vendor guarantee of software upgrade for 5 years. d) Automatic standardization (for calibration &comparative). 2- Satisfy oil analysis requirements for the equipment's: M60A1/A3 Tanks, M1A1 Tanks, M88A1/A2 RCV, M113, M109 3- References and standards should be as US army (AOAP) standards. 4- Types of oil to be tested: MIL-L-2104C GRADE 10 MIL-L-2104C GRADE 30 MIL-L-2104C GRADE 40 MIL-L-2104C GRADE 50 MIL-L-2105C Multi-grade oil MIL-L-2105C GEAR OIL GO 90 MIL-H-5606E Hydraulic Petroleum Base CAT TD (TO-4) 10W Transmission fluid 5- Capacity: 200-250 Samples/Day 5000-6000 Samples/Month 6- Provide lube oil condition (NSFU-SFU-OG). 7- Provide analysis of wear metals in oil. 8- Evaluate condition of components servicing oil. 9- Classify type/cause of wear particles in oil and servicing component filters. 10- Evaluate condition of components: a) Wear metals (8-10) micron, b) Contamination, c) Trends, d) System problems. 11- Debris analysis: a) Large particles (120 micron), b) Filters, c) Grease/oil, 12- Oil condition: a) Humidity (water/fuel/coolant), b) Acidity, c) Additive level, d) Oxidation (corrosion). B- SPARES SUPPORT: Spare parts to support operation & maintenance of lab equipment for 5 years. C- INSTALLATION & OPERATION: Vendor is responsible for lab equipment installation & operation. D- TRANING: a) On JOP Training with the US evaluators during the performance period. b) Basic physical property training. We do appreciate to cooperate with your company in this tender. If you are interest to participate, please advice by return and we will send to you all details. Waiting for your response ASAP. Thanking you in advance for kind cooperation, we remain. Dr. A. Elbaz Elsaiid July 18, 2000 8:07 AM BQ - email to JC KH KS JF (copy to WQ KM) - Gentlemen, - I am now back in Canada, and after giving Monday up to get myself re-oriented I am ready to proceed with the migration of the WUS system onto the WCA system. Following is an itemization of the work that remains to be completed/addressed. Kevin Marson and I will be working as diligently on this process as possible to see that we perform the migration within the next 4 - 11 days. - Printing - Terminal Server is set-up at WCA to allow WUS to logon to LIMS application for printing - WUS must install Microsoft Terminal Server client on printing station and test logging in to WCA system - WCA must determine how to configure the WUS printer for local printing at WUS site Lab Data-File Import - WUS must set-up a virtual drive using Microsoft IIS to Lab directory - WCA to program LIMS to recognize external Web drive for datafile import LIMS/WebCheck Reprogramming - LIMS has been converted to multi-lab - WebCheck is 60% complete. WCA to complete other 40% - Database is fully 100% multi-lab Data Transfer - WCA to create temporary database on local system - WCA to copy WUS data and schema to local system - WCA to write data migration scripts for WUS local data to WCA databases (only 39% of tables need to be migrated) Migration of Current WUS WebCheck Users - WCA to migrate WUS WebCheck Users from WebCheck International to WCA version. - WCA to notify WUS WebCheck Users of migration. Process will be seamless, however, WebCheck users will suddenly find themselves with new functionality. Once the Printing and Lab Data-File Import are working and have been tested we are confident that the system can be migrated within 48 hours. The actual data transfer will take only 30 minutes or less once the scripting has been completed. The entire process could actually be done on any day of the week, or at any notice. I will keep you posted as we draw closer to completion of all these tasks. Unfortunately the printing should have been solved by this point, however, our network consultants were not able to solve this, so I will have to look into it myself. Once the printing problem is solved I will contact Charlie Hamp with instructions on setting up the terminal server client on your end. Once I have determined what is required for the virtual drive to your local datafile directory I will contact Charlie Hamp, and work with him to complete this process as well. