PictView Converter 1.14 Console Version Release date 2/Jan/2003 Copyright (c) 1994-2003 by Jan Patera http://www.pictview.com support@pictview.com Table of Contents: Introduction Features Supported input formats Supported output formats Installation and deinstallation Requirements License Using PictView with your programs History Updates Feedback Contacts Introduction: PictView Converter Console Version is a command-line driven Win32 program for conversion of raster images. Features: o PictView can read around 150 variants of around 50 file formats o Images can be converted to 20 file formats o Image properties (size, type, comments) can be retrieved o Multi-page images support o Conversion of many files at once (batch conversion) o Image resizing, rotation, mirroring o Palette reduction, conversion to grayscales o Transparent color support o Output files can be uncompressed or compressed using different schemes o CMYK support in TIFF and PSD o A single 225 KB program file, no configuration o Usage help is typed when run without parameters o All functions are extremely fast o It is freeware (see the license below) Supported input formats: o 82I - Text Instruments Calculator TI82 images o 83I - Text Instruments Calculator TI83 images o 85I - Text Instruments Calculator TI85 images o 86I - Text Instruments Calculator TI86 images o 89I - Text Instruments Calculator TI89 images o 92I - Text Instruments Calculator TI92 images o AWD - At Work Document: Microsoft Fax o BMI - Zoner Bitmap o BMP - MS Windows Bitmap, including compressed and HiColor o BMP - OS/2 Bitmap o BW - Black-and-White images in SGI Image file format o CAL - CALS Raster Type I o CDR - CorelDraw! 2.0 - 11.0, preview and imported bitmaps only o CDT - CorelDraw! 2.0 - 11.0 Template, preview and imported bitmaps only o CEL - Autodesk Animator Pro animation o CEL - Autodesk Animator still picture o CIT - Intergraph Group 4 Raster o CLP - MS Windows Clipboard file o CMX - Corel Metafile Exchange 5.0 - 11.0, preview and imported bitmaps only o COT - Intergraph Raster images, 8-bit or TrueColor o CPT - Corel PhotoPaint 6.0 o CUR - MS Windows cursors o CUT - Dr. Halo/Dr.Genius Clipboard Format o DCX - Intel's multipage fax-format o DIB - MS Windows Device Independent Bitmap, including compressed o FLC - Autodesk Animator Pro Animation o FLI - Autodesk Animator Animation o GEM - GEM IMG o GIF - Compuserve Interchange File Format, including animated GIFs o HAM - Amiga Interchange File Format in hardware modes (HAM) o HMR - GeoTIFF, produced by software by HMR Inc. o HRZ - Slow scan television o ICN - Images from RIPTerm program o ICO - MS Windows Icons, including HiColor and TrueColor o ICO - OS/2 Icons o IFF - Amiga Interchange File Format o IMG - GEM IMG o IMG - IMG Software Set o IMG - Vivid Raytracer o JFF - JPEG File Format, including Progressive Mode o JIF - JPEG File Interchange Format, including Progressive Mode o JMX - Images from a Tetris game o JPEG - JPEG, including Progressive Mode o JPG - JPEG, including Progressive Mode o LBM - Amiga Interchange File Format, Interleaved Bitmap o MAC - MacPaint o MIL - CALS Raster Type I o MSP - Microsoft Paint o OFX - OLIFAX fax package o PAN - SmoothMove Pan Viewer, preview only o PAT - CorelDraw! 6.0 - 9.0 patterns, preview only o PBM - Portable Bitmap o PC2 - Degas Elite Medium Resolution o PCD - Kodak PhotoCD - Base/16, Base/4 and Base only o PCT - MacIntosh PICT o PCX - PC PaintBrush o PGM - Portable GrayMap o PIC - PC Paint/Pictor, including HiColor o PIC - Dr. Halo/Dr. Genius o PNG - Portable Network Graphics o PNM - Portable Any Bitmap o PNTG - MacPaint Painting o PPM - Portable PixelMap o PSD - Adobe Photoshop 2,5 - 6.0, including CMYK o PYX - Old Epson scanner format o QFX - Quick Link II Fax file format o RAS - Raster SunMicrosystems o RGB - TrueColor (RGB) Images in SGI File Format o RLE - Compressed MS Windows BMP o RLE - Compressed Images in SGI File Format o RLE - Compressed Intergraph Raster images, bilevel only o RLE - Utah RunLength Encoded o SAM - Images in Text Documents from AmiPro o SCx - ColorRIX o SEP - CMYK Separated Images in TIFF 6.0 File Format o SGI - SGI Image File Format o SKA - Video/DVD renting machines o ST - NeoPaint for DOS thumbnails o STW - NeoPaint for Windows thumbnails o SUN - Raster SunMicrosystems o TGA - TrueVision Targa o TIFF - Tagged Interchange File Format o UDI o WBMP - Wireless Bitmap for cell/mobile telephones o WEB - Corel Xara, preview or first embedded bitmap only o WPG - WordPerfect Graphics o XAR - Corel Xara, preview or first embedded bitmap only o ZBR - Zoner Zebra for Windows 1.0 - 1.5, preview only o ZMF - Zoner Metafile, preview only Supported output formats: o BMP - MS Windows Bitmap, including compressed o BMP - OS/2 Bitmap o CEL - Autodesk Animator still picture o CUT - Dr. Halo/Dr.Genius Clipboard Format o GIF - Compuserve Interchange File Format o ICO - MS Windows Icons o IFF - Amiga Interchange File Format, including compressed o JPG - JPEG o PBM - Portable Bitmap o PCX - PC PaintBrush o PGM - Portable GrayMap o PIC - PC Paint/Pictor, including HiColor o PNM - Portable Any Bitmap o PPM - Portable PixelMap o RAS - Raster SunMicrosystems o RAW - Color palette followed by raw