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. June 12, 2000 9:00 PM WQ - Email to JF - Re Volvo - John - Thanks for the copy of the proposal for Volvo in the USA. We will review this with Bill Jr and Gloria, at WearCheck Canada tomorrow and offer any comment we may. Looks pretty good to me. Sorry for delay in responding, have been working out of the office quite a bit. Bill Sr June 6, 2000 1:17 PM WQ - Phone call to JC - re POA Conference in Tulsa - talked about bookings for booth, Jim says to go ahead and book 20 foot booth and also confernce room for two days. Jim says they have all but signed Chevron Inland Marine business, have been talking to Cheveron SE as well. They will need to go through and audit to get Chevron's business. Jim hopes Bob Starling will be able to deliver Chevron (US$800,000/annum). Jim says he and Robbie will arrive in France only on Saturday, and he has tentative meeting scheduled in Stuttgart with Diamler Chrysler, made through the environmental side of the business - but hopes to talk about oil analysis to them. May 31, 2000 4:51 PM JC - Email to WQ - Subject: Great News - Great News about Andre joining the POA 2000 meeting. Could the cost of the kits and analyses be work into our part of the total contributions for the meeting. I was thinking of only about 60% of a normal price kit. We would print special SIFs for the show kits with WearCheck International advertisement and for feedback. Maybe we could talk on Thursday afternoon. Monday we will have three big hitters from Chevron visiting our lab! Jim C. May 31, 2000 4:42 PM WQ - Email to JC (WC Group) - Subject: Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 Participation To all WearCheck International members (special note to Jim Chambers of WearCheck USA) The Noria sponsored Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 conference will be held in Tulsa Oklahoma USA October 24-26, 2000. Last year I attended the first of these conferences, representing WC-Canada and was pleased to meet Peter and Barbara Weismann from WC-Germany, Jesus Terradillos from WC-Spain, and Ken Hill from WC-USA at the conference. Peter did WearCheck proud - co-chairing a seminar as one of several "Oil Analysis Experts". Our competitors were out in full force at the trade show and we all agreed that it was a very good conference. WearCheck Canada believe that WearCheck International should show a strong presence, participate in the conference/trade show this year, and need to decide what level of participation WCI will take. Jim - I understand from our past conversations on the subject that WearCheck USA wish to be involved in exhibiting along with WearCheck Canada. I think we should apply for booth space as WearCheck International, and I am asking other members of WC group if they also wish to participate. I have received an application from Noria for booth space, and believe I should go ahead and book booth space as soon as possible. The price for a 10x8 foot booth is US$895 and a 20x8 foot booth is $1690. These prices are very reasonable. If other members wish to participate, I think we should book a 20' booth, and am willing to arrange for this. WearCheck Canada Inc will provide a 10' booth, which will still leave lots of space for other participants. Our booth uses signs across the top that feature the WearCheck logo, and will be suitable for WearCheck International. I propose that we supply a free sample kit to visitors to the booth - it is very popular and allows potential customers to try our services. I am not sure how many participants will be from Canada (to use WearCheck Canada kits), however expect there would be many from the USA. Last year the organizers (Noria) convinced four of the participating laboratories to provide free sample kits to each delegate. Jim - I think this is up to you to decide, as it would impact costs for WearCheck USA more than any of us. Bill Jr will be submitting a paper for presentation at the conference (you will get a preview of this at the WearCheck Group meetings in France). I also suggest that we book a meeting room (cost US$400 for one day) to provide WebCheck training for USA customers if desired by WearCheck USA (We can advertise on the Web for this free course in conjunction with the conference.) If group members cannot justify active participation at this conference, I would suggest that we feature a poster display in the booth consisting of literature from all group members - (at no charge to those providing the literature). We can discuss this at the meetings in France. You will meet Jim Fitch of Noria in France as he will be presenting "what Noria is all about" to the WC group. I am sure Jim would be interested in having WearCheck group promote the Practicing Oil Analysis 2000 conference to our extensive customer base in our home countries. You can preview the POA2000 conference by visiting Noria's website at : http://www.oilanalysis.com/ If you do plan to attend I suggest that you visit the site and register early (I have registered). We do need to make decisions regarding the booth space and conference room as soon as possible, to ensure our participation in the trade show. Please reply as soon as possible (by return Email) regarding participation by your company, if you are presenting a paper, or will attend, wish to actively participate in the trade show, wish to send literature to display in the booth, or are not interested in being involved. Bill Quesnel Sr billqsr@wearcheck.ca WearCheck Canada Inc www.wearcheck.ca March 27, 2000 3:24 PM KH - email to WQ - Global Technovations - Jim forwarded your e-mail to me for my info. After reading the press release it has been my experience that this is their way to TRY to increase their stock price which has not reached $2.00 per share in the last 3-4 years. The "MotorCheck Oil Analysis Retail" program is similar to the "Detect" program that Carlton Joyce tried in the early 1990s. That program was a total failure. However, if this program works, it will make our industry more visible to the private sector thereby increasing our chances of getting additional business. I have heard from the field that the new OSA-II unit is somewhat better than the first but is still a long way from being as reliable as a laboratory. I do not believe that they pose any threat to the markets we are pursuing in the US. If you need additional info, please call me. March 19, 2000 9:18 PM BQ - email to JC KC - Jim and Keith, How would you be interested in pooling our diagnosticians. I received an application from a fellow in Oshawa (Ontario) for a position as a diagnostician. Although I like his credentials, and especially his experience, we are not in need of a diagnostician at this time. Then I started thinking about what a waste it is when this type of individual comes knocking, and you aren't ready to take them on board. So really, does it make a difference where the diagnosticians are located? If we hired this fellow, trained him, etc. then we would have a pool of three full-time diagnosticians. With Doug that makes four, capable of handling approx. 800-1000 samples per day. My biggest problem is that people go on vacation, and the worst is when a diagnostician does. When does Doug have vacation time coming? Barry is away the first week of April, and Kevin is moving on to other things and having to say "Kev, you have to diagnose next week" is becoming counter-productive (worse if it's me that has to diagnose). Since we are working towards pooling our LIMS, then why not our diagnosticians. In this manner we could even pay them according to the number and type of samples that each laboratory processed. For instance if their total salary pool is say $160,000 and WUS did 50,000 samples last year, and we did 80,000 then we would each pay accordingly (we would work out a calculation based on sample type as well, i.e. IND 3 vs. MOB 1, etc.). This scenario would make it possible to hire half a diagnostician, or a quarter, etc. so to speak. This would be an excellent way of achieving some economy of scale on our venture, not to mention it would lead to well rounded diagnosticians. I am already starting to think of a way to allow all the diagnosticians to chat via LabCheck and the Internet to discuss problems real-time. Any comments would be much appreciated. February 12, 2000 10:25 PM WQ - e-mail to JC - Sales Manager Rod Raymond has served two weeks notice of termination of employment with WearCheck Canada Inc. Rod plans to build his own independent company in the oil analysis and lubrication service industry. He wants to be free to sell products, conduct oil analysis training seminars and set up sampling programs for users. I am happy to say that he wishes to be affiliated closely with WearCheck, both in Canada and the USA. For a fee Rod is willing to: 1) Travel with and train WearCheck field sales personnel. 2) Conduct oil analysis and lubrication training seminars for customers. 3) Conduct oil analysis and lubrication training seminars for WearCheck personnel. 