uncompressed data, without header o RLE - Compressed Intergraph Raster images, bilevel only o RLE - Utah RunLength Encoded o SCx - ColorRIX o SGI - SGI Image File Format, including compressed o SKA - Video/DVD renting machines o TGA - TrueVision Targa, including compressed o TIFF - Tagged Interchange File Format, uncompressed, PackBits, LZW, Huffman Installation and deinstallation: PictView is distributed as a zipped (compressed) file. To decompress the program you may use winzip, unzip, or any file manager with zip format support (e.g. Servant Salamander). Once the file is decompressed, you may use PVW32Con.exe, no special installation is required. To deinstall PictView Console Version, simply delete PVW32Con.exe. The program does not use any other special dll, registry or ini settings. Requirements: This version of PictView requires Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP or later. No special libraries or other files are required or used. License: This program is freeware for non-commercial use in the following sense: o You are encouraged to freely distribute the program with its documentation. You are allowed to charge a small fee for shipping & handling. This includes commercial distribution of shareware and similar collections. o You can use it at home or educational institutions o You can use it at work for (possibly repeated or regular) one-time image conversions o You can include pvw32con.exe into your own software package as long as it is not an image processing software and you distribute it as freeware, public domain or under the GPL or similar license. o You CANNOT include pvw32con.exe as an indispensable part of your own software that you sell for profit (including shareware). If you wish to do so, please contact us for a special license agreement. o You CANNOT create your own image processing or similar packages based on the program and distribute it in any form (including freeware). o THIS SOFTWARE IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. Using PictView with your programs: We would like to inform you that we provide PictView as a DLL with a simple API interface for use by third party programs. See our website for further information. See also the license above. History: January 2, 2002 - Version o fixed converting multipage AWD to multipage TIF using switches --ta --pa December 1, 2002 - Version 1.14 o Added retrieving of image properties without conversion - run just pvw32con.exe *.* o Added reading of thumbnails and embeded bitmaps in CorelDraw! 10.0 and 11.0 CDR & CDT files o Added switches --24 and --32 for conversion to 24 and 32bit TrueColor formats o Added export of multipage TIFFs - a new switch --ta appends a page to TIFF o Added switch --tp for improving compression ration of LZW TIFFs o Added horizontal mirror (left to right) - switch --h o Added rotation by 90, 180 and 270 degrees (switches --r90, --r180, --r270) o Added reading of new type of multipage AWD files o Added reading and writing of Wireless Bitmaps WBMP o Added reading and writing of single-strip JPEG-compressed TIFFs (type 7) o Fixed reading of CMYK bitmaps in CDR files o Fixed page ordering of some AWD files o Fixed reading of PNG files mixing compressed and non-compressed blocks o Fixed reading of inverted 8bit grayscale TIFFs April 5, 2002 - Version 1.13 o Added export of ICOs with 16x16 pixels o Fixed export of transparence mask for ICOs from transparent GIFs March 16, 2002 - Version 1.12 o Added reading of SKA and Texas Instruments calculator TI82, TI83, TI85, TI86, TI89, and TI92 formats o Improved compression ratio of bilevel PCXs o JPEGs are now created with 8bit quantization tables, if possible o DPI is now saved in Windows BMP files o CMYK images are no more refused o Fixed reading of inverted AWD images o Fixed reading of too much fragmented AWD images o Fixed color shift of 32bit interleaved PNG images o Fixed conversion of inverted bilevel images into PCX and TIF o Fixed writing of TIFF images with more than 16383 tiles January 7, 2002 - Version 1.11 o Added support of WEB and XAR formats o Fixed a bug in the high-quality JPEG decompression routine (--jh switch) o Improved stability on proprietary Windows BMP and Icon files September 10, 2001 - Version 1.10 o Added reading of interlaced 2-bit PNGs o 4-bit images can be now resized as well o Added reading of deflated (Zlib/ZIP) TIFFs created by Adobe Photoshop 6 o Added reading of new variation of QuickLink II fax format QFX o JPEG quality settings o Conversion to user-specified color palettes o Conversion to Uniform 216-color palette suitable for web o DPI information handled in more file formats (e.g. TIFF) o Minor fixes in reading few formats, especially damaged files o Many minor fixes in combining different transformations March 12, 2001 - Initial release 1.0 1997-2001 - many beta versions numbered 0.98.x and 0.99.x Updates: Visit PictView homepage: www.pictview.com Feedback: Feel free to submit bugs, feature requests, and other feedback using the email addresses given below. If you report a bug, please attach the image causing the problem as well. Thank you. Contacts: Home page: www.pictview.com Support: support@pictview.com Sales info: sales@pictview.com