3) Work directly and independently with customers to set up, sampling and oil analysis programs. These are ideas that will form the beginning for Rod's new enterprise. He has assured us he will be available to WearCheck for the projects we are currently working on. We at WearCheck Canada Inc., plan to make extensive use of Rod's services. It is my understanding that Rod wishes to offer the same services to WearCheck USA. We will be drafting up a working arrangement agreement between Rod's new company and WearCheck. Over the next two weeks Rod will be working in our offices to ensure a smooth transition of his present duties to existing staff. Last fall we began to move Gloria Gonzalez into Sales Administration to free Rod up for more aggressive marketing and sales. Rod's decision forces a rapid transition of these duties, however we envision no major problems. I think Rod could play a major role in kick-starting sales in the USA. I will call you Monday to discuss February 12, 2000 10:22 PM WQ - e-mail to JC (Copy to RR BQ RI KM GP) - Sales Manager Rod Raymond has served two weeks notice of termination of employment with WearCheck Canada Inc. Rod plans to build his own independent company in the oil analysis and lubrication service industry. He wants to be free to sell products, conduct oil analysis training seminars and set up sampling programs for users. I am happy to say that he wishes to be affiliated closely with WearCheck, both in Canada and the USA. For a fee Rod is willing to: 1) Travel with and train WearCheck field sales personnel. 2) Conduct oil analysis and lubrication training seminars for customers. 3) Conduct oil analysis and lubrication training seminars for WearCheck personnel. 3) Work directly and independently with customers to set up, sampling and oil analysis programs. These are ideas that will form the beginning for Rod's new enterprise. He has assured us he will be available to WearCheck for the projects we are currently working on. We at WearCheck Canada Inc., plan to make extensive use of Rod's services. It is my understanding that Rod wishes to offer the same services to WearCheck USA. We will be drafting up a working arrangement agreement between Rod's new company and WearCheck. Over the next two weeks Rod will be working in our offices to ensure a smooth transition of his present duties to existing staff. Last fall we began to move Gloria Gonzalez into Sales Administration to free Rod up for more aggressive marketing and sales. Rod's decision forces a rapid transition of these duties, however we envision no major problems. I think Rod could play a major role in kick-starting sales in the USA. I will call you Monday to discuss. January 21, 2000 3:10 PM JC - e-mail to WQ - Happy New Year Got your messages today. I will have a final total by tomorrow on royalty fees based on sales for 1999 since July 1, 1999. The total will about $5,600.00. Business is starting to increase in the lab. Oct. 798 samples; Nov. 931 samples; Dec. 1510 samples; Total Sales for the three months were flat at about $21,000 each month. BP- Amoco will be on site Monday Jan. 18 for an audit. We hope to close that account in the next 30 days. Bill did a great job on the Motorcheck Site. January 10, 2000 3:03 PM JC - e-mail to WQ - Happy New Year Got your messages today. I will have a final total by tomorrow on royalty fees based on sales for 1999 since July 1, 1999. The total will about $5,600.00. Business is starting to increase in the lab. Oct. 798 samples; Nov. 931 samples; Dec. 1510 samples; Total Sales for the three months were flat at about $21,000 each month. BP- Amoco will be on site Monday Jan. 18 for an audit. We hope to close that account in the next 30 days. Bill did a great job on the Motorcheck Site. Jim January 7, 2000 9:03 PM WQ - e-mail to JC - WearCheck Canada Inc needs to invoice WearCheck USA for royalty fees based on sales for 1999 We would like to get the amount entered into our books for year end purposes. We are not in a great hurry to collect this money however would like to have the books straight. Could you please have your accounts department fax us a total dollar amount for sales since the agreement date? Again - I will be in the WearCheck office on Monday and we can discuss if you wish. January 7, 2000 9:03 PM WQ - e-mail to JC - WearCheck Canada Inc needs to invoice WearCheck USA for royalty fees based on sales for 1999 We would like to get the amount entered into our books for year end purposes. We are not in a great hurry to collect this money however would like to have the books straight. Could you please have your accounts department fax us a total dollar amount for sales since the agreement date? Again - I will be in the WearCheck office on Monday and we can discuss if you wish. January 7, 2000 9:00 PM WQ - e-mail to JC - I spoke to you some time ago concerning the acquisition of Chemex Laboratories by Australian Laboratory Services. Peter Jordan has contacted us asking if they can partnership with us in oil analysis in North America. I remember mentioning this possibility to you at the time, have you given it any thought since? We see the possibility of expanding both our services throughout North America by working with them. Of course we would both have to make some money from any alliance with Chemex (ALS) We have not had any discussions with Peter Jordan since his opening except to say we would consider possibilities. I intend to start discussions with him in the near future concerning using their services in the Canadian west. Perhaps we should adopt a common approach to the possibility of doing business with them. I will telephone you Monday afternoon from WearCheck offices to discuss. Meanwhile if you have not already been to their web-site it is: http://www.chemex.com/ September 28, 1999 1:45 PM visit; spent week with Kieth and Jon, short on manpower, no sales from Ken, Ken wants all big, fast volume customers. with a small lab, this is hard to do. Need to do ; sell webcheck, allow the lab to follow, chase end users, leave the big volume, no margin guys to CTC, get after CTC medium clients, CTC has service issuses. Will quote and see local client for WC USA. Must run common program, databases and sales effort for north america. discussed a marketing concept for both wc canada and wc usa, they liked and would participate. July 19, 1999 4:10 PM WQ - e-mail to JC (copy to WQJr) As per request of Bill Q Jr. - I have attached copies of the latestagreements sent to WearCheck USA. The agreements are written in MS Word. I have changed the effective date of the WearCheck agreement to July 1, 1999 We are in agreement to add a clause that would allow the review of the additional charge of U.S.$50.00 per user (over 40 users) The extra charges are to cover cost of maintaining web connection services to ensure good connectability for customers. The more customers that sign up the larger service that will be required, and hardware would need to be improved. We would need to take those costs into consideration when reviewing a change to the additional U.S.$50 charge. We would like to start with that rate as proposed and review at the end of each year. The first review would be January 1, 1999. I have made an addition to the clause concerning the additional $50 charge. April 22, 1999 10:57 AM WQ - E-mail to KS, KH, JC, WQJr - Bill Jr. called me this morning concerning your intent to sell sample kits under the brand name of MotorChek to a company in the USA. WearCheck Canada Inc own the tradename MOTORCHECK, it has been registered in Canada since 1973 (renewed in 1989) See documentation at http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/SSG/0366/trdp036694700e.html#TOP WearCheck Canada Inc licensed the use of the name to Spectrometrics (which became United Testing Group) for use in the USA. The brand name was used for diesel and gasoline engine samples. That license was suspended when UTG was sold to the owners of Cleveland Tech. We have had limited use of the name and symbol in Canada and for simplicity converted all our MOTORCHECK customers to WearCheck kits in 1991. We notice that Top Source has adopted the name MOTORCHECK (with a check mark) to identify their on site oil analyzers (OSA) and have applied to register the trademark in the USA. We are in the process of protesting their use of the name. We have been planning the use of the MotorCheck name on the web for some time. It is our intent to open a website that solicits new users to oil analysis, with credit card payment and the use of WebCheck to deliver the information to new clients. Our intent is to offer the facility to all interested members of the WearCheck group. The website would direct purchase of samples to the country of residence of the prospective buyer. The intent is not get gain "one-off" users but to attract companies that may have a small to mid size fleet of vehicles. If your potential purchaser is made aware of our intent to introduce this service under the name of MOTORCHECK and feels that this will not affect his business, then WearCheck Canada Inc have not objection to you starting a brand name Motorchek for him. Regard Bill Quesnel Sr. April 21, 1998 2:26 PM met with Jim. lab tour. view instrumentation, laboratory layout, analytical cabability. History of company. Compuchem was in chapter 7 a few years back. it was purchased and is now one of seven non-relient companies owned by one individual. His holdings include Kavlar factory, Electric invertor manufacturing operation in Buffalo and Security vehicle business in Miami. Jim was hired to turn this once profitable operation around. He has done that. Compuchem will do 6 million in sales this year in environmental analysis. The environmental business is seasonal with the majority of the business in spring summer and fall. Winter is a slack time. Their biggest account is Chyrsler. Plus 4 to 5 large engineering firms and a few EPA contacts. They intend to buy the required instrumentation to set up an oil lab. They have a lot of room in which to expand, ( 30,000 square feet ). This is a functional laboratory with excellent potential as an oil analysis partner. They have good core of people. If we were to offer them the Wear Check name for the US, Jim plans on bringing on a CTC employee by the name of Ken Hill. Ken was an old UTG lab person who now does industrial sales for CTC. Ken is not happy with CTC, who wish to move him to Baltimore from the South. not a smart move. Jim has a good understanding of the marketing and business end. He feels Ken will direct him in setting up an oil lab. He thinks with our help, he could be functional in 3 to 6 months. Jim feels the Wear Check brand name is the key. We discussed available personnel to diagnos. He would feel comfortable with generating results, emailing them to us to diagnos, e mail back for distribution. Webcheck is the way to go. I stopping of a large Freightliner dealer, who now use cat. They send 450 samples out a month on trade ins. They thought they paid 12 - 15 per sample. They thought webcheck was the best things since Nascar. They asked me what my turn around would be. I could have set them up right there. I was the first person they could recall that sold O/A services. I think the situation is right. They feel they can put it together. This is important to our long term success. The market is going North American. They feel they can handle and area west of the Mississippi, from Boston, to Mexico. Their interest is going to be Industrial, but they would not pass on mobile business. I got the impression that Jim has a score to settle with CTC. Penski, Volvo, John Deere names came up too many times to be a coincidence. We need to ensure our right to control or co-control national accounts. One data base via internet conection is the way to go. Marketing can be co-ordinated with on going working relationships being developed. This might be a good time to explore market segment specialists. The whole continent can be covered with less people. A target list of multi national corps. can be approached on a corporate level and organized on a word level. Who else can touch that. I think of North American companies, GM, Ford, Chyrsler, Trimac, Auto Haulaway, Ryder, Bombardier, Magna, Hitachi, Petro Canada, and on and on and on. All these people think continent or gobally. This partnership can and should be a nice fit. You have a company with experence and a willingness to finacially commit to the our mutual success. They will ride on our backs and we will ride on their backs. Win Win. November 21, 2001 2:37 PM WQ email to RS - Subject: Re: Parker Hannifin - Bob I apologize that I have not come back to your last message. I have not been working on the Dupont quotation as have been pre-occupied with more pressing opportunities. I will complete the thing in the next week or so. Have not been in a big hurry as I understand John Underwood wants to discuss face to face at the Noria meeting. I need to get it done just the same. I hope you have better luck getting info out of the group than I do - it took forever to get info, and a lot of it was ambiguous, so am still not sure of the quotations. Prices all over the map as you can see - there is some difference owing to costs in various countries - but some are five times others. In respect to the Dupont quote - I noticed that WC-USA is just slightly under the prices presently in effect. Did you want to stay with that - as we are moving into a new year and prices probably will go up a bit? Bill Q Public (919) 379-4102 Phone (919) 379-4050 Fax (800) 237-1369 Watts Public NC International Member 27513 WearCheckHungary > MOL - Hungarian Oil & Gas WearCheckHungary > MOL - Hungarian Oil & Gas WearCheckHungary > MOL - Hungarian Oil & Gas 001110000113354472092C Public Public WearCheckHungary > MOL - Hungarian Oil & Gas WearCheckHungary > MOL - Hungarian Oil & Gas WearCheckHungary > MOL - Hungarian Oil & Gas 010807000403354472092C Public Public